I want to find my phone. Contact law enforcement. Search in places of last stay

For a modern person, losing a mobile phone is a serious nuisance. There are at least two reasons for frustration in this case. Firstly, the device itself often costs a lot of money. And secondly, its memory contains information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for prying eyes. This can be personal correspondence, photos and videos, as well as secret data, for example, passwords from payment services or work documents. How can I find my phone if it is lost or stolen? This article describes effective ways to find mobile devices even when they are turned off.

If your phone is lost at home

How to find a mobile phone if you know for sure that it is lost in a house or apartment? The easiest way to search is, of course, to call your number from another device. In this case, the gadget must be turned on.

If the phone battery is low, then you can only rely on your own memory and attentiveness. In this case, it is recommended to try to remember in detail the events that preceded the loss of the mobile device. You should follow this route, carefully examining everything around you. After all, the gadget could, for example, fall behind the sofa, or it lies unnoticed on a shelf, covered with another thing. It could even end up in the refrigerator or trash can.

If you have an alarm clock set on your phone, this can greatly facilitate the search, because the alarm almost always goes off even when the device is turned off. Ensure silence at the time when the mobile phone is about to ring, and listen carefully, while following the sound.

If your phone is lost on the street

Obviously, the chances of finding a mobile device lost on the street or in a public place are significantly lower than in the previous case. But don't give up. How to find phones under such circumstances?

First of all, you should call your number. The mobile device could be picked up by a person who, free of charge or for a certain reward, would happily return the gadget to its rightful owner.

If this action does not bring results, you need to strain your memory and try to determine the place where the mobile phone was lost. You should remember where the gadget was last used and thus try to narrow down the search area. It is worth posting notices about the loss of the device along the entire travel route with a request to return the mobile phone for a reward. Posting notes in relevant social network groups can also be an effective way.

And if the device is turned off, how to find the phone? Using the IMEI number, which is unique for each mobile and does not change when changing the SIM card, you can search for the gadget even when it is not working. This process will be described in detail below.

If the phone is stolen

If it is known for sure that the phone was stolen, a reward should be offered for the return of the gadget. After all, this thing was stolen precisely for the purpose of profit. From a mobile device that belongs, for example, to your friend, you need to send a message to your number indicating the amount you are willing to pay the thief for the phone.

You should also check with your family members and loved ones to see if any of them are using applications that determine your location on your mobile phone. If this is the case, then you need to report the available phone coordinates to the police so that their employees can find and return the gadget to the owner.

How to find phones that are stolen if the above methods were ineffective in your case? Should be submitted To do this, you need to collect evidence that will confirm that the device belongs to you. That is, find the package of documents received upon purchase. Next, you need to go directly to the police and write a corresponding statement. Then you need to report the theft of your device to your mobile operator. After providing the necessary package of documents confirming that the phone is indeed stolen and you are its rightful owner, permission will be issued to access information about this device. The operator will need to notify you if anyone uses the device.

Are there other ways to find a phone? You can also try to find the device using the IMEI number. To do this, add this unique mobile code to the worldwide database. And if someone finds your phone, they will be able to contact you using the specified coordinates.

Depending on the operating system with which the mobile device is controlled, there are several ways to find the phone. Android, iOS and Windows Phone support various applications that have similar operating principles. Below is a more detailed description of these search methods.

Finding a phone with iOS operating system

How to find phones if they have iOS installed? It won't be difficult at all. After all, the iPhone initially has a function for determining the location of the device. The main thing is that it is activated before the gadget is lost or stolen.

In order to detect such a phone, the owner should log into iCloud using his account and click “Find iPhone”. After this, a list of your devices controlled using iOS will be displayed on the screen. If the gadget search function is active and the phone itself is turned on, the service will determine the location of the iPhone.

If you select the “Information” icon on the location panel, you can send an SMS, play the selected melody, lock the device, or delete all existing data from it.

After determining the location of the phone, you need to analyze the information received. If the specified area is not familiar to the owner, his friends and acquaintances do not live there, then the device is in the hands of a thief. You need to immediately block the gadget before an ill-wisher has time to use your personal information or disable the Find iPhone function.

The specified coordinates of the device’s location must be reported to the police so that their employees can find and return the phone to its rightful owner.

Finding a phone with the Windows Phone operating system

If you manage your lost device using Windows Phone, how can you find your phone? You should run a special application from Microsoft through your computer, which allows you to determine the location of your mobile device.

This program also contains other useful features. If you press the “Call” button, the phone will ring until the corresponding key on the device is pressed.

When you press the “Block” button, a blocking message will appear on the device screen, which can be removed by entering a password known only to the owner.

If you press the Erase key, all data contained in your phone will be deleted. It should be remembered that after this it will not be possible to use even the location function.

After establishing the coordinates of the device’s location, you need to report them to the police, reporting the theft.

Finding a phone with Android operating system

If the missing device has this operating system installed, how can I find the phone? Android supports an application such as PlanB. This program compares favorably with its analogues in that it can be installed on a phone that has already disappeared.

To do this, you need to log into Android Market using your account. Then you need to install the specified program on the missing device and run it. A letter indicating the location of the gadget will be sent to the owner’s email account. Then all that remains is to provide the received coordinates to the police, and they will help return the phone to the owner.

Finding a phone by SIM card

You can try to find the device by contacting your mobile operator directly. This is another effective way to find a phone. Based on the owner's last name and SIM card number, the mobile communications company is able to determine the location of the device using its own channels. The main condition for this search method is that the phone must be turned on.

Finding a phone by satellite

How to find phones via satellite? To do this, one of the special applications must first be installed on your mobile device. Programs can notify you about the current location of the gadget and the replacement of the SIM card, allow you to control the camera of a missing mobile phone, block or delete the information contained on it. There are a number of such applications, each of which is supported by a specific operating system.

If your mobile device is equipped with a GPS receiver, then there are also certain programs to search for it. In order to see the location of such a phone, you need to register on a special website, and after that you will be able to determine the necessary coordinates at any time.

How to find a switched off phone? It is impossible to do this via satellite, because a prerequisite when searching for a device using this method is that the mobile phone must be turned on.

Find a phone by IMEI code

This is the only way that can help you find a missing phone that is turned off. The IMEI code consists of 15 digits. It is individual for each device and does not depend on the SIM card used.

How to find a phone via IMEI? First, you need to write a statement to the police indicating the code. And secondly, you need to register the IMEI number in the worldwide database. If someone discovers your mobile device, they will be able to contact you using the coordinates you left on the site.

If the location of the stolen phone has been determined, it is not recommended to try to return your mobile phone yourself. You should contact the police.

All documents confirming that you are the legal owner of the device must be stored in a safe place for the entire time you use the phone.

If you still cannot find the gadget, block your account and restore the SIM card by contacting your mobile operator. The IMEI code of the stolen phone must be blacklisted. After such actions, the attacker will not be able to use the device, even using a different SIM card. These are extreme measures that should be used if you are sure that the phone will not be found.

The owner of the gadget should install the necessary applications to determine the location of the device in advance, without waiting for loss or theft.


There are several ways to find a missing phone. They vary depending on the location where the device was lost or stolen, the operating system installed on the gadget, and other factors. The owner of the mobile phone should install special applications in advance that will help determine the location of the phone if it is lost, protect the device with a password, use not the smartphone’s memory card to save data, but act quickly after identifying the fact of loss, because time plays a key role here, and prolongation of the situation only plays into the hands of attackers.

Today, a mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also an excellent assistant to pass the time at the right time. Everyone knows that with the help of a mobile phone you can listen to music, watch movies, take pictures of your loved ones, beautiful places and even “run” on the Internet. Therefore, for many, he becomes, if not a good friend, then an excellent assistant for sure. But what to do if a person has lost his phone? How to find it? And is it even worth looking for?

What is the value

In addition to the fact that the communication device itself is already a valuable thing (some models are quite expensive), very often the information that is stored on it is more important than the telephone itself. So, a saved list of contacts or photos that were contained on the memory card may be very necessary.

Method 1

If a person is looking for an opportunity to find a lost phone, the first thing to do is seek help from law enforcement agencies and file a report of the loss. The police, of course, will accept him, but they are unlikely to immediately rush to search for him - such statements are received in huge numbers, and it is unknown when it will be your turn.

Method 2

Directly related to the first. How to find a lost phone with the help of the police? To do this, the thief must make a call at least once from the newly stolen device. Law enforcement agencies have the right to request from the mobile operator details of calls made from the phone, and then it is up to the technical staff of the operational officers.

Method 3

Another way to find a lost phone with the help of the police. To do this, you need to use a service such as GSM positioning. This information is provided by the telephone company upon request from police officers, and the location of the telephone is determined within a radius of 150-200 meters. There it is necessary to look for the criminal.

Method 4

How to find a lost phone? To do this, you need to know the unique number of your mobile phone - IMEI. You can use it to find absolutely any phone, even if the new owner decides to change the SIM card. The rest is a matter of technique. The only “but” is that you need to have quite expensive equipment, which not all police departments have. This search method, by the way, works great.

Method 5

The last way to find a stolen phone. You can use it exclusively on your own, without the help of law enforcement agencies. It is suitable for smartphones with Android OS, as well as iPhones. To do this, you must initially install the “Find Your Phone” program on your mobile phone and use this application to perform searches. It is worth noting that the option will only work if the phone is turned on and the program is open. If you close it on a stolen smartphone, the search will be impossible. This method is great if you need to determine the location of, for example, a friend, child or wife, but when looking for a phone it will not always help...

Has your mobile phone been stolen? Not the best news. Both at home and abroad, you should try to return the device as soon as possible. Modern phones and smartphones are found using a built-in or pre-installed program that allows you to track the device. Such applications have different levels of practicality. In some cases, it is necessary that your device is turned on and connected to the Internet. You can also find a phone the old fashioned way - just call or text and arrange a return.


How to return a missing phone

    Call the phone. If you have lost a regular phone (not a smartphone) from which you cannot connect to the Internet, then you will not be able to track the device online. A different approach needs to be taken. Start calling your number. If you are lucky, the thief may answer your call. If the phone simply fell out of your pocket (in a taxi or on the subway), the person who found it can arrange a meeting with you to return it.

    • If the call is answered, say, “Hello, my name is [your name]. You have my mobile phone. He is very important to me. I would like to return the device. We can meet?"
  1. Write a message. Even if the call is not answered, try writing a message. Perhaps the thief will change his mind and decide to return the phone to the owner. Send a short message: indicate a number where you can be contacted and ask to return the device. If you deem it appropriate, you can offer a reward.

    • To do this, you will need another mobile phone. Reach out to a friend. If you are far from friends and family, then try asking a stranger with a polite request.
  2. Be careful if you arrange to meet. If the person (who stole or accidentally found the phone) agrees to meet you and return the device, then take precautions. Arrange to meet in a crowded place such as a central square or a busy bus stop during daylight hours. Try not to go to the meeting alone. Go to such a meeting with a friend (for company and for safety reasons). Ask a friend to take a cell phone with you so you can call the police if necessary.

    • Take every possible precaution, even if the person's tone seems friendly enough, when you communicate over the phone or via text.

    How to notify authorities and your telecom operator

    1. Contact authorities. If you contact the police about your lost phone, they will be able to provide you with limited assistance in locating your device. Call the police on a non-emergency number. The branch employee will ask you for the serial number of the device. On a smartphone, the serial number can be the Android ID, which is indicated under the battery (if it is removable). Android ID is a series of numbers preceded by an “IMEI” (International Mobile Equipment Identifier).

      • When contacting the police, say something like this: “Hello, I believe my phone was stolen. I noticed it was missing about 10 minutes ago near the library.”
    2. Notify the operator. If a call to your phone remains unanswered, call your mobile operator and report your phone as stolen. The company may be able to locate your device using GPS navigation.

      • If a GPS search is not possible or is unsuccessful, ask your operator to suspend service for your phone. This way, a thief won't be able to use your number and you won't have to pay potentially large bills for calls.
    3. Try looking for a phone number. Try to remember where you noticed the phone was missing and return to that place. Perhaps the thief suddenly changed his mind and dumped your device near the site of the theft.

      • Reverse your route and continue calling your number.

    How to track a stolen phone

    1. Enable apps to track your smartphone's location. On iPhone, this program is called “Find iPhone”, and on Android devices, it is called “Find My Device”. The program will track the location of the phone and transfer the relevant information to the cloud storage. First of all, you need to set up this function when you purchase the phone (you won’t be able to activate the search after it’s lost).

    2. Turn on Lost Mode. This mode can be enabled remotely: log into your iCloud or Google account and activate this feature. If you enable Lost Mode, the owner of your device will not be able to log into your account and access smartphone data and applications.

      • If you managed to return the phone, then enter a special passcode on the home screen of your smartphone to disable the lost mode.
      • Even if your iPhone or Android device is offline (not connected to the network), you can still lock it remotely. To do this, you will need to log into your account on the site. All changes will take effect the next time your device connects to the Internet.

Previously, a mobile device was a rarity for people; the cost of services and the phone itself was not affordable for everyone. Nowadays everyone has a smartphone, some people use several at once for different needs. This has become the reason that they sometimes disappear and there is a need to find a lost phone. There are several ways to do this.

How to find your phone

The cost of cellular devices has dropped significantly and purchasing them is not a problem, and therefore the attitude towards things has become more careless. Not every person wants to look for a lost device; in most cases, a SIM card with a phone book is of great value. If you are sure that your device has not been stolen, you can follow these steps to find your lost device:

  1. Visit places you've been to: a cafe, a locker room at the gym, a friend's apartment, an office where a meeting took place, a place of work. You must be sure that you have not just posted the device somewhere.
  2. If you are sure that the smartphone is somewhere in the same room, but you simply cannot see it, then ask someone for a mobile phone and make a call to your device. This will allow you to detect it by sound or vibration.
  3. There is no need to call constantly, because this may attract the attention of other people who will want to steal the mobile phone.
  4. Ask your friends to help look for the lost device, it’s good if you split up and go to several possible places of loss at the same time.
  5. If you are searching on your own, try not to attract too much attention, search quietly, otherwise strangers will understand that you have lost something and will start looking around too.

Sometimes such methods are not effective, sometimes people visit so many places that it is simply not possible to visit them all. In such cases, there are several ways to find a lost phone by satellite:

  • by IMEI number;
  • using GPS;
  • by SIM card.

Find a phone by IMEI

Only law enforcement agencies have the right to search for a lost smartphone via satellite using IMEI. Any other special services that offer such a service turn out to be scams in most cases. Online programs that claim that they will find a mobile phone for free will most likely turn out to be not free at all. You can search by IMEI only based on a missing report.

To find out the code, you need to look under the device’s battery: there should be a sticker with a 15-digit device number, it is unique and belongs only to this smartphone. If for some reason it is not there, you can find out the digital code by dialing *#06#, after which the IMEI will appear on the screen. Write the code down on a piece of paper and keep it with your mobile documents.

By SIM card

Another way to find your lost smartphone via satellite is using a SIM card. This service is provided directly by the mobile operator. The service is not free, and you will also need to prove that you are the owner of the device that needs to be found by satellite. To do this, you will need a box, a phone number, and an answer to a security question. The mobile operator is not obliged to fulfill this request and has the right to refuse. If the device is not just lost, but stolen, then it is impossible to track the device using the SIM card when the attacker turned it off.

Finding a phone using GPS

The easiest way to find your phone by satellite is to prepare for such a situation in advance. Old mobile devices did not have such software, but now you don’t even have to install special applications. It is possible to track the location via GPS or GLONASS. To do this, the smartphone must have this function and mobile Internet enabled. There are several services from Android, Google, Apple that help track the location of the device through special programs.

How to find a missing phone via the Internet

Each company that is involved in the development and creation of a smartphone tries in every possible way to protect a person from possible thefts, hacking of the device, or situations where the device may be lost. Therefore, special services have been created that help track a lost device through Google, the Android or Apple website. All of them imply that the device is turned on, the Internet and the ability to access the network from a computer.

Find My iPhone feature

Since 2011, Apple has built a special feature into its operating system – “Find My iPhone”. It is activated on the phone itself and allows you to do the following if your smartphone is lost or stolen:

  • activate “lost mode”, which will block the device;
  • delete information from memory;
  • make the phone emit a signal that will help locate it if it is somewhere nearby.

This item must be activated in advance using the following path: “Settings”, then go to the iCloud section, from there go to the “Find iPhone” section and switch the button to the “on” position. From now on, the satellite will track the location of the device, and the owner will be able to block the phone through the website icloud.com, using his account, which must be created in advance and activated.

Find an Android phone via computer

Apple's main competitor among Android operating systems cares no less about its users and also offers several ways to find your lost phone via satellite via the Internet or using special programs. They do not violate the law and do not require special contact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the telecom operator, but you should prepare for such a situation in advance.

Using special programs via Google

Android Device Manager is one of those programs that helps you find your device when the Internet and GPS program are turned on. You can download the application from the official Google store for free. The program provides the ability to perform the same actions as the “Find iPhone” function: block access to the device, force an alarm, or determine the location. You just need to go to google.com/android/devicemanager and complete the necessary steps.

For this application to work correctly, you must have an activated Google account on your phone, an enabled service, which is activated as follows:

  • go to the “Settings” section;
  • select "Security";
  • click on “Device Administrators”;
  • check the box next to “Device Manager;
  • In the window that appears, confirm the possibility of remote actions with the device.

How to find a switched off phone at home

There are situations when a person has to look for a switched off phone at home. A shutdown could occur due to a low charge or the battery being disconnected from the device, for example, if during vibration it fell from the table and opened. To make your search easier, you can use the following tips:

  • remember where you last saw the device;
  • check the corners, look behind the chairs, under the sofa or table, because when vibrating, the phone could “crawl away” anywhere;
  • if a cat or dog lives in the apartment, check “their places” where they could have taken your lost smartphone;
  • search all the bags, pants and jackets you have worn recently;
  • If you have an alarm or reminder set on your phone, even if it is turned off, it will make a sound at the appointed time.

Video: how to find a missing phone

The smartphone has firmly entered our lives and has become one of the important elements of daily activities. Now it stores various private information, photographs, correspondence, history of financial transactions and even bank card data. All this makes the loss of a smartphone a very painful and nerve-wracking event. Added to the problem of data compromise is the problem of a financial plan: modern smartphones are often quite expensive for the average person with average income. The need to spend a certain amount of money on a device again due to absent-mindedness or the actions of attackers is upsetting and spoils the mood for a long time, ruining the financial plans. But don’t give up - with the development of Internet technologies it can be brought back. We will focus your attention on the use of such simple (and cunning!) means.

Searching for an Android phone by IMEI is based on identifying the device by the number sent to the cellular operator when registering on the network. It consists of 15 digits and is strictly tied to each mobile device with the ability to insert a SIM card into it. Such numbers are entered into the state database upon import into the country (or after assembly, if it is produced at a factory located in Russia) and allow its unambiguous identification. At the same time, you cannot just change this number - it is written deep in the system and you need to have quite serious knowledge (or be able to use Google).

Registration on the network - connecting the device to the telecommunications system using a SIM card.

The principle by which the search is carried out is to request from the mobile operator data on the location of the phone, which can be determined by triangulation, or personal data of the person whose SIM card is in the device with the required IMEI. And this is where the dog is buried.

How to find a lost or stolen Android phone by IMEI

But the reef here is of such a size that it is impossible to pass it on your own. Without involving officials (in this case, the police), it is impossible to obtain information about the location of the device. And now we will tell you why.

You don't have equipment

The database is confidential information that is not publicly available and even the almighty Google cannot help with this.

You can find out the IMEI by dialing the code *#06#, under the battery of your mobile phone or on the box in which it was sold.

Services lie

Any way to find a phone through IMEI is pure deception, in common parlance - a scam. None of these services has access to data from cellular operators (and if it does, it is either a search bureau with connections to the authorities and, accordingly, different prices for services, or it violates the law). Once again - all the guarantees of finding a mobile phone for a small amount are a scam of money and you should not waste precious time on them.

IMEI can be changed

Although this number is located in a hard-to-reach place, it can be replaced with another one. If the situation has turned in this direction, you will not be able to do anything about it.

And now about what really works - an application to law enforcement agencies. But it only works if your phone is stolen. The police do not waste resources and time searching for lost or forgotten devices on a table in a cafe, and even tearful begging will not help. Even a fictitious story about “robbed - stolen” will not help - this is quite easily detected and fined.

In the first hours after a loss, the main thing is speed of reaction and clarity of action. Don't get carried away with trifles and work according to proven algorithms.

The police search for stolen phones goes something like this.

  • A statement of theft is drawn up indicating all the circumstances. It is accompanied by the owner’s data, IMEI of the device and documents proving ownership of the device.
  • The application is approved by officials and a request is submitted to cellular providers to establish the identity of the current owner of the device and its location.
  • A search is carried out using the database and connection to the towers, and the data of the SIM card inserted into the phone is obtained (this is useful if it has been changed, which no robber without mental retardation will do).
  • All information received is sent to the investigator who is handling your case for search work.

In addition to such a scheme, which can really bear fruit, there is a simpler method that does not provide any guarantees. This is a search through the databases of missing smartphones on some Internet resources. The owner of the mobile phone can indicate his contact information and IMEI on the site, and also promise a certain amount for returning the device. In some cases this actually works; The problem lies in the fact that few people have heard about such resources. In any case, there is no 100% working method on how to find a lost Android phone using imei.

If your mobile phone has been lost or forgotten somewhere, then you should use software search methods through the World Wide Web. However, this requires some preparation BEFORE you discover it's missing. Let's talk about it.

How to find a lost Android phone via the Internet

Android OS devices are manufactured by a variety of companies, from giants like Samsung to a variety of small vendors. This contributed to the fact that for a long time there was no way to search using GPS and the Internet, until Google, which is the owner of Android, took the situation into its own hands. The service that appears is called Android Device Manager, which is a standard Android program and provides some functionality that is sufficient in most cases for searching. The only caveat is that you need to link the phone to your account in advance and allow its detection in the settings.

Some people fear that using this service will reveal information about their location to the FSB, KGB, NKVD and other regulatory authorities. We cannot say for sure whether this is true or fiction. Use it at your own risk.

The functionality of this service is similar to the services from Apple's iCloud, with the exception that Android is a partially open source system and protection against overwriting IMEI is quite easily overcome by using third-party firmware and obtaining full rights to edit system files. To operate and enable device detection, simply link your Google account and activate the “Android Remote Control” option.

Lost Android

The native phone search application from Google has rather limited functionality, which in some cases does not help. Therefore, you can install a third-party, more powerful application to control your smartphone remotely - Lost Android.

Its installation is done from Google Market. When installed, the application disguises itself as a note-taking program and is called “Personal Notes”. After launch, you must grant the program extended rights and register with the service. After this, you can use the rather extensive functionality of the program, including remote activation of sound and light signals, vibration and geolocation on maps. The main feature is the ability to request a SIM card number and IMEI from a mobile phone. What to do with this information next is up to you.

The considered methods for finding a lost Android phone do not guarantee a 100% result, but they can help in an emergency - even a small chance is much better than its absence and letting the situation take its course.