The phone does not pick up GPS satellites. How to set up GPS on Android - step-by-step instructions and problem solving

Many Android smartphone users often complain about problems with GPS. Some claim that it can take forever for a smartphone to determine their location, while others may claim that GPS doesn't work at all.

Most often, similar problems are encountered by users who have flashed their smartphone or who have brand new Chinese gadgets. However, some people note that they also have problems with GPS on new gadgets from trusted companies.

In today's article, we will look at the reasons why GPS on a smartphone may start to work poorly or stop functioning completely, and we will also look at several solutions for these problems.

Ok, let's talk about the reasons why the navigator and GPS may not work well on Android. There are several reasons for this:

  • deactivated GPS module;
  • disgusting custom firmware for a smartphone;
  • damaged GPS module;
  • inappropriate GPS Almanac;

GPS stopped working on Android? Try the tips below!

Solutions for problems with GPS on Android

Activating the GPS module

So, let's start with the simplest solution, which you have probably already reached. Before using the navigator on your smartphone, do not forget to activate the GPS module. When starting some navigators, this module can be activated automatically, however, in some cases the user needs to do this independently. Make sure that the GPS module is activated and try using navigation again.

Firmware change

However, what if this module seems to be functioning, but geolocation still does not work? If you recently reflashed your smartphone, then the reason may lie in the firmware. Read reviews from other users about this firmware version and see if they have similar problems. Install some proven Android firmware on your smartphone, where GPS works normally.

Re-recording of the Almanac

But what to do if the GPS module works and you haven’t reflashed your device? As we mentioned in the reasons, owners of Chinese smartphones often complain about poorly working GPS. For example, on the Internet you can find many Meizu smartphone users with a similar problem. Let's assume that you have approximately the same device.

The reason for problems with GPS in Chinese smartphones is that they often contain an irrelevant Almanac for our hemisphere. An almanac is a type of data transmitted by a GPS satellite that contains the orbital parameters of all other satellites. To fix the GPS problem in this case, you will need to rewrite the Almanac. This can be done by following these steps:

  • activate A-GPS in the settings of your smartphone, and then GPS;
  • then enter the Android engineering menu by entering the code *#*#4636#*#* into the dialing menu;

    The note: If the given secret code does not work, then you will need to find out the code for your smartphone on the Internet. Owners of smartphones with an MTK processor will still need to use the MobileuncleTools utility.

  • as soon as you open the engineering menu, go to the tab called “YGPS”;
  • now take a look at "Satellites" and check if signs of a signal appear;

    The note: if they appear, then the theory with the wrong Almanac has been confirmed and you can continue to follow the steps below.

  • go to the “Information” tab and press the following row of buttons one by one: full→warm→hot→cold;
  • next you need to click on the “Start” button in the “NMEA Log” tab;

    The note: it is precisely this action that will ensure the recording of a new Almanac corresponding to your region.

) have recently become necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, thanks to their good ability to build walking routes.

But quite a lot of users have to deal with the fact that the GPS system on Android does not work or does not work well.

This can result in different types of problems, depending on what exactly caused the failure.


What is GPS? This is a navigation system - strictly speaking, GPS/GLONASS is a navigation module that allows you to use many applications that use navigation.


But in some cases, certain problems may be detected in the operation of such a module. Their nature is different, but they equally interfere with working with the system:

  • Complete inability to determine locations;
  • Inaccurate location determination;
  • Slow data updating or complete lack of updating (for example, you move in space or turn around, and the pointer on the map does not change its position for a long time).

Most problems can disappear on their own when you restart or when you move to another area of ​​the map.

But if this does not happen, then you need to know what caused them and how to eliminate them.

Possible reasons

There can be many reasons for this type of problem. But all of them can be divided into two large groups - hardware problems and software problems.

We talk about hardware problems when the defect is present in the physical navigation module itself, and about software problems when something is incorrectly configured in the software of a smartphone or tablet.

Important! Software type problems are enough easy to set up and fix yourself. When it comes to hardware failures, it is better to entrust the matter to a service center, since the repair process can be quite complicated for a non-specialist. And there is a risk of making the situation worse.


One of the most common problems occurs when starting the module for the first time, that is, when you first launch an application that uses GPS on a new smartphone.

Within 15-20 minutes, geolocation may not work, nothing will happen, the location will not be determined.

This is a normal condition when you first start it, but this should not happen again in the future.

A similar situation may arise if you have traveled a significant distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the navigation module turned off.

In this case, when he first starts in a new place, he will also need time to “think.”

The problem may also occur when starting at high speed, for example, while driving a car - in this case, the module will “slow down” for the first time after switching on.

Keep in mind that in buildings, indoor navigation will not be carried out.

Your approximate location in the building is determined using the location of wireless Internet zones and cell towers, but not GLONASS.


The GLONAS module can be disabled through the phone settings; often on new models it is not enabled by default.

Therefore, many beginners who are not accustomed to using Android do not turn it on before starting to use navigation applications.

By the way, this type notifies the user that he needs to enable navigation.

Inaccurate location determination may be due to the characteristics of the zone. The system does not work equally well in all areas due to the nature of satellite operation.

There are “blind” zones that the navigator misses or does not detect accurately. It is impossible to fight this.


Troubleshooting is usually quite simple.

But if after taking all the above measures the problem has not been resolved, it is possible that the problem is a faulty module and it requires replacement at a service center.


There are no ways to “cure” the program freezing after the first launch of the navigation module.

The user just needs to wait about 15-20 minutes after the first launch of the application - during this time, the electronic components of the navigation device will adjust to the current operating conditions and the location will be determined.

That is why it is recommended to run this module for configuration immediately after purchasing a phone, so as not to wait in a situation where you need it urgently.


Turning on navigation on your smartphone is quite simple. Most often, the application itself “asks” whether to enable navigation when it is disabled.

Then you need to click on “YES” or “OK” in the pop-up window, and the application itself will enable geolocation.

If such a notification does not appear, enable it manually, following the algorithm:

1 On the unlocked screen, on the desktop, pull out the menu, making a sliding movement from the top border of the screen down;

2 A menu with basic device settings will appear.– find the icon in it Geodata/Geodata transmission/Geolocation/Location determination or the like;

3 Click on it to make the icon active.

Some users are faced with the problem of GPS not working. What to do in such a situation?

If GPS does not work on Android, then the reason may be hidden in the navigation module. This problem is most often encountered by beginners who do not yet fully understand how the phone works. To solve the problem:

  • Activate navigation by sliding the top curtain, where all the necessary icons are hidden
  • Activate the “Geodata” item
  • Now turn on any navigation program and start using it

By the way, some applications notify users that the reception of geodata has been disabled. For example, Navitel. They display a special alert and even immediately go to the navigation activation menu. Once everything is done, you can start planning the route.

After turning on geolocation and settings, there is no result? The problem here is most likely your impatience. If you launched the GPS module for the first time, then wait about 15 minutes. During this time, the electronics processed information from the satellites. All other launches will be carried out much faster.

You should do the same if your navigator was working in another area and you brought it turned off. The device needs time to determine its position.

Reasons why GPS does not work on Android

  • If you are trying to determine your location on the go then worth a stop And stand a little to the navigator could tune in. For some devices The chips are slightly slow, so they take some time to set up
  • You entered a building, but GPS will not work through thick walls.
  • You have entered the zone adversely affecting signal reception - many trees, rocks or high-rise buildings. In this case, you just need to go out into the open area
  • If the option is still not activated, then you have a direct route to a specialist, since if problems arise with GPS, namely, if it previously worked well and suddenly stopped, then this indicates internal failures
  • If you don’t want to contact a service center, then first do a factory reset, perhaps this will solve the problem

To check the signal reception level, use GPS Test. If the geolocation option is activated, and the chip itself is working, and you are outdoors, then the map will show you the points where the satellites are located.

Video: Setting up and testing GPS on an Android smartphone

Android is one of the two (the second IOS) most common operating systems for tablets and smartphones Samsung Galaxy, LG, Lenovo, etc.

Its advantage is a large number of free applications that support GPS navigation. Unfortunately, the quality of many of them leaves much to be desired.

Some of the most popular and free gps applications running on a phone running Android 6.0, 5.1, 4.4, 4.4 2 and so on are Google Maps, Yanosik, MapaMap, Navatar.

Your Android tablet or smartphone offers enormous possibilities and can serve as an ideal travel guide.

It can take you directly to your place of residence using various audio-visual aids.

To enable the GPS module on your Android, make sure that it is built into your phone.

This can be determined by the GPS Test application and then run the global positioning system on our device.

How to check that a tablet or smartphone has GPS and turn it on

The easiest way to find out if your phone has built-in GPS and turn it on is to use a special GPS Test application.

If you know that your device has it, then you can proceed directly to enable it.

If you are not sure, download the application from the play market, which automatically determines the signal level. Once installed, you should see a screen similar to the one below.

If there is a green icon in the status window in the upper left corner, this means that GPS is turned on. If the icon is red, then it is turned off - then you need to enable geodata.

The application will automatically take you to the geolocation options where you must enable GPS (geodata). Please note that the location of this menu may vary depending on the device and operating system version.

How to enable GPS on a smartphone with Android 6.0 and Android 5.1

If you have not installed the application, open “Settings” and go to the “Privacy and Security” section.

Then click on the “Geodata” item.

Now just move the slider to the right to enable the built-in GPS module in your Android phone.

NOTE: the above images are from a Samsung Galaxy A3 smartphone running Android 6.0.1.

How to enable GPS on a tablet with Android 4.4 and Android 4.4.2.

To enable navigation, open “Settings”, go to the “My location” section and check the appropriate boxes.

Then log into your desktop, go to “Menu” and click on the “Navigation” icon.

How to enable voice GPS on an Android phone

There are many GPS navigation programs on the Google Play Store. Unfortunately, most of them either have very limited functionality or require payment.

Open the application, read the terms of use and accept them. On the next green screen, click Next.

Then select a country from the list and click "Import" to download road maps. You can download more later.

Maps take up many megabytes and downloading them using mobile internet (eg 3G) can be quite expensive. Therefore it is better to use wifi.

Maps may take a few minutes to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the map. Once loaded, you will see a green screen, slide it to the left and then click "Let's get started"

To make using the application easier, I recommend starting with your home address (or the one you will use most often).

To do this, go to the home screen in the top left corner and enter the address in the search field, then select an item from the list and press Enter.

The map will open. Click the gray block with the address. In the new window, click set as “Home” from the list below. In the new window, click set as “Home”.

The application will display a map. To return, click on the three lines icon in the lower right corner.

Over time, you will discover that Navfree has many additional options. For example, the route can be changed in many ways. You can add stops, select a tour and set a security mode.

If you are traveling internationally, I recommend downloading additional maps in the update.

Navfree settings also allow you to switch to pedestrian mode, which is useful when walking.

The night mode is also noteworthy. Thanks to it, your smartphone or tablet will not distract you with too high brightness.

How to turn on GPS without internet

When using GPS, it takes data from antennas. The accuracy and quality of such navigation is not ideal.

It is much better if the data comes directly from satellites. Then navigation occurs without the Internet.

For me, the best application for this is the “Navitel Navigator” application; it uses the locator built into the phone, but is paid.

Despite the growing infrastructure in our country, you can still find places where wireless Internet access is not possible, so GPS without a navigator will come in handy and not only in places without Internet coverage.

Today there are many applications that allow you to download previously selected maps to your smartphone or tablet for later use.

Programs for GPS navigation and their brief characteristics

  • Google Maps is one of the most popular apps on your phone. Works quite well on line and has the ability to display Google orthomosaics.
  • Yanosik - works on the Internet, the service is a little complicated, but the user has access to current information about traffic jams, accidents and radars.
  • MapaMap - works offline (without the Internet), but the most useful feature is only available with a subscription.
  • Navatar works online and has many useful features.
  • OviMpas - work via the Internet. Available for Nokia phone users.
  • Route 66 - works offline (without the Internet), and the online version is available after purchase.
  • Vito Navigator - works offline (without the Internet), the basic version (free) is very modest.
  • NaviExpert - works online, free trial version only.
  • Skobbler - free version, offline only, limited selection of features.

That's all. Good luck.

09.02.2017 14:36:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to make a TV remote control out of a smartphone.

It is difficult to find a smartphone that is not equipped with a GPS module. Even the most budget gadgets have this useful navigation tool installed. It doesn’t matter what model your smartphone is if you need to get directions or find out the location in an unfamiliar place. To turn on GPS on your smartphone, you don’t need any special knowledge - you press the right button and everything works. But not everyone knows how to configure GPS on Android so that the smartphone’s battery does not overload.

We will tell you about the main stages of setting up GPS, and also recommend several Android applications with which you can check the operation of the GPS module.

GPS does not start automatically on your smartphone. To enable and configure it, you need to dig a little into the settings. In each version of Android, the activation path looks a little different. We will look at the main steps to enable and configure GPS in a smartphone running Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Stage 1: Turning on

To turn on GPS, slide the notification shade down and click on the bar that displays the time, date, and battery charge. You need to click on the gear icon, after which you will be taken to Settings. In addition, you can access the settings through the corresponding button in the general menu. Find the Personal Data section and click on the Location button. At the top of the screen there will be a switch that activates GPS.

Stage 2: Setup

By default, the location of the smartphone is determined from all sources. GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile networks data are used to accurately determine the location with an accuracy of 10-15 meters. This function ensures high reliability of geolocation, however, please note that this mode puts a lot of strain on the smartphone’s battery. Therefore, in the settings you can choose one of two economical modes:

  • By network coordinates
  • By GPS satellites

The first mode uses only Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile network data. It is necessary that the smartphone is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the user needs to start Bluetooth mode. Without a network connection, the location of the smartphone is determined by the base station signal.

If there is no access to the Internet, and the nearest radio tower is several tens of kilometers away, then you should enable geolocation using GPS satellites.

Once the GPS on your smartphone is turned on and configured, you can safely install the navigator application for Android. The most convenient and functional navigator you can choose is .

To check how GPS works on your smartphone, you can download a special application from the Google Play store. We'll look at three programs available for free download. For them to work properly, you need to go outside.

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AndroidTS GPS Test Free

OS version: Android 3.0 or later

The application works with the main Russian and foreign navigation systems: GPS, GLONASS, QZSS, BeiDou Satellite Compass, GoogleMaps, OSMDroid OpenStreetMap, BingMap, Yandex. Maps, Map Test, AGPS, MGRS Maidenhead WGS84 Xtra data Datum GPS/KM VMG. Without leaving your home, you can find out your exact coordinates. The main functionality of the application is concentrated in 6 menu items:

  • Compass
  • Map of satellites in orbit
  • Satellite data
  • Route data
  • Detailed map navigator
  • Waypoint table

GPS Test

OS version: Android 4.0 or later

The application allows you to check the quality of GPS signal reception, supporting GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, Beidou and QZSS satellites geolocation systems.

Complete GPS test information is displayed on six main screens:

  1. GPS signal (SNR). A chart that shows the signal strength for each satellite, as well as the accuracy and status of the GNSS network.
  2. Positions of satellites in the sky.
  3. User's current location. Displayed with coordinates on the world map. The position of the sun and the transition curve between day and night are noted. The screen can be used as a navigator.
  4. Screen compass
  5. Current speed, course and altitude
  6. Current GPS reading time and local time in the current time zone, as well as sunrise and sunset data for a given location.

The disadvantage is the lack of Russian language. On the other hand, the application interface is easy to learn.