Timeweb hosting personal account. Timeweb personal account (Timeweb). Registration is fast

What is hosting? This is a virtual home for your website, which is needed so that your site lives on the Internet, has a residence permit there, and can be accessed by any Internet user 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Timeweb hosting (in Russian timeweb) is one of the most popular hosting providers.

To find the official website of Timeweb, just type “timeweb” in the search bar, or type “timeweb”. The first line that the search engine returns will most likely be the official hosting site - timeweb.com.

timeweb registration

By going to this site, you can familiarize yourself with all the tabs. But now we are interested in the “Hosting” tab (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 “Hosting” tab on timeweb.com

We click on the “Hosting” tab, and a page with timeweb hosting tariff plans opens in front of us. Here you can familiarize yourself with these plans, see how much hosting costs for a year, for a month, what savings there are and the presence (or absence) of bonuses.

Rice. 2 Choose a tariff for Timeweb hosting

It is best to order hosting for a year at once using the “Year” tariff plan. Why for a year? In this case, hosting gives you a domain name as a gift. You can place two websites here if you are just starting out on the Internet. This is quite enough.

So, you click on the “Order” line (number 2 in Fig. 2). The tariff plan you have chosen will open in front of you.

Rice. 3 Enter data to order timeweb hosting

Here you need to enter your information:

Number 1 in Fig. 3 – In the “Tariff plan” field, select a different tariff plan. To do this, click on the small triangle that the arrow points to. A drop-down menu will appear in which we select a tariff for timeweb hosting.

Number 2 in Fig. 3 – In the “Client Type” field, indicate “Individual”.

Number 3 in Fig. 3 – In the “Payment period” field, select any period convenient for you: from 1 month to 3 years (for example, let’s choose a year). To select a different period, click on the triangle pointed to by the arrow and a menu with payment period options will appear.

Number 4 in Fig. 3 – In the “User Information” field, enter your full name. I recommend that you indicate your real last name, first name, and patronymic, because it will be possible to confirm your rights to hosting, domain and website only in this case.

Number 5 in Fig. 3 – a valid e-mail (mailbox) to which you will receive information about your hosting and website.

Number 6 in Fig. 3 – username, which you type in Latin. It must consist of at least five characters; numbers and letters can be used. You will then enter this name when logging into your account (personal account) at timeweb hosting. You will also need to provide a password.

Number 7 in Fig. 3 – If you have one, indicate the promo code of the partner who invited you to TimeWeb. Perhaps he will receive a commission from Timeweb for attracting you as a new client. If there is no promo code, skip this field without filling it out.

Number 8 in Fig. 3 – Then put a tick in the checkbox and agree to the terms of the offer. I don’t have a checkmark on the screenshot, so timeweb won’t register me.

Number 9 in Fig. 3 – Then click on the “Order” button.

In the next window we see that registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 4), and a reminder that you can use timeweb hosting services for free for ten days:

Rice. 4 Message that registration on timeweb hosting is completed

If you don’t like timeweb hosting, you don’t have to pay for it, but start all over again, from scratch, but on a different hosting.

Then, in your mailbox, which you specified during registration, you will find a letter where the Timeweb hosting provider will congratulate you on your successful registration and provide you with the login information for your personal account. Just in case there is no letter, do not forget to check the Spam folder in your mail.

The following will be indicated here:

  • data for communication via FTP, which will be useful in the future,
  • the tariff plan you have chosen, and
  • a reminder that you need to make payment within ten days.

Rice. 5 Letter sent by timeweb to the email address specified during registration

Payment for timeweb hosting

Now go to the control panel of your account. To do this, you need to enter your data (password and login - numbers 1 and 2 in Fig. 6), click the “Login” button (number 3 in Fig. 6):

Rice. 6 Timeweb login to your account

After which you are logged into your account. Now on this page we are interested in the tab called “Finance”:

Rice. 7 Let's start paying for timeweb hosting

You can pay for the hosting that we ordered for a year from this control panel. Click on the “Top up balance” link and select the payment method that suits you best. This can be electronic money and cards (for example, a bank card). The amount is already indicated here.

Rice. 8 Choose a payment method for timeweb hosting
  • 1 – payment by receipt at the bank, the receipt will be issued by timeweb hosting
  • 2 – cashless payment
  • 3 – payment with Yandex.Money
  • 4 – payment via WebMoney
  • 5 – payment by credit card
  • 6 – payment via Qiwi
  • 7 – payment via Elecsnet
  • 8 – payment via Novoplat

Let's say we chose to pay by credit card (number 5 in Fig. 8). Click “Pay”, we are redirected to the payment page.

Rice. 9 Payment for timeweb hosting by bank card

Here you enter your card details:

  • card number (number 1 in Fig. 9),
  • validity period (month, year – numbers 2 and 3),
  • owner (as written on the card - number 4),
  • fill in the CVV code - number 5 (the last digits on the back of your card).
  • Then enter a valid e-mail (number 6), mobile phone number (number 7) and
  • Click on the “Pay” button (number 8).

Domain registration on timeweb

For 10 days, during which you can test hosting for free, a free domain is issued, this is the so-called “technical domain”, which has the obligatory “prefix” tmweb.ru. For example, if my username on the hosting is inetgramotnost, then the technical domain will look like: inetgramotnost.tmweb.ru.

And when you pay for hosting, you can register a domain from the control panel. Log into your TimeWeb account (Fig. 6), go to the “Domains and subdomains” tab and click “Register a new domain”. First you must decide on the domain, which name suits you best for your type of activity. Here you can check your domain that you have chosen..

If the domain is busy, then you can experiment and find an unoccupied domain (for example, change the letters). If the domain is available, you can register it. Click “Add to registration”, then “Pay separately”. When you pay for your hosting for a year, the domain name comes to you as a gift. You will see the message “Pay towards the bonus”. You click on this item and the domain is registered.

We create a website on Timeweb

Now let's create a website for your domain. Go to “Domains and subdomains”. Your registered domain will be here:

  • or a “technical domain” issued for the duration of hosting testing,
  • or received as a bonus after paying for hosting for a year.

Copy its name, go to the “Sites” tab and click “Create a new site”. We register the directory of your domain name, fill in the “Comment on the site” field (for example, postcards) and click the “Create” button.

In the next window, the site directory to which you need to link the domain will appear. Click on the “Bind domain” link, select this domain name from the list and click “Bind”. Thus, we registered for hosting, registered a domain and created a website.

Installing the engine on the site

From the “CMS Catalog” tab, you can select an engine for your site, for example, the free popular one. Click on the “Wordpress” button, then click on the “Install application” button.

Rice. 10 Install the WordPress engine on your website with a mouse click

A letter will be sent to your e-mail containing your login and password to enter the administrative panel of your site. You can access this panel without logging into your TimeWeb hosting account.

is a virtual hosting that can be recommended to all those who are looking for a profitable, logical and smart solution for hosting a website, blog or online store.

There are many reasons for this. Read about this below in this article.

TimeWeb offers you a full range of services - there is:

  1. Hosting for small websites – “Hosting” tab.
  2. Hosting for large portals that have a fairly large traffic load - the “Hosting for 1C-Bitrix” tab.
  3. There is a separate category of tariffs - the “Site Builder” tab.

TimeWeb has the ability to register domains. Domain prices are quite reasonable. In addition, there are also dedicated servers and virtual machines with various operating systems: both Windows and all Linux distributions. Thus, you can dynamically configure everything or buy a full-fledged “dedicator”.


Registration on the site is very simple and it consists in the fact that you just need to choose the tariff you like. For example, consider the “Year” tariff. Click “Post a site” and then enter your last name, first name and patronymic.

It is advisable to keep real data. This is necessary if you want to cooperate with TimeWeb through the affiliate program in the future, or if you have any problems with your account. For example, if you forget your password or lose your email, they will not be able to restore your access without your passport data.

After filling out all the forms, you will receive an email. There will be your username and password. A test account is opened for you for 7 days. This account will also have 3 domains attached to it. These are TimeWeb subdomains. You can also choose any subdomain for yourself. The test account is not limited by any limits.

Control panel interface

Let's look at all the functionality of the service. TimeWeb uses its own control panel. It is very easy to use and at the same time has quite flexible functions.

From the control panel you can buy domains directly and create subdomains. And in the “Sites” section there is a list of all your sites on your account. A new directory for the site is created in one click.

There is also a built-in catalog of content management systems. There are both paid and free CMSs here. You can install or buy almost any CMS instantly.

The built-in file manager allows you to perform all standard operations of copying, editing, deleting and other work with files.

This is what the “Databases” section looks like:

"Mail Manager" is a built-in mailbox for your account. You can also make a box for each of your websites. The mail quota here is 10 GB, which is more than enough.

The next tab is user FTP accounts – “PU/FTP Users”. This is a list of your FTP accounts. Everything here is very flexible: you can, for example, include in FTP the display of a database and Crontab (a program that runs tasks on a schedule).

Backups of your site are created automatically every three days, and you can download absolutely any copy in full without any problems. The same conditions apply to databases - copies are created automatically every 3 days.

“Crontab” section - here you can create any tasks with different frequency: every minute, every hour, once a day, etc. The file type for execution here can be not only PHP, but also a Perl script, a Python script, an SH script and an executable binary file.

For many, the “Security” section will be useful. There are tabs here:

  1. To confirm login via SMS. It is recommended that everyone activate this tab.
  2. To link login to your account. It is recommended to enable this tab if you have a dedicated IP address.
  3. To allow access only for selected countries.

To conclude the overview of the interface panel, let’s look at the “Server Load” tab, which interests many, because it shows how many resources are used on your account.

Hosting for an online store

TimeWeb is great for hosting online stores. Users note the absence of problems with site availability, stable server operation, and a large number and flexibility of tariff plans. For an online store in TimeWeb, the Eterno tariff is perfect. Placing an online store on this tariff will also not cause you any difficulties, since the CMS catalog has a fairly large selection of website management systems for online stores, for example 1C-Bitrix or OpenCart, and of course, “Yupi!” works great on this tariff. This plan includes benefits such as 20 GB of storage, priority technical support and a free SSL certificate.

An SSL certificate for an online store is a secure https connection for your domain. In order to connect https for free, go to the admin panel of your hosting control panel and go to the “Additional services” section.

Here you need to click on “SSL certificates”:

Instead of a conclusion

Taking a look at the hosting market, you can see how many companies promise potential clients a lot of features, such as a huge selection of templates, free domains and SEO. But in reality, everything turns out to be not so smooth and profitable. Unlike others, Timeweb does not promise, but actually gives its users what they have dreamed of for so long. I would also like to note that the vast majority of reviews about Timeweb in independent ratings of hosting providers are positive.

Special offer! Register and pay for 1 year of hosting on TimeWeb using our affiliate link and we will implement Our platform for online stores is completely free!

Timeweb hosting, with its central slogan, positions itself as “more than hosting.” How true this is, we have to figure out.

Timeweb is located legally and physically in Russia. The data center is located in St. Petersburg. The total throughput of Timeweb channels is more than 10 Gbit/s. It is the ratio of the physical “reality” of hosting and a more than affordable price that is, in fact, of consumer interest.


Almost every hosting has its own individual differences that help it stand out and attract the consumer. Timeweb is no exception:

  • 10 days of free test hosting for new clients;
  • the ability to configure SMS messages to inform you about events on your account;
  • setting up a Jabber server;
  • the ability to develop an individual tariff plan;
  • 3 months of free hosting as a gift when moving a site from another hosting;
  • domain as a gift when you pay for hosting for a year;
  • one year of free hosting when purchasing CMS “1C-Bitrix”;

It’s also worth emphasizing that Timeweb traffic is free and unlimited on ALL tariff plans!


Timeweb offers a set of five standard tariff plans, which even have stylish names in St. Petersburg: Year, Optimo, Century, Millennium and Eterno.

With the most economical option - Year - you get 2 GB of disk space and the ability to host two websites and two MySQL databases. The most expensive, Eterno, provides 20 GB of space, the ability to “host” as many as 30 sites, and you can create as many databases as you like, without restrictions. Actually, “unlimited” on the number of databases begins with the Century tariff plan.

A separate feature of Timeweb is that if you have special requirements, the company’s employees can develop an individual tariff plan for you, taking into account the specifics of your projects and your wishes.

Premium hosting

The Premium hosting service is worth highlighting separately, as it is not just a tariff plan. The company positions the service as the optimal solution for web projects created on the basis of 1C-Bitrix. The cost of the service is quite high - 4000 rubles/month. Here's what Timeweb offers for this amount:

  • Guarantee of the highest level of service (SLA 99.9% - the guarantee is formalized in a separate agreement);
  • Highest priority for technical support. The waiting time will be no more than an hour in the worst case scenario;
  • The availability of your services is monitored 24 hours a day. In case of problems, the response time is no more than 3 minutes;
  • 20 GB disk space for your corporate email. Protection against spam and malware using Kaspersky is provided;
  • 50 GB of disk space;
  • Automatic backup of all information for the last three days;
  • 5% discount when paying for Premium hosting for 6 months and 10% when paying for a year;
  • Exclusive conditions for working with accounting.

As we see, under certain conditions, such a set of services may well justify itself.


As mentioned above, Timeweb maintains its own data center. Being in partnership with Intel and AMD, the hosting can afford new and powerful servers. All servers undergo careful monitoring and countless different tests. The safety of information is guaranteed by a “hot” backup system.

As for the physical data transfer speed, Timeweb claims that everything is also “at the level”. Cisco Systems communications equipment (the de facto standard) does not need any special introduction. The Timeweb node is connected to two independent fiber-optic channels, which provides reliable insurance against communication “falls” and various smaller interruptions.


Timeweb primarily uses MySQL5, but the most expensive Eterno plan offers MySQL4 as an option.

Control panel

Timeweb hosting uses a control panel of its own design. This is in some way a plus, since any issues regarding malfunctions or emergency situations are resolved “on the spot,” whereas if a “glitch” is detected in a commercial control panel, nothing can be done until the update is released.


All hosting plans include DNS management.


Also, all tariff plans include support for SSH, sFTP/FTP.


As is often the case with various hosters, in order to register, you still need to buy something. In fact, there is not even a “Registration” button/link, instead of which the inscription “Order” is unobtrusively but without alternative. However, the ordering procedure is simple and transparent, upon completion of which the user receives all the necessary technical data to access the control panel, databases, the hosting itself via ftp, etc.

Technical support

Information about support contacts on the hosting website is located in the lower left corner (if you scroll to the very bottom of the site). There you will only see the support email – [email protected] and a link to LiveChat. The last one is a simple chat, quite convenient. First you formulate a question, then you “ask” it by clicking the appropriate button. Support responds instantly.

But that is not all. You can get exactly the same information by telephone - St. Petersburg, Moscow and all-Russian (8-800...). But the site does not emphasize that the indicated telephone numbers can also be used to contact technical support, and not just the office.

Bottom line

Timeweb's strength is its combination of price and the range of offerings at that price. In this case it is very, very successful. We have everything you need for both a business card website and a powerful resource with tens of thousands of visitors. Another nice thing is that Timeweb has “everything of its own”. Own data center, office, staff, and all this is not scattered around the world, like some “hosters”, but is located in St. Petersburg. Over 6 years of operation, Timeweb has confidently earned a reputation as a reliable and inexpensive hosting that is suitable for most.

Timeweb is an international hosting provider that helps millions of users master the World Wide Web and achieve their goals. All this is possible thanks to various types of services, as well as domain registration. There are several reasons for the high popularity of the service: first, reliability; the second is convenience; the third is safety of use, the fourth is extensive experience (the company has been operating on the market since 2006).

The official Timeweb website has detailed information about the solutions. The fact that this web hosting is suitable for both standard sites (for example, Joomla or Wordpress), and for highly loaded ones (in particular, programming languages ​​Python, javascript and others). This diversity allows each client to choose the most suitable tariff plan for the project’s tasks, which, by the way, is easy to do immediately after registering in your personal account.

Features of your Timeweb personal account

All webmasters who create websites can work with this hosting. A personal account has been created for their comfort. It displays information about the server used and the daily traffic of the resource. Those. the user immediately sees the number of sites served, personal tariff, occupied disk space and balance. As for the latter, here you can top it up in one of the following ways: through Elexnet, Yandex.Money, Visa cards and others, Webmoney, Novoplat or Sberbank.

With this article I am starting a series of reviews of hosting companies. Registration in Timeweb became for me the starting point into the world of paid hosting. Before this, there was pampering on Yukoz and other free services. I’ll start with TimeWeb.Ru.

X hosting company TimeWeb.ru has existed since 2006, which is considered young among providers. TimeWeb is based in St. Petersburg. Among the hoster's clients are several banks, including Home Credit Bank, Studio Soyuz, cosmetics company Schwarzkopf, anti-virus software developer ESET NOD32, the largest franchising 1-C and other equally well-known companies.

Registration in TimeWeb is quite simple

What concerns directly registration in TimeWeb, then it is quite simple to implement. You will be quickly registered; for this you need to purchase hosting, or get it for free for a 10-day trial.

But first things first. Let's follow the link to the main page of the hoster TimeWeb . This is the general view of the main page of the TimeWeb website.

Order a hosting service

You can get an account in TimeWeb when ordering any service. Go to the tab - Services (it is open by default) and select the one we need.

For example, let's click on the link - Order. A panel like this will pop up with the types of services. Next to each link there is a short description. Most likely you will need virtual hosting, perhaps purchasing a domain. What else does a novice webmaster need?

Fill out the hosting order form

F meme on the button - Virtual hosting. We receive the appropriate order form.

Please fill out all fields carefully.

1. Select a tariff plan from the drop-down list; in the screenshot it is Optima, not the simplest, not the most complex, but a fairly complete tariff plan. We will talk about TimeWeb tariffs separately soon. For now, it is important to know that you can easily switch from one tariff plan to another while working on the site. And there is the possibility of free testing of the service for 10 days.

2. Type of client - leave - Individual. Unless, of course, you register hosting for yourself, and not for a legal entity.

3. Payment period - select the number of months of payment for hosting in the drop-down list. The default is 1 year. The fact is that if you pay for a full year at TimeWeb, you will receive cost savings (discount) plus one free domain (registration or renewal) in zone.ru. At more serious tariffs, the list of domain zones is much wider. I repeat, we will return to tariffs in future posts.

4. Information about the user.

In fact, you are required to fill out two lines in this section. The rest may not be filled in for now.

  • Your full name (required) - Fill out this field as accurately as possible. Just like in a passport, this is where legal matters begin.
  • E-mail address (required) - enter your “live” email here. Otherwise, where will they send you the password to your account?

Fill in the steel fields as desired.

  • Select a name - create a login for yourself to log into the system. And so on.

5. Tick the checkbox - I agree with the terms of the offer agreement - and click the button - Register.

We receive a letter with TimeWeb account data

You will receive a letter with your TimeWeb account credentials to the email address you provided. Password, login, DNS server addresses, information about the test period, your tariff plan and much other data. You can return to the main TimeWeb panel and go to the Control Panel of your account. All! On this registration in TimeWeb.Ru finished.