Windows 7 performance. Checking the registry and RAM. How to improve laptop performance with simple manipulations

Many existing features in Windows that affect the speed and performance of a PC are not used by ordinary users. Most people use the default settings, and they are not the best for PC performance. Below are the top speed boosting methods to improve your Windows 7 PC experience.

Optimizing visual effects


Windows 7 has a lot of beautiful visual effects, which increases the load on components and reduces PC performance. This reduces the performance of the computer, especially if the hardware is not up-to-date.


It is necessary to turn off visual effects, leaving only standard ones. This will immediately increase the speed and performance of your computer. In Windows 7, you need to type in the Start window in the search "Visual effects".

  1. Increase the clarity of font display;
  2. Using types of displaying windows and buttons;
  3. Connect desktop composition;
  4. Show thumbnails instead of labels.

Then click “Ok” and reboot.

Check and debug the hard drive in Windows 7


Data is transferred to the hard drive in parts to optimize disk space. As a result, the PC, when opening files, spends a significant amount of time searching for them, and if there are a large number of junk files, the process slows down even more.


It is necessary to periodically check for the presence and delete unnecessary files, . At the first stage, you need to manually delete unnecessary data from the computer’s memory, for example, unused programs, old movies, music, etc. In order to delete applications, you must enter through “Start” in "Control Panel" and further in .

Next you need to perform defragmentation. You need to enter “My Computer”, in the context menu of the disk, select sequentially: “Properties” - “Service” - "Run defragmentation". Click on .

Cleaning the Startup directory


Often, computer boot speed can be increased by simply getting rid of unnecessary programs in startup, for example, social network messaging services, updates for various programs, antivirus, etc. In fact, everything except the antivirus can be removed.


It is recommended to use the CCleaner application. It will help clean the registry and optimize startup speed. The application requires you to enter a bookmark. By clicking on “Turn off”, go through all the applications that you do not use regularly.

Cleaning the registry and RAM


When you uninstall programs, “garbage” accumulates on your computer (program settings, links, unnecessary shortcuts, erroneous extensions). The optimal operation of RAM is affected by possible defects in its manufacture, incorrect operation of the power supply and changes in network voltage.


Cleaning the registry is very easy using the CCleaner application. Analysis of RAM operation is performed using the built-in functions of Windows 7. In order to perform RAM analysis, you need to use the search bar through “Start”, where to type “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems”.

After this, a menu will be displayed where you need to click on the 1st diagnostic method.

The PC will reboot and begin analyzing the RAM. The process takes considerable time. After completing the process, the PC will reboot again and the user will have access to information about the analysis performed.

Connecting all processor cores


To effectively increase computer performance, it is necessary to optimize Windows for multi-core processors.


You need to tell the OS to boot using the resources of all cores. Through “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Run” you need to type “msconfig” and click on “OK”.

In the menu that appears, enter - "Extra options…". Check mark "Number of processors"(to improve PC performance and speed, it is recommended to mark the maximum possible number). Click on "OK".

Disabling unused gadgets

Gadgets reduce PC performance. For maximum effect, it is recommended to disable them all.


The article discusses only the basic methods of increasing the speed and performance of a computer.

This topic is very extensive and it is impossible to cover it entirely in one publication, therefore additional methods are described in a separate section.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site, in this article we will learn how to increase performance in Windows 7 .
If your computer slows down and freezes, do not think that it’s time for you to buy a new computer orreinstalloperating system. All problems can be due toincorrect settings.

So let's start speeding up your computer.

Step 1. First of all you need configure autoload. Programs that are in startup slow down the system when launched.You need . This is one way to improve the performance of your system.

Click Start choose Control Panel. Click on the link System. Then on the right side of the window select Advanced System Settings. In the Additional tab in the block Performance press the button Options...

In the window that opens Performance Options in the tab Visual effects put a radio button in the field Provide the best performance. This option disables all visual effects on your computer. But if you cannot do without any component, then you can include it, but no more than two. After adjusting your performance settings, click OK. And then again OK.

Step 3. It is also important for the speed of your computer to have good antivirus, which is capable of finding various kinds of threats and viruses. And also do not overload the system. I use antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2012. It has an option that allows you to avoid conflicts with other programs and slow down your computer.
To enable this function in the main window of Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 antivirus, click on the link Settings then go to the tab Extra options(fourth in a row) and select Compatibility.
In the window Compatibility Options check the box Give up resources to other programs.

Step 4. Another way increase performance This . The program copes with this action perfectly CCleaner. In the main window of the program, you can analyze the system and the program will advise you on what needs to be removed for more efficient operation of your computer.

Step 5. Disable unused services. In order to disable services you need to click Start and choose Control Panel. Next, select Administration and in the window that opens, double-click on the word Services.

In the window that opens, you can disable the following services:

- Automatic update.
- Windows firewall.
- Print spooler (if there is no printer).
- Infrared communication monitor.
- Time service.
- Help and support.
- Security Center

In order to disable the service double click on it. In the window that appears, in the tab Are common in field Startup type put Disabled and press OK. After this, we reboot the system.

That's all. I think these tips will be enough for you to increase performance in Windows 7.

The basic settings of the Windows 7 operating system are not optimal, and therefore slow down the speed of the laptop. With this guide, you will learn how to speed up your Windows 7 laptop using effective OS optimization techniques.

How to speed up a Windows 7 laptop

Below are seven ways to improve your laptop's performance. You can selectively use the methods that suit you, but for best results it is recommended to pay attention to each of them.

Use the Performance Troubleshooting Service

Windows 7 has a built-in tool that can automatically search for and fix performance problems. This service analyzes settings that are slowing down your laptop and suggests ways to fix them.

The first thing you need to do to optimize your system is to run the performance troubleshooter. To do this, do the following:

  1. go to the “Control Panel”;
  2. In the search bar, type the word “problems”, and then select “Troubleshooting”;
  3. Find the “System and Security” category and select “Search for performance issues” there;
  4. then follow the instructions provided by the service.

Remove viruses and spyware

If your laptop is running slowly, it may be infected with viruses or spyware.

Use one of the well-known antivirus utilities to search for and neutralize malware. In addition, for preventive purposes, regularly scan your system for viruses.

Clean your laptop of programs you don't use

Analyze all the utilities that are installed on your laptop. If you do not use any of the programs, then the best solution is to remove them. This is especially true for utility utilities, which include, for example, various types of scanners, disk cleanup services and backup utilities, which are often automatically turned on when the system starts and operate in the background, devouring resources.

Remove unnecessary programs from startup

As mentioned above, some utilities are capable of launching automatically and using laptop resources, and it often happens that the user is not even aware of it. This was done in order, for example, to instantly open a program window when you click on the corresponding icon. The problem is that this is not practical if the user never uses the service.

Cleaning startup from unnecessary programs is another effective way to speed up a laptop on Windows 7.

To implement cleaning, follow the instructions below:

  1. press Win+R keys;
  2. enter in the window that appears Msconfig and click OK;
  3. in the new window, go to the “Startup” tab;
  4. look through the list of utilities and uncheck those that you think are unnecessary;
  5. Finally, don't forget to click OK.

Clean and defragment your hard drive

Unnecessary files clog the hard drive, thereby slowing down its interaction with the operating system. In addition, over time, the process of hard drive fragmentation occurs, which also negatively affects performance. Therefore, cleaning and defragmentation are additional methods to speed up your laptop.

To run the built-in Disk Cleanup utility in Windows 7, do the following:

  1. press Win+R;
  2. enter the command cleanmgr and click OK;
  3. in the window that appears, select the disk that should be cleaned;
  4. after scanning, another window will open where you need to check the boxes next to the files that should be deleted, and then click OK.

To analyze your hard drive for fragmentation, use the instructions below:

  1. press the Win+R buttons and enter in the window that appears defrag.exe;
  2. in the new window, click on the “Analyze disk” button;
  3. after analysis, the program will indicate the state of the hard drive and recommendations for optimization;
  4. If necessary, start defragmentation by clicking the appropriate button.

Disable graphic effects

Graphic, or visual, effects require a significant amount of resources. Therefore, disabling them is a powerful weapon when solving the problem of how to speed up a laptop on Windows 7.

To disable visual effects, do the following:

  1. Click “Start” and enter the phrase “visual effects” in the search bar;
  2. Click on the line “Setting up presentation and system performance”;
  3. in the new window, select “Ensure the best performance”;
  4. Click the “Apply” button and then restart your laptop.

Optimize your power supply

Laptops have three power consumption modes:

  • maximum;
  • balanced;
  • minimal.

At maximum power consumption, the laptop is able to work with increased performance, respectively, at minimum - with low performance. When the laptop's battery runs low, the operating system automatically switches to the lowest power consumption mode. But the problem is that when the device is connected to the power supply, the laptop does not always switch back to balanced or maximum mode, which, accordingly, affects performance.

To change the power mode, do the following:

  1. launch “Control Panel”;
  2. go to the “Power Options” category;
  3. in the window that opens, check the box next to the “High performance” line.
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Over time, even the most powerful laptops tend to lose their performance. In most cases, this is due to the clutter of the laptop’s operating system. In addition, operating systems such as Windows 7 often include various functions that are not needed. Conversely, some productivity features are disabled. How to turn on what you need and turn off what you don’t need will be discussed below.

Do you want your computer to fly like crazy? Then follow our advice!

Over time, even the most powerful laptops tend to lose their performance. In most cases, this is due to the clutter of the laptop’s operating system. In addition, such operating systems often include various functions that are not needed. Conversely, some productivity features are disabled. How to turn on what you need and turn off what you don’t need will be discussed below.

Disable unnecessary services.

Here you need to be extremely careful. It is necessary to clearly understand which services do not affect the stability of the system, and which ones are better left alone. In any case, now we will list some services, disabling which will not have serious consequences for the stability and performance of the system.

If you do not use the printer to print documents and are unlikely to use it in the near future, you can safely disable the print spooler service. Next, if your laptop does not have a touch screen, disable the service that is responsible for input on tablet PCs. Most PC and laptop users do not use smart cards, so we disable the smart card service. It is highly recommended that you disable the Remote Registry Access service. Since enabling this service negatively affects the security of the system. If you have never used Windows search in your life and do not intend to use it in the future, feel free to disable the service Windows Search.

All this is a list of those services that can be disabled without much fear and without spoiling the stability and performance of the system.

It is better not to touch other Windows services.
Disabling indexing of disk contents
Since we disabled Windows Search, you can safely disable the file indexing feature, as it serves to speed up Windows search. Moreover, this function “eats” a considerable amount of RAM.

In order to disable indexing you need to enter " My computer", right-click on the disk name and select the menu item " Properties" After this, uncheck the box “ Allow file indexing " and press the button " Apply" Now you need to wait a little while the system applies the new settings to all files on the disk. If the disk is full to capacity, the process may take a little longer.

Enabling Ready Boost technology.

An exceptional performance boost comes from enabling the very useful Ready Boost feature. The bottom line is that if there is a lack of physical RAM, the system uses the swap file not from a slow HDD drive, but from a high-speed USB. Thereby reducing the load on the hard drive. To enable this function, you will need a flash drive with a minimum capacity of 8 GB. To enable Ready Boost, simply right-click on the name of the USB drive and select the menu item " Properties" Then go to the “ Ready Boost" and put a tick in the item " Provide this device for Ready Boost " The system itself will determine how much storage space needs to be allocated for the paging file.

Disk defragmentation.

Sometimes system performance may drop due to severe fragmentation of files on the system disk. This reduces the read-write speed, causing the entire system to run slower. You can use the Windows system utility to defragment the disk. It is located in the menu " Start" in folder " Service" The program interface is simple and intuitive.


Following all the recommendations recorded above will give your laptop a new life. After this setup, your system will pleasantly surprise you with its speed. These are all the simplest ways to improve productivity using Windows system features.

In a relatively short period of time, the seventh OS has become one of the most popular versions among users around the world. I really tried my best. However, nothing is perfect, and some users, inspired by the performance of the new OS, have a logical question: “How to optimize Windows 7?” However, increasing the effective functionality of a PC is not always associated with a hardware upgrade. In most cases, you only need to occasionally carry out “electronic” maintenance, and most importantly, be able to configure the computer for yourself. After all, each of you, dear reader, has your own preferences, individual vision and requirements for the computer technology used. Do you want to spice up your operating system? Do you want comfortable and stable work behind a computer screen? You have every chance to teach your PC to “fly”! Doubts will melt away immediately after reading the article.

How to optimize Windows 7: eight “awesome” recommendations

You should always remember that the seventh OS is, first of all, a program, like all other software, that uses the computer’s hardware resources. Therefore, the system requirements of this OS must be “respected”. RAM, processor power, and storage capacity are critical components of your PC configuration. Minimal discrepancies with the values ​​required by Windows 7 will be reflected in the operation of the system as a whole. It is worth noting that significant changes in the performance of the 7 cannot be achieved with a “weak” computer configuration. If everything is in order, and there is a “margin of safety”, the user has a lot of opportunities to influence the performance of his electronic “horse”.

Torque: hard drive without “brakes”

As information accumulates on your hard drive, its performance will decrease. When deciding how to optimize a Windows 7 system, you should first pay attention to data storage organization. Standard means are quite suitable for these purposes.

  • Go to Start and select the Computer tab.
  • On the system drive “C”, call up “Properties” from the list.

In the minimized window, click on the “Service” tab, after which you need to use the “Check the hard disk for the presence of...” items and defragment the partition (next block).

It wouldn’t hurt to go to the “General” submenu in the same service window and clean up the disk.

Additional memory - don't let us down!

In some situations, it is necessary to optimize the page file.

Windows 7 is a rather “voracious” software environment, and RAM is often not enough for the correct operation of resource-intensive applications. Therefore, it makes sense to expand the swap file, which in the OS is referred to as “pagefile”.

  • Go to the “Start” menu and, pointing at “Computer”, right-click the manipulator to call up the drop-down list, from which select “Properties”.
  • The next click is on the “Advanced system settings” item, which is located in the left area of ​​the window (last in the list).
  • In the window that opens, select the “Advanced” tab. In the “Performance” block, activate the “Options” button.
  • Now follow the “Advanced” link to the settings area, from which by pressing the “Edit” key you will be given the opportunity to make the necessary edits.
  • Since space on the system disk needs to be protected, and the question of how to optimize Windows 7 requires specific actions, it would be quite reasonable to move the “pagefile” to any other partition of the drive that is “non-critical” in terms of capacity.
  • Select the system drive (C) and uncheck it.
  • Now select the required partition and in the “Specify size” block enter the value: initial - the amount of RAM, maximum - double the memory value.

After a reboot, the changes will take effect.

Tricky system: hidden megabytes of RAM

Indeed, the OS may be hiding a small amount of RAM. As in the case that will be described below. However, there are situations when the system “does not see” entire gigabytes, and this is due to some limiting nuances. The OS optimized for games is a 64-bit system, since only this type of system allows the use of memory up to 32 GB. Of course, the 32-bit “brother” is much more modest with its possible 3 gigabytes, and, as you know, modern games are very demanding on the physical parameters of the installed RAM.

So, how to regain lost memory?

  • In the command line (Start menu - search), enter "msconfig".
  • In the service window, open the “Downloads” tab.
  • Activate "Advanced Options".
  • Now uncheck the “Maximum memory” item, and next to “Number of processes” put the value “2”.
  • Restart your computer.

The above example will allow you to use Windows 7. However, finer tuning of RAM is only possible with the participation of special software.

Disabling “unnecessary” services

It is possible to carry out, so to speak, a reduction in “staff” in the system. That is, the incredibly huge number of services involved in the OS are meaningless resource hogs for ordinary users. As a result, they simply need to be disabled. This is especially important when a laptop computer is used as a workhorse. After all, in order for the laptop to function for as long as possible, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of system resources to a minimum, that is, to optimize the operation of the laptop. Windows 7 is a system with an incredibly extensive base of integrated tools. However, by using only some functionality, it will still not be possible to achieve a significant increase in performance. For a comprehensive solution, you simply cannot do without disabling “passive” services.

  • Open the control panel and click on the “Administration” shortcut.
  • Then (with administrator rights) click on “Services”.
  • From the list presented, select the “candidate for elimination” and, through the context menu, stop its work and then disable it through the “Startup Type” tab.

Attention! The stability of the system directly depends on the coherence of the work of many services. Therefore, disabling services that you find objectionable may threaten the full functionality of the OS as a whole. So if you are not sure what to do, find out how to optimize Windows 7 using other tools and methods.

Idle operation and automatic braking

Perhaps you have noticed program shortcuts in the system tray. In fact, most of them remain unclaimed during the next work session. However, the resources they expend adversely affect the overall current performance of the OS.

Of course, some background programs just need to be turned off. The familiar “msconfig” command will make sure that nothing unnecessary is loaded along with the operating system when the workstation is turned on.

  • After you have opened the “System Configuration” window from the search bar, open the “Startup” tab.
  • Unchecking the box allows you to deactivate the program, and in fact this is another element of the answer to the question “how to optimize Windows 7?”

Some caution: along with the system, programs and applications that are critical for the stable operation of the OS are automatically loaded. If you do not know how deactivating a particular startup item may affect you, it would be safer to refrain from unconscious actions.

A professional will tell you how to optimize your computer

During its operation, Windows 7 uses a special database - the registry, which stores launch parameters for various services and applications, as well as data about operating system settings. There is a constant exchange of data between the registry and the OS, and it is lightning fast, amounting to several hundred calls per second. Programs also interact with the database. During operation, the registry accumulates a lot of unnecessary information in the form of “memories” of deleted software or changed settings in the operating system. As a result, digital junk interferes with the efficient operation of the database. Performance decreases and the system becomes unstable. Unfortunately, the "seven" does not have a sufficiently clear and effective tool for debugging the registry; the OS has only a special editor in its arsenal. However, in order to be able to work in it, you must have the appropriate knowledge and have some skills. Nevertheless, today there is an incredible amount of software that can competently cope with these types of tasks. The user just has to launch the application and press a few buttons, the program will do the rest for him. It is possible to thoroughly optimize Windows 7 only with the help of comprehensive solutions, the use of which does not require the PC owner to have special knowledge. This will be discussed in the next paragraph of this article.

Almighty Helper

There is no point in focusing the reader’s attention on the name of a particular program, because there is a lot of advice on which software is best for optimization. One thing to understand is that the program must be easy to manage and effective in operation.

For example, some “soft monsters” have the “one click” option, that is, the user only needs to press a certain button once, and the optimization process will take place automatically. But despite the fact that the machine “knows” how to optimize Windows 7, there is still a risk of miscalculation.

Visual waste of resources

Now it's time to touch on the colorful side of the "seven". It really looks impressive in its stylish design. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice, and the user more than pays for the coveted graphics with resources allocated for visual effects in the form of system animation. Of course, in special cases, “beauty” will have to be turned off in Windows 7. A system optimized for games is, of course, the bare minimum in the name of freeing up the computing potential of the entire OS as a whole. And if you, dear reader, are not a gamer, but will not give up maximum system performance, resort to the method described below.

  • Menu “Start” - “Computer” - “Advanced options”.
  • Block - “Performance” - “Options” button.
  • In the next window, open the “Visual Effects” tab.
  • Check the "Get the best performance" checkbox.
  • Then click “Accept” and “OK”.


There was no space within this article to describe the process of disabling the User Account Control service. The review material only scratched the surface of portable electronics, but in order to optimize the operation of a laptop, Windows 7 can offer several options for energy saving schemes. However, the main points of “overclocking” and methods of curbing “electronic appetite” were nevertheless taken into account and presented in full. Be in harmony with the system!