Conversions in the metric based on the last visit. “Conversions” reports. Features of assisted conversions in Google Analytics

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Conversion in Yandex Metrica is the ratio of the number of targeted actions to the total number.

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Conversion to in a broad sense is the ratio of two parameters to each other. For a website, for example, the ratio of those who downloaded the price list to those who came to the site on title page. The formula will be as follows: 5 people out of 100 who came to the title downloaded the file, 5/100 = 5% (always expressed as a percentage).

Conversion is one of the main indicators of how effectively a website is performing. Depending on the topic of the resource, you can analyze how many visitors bought the product, which product, how many people submitted the form return request with registration for the event and so on.

All this is set by creating for each action. Thus, we see that the concepts of conversion and goals are inextricably linked.

A little theory

Goals are predefined actions that a person will take on a website. Customized based on business objectives. For example, they set goals for paying for an order, clicking on the “Add to Cart” button, downloading a presentation, subscribing to a newsletter, and many other options.

The goal is considered achieved if the visitor has fulfilled the condition specified in it.

Visits in which the achievement of a goal is recorded are called target visits.

And finally, conversion is the ratio of the number of targeted visits to the total number of visits.

Goals can be configured for each counter. Those that will be used to analyze direct actions on the site, the size of conversions, and the achievement of goals are called conversion.

How to set up conversions in Metrica
  • In the Settings section, select “Goals” - “Add goal”

There are 4 types of goals:

  • Quantity .
  • Visiting pages.
  • JavaScript event. Action on a button, submitting a form.
  • Composite goal.
  • What conversions to track
    • First, analyze the website.
    • Record a list of all useful elements And possible points visitor contact. These could be:
      -buttons, for example, “Buy in 1 click”, “Order”, “Pay”;
      -social network icons are also classified as buttons;
      - transition links;
      -clickable images;
      -forms feedback, applications, registration, etc.
    • Write scenarios for the behavior of your visitors on the site. If you have groups target audience(target audience) are significantly different (suppliers, customers), you need to write down the steps for each. If you do everything right, the key elements will be actively used by your users.
    • Next, select several options that best match your goals and set goals based on them. For example, use a composite to indicate the steps of the sales funnel.
    • Wait until the statistics are collected and start analyzing.

    Conversion is important to measure and review. For your business, this is double analytics: on the one hand, it will help you create a strategy on how to grow and increase profits, on the other hand, it evaluates how effectively all promotion, optimization, advertising measures - all your marketing - are working now.

    How to view website conversion in Metrica

    The analytics system provides several tools with which you can monitor the performance of your web resource.

    Conversion in metrics reports

    To view statistics on tracked conversions in ready-made " Standard reports» select “Conversions”.

    Click on the target that interests us.

    In the window that opens, we receive detailed information in graphical and tabular form. In the settings, specify the desired date interval.

    Using Webvisor

    This is one of the most interesting and informative services.

    In addition to details on goal conversions, it gives an idea of ​​how the visitor behaved on the site, what he did, what he watched, what he couldn’t open. Based on the data from the web viewer, you can safely prepare a document to improve the usability of the site.

    In the Goals column you can see an icon with the numbers 1, 2, etc., this indicates that the goal (if 2, then several) was achieved by this visitor during the visit recorded in the service.

    Reviewing a significant sample of pre-purchase visits can help understand overall behavioral trends leading to goal completion.

    Improvement of standard reports

    Yandex Metrica allows you to arrange data quite flexibly, using various slices. In order to evaluate targeted actions, you can add this parameter to standard reports in the same way.

    For example, consider the “Sources, summary” report.

    Click on the “Metrics” button to open this set of categories.

    We are looking for the “Conversions” group. In the first version we get percentage- we will see the share of targeted visits among all visits.

    Depending on what information needs to be displayed in the report, we can also add the “Goal Achievement” group. In this case, a column with absolute values the total number of goal achievements among all target visits.

    Using the filter settings in the column, you can convert them, if necessary, into percentages.

    Additional tool for forms

    Yandex Metrica allows you to analyze the completion and conversion of registration, order, and application forms through Form Analytics.

    Access to it is at common panel on the left in the "Maps" section.

    You can select any form from the list (1) and view statistics on it:

    • conversion;
    • The “Form Fields” tab displays information about how many people are left after filling out each form field.

    Statistics like these often help us take a fresh look at how many fields we offer our visitors to fill out and how difficult they find them.

    Is there an Associated Conversions report in Yandex Metrica?

    For example, a visitor visited the site several times with different sources: , then from advertising and finally reached the configured goal. Which attribution is chosen affects which traffic source led to the goal. In our case, during attribution, the last transition will be “advertising systems”.

    When the system records that a person was on a web resource, and then took a long time to decide on a purchase, and visited several more times from other sources, there is a separate term - deferred conversions in Metrica. IN given time is at the stage of implementing a tool for “calculating deferred conversion”.

    Reports help with the conversion tracking process in Yandex Metrica. By itself, one-time statistics are not very informative. To understand what the dynamics are, you need to compare statistical data for different periods. Ideally, in addition to the counter, you need to maintain internal reporting and analytics on the conversion price in Metrica, accumulating figures for a long period. Only in this way will all previous efforts to develop a strategy, set up, adjust, bring real measurable results.

    Remember, analytics is essentially a ready-made plan of action on how and where to move next; it is worth spending time on.

    Offline conversions in Metrica

    It is not always the case that customers who place an order through a website pay for it via the Internet. The statistics service allows you to build a connection between online and offline actions and calculate offline conversions.

    How does this happen?

  • Everything is the same, using customized JavaScript event goals.
  • Set up data import into the analytics system and set goals.
  • In the settings they set “Extended conversion accounting period”, since payments can be made at intervals of several days after the order is placed.
    A prerequisite is the ability to identify site visitors, for example, by discount card number, promotional code, or login.
  • To date following systems integrated with Metrica: Alloka, Callibri, Calltouch,,, Comagic, Mango Office, PrimeGate, QUON, Ringostat, Roistat, Vector.

    As a result, the resulting statistics will help you analyze customer behavior and their path to conversion even better. Plus, on new segment The target audience can be targeted with contextual advertising.

    By linking accounts Google Analytics and AdWords, you can quickly and conveniently track the performance of advertising campaigns and optimize promotion based on data. We have already written about Analytics and AdWords. Today we have a selection of Google Analytics reports to evaluate the effectiveness of paid traffic.

    Group of reports “Traffic Sources”

    This group allows you to compare channels, sources, advertising campaigns and keywords based on standard metrics such as bounce rate or average session duration, as well as conversion metrics.

    Campaign report

    To build a report, open the “Traffic Sources” report group, then “All Traffic” and select the standard “Source\Channel” report.

    Select the source of interest, for example google/cpc, and click on it.

    Set the Campaign option. To do this, in the “Main parameter” line, click on the “Other” item, then “Traffic sources” - “Campaign”.

    Here you can evaluate the amount of traffic that a source and channel provides and its quality based on bounce rates, viewing depth, and session duration. This will help in optimizing work with channels and budget allocation.

    With this report you can analyze your profitability paid sources. To build a report at the source level, open the “Traffic Sources” report group, then “Campaigns” - “Cost Analysis”.

    In the table, in the “Source or channel” column, select the required source, for example google / cpc and click on it. Data for campaigns belonging to this traffic source will open.

    You can see which campaigns are performing better and which need to be improved. Here you can analyze the effectiveness keywords in the campaign of interest by selecting it in the column and clicking on it. Based on this data, adjust your bids based on the profitability of keywords or completely disable those that are not generating revenue.

    Time to conversion

    To find out how long it takes on average for a user to make a purchase decision, use the Time to Conversion report. To view statistics, select the “Conversions” report group, then “Multi-channel” - “Time to conversion”.

    The report shows how many conversions and with what value occur on different days after the user first encounters the site. This data will help you understand the purchase cycle and, when setting up retargeting, determine how long to show ads to the user.

    Multi-channel sequences

    Typically, before placing an order, the user visits the site several times and from different sources. For example, users might first click on an ad and then arrive at the site with free search. And if this is a common situation, then we can assume that conversions are made mainly by organic users, and advertising is not working effectively. But after turning off advertising there will be an immediate decrease in sales.

    Therefore, it is important to track the entire path potential clients: where they usually come to the site and what routes they take to return to it before converting. This will also help set up cross-marketing by using different channels user experience and set up attribution models correctly in AdWords. This can be done using the Multi-Channel Funnels report group. We will tell you more about these reports; we also have a large and detailed one on this topic.

    Shows all channels that the user interacts with before making a conversion. To view the report, find the “Conversions” item in the lower right sidebar, then select “Multi-channel” - “Top paths to conversion.”

    So, often the user comes first with Email, social networks and search, both paid and free.

    A conversion is considered associated for source 1 if the user first went to the site from it, but completed the conversion when returning to it from source 2. In the report, you can see the number of associated conversions and conversions by the last significant transition for each source.

    To build a report, under Conversions, select Assisted Conversions.

    By default, the report is built by channel groups. It can be drilled down to a specific channel, source or campaign. For example, you need to obtain data on campaigns on the social network VKontakte. To do this, select the “Source or channel” option and click on vk_ppcworld / social.

    The more associated conversions, the more often the source is used as an auxiliary one. Please review this report before disabling any channels or campaigns. They may not bring direct conversions, but they are an important stage on the way to completing an order.

    Mobile Devices Report

    Allows you to analyze the amount of traffic from mobile devices and determine what share of total traffic it compiles and also compares the conversion rates on them. We have articles from eLama and Molinos on why it's important to work with these reports.

    In the “Audience” section, find the “Technology” tab. In it, select “Mobile devices”. The “Review” item will show the ratio of desktop, smartphone and tablet indicators.

    The “Devices” item displays indicators for specific models smartphones or tablets.

    If you notice that your site receives a lot of traffic from certain devices with a high bounce rate, the pages may not be optimized for that device. It may also be that all traffic from mobile devices is large percentage refusals. In this case, the site is most likely not optimized for mobile users or are not displayed correctly. The following report from our collection will help you check the site loading speed.

    Page loading time

    The report is needed to understand how long it takes to open your site, find pages that take a long time to load, and fix the problem. Data tracking is especially important for advertisers who receive the majority of their traffic from mobile devices. Users viewing the site on smartphones close the page if it does not load within a few seconds.

    To view loading speed data, open the list of “Behavior” reports, then “Site Load Speed” - “Page Load Time”. As in previous reports, add the Paid Traffic segment.

    Add the “Mobile Device Traffic” segment to your report to find out how quickly pages load for mobile users. By analogy, you can look at statistics on users of desktops and tablets.

    In the same list you can find tips on increasing your download speed. Path to the report: “Behavior” - “Site loading speed” - “Loading acceleration”. Segment - “Paid traffic”. To the right of each page you'll see PageSpeed ​​suggestions. Click on them and you will see recommendations on how to optimize your site and increase its loading speed.

    Google Analytics custom or custom reports are reports that you create yourself by selecting only the dimensions and metrics you need.

    Why are custom reports needed?

    First, they help solve the unique challenges of each business. A set of standard reports from any statistical system is not always enough to analyze your business problems.

    Second, unlike standard Google Analytics reports, custom reports only include the data you need. You can focus on the necessary indicators without being distracted by insignificant ones, and also conduct deeper analytics of the information received.

    A selection of custom Google Analytics reports
    By host Hosts Report
    Who is it useful for?

    This report will be useful to owners of websites with many subdomains: for example, by city. It will allow you to see both the overall picture for all subdomains and detailed information for each host by channels and traffic sources.

    How to create?

    To create a report, select the Explorer type (“Analysis”) and 5 groups of metrics:


    • Sessions;
    • New users;
    • Pages/session;
    • Average time on page;
    • Bounce rate.
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    • Achieved goals’
    • Goal value;
    • Conversion rate;
    • Income;
    • Transaction rate.

    GoalSet1 (goal set 1), GoalSet2 (goal set 2), GoalSet3 (goal set 3):

    • Sessions;
    • Conversion rate;
    • Set of 5 goals.

    1. Hostname;
    2. Channel;
    3. Source.

    As a result, we get a useful report that shows all of our subdomains. At the same time, you can detail the data for a specific subdomain by clicking on it, going to the report by channels, from where, by clicking on any channel, we will get to the report on the sources of this channel.

    Various groups of metrics allow you to view both general indicators by domain and drill down into details on conversions and ecommerce.

    Report by cities Report by cities
    Who is it useful for?

    The city report will be useful for analyzing a multi-regional site. He gives visual representation on the distribution of traffic and conversions by region. In addition, the simplified structure of the report allows you to concentrate on the most important important points: such as user interest, conversion rate and profitability of regions.

    How to create?

    To set up a report on cities, select the “Data overlay on map” type. Zoom level - Russia, parameter - city.

    We create 2 groups of metrics:


    • Sessions;
    • Page views;
    • Pages/session;
    • Bounce rate.


    • Achieved goals;
    • Conversion rate;
    • Transaction rate;
    • Income.

    This report is an example of how, using a custom report, you can remove unnecessary data, leaving only the most necessary.

    Who is it useful for? How to create?

    Summary tab (general). Select the Explorer type (“Analysis”). We add the following metrics:

    • Users;
    • Sessions per user;
    • Pages/session;
    • % of sessions with searches performed;
    • Goal value per session.

    As parameters we select:

    • Social network,
    • City.

    We also add a filter that excludes undefined social media, caught in (not set). This filter will apply to all created tabs.

    The report for this tab will look like this:

    Content tab. Select the Explorer type (“Analysis”). We add the following metrics:

    • Unique page views;
    • Page views;
    • Average page loading time (sec);
    • Bounce rate;
    • Page value.

    The main parameter is the login page, and the additional parameter is the social network.

    We get a report like this:

    By clicking on one of the landing pages, we will get details on social networks. Devices tab. Select the Explorer type (“Analysis”). Adding metrics:

    • Sessions;
    • Users;
    • Pages/session;
    • Conversion rate;
    • Achieved goals.


    • Device type;
    • Social network.

    We get a report that, by clicking on one of the device types, details information on social networks:

    Business Report Business Report
    Who is it useful for?

    The report aggregates data on e-commerce (requires setting up Enhanced Ecommerce) and goal values.

    How to create?

    To customize the report, we will need to create two groups of metrics:

    E-commerce (electronic commerce):

    • Users;
    • Rate of completed purchases;
    • Number of additions to cart;
    • Number of completed product purchases;
    • Transaction rate;
    • Transactions;
    • Average order value;
    • Income.

    Non e-commerce (not electronic commerce):

    • Users;
    • Conversion rate;
    • Achieved goals;
    • Goal value;
    • Goal value per session.

    You also need to configure the following settings:

    • Month of the year;
    • Type of traffic;
    • Source/channel.

    As a result, we will see the following report on the E-commerce tab:

    On the Non e-commerce tab we get a report:

    As you know, you can create up to 20 goals in Google Analytics. Using a custom report and custom variables, this number can be increased. To do this we need:

    1. Make changes to the administrative Google panel Analytics.
    2. Configure event transmission via GTM.
    3. Create a custom report.

    Let's go to administrative panel Google Analytics and at the property level, select Custom definitions -> Custom metrics.

    Let's create a new metric. It is necessary to specify the name of the metric, scope (in our case this is the hit level), formatting type (integer), minimum value(0). We check that the indicator activity checkbox is checked. Click the “Save” button.

    Go to the GTM interface and create a custom one HTML tag. We define its name as “S01G21 AuthForm” and fill the HTML field with the following code:

    "event": "AuthEvent",
    "metric1": 1

    To activate of this tag create the AuthRule rule.

    Element id - identifier of the element for which we are setting up tracking (you must substitute your value).

    Now let's create a macro to transfer data from the script.

    Let's call the macro metric_1, select the macro type Data Layer Variable, variable name metric1. Let's select the first version of the variable and set the default value = 0.

    After that, in the tag settings Google activation Analytics needs to make changes.

    In the More Settings → Custom Metrics section, add a custom metric.

    You should also add another rule for activating the tag, in addition to placing it on all pages.

    This rule is necessary to ensure that the Google Analytics tag is activated both when the page loads and after the button is clicked. Otherwise, custom indicators will not be transferred, because the tag was loaded before the data for them was received.

    We save all the settings and publish the new version.

    Now let's move on to creating a custom report in Google Analytics. Let's add the following indicators:

    • Sessions;
    • Achieved goals;
    • The user indicator is “Goal 21. Authorization.”

    We get a report like this:

    One report table can contain up to 10 columns. You can place all additionally configured goals in it.

    Unfortunately, the Goal Conversion Rate is only calculated for primary goals. But having information about the total number of conversions, as well as the number of visits, you can easily calculate the Goal Conversion Rate for all purposes by uploading it to SpreadSheet.

    Custom reports can be as simple as possible and only include standard parameters and indicators offered by the system. They can also be more complex and require additional settings, creating custom variables. So that the reports really work for you useful tool, when creating them, always start from the objectives of your business, understanding what questions this or that report will answer.

    Sometimes a lot of time passes from the client’s first acquaintance with you to the purchase. To reduce it, you use advertising. An attribution model and multi-channel funnels help you monitor the effectiveness of your advertising channels.

    In this article you will learn how to determine the effectiveness of advertising in Google Analytics and audit conversion channels.

    Basic attribution models

    They accurately determine the source of referrals to the site. The report in Google Analytics is easy to customize to suit your needs.

    There are five basic models:

    1) Attribution based on the first interaction (click). The value is assigned to the source that brought the visitor to the site for the first time. The model is useful if the purpose of advertising is to arouse interest in a product or site.

    2) Attribution based on the last interaction (click). The value is assigned to the last channel (their total number can be any) before the conversion. The model is focused on direct transactions and is therefore considered basic.

    3) Linear model attribution. Each channel is equally valuable throughout the chain. For example, if a customer went through four channels before converting, everyone gets 25%. The model is suitable for assessing ongoing interactions with customers.

    4) Positional attribution model. A combination of the first two models. The main values ​​are divided between the first and last channels. For example, the first is 40%, the second is 20%. The latter also receives 40%. What is important here is not only familiarity with the product/site, but also the conversion channel.

    5) Attribution of the recency of the interaction. A simple (and therefore popular) algorithm, used mainly for short-term or one-time promotions. The main value is assigned to the channels that “shot” during the promotion.

    The path to conversion is the sequence of steps a visitor takes before conversion. Reports in the “Conversion” section, “Multi-channel sequences” subsection will show how much time it takes to complete a target action (call, request, order).

    Assisted conversions report

    It shows where visitors are coming from.

    Pay attention to the last point. If the number is less than 1, this channel is usually the last one. More than 1 - it is more often found at the beginning or middle of the chain of visits, initiates or supports the target action.

    The report also shows statistics by conversion type for individual channels and groups of channels. Only 2% of visitors are ready to buy on their first visit. Most leave the site after 15 seconds: read reviews, study the seller’s accounts on social networks - this brings them closer to conversion.

    Top Conversion Paths report

    The report will show what visitors do along the entire journey. You see the following sequence of traffic sources:

    Also, these are the conversion paths for a group of channels:

    If referrals appear in groups, study the traffic from referral sites and find the links that brought traffic.

    Customers find you through search, but advertising convinces them to buy. If the “conversation” starts with RRS (context of Yandex.Direct & Google AdWords, targeting in social networks), and organic search leads to conversion, think about whether you are spending money on that.

    Time to Conversion report

    The report shows how many days pass from the first visit to the conversion - the time until the user considers the purchase decision.

    If 50% convert in 12 days or more, spend time nurturing customers. Improve your content or create it for different devices to keep visitors coming back again. Start a newsletter to remind yourself. Work until the number of days in the report is reduced.

    Sequence Length report

    Shows the number of conversions along the chain of visits:

    For example, from the second line you learn that 37,517 target actions occurred after passing a chain of two elements.

    Study conversion paths to break down incoming traffic. Compare criteria: mobile vs desktop, new visitors vs returning clients.

    1) Customize models to suit your goals, specific platform and audience.

    2) Use auto-tagging in Adwords and other tools and UTM tags for social media campaigns.

    3) Consider life cycle client (LTV). Good client comes back again, so he's 18 times more expensive than the average customer. "Old men" return more often direct traffic(from bookmarks), social networks (learn about sales), email (learn about promotions and discounts).

    New customers usually arrive through channels paid advertising, organic search, referrals and social networks.

    It is twice as expensive to retain a customer than to acquire a new one.

    High conversions to you!

    Google Analytics associates conversions and e-commerce transactions with the last source of traffic to a site: campaign, search query, or ad. But how can you evaluate the contribution of previous visits and traffic sources: other websites, search queries and advertisements? How do you know how long it took from the first click or view to conversion?

    Answers to these and many other questions can be found in reports on . They allow you to evaluate the contribution of various marketing channels (traffic sources) to attracting customers.

    For example, it's possible that many of the shoppers who come to your site from Google first learned about your brand from a blog or while searching for specific products and services. Reports on multi-channel sequences help assess the impact various sources traffic for sales.

    This article covers the following topics: Video Presentation: Multi-Channel Funnels Conversion Paths

    Reports on multi-channel sequences are created based on conversion paths, that is, the history of interactions (clicks or transitions) that led to a transaction on your resource. By default, only data from the last 30 days before the conversion is taken into account, but this period can be changed from 1 to 90 days using the switch Lookback Window above each report. This takes into account interactions with almost all digital channels. These include, but are not limited to:

    • normal search and search advertising(in all systems taking into account requests);
    • websites – referral sources;
    • affiliate sites;
    • social media;
    • email newsletters;
    • special campaigns, including in traditional media, that direct traffic to shortened URLs.

    Read more about how these channels appear in reports.

    Contents of Multi-Channel Funnel Reports

    In the report Main conversion paths presents the paths your customers took to make a purchase. Reports Time to conversion And Sequence length show how many days and interactions it took for a user to convert. Please note that the length of the lookback period affects the content of reports. You can learn more about these reports in the Conversion Path Analysis article.

    How to View the Multi-Channel Funnels Report

    To view the report by multi-channel sequences, follow these steps:

  • Sign in Google Analytics account.
  • Open the Reports section.
  • Select Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels.
  • The reports provide data for automatically identified channels, as well as for campaigns Google Ads(if they have been set up for automatic tracking). Detailed information You can find out more about this in the article Setting up multi-channel funnels.

    Articles on the topic

    For more information on how channels are displayed in reports, read this article.

    How to check if all channels are represented in your reports multi-channel sequences, read