How to disable all antiviruses on Windows 7. Configuration through the System Configuration application. Complete deactivation of Kaspersky

One of daily tasks, which not only every photographer, but also any computer user encounters - reducing or enlarging photographs and other images. For example, reducing the size of a photo may be necessary to place it on a website.

However, first, we need to decide what size we are talking about! Sometimes there are certain requirements for the size of a photo - measured in pixels. A pixel is a small dot, which is what photographs are made of! For example, you may need to reduce a photo to a size of 800*600 pixels.

And there is another size - it is measured in megabytes, kilobytes or bytes. This is the size of the information contained in the file. Since each pixel can carry a different amount of information - an image that is not always smaller in terms of pixels will contain smaller size information. Therefore, sometimes when reducing the size of an image, you should pay attention to the amount of information it contains after reduction. Usually this volume can be seen either directly when reduced (especially in Photoshop), or by hovering the cursor over the file icon - then the corresponding information will appear.

There are several ways to reduce a photograph, including reducing its size, reducing the “weight” of a photograph without reducing its linear dimensions, or both...

Here are the ways you can achieve the desired result:

1. Reducing the size of a photo in Paint.

Paint is installed on almost every computer that has Windows installed, so let's start there.

First, open Paint. Secondly, in the menu (opens at the top left), find your photo and open it.

The third step is to choose how much you want to reduce your photo and click OK.

Step four - in the main menu (top left of the window) select "save as", select jpeg as the format (unless otherwise required), and save... Done!

2. How to reduce photos in Photoshop (Photoshop)

There is a whole small form lesson on this topic. Please take a look... it's online, it's free!

3. Reduce photo online

We go to the site... and what do we see?? Doesn't matter! You need to find the “Upload images” item, click the “browse” button, select your photo, select the size just below - to which you want to reduce the photo and other parameters that are quite understandable without comments - if desired.

Next, click the “upload” button, the photo is loaded, and... voila! On the page that opens, find the “open” link and enjoy looking at the thumbnail photo! You can save it to your computer either by dragging it onto your desktop (if your browser does not prevent this) or by clicking on the photo right key mouse, and selecting an item like “save image as...” (the name of the item depends on your browser). I hope that now reducing the size of the photo will not create any problems for you!

Photos on the Internet now do not surprise anyone. The multitude allows you to add dozens and even hundreds of them to your personal pages.
For a long time, the limitation was the size of the uploaded photo, although this still occurs. For some users, the question of how to reduce the size of a photo is a serious obstacle when adding a photo, which we will now overcome.

Before you reduce the size of a photo, you must find out the parameters of the pictures that can be inserted onto your page. If you just want to change the photos, decide on the output parameters.

We will consider the option without installing any additional . Will already be used preset program V Windows. Specifically in this example it will be Paint V Windows 7. It's pretty weak, if you can even call it that. Although some minimal photo processing possible.
Program Paint quite suitable for resize photo. We will reduce the number of pixels, due to which we will be able to reduce photo volume.

For example, let's take a photo from the following characteristics: size 3072x2304, resolution 72 dpi, size 2.91 MB.
Let's launch our program. IN Windows XP it can be found in the menu "Start" in folder "Standard". IN Windows 7 application Paint located in the same place, only the menu "Start" looks different already. You need to go to the folder "All programs" and find the folder there "Standard", in which it will be located Paint.

It will be a little faster to get to the program Paint by entering the name in the search bar of the menu "Start".

After launching the application, we will open our photo for processing.

Now let's try reduce photo size by selecting the appropriate menu item. We can change the number of pixels by entering required amount or indicate a change in percentage. We will enter longest side equal to 1024. Since we have a tick "Keep proportion", the number of pixels of the second side will be shown automatically.

As you can see after saving our photo, the size has changed significantly. The photo came out with the following characteristics: size 1024x768, resolution 72 dpi, size 174.1KB. This can be explained not only by a threefold reduction in the number of pixels on each side, but also by a higher degree of compression than in a camera.

If the main criterion was the occupied disk space, then it was possible to reduce the size of the photo by simply pinching it. Let's try to resize a photo this way, simply by opening and saving.

Even in this way it was possible resize photo, reducing the space occupied by half.

We succeeded make the photo smaller using the built-in software. But if you need more photo processing, must be installed additional programs. One of these is free program, significantly exceeding the usual paint by the number of functions. This free photo editor will cope quite well complex tasks processing photographs and preparing them for printing.

Hello friends!

This is another material on working with images.

In it you will learn how to reduce the size of an image without losing quality with using Paint, Photoshop and online services.

Moreover, you will learn how to do this in two aspects. After all, image size has 2 meanings:

  • Size in pixels, that is, the height and width of the image;
  • Size in kilobytes, that is, the weight of the image on a computer or other media.

This material is suitable for anyone who is interested in reducing the size of their images, photographs, and so on. And it will be very useful for website owners, since it is strictly not recommended to post pictures in your materials big size and weight.

Let's start with a little consideration of the need for all the actions discussed below.

Regarding changing the height and width of the image, there are many options: you need the required size for printing, for posting on the site, to reduce the same weight of the image, since it decreases when the size is reduced.

Weight reduction may be necessary to save weight on the media ( HDD, flash drive and so on), for fast loading images on the site and so on

Options indeed great amount. In order not to languish, we begin to practice.

By tradition I give detailed video tutorial, in which everything was shown clearly.

Now for lovers of text instructions.

Resizing in Paint

To change the height and width dimensions, I do not recommend using any online services, as this can be done using standard set programs and even standard editor Windows operating system - Paint.

Open the image in Paint and on the "Home" tab there is a "Resize" item.

By clicking on it, we can change the size without losing quality (if we reduce it) and without losing proportions. To do this, be sure to activate the setting to maintain proportions.

By changing the horizontal and vertical size parameters, you adjust the width and height of the image accordingly. Choose required parameters, click on the “Ok” button, and then save the final file to your computer.

We're done resizing the image in Paint.

By the way, changing the width and height parameters also affects the weight of the image. Therefore, take note of this.

Now consider the option with using Photoshop.

Resizing in Photoshop

Open our image in the program and move to the “Image - Image Size” item.

In the next window, the change occurs in the same way as in Paint. Make sure the checkbox is checked to maintain proportions and set the required height or width parameters.

After clicking the "Ok" button, the size parameters will be applied and you can save the file.

These methods are quite sufficient to resize the height and width of images.

Now we will look at 2 ways to reduce the weight of images.

But before that, I want to note that you already know one way. If you do not need images of extremely large sizes, then you can reduce their height and width, thereby reducing the weight by several, or even tens of times.

Reducing Weight in Photoshop

This method will be very useful for website owners, since the smaller the page weighs, the faster it loads. And this is very important. The method is also suitable for any needs.

After opening an image in Photoshop, you need to immediately save it, but not usually, but for the web and devices.

In the next window you need to set image quality parameters:

  • Quality - high (60-70). Adjust the value to suit your needs;
  • Format - jpeg. If you need to save transparent areas in the image, then you need the png format;
  • We also set the "Progressive" setting.

You can also change the sizes directly in this window, and not separately through the “Image - image size” item, as I showed in the paragraph earlier. It is very comfortable.

After setting the parameters, save the settings (see screenshot above).

This is the only way I was able to reduce the weight of the image from 116 kb to 75 kb without changing the dimensions (height and width remained the same).

IN this method you can play with the quality value. It all depends on why you need to reduce the weight of the image. It is quite possible that you can set the parameter lower, making the weight even less.

Now let's look at how to reduce weight using an online service.

Online service for optimization

This method is very useful for reduced images. For example, if I have already reduced the image earlier in Photoshop, then using the service we can finalize the size.

The service has a name Let's move on to it. I provided a link directly to the image selection page.

On this page, you first need to decide on the degree of image compression. There are 2 parameters responsible for this:

  • Lossy - strong compression (set by default);
  • Lossless - less compression.

You can determine this parameter only by testing them. Therefore, try to compress the image this way and that, and then select the desired option.

The image is immediately optimized and we will see a report on the work done under the area for selecting a file.

It can be seen that the original file size was 77 kb, and after optimization it became 59 kb. It also shows how much was compressed in kilobytes (18 kb) and as a percentage (23.8%).

To save the compressed image, you must click on the "Download this file" button in the last "Status" column. We will be transferred to new tab, where the final image will open so we can evaluate it. To save, you need to right-click on the image and select "Save image as".

If you watched the video at the beginning of the article, where I clearly showed the process and all the nuances of this article, then you know that only these methods can reduce an image from 360 kb to 40 kb. And this is not the limit.

This material has come to an end. All the methods described in the article, how ordinary user Internet, you will be in over your head.

In the comments below, I would be interested to know some of your ways to reduce the weight of pictures. Maybe there is something simpler but more effective. Therefore, I’m waiting for you below near the comment form.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

You don't know how to increase the size of a picture? This is very simple task, since everything you need is already installed on your computer. Read this tutorial and you'll learn how to resize a photo using 5 simple tools.

Method 1: How to Resize an Image in Microsoft Paint

  1. Find and launch MS Paint. It comes pre-installed on all versions of the operating system Windows. Start> All Programs> Accessories> Paint:
  1. Drag the image into the Paint window or use Menu > Open (Ctrl + O).
  2. In the main menu of the program, find the item “ Resize" and select it:

  1. The panel for changing image sizes and proportions will open. You can specify the value in pixels. Don't forget to check the " Maintain proportions" Otherwise the image will be deformed:

  1. To increase the size of the picture, click the "OK" button and save the photo.


  • If you can't ask required sizes photo without stretching it, you can use the Crop tool to remove unwanted edges. How to do this is described in paragraph 3;
  • To open a photo faster, right-click on it and select from context menu paragraph " Open with Paint»;
  • It is best to save the image in the same format as the original.

Method 2. How to resize an image in MS Photo Gallery

  1. If Microsoft Photo Gallery is not installed on your computer ( Start > Photo Gallery), you need to download and install it as part of Windows Essentials 2012 ;
  2. Launch MS Photo Gallery and find your graphic file;
  3. Right-click on it and select “Resize...”:

  1. Select a ready-made preset: " Small 640 pixels", "Medium 1024", "Large 1280", etc.

  1. Click " Resize and save" After you increase the size of the picture, the image will be placed in the same folder, and the original will also remain in it.


  • If you need to set the exact size of the image, select " Custom" and set the size for larger side photos;
  • To resize multiple photos at once, select them while holding down the Ctrl key.

Method 3: How to Resize an Image in Photoscape

You can increase the size of the picture in Photoshop. Or use Photoscape for this.

  1. Download Photoscape and install it. Launch the program;
  2. Go to the "Editor" tab and find the photo you want to edit:

  1. At the bottom of the image there is a button “Resize”, click on it.
  2. Set new size photographs. Make sure the option " Maintain aspect ratio" is enabled and press the "OK" button:

  1. Save the edited image.


  • If you need to resize multiple images, use the " Batch editor" Add a folder and resize all the photos in it;
  • If you don't know the exact size, you can set the "Percentage" of the original size.

Method 4. How to resize an image in IrfanView

  1. Install IrfanView - great tool to view and increase the size of the picture;
  2. Add a photo by dragging it into the program window, or by clicking the first button in the toolbar:

  1. Go to the "Image" tab, select " Change size/proportions» ( Ctrl+R);
  2. Set the new size in pixels, centimeters, inches, or as a percentage of the original image:

  1. Save the image.


  • you can use standard sizes: 640 by 480 pixels, 800 by 600 pixels, 1024 by 768 pixels, etc.;
  • To save high quality photos, make sure the DPI is set to at least 300.

Method 5. How to resize an image online

  1. To resize a picture online, go to PicResize.
  2. Click the button Browse" to select a photo. Click " Continue»:

  1. Select a percentage of the original image, such as 50% smaller. The tool will display the output image size. Alternatively, you can enter your exact size by selecting " Custom Size»:

  1. Then click " I'm Done, Resize my Picture"and wait a bit;
  2. You will then be able to view the new image. Save it to your PC or share it on social networks:


  • You can increase the size of a picture from the Internet without saving it to your computer. Just change " From Computer" on " From URL»;
  • You can limit the image size a certain value, and the tool will automatically adjust its quality;
  • With PicResize you can also do batch change image sizes. On the menu " Tools" select " Resize Bulk Photos", add multiple files and resize the images.

We hope that our tips helped you successfully cope with this task.

Translation of the article " How to Resize an Image: 5 Easy Ways"was prepared by the friendly project team.

It would seem that everything is very simple. In fact, the process of resizing pictures should be carried out in such a way that their quality does not suffer. How to increase or decrease the size of a photo without unnecessary problems? Read on.

Why do this

Before you start manipulating pictures and photographs, think about why you need it. Sometimes it happens that all your efforts are in vain. It should be remembered that the photo is from large size, especially those made on professional camera, have best quality than any others. So, why do you need to reduce or enlarge the picture at all?

The first reason you will need to tinker with pictures is to post them on the site. Very often, web pages do not allow you to upload photos weighing more than 2 MB. What should you do if you need to, say, upload a file weighing 2.2 MB? There is no point in compressing such a picture, so you can resize it.

Another problem that users face is creating avatars on different pages. Then many people think about how to resize a photo to set it as the main picture of their profile. Typically, the photo size should not exceed 160x160 pixels.

Probably the last good reason why you need to manipulate pictures is to change the quality of the image. As a rule, if it does not suit you, then you need to think about how to change the size of the photo, in particular, how to make it smaller - and the final result will be better than in larger versions. Now let's talk about what needs to be done in order to be able to manipulate the size of images.

Online mode

Quite often, people don’t want to think for a long time about how to resize a photo on their own. In this case, you should resort to special web services that will definitely help you. They are usually free.

A good site for the task at hand is ResizePicOnline. It has the ability to upload up to 10 photos at a time. Once all the images have been uploaded to the service, click “Next”. The ResizePicOnline user interface will open in front of you. Here you can easily understand how to resize a photo. Find the "size" section. Here you can see where the current picture resolution is reflected. To decrease or increase, simply move the slider in the desired direction. If you know what parameters the output image should have, enter the resolution manually using the keyboard.

Antique Paint

If you are thinking about how to improve the picture quality on large photo, then you will need a program to reduce the size of photos. You don’t really need to download anything - good old Paint, which is available in all of them, will come to your aid operating systems Windows. True, it’s worth it in every different versions. However, this does not prevent him from performing his functions.

Let's look at how to work with Paint latest version. First of all, launch the program. You can find it in "Accessories" in the "Start" menu. Now open the image you need. Enter the "Main" tab. There, follow the "Image" section. Click on the words "Resize". Now you can start your “machinations”.

In order to proportionally reduce or enlarge the picture, check the box next to “Maintain proportions”. Now choose how to resize. Percentage method - to change in percentage, horizontally - changes the width, vertically - the height of the image. In order to put specific size photos, click "Points", then enter the required data.

Old "Photoshop"

Of course, one cannot ignore such a creation as Adobe Photoshop. This is the most popular editor images. But how to resize a photo in Photoshop?

First of all, you need to open the program and load into it the file with which you will “shamanize”. It’s best to save the source with the dimensions, in case final result will not suit you.

Now that you are completely confident and ready to work, you can get started. Find on top panel"Image". Open the tab and find "Image Size" in the list. A small window will open in front of you, in which all the settings take place.

In order to change the photo size, pay attention to the numbers - they can be changed in different units. Usually these are pixels. To reduce or enlarge the image, change the numbers in the fields to the desired ones. This way you can easily and simply answer the question of how to resize a photo. But you can also try a somewhat non-standard method - change the size in centimeters. This is not very convenient for a computer, but it makes it clearer for users what data the image will have. When you complete the process, click "Ok". After that, “File” - “Save”. Photo has been corrected.

Office will come to the rescue

If you don’t want to spend a long time dealing with Paint or downloading Photoshop, or looking for a specialized website, then you can use the tools Microsoft Office. Among the "office" programs there is Picture Manager- this is a program for working with graphic files. Let's figure out how to act in it.

Open a photo using this program. Next, select "Edit Pictures" at the top of the screen. A panel will open on the right where you need to select “Resize”. Now change the resolution in pixels. Both percentage changes are available here (as in Paint) and “ready-made” templates: for a web page, for documents, and so on. When finished, click "OK". Save the image. You can enjoy the fruits of your labors.