How to hide photos in contact. Private Browsing Mode: How to Make sure No One Knows What You're Doing on the Internet

Hello again, as you can see today is the second post from me. I don’t know, maybe this article will seem funny to you, but due to the fact that I was asked yesterday how to hide photos on VKontakte I decided to write about this, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

On a social network In contact with photos of you are visible to all users, which is not very good, I don’t know, maybe someone likes it :) But I think that many people would like to hide them, or show them only to friends. Today I will write how to do this.

1. Go to, log into the site using your data.

2. Click on the right "My settings"

3. On the settings page, go to the “Privacy” tab

4. We get to this page:

On this page we find “Who can look at photos of me?”(as you can see I have "Only friends") You can ban it altogether. Click on “Only friends” or “All users” and a window will open in which you select the option that suits you. And don't forget to click "Save". You can also select specifically those who will not see the photos, or those who will.

Read about how to hide an album and prohibit comments on it.

Update: New way to hide photos.

In the comments to this article, information began to appear that the ability to hide photos was no longer available in the settings. I checked and this is indeed true. Item "Who can look at photos of me" No. They say that you can’t hide albums either, I checked, everything is unchanged. In the settings of a specific album, you can prohibit viewing and commenting on it.

But! An option has appeared in the settings “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged”. Essentially, these are the same “photos of me.” so nothing has changed, just the names in the settings have changed. In order to hide photos, just opposite “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged”, select the value you need.

The VKontakte website has privacy settings through which you can hide your page. We will show you how to open these settings below. What exactly can you configure there to hide a page or close it from certain people or just from all strangers?

Make the page private

You can make the page private in the privacy settings link. In the list of settings you need to find “Profile Type” and set it to “Private”. After this, only your friends will see the entire page. Everyone else will see only the first name, last name, main photo (without the ability to enlarge it), mutual friends, number of friends and posts, and also, if filled out, status, age, city, place of work.

When you make your profile private, all privacy settings are automatically reset to more private ones - to “Only friends” or remain the same if they were more limited (for example, “Only me” or “No one”).

Hide yourself VKontakte: privacy settings

Your settings section "Privacy". determines who and what can watch, write on your page, send personal messages, comment, invite to groups. You can do everything as you need.

There are four sections:

  1. My page— who you allow and who you forbid to view this or that information on your personal VKontakte page
  2. Entries on the page- everything that touches your wall
  3. Contact me— restrictions on personal messages, invitations
  4. Other

Any person (VKontakte user) can visit your page, but what he sees on it depends on the settings. You can choose who can see information on your page. For example, to hide your city or marital status, you need to select in the “Who sees the basic information of my page” setting who you are allow me to see this information. Others won't see it.

Each setting can be clicked and changed. Let's take a closer look. First part: "My page". The first point: “Who sees the basic information of my page.” For example, if “All users” is currently selected there, you can click there and select “Friends and friends of friends” - this means that the information can be viewed by the person you added as a friend OR any person who is a friend of one of your friends .

You can open privacy settings in a new window link(this instruction will remain and you can switch back to it).

Here are all the settings in this section that you can control:

  • Who sees the main information of my page
  • Who sees the photos in which I was tagged?
  • Who sees the videos in which I was tagged?
  • Who sees the list of my groups
  • Who sees the list of my audio recordings
  • Who sees my gift list?
  • Who sees the card with my photos
  • Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions - here you can hide friends, this is written below
  • Who sees my hidden friends

Next to each of these settings is the currently selected option. You can click there and select something else. For example, to ensure that only your friends see the information on the page, select the “Friends Only” option in each item.

Now attention! Think about who you want to close yourself off from. Maybe your future life partner, who could become your destiny forever, will want to see your page. But he won't be able to do this. Therefore, do not change these settings unless absolutely necessary.

Below, in the section "Other" There is a setting “Who can see my page on the Internet”. There you can choose one of three options:

  • Everyone: this means that anyone can visit your page (not even a VKontakte user)
  • Everyone except search sites: anyone can go to the page, but it will be impossible to find you in Yandex or Google by name and surname
  • Only VKontakte users: only VKontakte users will be able to find you by first and last name, as well as go to the page

How to hide a wall

You can completely hide the wall from non-friends by making your profile private. Without closing your profile, you can hide posts selectively when publishing them (make them only for friends):

How to hide a post on a wall

To hide a post, publish it only to friends. Open your page, click on the “header” of the wall (where the number of posts is indicated), and you will be able to create a new post with the “Friends Only” checkbox. Or you can write something on the wall and put a tick next to the words “For friends only.”

Pay attention to the settings group "Page Entries"- this is just about the wall.

  • Who sees other people's posts on my page - choose who can see what other people wrote on your wall
  • Who can leave posts on my page - choose who is allowed to write on your wall (you can prohibit everyone, that is, select the “Only me” option)
  • Who sees comments on posts - select who sees comments on the wall (under posts)
  • Who can comment on my posts - choose who is allowed to comment on the wall

If you want to hide all the posts on the wall from everyone, there is an extreme measure - to delete all the posts one by one. They will disappear forever, and you will never recover them.

How to hide your reposts?

Allow only friends to see reposts, and hide from others only by making the profile private. There is no other way. A repost is something you shared. These posts on your wall can be seen by your friends, subscribers, as well as any other people who are not prohibited from viewing your page. But there is such a way: you can selectively prohibit a specific person from viewing your page, and thus hide reposts from him (along with everything else). Simply put, you need to block this person. But at the same time, he will also not be able to write to you in a personal message.

How to hide a friend, friends

You can hide all VKontakte friends by making your profile private. But the user who has mutual friends with you will see them. Without closing your profile, you can hide only 30 friends, and you can choose who to hide. The “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” setting is responsible for this. Click to the right of it and your friends list will open. To hide a friend, find him and press plus. Finally, click “Save Changes.”

How to add a person as a hidden friend?

Just add him as a friend as usual, and then hide him through the “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” setting, as we just described. Remember that you can hide no more than 30 friends.

How to hide photos, a photo album?

Go to “My Photos” and click on the “pencil” in the upper right corner of the album that you want to hide (you need to hover over it with your mouse). Next will be the “Who can view/comment on this album?” setting. Opposite it, select the option you need - for example, “Friends only.” You can also limit who can comment on photos in the album.

If you don’t see the album you want, click “Show all __ albums” at the bottom.

Is it possible to hide the albums “Photos from my page” and “Photos on the wall”?

The albums “Photos from my page” and “Photos on the wall” cannot be hidden.

If you are a user of the VKontakte social network, then you probably know that the personal page of any user requires the presence of a wall with entries. You can leave inscriptions, publications from other groups and other information on it. It is noteworthy that the default settings specify that not only the owner of the page, where, in fact, the wall is located, but also any other user has access to the wall.

However, not everyone likes this, yet many users increasingly seek privacy. And here a logical question arises: how to hide posts on the VKontakte wall from others? In general, there is absolutely nothing complicated about this, and even someone who has just registered in VK and has not yet had time to really understand all the nuances can cope with this task. Now you can see for yourself!

How to hide posts on a wall in VK

As you probably already guessed, the whole process will revolve around the settings on your page. So, follow these steps:

  • log into your account, on the left side of the page you will see the “My Settings” item, go to it;
  • a page will open where you need to select the “Privacy” tab;
  • Next we are interested in the “Posts on page” block;
  • the very first line “Who sees other people’s posts on my page” is responsible for your wall. Nearby there is a drop-down menu where you can select those people who will still be able to view your wall. If you don't want anyone to see, select "Only me."

Other settings

Please note that here, in the “Posts on Page” block, there are other settings that allow you to limit the actions of other users in relation to the wall on your personal page. for example, it is possible. So, if you do not want outside VK users to leave any entries on your page, refer to the item “Who can leave entries on my page.” By the way, this is very relevant today, due to the fact that there are already a lot of spammers on VKontakte who strive to send unnecessary information to other members of this social network.

There are two more points left: “Who can comment on my posts” and “Who sees comments on posts ». Accordingly, you can make any adjustments by allowing or, conversely, prohibiting specific users from seeing or commenting on posts on your wall.

By the way, many users indicate “Only me” in the “Posts on the page” block, and no one has access to their publications. You may also want to do this, which will very likely greatly simplify your virtual life.

Video to help

Instagram is a repository and at the same time a social network for photography lovers. She is often identified with some hipsters. She went to the mirror and looked. Well, the spitting image of a hipster! Yeah.
In short, in modern social networks, privacy mode is a rather pressing topic. Let’s not now figure out who is spying on who and what, let’s just say that a privacy mode (secrecy, invisibility) is present in every such network.

This allows, firstly, to remove your photos out of sight, because they are personal (well, you never know, erotica, for which they are banned), to remove your adventures from your superiors, to remove them for the time being, because that is what is necessary. Everyone has their own reasons for not showing photographs to the public.
On Instagram, this problem is half solved.
We do this:

1) Press the adjustment wheel as in photo 1.

2) At the bottom, select “Photos are private”, which is translated from English. - “Photo in private mode”, move the slider to the right.

3) A blue window pops up, telling us: “You are about to turn on privacy mode. This means that once you enable this mode, only those you approve will be able to view your photos. Are you sure you want this? And since we want this, we click “Yes, I’m sure.”

That's it, now no one sees your photos on Instagram, except those whom you yourself do not approve of. Those followers (friends) that you already had when the photo was placed under arrest will be able to continue to view them without an invitation. This means that if you want no one to see the photo at all, you will have to either create a new account or delete all your friends. Once you invite and approve someone, they will immediately be able to see your hidden photos.
There is no invisibility mode for individual photos on Instagram, which, of course, is not good. However, the solution is simple - don’t post such photos and then you won’t have to suffer trying to find ways to hide them. And in general, everything on the Internet is no longer secret. It's almost like an axiom.

Some readers have a question: Is it possible to see a private user's photo on Instagram? The answer is no, unless this private user adds you to his followers (friends). There are no other ways.

My photos on Instagram:

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Recently I received the following question: “Is it possible to make it so that I am on the VKONTAKTE network, but they don’t see me that I’m online? Sometimes you just want to sit on VKONTAKE so that no one sees.”

Today there are three possible ways in which a user of the VKONTAKTE social network can remain unnoticed. By the way, this network is similar to . So let's go to . Don't forget to learn...

The first method: does not require knowledge of a large number of computer tricks.

Go to your page and go to the section called “My Messages”. After this, you need to spend 15 minutes waiting inactively. During this time period, you will be lost on VKONTAKTE.

So he can calmly wander through the pages of the Internet, observing only one taboo - you can’t go to someone else’s or.

Second method: suitable exclusively for users who have the Mozilla Firefox browser installed.

You need to open a new tab in your browser. In its address bar, enter the following parameters – about:config. Then press the enter key. As a result of the completed actions, the settings of the browser itself will open.

You must enter in the field called filter – network.http.redirection-limit.
After this, double-click on the remaining line. This will allow you to change the default value of "20" to "0".

After this, you can go to your personal VKontakte page. Why do you need to enter a personal password with your login? As a result, an error warning will pop up.

Now you can safely anonymously visit any VKONTAKTE pages, but only excluding “My Page”.

Don't forget to change back the network.http.redirection-limit settings.

Third way: Suitable only for users who have the Opera browser installed.

You should go to the menu of the browser you used: “tools” - “settings” - “advanced” - “network”.

There you need to uncheck the item called “Enable automatic redirection”.

After this, you can try to go to your personal page on the VKontakte social network. When you try to enter a login with a password, an error warning appears.

Now you can remain unnoticed and safely access all pages, excluding the main ones called “My Page”.

Don’t forget to return the previously unchecked box to “tools” – “settings” – “advanced” – “network” – “Enable automatic redirection”.

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