Date of birth does not change on Tinder. How the dating service Tinder changed our dating habits. How Tinder is changing the way we look at online dating

When registering a profile on a dating site, a problem may arise with the data: date of birth or name. If the procedure was carried out through Facebook, changing the information will not be difficult. There is only one way to change your age on Tinder without authorization through a social network.

Change age via Facebook

Before you change user information, you need to make sure that the accounts are linked. Otherwise, the information will not be changed. To check the connection, the page owner must go to the “Facebook profile settings” category Services and applications».

The window that appears will contain information about previously connected services. If Tinder is connected, you should click on the " Check».

If an error appears when changing registration data, most likely: the date of birth has already been changed or the age indicated is less than 18.

Change age via phone

A way to change your age on Tinder with mobile device, requires complete deactivation account. In this case, information about the user, correspondence and photographs will be completely deleted. Instructions on how to delete a profile:

It is impossible to return lost information. After disconnecting account, the user will be able to re-register by providing different details.

Attention: You cannot delete or create pages too often. Since last deletion at least 24 hours must pass.

If possible, it is recommended to indicate a different mobile number or use authorization on the site with using Facebook. This method will help you avoid problems in the future when working with Tinder, and will also enhance the security of your profile data.

Changing your age on Tinder

IN computer version, as in mobile, age changes are available only through Facebook. There is an alternative to changing your age on Tinder without deleting the page. If the user was registered through a phone number, he can provide some information about himself in the " Description" To edit your account you must:

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. Click on " View profile».
  3. In chapter " About Me» enter the required information.

Switching from different profiles in the search, other members of the dating site view information.

Registration via Facebook will help you avoid problems with editing your page. By creating an account through a mobile number, the user loses the opportunity to further secure the page and change information about himself in his profile.

Note: you can change your age only once, even with a connected Facebook account.

The Tinder app, which appeared about two years ago, completely changed the concept of online dating: now there is no shame in admitting that you are meeting via the Internet, and the procedure itself does not look like a boring questionnaire. In addition, thanks to Tinder, dating has become fast and simple (one click, and you are already corresponding with each other and making an appointment), and also lost all territorial boundaries, because with this application it turned out to be easier than ever to find new acquaintances within border (again, one click, and someone very nice, judging by the photo, is ready to show you the city!).

Behind a short time Tinder has become a mass entertainment - now more than 50 million people use it, which means that for them the dating process will never be the same...

Tinder dating program: what is it and how does it work?

Translation of Tinder from English is “wick”, “fuse”. I saw a photo of some handsome guy and got excited! But seriously, Tinder works great as entertainment before bed on Friday or Saturday, when for some reason you have “put aside” all the parties and are comfortably ensconced on the couch in front of the TV (by the way, according to our personal statistics, it is at this time users are especially active in correspondence) - something like computer game, only with real heroes.

So, how does the Tinder dating app work and how to use it? This mobile application reminds tape social network, only you need to view it not from bottom to top, but from left to right, and it features human faces, not cats and dogs, legs against the background of the beach and photographs of food. All you need to do is rate other Tinder users. You have only two choices: click either on the green heart and like the user, or on the red cross and reject it to instantly move on to the next one. You can like and dislike even easier: swipe left - dislike, swipe right - like. There is a third option, swipe up - this is a super like.

If your likes coincide and you both “like” each other, then you are given the opportunity to chat. If you were “liked” before you were, the chat will pop up immediately after you click on the green heart. If this does not happen, this does not mean that the chosen person did not like you: there is a chance that he is not very active in the search, will go online later and “like” you. Tinder does not provide any data on how many people wanted to meet you and how many rejected you, so you don’t have to worry about your self-esteem: everything is based only on the mutual desire to communicate.

Tinder reviews

Reviews about the Tinder application on the Internet are very different: many love more simple versions dating sites, but still in most reviews users describe exactly advantages of Tinder. For example, that same link to Facebook almost completely cuts off bots, and you see your common interests, even mutual acquaintances (yes, how small the world is!). Many also note an interesting modern interface, while being easy to operate.

Marina, journalist : « There's always the fear that the guy you're hitting on on Tinder is looking for a one-night stand or something. My goal is the purest one: to find my love. Despite my profession, I’m not particularly good at meeting people specifically to build relationships; it always comes down to work. With Tinder, everything is simpler: here I’m not a journalist, but just a girl who loves photography, traveling and cooking paella. So far, out of 10 total likes, only 2 dates have turned out, but I was lucky: the guys I came across were interesting and smart, while my friends, on the contrary, were nothing but philanderers».

Ivan, programmer : « I wouldn't say that I'm delighted with the app, but it's definitely better than other dating sites. On Tinder it’s incredibly easy to find a girl for one night or build a relationship without obligations: I don’t know how many one-day affairs I’ve had, I’ve lost count, but a simple affair with one girl lasted two whole months. Now I sometimes look at the app again when I'm bored. I'm not delighted with it, rather because it would improve the functionality».

Miroslava, student : « I have a lot of friends at university, but Tinder is a platform where I can choose friends based on my interests. I usually look through the profile in detail, if I find common groups or acquaintances, I definitely like it! I rarely like, but accurately: I went on 3 dates, and I just chat with some of them – and that’s great! I don’t like anything on any social network so much: simple and interesting».

How to log into Tinder without Facebook?

If you still don’t know how to log into Tinder without Facebook, we dare to assure you: neither do we! After all, Tinder and Facebook, in fact, go together. And for good reason: it is important that the application contains as many real people as possible, and not fake personalities, as is the case on other dating sites. Many people all over the world have their own account (and quite a real one) on Facebook. to the globe, so linking to this popular social network is logical. In countries where access to Facebook is closed, Tinder developers promise to set up logging into the application using SMS.

Also Linking to Facebook brings people together by interests: At the bottom of each profile, shared groups that you both have liked are shown. So by whether he likes Banksy, Dior Homme or the Community of Young Scientists, you can already determine what kind of person he is.

You don’t have to worry about syncing with Facebook: Tinder will not share your acquaintances or post any information on your wall.

How to see who super-liked on Tinder?

As mentioned above, a super like is a “swipe up.” If you have free version application, you only have 1 super like per day, if the subscription is paid - as many as 5 superlikes. How do you know if someone has sent you a Super Like? While you are scrolling through candidates and swiping left and right, be careful: the profile of the person who sent you a super like will be highlighted blue And there will be a blue star in the photo below.

Are you serious?

Is it possible to find love through Tinder or does this application rather work to while away an evening (or night - underline as appropriate) with someone? “It’s like real life, only better,” is the slogan used by its creators to accompany Tinder. Practice shows that out of about ten coincidences that lead to correspondence, one can definitely turn into a timid proposal to go somewhere together, and thanks to such simple manipulations on your phone you organized a real date for yourself. There are also those who count on quick sex and instantly invite you somewhere after the first three or four questions in the chat.

Adherents of the “vintage” approach to relationships, of course, will say: what about that magical moment when our eyes met, he smiled at me and I understood at first sight that this was fate? Indeed, there is not much romance and miracle in clicking left and clicking right, but not all long and strong relationships begin according to the script of a Hollywood melodrama. A huge advantage of programs like Tinder is that they force you to stop dreaming and finally move on to action - to dating.

How is Tinder changing the way we look at online dating?

Dating from compulsory program turned into entertainment. Having become something like communication on a social network - an ordinary procedure and at the same time very fun. You can click either on the red cross or on the green heart in Tinder endlessly, and you can even do this together with your girlfriends, exchanging photos of your “finds.” Finally, from photoshopped photographs and abstruse quotes in the profile, we have moved on to banal human communication, which is not yet burdened by the need to deal with “bots” and annoying maniacs.

– You don’t have to be afraid to meet someone first. You think to yourself, “Damn, he’s so handsome, I should point him out,” and you immediately get a match. Is not it the best remedy boost yourself and your self-esteem? For girls who have been bored alone for months, Tinder will definitely be somewhat reminiscent of a tasting in a candy store: if your “hello!” if one doesn’t answer, the other will definitely answer, you already matched and liked each other.

– « Tinder breaks down gender stereotypes in dating. It is generally accepted that, unlike superficially thinking men who only hunt for sex, women need to more information about his personality and interests. Tinder proves the opposite: according to statistics, women press the red cross 70% of the time - slightly more often than men do on this application. Another advantage of this application is especially acute against the backdrop of the machismo traditions of our society: if in real life women are forced to endure annoying “tricks” from subjects unpleasant to them, then this is excluded here, because a person has access to your life only if you have given him “ green light».

We are no longer ashamed to “meet by clothes”. The principle of functioning of a profile on Tinder: maximum photos and minimum words. And in that a photo carries more information than a catchphrase, the creator of the new app, Sean Rad, is absolutely right: “If I post a photo of myself at a ski resort, it’s not at all the same as if I posted a photo of myself in Vegas.” .

An ordinary weekend in Europe can be turned into a discovery tour. Many people download this application right at the airport, and even if they are not looking for adventures in the spirit of the movie “Before Dawn,” they at least enjoy the experience foreign languages, discover unusual sights and explore local restaurants in pleasant, unobtrusive company.

Many of us know about the Tinder app, which allows us to meet new people.

An e-book dedicated to this application was recently published. The author of the book is known as Max. Max claims that his book is based on "the generally accepted psychology of seduction" (sounds nice, whatever that means).

At first glance, it seems that the book was created specifically for pick-up artists who want to use one of the dating apps to increase their list of conquered female hearts.

But the author of the book says that this is not so. His the main objective- save people’s time and save users from the embarrassment that often accompanies new acquaintances. Tinder, according to Max, is not only an application for fleeting and meaningless dates, but also great way meet women you would never dare approach in real life.

Here are the top tips for men who like to hook up on Tinder.

1. Tinder is more than just a casual dating app.

Max says many people describe Tinder as an app for one-night stands. But this is wrong: only horny young ladies do not sit on Tinder. Essentially, the girls you meet on Tinder are not much different from the girls you would meet in a bar, for example.

“Understand that getting the attention of a girl you really like on Tinder is much more difficult than if you met her, for example, alone in a bar.

Imagine: you need to convince a girl who has never seen you in person to spend time with you face to face. And yes, do not forget that a lady should prefer meeting with you over meeting a man she knows or with millions of other guys who are also Tinder users.

But there is also good news: according to the law large numbers, you will achieve much more on Tinder more success than in a bar. Besides there is various tips, with which you can increase your chances of success."

2. Be the perfect lover

“I would like to mention about one guy with whom I had the opportunity to communicate on the Internet. His name is Ryan Gosling. He was brought up in such a way that he could not even think about offending women in any way, and always tried in every possible way to look after and take care of them.

Men like Ryan, who have so much respect for women, can be overly shy by nature and will never dare to approach and meet a lady on the street or start flirting with her in a bar.

This is the guy that millions of women dream about, but in real life they rarely pay attention to him. If you use the “ideal lover” approach, you can pleasantly surprise a woman.

This approach is successful because it applies to most girls. Don't forget that after network communication you have to meet a girl in real life, and then Ryan Gosling has to turn into James Bond.”

3. Set the optimal search range

Don’t rush to immediately look for a girlfriend thousands of kilometers away from you. Start small and increase your search range gradually. This way you will prioritize and increase your chances of success.

4. Take a high-quality photo for your profile

Here's what Max advises about your profile photo.

Do not post photos:

  • If it only shows your face.
  • In the frame you are standing somewhere far away.
  • You are out of focus.
  • You put on too serious a face.
  • You are captured with another person.
  • The photo looks blurry. Even girls have already stopped using this boring effect.
  • Darkened photos, as well as photos in which you are wearing glasses. Black and white photographs are also not acceptable.

Instead of this:

  • Take a photo of just you. The absence of strangers in the photograph ensures that the viewer will not be distracted by anyone.
  • Avoid exclusively portrait photos.
  • In the photo you should be looking at the camera.
  • Smile naturally, not fakely.
  • It is not forbidden to use various photo editors to correct minor appearance flaws such as acne or adjust the brightness of a photo. However, don't overdo it: you should, of course, be the best version yourself, but try to make sure that stranger, after looking at your photo on Tinder, he was later able to recognize you on the street.
  • Put some message into the photo. Show that you're stylish, show that you travel a lot, or show off your great fitness.

5. Scroll instead of clicking on the cross or heart

Max advises not to click on the cross or heart, but to scroll through it - this takes less time. In his book, Max examines the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. But despite the fact that, according to Max, using swipe is preferable, this method also has disadvantages. We spend less time studying the user's photo, and we can like or dislike purely intuitively, without thinking at all, and miss the person who deserves our attention.

6. Don't go on Tinder too often

“Of course, you can view photos and like them at any time of the day or night. However, it is best to do this in free time, for example, when you are waiting for something or someone. Or when you just can't find more useful way pastime.

If you combine gatherings on Tinder with some important matters, then you will not pay due attention to your activity in the application.

Even though Tinder won't take up much of your time, don't let it interfere with your relationship. Everyday life. Don't stay there for hours, but go once every one or two days.

Such time intervals are also good because it will allow the application to select the most suitable ones for you. active users. In addition, some people may view your time last approach on Tinder. And when you notice that a person logs into the application every five minutes, thoughts immediately appear like “Does he have nothing else to do?”, “Will he constantly pester me with his eternal online" etc.

Give the girls time, don’t bombard them with likes, but wait until they start giving you hearts. This way you will definitely be on top.”

7. Don't be too picky

Let's be honest: Tinder doesn't only feature girls who look like models. In addition, men tend to embellish their appearance, forgetting that they themselves are also far from ideal.

So don’t be too picky, and if appearance is so important to you, then get yourself a rating scale from 1 to 10 and mark only those ladies who you can give the highest (or almost the highest) rating on your scale.

8. Best time to chat on Tinder

Tinder, according to Max, has prime time:

  • Monday - Thursday from 19:00 to 23:00;
  • Friday - Saturday from 15:00 to 21:00;
  • Sunday from 16:00 to 23:00.

For example, Sunday is ideal for relaxation and some activity that doesn't bother you, like Tinder. This is the perfect day to set up dates for the coming week, because it is on Sunday that girls do not so often shy away from communicating with you using the favorite phrase “Sorry, I’m busy right now.”

Hundreds of girls from different cities followed a friend's advice and installed Tinder last weekend. On Sunday you have a lot of free time to make acquaintances with “newly minted” young ladies.

9. Find out who the girl you just met is

The information contained in a Tinder profile is clearly not enough to get a complete picture of a person and understand whether he is worth your attention. But there is a simple solution: find the girl you met through the app on Facebook. This way you can learn about her interests, understand what kind of people she prefers to communicate with, and also see more of her photos.

10. Don't rush things

Max advises: “Take your time, don’t rush the horses. You should not insist on a meeting immediately after a five-minute correspondence. Yes, it is quite possible that the girl with whom you have a mutual sympathy (even if it is purely virtual) sees you as a potential partner. But if you immediately start making unambiguous hints and insisting too zealously on a meeting, you will cause hostility and alienation from most girls.”

11. Apparently, racy images are not bad.

In his book, Max says that he always thought that sending racy images was the lot of Internet perverts and other sexually anxious people. But then he mentions a man who was his traveling companion on one of his trips. This person regularly sent intimate photos girls on Tinder - apparently with great success.

Over the past few weeks, several services have appeared on the market that allow you to reveal the infidelity of a loved one.

Do you know those people who really want to rummage through someone else's phone? Don’t feed them bread, just let them know what their loved one is and to whom he/she wrote/wrote in the middle of the night. Such people are itching. Perhaps you are such a person yourself.

But what if you accidentally saw that your partner has Tinder installed? Everyone knows that there is no more simple way find yourself sex without commitment, right? And who does he like there? And who is she texting with? And how often? A thousand and one thoughts can flash through a brain inflamed with jealousy, and each new one is worse than the previous one. There are two ways to deal with them: calm down and move on with your life, or check. If you prefer the first one, you can leave the article and look, for example,. And if you want to check it out, read on.

Startups, as we know, do not appear out of the blue and usually provide a solution for existing problem. Tinder turned out to be the answer to an ever-faster life, when there is no time to meet a person in the library, and it also became the answer to old question: Do we need to know something about a person in order for us to like him? And Tinder answered: no, no need, swipe right if you want me, swipe left if I suck, superlike if you haven’t seen anyone cooler for a long time.

Swipebuster is a response to the fact that Tinder is used not only by single people, but also by those in relationships. For just $5, the web service allows you to track everyone who uses Tinder, all you need to know is home address, name and age. The service is not completely legal and operates in a gray area, but it works - and it works damn well. It allows you to not only find out that an unfaithful lover was on Tinder, but also when exactly he logged in last time. I feel like someone’s heart is skipping a beat, it sounds threatening, right?

But this is not the end, if you want to know everything about your partner, you can install completely spyware (and completely illegal) programs on his phone, which will allow you to remotely monitor everything that happens on the screen. More ethical are the Couple Tracker and mCouple programs, which give both partners access to calls, GPS tracker, messages and Facebook activity.

You can purchase , and it will notify you of suspicious activity on it, strongly reminiscent of sex.

In 2016, you can cover yourself head to toe with devices and services that can prove with almost 100% certainty that your partner is cheating on you, but I would think about two things. Is it really that important to you who your partner flirts with on Tinder as long as it doesn't cross the boundaries of flirting? It is known that more than 80% of users never date anyone, but use the service in order to get the satisfaction of being liked by the person they like, this is called Tindergasm. Not much worse than porn, right?

And secondly, you need to think - is it even worth being with that person whom you do not trust 100%, and should you be that person who does not trust your loved one?

How does Tinder work?

Mobile app Tinder first appeared in 2012 and by 2014 there were more than a billion swipes per day. The term " swipe"came to us from the American lexicon with the advent touch screens. Swipe is a special gesture where you move your finger across the screen of your phone or tablet to perform a task, say, to unlock the screen. The main idea of ​​the Tinder application is swiping or swiping candidates for dating to the right in order to express sympathy with a like or to the left to skip the user.

In Russia, Tinder began to gain popularity in 2015, and along with this, numerous dating sites of the same name began to appear, such as,, and None of these sites are related to the original one mobile application Tinder.

All 4 sites, and there are probably more, have the same interface and work according to the same scheme - they lure users popular name service for online dating and ask to pay for registration, although they position themselves as free sites. Be careful, because Tinder is not a dating site, Tinder is a dating application that can be used exclusively on your phone or tablet.

How to use the Tinder app

First you need to download the application on Android or iOS, and then go through quick registration. Sign up for Tinder You can only use your Facebook account. If you don’t have a profile on Facebook, but you really want to use the online dating application Tinder, then don’t be lazy and create a page on Facebook. Many people believe given conditions registration is a minus, because not everyone has a profile on this social network, but in fact, the ability to use Tinder only with Facebook is one of the advantages of the dating service.

The advantage is that in this way the possibility of stumbling upon the profile of a troll or robot is almost completely eliminated, as can often be found on numerous dating sites. All Tinder users - real people, with whom you may even have common acquaintances and interests.

So, having registered in Tinder Using Facebook, you are taken inside an application that has 4 main screens: your profile, settings, search and chat.


What your profile will look like and consist of for other users.

Your profile will be formed from your name and age immediately under the main photo, place of study (if it was indicated on Facebook), distance from other users, information “About yourself” (if you decide to indicate such), common acquaintances and interests. Common acquaintances and interests - information from your Facebook profile.

Edit Tinder Profile You can select “View profile” - “Change information”.

Add information “About the user” (no more than 500 characters), add a photo, change your current job if desired, or edit your place of study - both can only be done through your Facebook. Turn on and off the “Show my photos on Instagram” feature, make sure that the gender is selected correctly.


The main photo can only be a photo from Facebook, which can be downloaded from any album created there. The rest of the photos can be added both from your phone and from your Instagram. In order to add or delete photo click on the icon on the left top corner, select “View Profile” - “Edit Profile”. Now you can add new photos and delete existing ones. To display photos from your Instagram, scroll down the screen and select “Enable” under “Show My Photos on Instagram.” This feature can be disabled at any time.


On the settings page the user will find the following sections:

  • View and profile settings
  • Find Settings
  • Help and support (available in English only)
  • Get Tinder Plus


Show me in Findings – you can enable or disable this feature. When this mode is enabled, users will see your profile among others that fall under the parameters they specified. If you choose to disconnect yourself from Findings, your information will not be visible to others, but you will still be able to see and communicate with your matches.

Place– this is where you are.

The maximum distance is the distance of other users whom you are willing to consider as candidates for dating from you. The maximum distance it offers Tinder it is 159 kilometers. If you are looking for users exclusively in your city, then indicate the distance that adequately matches the features of your city. However, it is worth considering the fact that the smaller the range you select, the fewer candidates the system will offer you.

Floor– here you can choose one of three options: only men, men and women, only women.

Age range– set your desired age range for a guy or girl from 18 to 55+.

After filling out your profile and setting your findings settings, you can start searching - to do this, touch the flame-shaped icon and wait for a selection of candidates. After a few seconds, photos of users corresponding to the parameters you have selected will begin to appear on the screen - age, gender, distance. To view a user's profile, touch the screen and scroll through the photo. If you and the user have common acquaintances and interests, you will see this information by scrolling down. Like by touching the heart, or skip by clicking on the cross.

If you don't see the need to go to your user profile for more detailed information, just swipe the photo right, left or up:

  • Swipe right - LIKE.
  • Swipe left - SKIP
  • Swipe up - SUPER LIKE

You put likes users you like, and they, in turn, also scrolling through the photo, may or may not express their sympathy to you. If the sympathy matches and both users like each other, a Pair is formed and users can enter into a dialogue. Don't be upset if the user you like doesn't pair up with you.

Firstly, he/she might not have seen your profile yet, since a different age range or maximum distance was selected in its settings, and secondly, the user might not have time to log in Tinder. A pair can form a few days later. One way or another, you shouldn’t focus on this, on Tinder great amount users with whom you will definitely start a conversation!