Beeline is everything for business. Country in touch Plus - profitable unlimited in Russia. "MTS World of Communications": current operator news

subscription fee - 200/350 rub*

  • Unlimited - Bilay n in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation and roaming in the Russian Federation
  • 400 min. - other networks in St. Petersburg, intercity and Russian Federation roaming,
  • included in the CIS, res. Crimea, Sevastopol and
  • popular countries.
  • 500 pcs - SMS and MMS
  • Internet 6 GB in the Russian Federation
  • Share internet for free

* federal/city number

Connection 399 rubles!


for 200

for 300

for 800

for 1400

Subscription fee2

200 ₽

300 ₽

800 ₽

1400 ₽

Calls, SMS and MMS within one intracorporate agreement 3 - 0

Incoming calls 5 – 0





When traveling around Russia on the Beeline network5

Other operators


400 min.

700 min.

1,500 min.

5,000 min.


When traveling around Russia on the Beeline network5

Calls while in the CIS and popular countries6


Calls on the territory of the republic. Crimea and Sevastopol



According to operator tariffs

SMS and MMS7




3 000

Mobile Internet throughout Russia in the Beeline network8

6 GB

12 GB

20 GB

30 GB

"Internet for everything" 9 - share the Internet with your other devices: tablets and modems!

For free

Connection and tariff payments

type of number


Payment system


Tariff type

Per minute

Cost of switching to a tariff plan11

200 ₽

Services international communications 13 (price for 1 minute of outgoing call)

In the connection area

When traveling around Russia on the Beeline network

To numbers in Abkhazia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Tajikistan,

Uzbekistan, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia

25 ₽

40 ₽

To Europe, America (except the USA and Canada) and other countries

40 ₽

40 ₽

On satellite networks Inmarsat and Iridium

415 ₽

415 ₽

To satellite networks GlobalStar, Thuraya, ICO Global, Ellipso, Spare, Emsat

190 ₽

190 ₽

When traveling around Russia on the Beeline network and networks of other operators 5

communication services (for 1 minute of call and outgoing SMS/MMS message in addition to the volume of services included in the package)

Incoming calls, except the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol

0 ₽

Outgoing calls to the connection area, except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol


Outgoing calls outside the connection area, except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol


SMS messages to numbers Russian operators except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol / operators in other countries (for 1 message)

4.95 ₽/ 5 ₽

MMS messages7 , except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (for 1 message)

5 ₽

When located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol:

Incoming and outgoing calls

Mobile Internet for 1 MB of Internet traffic

SMS message / MMS message7

5.95 RUR/6.45 RUR

International roaming 5 communication services (price for 1 minute of call, outgoing SMS message)

CIS, Europe and popular

countries 6

Rest of the world 1, 2,3 6

Rest of the world 4 6

Incoming calls

25 ₽

25 ₽

200 ₽

Outgoing calls to Russia, within the host country and to other international roaming countries

25 ₽

49 RUR

200 ₽

Outgoing SMS messages (per 1 message)

19 RUR

19 RUR

29 RUR

Communication services when traveling around Russia in the networks of other operators 5

According to operator tariffs

Mobile Internet in international roaming

CIS, Europe and popular countries, Rest of the world 1 6

Rest of the world 2, 3 6

Rest of the world 4 6

Mobile Internet10

40 MB package per day10

200 ₽

90 ₽/ 1 MB

768 ₽/ 1 MB

1 MB until the end of the day after the package is exhausted

5 ₽

Tariffing above the included package

Outgoing calls to local numbers of other mobile and mobile operators fixed line in the territory home network

1 ₽

Outgoing calls to long distance numbers other mobile and fixed-line operators in the home network


SMS messages to numbers of Russian operators

1 ₽

MMS messages

5 ₽

Additional services

Subscription fee 2


70 ₽


0 ₽

Call barring16

0 ₽

Call waiting

0 ₽

Conference call17

0 ₽

Call forwarding 18

Cost per minute of a forwarded call within the network

0 ₽

Cost per minute of a forwarded call to other numbers

According to operator tariffs

Stay informed19

15 ₽

City number fee20

According to operator tariffs

Home network: Beeline network of the subject Russian Federation, on the territory of which the subscriber was connected to the Beeline network (for Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the home network means the combined territories of the corresponding constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

Incoming connections: Payment for incoming connections is not charged when you are in the connection area, as well as when traveling around Russia on the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Incoming SMS: There is no charge for incoming messages when you are on your home network, traveling within Russia and in international roaming5 .

Minute packages: The tariff plans “For business over 300”, “For business over 500” include 400 and 700 minutes, respectively, which are spent: for outgoing calls to local and long-distance numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators when in the home network, for outgoing calls to local and long-distance numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network, as well as for incoming calls while in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and in international roaming in tariff zones6 CIS, Europe and popular countries6 .

The tariff plans “For business for 1000”, “For business for 1600” include 1500 and 5000 minutes, respectively, which are spent: on outgoing calls to the numbers of any other mobile and fixed-line operators in Russia while on the home network; when making outgoing calls while traveling around Russia on the Beeline network, including when being in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol on the networks of other operators; for incoming calls when located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and in international roaming in tariff zones6 CIS, Europe and popular countries6 .

Minute packages are not consumed when calling numbers from other countries.

SMS and MMS package: The included SMS package in the tariff plans “For business over 300”, “For business over 500”, “For business over 1000” and “For business over 1600” is spent on subscriber numbers Russian telecom operators in the home network and when traveling around Russia, in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, tariffs for services apply

communications when traveling around Russia in the networks of other operators. The included MMS package in all tariff plans is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators from the home network and when traveling around Russia on the Beeline network. Cost of one SMS message and MMS message to subscribers in other countries 5.

Find out the remaining traffic in packets: by calling toll free number 067406 or in your Personal Account

Connections lasting less than 3 seconds are not taken into account in the scope of mobile services provided. Payment is made in rubles. Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT and do not include a surcharge to tariffs of 1.2%. When calculating the cost, the price excluding VAT is used, obtained by dividing the price indicated in the price list by 1.18 and mathematically rounding to the nearest kopeck.

1. For the services provided, the Operator issues an invoice to the Subscriber on a monthly basis (after the expiration of the billing period - the month of provision of services) in accordance with the current tariffs of the Operator. The invoice must be paid by the Subscriber within 20 days from the date of its issuance, unless a different period is provided for in the Agreement.

2. The subscription fee is charged at the end of the billing period (month). If there are blockings of the subscriber number during the billing period at the request of the Subscriber/initiative of the Operator (in cases provided for in the Agreement and current legislation) subscription fee is calculated daily. If a subscriber's number is blocked due to late payment of the bill, the fee will be charged in full. If a number is blocked at the Subscriber’s request, the subscription fee for the “For Business for 300” tariff plan will be charged in the amount of 150/month; according to the tariff plan “For business for 500” the fee is 250/month; according to the tariff plan “For business for 1000” the fee is 500/month; according to the tariff plan “For business for 1600” the fee is 800/month

3. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing/incoming local and long distance calls to telephone numbers via Intracorporate mobile contract(description is given in Appendix No. 1 to the Price List). Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

4. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing/incoming, local and long-distance calls to Beeline telephone numbers while on the home network and while traveling around Russia (the description is specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Price List). Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

5. Communication services when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network - the Subscriber is located in the Beeline network outside the connection area in Russia (the service is provided automatically). International roaming – finding the Subscriber for

outside the territory of Russia (the service is provided automatically subject to ordering international communications). detailed information about zonal tariffication and international roaming on the website or from the operators of the Customer Support Center (8-800-700-0628). Communication services when traveling around Russia in the networks of other operators - the Subscriber is located in Russia in the network of another operator (the service is provided automatically), more details about tariffs on the website: in the section “Roaming, long-distance and international communications” or from Customer Support Center operators (8-800-700-0628).

6. You can check the current classification of countries by zones on the website in the “Roaming, long-distance and international communications” section: for voice calls in the “My Planet” section, for mobile internet in the "Internet Planet" section.

7. When traveling around Russia in the networks of other operators and international roaming with sending MMS Mobile Internet is also charged.

8. If the monthly volume of traffic provided within the tariff plan is exceeded, a limit on the speed of reception and transmission of data will be set to 64 Kbps until the end of the billing period (month of service provision). If the speed is limited, the current session may be interrupted. The non-chargeable volume of transmitted/received data at the beginning of each session is 1 KB. The volume of transmitted/received data during a session is rounded into big side with an accuracy of 256 KB. Tariffing is valid when the subscriber is in the Russian Federation on a home network and when traveling around Russia on the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. When traveling on the territory of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: the cost of 1 MB of Internet traffic is 9.95 rubles.

9. The “Internet for Everything” service allows you to use mobile Internet traffic included in the subscription fee of the “Everything for Business” tariff from other additional devices intended for using the mobile Internet. The maximum number of devices from which traffic can be used is 5 (five). At the same time, making voice calls from additional device will be impossible.

10. Payment for the 40 MB package is charged only if an Internet connection is established in international roaming. Unused MB included in the package will not be transferred to the next day. When the first received/transmitted 40 MB of traffic is reached, per-megabyte charging is activated 5/MB and is valid until the end of the day, Moscow time. The volume of transmitted/received data is rounded up with an accuracy of 20 KB.

11. The cost of the transition is indicated, provided that less than 1 month has passed since the previous tariff plan change. If more than 1 month has passed, the transition cost is 0.

12. The guarantee fee is charged at a time for each subscriber number that is connected to the Tariff plan. The guarantee fee is refunded

when paying the 4th monthly bill (from the moment the tariff was connected), by reducing the invoice amount by the amount of the guarantee fee paid when connecting the tariff. If the Subscriber refuses services before the specified period, the guarantee fee is not refunded.

13. International communication service must be pre-ordered.

14. The service allows you to prohibit identification of your number for outgoing calls to Beeline subscriber numbers in the DEF numbering code ( detailed description specified in clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 to the Price List).

15. The subscriber does not pay for the time used by the caller to record a message. The time spent by the Subscriber to perform operations using an answering machine from his subscriber number is paid in accordance with the Subscriber's tariff plan at the rates for outgoing calls to Beeline Business subscriber numbers in the relevant directions.

16. The service is provided only with the “International Communications” service activated.

17. Conference call participants pay for call time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen Tariffs

plans and tariff rules. Possibility of forwarding incoming call to any mobile and landline. Local forwarded calls are considered to be calls forwarded to a local number in the connection area. Forwarded calls/connections to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators in the Russian Federation are included in minute packages. Call forwarding to international phone numbers is not available.

18. The service notifies the Subscriber with via SMS– messages about incoming calls received during home unavailability

network, traveling within Russia or international roaming.

19. The service notifies the Subscriber via SMS about incoming calls received while unavailable on the home network, traveling within Russia or roaming.

20. An additional monthly fee is charged for number allocation: the cost of local services telephone communication PJSC VimpelCom with separation additional number in ABC code. Please check the ranges of numbering capacities and their availability at Beeline offices.

21. This price list is relevant for subscribers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs the following subjects of the Russian Federation: Altai Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Transbaikal Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo region, Krasnoyarsk region(including Norilsk), Kamchatka Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Primorsky Territory, Republic of Altai, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Sakhalin Region, Tomsk Region, Khabarovsk region, Arkhangelsk region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vologda Region, Voronezh region, Federal city of St.

St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad region, Kursk region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Magadan region, Murmansk region, Nenets autonomous region, Novgorod region, Oryol region, Pskov region, Republic of Karelia, Tambov region, Vladimir region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region, Astrakhan region, Volgograd region, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Krasnodar region, Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan - Makhachkala, Republic of Ingushetia - Nazran, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Sakha - Yakutsk, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory, Chechen Republic - Grozny.

Appendix No. 1 to the Price List for mobile communication services

1. “Intra-corporate agreement” is an agreement for the provision of Beeline services with the allocation of telephone numbers in the code of the geographically undetectable numbering zone DEF and an agreement for the provision of telecommunications services of PJSC VimpelCom with the allocation

telephone numbers in the code of the geographically defined ABC numbering zone assigned to cities: Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Arkhangelsk (Arkhangelsk region); Bryansk (Bryansk region); Vladimir (Vladimir region); Volgograd (Volgograd region); Vologda, Cherepovets (Vologda region); Voronezh (Voronezh region); Ivanovo (Ivanovo region); Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk (Irkutsk region); Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad region); Kaluga (Kaluga region); Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region); Kostroma (Kostroma region); Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik (Krasnodar region); Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory); Kursk (Kursk region); Shchelkovo, Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo, Khimki (Moscow region); Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod region); Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod region); Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk region); Orel (Oryol region); Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory); Pskov (Pskov region); Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan); Ulan - Ude (Republic of Buryatia); Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia); Syktyvkar, Ukhta, Vorkuta (Komi Republic); Izhevsk (Republic of Udmurtia); Rostov-on-Don (Rostov region); Ryazan (Ryazan region); Samara, Togliatti (Samara region); Saratov (Saratov region); Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region); Tula (Tula region); Tyumen (Tyumen region); Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur (Khabarovsk Territory); Chelyabinsk (Chelyabinsk region); Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl region); Bryansk (Bryansk region); Sochi (Krasnodar region); Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan); Barnaul (Altai Territory); Omsk (Omsk region); Tomsk (Tomsk region), concluded with one subscriber - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

2. Telephone number "Beeline Business": these are the Operator's telephone numbers in the code of the geographically undetectable numbering zone DEF and telephone numbers:

1) PJSC VimpelCom, including with the code of the geographic numbering zone ABC assigned to the cities: Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Arkhangelsk (Arkhangelsk region); Bryansk (Bryansk region); Vladimir (Vladimir region); Volgograd (Volgograd region); Vologda, Cherepovets (Vologda region); Voronezh (Voronezh region); Ivanovo (Ivanovo region); Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk (Irkutsk region); Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad region); Kaluga (Kaluga region); Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region); Kostroma (Kostroma region); Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik (Krasnodar region); Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory); Kursk (Kursk region); Shchelkovo, Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo, Khimki (Moscow region); Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod region); Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod region); Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk region); Orel (Oryol region); Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory); Pskov (Pskov region); Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan); Ulan - Ude (Republic of Buryatia); Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia); Syktyvkar, Ukhta, Vorkuta (Komi Republic); Izhevsk (Republic of Udmurtia); Rostov-on-Don (Rostov region); Ryazan (Ryazan region); Samara, Togliatti (Samara region); Saratov (Saratov region); Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region); Tula (Tula region); Tyumen (Tyumen region); Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk on Amur (Khabarovsk Territory); Chelyabinsk (Chelyabinsk region); Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl region); Bryansk (Bryansk region); Sochi (Krasnodar region); Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan); Barnaul (Altai region); Omsk (Omsk region); Tomsk (Tomsk region);

2) CJSC "WestBalt Telecom", in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad region);

3) Kubtelecom LLC, in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Krasnodar, Anapa;

4) CJSC "Kubintersvyaz", in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Krasnodar;

5) LLC JV "Sakhalin Telecom Ltd", in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;

6) CJSC Samara Telecom, in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Samara;

7) ZAO RASKOM, in the code of the geographically defined numbering zone ABC, assigned to the city of Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The Beeline operator offers favorable tariff plans not only for individuals. Any business needs stable, inexpensive and high-quality mobile communications. It is for this reason that Beeline has several favorable tariffs designed specifically for both small firms both individual entrepreneurs and large companies with a large staff. What Beeline corporate tariffs are available to business clients, and why should you pay attention to them?

Description of tariffs “Everything for business”

On this moment Beeline operator offers a line of tariff plans “Everything for business”, which consists of four corporate tariffs: “For business over 250”, “For business over 450”, “For business over 900” and “For business over 1500”. Previously, similar business tariffs were called “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold” and “Platinum”.

Corporate tariff plans provide the opportunity to communicate free of charge with Beeline subscribers, make calls, send SMS and MMS to company employees throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, available free packages services and favorable terms of service, which can be found below.

Each of the presented tariff plans allows you to:

  • call any Beeline numbers for free;
  • make free calls, send SMS and MMS messages to corporate numbers;
  • use free packages of minutes, SMS for calls and sending to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators;
  • use free internet packages.

Free services and packages are available when the subscriber is located both in the home region and in intranet roaming across Russia. At the same time, you can connect one or several phone numbers to any of the available tariff plans.

The size of the packages depends on the current tariff, which in turn differ in size subscription fee:

A description of corporate tariffs “Everything for Business” is given for St. Petersburg and the region. For example, for Moscow and the Moscow region there are already five similar tariff plans available - “For business over 300”, “For business over 600”, as well as tariffs for 1000, 1500 and 3000 rubles, respectively.

The cost of mobile communication services after using up free packages is calculated as follows:

Calls to local operator numbers 1 rub./min.
Calls to operator numbers in roaming 3 rub./min.
SMS messages to numbers of Russian operators 1 rub.
Sending MMS 5 rub.

Beeline corporate tariffs differ from each other in the size of the subscription fee, the number of available minutes, SMS and MMS, as well as the volume of free Internet traffic. In addition, the most expensive tariffs - for 900 and 1500 rubles, allow their subscribers to use free and unlimited high speed Internet connection via 4G network.

For business for 250 rubles

The most affordable and economical tariff in the “Everything for Business” line, thanks to which you can use free packages of minutes, SMS, MMS, and access the Internet at high speed for a low cost. All this is 250 rubles per month + a one-time guarantee fee of 300 rubles. Connecting this option is free. The advantages include low cost and the availability of everything necessary for comfortable use of mobile communications. The disadvantages are the small amount of Internet traffic, which is only enough for web surfing.

For business for 450 rubles

A more advanced tariff plan that is largely similar to the previous one, but offers larger free package sizes. 700 minutes and SMS is enough to modern man who actively use mobile communications. The available 8 GB of traffic is enough not only for comfortable web surfing, but also enough for rare viewing of multimedia content, such as videos, photos and listening to audio recordings. For such pleasure you will have to pay a guarantee fee of 600 rubles and a monthly subscription fee of 450 rubles.

For business for 900 rubles

A serious package that opens up great opportunities for subscribers. Connecting to this tariff plan allows you to use packages for 1500 minutes, 1500 SMS and MMS messages for free, as well as spend 15 GB of Internet traffic. Such a large volume will be enough even for downloading large quantity music, photos and videos, not to mention unlimited web surfing. Tariff plan “For business for 900 rubles” from Beeline – great choice for subscribers who make a lot of calls and surf the Internet. The monthly subscription fee is 900 rubles, and the one-time guarantee payment upon connection is 1200.

For business for 1500 rubles

A corporate tariff with maximum capabilities, available for only 1,500 rubles per month! Everyone who signs up for this plan gets 5,000 free minutes, 3,000 SMS and MMS, as well as an impressive 20 GB package of unlimited and high-speed 4G Internet. This choice ideal for the most active users mobile communications - it allows you not to think about the prices of calls, since 5000 minutes per month is enough for any needs. A large amount of traffic is suitable for watching online broadcasts, videos, downloading music, as well as for unlimited Internet surfing. This tariff is the choice for the most serious clients!

How to activate the Beeline “Everything for Business” tariff plan?

Are you interested in corporate rates from mobile operator Beeline? You can connect to your favorite “Everything for Business” tariff plan on the Beeline website or by contacting one of the operator’s showrooms.

To activate a corporate tariff through the website, simply select the tariff plan you like and fill out the order form, indicating your contact details and information about the company. Within a few hours of this, your account manager will contact you and tell you what to do next.

Disconnect from corporate tariff Beeline, for example, during the liquidation of a company or upon dismissal, is also very simple. In order to deactivate any tariff from the “Everything for Business” line, you can use your personal subscriber account or contact the Beeline office, where they will help you cope with the deactivation procedure.

The company cares not only about individuals. Favorable rates They are also available for legal entities, including businessmen. Any business needs stable, most profitable and high-quality mobile communications. Beeline offers several tariffs with acceptable conditions. They are suitable for both large companies and individual entrepreneurs. Thus, here we will figure out what business tariffs exist from Beeline.

Description of the tariff line

“Everything for business” includes four corporate tariffs: “For business for 250”, “For business for 450”, “For business for 900” and “For business for 1500”. Previously, there were similar tariffs: “Bronze”, “Silver” and “Platinum”.

Tariffs in this line provide the opportunity for free communication within the network, as well as with company employees throughout the Russian Federation. Also, subscribers connected to these tariffs are given access to free service packages and favorable conditions service.

Each tariff includes the following free features:

  • Calls to Beeline.
  • Calls, messages (MMS and SMS) to corporate subscribers.
  • Packages of minutes and SMS regarding other operators.
  • Internet traffic packages.

You have access to free services and packages, being both in the home region and in intranet roaming in the Russian Federation. You can even connect several numbers to any of the tariffs.

Each tariff has its own package size and its own subscription fee, respectively. Here is the data describing all the main conditions of each of the tariffs in the “Everything for Business” line (for St. Petersburg and the region).

Prices for services after the packages are used up are as follows:

  • Calls to local numbers – 1 rub. per minute
  • Calls in roaming – 3 rubles. per minute
  • SMS to Russian license plates– 1 rub.
  • MMS – 5 rub.

Each Beeline business tariff included in this line has its own terms of service. And the most expensive of them (“For 900” and “For 1500”) provide unlimited Internet access via 4G.

Tariff for business “For 250”

Well, now let’s provide a description of the tariff for business on Beeline for 250 rub.. The most affordable and economical of the “Everything for Business” line. The cost of use is low. Free SMS, MMS, call and internet packages are provided. High Internet speed is guaranteed. You will pay for all this 250 rub. per month. We will also require a guarantee deposit in 300 rubles. Do you need comfortable, cheap mobile communications? This tariff is just right. True, the Internet traffic provided is small, so it is suitable for surfing, and not for downloading.

Tariff for business “For 450”

Here, in comparison with the previous tariff, the service packages have been increased in the number of minutes, SMS, minutes and traffic. So the tariff is already more advanced. 700 minutes and SMS is quite normal for a modern active person. 8 GB is already enough for rare viewing of multimedia content: video, photo and audio. But here the fee is already higher: the guarantee fee - 600 rubles and you will need to pay every month 450 .

Traif for business “For 900”

This is already a more serious package than the previous ones. There are already many more possibilities here. You can use packages for 1500 minutes, 1500 SMS and MMS and 15 GB of traffic for free. This is quite enough for downloading media files. This is already suitable for those who communicate a lot on the phone and surf the Internet, working with media. You will need to pay monthly 900 rubles, and you also need to make a one-time payment to 1200 rub.

Traif for business “For 1500”

This tariff already provides maximum opportunities for just 1500 rub. per month. After connecting you will receive 5000 minutes, 3000 SMS and MMS and large volume traffic – 20 GB 4G. For the most active people This tariff is just right. Here you can already use all the services to the fullest. There's enough for everything. It is chosen by the most serious clients.

Connecting and disconnecting tariffs for business

Are you attracted by business tariffs from Beeline? Connect one of them on the operator’s website or contact the showrooms.

If you have chosen the connection method through the website, select the tariff you want and fill out special form for order. Indicate contacts and information about your company there. Wait for a call from your account manager. He will call after a few hours and advise you.

If there is a need to disconnect from the tariff, use Personal Area or again contact the company’s offices. They will definitely help you!

If you still have questions on the topic “Everything for Business” from Beeline,” then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Legal entities can enter into an agreement with Beeline for the provision of mobile communication services for corporate clients. For such subscribers there are separate tariffs designed for connecting to several devices. For corporate users Beeline All for Business line is available.

Terms for companies

Despite the fact that the line itself is valid throughout Russia, in some regions the conditions and names of the package offers may differ slightly.

However, in most areas, businesses can choose to:

How to activate the Beeline “Everything for Business” tariff plan?

This will be your first mayor decision once you have purchased your unit. Short version: electric is cheap to install but expensive to run. Gas is expensive to install, but much cheaper. So it depends on what budget you're starting with and what expenses you want to deal with later.

  • They also provide tons of resources and free training, as well as a handy little text service for local events. If you have never worked in the food industry, this is the best way to get legal and certified. It's worth joining your first year for this alone.
  • Everything for business for 250;
  • Everything for business for 450;
  • Everything for business for 900;

Everything for business for 1500.

The name of the package immediately indicates the subscription fee, but it is worth noting that the line refers to postpaid tariffs, which means that the final invoice is issued at the end of the month. You must pay for communication services within the next 20 days, otherwise Beeline will block work for SIM cards. This is not what we are asked, but it is what you need to know. Everything in spring large venues

, which you want to trade in the summer, are served on New Year's Day. You need to be willing and financed to make these claims and pay deposits if you want to do music festivals.

The minimum cost of the subscription fee, indicated in the name of the tariff, provides free unlimited calls between employees of the same enterprise. At the same time, calls are not charged even when you are in roaming. For employees of the same company it is also provided free communication in the form of SMS and MMS, so such services are budget-saving for a large number of employees.

High up-front costs, but music festivals have huge potential for a weekend of fun, especially because you have the opportunity to get to know your customers and benefit from repeat custom. The festival may tell you this information in advance, but ticket sales, downturns, and weather can throw all of this out in a matter of weeks, and your huge contribution to initial step may suddenly disappear with no hope of getting it back.

There are as many music festivals as there are genres of music, and each one will have a different feel, a different crowd, and a different appetite for what you serve. While they all follow the same basic formula, some have very restrictive trading hours, some prefer wet or pill form of food over actual food, and others, for some notable reason, just don't want your food at one particular meal. The only way to find out?

Depending on the size of the business, the entrepreneur can choose the appropriate tariff. The minimum subscription fee covers the cost of a certain amount of traffic, SMS, MMS and call minutes to non-employee subscribers. However, most important factor is the amount of high speed traffic. Everything for Business for 250 only has 4 GB per month, Everything for Business for 450 gets 8 GB, but the best deal comes with a maximum subscription fee of 20 GB. As a rule, corporate clients choose package offer for businesses for 450 and above, as they provide more opportunities.

There are many smaller ones, there is less charging. Most major cities have at least one of these. These events are great for meeting other like-minded foodies who have a tasting competition and usually become part of the street food scene in your area.

They often host bloggers or journalists and are a good place for "visibility" as in many areas they are considered a sign of quality if you trade there. And any other private, prepaid gigs you may get. This often comes from people trying and loving your food locally, or by finding local caterers who specialize in that food. Online service below. Weddings are obviously a payment for the supply of harvest and losses. They're also usually on the precious 10 best weekends of the year, so by hosting a wedding you're getting away with a lot of high value events.

Services for business for 250, for business for 450 and for business for 900 require a guarantee payment in addition to the monthly subscription fee. It is one-time and amounts to 300, 600 and 1200 rubles, respectively. A tariff with a maximum monthly fee of 1,500 rubles does not require special confirmation in the form of an additional payment.

Activation of business conditions for 250, 450, 900 and 1500 occurs after contacting the company’s office. You can also leave a connection request directly on the Beeline website, after which the company manager will contact the applicant for further dialogue and connection.

Off-season weddings are the way forward. This magical new internet invention will bring events to your Mailbox, and then charge you either a percentage of your final fee or upfront costs to quote. You buy the credits yourself and then get x number of credits to quote the task.

Investing a few pounds here should find you a job that's worth the effort. City markets are a good regular source of income, and provide mid-week trading as well as a welcome regular step, which is great if you want a predictable income rather than the free-and-easy nature of some of us. Please note that customer costs will be significantly lower here since people cannot dip into your delicious food, but to negotiate a deal.

Beeline for business

Beeline is a well-known cellular operator serving millions of subscribers. The company gained great popularity in Russia due to huge selection tariff plans, each of which has its own distinctive features. It is a mistake to think that beneficial offers are only valid for private individuals. Beeline has developed enough for business economical programs, providing a full package of services: calls, SMS, Internet access.

Farmers markets or specialized markets, are probably more suitable for outdoor kitchens because they attract gourmet bargain hunters and have higher per capita costs. Unfortunately, these markets are typically one day per weekend, meaning you'll spend more time searching for them and the potential earnings are low compared to a small festival. These are projects that need to be worked on for more than a few months as you establish yourself and build an audience.

Asking people to pay to go and pay for more food is a tricky business plan, and there are people who pay. People usually buy tickets to these events on the day, which means if it rains, the place will be dead. On the other hand, a well established food festival can attract a fantastic crowd of food lovers keen to try something new, but again be wary of poor attitude from traders towards customers and be wary of giving away free food right next to your field.

Advantages of business projects

First of all, let's consider why small and large companies It is better to use specialized offers. Beeline business tariffs have several significant advantages:

  • a complete set of options that may be needed to resolve business issues;
  • enough ample opportunities in communication using calls and SMS, using the Internet;
  • free connection;
  • low subscription fee;
  • the ability to combine several numbers under one tariff plan, making it easier to pay for services cellular network, control costs, save on mobile communications.

Important! The only thing that distinguishes business projects from proposals for private users is the presence of a guarantee fee. It is paid one-time. The amount is usually equal to the monthly subscription fee.

These guys have to make all their money from traders, so expect a lot of competition along with all the free samples. Visitor numbers will usually be much higher as there will be trade involved, but as with a paid food festival, the day it rains you make it through the day. Plus, you'll keep an eye on how everyone is getting ready for the roast. You will hate them for making it so easy.

The food here is generally about 10 years behind everything else. We're now approaching 10 years of street food, so little by little these shows are starting to refresh tired old multi-purpose units and bring in new blood. Expect to sell a lot of good, honest versions of what you do.

We invite you to get acquainted with interesting things - what profitable offer prepared by the operator?

Main offers

Let's look at the newest tariffs for business from Beeline, which appeared not so long ago, but have already managed to attract the attention of thousands of subscribers:

  • – here the monthly fee is only 300 rubles, so the program is considered the most economical. For that kind of money, the subscriber is given the opportunity to communicate for free with Beeline users, regardless of the point in the country in which they are located. Within your home network there are 100 free minutes to all numbers and 100 SMS and MMS. Also provided is 2 GB of Internet at a fairly high speed;
  • for 600 – with unlimited access on your network, you have 600 minutes for calls to other numbers. Also, every month the operator gives 600 messages. There is a limit of 10 GB for profitable Internet. When the metered connection ends, a data transfer rate limit is set, which occurs automatically. This condition is valid until the end current month and making the next payment;

You can also catch the occasional price here while they're parting with their hard-earned, lightly cognac stock. Don't worry, a quality product will take care of them all in the end. We've also written a book that brings everything together in an easy-to-read way and covers useful starting topics in much more detail. If you still have questions, try the search bar at the top of this page. If you've already been working, other street food vendors or general traders are often willing to chat on a quiet day, especially if you open by offering them a cup of tea.

  • for 1000 - here for large and small businesses Beeline provides a more extensive package of options: 1500 free minutes for calls in any direction within Russia, 1500 messages. The guarantee fee is 1200 rubles. Internet traffic is limited to 15 GB, while high-speed 4G data transfer is available. For 100 rubles per month you can activate a program designed to provide 500 minutes of long-distance calls;
  • – here the subscriber receives 3,000 minutes and messages, as well as 20 GB of 4G Internet, which Beeline provides for business. Incoming calls in roaming and popular European countries are not charged. Guarantee fee – 1700 rubles;
  • for 3000 – the most complete package of services. It assumes 6000 minutes and messages, 30 GB of data for the World Wide Web. The guarantee fee is equal to the subscription fee. In international roaming in popular countries, 100 MB of Internet and 100 messages are provided monthly. By the way, pay attention to.

You see that the Beeline operator really makes good offers for business. To choose the appropriate tariff, you need to assess the size of the company and the number of subscribers corporate network, and then determine the best option.

Almost every trading location will have a slightly different method for applications. It's also worth developing who you are and what you do so that you can confidently sell yourself via email if this situation arises. Mainly by going there and trading. Asking other traders is useful, since strictly without recording we will gladly tell you if it sucks. But again, one person's story about the festival may be different from another, since within the framework of the festival there is always the problem of getting good taste.

How many servings should I take per event?

If you can reach behind your hand and look around, it will give you good idea, but your will will change. Find out how willing you are to travel and what kind of thing you are looking for. This long process, but in reality this is not an easy decision. If you already have some events in mind, run them first and start making a list. While we

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Considering the growing needs of customers for high-quality and inexpensive communications, mobile operators regularly introduce tariffs to the market to improve the quality of services provided. One of these offers is the Beeline “Everything for Business for 250” package. Please note that this is one of the most budget tariffs intended for corporate clients. To understand the benefit to subscribers, it is necessary to consider the offer in more detail.

Services on the tariff plan

All tariffs offered by providers cellular communication and the Beeline company in particular, can be divided into two categories: commercial and corporate. The first option is intended to be used individuals, the second - enterprises and companies. In fact, any corporate tariff is an exclusive offer that cannot be purchased in sales stores. Meanwhile, such service packages imply significant savings on the cost of cellular communications, because employees can connect to various options under a single contract.

The main advantages of Beeline corporate communications look like this:

  1. Optimization of services provided. For example, you can choose tariffs where Internet traffic is cheaper than communication costs.
  2. Wide range additional services. This feature is also typical for commercial tariffs, however, standard offers for individuals usually have a number of restrictions and are noticeably more expensive.
  3. Saving. If company employees are forced to communicate with each other via cellular communications, connecting to a corporate tariff can significantly save on calls.
  4. Benefit. When connecting a large number of employees, the operator usually offers a discount on annual maintenance of the selected offer.

Important! Connecting corporate service, the client receives an individual manager who deals with all the nuances within the framework of the tariff used

The convenience of using Beeline corporate offers is as follows:

  • Considering that, regardless of the number of connected numbers, one contract is concluded, the manager will be able to control the limit of funds spent by employees on cellular communication services.
  • From a psychological point of view, corporate communications motivates employees well, thereby increasing their performance.
  • Savings when paying taxes. This is directly indicated by the tax code, which classifies such proposals under the heading “Other expenses”.

What does Beeline offer?

Ease of use of the tariff

It is necessary to clarify that packages designed for corporate clients are offered by all providers, even those that are not part of the “Big Three” mobile operators:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone.

However, only the Beeline company sells packages designed for large and small businesses. This is a set of “Everything for Business” tariffs with a postpaid and prepaid payment system. The most budget-friendly option in this offer is Beeline’s “Everything for Business for 250” tariff, where you can get a very impressive package of services for a minimum subscription fee.

What is included in the main package

The starter set of the tariff plan includes the following services:

  1. Communication – 400 minutes.
  2. Messages – 400 SMS.
  3. Internet – 4 GB.
  4. Unlimited calls and MMS throughout Russia, within the corporate tariff.

The subscription fee for using the services is 250 rubles. Funds are debited from the account monthly, unused minutes and messages are not carried over to the next billing period.

Important! If the tariff plan is suspended at the request of the client (temporary blocking of the number), funds are debited in the amount of half the subscription fee - 125 rubles/month. When the number is blocked by the operator, payment is due in full.

When connecting a tariff, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • The offer is valid without roaming throughout the country;
  • Upon conclusion of the contract, the client pays a guarantee fee in the amount of 500 rubles. The specified funds are paid at a time for each connected number, subsequently the guarantee fee will be returned to the account;
  • If connecting to “Everything for business for 250” involves changing the existing tariff plan, the price of the service will be 45 rubles. Please note that if current tariff used for more than 30 days, there is no charge for the transition.

It is worth noting: unlimited calls within this corporate offer do not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea!


The “Everything for Business for 250” tariff plan allows you to connect packages of additional minutes, which are designed to make preferential calls when traveling throughout the Russian Federation. The cost of extended communication services looks like this:

  1. “Business trip + 150 minutes” - 100 rubles.
  2. “Business trip + 500 minutes” - 250 rubles.
  3. “Business trip + 1,000 minutes” - 450 rubles.

For information: extra minutes are spent only on incoming/outgoing calls from other mobile operators. Calls to Beeline numbers remain unlimited.

Connecting additional packages free call to *110*08#. After eight, you must enter the number of additional minutes.

Additional features

As part of the current corporate agreement, subscribers can take advantage of preferential tariffs for communication services when in international roaming. For the CIS countries and Europe the following tariffs apply:

  • outgoing call minute – 25 rubles;
  • incoming calls – 15 rubles/minute;
  • SMS – 9 rubles.

It is worth noting that if the limit of free minutes and SMS messages offered by the contract services is exceeded, the client can continue to use cellular services. In this case, tariffing is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. Calls to numbers of other providers in your home region – 1.5 rubles/min.
  2. On-net calls in the connection region – 0 rub/min.
  3. Calls to long-distance and city numbers – 4 rubles/min.

Important! Depending on the region of connection, the cost of communication services may vary.

An interesting offer is the “Internet for everything” option. As part of the service, the client can connect up to five devices to use Internet traffic for free. There is no charge for each connected device.

How to connect

You can subscribe to Beeline’s “Everything for business for 250” tariff plan by calling the toll-free number 0611 or by contacting any of the company’s offices.

Please note: for corporate clients, it is possible for a manager to visit the enterprise and conclude an agreement on the customer’s premises. You can switch to a tariff on the official website of your cellular service provider or use a special mobile application Beeline.

The tariff is activated only upon presentation of a passport or other identity document. In some cases, it is possible to present a scanned passport, provided that the subscriber’s personal data, photo and registration are visible. After signing the contract, the tariff will be activated within 5 working days.

You can refuse services or block a number by contacting customer service. The interactive answering machine number is 0611, here you need to use the tips. If the number is issued to a company, you need to call legal address company and tax identification number. In addition, you will need the passport data of the subscriber who uses the number within the framework of the concluded contract.

Helpful information

Any tariff plan, including “Everything for business for 250” has underwater rocks, which are usually not communicated to the subscriber upon connection. This information is written in small print in the contract, so it is often ignored when filling out papers. But such nuances are not necessarily aimed at luring customers out additional fee for the services offered. For example, “Everything for business for 250” includes a number of options that are not specified in the terms of the contract, but are included in the basic package of any Beeline tariff. Connect here:

  • automatic caller ID;
  • conference call;
  • forwarding of incoming calls;
  • “stay informed” service;
  • “I have contact!” service;
  • details of expenses for communication services.

Important! You can opt out of these options by calling service department Beeline. Please note that there is no charge for the services offered.

However, there are also some unpleasant aspects that the client needs to be aware of at the time of concluding the contract. For example, upon completion of the proposed Internet traffic, the connection speed drops to 64 Kbps, and remains until the end of the consumption period. This practically blocks access to the network; in addition, frequent connection breaks occur. Tariffs for received/transmitted information packets are always rounded with a + sign, the accuracy is up to 20 kb.

Important nuances

“Everything for business for 250” belongs to the category of tariffs with per minute billing, in this case, a connection lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account. Please note that this nuance does not apply to long-distance and international communication services. International communication service for of this tariff must be ordered additionally, which requires a guarantee fee of 1,500 rubles. You can cancel the guarantee fee and refuse to use the service at Beeline offices by presenting two documents to the manager: a passport and any document of your choice.

The “Everything for Business for 250” tariff is considered postpaid, so the cellular service provider issues an invoice monthly after the end of the billing period (30 days). The subscriber, in turn, is obliged to pay for the services within 25 days, otherwise the number will be blocked, however, the payment will be charged in the same amount.

Internet, which is included in the tariff