Okay Google what to do when you're bored. What to do on the Internet when you're bored? Exciting browser games

Good time!

I often see questions like “what can I do on my PC, otherwise I’m bored?” (Yes, I also received such questions in PM) . And basically, the majority, when answering it, cite various joke sites, games, films and other entertainment. All this, of course, is good - but why not approach it from a different angle?!

My thought is to spend time for a reason - just for entertainment, but also to get some benefit for myself (a skill, a skill or a little “money”). Moreover, you can choose an activity that is both useful and interesting (i.e., “kill” two birds with one stone!).

A moment of philosophy...

In general, if you have time to sit at the computer and think “what could I do?”, perhaps there is a reason to rejoice (it’s just that some people don’t have such time at all, they have a lot of problems, debts, work, etc.). Unfortunately, most will understand this proposal only with time (such is the philosophy...).

Okay, now closer to the topic...

Start learning a foreign language

Many people think that learning a new language is something tedious and uninteresting (after all, you need to cram lists of new words, study rules, grammar, etc.). In fact, to start learning a language (and even advance to good level) you can just have fun!

To do this, it is enough, for example, to install some game (that you like) in English (or in German, say). The same applies to films and TV series. And then you will understand many words and expressions from the context, especially if you have already watched/played this in Russian before (in games, for example, half of the words are used next to or opposite some object).

About 20 years ago one could only dream of such language learning... Still modern internet provides unlimited opportunities to gain knowledge.

Try to make money

It is quite possible to make money on the Internet, even if you have absolutely no experience in this matter (the main thing is that you have the desire). Below are a few links to sites to get you started (these are just examples of some of the most well-known services, you may well choose something else...).

On this site (exchange) you can write various texts to order or simply for sale (moreover, the topics of the texts are very extensive). For one of your original texts, you can receive from 100 to 2000 rubles. and higher!

Also, if you know any foreign language, you can do translations. It pays even higher (important point: you must know the language, and not just use Google translator) .

A similar service (only more popular). I would note that it often hosts various promotions and organizes competitions with quite good sums of money. So if you have a desire to be a “writer”, then why not?

Also a very famous freelance exchange. You can do everything the same as on Kwork (only the price is not limited in any way).

In general, there are dozens of similar exchanges, so I don’t think it’s worth listing them all in a review article...

Start blogging

What blogging will do:

  1. you will learn to express your thoughts relatively competently and consistently (so that they are understandable to most people);
  2. For many people, blogging for half an hour to an hour a day helps them relax and escape from everyday problems;
  3. structure your thoughts, ideas, plans;
  4. a blog accustoms you to order and consistency;
  5. opportunity to meet new and interesting people, make new friends;
  6. you will begin to study new topics: html, php, image processing, graphics, etc. (may be useful later in life);
  7. if your blog becomes popular, then perhaps you will earn a little money (though I would not put this at the forefront when creating my first blog).

Services where you can start a blog:

  1. - popular service, which has a lot of interesting blogs. The service is very simple, to get started you don’t need to know any narrow technical topics (just register and you can start writing...);
  2. - this service positions itself more for entertainment blogs (you can publish not only texts, but also videos, various animations, gifs, music, mp3, etc.);
  3. - a very convenient and popular service for blogging. The service has a lot of templates, thanks to which you can give your “brainchild” an exquisite unique style (see screenshot above). By the way, the service allows you not only to create and maintain a blog, but also to try to make money on it;
  4. - also a very convenient and simple service (WordPress, by the way, is a special engine for creating your own website). Distinctive feature service is the ease of working with text: how you format it in the editor (and the editor copy of Word*) - this is how it will look when published (this thing is not everywhere)!

Master the touch typing method

In modern computer world Fast typing skills definitely won't hurt. Not only will you be able to quickly respond somewhere on social media. networks to your acquaintances and friends, but also to quickly prepare a document (which will be very useful at work).

In general, today there are dozens of different sites and methods for teaching this skill. Many exercises are done in the form of a game where you simply need to press buttons with certain fingers (over time you will get used to this and will be able to do it much faster).

I'll provide a couple of links below:

  1. Keyboard trainer (Solo on computer) -
  2. Education speed dial(lessons based on the game) -

Logic games

In general, many people believe that computer games are a waste of time and are evil. But this is not entirely true, and I already mentioned this in one of my articles!

Computer games: what are the benefits of them? What good things can a game teach, and is gambling addiction really that bad... -

For example, there is a whole section of logic games: chess, checkers, etc. By the way, various tournaments are held in the same chess, and (theoretically) you can even become a champion. By the way, many scientists note that when people start playing chess, they greatly “pump up” their mental abilities, which has a positive effect on other areas of life.

Even many of the colorful and fun games, by the way, not only help pass the time, but also develop attentiveness, reaction speed, and visual memory (especially useful for children). You can even combine: install a logic game on foreign language- in this way, learn a language, increase attentiveness and reaction at the same time!

So, such toys can be considered as “training programs” (if you do not abuse them).

Learn how to use a program

Since the 21st century is the century of the Internet, computers and IT technologies, studying this area is very, very useful. And the ability to work in modern programs- this is no exception!

Probably, many who were looking for a job know that experience in some programs is often required, say, Excel, Photoshop, etc. Why not start mastering them little by little? In addition, it can be interesting if you like, for example, drawing something and working with graphics (if we are talking about Photoshop).

Good knowledge of Excel, for example, will help not only in work, but also in life: you will always be able to quickly estimate and calculate “compound interest” (on loans, deposits, etc.), you will be able to filter and find information/patterns in large tables.

In general, there are now hundreds of programs, and here you should choose those that will be useful specifically in your industry...

Meet and make new friends

Many people are skeptical about online dating... But this is not the truth in the first instance: many often find friends online (and even more, start families!). If you met a person on the same site dedicated to a certain topic at the same time, it means you have common topics, some intersecting views, etc. (There is nothing random in the World...).

By the way, I already have an article on my blog about how and where you can meet people on the Internet. I provide the link below.

Can you tell me a good dating site? Which free website is the best?

If you happen to be reading my article from a smartphone, I will provide a link to another article.

However, I cannot help but warn you! On such sites there are a lot of different “dealers” eager for easy money. Therefore, until you know the person well, do not send him your private photos, money, scans of documents, etc. Unfortunately, many are too gullible and believe everything that is written in a personal message...

Invest money “somewhere”

It may not be entirely correct to mention this (within the framework of this article), but I assure you that if you invest your funds somewhere (even very small ones), for example, in the same stocks, ETFs, etc., it will become much more interesting for you to follow follow their course, read the news and get acquainted with new technologies. You won't be bored on your PC!

The main point here is not even to earn something with a small amount. (although, if you're very lucky... maybe that's it), and start understanding various financial instruments. And these skills and knowledge will definitely not be superfluous; they will help you out more than once in life.

For example, many people lose almost all their savings due to the lack of any financial literacy (and if they had “played” with small amounts ahead of time and gained some experience, they could have avoided a lot of problems).

Additions are welcome...

There are situations when you simply don’t know what to do if you’re bored at the computer. Yes, it turns out that it is also impossible to sit on the Internet from morning to night, going to various sites and reading all sorts of nonsense. It is possible, of course, launch your favorite online game and complete new level , you can turn on music and generally take your mind off the computer, you can watch a video or record a cool video yourself. Or you can spend your time usefully, and we will teach you how.

This may seem strange to some, but you also need to be able to do nothing while sitting at the computer. Especially if you have it on hand The World Wide Web, which is teeming with a bunch of temptations. After all, you won’t be able to do anything either. Some people like to draw, while others like to sing or relax to the sounds of nature. And you can do all this right here and right now.

That's why, when you're looking on the Internet for what to do if you're bored at the computer - links to cool sites just what you need.

  1. Website where you can pop bubbles http://mariemarie0000.free.fr/fichiers/images/pop.swf. For many, this activity calms and inspires. Try doing it online.
  2. A site for those who wish create your own animation https://multator.ru/draw/ .
  3. Do you like to watch circles appear on the water? This site is for you http://madebyevan.com/webgl-water/.
  4. Want to know what your name looks like? Go here http://turnyournameintoaface.com and just write it on the line.
  5. This site http://rainycafe.com/ brings back interesting memories. You are sitting in a cafe, and a thunderstorm suddenly rages outside the window. You feel comfortable and warm and happy.
  6. Just feel like a hacker http://hackertyper.com/. Press the keys randomly, at this time the screen will appear secret code. By the way, boys 10 years old, 11 years old and 12 years old can use this site to effectively show off in front of their peers.
  7. If you still don’t know what to do when you’re bored at the computer – ask mom: http://sprosimamu.ru/

What to do if you're bored at the computer: 7 useful activities

So, you have nothing to do and, as always, you sat down at the computer. What can be so interesting to do? And with benefit too! We are offering to you top 7 useful tips what to do if you're bored at the computer,

  1. Sort the letters in your . Delete various spam.
  2. Change passwords on your accounts(this already needs to be done periodically), but here you can also train your memory and imagination. Come up with a funny or amusing password and write it down in a secret notepad. By the way, keep a secret notebook.
  3. Write a funny resume about yourself or draw a picture of your dream job.
  4. Subscribe to interesting online courses.
  5. Sort out the photos. At the same time, you can immerse yourself in pleasant memories of when you were happy or felt the joy of life. Sort your photos by year and season and analyze when you were at your best.
  6. Send to a friend funny picture.
  7. Master Photoshop.

What else to do when you're bored?

So, you have already visited all the cool sites, re-read all the chats and wrote comments, watched videos and listened to terabytes of music - don’t get discouraged, you still have a lot of opportunities find something pleasant and useful to do. After all, a computer is simply a universal assistant for all quitters and slackers, or simply - creative people. So, what else can you do while surfing the Internet?

  • Write a letter to old friends.
  • Register on a dating site.
  • Master a new one computer program.
  • Create your website.
  • Play an audiobook and just lie down.
  • Sing karaoke or play online synthesizer.
  • Play the online game “Guess the Movie” or “Guess the Tune.”
  • Test your intelligence.
  • Go to the webcams of different cities around the world and see what's going on there.
  • Play with words.
  • Find the cat.
  • Learn to make burgers or grow vegetables in an online game.
  • Find out your biological age or who you were in a past life.
  • Create your own channel on YouTube.
  • Start a new online game.
  • Learn 5 new words in English.
  • Make a funny GIF or collage.
  • Draw memes.
  • Find out who Eduard Khil is.

As you have already understood, there are simply a million answers to what to do if you are bored at the computer - you can find out 55 ways by following this link http://blog.i.ua/user/1666723/1053928/. You will find a list of interesting, funny, amusing, intellectual or simply not boring resources for every taste.

Boredom is defined in dictionaries as a painful feeling from an idle, inactive, monotonous state of mind.

People get bored when they have nothing to do. Children do not find something to do if they are used to being constantly entertained by adults or a group of other children. They are passive consumers of entertainment. Children find salvation in television, the Internet, and computer games. Then they grow up, have families and children, and then find themselves in a state of stupor and don’t know what to do when they’re bored. And monotony and monotony lead people to a state of despondency.

When in crowded places, look around and observe those around you. You will notice that people, rushing somewhere, are busy with their thoughts, they look preoccupied. People don't see birds, don't look at the sky, they hide behind their thoughts, they are only interested in the means to achieve their goals. Millions of people don't see each other. Do any of them think about how to get rid of boredom? No, they are worried about more serious issues, melancholy comes in the process of waiting or inaction. Therefore, the recommendations described below will help you get rid of boredom.

What to do if you're bored?

The long-awaited weekend does not always bring satisfaction; the mood can be ruined by bad weather, which ruins all plans. And the question of what to do when you’re bored arises on its own. The following tips will help you save your leisure time:

  • walk around the house, look around, there is clearly something to do for a few hours. For example, cleaning the house, sorting your wardrobe;
  • cooking your favorite dish, or you can learn new unusual recipes;
  • Remember, did you have any activity as a child that worked well and was subsequently abandoned? Maybe you were great at drawing, singing, dancing, crocheting, etc. Then free time, which you now have, is a great time to remember your talents and start improving them. And your old hobby can turn into a permanent one, and you will forever put an end to the question of how to get rid of boredom;
  • maybe good piece of art, useful literature for self-development, as a last resort - just re-read your favorite book;
  • organize viewing of old photographs, be they from children, from school, from vacation, and you yourself won’t notice how quickly time flies by, but the pleasant emotions you receive will leave an imprint on your memory for a long time;
  • regular healthy sleep, which will only benefit the body;
  • start watching movies, maybe you’ve been wanting to watch something for a long time, but couldn’t find the time, and now you have a great opportunity to do it;
  • TV can be replaced with a walk in the fresh air or a jog along a quiet street in the morning (evening). Such a pastime will only benefit your health;
  • A great way to get rid of boredom would be a party at your home with your favorite friends or a joint trip to an entertainment venue (bowling, billiards, karaoke, dancing, concert, etc.). The main thing is not to sit idly by, if boredom sets in - become the initiator of fun leisure time!

Haven't you found your life partner yet who knows how to get rid of boredom? It doesn’t matter, people find themselves in what they love. Next, depending on whether you are a guy or a girl, you will find useful tips to relieve boredom.

What to do when girls are bored?

What to do when a guy is bored?

  • Men are also not lacking in talent. Remember Yudashkin or Zaitsev. By the way, experts say that a person who spends his free time doing handicrafts is less susceptible to heart disease. As a handicraft, the male half can be advised to relieve boredom by building small copies of models of airplanes, ships, and cars. Full speed ahead to the craft store!
  • No way to chat with friends live? Communicate via chat, social networks, by phone. There will definitely be like-minded people there, and maybe they don’t know how to get rid of boredom; together it’s easier to experience attacks of loneliness.
  • A pet perfectly saves you from loneliness and boredom. It will fill all your free time instead of unexpected boredom. He will also be waiting for you from work or school, which will bring into your life that feeling when someone really needs you.
  • Active sports (cycling, snowboarding, rollerblading, skateboarding, horse riding, rock climbing, martial arts, football, basketball, volleyball)
  • Hike to Gym.
  • Repair broken devices.
  • Apartment renovation.

Getting rid of boredom in marriage

A married couple ceases to exist when there are no common interests. You can save your marriage and not think about how to get rid of boredom only when the couple finds things to do together. Regardless of whether it is a work activity or a leisure activity, for example:

  • a joint trip to nature, even going to places where there are a lot of people and diversity family relationships and relieve you of boredom;
  • do something nice for your other half with your own hands. A woman can cook her husband’s favorite dish and organize breakfast in bed. A man can also cook up something tasty. Both can make a beautiful presentation from photographs of them or their children; find a wedding video (photos) and arrange an evening viewing, after which the surging feelings will clearly only benefit the strength of family ties;
  • you can invite friends over, have a themed party in costumes, and the question of how to get rid of boredom will be solved by itself.

Fighting boredom at work

Much of childhood is sacrificed to compulsory education. But children are less likely than adults to say: “I have nothing to do,” they communicate with peers, make friends, and find common interests. But soon in a person’s life comes next level monotony - work in which the boring process has several stages: time distortion (it slows down), withdrawal from the environment and increased heart rate, leading to a stress reaction.

Are you bored at work and have times when you have nothing to do? If possible, engage yourself in more interesting activities such as:

  • read an interesting book;
  • visit online forums, social media;
  • play computer games;
  • if this is not possible, change your actions. If you were sitting, get up and walk around, do some exercises. If the work is hard, close your eyes and dream. Good thoughts calm the nerves;

But the most dangerous thing is an unloved job. Over the years, it turns into hard labor that you are forced to do. Try changing jobs. A favorite activity does not expose a person to melancholy. Many are afraid of change, but only actions develop a person and prevent boredom. Self-improvement has no age restrictions. The desire to understand the world and oneself deprives the question of “how to get rid of boredom?”

Boredom from a scientific point of view

As it turned out, such a condition as boredom has practically not been studied. Not long ago, psychologists focused their attention on the “boring” topic. In one of the British institutes, scientists came to the conclusion that a mobile phone can be a cure for boredom. Yes, indeed, in the subway, in line, while waiting, a person spends his free time with the help of mobile device. However, experts say that boredom has become even worse. The paradox is that the more things there are to entertain, the more people become bored.

Incredibly, some experts believe that boredom is deadly. In light of recent research, it has become clear that early death, in most cases, is associated with boredom.

An interesting fact is that when a person is bored, his brain is not inactive, but, on the contrary, is in a state of excitement, close to stress. And while a person is deciding what to do with himself, his brain is ready to explode from different thoughts.

Causes of boredom

It has always been believed that melancholy can be classified as a trivial nuisance, and it has been inherent in humanity since ancient times. One of the deadly sins - despondency is the source of boredom. The word “boredom” was first used by Charles Dickens in his novel about a legal battle. But only in the 20th century did this concept begin to be associated with any occupations, professions, locations, and even people. Scientists know that a person's preferences do not affect boredom. It is probably subject to universal laws, such as:

  • an uninteresting environment, or when everything around you is tired, boring and disgusted;
  • Boring can be made worse through repetition. Human brain to repetitive events
  • insensitive. He is ready to understand the essence, and then loses his interest in what is happening;
  • attentiveness. When a person is doing something that does not interest him, predictable, of the same type, boredom
  • aggravated by the fact that it is necessary to be attentive for a long time.

And since the brain speeds up during boredom, time distortion occurs. Many have felt how slowly time passes when there is nothing to do. The more often a person is bored, the more often it seems to him that time has practically stopped. The reason, according to scientists, is that a bored person’s level of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases. Therefore, the apparent half-asleep state is actually a state of stress.

Why is boredom dangerous?

Elevated cortisol levels to the human body brings many problems, and is the reason:

  1. Obesity causing heart disease.
  2. Weakening of bones and muscles.
  3. Increased pressure.
  4. Permanent fatigue.

In addition to the fact that in a bored state a person’s physical health can seriously deteriorate, his mental state is also in danger. It is when there is nothing to do that the risk of suicide increases, especially among young people. Boredom at its core current state stress that is impossible to accept and extremely difficult for some members of the human race to deal with.

Life is given to man in order to find the right ways combating any troubles, boredom or illness.

The phrase “I have nothing to do” is spinning in my thoughts; I urgently need to take action. Fortunately, there are not many places in the world where people are forced to be chronically bored.
We come into this world in search of meaning, adventure and fun. But many of us spend our time in boredom. Maybe the system is to blame for this, condemning us to a monotonous life, routine work and leisure with smart devices. But boredom reaches its apogee where repetition and monotony become the norm. Do not allow meaningless walking in circles into your life, try to diversify it.

What to do when you're bored? On the Internet, at home and at work, at the computer, at school, in the village... For example, if you are bored on a rainy day at home or when you are sitting in line at the doctor or at work or while studying. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to take the phone and go to your favorite Facebook, VK or Instagram... But in fact, this is also boring, because everyone is reposting the same thing.

Why not take advantage of boredom? And why is it generally accepted that boredom is bad and needs to be immediately drowned out, filled with some kind of entertainment. Modern psychologist and physicist Ulrich Schnabel argues that being bored is healthy. Want to know why? The article contains a lot of useful and educational information - be sure to read it to the end and you will learn about 20 activities that will not only keep you from getting bored, but will also make you a successful, charismatic person, a leader, a genius, capable of helping not only yourself , but to other people.

So, I propose to first answer the question: “Why am I bored?” And then many answers to the question “What to do when you’re bored?” will immediately appear.

  • Boredom is like a call from the subconscious to our consciousness to stop and think about something important. It seems to me that what we call boredom is actually the call and cry of our soul to our consciousness, a call to stop, free ourselves for a few moments from the bustle and rat race and answer the questions: “What is important to me? What is my purpose? What exactly do I want?
  • But there is also a state of boredom or laziness when we need to do something difficult or something that we don’t like or don’t want to do. This is a kind of protective reaction of our body to what causes negative emotions . I think each of you experienced this state, for example, when you had to prepare for an exam. At such moments, you want to go to the kitchen, make yourself some coffee, make a sandwich, you even want to turn on the TV, although you haven’t watched it for a long time... In a word, do everything in order to do nothing. In such cases, you need to answer the question: what to do if you don’t want to do anything?” It is also important to remember the methods of dealing with procrastination
  • (postponing things for later). At such moments, it is important to allow yourself to rest, and not reproach yourself for being bored. I like that in our time of global overload of people with problems, tasks, affairs, work, careers, new positive lifestyles have appeared - and. People began to realize that because of their careers and work, they essentially had no time for life itself. Therefore, it is important to allow yourself the luxury of free time in moments of fatigue without reproaches and reproaches. We are always in such a hurry that we no longer have any time left to sit in the park with a book or visit our parents and slowly drink tea with them or play outdoor games with our child, without endlessly being distracted by the phone .
  • Boredom can be a manifestation of complexes, fears, and lack of self-confidence. Have you ever wondered why there are so few people who are truly successful and happy? I think because it’s much easier not to rush to leave your comfort zone and continue working at a job you don’t like. It’s easier to just dream about traveling and continue to spend every vacation at the dacha. It’s easier to think about how great it would be to start your own business, learn English, start going to the gym, etc.
  • Boredom can also appear as a result of depression and apathy. This is it for real dangerous look boredom. And to cure such boredom, no amount of entertainment will help, they will only aggravate this condition. No remedy helps with depression, apathy or despondency except physical work, physical exercise. I read that in the early days monks saved themselves from despondency by weaving baskets and other work. There is a modern scientific explanation for this fact. Stress leads to the release of adrenaline into a person’s blood, which causes a state of melancholy, anxiety, and apathy. So, adrenaline is removed from the body through physical activity. Do you think why all middle and senior managers rush to the gym after work? Precisely to relieve stress.

What to do when you're bored?

Based on the reasoning above, I propose to divide methods of combating boredom depending on the cause of boredom.

Use boredom to your advantage to answer the questions: “What is important to me? What exactly do I want?

1. Write 50 goals in life.

And, without delay, begin to implement them. I assure you, if you have a goal, for example, to devote every weekend to: traveling, learning a new in-demand profession, reading a book from the TOP100, helping a charitable organization, then you will completely forget about what boredom is. By the way, in .

2. Start Personal diary in order to write down your ideas and thoughts.

You can buy a beautiful Diary and keep it in paper form. Or you can find an online mobile application (here are 3 of the coolest and free ones online applications for maintaining a Personal Diary - Penzu, Diaro.

3. Choose for yourself one of the courses on a new in-demand profession on Courser’s FREE online training courses.

Here lectures are given by teachers from famous universities around the world. Many courses have already been translated into Russian. You will find out that Coursera now it’s better than the university, because they give really relevant information modern world knowledge.

4. Finally, answer the question: “How to learn English language do it yourself at home from scratch quickly?”

The main thing is to have a strong desire, and even better - real motivation, incentive. For example, plan to go for a year under a volunteer exchange program to one of European countries. By the way, this program accepts everyone even without knowledge of the language (once you get into the environment, learn the language quickly in the process of volunteering social work). Another effective remedy is to read books and watch films in English.

5. Write a list of goals and objectives in response to the questions: “How to become smart, brilliant? How to develop intelligence?

I advise you to develop your intelligence, thereby increasing your self-esteem, with the help of exercises and tests on sites such as Wikium, 4brain and others like that that will make you a genius. Train your brain with pleasure! I promise you will definitely not be bored on these sites.

6. Visit one of the orphanages yourself or with friends.

Maybe you will find your purpose in helping children who have no parents. Take things you don't need, but that are good. I know that older children from orphanages happily accept used Cell phones. And each of us has phones in stock that we no longer use because we bought a new, cooler model. Buy fruits, markers, plasticine. Organize a master class with your friends for children, for example, on playing the guitar or drawing or weaving bracelets from rubber bands.

7. I advise you to start reading the Bible (New Testament, Gospel), if you have not yet read this Book of Books.

When, to my shame, I only started reading this book at the age of 30, I realized how much I had missed. After all, all the writers whose books I have read so far actually drew their wisdom from this book. The words “make your contribution”, “every secret is revealed”, “stumbling block”, “a proverb”, “prodigal son” and many other similar words come from this Book.

8. Plan a trip with friends or on your own to an animal shelter. And you can also have a pet, you definitely won’t be bored with him.

After all, kind people who love animals have the opportunity to support them only thanks to the help of volunteers. Help with the cleaning, walk the dogs, and just play with the animals for yourself (this is especially important for those who don’t have their own pets).

9. Plan an interesting outing (trip, hike) for your grandparents or for your parents or for your godchildren or for your children.

Now for many, a simple walk in the park or just a picnic near the river with a game of volleyball has become a great luxury. We sit at the computer in the office from Monday to Friday, and then spend the whole weekend at home on the Internet. And life passes by. Sadness!

What to do with boredom and how to get rid of procrastination?

10. If you are attacked by boredom and laziness because you need to do something that you don’t like.

Psychologists advise making an effort on yourself and, first of all, doing the thing that you most don’t want to do. Studies have shown that you waste your vital energy by postponing such a task. The thought persists in your head that you still have to complete that unpleasant task. So the advice: make an effort on yourself and do first of all what you don’t want, and only then all the “pleasant” tasks.

What to do if you are bored due to overwork, physical and emotional exhaustion.

11. Have fun on the Internet if you feel physically and emotionally tired.

What to do if you are bored due to self-doubt, complexes and fears?

15. Learn public speaking skills.

For good examples watch videos of people from all over the world speaking at a famous conference TED. 

16. Become a confident, charismatic person, become a leader.

To do this, you need to become an interesting person for others (read a lot, gain new skills in various areas activities, for example, becoming a professional photographer, writer, psychologist, traveler, etc.). In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:

  • BBC  Future- dedicated modern technologies and IT news.
  • Postnauka.ru— educational and news site about science and technology.
  • 99U is a YouTube video channel for creative people about leadership and productivity.
  • YouTube EDU educational channel on YouTube, where there is a lot of useful information.
  • WikiWand— a program for conveniently studying Wikipedia articles.
  • The Long Read— essays, reviews about the situation in the world.
17. Try to look beautiful and make your home beautiful.

In order to increase your self-esteem, this is very important. In order to look beautiful, you don’t have to buy expensive brand suits; by the way, some manage to look ridiculous in them. It is important to develop your own style that will complement your inner world. For example, for men now it is still . And girls and women, especially if their men are hipsters, may consider sticking to the boho style.

18. Help people, do charity work.

It sounds cool, but few people succeed in doing charity work because it requires a lot of emotional strength and energy. Therefore, even if you can find time to help your closest relatives and friends, for example, visit your grandmother or walk in the park with an old neighbor and listen to a story about his life, that will be good. In any case, much better than nothing.

19. Write and publish a book.

What to do when you are bored due to depression?

20. The simplest and most effective remedy is walking 5 km every day at a speed of 5-6 km/hour.

I wrote above that it helps with depression, despondency, apathy exercise stress, physical labor.

21. Combine charity with physical work.

Do general cleaning in the house or apartment of your grandmother or your parents or yourself, dig up a garden, plant herbs in pots on your balcony.

22. Do things around the house that have been put off for a long time.

Fix something, throw away trash from the balcony, throw away old things that you haven’t used for more than a year

23. Change the design in the apartment.

Hang new curtains, buy new decorative pillows, buy or sew a new cover for the sofa, rearrange, redecorating, and maybe even start major renovation- then there will definitely be no time to be bored.


  • Keep a Personal Diary and write down your goals, ideas, to-do lists and learn to monitor their implementation.
  • Do charity work, love people, be optimistic, help your neighbors.
  • Don't stand still, educate yourself, read books, gain new knowledge and skills, start your own business, be confident in yourself, stop worrying.
  • Play sports, try to look beautiful and make your home beautiful.
  • Choose a hobby for yourself, adopt a pet.

I wish everyone not to be bored, but to enjoy life. Even small joys - bread, sun and rain!

Finally, take a look at Elon Musk's speech for inspiration. TED conferences in Russian:

You can get bored anywhere. The main thing is not to let this feeling take over you, because in any situation you can find ways to combat boredom, and at the same time laziness and apathy.

If you are bored at the computer

Computers and other gadgets with Internet access have become an integral part of human life. We work with them, relax, have fun, and communicate. But it happens that your favorite sites and social networks are thoroughly studied, the weather forecast is known for a month in advance and actual news reread for a hundred rows. If you are bored at the computer, catch the list useful activities, which will help you pass the time and enrich your knowledge.

  1. Education

The Internet is a colossal resource of knowledge about everything in the world. You have not yet figured out what the word “legitimacy” means, you have long wanted to find out where ocelots live, you are wondering how you can make money on the stock exchange and stock market. Once you start looking for answers, you’ll already be hooked on reading. interesting article or watching a video. And then, if the subject of study really turns out to be interesting, the process is almost unstoppable.

  1. Self-development

Look for new ways to improve your hobby, whether it's a new recipe for a mind-blowing cake or a way to beat a difficult level in computer game. Do you have a goal, for example, to get fit and have good posture? Watch a video with simple sets of exercises at necessary groups muscles and spine or study trendy diets. Just think about what you would like to improve in yourself - and move on to simple answers.

  1. Reading

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an art book that you never had a chance to purchase, someone’s blog about a subject or phenomenon that interests you, or just news and selections. Reading is an extremely useful activity. Just remember to step away from the computer from time to time and do eye exercises.

  1. Playlist update

Have all the modern hits completely blurred your ears? You can turn to something long forgotten, remember what you liked 5-10 years ago, find similar tracks and artists. Or maybe discover something fundamentally new. The Internet is simply teeming with a variety of music selection sites.

  1. Leisure planning

What activity can compare with the pleasure of planning a vacation? Even if it’s not a vacation, but a weekend or an upcoming holiday. Where to go, what to see there, what to buy for a trip, where to find the most profitable offer. Great way pass the time and make your task much easier for the near future.

If you just got bored

Okay, my eyes, back and butt are already tired of the computer. I drink tea three times, eat all my sweets, leaf through a magazine, but still feel bored and have nothing to do. What to do then?

  1. What has been asking for a long time

It's already summer, and your closet shelves are still filled with sweaters and turtlenecks, and in order to find shorts you had to climb onto a chair? Easter has already passed for several months, and the windows still haven’t been washed? Are your tools still lying around in disarray after a recent renovation? Pull yourself together and take care of the household chores that should have been put in order so long ago. After all, by bringing cleanliness around us, we organize the thoughts in our heads.

  1. What I've wanted for a long time

Take some time for yourself and watch your favorite movie or TV series. Get a beauty treatment or just a relaxing massage. Go to the beach or to the pool, and at the same time to the sauna. Think about what you’ve wanted for a long time, but haven’t had the time – now is the time.

  1. Something that will make you happy

It doesn’t matter if it’s shopping, meeting old friends or racing ATVs. Maybe you will be most energized right now positive emotions a trip to the zoo, where, by the way, you haven’t been for several years.

  1. Something that will please your loved ones

This could be a delicious dinner prepared by you, or a trip to the theater or an exhibition together, or maybe you should visit a relative together who you haven’t seen. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it will bring sincere joy to the whole family.

  1. Something useful for society

Even socially useful deeds can bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Otherwise, why are subbotniks becoming more and more popular? Or maybe it will be signing a petition or helping a homeless animal shelter. What if your calling is to become a volunteer at the World Cup?

Sites that save you from boredom

Well, if all of the above does not inspire you at all, here is a selection of cool sites that will help you pass the time in an entertaining way:

Resources for have an interesting time:

Cool Mini-games for boredom:

  • http://www.igames.com.ua/FlashGame.aspx?name=chuck_norris_in_the_world_of_videogames. The favorite hero of all boys is Chuck Norris, who has become a legend on the Internet and his adventures in the world of video games.
  • http://www.freetetris.org/game.php. Loved by everyone classic tetris. Everyone played it. He still remains deservedly popular.
  • http://www.shashky.ru/games/1.html. Play game of checkers with an unpredictable opponent. What's on his mind? Which tactic should you choose? Feel the genuine excitement.
  • http://ru.battleship-game.org/ . Play the good old game sea ​​battle. This game has been loved by everyone since childhood.
  • http://www.flashplayer.ru/play_11701.php. Another unforgettable children's entertainment is playing " tic-tac-toe».
  • https://razlozhi.ru/patiences/sol. Have you forgotten how to play solitaire? Kerchief"? Honestly, sometimes it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away.
  • http://slither.io/. Game in the genre snake" It is necessary to feed the worm, overcoming all sorts of obstacles. This online game with many rivals brings truly incredible pleasure and can captivate you for more than one hour.
  • http://www.slovnonebo.com/. A hand-drawn original game where you need to collect all the treasured keys by completing tasks.

Other useful educational resources:

  • http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron472516. An extremely entertaining atlas of world political geography. On this site you can take a trip into the past and track how the world map changed during different periods of history.
  • http://andeinerseite.video/. A very intriguing video clip in which you need to collect evidence and help the main character find out what happened. Spectacular, exciting, high quality. Curious? Take a look and make your own guesses.
  • https://virtualpiano.net/. Have you ever dreamed of trying yourself as a musician and playing the keyboard? Forward! Maybe this is your calling...
  • https://www.faceplusplus.com/face-comparing/ . Want to know which celebrity you are most like? What age do you look? On this site you will learn a lot of interesting things about your face!
  • http://htwins.net/. Have you ever thought about the scale of the Universe? On this site you can clearly compare the sizes of objects known to us with cosmic bodies. Very entertaining!
  • . Wonderful site about history of World War II war. He will not only tell you, but also show you the course of military operations: places of battle, stories of military men. This resource is simply a storehouse of useful knowledge.

With such a mass of various resources, there will definitely not be time to get bored! Add your favorite resources to “Bookmarks” and don’t get bored!