Popular name for the channel. How to change channel name on YouTube

No one will argue that the content of a YouTube channel, that is, the videos that are published on it, is always more important than the design, but without a clear title and text describing your content, no one will simply watch it, that’s the problem. And without the right keywords in the description, even a detective will have a hard time finding your videos on the Internet.

Sometimes, for various reasons, it becomes necessary to change the name of your profile or adjust the description, but this is not so easy to do. Find out how to change the name of a channel on YouTube from a phone, tablet or computer in the article below.

Why change the name?

Each user creates his own channel on YouTube with the purpose of getting people to subscribe to it, and the more people subscribe, the better. The name - this applies not only to YouTube, but also to TV channels - should reflect the theme. If you decide to change it suddenly, then you can, of course, just create a new channel, but then you will lose subscribers. It is much better to change the name of the old profile.

YouTube has long been one of the top ten in the world, and it, like other major resources, is constantly subject to innovations that affect design. In connection with these, many users have problems with certain functions, including how to change the channel name. YouTube has excellent technical support, answering all user questions around the clock, however, due to the notorious innovations, the interface for accessing it is also changing. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

How to change the name of a channel on YouTube?

Attention: this method involves changing the name of your Google+ account along with the name of the channel.

To get started, launch your browser and go to YouTube.

Log into your profile through the special icon in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the Google account login page, where you need to enter your email and password.

You will again find yourself on the main page of YouTube. There will now be an icon with your channel in the upper right corner. Clicking on it will open a small Select "Creator Studio".

You have gone to the control panel. Under your name there will be a link to “watch channel”. Follow it.

A page will open. Click on the settings icon, which is located under the banner on the right. In the new window, select "Advanced Settings".

You are now in the settings menu. Click on "Edit" which is located to the right of your channel name. Then “Change” again.

You will be taken to your Google+ account page where you can change your account name. Along with it, your YouTube channel name will also change.

How to change the name of a channel on YouTube via phone or tablet?

  1. Open the YouTube application.
  2. Go to the "Account" tab.
  3. Click on the channel icon.
  4. Click on the settings icon located in the lower right corner.
  5. Now select "Edit". It is indicated by a pencil icon.
  6. Change the name and click OK.

Why do you need a description?

How to change the name of a channel on YouTube on a tablet or via a computer should now be clear, but there is another important component of a successful resource - the description.

Besides the fact that it will introduce new visitors to your channel, it is also necessary for YouTube search robots.

If the topic is not reflected in the title, then the channel description will help save the situation and not miss potential subscribers. Also, if you do not have a description, search robots will not return your resource in user queries.

What should the description be?

So, queries are the keywords that users search on the Internet. Accordingly, keywords should be in the description of your channel. There are many special services on the Internet for their selection, and it is better to use them than to take something from your head.

The description should begin with a keyword, and it should also end with it. It is advisable to use them several times in the text; you can change cases. The amount of text in the channel description should not exceed one thousand characters without spaces.

How to add/change channel description?

Compared to how to change the name of a channel on YouTube, the description is somewhat simpler.

  1. Going to YouTube, log in through your Google account.
  2. Click on the icon with your channel's image and select "Creative Studio" from the menu that opens.
  3. In the control panel, click on the “view channel” link.
  4. On the design page on the left under the banner space there will be a “+ description” button. By clicking on it, you can add text describing the channel. Or, if there is already a description, click on the text itself and make the necessary changes.


They should not only be in the text. They must also be written separately in a special line. How to get there?

Go to the design page through “Creative Studio” / “view channel”. Click on the settings icon, which is under the banner space on the right. Next is "advanced settings". On the new page, under the channel name, you will see a "keywords" field. This is exactly what needs to be filled out.

A lot depends on what you name your channel. First of all, how quickly people can find you on YouTube. If you initially created an account purely “for yourself”, but then decided that you can share interesting videos with others, you should be careful when choosing a channel name. To find you faster, it’s best to change the channel name on YouTube, depending on the focus of your videos. Since YouTube is entirely owned by Google, all changes will take place in your Google account.

So, to change the channel name by going to the main YouTube:

  1. Tap the small image of your photo at the top right. By clicking on the cog icon that appears just below, move to the main channel settings.
  2. Here you will be taken to a field where there is personal information about you. In the line where the name is written, you can see the “Edit in Google” link. Click on this link.
  3. When you go to Google, you will notice two fields - for first name and last name. If you want to name your channel in one word, enter it in the name column. The last name field can be left blank. Click on the “OK” button to save the changes. When you move to YouTube, you will see that the channel name has changed.

Now it will be easier for new subscribers to find you. It will help you to track how well you chose the name. . If for a certain amount of time, for example, a week, And , which means people quickly find you on YouTube. You can change the name of the channel no more than once a month. Naturally, the title should match the theme of your videos.

How to change channel name on YouTube

Change channel name on YouTube only possible through a Google account. In addition to the method you learned about above, you can quickly get into your Google account as follows:

  1. At the top left, tap the three lines icon, next to the YouTube logo.
  2. Select the My Channel setting.
  3. Next to the “subscribe” button you will see a cog icon.

You will see the channel name right in front of you. Click on the “Change” item, YouTube will again take you to Google, where you can change your nickname. The channel name can be written in Russian or in any other language. You can also enter keywords and come up with a description in the additional channel settings. Description will help you . Here, you can enter the address of a blog or website, and also add an AdWord advertising account.

Names for the channel on YouTube

How to choose the right one name for the YouTube channel? If you make a vlog (videos that talk about your daily life), then you can write your first and last name as the title.

Do you have your own small business? For the title, enter the name of your brand. Create a brand identity that will help people recognize you online. You can create multiple accounts on YouTube, depending on your interests and activities. One can be created for personal use, the other for brand promotion.

See what keywords people are using to find your videos and use the most popular keyword for the title. It is important not only to choose the right title, but also to shoot high-quality videos that would be interesting to watch.

Your YouTube channel, which will be the online face of your company and the main marketing tool for promoting your brand among Internet users, must have the right name. There are many small details and nuances in this issue, and if you miss them, you can create an anti-reputation for yourself. Although, at the same time, your video content may be quite good and professionally made.

What should the channel name be?

The channel name should be meaningful and bright so that people remember it. Remember that if done well, it will spread all over the Internet and represent your brand.

  • Here are some criteria for the title it should:
  • be simple and short;
  • be bright;
  • easy to read;
  • quickly remembered;
  • transmit channel content;
  • convey the theme of the channel;

not be similar to the name of a famous person or project.

How to choose a name for your personal YouTube channel

1. Keep a “notebook of ideas”

It is ideal to have a magnetic marker board at home or in the office. There you can write all kinds of phrases, draw diagrams, and then remove everything unnecessary and unnecessary. The visibility of this format is very useful: it improves perception and generates ideas.

2. Based on the theme of the channel

It is clear that the title should always reflect the essence of the channel so that viewers understand what your videos will be about. Think about what exactly you plan to upload, which ones will fill your content?

After that, try to combine them into one word or phrase. Perhaps it will even be an abbreviation.

3. Name the channel after yourself

People are always interested in communicating with a real person, and not a system that sometimes loads videos. Therefore, channels on which the identity of the author is revealed quickly become in demand and popular, they inspire trust.

But you can use this method only if your channel type is personal. In this case, you can use your first and last name, nickname, or an interesting pseudonym as a name.

4. Analysis of channels popular on the Internet

No, we do not suggest plagiarism and stealing titles from competitors. We simply advise you to analyze the names of their channels, see what they focus on, and learn from both the mistakes of others and the success of others. The sites VSPstats.com, SocialBlade.com can help you with this. Find the TOP of the best brands.

While analyzing their videos, designing a channel, and so on, try to learn something new and apply their experience in your practice.

5. Name according to the theme of the channel

In another way, this method can be called “choosing a name according to the requests of Internet users.” A person usually enters general names into the search bar: sports, recipes, exercises, earnings, and so on. Many companies that no longer strive for originality, but for success, take advantage of this in search results and name their channels like “Soviet cartoons”, “Recipes from grandma”, “Sports for everyone” and so on.

As a result, they all become similar to each other, impersonal, but win in the search.

As an intermediate, optimal option, you can make a synthesis of two names: the first is the original name of your channel, and you can write a transcript after a colon (recipes, travel, and so on). Just make sure the title doesn't get too long.

As you can see, if you already know that our advice on how to name a channel on YouTube is suitable for you, then when choosing a name for the channel, it is advisable to approach this as responsibly as possible. The channel name is a very important factor that can significantly DIt is better to act jointly and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Hi all! Only in the morning I was telling you about the ways in which it is possible, when I had an idea. After all, perhaps you have already created everything a long time ago, but you changed your mind, or you stopped liking the name itself, or you sold it, or decided to change your niche. What to do then? Can anything be changed? Yes, you can. Therefore, today I will tell you how to change the name of a channel on YouTube if you are tired of the old one. Moreover, we will consider both methods for the phone and for the computer.

In order to change the name of a channel on YouTube, you need to follow a few simple steps, namely:

But of course there may be a small problem here. The fact is that when you create your first project, it should always consist of two words, namely your first and last name. That is, whatever one may say, you will have to have two words, no more and no less. Many will ask, they say, what then are other YouTubers called in one word? I'll explain now.

It turns out that in order to make a brand name instead of a first and last name, you need to be on the same account. Only then will you be able to call yourself whatever you want, and not necessarily in two words.

Changing the channel address

But many are confused not even by the name, but by the address, that is, the display of the URL. By default, the address bar will display incomprehensible gobbledygook, but this can also be influenced by making the address more attractive and recognizable.

To do this, you will need to click on the logo again, and then select “Settings”.

Now all that remains is to select a section "General information" and press the button "Additionally" right under the avatar. There you will see an option to choose your own URL. You need to click on the link “Here”, after which you can change the name of your channel, or rather its address on YouTube.

Unfortunately, in 2017 the rules changed, and now you cannot create an original URL on YouTube. Everything is strict. Now you either change it based on the name, or by adding a suffix to an existing name. And if you have a default channel, then there are no options at all, since you can only use a replacement by adding your name. Unfortunately, Dmitry Kostin is already taken by some scoundrel, so all I can do is add some suffix to him.

But sometimes, when you go to the desired menu, you will not find the URL change item. This means that you do not meet the minimum requirements:

  • You must have at least 100 subscribers;
  • Your created project must be at least 30 days old
  • You must use an icon (photo or avatar)
  • Your page must be designed.

Once all these requirements are met, come back again with your head held high and change whatever you want. So look for subscribers, put a logo and wait for the due date. If you can’t bear it, you can use services to recruit subscribers. But personally I don't do this. This may have a negative impact in the future and leave its mark.

The only thing I would like to give you is advice. If you have almost no subscribers and views, then it’s better to create a new channel and don’t worry. I'm telling you, there will be much less hemorrhoids and you won't lose anything.

How to change the name using a smartphone or tablet?

If you administer this whole thing directly from your phone, then everything is a little different here, because there is no creative studio as such here. But don't be alarmed. There is nothing complicated here.

Login to your Youtube mobile app and go to the home page. To do this, you need to select your account avatar in the upper right corner of the screen, then select “My Channel”.

Now click on the gear icon opposite the name, and opposite the name click on the pencil icon, which symbolizes the name change. Well, then we just change the first name, last name or brand, after which you apply and enjoy. Just remember that you can rename a channel only 3 times in 90 days, so you don’t need to add each letter to it, since the number of attempts is limited.

As you can see, there is nothing tricky in this matter. It's quite simple. The main thing is to meet the requirements and not confuse the default channel with others.

Well, this is where I end my article. I hope it was useful to you. And if so, then support me by subscribing to social networks and the blog itself. Well, in any case, I'm waiting for you again. Good luck, bye-bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

A popular YouTube channel with a regular audience, flattering reviews, and tens of thousands of views is the dream of many bloggers.

And it’s not about high income, but about the banal pleasure that you get from your favorite activity........

Effective schemes appear on the Internet every day that guarantee high positions at the very start.

But more often than not, such actions do not result in the desired result.

Many bloggers know that there are no easy ways to promote a project on YouTube, and in any case you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you are ready to face difficulties, criticism and fleeting failures - then you you can definitely achieve popularity.

One of the most important points in promotion is to pay attention to the little things, from the name to the design. !!!

In this article we will talk about how to come up with a name for a YouTube channel, as well as its role in the development of the project.

5 things that will help you come up with a “Name” for your YouTube project

The Internet is just discussing what name to come up with for a channel on YouTube, how to change it, and so on.

→ The title is an inscription that briefly informs users about the author of the project.

In essence, we are talking about a brand or your pseudonym. You can come up with almost any name that you think will characterize your resource. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓

→ But first, find out 5 useful facts:↓

  • If you create an account, YouTube offers you a nickname based on your first and last name (in Latin). In general, you can leave this option, but it is better to use an alias.
  • Did you know that it is very difficult to change the account name and this can only be done a limited number of times (no more than 1 attempt in 90 days).
  • It is best to immediately link Google Plus services to your account so that you can change the name later.
  • If you use, the ranking of the project improves.
  • Most often, users switch to channels with a simple and sonorous nickname, which reflects the theme of the project.

And here’s another very, very cool method of coming up with a name, described in the video ⇓

Many bloggers expect some kind of super-effect from the original name, but we hasten to disappoint you, because there will be no radical changes.

the main taskcome up with a brand that subscribers will recognize.

Naturally, this brand should ideally be resonant, original and easy to remember.

In the future, subscribers will enter your name into the search bar to find the materials they need.

Thus, by taking care of the name at the initial stages, you, to a greater extent, create a reputation for the future. It is possible that an original and uncomplicated name will motivate users to subscribe, but this influence is extremely small.

Popularity algorithm: come up with an original name

On YouTube all methods are good- this adapted life quote is very relevant, because in pursuit of the top lines, bloggers do not use any sophisticated methods of promoting their project.

→ Entire chains of keywords, various references, etc. can be used in the title.

Experience shows that this method does not always have the desired effect. !!!

  1. Analysis of your account, its content and development prospects. Roughly speaking, you need to have a general idea of ​​what word will occupy a central place in the title.
  2. Competitor audit. You can see how users react to a particular name and which names are relevant to your topic.
  3. We're coming up with a name for the channel. You determine the optimal name based on the data received.

You may notice that popular bloggers come up with very simple and catchy names.

As a last resort, you can use .

  1. Alliteration is one of the ways of playing on words. So, in the first part you use one word that rhymes in the subsequent part (for example, “Bin-Bon” or “Chupa-Chups”).
  2. An oxymaron is a humorous phrase. Ideal for channels with a humorous slant.
  3. Rhyme - phrases that end with one syllable are used. For example, “Fast To Trast” and so on.

In fact, you can identify more than 30 different techniques for combining phrases.

  1. Subjects. It’s great if, in addition to a good brand, the nickname reflects the focus of the project. For example, you can come up with a Let’s Play console and so on.
  2. Easy to remember. As already stated, the name should be quickly remembered.
  3. Originality. Try not to repeat your colleagues in the shop.


Don't forget that a brand can be changed a limited number of times, so approach this issue carefully.

In this article, we outlined the main points that will become the foundation for the further development of your project.