Mamba online dating login to my page. Mamba dating service: how to use it correctly to find your soul mate

Nobody likes to part with their money, especially when it comes to such an everyday topic as interpersonal communication. It's no secret that many virtual dating services require remuneration not only for registration, but also for using certain functions. If you want to avoid all kinds of expenses, pay attention to Mamba dating, which are one of the leaders in the Russian-language Internet in terms of the number of users. By communicating on the global network, you have a much better chance of finding suitable interlocutors than walking down the street or visiting popular establishments.

The audience of the Mamba ru platform today consists of truly diverse people representing different age and social groups. And thanks to the fact that this project has united them into a kind of network, you can quickly establish contact with them. Logging into this site is as easy as possible. You don't need to be a computer genius to use this resource. It is enough to know how to connect to the World Wide Web. Another pleasant point is the fact that the specialized Mamba ru network allows you to correspond for free from almost anywhere, which, of course, is very convenient.

How to do this? Take a modern gadget that has access to Wi-Fi or another source, and exchange messages at your leisure, while you can be almost anywhere. Such a high level of mobility is the reason that around the clock on this portal you can meet many interesting guys and girls who will certainly become your good friends. It is worth noting that online correspondence does not mean that you cannot continue to develop your relationship in real life. Mamba ru helps thousands of singles make exciting acquaintances and find their soul mates.

If you have never tried anything like this before, then you should definitely go to this address. Here you will find many entertaining moments that will definitely delight you and charge you with positive emotions for a long period of time. Don't be shy and don't put off your visit for too long. After all, here you have an excellent opportunity to expand the circle of your acquaintances without resorting to any drastic measures.

The free dating site Mamba is designed for finding friends, serious relationships, travel, sexual relationships, correspondence, sports and creating a family. The target audience of the service is quite broad: here you can find profiles of both boys and girls, starting from 18 years old, and older people.

The site was created back in 2002. Currently, the service has more than 31 million registered users from different parts of the world. The bulk of people here are from Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR, but there are also quite a few representatives from European countries, America and even Australia.

For those who are used to using the phone to communicate on the site, there is also a mobile version of the site. There is a section with applications where you can not only play exciting games, but also take advantage of additional dating services.

An interesting feature of the site is geosearch. Thanks to it, you can mark your location, after which you will see the profiles closest to you. The exact distance is indicated here, but the location of other people is not disclosed. Sometimes you can come across a profile that is literally a hundred meters away.

A special feature of the site is the presence of a blog about relationships, called “Dating Encyclopedia”. Here you will find interesting articles that will help you avoid common mistakes when searching for your soulmate, get to know other people faster, and make friends.

The balance can be topped up from a bank card, online wallet or via SMS. The site has its own currency - coins. When transferring funds into the site currency, users will receive a pleasant bonus of up to 40% of the replenishment amount. One such coin is equal to 100 rubles.

Free Features

Free online registration, which can be completed in a couple of minutes. True, in this case it is linked not only to email, as on most of these services, but also to a mobile phone number;

Adding entries to "Diaries". They are a page on which you can leave any entries, including polls. All of them will be visible to other users;

Finding interlocutors and communicating with them;

Using all kinds of games and services in the “Applications” section;

Commenting and viewing photos;

Search for travel companions in the application of the same name;

Leave an ad or ask a question that will appear in your profile.

Paid features

Obtaining "VIP" status. So, you can get such a privilege for 10 days by shelling out 100 rubles from your pocket, and getting it for a month will cost you 300 rubles;

Raising a profile in the search - if you want your page to be displayed first for the opposite sex, you will have to pay 100 rubles;

You will have to pay the same amount for adding your photo to the feed of faces;

“Compliments” can cost users from 100 to 600 rubles, depending on the luxury of such a sign of attention;

Men and women on the site can use the “Leader” game, the cost of which is 100 rubles for 1 bet;

Advanced search is also only possible if you have VIP status;

Your ad can also receive "VIP" status. At the same time, in the search it will be highlighted in a different color and will be in the top positions for one day;

For a fee, you can change your location regardless of your actual location.

Pros and cons of the Mamba dating site


Free online registration;

An abundance of profiles for “every taste”;

Ability to search for friends by email;

Convenient location of services on the website – almost everything is visible;

Availability of geosearch;

Possibility of free correspondence with other users;

Two types of search: by advertisements and by questionnaires;

Availability of special Mamba site cards with promo codes for replenishing an individual account on the site.


There are a lot of practically empty questionnaires;

In advertisements, most of the entries are of this type: “Looking for a mistress,” “Looking for sex,” etc.;

There are a lot of men who behave uncivilly towards girls, but they can be blocked;

As observations have shown, at night the site is dominated by users looking for sexual relationships. Therefore, those who have chosen online dating for this purpose should visit the service at night. For those who value serious relationships, it is better to use it during the day.

To hide your photos from prying eyes, you should create a private album. To do this, select “for favorites” in the photo album settings.

There is a huge number of profiles, so there is a need to look through thousands of potential gentlemen and brides. This also contributes to the loss of your profile among many others. To attract attention to your profile, you need to add at least 5 photos here, otherwise you will simply be uninteresting to other users. You should also fill out your questionnaire as completely as possible to increase attention to it.

Mamba website home page

Our verdict

Mamba is a good dating site with quick registration, which is very popular in our country. The selection of profiles here is simply huge. Here you will find those who want to start both serious relationships and simple friendly correspondence. There are also those here who are simply looking for a sexual partner. In short, there are candidates for every taste here. The same applies to age: from youth to the elderly.

It's definitely worth registering!

Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very, very many single people who have not yet found their soulmate. Moreover, as sociological studies show, among the lonely there are more women than men. In search of friendship, love or other relationships, singles storm the global Internet. And many achieve positive results. And numerous dating sites help them with this. One of the most popular in Russia is the website
Moreover, it has well-deserved popularity among both young people and the more mature audience of the global network. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with a computer yet, and therefore not everyone is able to log into “my page” on I will give several options for how you can log in to mamba, and you can choose the most convenient one for yourself.


Basically, this is the method used by most visitors to the Mamba website - logging in through a computer or laptop browser. We open any Internet browser available on your PC - internet explorer, Edge, Chrome, Opera, etc. — and enter the address in the address bar: can even do without http:// and www). If entered correctly, the result will be an authorization page.


— mobile version

This is where the system will automatically redirect you when you try to access this dating site from a mobile gadget.

In fact, on the same dating and communication, everything is the same, but taking into account the small screen size and focus on finger control.
Click on the “Login” button and you will be taken to the login form:

Please note that here, as in the full version of the dating site, it is not necessary to register. You can use your existing account on one of the popular social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.

The only advice is that it’s better to fill out the data in “my page” on Mamba from a computer - it’s both more convenient and faster.

— Mamba mobile application

A special program has been developed especially for owners of iPhone, iPad and gadgets on Android and Windows Phone, which can be downloaded from your application store (Apple Store, Google Play Store, etc.), installed on your phone or tablet and surf the Mamba dating site. ru wherever it is convenient for you without compromising functionality and convenience. Unfortunately, only those who have a Facebook account can log in to “My Page” without registration. Otherwise, you will still have to register.

Every day, a large number of users log into the “My Page” of the Mamba dating site, as it is one of the largest online dating resources in Eastern Europe.

According to Forbes magazine, in 2012 the Wamba company, owned by Mamba CJSC, was included in the list of the 20 largest Internet companies in Russia. In 2013, the site was translated into 20 languages ​​and is used worldwide. Today, the daily audience of visitors to the Mamba website is about a million, and it is popular among people of all ages.

In order to become a member and enter the dating site, using all the functions available to users, you must register and create your own profile in the form of “My Page”. Registration, participation in ratings, messaging with other participants and adding votes are free options available to all users. While obtaining VIP status, which provides a number of advantages, is paid. By logging into your page and depositing a set amount into your account, some games become available, you can exchange virtual gifts and get acquainted with horoscope forecasts.

Mamba dating - login to the site without registration

When you enter the dating site without registration (without a password or login), you can search for the person you need, but advanced search options are not available without logging into your personal profile. There you can also view the personal profile of the found user and available open photos.

Registration on the dating site

To enter the Mamba dating site and use all available options, you must go through the registration process:

  • follow the link " Registration" from the main page;

  • enter all the data required for registration and click “ Register";

  • after this, a page will open with confirmation of registration using the SMS code received on the phone;

  • enter the code from SMS and click " Confirm";

  • The password to enter my dating page is sent in a letter. You can change it by opening " Settings"-> « Personal Information".

Design of “My Page”

Filling your own Mamba website page begins with setting your avatar photo with the “ Upload a photo". Having logged into my dating page and selected the most suitable photo, you can begin filling out your personal information. All information about yourself is optional and it is possible to set viewing restrictions.

It is recommended that you provide information necessary for discovery in user searches and primary information exchange. The most important information is the person's location. Uploading personal photos to the album is mandatory; without them, it is simply impossible to evaluate a person.

Sections with personal information about the user are located in the center of the Mamba page.

Chapter " I like" is of great importance for creative people who take the interests of the person they are looking for seriously. By indicating your own hobbies, you can find a person for a serious relationship much easier, because in this way significant information about internal qualities and worldview, as well as the area of ​​further development, is conveyed.

After filling out a personal profile and uploading photos, you can start searching for a person. For this purpose there is a section “ Search".

After specifying gender, age limit and area of ​​residence, you can open “ Additional options", where there are all areas of human passion. By specifying meaningful search criteria, the number of users available on the site is significantly reduced.

In the upper left area of ​​the “My Mamba page” there are tabs for events that occurred during the absence of the network, views of the profile, as well as messages sent from other users and technical alerts.

Practice shows that new dating sites gain popularity with virtual users and convince a newly registered person to go to their sites in the form of messages from robots.

The Mamba dating site occupies a leading position among the resources for this purpose and has a large number of positive reviews. Its most significant advantages are a large number of registered and active users, as well as great trust in it. The largest number of questionnaires in such Russian cities as: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Perm, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Saratov , Ulyanovsk, Tyumen, Vologda, Cherepovets.

On all dating resources there are always people who can enter the site without a password, login or registration. Due to this, there are many complaints and negative comments about indecent offers in a very active manner. When creating a Mamba page and filling out a personal profile, you must take this factor into account, indicating information that cannot be used in real life, and also, if necessary, adding users to the blacklist or asking for help from the site administration.

Mamba ( is a dating site for finding a soul mate, friends, comrades, like-minded people. There are no restrictions on age, nationality, religion. It accepts everyone 24/7: registration is free.

Dating on Mamba happens, if not every second, then every minute, that’s for sure. Is it worth discussing another theory of probability when over 31 million people from 15 countries have their own account on the portal; more than 900 thousand of them are online during the day.

You can register on Mamba in various ways. Let's take a closer look at each of them separately.

Standard registration

1. Type in the address bar of your browser - Press "Enter".

2. On the main page, in the authorization panel, click on the “Registration” tab.

3. In the line “Email. "mail" enter your current email address.

Advice! When registering, indicate your mailbox on the gmail service (if you have one) in order to quickly log in to the site through your Google+ account (see the “Integration with social networks” section below).

4. In the next field, type your name. After entering your email address and name, additional fields will open in the panel.

5. Place the cursor in the “place of residence” line. And then in the mini-panel that opens, click the “Select from list” button.

6. In the new window, select a region: click the “Change region” link. And then select your city in the catalog (settlements are arranged in alphabetical order).

7. “Date of birth”: open the fields in the block with a mouse click and set the date, month and year of your birth.

8. Indicate your gender: click the appropriate button - “I’m a guy”, “I’m a girl”.

9. In the “Looking for” field, tell the dating site who you are looking for: click in the box next to the words “guy” or “girl”.

10. Check all the details of the questionnaire. If there are no errors, click the “Register” button.

11. When you first log into your account, Mamba will offer to activate your profile using your phone. In the first field, under the words “Enter...”, select from the list the international number format for the country in which you live (+380, +7, etc.). Be guided by the national flag.

12. In the adjacent field, type the number. Click the “Get code” option.

13. In the line that appears, enter the code from the SMS message sent from the Mamba website.

14. Upon completion of activation, under the message “Congratulations...”, click the link “Go to my profile”.

15. Start creating your profile by uploading your photo. In the additional window, click the “Upload photo” button. In the system tray, open the disk partition (drive C, drive D, etc.) and the folder in which your personal pictures are stored. Select the appropriate portrait by left-clicking, and then click “Open”.

All! Now you can fill out a personal questionnaire (status, interests, hobbies) and start looking for friends.

The site automatically sends your login data by email. Go to the mail service and open the message from Mamba. Copy or remember your login and password (they are highlighted in a separate block in the text of the letter).

Integration with popular social networks

Connecting a Mamba account with an account on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, etc. (see all available social networks under the login fields on the main page) allows the user to instantly log in to a dating site (without a phone), but provided that he has already logged into his page on the social network he is using.

Let's learn how to attach a profile, using Twitter as an example (for other services, the integration procedure is almost the same).

1. Log into your Twitter account.

2. In the upper left part of the Mamba main page (open it in a new tab), under the “Register” button, in the “Or log in via:” block, click on the “Twitter” icon.

3. In the window that opens, allow the Mamba application to access your Twitter account data: click the blue “Authorize” button under the request text.

4. In the “Site Login” block, select the social network integration option:

  • "I'm a new user": a profile is created on Mamba (a form is filled out), and then the accounts are connected.
  • “I already have a profile”: after entering the login and password for your personal page on the Mamba website, the service automatically performs integration.

Authorization via social network

After completing the procedure for connecting profiles, to log in you will need to log in to the integrated social network, and then click its icon on the login panel on the website.

How to post an ad on Mamba without registration?

2. In the “New message” form, fill in all available fields.

  • introduce yourself (Who are you);
  • tell us who you are looking for;
  • indicate the purpose of the acquaintance;
  • enter ad text.

4. On the new page, enter your personal data (date of birth, place of residence) in the form. As well as an email address (the service will send responses to the posted advertisement to it).

5. On the very last line, type the symbol combination shown in the picture. Click the “Add advert” button.

Have interesting meetings at Mamba!