Social network “My Circle. My Circle - a social network for work

It became known that Yandex sold its social network“My Circle”, intended for job search. Now it belongs to the company "TM", specializing in the development of services for programmers. The social network was purchased by Yandex in 2007.

The fact that the resource has changed owner became known from a publication posted on the blog “TM” Company “ Thematic Media"Today we own such resources as "Habrahabr", Geektimes, "Megamind" and others.

“TM” has combined “My Circle” with its professional social network for developers At the first stages, both services will work separately, but then the owner plans to combine them into one project called “My Circle”.

According to a representative of the TM company, before this on the social network free of charge vacancies were posted for specialists from various industries. Now the topic of the resource has narrowed significantly, and now it is focused only on IT specialists. New vacancies will be posted for a fee.

All advertisements published “under Yandex” have been moved to new service. In this case, “old” vacancies will be posted on the resource free of charge for a period of one month. Then employers will be able to continue cooperation with “My Circle”, but on a paid basis.

Official representative of Yandex Ekaterina Karnaukhova, confirmed the fact of the “transfer” of the social network to the company “TM”, but refused to announce the amount and terms of the transaction. Ekaterina also said that the company “ Thematic Media" was the first to come to Yandex with her proposal. Negotiations between the companies lasted about two years, and in December 2014 development began new version service.

At Yandex, the development of the social network was carried out by its founder Ilya Shirokov, but then he left the company and moved to the position general director"Odnoklassniki". In 2014, Ilya left the Mail.Ru Group holding and is now promoting his own project, which Shirokov prefers not to talk about.

Over the next seven years, the social network “My Circle” never gained high popularity among Internet users. According to statistics from TNS Russia, last year the resource’s audience numbered about 1.2 million people, and in April 2015 its number dropped to 811 thousand.

Good bad

    Google Company has no intention of launching a social network and becoming a competitor to Facebook. This became known from statements by company representatives.

    According to some reports, Google has frozen all transactions in one way or another related to the development of social Google network+, at least until the end of this year.

The name of the project reflects its structure, in which there is an n-th number of “circles” - social groups user. In this case, the first circle includes those people who will see your contact information, if it is indicated in the profile.

They can be friends and relatives, as well as business partners, clients, and employers. Since this social network is aimed at expanding business contacts, the second circle will reflect users who are close friends of your friends from the first circle, the third, respectively, users of the second circle of your close friends.

The My Circle service arose as independent project On November 18, 2005, and two years later (March 27, 2007) it was purchased by Yandex, becoming one of the Yandex services. At the same time, “My Circle” did not change its profile; it continued and continues to develop primarily as a social network for searching and developing business contacts.

Registration for this service very simple. You just need to indicate your email address, as well as last name and first name. You can register either independently or by receiving an invitation from one of the service users. Each user can complete an extensive profile, including:

  1. Professional portrait. Here you can indicate all your professional knowledge and skills;
  2. Experience;
  3. Education. Moreover, there is a list of not only universities, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, but also schools throughout Russia; this list regularly replenished;
  4. Circles of personal and professional interests;
  5. Your recommendations (recommended sites, fiction, films, music, etc.).

Besides three levels of their own circles, any user can build or view existing professional circles, circles by education, cities, educational institutions, companies, blogs, interests, and so on. Each professional circle has its own forum.

There is also an “Action Log” where all user actions are recorded, which is convenient for active participants services that find it difficult to remember all their actions for each day. The section itself has several tabs: “All”, “Invitations”, “Vacancies”, “Other”.

To find an interesting vacancy for yourself, you should use this convenient function like creating a professional resume based on your user profile. Of course, it is worth using it provided that the profile is filled out correctly and in detail. To respond to a vacancy that interests you, you can send covering letter with the received resume.

By indicating their interests in their profile, each user can take part in various discussions within given topic, find like-minded people, and also get answers to your questions from knowledgeable people.

If the user profile contains educational establishments and the time of study in them, then on the main profile page information will begin to be displayed about which of your classmates or classmates have registered in the service.

The service is quite simple, with home page Almost all functions are available in the profile.

Business people know that social networks have long been available for entrepreneurs and job seekers. Great for that An example is LinkedIn, which is used by thousands of people every day. The social network My Circle appeared later, but also does not lag behind its competitor, actively developing.

The structure of the site is reflected in its name. Each user has several circles in which he has other people added. For example, the first circle can see direct contact details (if provided). Thus, it is convenient to separate all added participants.

Social network for professionals and businessmen

There are 3 main circles available. People are added to them depending on what access they have to information about you. In addition, you can create other circles, for example, by education, companies, cities and many other parameters. In general, the interface is convenient and not difficult to understand.

More recently (summer 2015), Moy Krug came under the management of the TM company. Now the project will develop even more actively, no one doubts this. Why might it be needed? To establish business connections, search for jobs, specialists and different companies.

Immediately after visiting the site, you can visit several sections. The first of them is vacancies. Various job offers are displayed there. All vacancies relate to the IT field, so programmers, developers, layout designers, optimizers, and so on are in demand:

Perhaps My Circle will be the best site for you to find an employer. There are quite a lot of open vacancies and they are conveniently filtered for quick search suitable activity. Even if you are not a programmer or designer, you can try yourself as a manager.

If you are interested miscellaneous work in certain companies, then there is a separate section for this. Many companies are actively recruiting employees (both remote and regional), and in the “Companies” section, their list and the number of open vacancies is displayed:

When My Circle appeared, the social network did not blow up the Internet, since there were already similar projects. However, it is gaining popularity and you should definitely register if your professional activity one way or another connected with IT technologies.

My Circle is a social network for finding employees

There are many specialists registered on this site from the most various areas. They are ready to take a position in your company and provide all the information about themselves (experience, occupation, place of residence, etc.). Even without registering, you can see who is looking for a job in the field of IT technology:

The most cunning and enterprising people often achieve success in business at the expense of other people's knowledge. They simply find a professional, for example, in development mobile applications and invest money to pay for his services. Then they use the projects he created and earn even more. You can earn money using the same scheme.

Useful social network My Circle has already helped many entrepreneurs find competent employees for their staff, and IT specialists find Good work. Register on this site and you will at least create an electronic resume for yourself or be able to quickly find employees to perform any job.

The new owner of the My Circle service was the TM company. Yandex, the previous owner of the service, and TM, a publisher of projects for IT specialists, invite users to take a look at updated version service.

How it happened

"TM" is developing - a professional network of specialists involved in the industry information technologies. This service spun off from Habr several years ago and is now actively developing, helping specialists find interesting job, and for companies to strengthen their teams.

To make the service even more attractive, we plucked up courage and proposed to Yandex to combine Brainstorage with My Circle, another popular project among IT specialists. After spending many months in negotiations, we finally found mutual language and agreed.

What changed

Previously, “My Circle” was more of a social network of specialists from the different profiles. Played a primary role personal connections and the opportunity to make new connections with friends of your friends. The service user primarily followed the career changes of his friends, as well as the vacancies that they posted.

In the new “My Circle” we have moved away from the concept of a social network, bringing to the fore the opportunity for unfamiliar employers and job seekers to find each other. At the same time, we narrowed the topic of the resource, limiting it only to the IT industry, which includes such areas of activity as: programming, layout, design, management, web analytics, marketing and others.

If previously posting vacancies was free, now it has become paid. All vacancies that were previously posted on the old “My Circle” were transferred to the new service, and all of them were paid for placement for one month.

How the updated service works

With the help of My Circle, employers find specialists, and applicants find work in the most different areas IT industry.

Employers post vacancies for their companies, receive responses from interested applicants and select those who seem most suitable to them. It is now important for employers to carefully fill out their company profiles in order to communicate about the company itself and its working conditions to potential unfamiliar applicants.

Job seekers look for interesting vacancies, respond to them and receive invitations to cooperate from employers who posted these vacancies. It is now much more important for job seekers to carefully fill out their profile in order to talk about their specialization and professional skills, about their experience and achievements to employers they are unfamiliar with.