How to choose a wireless cycling computer. Choosing the right bike computer. Types of information devices

Are you a cycling fan and want to know everything about your rides? Then you need this bicycle speedometer: it will not only show the current, maximum and average speed, but also count the cadence - the number of pedal revolutions per minute. This solution is very important for driving on rough terrain with numerous descents and ascents. As a result, you will be able to monitor your own load and in no case slow down throughout the entire workout.

The large and fairly informative three-line screen is equipped with LED backlighting, and the numbers are displayed in a fairly large font, so you don’t have to peer at the screen for a long time and be distracted from the road situation. And that's not all: for those people who want to lose weight by cycling, the function of calculating calories burned will be useful. Buy this model and you will receive a personal assistant who will help you know everything about your races and get the most out of your training.

If you have more than one bike

Some athletes have two or more bicycles in their arsenal, designed for different riding conditions. However, they want to keep track of their race statistics and store them in one device. And it became possible to do this - just buy a cycling computer from XQJ. It measures the distance traveled on two bikes and adds up these values ​​so you can know the total distance.

The installation process of all elements

A distinctive characteristic of this set is the ease and simplicity of its installation: the wireless sensor is designed in such a way as to simultaneously determine the speed of your ride and count the pedal revolutions. The sensor itself needs to be mounted on the rear triangle, and two magnetic sensors on the inside of the pedals and the wheel spokes. The kit also includes mounting clamps, so they simplify the task as much as possible.

Think about your own safety

If you travel on roads at high enough speeds, then a bicycle helmet should be an integral part of your equipment. It is made of incredibly durable materials to protect your head from serious injury and even save your life in the event of a fall. In addition, a high-quality helmet can provide good ventilation, which protects against overheating even in the summer heat.

Compact and functional

Speaking about this cycling computer, we would like to immediately note its amazingly small dimensions - only 4.2 x 4.8 centimeters, so it will definitely find a place on the handlebars next to the other devices. The screen boasts a pleasant soft backlight, which ensures excellent readability of numbers in the dark. The top part is designed to display the speed, and on the bottom you can read the description of the function and its meaning.

The built-in auto-scan function allows you to monitor all data without pressing buttons: for example, average speed, maximum speed, distance traveled and travel time will be displayed on the screen at a certain interval. Incredibly convenient, isn't it? Well, that’s not all the advantages: the ability to maintain statistics for two bicycles at the same time is a plus for athletes who own several two-wheeled vehicles.

Nice addition

Another nice and useful feature here is the built-in thermometer: it will tell you the current air temperature. And although many athletes do not pay enough attention to this value, it nevertheless directly affects sweating and overall well-being, and also allows you to avoid dehydration. It can take measurements in Celsius or Fahrenheit, which is also an important detail.

Analyze your own statistics

The key to high achievement in any business is the analysis of your own data, and cycling is no exception. And here it is important that statistics are kept for a long time, because it makes it possible to competently draw up a training plan. And, unlike most other models on the market, the Sigma cycling computer has built-in memory that remembers all your progress, even if the battery in the device is completely drained. This device is also compatible with docking stations for convenient synchronization with a personal computer. Using a special program, you can copy all the data to your PC and, moreover, view it in the form of graphs and charts for better visualization.

Protect your vehicle from theft

If you use a bicycle for everyday transportation, you are probably familiar with the situation when you need to go out on business and leave your bike in the parking lot. However, bicycle theft is a fairly common problem, especially in large cities. However, you can avoid this annoying incident - you just need to purchase a high-quality bicycle lock.

Stylish cyclist's companion

This model can definitely be called one of the most stylish today: the strict contours of the body allow the cycling computer to successfully fit into the design of a mountain, road or even road bike. There are several colors to choose from, so you have the opportunity to choose a shade to match the color of the frame. Among the amenities, it is worth noting a high-precision thermometer that helps you monitor the temperature, as well as a low-battery indicator that will remind you to replace the batteries.

Please note that when the device shakes, you can hear a certain sound, but do not panic - this is a special active mechanism responsible for waking the cycling computer from sleep mode. Due to the fact that this model is wireless, installation will not take much time and effort, and the presence of fixing ties will eliminate the need to purchase them additionally.

Large four-line display

A special feature of this model is a large informative LCD display with good contrast, which allows you to comfortably read the race data even in bright sunlight. It is also four-line, so maximum information is displayed on the screen. At the same time, the font is quite large and noticeable even from afar. The presence of backlight helps to find your way in the dark, but at the same time it does not blind the cyclist, which can also be considered an advantage. The power source here is 3 CR2032 batteries (2 for the device and 1 for the sensor), but they last for a fairly long period.

Remote mechanical button

The device has buttons for setting up and controlling the cycling computer, and on the front there is a Mode key for changing modes and viewing various information about your ride. In addition, the manufacturer has provided a special remote button: it is fixed near the steering wheel handle (grip) and thus allows you to comfortably press it without removing your hand from the steering wheel. In addition, we note that the button is mechanical, so it does not require batteries for its operation.

Solution for night rides

Are you planning trips in the evening or at night? Then you definitely need to identify yourself on the road in order to be visible to other road users. Buy a reliable bicycle light: with it you will clearly see the road in front of you and will be able to avoid hitting holes or obstacles. After all, cyclist safety is paramount!

INBIKE 26.59

More than 20 functions brought together

In the modern era of high technology, a bicycle speedometer is no longer exciting, unlike, for example, counting calories burned or maintaining other important statistics when riding a bicycle. Therefore, many manufacturers strive to equip their products with many useful functions.

With surprisingly small dimensions (only 4.5 x 4.5 cm), the Inbike cycling computer boasts the ability to keep track of more than 20 indicators. It takes into account and displays indicators such as speed, total distance and distance covered during a specific trip, time, countdown timer, calculating calories burned while riding and converting them into weight lost, and much more.

Also, thanks to the speed comparison function, you can see whether you are moving ahead of the average speed, or, on the contrary, behind. This decision is very important in training and during competitions, as it will help to adjust the pace of movement if necessary.

Smart lighting

The implementation of the backlight deserves special attention here: in order to extend the life of the CR2032 battery as long as possible, it turns on only between 18:00 and 6:00. It is activated by pressing any key and lights up for 4 seconds. But if, while the backlight is on, you press and hold two buttons for 3 seconds, it will work continuously until you turn it off yourself.

Where is the best place to mount a cycling computer?

Due to the fact that this cycling computer is wired, in addition to fixing the device itself and the sensor, it is very important to route the cable correctly to avoid getting tangled. The head unit mount can be placed either on the handlebar or on the stem, both methods are shown graphically in the instructions. If we talk about the sensor, then there are no particular difficulties here either, the main thing is that the distance between the sensor and the magnet does not exceed 1.5 mm. To secure the cable, use plastic ties: they do not spoil the appearance of your bike and at the same time are incredibly reliable.

Delivery of the bike to the competition site

What to do when you want to ride your favorite bike in picturesque places, but they are very far away? The answer is simple - get there by car, securing the two-wheeled vehicle using a special mount. It allows you to safely transport one or more bikes for riding or racing. Today there are models compatible with various body types: from sedans and hatchbacks to SUVs and minivans. Tip: When transporting, remove the bike computer from the mount or turn it off completely, otherwise any shaking may cause it to wake up from sleep mode and thereby quickly drain the battery.

Bicycle owners who are interested in knowing the distance traveled and their average speed will definitely be interested in such a gadget as a bicycle computer. This device has the following functions:

  • Stopwatch;
  • Location finder;
  • Pulse and pressure meter;
  • Thermometer;
  • Bicycle speed calculator;
  • Calculation of pedal revolutions per minute performed by an athlete.

According to configuration and functionality, all bicycle devices are divided into types:

  1. WIRED GADGETS. Such cycling computers are very popular among athletes who are seriously involved in this sport. Wired secure data transmission technology allows it to be carried out over the wire, tracking the course and progress of training.
  2. WIRELESS GADGETS. These computers are quite powerful and reliable devices. They have great functionality and extensive settings. Basically, the location of the cyclist is determined using a GPS navigator. All data on speed and distance traveled is transmitted to the Internet without the use of wires. This allows friends or relatives to see the athlete's location online.
  3. STANDARD DEVICES. The most ordinary bicycle computers, displaying distance and speed indicators on their display. Such samples do not store data about previous trips, and their cost is not high.

The best cycling computer manufacturers

When the question arises, which company is better to buy a computer for a bicycle, among the huge variety of models, it is worth highlighting several brands. The popularity of devices from these manufacturers deserves a worthy reputation not only among domestic but also among foreign audiences.

A world-famous manufacturing company that produces innovative products in various areas: travel, automotive and sports digital equipment. Taking into account the needs of its consumers, the company provides comfort on any voyages, and sports devices from the brand make every workout more active.


  • Introduction of innovative developments in the creation of devices;
  • Logical options and advanced capabilities of computers for bicycles;
  • Ideal devices from the company offered to beginners


  • High price for products.

A manufacturing company that produces simple navigation sports gadgets with a minimum of functionality. All devices from the brand are designed for the average consumer. However, they are also quite popular among amateur athletes.


  • Inexpensive samples of cycling computers;
  • Ideal devices from the company, offered to beginners.


  • Minimum functionality in devices from the brand.

The most famous Dutch manufacturing company, whose samples have enormous functionality. So, most devices have the ability to work on several bicycles, transmitting all relevant data to other cyclists. The main advantages of the brand are the high quality and wide range of products offered.


  • Quality guaranteed by the manufacturer;
  • Huge range of products.


  • High price for the product.

Selection criteria and installation of a cycling gadget

The installation location of the digital computer device on the bicycle machine is chosen at your discretion. The most important point when installing the device is the need for the magnetic vectolite to be located at a distance of 4-5 mm from the sensor when turning the wheel. The sensor is mounted to the part of the bicycle that holds the wheel. The digital head unit is attached directly to the steering wheel.

The gadget must be configured according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. However, before connecting the computer, you need to accurately measure the circumference of the wheel, and then set its value in the device settings.
Before choosing a good cycling computer, you need to familiarize yourself with its functionality and characteristics. A quality device must have:

  • Dust protection function;
  • Waterproof qualities;
  • Shockproof properties;
  • High-quality fastening;
  • Backlight function for night trips;
  • Clear visibility on the display.

Outline and characteristics of popular budget models of computers for bicycles

Prices for cycling computers vary according to the features of the models, their types and available functionality. Inexpensive devices are perfect for amateur athletes and for beginners in cycling training.

A standard cycling gadget with a monochrome digital display. It has the following functions: current speed indicator, wheel rotation counter, distance and time meter. Shows maximum and minimum speed indicators. It is lightweight, has an attractive sporty design and is waterproof. Average price: from 500 rubles.


  • Indicators of all standard parameters;
  • Interesting sporty design;
  • Optimal price.


  • No backlight.

A simple and ergonomic device for a bicycle. The parameters of the distance traveled and the athlete’s current speed are displayed on a monochrome display. The device is secured using tight rubberized clamps. It works perfectly even under conditions: sub-zero temperatures, increased dust and vibration moments. Average price: from 700 rubles.


  • Easy to use;
  • Work even at low temperatures;
  • Optimal price.


  • No average speed indicator.


A wired cycling gadget equipped with a waterproof casing. Includes ten main options and has a two-line display. Performs automatic scanning of parameters: minimum, maximum and current speed indicators. Powered by a rechargeable battery that comes with the device. Average price: from 880 rubles.



  • Auto scanning of speed parameters;
  • Monitor with two-line character layout;
  • Low price.


  • No backlight.


Wired device-computer for bicycle. Intended for amateurs and beginner athletes. The sample combines a set of basic options and convenient control with just one start button. It has a waterproof and dustproof housing, as well as a monitor that displays two options at once. It displays the following parameters: speed, distance traveled, calorie consumption, time. The PACER option compares the average and current speed parameters. It has a range of settings that allows the gadget to be installed on wheels of different sizes. Average price: from 1550 rubles.



  • Possibility of installation on wheels of different sizes;
  • A set of necessary options;
  • Calorie consumption counting function;
  • Waterproof housing.


  • No backlight.


A wired cycling computer that includes a set of seven basic functions. It has a full-size, easy-to-read monitor and ergonomic control with a single start button. This gadget can be mounted both on the steering wheel and on the stem. And its magnetic element is suitable for all types of knitting needles. It has options: measuring current speed indicators, battery discharge sensor, wheel speed counting, time readings. Average price: from 1550 rubles.



  • A set of necessary options;
  • Low battery indicator.


  • Lack of average speed indicators;
  • No backlight.

Outline and characteristics of popular models of cycling computers at average and high prices

The range of cycling computers presented to consumers is quite large. However, when asking which gadget is best to buy, you should pay attention not only to its existing functionality. When purchasing, you need to focus on its quality and reliability of design. After all, a cyclist will have to use a computer for a long time.
How much does a more advanced and high-quality model cost? The price of such samples will differ from budget devices in terms of the available set of innovative functions and the manufacturer offering their product.


A wireless cycling computer with a bright and original design. Readable characters are displayed on a monochrome display. The plastic case has moisture-proof qualities. It has a basic set of options: current speed indicators, time and distance covered. Ergonomic one-button operation and very easy mounting to the bike. Average price: from 1800 rubles.



  • Quality from the manufacturer;
  • Easy to manage and install;
  • Human-readable characters.


  • No backlight.

An amateur cycling device, which, thanks to its advanced options, will be an excellent assistant for a novice athlete. The small monochrome display has improved clarity and contrast. It has the main functions: calculating parameters and comparing speeds, calculating distance, time of one and all trips, calculating calories burned, clock and battery discharge indicator. It has a waterproof, durable casing and features a universal mount. Average price: from 2900 rubles.


  • Quality and reliability;
  • Calorie counter;
  • Auto scan parameters.


  • No backlight.

A wireless device with a fairly large monitor and two control buttons. Provides all important measuring options. It has additional functions in the form of: determining the rate of growth of a value from one point to another, monitoring speeds, calculating altitude parameters above sea level and temperature indicators. The data transmission frequency in the device is 40 hertz. The gadget has a backlight for convenient night trips. It features an optimal set of options, suitable even for professional athletes. Average price: from 4800 rubles.


  • Large display with clear images;
  • Optimal set of functions;
  • Lighting system.


  • The cadence function is a bit laggy.


An ideal device for cycling training and voyages. The device is equipped with the following functions: calculating altitude above sea level, odometer, calculating calories burned, navigator and navigator, synchronization with the ability to connect to other gadgets via the Internet system thanks to GPS. Has an integrated digital compass, backlight, thermometer and barometer. It has the additional option of calculating the distance and time of arrival to the designated target. Average price: from 12,000 rubles.



  • GPS navigator;
  • Synchronization with PC;
  • Additional universal functions.


  • High price.


An innovative device for cyclists, one of the best among similar computers. It has an optimized route planning system. And thanks to the ANT+ wireless protocol, it can connect to other gadgets. It is possible to carry out cycling training on a simulator without even leaving home.

Synchronization with SHIMANO makes it possible to determine the cyclist’s coordinates and display them on a PC monitor. The advanced GPS navigator provides the cycling computer with high-quality work even in the most difficult to reach places for signal reception. The device can be safely operated underwater for half an hour. And the battery charge lasts for 15-17 hours of operation. Average price: from 37,000 rubles.



  • A set of universal functions;
  • Innovative technologies;
  • Quality from the manufacturer.


  • Very high price.

If your life is unthinkable without a bicycle, then a compact cycling computer will become a useful companion on any journey.

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Any cyclist sooner or later thinks about purchasing a cycling computer. This interesting item is often purchased along with a bicycle, planning this purchase in advance. Although the cycling computer does not affect the riding process itself, it provides very interesting and useful information: how many kilometers have you covered, at what speed, how much effort have you spent on completing the distance? Girls are very interested in its other useful function - how many calories are spent on a bike ride. Therefore, regardless of whether you have this device or not, information on how to choose a cycling computer will not be superfluous.

A little history and facts

The ancestor of the bicycle computer is considered to be the bicycle speedometer, invented in 1895. Curtis H. Veeder was a bulky device that was mounted on the steering wheel. The mechanism read the wheel revolutions and displayed the indicator on a special display. Despite its dimensions, this speedometer was quite a success at the beginning of the 20th century and many inventors began to create their own versions of this mechanism. As a result, the functionality expanded and the speedometer was soon able to show not only speed, but also the distance traveled.

After a century of evolution, the bicycle computer has become a specialized device whose task is to read and display various information about the movement of the bicycle and the cyclist, with capabilities useful for the trip. It currently consists of the following elements:

  • an electronic unit with a display that is installed on the handlebars of a bicycle;
  • reed switch, reading element located on the plug;
  • magnet that clings to the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

The cycling computer was mainly created as an assistant in the training of athletes, therefore professional models have very wide functionality, including determining movement indicators, power and efficiency graphs. And for the average cyclist, there are simple and relatively cheap models with a minimum of functions - mainly displaying the speed and distance traveled by the bicycle.

Necessary and sufficient functionality

Before you start choosing which bike computer is best, you first need to decide how you will use it. Taking a self-critical look at the issue will save a lot of time and money. Undoubtedly, it is nice to have a professional device, but if you are a simple amateur, think about it, do you really need it?

If the main tasks it performs are commuting to work and running once every few weeks, then you should opt for the entry-level devices. Such cycling computers have functions ranging from 5 to 8, and will show everything you need: date; current time and time spent on the trip; speed, at the moment and for a certain period; the daily distance you covered; and total mileage. All this information will be provided by just one sensor on the plug, which counts the passage of the magnet past the reed switch. These models are inexpensive, reasonably durable, and easy to set up. The principle of operation for all cycling computers is the same - counting from the circumference of the wheel, which gives an indicator of the distance traveled, and the speed is calculated with it.

Features that will be useful

  1. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the use of wireless technologies. Cycling computers are also not far behind in this regard. Modern systems receive and transmit signals stably, are not afraid of interference, and are not in danger of wire breakage. The only thing is that you need to monitor and change the batteries on time - however, no more than once a year.
  2. If you choose a wired system, then you should pay attention to the use of reinforced wires. This will be more expensive, but will greatly reduce the likelihood of any mechanical damage.
  3. A new feature is the ability to use one bike computer on two bikes. If you are the owner of two bikes (for example, a mountain bike and a regular one) and travel on one or the other, then this will be useful to you.
  4. When traveling in the dark, backlighting of the display and buttons is useful.
  5. Automatic or manual start of counts is also useful.
  6. Adjusting the odometer (wheel revolution counter).
  7. A beacon that will notify you when you have passed a predetermined distance.
  8. Remote buttons on a cycling computer are sometimes a lifesaver.
  9. Sound notification when any indicators are exceeded.
  10. The battery indicator is indispensable, especially for wireless cycling computers.
  11. The ability to change the battery and not lose data about your results.
  12. Ambient temperature display.
  13. Adjusting image sizes and the ability to adjust it to suit you
  14. Uploading cycling computer data to a personal computer or smartphone.

For those who do not have the minimum capabilities, a more expensive on-board computer for a bicycle will make it possible to monitor speed increases, GPS routes, display position above sea level, humidity and pressure, and read indicator graphs - but these utilities are simply not needed for most cyclists. These toys are for professionals or tourists for whom GPS navigation will be very useful on long hikes.

By the way, you need to be very careful and always look at the design of the device: if it only has a reed switch sensor for installation on the wheel, and the manufacturer promises almost a heart rate monitor, then the data on the screen will be fiction. The more complex functions, the more complex the bike computer is and has more parts. For example, to calculate cadence, you need to install a sensor on the crank arm, and to read your bodily indicators, you need a separate heart rate monitor.

What features of a cycling computer you can’t do without?

Whether you choose wired or wireless models of cycling computers, with minimal functionality or a professional device, there are a number of properties that your assistant should have in any case:

  1. Moisture protection. Modern cycling computers, without exception, have electronic components. It will be very unpleasant if a brand new toy breaks down because you got caught in a little rain or drove through the morning dew. Waterproofness does not mean that you can swim in the seas and rivers with a cycling computer, but it must withstand rain.
  2. Dust protection- the second most important property, since dust is everywhere, even on the cleanest streets of Europe. And it can contaminate and damage electronics. Mostly, manufacturers do not write about the degree of dust protection, so you just need to look at the quality of the assembly.
  3. Vibration protection. Most bicycle rides are not carried out on smooth roads, and even simple movement is accompanied by vibrations. This, together with possible falls, places demands on a certain level of shock protection. Impact protection will be provided by vibration-damping pads on the mount, and impact resistance will be provided by high-quality case materials.
  4. Good display. The numbers must be readable, because looking at a small screen for a long time is dangerous. This is an important parameter for both cheap and expensive models.

The data on the cycling computer screen should be clearly visible.

Additional features - are they necessary?

The cost of a bicycle computer depends significantly on the functions, additional characteristics and list of data that it is capable of measuring. In order not to overpay for unnecessary functionality, you need to clearly understand what you need and what you won’t have to use for a long time:

  • backlight is necessary for lovers of night driving, in other cases there is no particular need for it;
  • a powerful battery that can ensure long-term operation of the device (magnetic models do not require recharging for several years, GPS must be charged every 20 hours);
  • the presence of multiple screens for displaying data is necessary mostly for professional cyclists;
  • moving data from a cycling computer to a PC is also required for athletes who need to monitor the dynamics of their results;
  • high image clarity ensures good visibility of data even on a sunny day;
  • power display allows you to adequately assess the intensity of the load and see the real level of training of the rider;
  • Many cyclists underestimate cadence, but thanks to this indicator it is possible to protect them from pain.

Different cyclists need different models

This is one of the parameters that determines the choice of computer for a bicycle. We have identified three main groups of cyclists who require different models of computers.

  1. Ordinary cyclists use their vehicles for short trips to work, walks, and active pastime. For such rides, you don’t need the best bike computer for a fabulous sum. A simple but reliable model will suffice, which will show the distance traveled, current speed and duration of the trip.
  2. Advanced cyclists get on their bikes immediately after the snow melts, and put away their vehicles when winter sets in. For such people, a bicycle is not just a means of transportation, but a real friend with whom they want to spend every free minute. are not uncommon for you. Most likely, you have like-minded people with whom you want to compete with the mileage traveled over the entire season, the conquest of heights or the maximum speed. In this case, you need a more advanced computer that will display all these indicators.
  3. Athletes spend a lot of time training. To improve your results, you need to compare the results of previous training. Therefore, you should choose a model that will display all the parameters described above and display pulse, kilocalories used, and cadence.

Which cycling computer is right for you?

We figured out the main functions and properties of the gadget. But there is a certain connection to the riding style and, before choosing a cycling computer, it is worth considering how you will ride and which device will suit you.

The following riding styles exist:

  • Cross Country. If you are a follower of this style, then budget models and middle-class cycling computers are suitable for you, whose basic functionality includes an odometer, speedometer, current speed and mileage indicators, a clock, and a stopwatch.
  • Enduro. The speed and duration of the races is many times higher than cross-country, but in terms of extremeness it is not up to the level of downhill. The list of functions is approximately the same as in cross-country, but it is desirable to have an altimeter and cadence calculation.
  • Downhill. This is an extreme style, sometimes it is even included in a separate sport, which does not do without falls. The list of functions is within the same framework as for enduro, but the metal housing of the electronic unit is also very desirable.
  • Highway. The most functionally demanding style. A cyclist should receive maximum information, so only expensive professional models are suitable here. The style also places its own demands on the weight of the device, so choose the lightest one.

Deciding on the type of device

Cycling computers come in different types of devices. It is important to determine which one will suit your requirements. There are the following types of devices that can perform the functions of a cycling computer:

  1. It is only installed on a bicycle, which makes it limited in use. This disadvantage covers a number of advantages, which include a waterproof case, small size, and resistance to mechanical damage.
  2. The fitness monitor has a wide range of actions, including can be used as a cycling computer. It must be mounted on the steering wheel and the necessary settings must be set. Such mechanisms are used by swimmers, runners, and taken on hikes.
  3. Smartphone with the application installed. This option does not require investment, but its disadvantages cancel out this advantage. Few smartphones have a waterproof and shockproof body. In addition, the active screen and GPS will quickly drain the battery.

Deciding on the type of cycling computer

Let's return to cycling computers. These devices are divided into types, each of which has its own characteristics. To know which bike computer is right for you, you need to study each of these types.


Such computers are the simplest and most affordable. There is a magnet on the spoke, and a sensor with a reed switch is installed on the fork. The latter device responds to the magnetic field and sends data to the computer. Further calculations are made based on the frequency of passage of the magnet near the sensor. Such devices are very compact, can withstand impacts, have a waterproof case, and the battery charge lasts for a long time.

When choosing such a device, you think about which cycling computer is better: wired or wireless. After all, magnetic models are divided into these two categories. Although a wired computer is cheaper, the wires can get tangled, get caught in bushes, and break. And this design doesn’t look very nice. But with such a computer it will be impossible to get lost in a crowd of mobile cyclists.

The wired design includes: in the platform and in the sensor. Therefore, you will need to monitor two charges. Installing such a computer is extremely easy, and the overall picture of the bike will be much nicer.


Complex, expensive and heavy devices that quickly discharge. Many parameters are read from the satellite. Due to this circumstance, cycling computers can be used as a map and navigator, and this is a definite plus for travelers and hikers. Whether there is any point in buying such an expensive device - we cannot say for sure. This equipment is definitely not needed for city walks.

Which cycling computer manufacturer is worth your attention?

The desire to save money is quite natural, but both in the case of choosing the bike itself and in the case of choosing accessories, you need to approach the issue of price very carefully. Sometimes a cheap cycling computer found at a junkyard seems like a godsend, because the prices in stores are not at all encouraging. This is also pleasing when huge functionality is not needed. But you shouldn’t save too much, because the stingy pays twice. This directly applies to Chinese “noname brand” cycling computers. They may fail after the first kilometer, they may crumble or crack during installation. But what then is worth attention?

There are not many worthy companies on the market, but they exist. Many of them produce their own devices, some give their name to quality products from nameless Chinese companies.

BBB is rightfully considered the most famous brand. This brand comes from Holland and has existed for several decades. Cyclists love these products due to their high quality and large selection. Here everyone can find a model to their liking: both an economical amateur bike and a professional who should not skimp on such important things.

Germany is also not lagging behind in the production of cycling computers. The company Sigma is worth mentioning here. Products from this manufacturer stand out for their high quality, which is present in every detail, discreet, multifunctional design, and small dimensions. Average models usually have 8 functions that cover standard indicators. The main disadvantage of these devices is their high cost, which is unaffordable for many. On the other hand, such a purchase will serve for a long time and will not require repairs.

Manufacturer Cateye from Japan pleases with its affordable and multifunctional products. For those who cannot afford German computers, there is a large assortment of Japanese models. There is nothing bad to say about this product.

The rest, which divide the consumer market approximately equally, are the BRJ and Assize cycling computers. They also produce a wide range of multifunctional devices for both professionals and beginners. These brands are enough to relatively quickly select a high-quality device.

Those who feel sorry for spending money on this useful toy also have a solution - use their smartphone as a cycling computer. Currently, there are many programs that calculate speed and distance using GPS.

Let's focus on prices

No one will undertake to name exact numbers, since the situation on the market changes frequently and can even be unpredictable. But we can give you an idea of ​​the cost of cycling computers that are designed for various situations.

A good magnetic device with wires can be purchased for less than $50. Low-grade Chinese goods are not taken into account, which may not be enough for the season. Such devices measure basic indicators: duration of rides, current speed and distance traveled. For city trips and walks, this functionality is quite enough. A high-quality magnetic wireless mechanism with advanced functionality will cost over $50, but not more than $125.

A professional magnetic computer or a simple GPS model will cost up to $200. Functional features include additional measurements (pulse, body temperature, humidity and ambient temperature, altitude). We need to think carefully about whether all these indicators are necessary? The cost of the device is still considerable, and I would like to spend that kind of money wisely.

Starting from $200, professional GPS models are offered, the functionality of which has been brought to the maximum level.

Installing a cycling computer on a bicycle

Few people would want to pay money to install a cycling computer on their bike. Primarily due to the fact that it is not particularly difficult. Just follow the installation instructions.

There are 2 types of mounting it on a bicycle: mounting the sensor and magnet on the front and rear wheels. The first method provides advantages when using wires - the likelihood of them breaking is reduced. Wireless cycling computers have no problems here at all. In the second case, you will receive more accurate data, because when maneuvering, the front wheel covers a slightly greater distance than the rear one. But there are also disadvantages - a higher probability of broken wires or greater battery consumption for wireless devices.

Any instruction states that the distance between the bike computer sensor and the magnet should be a maximum of 5 mm (in general, the closer they are to each other, the better), and the magnet should be at a minimum distance from the axis of the wheel hub. These recommendations are explained by the difference in speeds in different parts of the wheel, and the proximity of the magnet to the center will allow the sensor to better read the signal. The reed switch itself is attached with ordinary ties to the bicycle fork.

It is best to tie the bike computer wire around the fork leg, and then pass it through the front brake cable. Everything should be used, even tape - the main thing is that it does not cling to anything or rub.

Video about choosing a bike computer


As you can see, the question of how to choose a cycling computer and even how to install it on your bike, when examined in detail, is not something incomprehensible and extremely complex. If you approach the issue thoroughly, you can purchase a device whose operation will help you get the most out of cycling.

Modern cycling computers, an overview of the capabilities of which amazes the ignorant or just a novice cyclist, are not just accessories, but multifunctional devices.

Now their manufacturers are producing them en masse, and both the functional set and the external design, as well as other characteristics, allow a cyclist of any level to purchase a device according to his own taste: from a beginner to a professional athlete.

Sigma Sport Baseline 1200

An excellent tool for a cyclist, made in Germany and classically assembled. The bike computer provides a wide range of indicators, some of which are not available to budget models.

For example, it can show not only data on the current speed of the vehicle, but also the average value, which is calculated based on the current speed and the maximum recorded during the trip.

The device also allows you to find out the difference between the current speed and the average speed during the trip.

Among the additional data that allows you to register a device, it is worth highlighting the mileage traveled (total and daily), as well as travel time (total and for the current trip).

Interestingly, the model provides background information about what the current ambient temperature is and the time.

The user can set the current time independently, which is especially important when finishing.

Advantages over other models include the device being protected from moisture according to the IPX7 standard and being mounted on a vehicle without the use of any tools.

The model still has a drawback. This is the presence of wires that can cause trouble when traveling on rough terrain.

Sigma Sport Baseline 1200 WL

A similar model is produced under the same brand, but this time wireless. Its manufacturer has endowed it with the same functionality as the original model.

But it took away the main drawback - the wires connecting the parts of the device.

The model belongs to the mid-price cycle computers.

The manufacturer, like the original model, allows you to mount the main part (the computer center with the screen) not only on the steering wheel itself, but also on its stem. At the same time, installation takes a minimum of time.

An important point in mastering the model is the user manual. Its developers made it in 7 languages ​​at once, which makes the learning process as simplified as possible, despite the large number of auxiliary functions.

Another plus regarding regional standards is that the bike computer can recalculate data not only in kilometers, but also in miles, and the current time can be displayed in both 24-hour and 12-hour formats, just like the original model.

Sigma Sport BC 8.12

The next model also belongs to the same brand, but belongs to a more budget-friendly category.

It is one of the popular ones, but taking into account the cost, it becomes clear why its set of functions is significantly inferior to its competitors.

This model will be an ideal addition to the kit for a beginning cyclist.

Important features of the model are the functions:

  • auto start/stop;
  • synchronization with PC;
  • multilingual.

As for the first option, it allows the device to automatically start working when the vehicle starts moving and also automatically pause it.

Synchronization, as one of the three main functions, is the most important. Since it is it that allows you to keep track of the athlete’s activity and adjust the training plan.

But, unfortunately, it requires the purchase of additional accessories and proprietary software.

The third option allows the user to select any of 7 languages ​​(including Russian), which are available in the interface to facilitate the perception of information.

One of the problematic issues associated with operation is the presence of wires at the wheel sensor. But it is easily compensated by a number of positive aspects:

  • popular battery type CR2032;
  • moisture-proof housing;
  • Calculation of average speed during a trip.

Otherwise, we can note the presence of an odometer, a clock and a record of current and maximum speed.

Sigma Sport BC 16.12 STS

This model is the latest within this brand and belongs to the high price segment.

Its monochrome display displays information in three lines at once, allowing you to track much more data at once.

At the same time, it has additional backlighting, which allows you to see data even at dusk.

The bicycle computer belongs to the wireless class and, unlike the models presented above, makes it possible to use not one, but two tethered vehicles using an expanded set of sensors.

Note: To track data for a specific vehicle, you need to enter its parameters (wheel circumference) in advance, and switch to its settings in a timely manner (before the start of the trip).

The model has an auto-start and automatic stop function for taking readings of the current speed and distance traveled.

The bike computer has non-volatile memory, so the data received, including the total distance traveled and travel time for two bikes, will be saved when the CR2032 battery is replaced.

By the way, the battery charge can be monitored by a corresponding display on the screen, and all data can be sent to a PC.

The plastic used as a material for the body can be considered a disadvantage, but it is used to reduce the weight, which is only 30 grams.

CicloSport CM 4.2

This particular cycling computer can be considered an analogue of the previous model of another brand.

It also provides the ability to save settings and statistical information for two bikes. The device category is the same - wireless models.

But, despite the similar design and similar characteristics, this model still has its own trump card - the ability to track cadence.

This parameter indicates the pedaling frequency, and this, taking into account the biological parameters of the athlete, allows you to keep track of the calories spent on the trip.

As for cadence, for which a separate set of components is included in the package, it, like the speed of movement, is stored in the form of three pedaling values:

  • current frequency;
  • maximum frequency;
  • average frequency value.

The kit can also be supplemented with a heart rate monitor, which is especially important since the user, taking into account the low cost of the model, can choose exactly the kit he needs.

If we remember the disadvantages, the main one is the plastic case, but since it is protected from moisture, it can be neglected when choosing.

CicloSport CM 309

A model with more modest functionality is also produced under the same brand. It has a 2-line interface of a monochrome screen equipped with night lighting.

It is easy to install and also easy to operate since it does not use wires for communication between components.

The functionality of the model is complemented by an automatic start of a report of the distance traveled and travel time, and the case is protected from moisture.

At the same time, the device saves statistics in the form of the total and daily distance traveled in kilometers, as well as the time spent on it.

The user will find it useful to read the temperature, date and time (in 12 or 24 hour format), as well as the calculated ratio of the current speed to the average speed for the trip.

A bonus for the user will be the calculation of calories spent on the train.

Kelly's Digit

There are simpler models like this one. It stands out for its extremely simplified and inexpensive design, which is equipped with only one control button.

Both an adult and a child can handle it, but its functionality is only sufficient for an ordinary cyclist, not a professional.

So, the user can only track speed and mileage. The current, average and maximum speed is recorded. At the same time, a comparison of the current speed with the average is also available.

As for mileage, it is displayed for one trip and for the total distance traveled. Also, for one trip, the travel time is recorded, as well as the current time in day.

The advantage of the model is working with the interface, since the data does not need to be updated manually - it changes automatically and is displayed in 2 lines.

But due to the low cost of the model, you will have to put up with the features of the configuration, namely the wire through which data is transferred from the reading element to the base with a digital element.

SunDing SD-548C

The peculiarity of this model is that it belongs to the category of wireless. Its design is not much different from a number of other similar devices.

But the manufacturer was seriously concerned about the configuration of the cycling computer.

It is delivered in disassembled condition.

The kit includes the cycling computer itself, the base on which it is attached, a wireless device for reading magnetic pulses, as well as a magnetic beacon that is attached directly to the spokes of the front wheel of the bicycle.

The package includes a battery, instructions and a set of mounting ties.

For a budget model, the device has quite extensive functionality with automatic updating of indicators.

A special feature of the model is the ability to manually set the odometer readings, which count the distance traveled.

Thus, when changing the current device to a new one, there will be no problems with collecting statistics for a specific vehicle.

Assize AS-100

This cycling computer is an analogue of the previous model.

In addition to all the indicators, it also calculates the rotation speed, calculated in revolutions per minute, and also determines.

The built-in function will also be useful.

The ease of use of this device is ambiguous.

Since on the one hand the case is quick-release and has additional protection from moisture, but the indicators that automatically change on the display are updated with a frequency of only once every 4 seconds, which is acceptable only for non-professional cyclists.

Model Assize AS-100

4 Polar V650

This model is one of the most advanced options in technical terms. Its main advantages are:

  • waterproof case;
  • GPS coordinate tracking;
  • touch control.

The first option is really important for all cyclists, since its presence is a guarantee that the device will last a really long time.

Not a drop of an athlete's sweat or a drop of rain will cause a breakdown of such a cycling computer. Therefore, you will not need to turn it off even if the weather changes during your trip.

As for the tracking option, it is positioned by the manufacturer as the main advantage.

With its help, the user will be able to track activity upon completion of the route and at the same time use the same coordinates for other purposes.

Touch control in this case acts as an auxiliary solution.

Moreover, such a technical solution is not a tribute to fashion, but real progress, since touch control is an order of magnitude simpler than mechanical control.

It allows the cyclist to relieve discomfort and concentrate on completing the distance, and not on controlling the device that counts the kilometers traveled.

A modern cycling computer allows a cyclist to measure various indicators of cycling. There are many offers of different models and brands on the market, so how to choose the right cycling computer from them?

How a cycling computer works

Cycling computers work as follows. The computer is placed on or on a special platform - a “table”; the computer, as a rule, is unfastened from the table. A special magnet is placed on the bicycle - a “reed switch”, which activates pulses on the sensor. The sensor is located on and transmits signals with information via a wire or wireless line (radio channel) to the bicycle computer, then the signal is processed and displayed on the screen in the form of numbers. In some computers, it is possible to measure “cadence” - pedaling frequency, in this case, an additional magnet is installed on, and a sensor is installed on the rear wheel.

Speed ​​functions

  1. Current speed- this is the main parameter that all cycling computers measure. Provides the cyclist with information about his current speed in kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph);
  2. Maximum speed (MXS) - an indicator of the maximum speed at which the bicycle moved during the trip. Please note that cycling computers have a concept of “trip”. Some manufacturers put a day (24 hours) into this concept, and some - various travel intervals;
  3. Average speed ( AVS) - This distance ratiotraversed by a cyclist travel time. It should be noted that the concept of “travel time” does not include parking time, but only driving time. Most computers show the ratio of the current speed to the average, this allows cyclists to control the pace of their ride;
  4. Set speed- in some cycling computers it is possible to set the desired speed mode. If you deviate from the set speed, the computer will inform you. Some models allow you to set a speed range.

Distance functions

  1. Total Distance (ODO)- shows the total mileage on the bike with this bike computer for all trips;
  2. Distance per trip (per day)- shows the distance traveled over a certain period of time;
  3. Distance by segments- indicates the number and length of path segments.

Functions of time

  1. Current time (hours)- show the time, a function present in almost all modern cycling computers;
  2. Stopwatch- measures time intervals;
  3. Countdown;
  4. Travel time- shows the time that the bike was on the road during a certain trip, the time of stops is not measured.

Cadence (cadence) functions

  1. Cadence- shows the current pedaling frequency;
  2. Average cadence- Shows your average cadence during the current ride.

Cardiac functions

These functions are present in some professional models of cycling computers.

  1. Pulse (heartbeat)- show current heart rate;
  2. Maximum heart rate (heart contractions)- shows the maximum heart rate during the trip;
  3. Average pulse (heartbeats)- shows the average heart rate during the trip;
  4. Set pulse (heartbeat)- ability to set the desired heart rate range. When the specified indicators are reached, the cycling computer will inform you about this.

Climb functions (altimeter)

  1. Height- shows the current trip altitude;
  2. Max Height- shows the maximum altitude per trip or per day;
  3. Climb- shows the total altitude gain for the trip.

Convenience features

  1. Wireless channel or wire reinforcement- Nowadays, wireless systems have become firmly established in our lives; they are practically not afraid of interference and transmit signals well in any conditions. But when using wireless systems, you need to remember that you need to install batteries in the signal transmitter, usually no more than once a year. And wired systems may use reinforced wires to avoid breaks or other problems;
  2. Using a cycling computer on two bikes- a convenient function that exists in most models of cycling computers, allows you to use the same computer on two different bicycles. At the same time, it shows all indicators separately and displays integral results.
  3. Backlight- allows you to turn on the backlight of the buttons and display;
  4. Remote buttons- allows you to place the control buttons separately from the computer, in a more convenient place;
  5. Sound signals- when certain parameters are reached, it gives sound signals;
  6. Temperature- shows the current air temperature;
  7. Synchronization with PC- allows you to download data from the cycling computer to a personal computer;
  8. Image Size- allows you to change the size of information displayed on the display.