Can a tablet computer replace a PC? What is a tablet really? Stationary regular use

In this article we will tell you abouthow does a tablet computer work? (aka tablet or tablet PC). Nowadays, quite a lot of novice users do not know what a tablet is. After all, this device appeared on the shelves of our supermarkets relatively recently. It is for this reason that not everyone understands how to use it. Therefore, in this review we will tell you,what is a tablet computer and why it is needed.

What is a tablet computer?

Tablet PC ( tablet) isthe new kind modern computers mobile type. home distinguishing feature any such device is touch screen. It takes up most of the tablet's area. In addition, the screen serves as an input device. Since tablets are not equipped with a mouse and a hardware keyboard, controlling various programs and typing is performed exclusively with your fingers on the touchpad.

What are the operating systems of tablets?

Now in electronics stores you can find tablets that run on the following operating systems: Windows 7, Android and Apple iOS.

1. Apple iOS is the OS that powers the iPAD 2 and iPad tablets.

2. Android is the OS that runs most of the devices that compete with the iPad. For example,most popular tablets with this OS - Acer Iconia Tab A501, DELL Streak 5, Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 and HTC Flyer.

3. Windows 7 - there are not many tablets with this OS. The main advantage of such devices is compatibility with all applications that were developed for this OS. The most popular Windows 7 tablets are ASUS Eee Slate, Archos 9 PCtablet Atom and Acer Iconia Tab W500.

What is a tablet computer for?

First of all,tablet isa device designed to work with digital content. Using a tablet, it is convenient to read e-books, view various websites, photos and videos, presentations and documents. In addition, you can play on the tablet. Hundreds of high-quality games have now been developed specifically for tablets. One of the main advantages of a tablet over conventional computers is its compactness. This device can be used without special problems take to work or on vacation.

In addition, it consumes less electrical energy and runs longer than the laptop in autonomous mode. And finally, a low price compared to the same laptops.

So we talked about what a tablet computer is. We hope that you have made the right conclusions for yourself and decided whether you need this device or not.

Just 10 years ago, buying a regular desktop computer was a real dream for many children and adults, since they were quite expensive, and there was no obvious need for them. Today, times have changed dramatically: buying a computer is no longer a problem, but now another dilemma has arisen: “Is it worth buying a tablet instead of a computer?” After all, why bother with a large computer or even the same laptop when you have one - a small, modern and functional tablet?! Today we will understand the values ​​​​of the tablet, and also understand whether it is worth buying it or not.

14 reasons why you should buy a tablet?

First, let's look at all the advantages of the tablet, in which cases it is really good. So, 14 reasons:

  1. Light weight and size. Main feature The tablet computer is quite small in size. Outwardly, it can be compared to a thin book of 100 pages. The weight is also small - from 300 to 600 grams. This allows this device be completely mobile. You can take it with you always and everywhere, which undoubtedly encourages buyers to choose this particular device rather than a full-fledged computer.

  2. Not high price. The cost of the tablet cannot be called low, but it cannot be called high either. Depending on the model, tablet computers are in price range from 200 dollars to 1,200 US dollars. It depends full-fledged computer will cost you much more, because only one monitor will cost about $200, so in total desktop computer will cost about $600 (minimum). We’re not even talking about the maximum, since it reaches the cost of an expensive foreign car.

  3. Touch control. Many of the users are simply tired of constantly controlling the mouse and keyboard; they want to simplify these actions, as well as reduce the number of hand manipulations. Touch control allows you to perform all actions only by touching the screen with your fingers. Moreover, the operating system is designed in such a way that all actions seem natural and convenient.

  4. Fast access. I like the tablet because, unlike a regular PC, it does not require constant rebooting and shutdown. Its operation can be compared to a mobile phone, which we never turn off, because on a tablet we only turn off (lock) the screen, and do not turn off the device completely. Such quick access is very convenient, especially when we only take it in our hands for a few tens of minutes, for example, to check our email or play a game while sitting in line at the dentist.

  5. Does not restrict movement. Due to the fact that the tablet does not need to be constantly connected to electricity, it does not need to be connected to other devices, all this makes moving with it a very convenient option. There is no need to drag the screen, speakers, mouse or keyboard behind you. We put the tablet in our bag and went. Everything is already built into this small device, they even managed to integrate two cameras, and everything turned out to be of very high quality.

  6. Modern design and device as a whole. A tablet computer is also worth buying because it modern trend, which is followed by many progressive people. After all, today it is much easier to meet a person using a tablet than using a laptop or even a netbook. If you do not want to lag behind today's fashion in the field of Hi-Tech, then a tablet will be an ideal purchase. It’s even worth buying because it’s interesting to use, and even unusual at first.

  7. Ideal for relaxation. IN modern world They have not yet come up with a computer that would be more suitable for relaxation than a tablet computer. When you go on vacation, you can always take it with you - it won’t take up much space, it won’t be an extra burden, but it will make your vacation even more interesting. After all, you can always take pictures with it with friends right at your vacation spot, and immediately view the footage, as well as send them to your loved ones via the Internet (if you are in Wi-Fi zone). While sunbathing on the beach, for example, you can also play simple, but very interesting and beautiful games, or listen to music, or read a book in in electronic format. The tablet will save you on the road, and you certainly won’t be bored with it.

  8. Ideal for control over work. It is not always possible to fully work on it, but it is very possible to control the progress of work. For example, you can open any text documents on it (through special programs), check and respond to email. Visit the official website to check company news etc. The tablet can easily be called a device for managers and business owners.

  9. The best portable media player. If you like to watch movies or TV series, and would like to always be able to watch your favorite film, then the tablet is simply made for you. Now you can watch any film adaptation almost anywhere (subway, bus, at lectures, at work and, of course, at home). And it is not necessary to download all the films to the gadget, because you can use online broadcasts via the Internet.

  10. Can be used as an e-book. Those who like to read books will also be interested in the tablet, since you can quite successfully read your favorite books on it. That is, a tablet computer will actually become a replacement for an e-reader. Thus, you will not only have a computer with you, but also several thousand books that you can start reading at any time. Thanks to convenient applications, while reading a book, you can leave bookmarks, make notes, and also change the visual design of the book and the text in it.

  11. In the apartment it can serve as an alarm clock or digital photo frame. Even when you don’t need a tablet, it can serve as a decorative decoration for your interior - electronic alarm clock With beautiful screensaver or a regular photo frame on which photographs will be replaced after a certain period of time specified by you. Although this cannot be called a specific reason for buying a tablet, it is nice to know about such a nice bonus.

  12. If you are not satisfied small size screen on a mobile phone. It is worth buying a tablet if you are not satisfied with the size of your mobile phone. Of course, you can buy a huge phone, but its screen will still be small, and talking on it will not be very convenient. Therefore, we recommend saving money: leaving old phone and buy new tablet, which, by the way, will be even cheaper than mobile phone with a large screen diagonal.

  13. A tablet will make you a socially active person. The tablet was created specifically for those who like to communicate on the Internet; here, almost any application has integration with one (or several) of the modern social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). If you have not yet managed to grasp all the charm of using social services, then with the purchase of a tablet everything will change. Using them will become not only more convenient, but also more interesting, so you will definitely become a socially active person.

  14. Easy Internet access. We recommend buying a tablet, if only because it is very easy to access the Internet. It has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter that will always connect when it finds your wireless network, and also many devices have the ability to connect to the Internet using a regular SIM card, which you need to insert into the tablet and simply pay the bill, and the Internet will appear on your tablet computer.

The shops consumer electronics littered with various tablets. At first it seems that they all differ only in size and price tag. Even externally the devices are very similar! How to choose suitable model? The answer is simple - read this article. We promise that after reading the material you will easily choose the most suitable tablet for yourself.

Sometimes, when choosing a tablet, a consumer focuses on secondary parameters. We wish you to avoid these mistakes. This article does not mention some characteristics precisely because they are not worth paying attention to. In a word, we will be glad if this manual will help you!

Choosing an operating system

An operating system is a collection of utility programs found on any fairly complex electronic device. It is its presence that allows “regular” applications to use the hardware capabilities of the gadget, ensures interaction with the user, etc. Modern tablets equipped with one of three popular operating systems: iOS, Android or Windows. There are also “tablets” on store shelves that have a couple of operating systems installed at once. But this is more of an exception to the rule and concerns the Android/Windows combination.


The most stable operating system is iOS. It is maximally optimized, due to which it does not require a large volume random access memory. When choosing an iOS tablet, you get a user interface thought out in detail and a huge number of diverse applications. But be prepared for the fact that many of them will be paid. This OS is the property of Apple, so it can only be installed on its iPad tablets, the cost of which is higher than devices with Android or Windows on board. But the products of Cupertino have the longest lasting technical support, and the performance of even outdated generations of Apple gadgets is not inferior to competing offerings built on modern hardware platforms. A huge advantage of the entire family of iOS devices is the presence of a convenient ecosystem. Of course, to take full advantage of it, you need to be the owner of more than one device with an apple on the lid. back side the closed nature of iOS - the difficulty of directly exchanging user files and the limited ability to customize the interface. Well, the inability to expand the available memory capacity scares off many potential buyers.

Pros: easy to use, easy to learn, has a developed and convenient ecosystem.

Minuses: closed platform, memory cards are not supported, problems with exchanging third-party files, impossibility of customization (installing themes and other utilities that change the interface).


The Android operating system is open and free, which is why most tablet manufacturers choose it. Develops software Google company. The system is regularly updated, but owners of budget devices may not feel this. Some manufacturers are simply too lazy to update the firmware for those tablet computers that have been replaced by new models. The openness of Android means for users the ease of replacing “standard” applications: player, browser, keyboard, dialer, etc. Another thing is that changing really fundamental things requires the presence of “direct” hands and often entails a loss of warranty. The most unpleasant feature of this operating system is the increase in appetite in relation to system resources and a tendency to become overgrown with digital “garbage”. If a couple of generations of Android ago a sufficient amount of RAM was considered whole gigabytes, then in 2018 they are already talking about 2 Gb Total. As for “garbage,” the built-in OS tools have not yet learned how to successfully deal with it. In particularly advanced cases, only a complete reset with the loss of ALL user data allows the device to return to a comfortable operating speed. Fortunately, this is required radical method rarely.

Pros: rich functionality, the ability to change the interface at your discretion, a large number of free applications.

Minuses: rare system updates on budget tablets, increased resource requirements for stable operation.


Tablet computers with Windows on board have existed for a long time. But it was only a few years ago that they started getting rid of fans and processors that drain battery power. And with the release of the tenth version of this operating system, the interface of such devices has become much more user-friendly. On the one hand, Microsoft programmers creatively adapted many necessary things, for example, quick display active applications, implemented a back button and a notification center. On the other hand, Windows 10 has learned to automatically switch to a more convenient mode when working with the keyboard, and the corresponding algorithm is configured. Compared to Android, this system better optimized for low-power hardware platforms. But this same feature has become an indirect reason that current Windows tablets are either high-performance solutions or downright weak, but with a keyboard. Well, the main advantage of the Microsoft operating system is the ability to use almost any “adult” applications. Some of them don’t even have a keyboard, as long as the hardware capacity allows it.

Pros: the most convenient environment for full-fledged work with a variety of content, support for third-party peripherals.

Minuses: extremely limited number of offerings with average performance levels.

Let's figure out what size tablet to choose


7-8 inches

Portable tablets are well suited for use at home, work or educational institution. This is facilitated by their minimal dimensions and weight. It is with the help of such “tablets” that people read books, listen to music, watch movies or play games on the go. Compact tablets convenient as car navigators, as well as tools for mobile surfing. Finally this optimal size for children's hands.

Pros: compact dimensions, minimal weight, low cost.

Minuses: The resolution most often turns out to be low, and the filling is not powerful enough.

10 inches

The best choice of tablet for home use. At the same time, modern tablet models have become so thin and light that no difficulties arise when transporting them. Big sizes allow you to place it in the body of such a device speaker system better and a battery with a higher capacity. At the same time, many manufacturers believe that such a large tablet does not need a conversational GSM module, even if circuit design 3G technology support is provided.

Pros: The display size is suitable for solving a large number of tasks. Both in mobile and stationary use cases.

Minuses: V budget models due to insufficient screen resolution, graininess is noticeable; many tablets lack telephone module, Windows devices are not distinguished by their productive hardware.

More than 10 inches

Larger tablet computers are now available. They are equipped with a screen with a diagonal of 11 to 13 inches. Usually these are “tablets” with iOS or Windows installed; equally large devices with Android are produced much less frequently. It is clear that such devices are not very mobile and, as a rule, they are aimed at professional use.

Pros: best size for comfortable work both with keyboard and stylus. Good for watching movies.

Minuses: too large dimensions and considerable weight.

Choosing the best processor for a tablet


Strictly speaking, the “motor” of most tablets consists of several specialized nodes, technologically combined on a single substrate, and it is called a single-chip system (System-on-a-Chip or SoC). The only exception here is high-performance professional-level solutions built on processors Intel Core M or ULV, but we will not consider the features of the latter.

Number of cores

So, a typical SoC contains a number of computing units (cores) that have an ARM architecture. Again, the exception is single-chip systems of the Intel Atom family that work with x86/x64 instructions. Cores can be combined into so-called clusters and this is done to optimize energy consumption. Let's say half of them work for high frequency and is turned on when necessary to service requests for greater computing power. The second “works” the rest of the time, and since the nuclei in it are relatively low-frequency, significantly less energy is consumed. It is impossible to give unambiguous advice on what number of cores is optimal in a particular case. For example, the 6-core A11 Bionic chip ( Apple) will tear the latest 8-core Helio P40 (from Mediatek), as they say, to shreds. The most we can recommend here is to pay attention to the “freshness” of the kernels. When choosing a processor for a tablet, it is best to focus on the Cortex A55/A75 generation, or at least on the A53/A73 combination (energy efficient/fast, respectively), as well as their custom versions.

Video subsystem

The second component of the mobile processor is the accelerator - a kind of built-in video card. If the tablet is not intended to be used for games or work with complex graphics, you don’t have to pay much attention to the performance of this node. Otherwise, you have to take into account the speed at which the video accelerator is capable of performing floating point operations (Flops). In addition, screen resolution also matters here. Picture of comfortable frequency Everyone has their own updates, as well as requirements for graphics quality settings. However, we would venture to say that tablets with SoCs delivering about 100 GFlops have sufficient gaming performance.

SoCs and their manufacturers

The development of the ARM architecture itself was carried out by a company of the same name, which licensed its solutions to everyone. IN currently the rights to this intellectual property were acquired by the Japanese corporation SoftBank. There are about one and a half thousand licensees in total, but we are interested in the following products:


Based on licensed ones, the Cupertino team is developing own version cores. PowerVR accelerators from Imagination Technologies are used as the graphics subsystem. The A11 Bionic single-chip system already has its own GPU, but tablets based on this SoC are not yet available. Very powerful chips in every sense, even the outdated A9. There are fewer cores, lower frequencies, and they beat all competitors.

Pros: Apple tablets have really high gaming and general performance, and also support all the most advanced features.

Minuses: overpriced.

Samsung also prefers to modify stock cores. Its SoC series 7870, 7880, 7885 and all eight-thousand series are currently relevant. To process graphics, they use older versions of Mali accelerators (T830, T880, G71). What can I say - the power of such a system is enough for all the needs of the tablet and its owner. If necessary, South Koreans install third-party SoCs in their devices.

Pros: Samsung tablets are characterized by excellent performance and the presence of all modern bells and whistles.

Minuses: price, sometimes unoptimized firmware.


The feature of this single-chip system is its extremely low power consumption. The company managed to “shrink” its thermal package to a couple of watts, and Intel now does not want to change this situation. Accordingly, we are not even talking about any performance records. Unfortunately, low-budget Windows tablets are based on the Atom platform.

Pros: Tablets based on Intel Atom chips are affordable and have decent battery life.

Minuses: The power of a single-chip system is only enough to perform simple tasks.

This SoC family is produced by a subsidiary of Huawei for some mobile devices of the parent brand. The Chinese do not bother with upgrading stock ARM cores, so their single-chip systems usually work a little slower than their classmates. Just like Exynos, Kirin chips have Mali graphics accelerators. The trouble is that HiSilicon engineers (or management) like to save money. Where Samsung's SoC uses a 12-core version of Mali, mobile Huawei processors often make do with 4-core ones. With all the ensuing consequences.

Pros: a brand with very decent flagship-level chips.

Minuses: Mid-budget single-chip systems have good overall performance and mediocre gaming performance.


The brand of the same name is more fully represented than all its competitors in the segment of low-cost solutions. The company uses ready-made kernels and graphics (PowerVR and Mali). She doesn't do any optimization. own production does not have one, and her financial capabilities do not allow her to invest partners. As a result, MediaTek single-chip systems lag behind alternative offerings because they are manufactured according to outdated technological standards. On paper, such SoCs may look great, but in real life, not so much. But the company’s chips simply work perfectly with GPS.

Pros: a huge range of entry-level and mid-level single-chip systems.

Minuses: noticeably inferior to industry leaders in technological terms.


The most popular and most widespread single-chip systems. Develops them Qualcomm company based on deeply redesigned licensed cores and proprietary Adreno accelerators. Such SoCs are characterized by excellent overall and gaming performance, good energy efficiency, as well as other “goodies”. The main disadvantage is the increased cost.

Pros: Snapdragon chips make excellent tablets of various levels.

Minuses: are relatively expensive, the most available solutions They are inferior to their direct competitors on other platforms.

RockChip, Spreadtrum and the like

They specialize in ultra-budget solutions. Stock cores and accelerators, the most “rough” technological standards possible at the time of production—no miracles can be expected from such single-chip systems.

Pros: the corresponding tablets have tempting price tags.

Minuses: suitable for the most undemanding users. As a rule, they have an outdated set of wireless interfaces and are not at all impressive in terms of autonomy.

Technological process

We have already mentioned this term several times, it remains to explain what the standards used to create the SoC influence. Everything is very simple, the smaller the chip topology, the higher its operating frequencies (performance) and the lower the power consumption. The most technologically advanced mobile crystals are now manufactured at 10 nm standards. The 14-16 nm process technology is also still quite modern.



It is a storage device with quick access to content that requires constant “maintenance” of the stored information. When the power is turned off, the latter simply disappears. While the tablet is operating, the RAM contains the operating system kernel, various services, running applications, as well as most of the data they use. If there is not enough space for a priority task, some user programs running in the background may stop and move to the so-called cache. With a more rigid option, only important data remains there, and the applications themselves are completely “unloaded”. The bad thing is that a significant lack of “RAM” leads not only to slowdown of the device, but also to active use of the built-in memory, i.e. its accelerated wear. How large quantity applications you are going to use simultaneously (for example, a client social network, messenger, music player, game), the more impressive your tablet should be according to this characteristic. For hardcore gamers, we generally recommend focusing on the amount of memory with an “extra” gigabyte. At the same time, there is a clear excess of this resource entails increased battery consumption.

1 GB

A critical minimum, sufficient for the system to operate and one or two simple user applications. In principle, such a volume has low power devices, not suitable for anything else. It is best if the operating system of a tablet of this class has a lightweight user shell. Ideally, “naked” Android.

Pros: affordable price.

Minuses: serious restrictions on the number of programs running in the background.

2 GB

Normal amount of memory for most applications with a moderate appetite for system resources. It will be enough for several background applications, five or two open tabs in the browser and display the image on the screen with a resolution no higher than Full HD. “Heavy” games will work, but almost all other tasks will have to be stopped. This applies to Android and Windows. The iOS operating system will not experience any problems with 2 GB memory.

Pros: The lack of RAM is almost never felt.

Minuses: insufficient volume for special demanding games and resolutions higher than Full HD.

3 GB

Comfortable amount of RAM for the vast majority of situations and scenarios for using the tablet. Guarantees stable work systems with a 2K resolution screen. Noticeable delays can only be observed when parallel launch two resource-intensive applications.

Pros: There will always be enough memory, with the exception of specific cases.

Minuses: Hardly ever.

4 GB or more

More than three gigabytes of RAM is still relatively rare in tablets. This volume does not limit the user in any way; it is enough for any number of applications and all three-dimensional games.

Pros: absence of any restrictions.

Minuses: high price.

Additional functionality


Memory card slot

Any tablet computer has some capacity non-volatile memory. It is also called constant. It stores the operating system and user data (applications, music, videos, documents and other files). Card slot helps expand available space microSD memory. Unfortunately, Apple products do not have it, so you will have to decide right away which iPad with how much built-in memory to buy.

Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G

Before buying a tablet, be sure to familiarize yourself with what modules are used to connect to the Internet. Budget devices offer data transfer only via Wi-Fi. Slightly more expensive devices have a SIM card slot. In this case, you can connect to 3G networks. Modern models capable of working with mobile networks fourth generation. It would be a good idea for you to clarify which LTE bands the tablet supports. Domestic operators can communicate on bands B3, B7, B20, B38 and B40. But there is not yet much variety in terms of high-speed Internet connection capabilities among 4G tablets. Returning to Wi-Fi, let us recall that this wireless interface can operate at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz. If you frequently use a tablet in an apartment building or a large business center, you should choose a dual-band model.

GPS navigation

Most tablets can successfully perform the functions of a navigator, but there are some models built using a universal radio module. Those. supports the device cellular networks— there is GPS. An example would be the “simply” Wi-Fi and Cellular versions of the iPad.


The last thing you should pay attention to when choosing a tablet is the camera. Nowadays, it’s a rare manufacturer that integrates decent optics and a sensor into a tablet. The resolution of the main module matrix is ​​most often five or eight megapixels. Photo quality does not exceed that obtained using an average smartphone price level. There is nothing to say about budget tablets - they produce blurry or too noisy pictures.

Keyboard support

In general, there are no fundamental restrictions for using a Bluetooth keyboard in any tablet. And many models with operating Windows system have full-size USB ports, making possible connection a manipulator or input device via a radio channel through an appropriate adapter. The peculiarity of the listed options is that such methods do not guarantee the stability of the pairing, and they are also accompanied by increased energy consumption. If you plan to use the tablet for active work with text, choose a tablet with a supplied or optional keyboard connected via a mechanical connector.


When choosing a drawing tablet, first of all we pay attention to:

  • stylus- it must be included in the kit.
  • display— resolution and diagonal should be as high as possible.

Additionally, look at the operating system. A huge number of graphic editors have been created for Windows, but not every tablet will run Photoshop. Therefore, in some cases it is worth looking towards Android, which is much better optimized for use on a portable device. Professional models on iOS are ideal for digital creativity, but they also have an appropriate price.

Tablet computer for the Internet


If you buy a tablet primarily for surfing the Internet, when choosing, pay attention to:

  • display— its diagonal should be large enough so that small print can be easily read.
  • 3G or 4G support- thanks to it you can access the Internet via mobile networks.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the amount of RAM. The larger it is, the more stable the browser will work, the more tabs you can open. The operating system is of least interest. Surfing the Internet is the same for both iOS and Android or Windows.

Tablet computer for games


If you are choosing a tablet for gaming, then pay attention to:

  • CPU— you need to focus on a model with a powerful graphics subsystem.
  • RAM- many modern games are demanding on its volume; they require at least 3 GB.

Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the battery capacity. Even a tablet with a fairly solid battery will not allow you to play for more than four hours at a time. What can we say about Chinese devices with tiny batteries...

Tablet computer for a child


If you are going to give a tablet to a child, then pay attention to:

  • Availability child mode — there is absolutely no need for a child to go to “adult” sites, and the user interface of the device should be colorful and extremely simple.
  • accessories— the device will have to withstand increased loads, so a thick protective bumper will be very useful.

Pay attention to the possibility of the tablet “growing” along with the child’s development. Specialized models are good in terms of ease of access to children's content, but they do not have much potential.

Recently, the tablet has become a mega-popular device that has gathered a huge audience of users, young and old. Now everyone is buying tablet computers - business people, students, schoolchildren and even younger age group demands this miracle of technology from parents. Responding to great demand, the market is flooded with these devices, offering consumers an excellent range of PCs. However, this makes it very difficult choosing a tablet and purchasing a device - it is very difficult not to get confused in the variety of the presented assortment. To help future owners, below I will tell you which tablet to choose and how to do it correctly: what you need to pay attention to, and what is just a nice addition, how to choose the right one technical parameters purchased equipment, etc.

Recently, I myself had to answer the question of which tablet to choose for daily use, so I compiled for myself a detailed list of all the characteristics on the basis of which I had already chosen the right tablet, while still being inexpensive. I share them with you.


The very first thing to do is decide on the diagonal. The most popular now are PCs with screens of 7 and 9.7 inches (similar to the iPad). Certainly, big screen preferable, however, the cost of such a device will be an order of magnitude higher than its smaller counterparts.

If you are buying an inexpensive tablet for your child’s games or for use when moving (for example, on the way to work in the subway) - as a compact mobile device, then the best tablet for you will be the portable “Seven”. If the gadget is purchased for constant use at home as a stationary device or at work (especially for Internet surfing), then 9.7 will be an ideal option.

In addition to these two sizes, there are also 8-inch tablets (which are something of a middle ground), and devices with screens larger than 10 inches diagonal.

Aspect Ratio and Resolution

An important parameter when choosing a tablet computer is the display aspect ratio. It comes in two types - 16:9 and 4:3. Here the choice will depend on the nature of use of the future device. If the tablet is purchased primarily for watching movies, videos and games, then a 16:9 resolution is required. But if you are going to spend more time surfing the web, then it is better to purchase a device with a 4:3 screen.

The resolution of the tablet display is also important. There is only one rule here - the higher it is, the better, but the more expensive the device. The standard resolution for 7" is 1024x600, for 9.7 - 1024x768. At standard (and thereabouts) resolution the picture is quite high quality and pleasing to the eye. When choosing a tablet with a lower resolution, image clarity is lost and pixelation appears (the appearance of “squares” in the image). When purchasing a device with a higher resolution, the image, accordingly, becomes smoother, clearer, more contrast and more detailed. At the highest resolution (today it is 2048x1536), the user gets a magnificent screen with the ability to view HD 1080 video, which, as we know, requires a display resolution of 1920x1080.

Housing material

Today, tablets are made from two materials – plastic and metal. Each of them has its own advantage. Thus, plastic “provides” the PC with low weight, which is a fairly weighty argument. Also, quite often, plastic tablets are coated with Soft Touch - a very pleasant to the touch, non-marking coating that allows you to hold the device tenaciously without the risk of falling out.

Metal tablets are characterized by greater durability and reliability. They resist scratching well and retain their “sales appearance” much longer. However, they have two drawbacks - greater weight and lower sensitivity of the Wi-Fi transmitter, which is “damped” by the metal of the case.

Tablet battery

The tablet's battery is your battery life, and also a large part of its price. The larger the battery capacity you choose, the longer you can use your tablet without having to be near a power outlet. However, you should not require a 7-inch PC to have a battery with a capacity of 10,000 mAh. Each device has its own reasonable battery capacity limits. For 7” this is, on average, 4000 mAh, for 9.7” – 7000-8000 mAh. Accordingly, for tablets with a larger diagonal this figure should be higher.

These are average figures - you can easily find devices on the market with a smaller or larger battery capacity. In the first case, you will save on the purchase (an acceptable option when using a PC as a stationary device at home), in the second, you will get a device with excellent autonomy, which will be a godsend for people who travel frequently. I also suggest using the methods described in my other article.

Matrix type

When planning to choose the right tablet, be sure to pay attention to the type of screen matrix. There are about a dozen of them in total, but the most common are three types: TN, TFT and IPS. We will not delve into the intricacies of the design of these matrices, but will simply characterize them by quality.

The TN type matrix is ​​the least preferred in terms of image quality. And although even relatively expensive brands (Acer, Lenovo, ViewSonic, etc.) still offer tablets with such screens, TN confidently loses to the other two matrices.

TFT matrix tablet is the most common. It provides good viewing angles, which is important for comfortable work, and has good color rendition and picture brightness. An undeniable advantage of tablets with TFT displays is their relatively low cost with quite decent characteristics.

And finally, the IPS screen in PCs is rightfully the leader today. It has the widest viewing angles of all presented (up to 180°), the most high contrast and high-quality color rendition. The only disadvantage of such matrices is their higher price, but you have to pay for the pleasure.

By the way, not so long ago devices with IPS matrix+ and Super IPS+, which are beyond competition – both in image quality and, unfortunately, in price.


The processor is the brain of the tablet, responsible for the speed of data processing. A good processor allows you to quickly load pages on the Internet, carry out a large number of operations simultaneously, play powerful games, etc. You should choose a processor based on two parameters - the number of cores and the operating frequency.

If you are taking it for a job that requires big load devices, then it is better to choose a tablet with two or even four cores, each of which has a frequency of at least 1.2 GHz. However, if the tablet is used mainly for simple casual games, reading and drawing, then you can safely purchase a single-core device with a gigahertz frequency - it will be quite enough for these tasks.

For fans of graphically complex games (Battlefield, GTA, NFS) powerful processor required. A good graphics accelerator is also a must. Now many PCs are equipped with Mali 400, which can easily handle graphics-intensive games.

operating system

The availability of the user interface and the set of operating functions of your future tablet directly depends on the operating system (OS), which is widely presented in three types: Windows, Android and iOS. It’s difficult to advise anything here – to each his own. However, it is worth noting that:
— Windows has long been familiar to users on desktop home computers;
— Android is constantly updated and improved, being a very progressive OS;
— iOS is proprietary (private) operating system, which is exclusively available to Apple products - that is, the always popular iPad.


The tablet's RAM is practically on the same level of importance as its processor. Along with the processor, it is responsible for the performance of the device, allowing you to process photos and video files, play “heavy” games, surf the World Wide Web, etc. The more RAM available, the faster and better quality your tablet will work. Respectively:
- 512MB of RAM is only enough for simple tasks: reading, simple toys like Alavara or Nevosoft, working in text editors, etc.;
— 1GB of RAM will allow you to work quite productively on the Internet, watch videos, listen to music and play modern, graphically heavy toys;
— 2 GB of RAM is enough for a tablet “with a head.” With such a volume, you are unlikely to encounter any freezes, “braking” and the like.

Wireless capabilities

It is worth highlighting the 4 most popular interfaces: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G.

Bluetooth is needed to enable wireless data transfer between devices, connect a wireless headset, QWERTY keyboard and other accessories. Pay attention to the numbers after the module name - 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. The higher the number, the faster, more reliable and less energy-intensive operation of the module awaits you.

Wi-Fi allows the tablet to connect to the Internet wherever there are appropriate access points. A very necessary and popular interface that almost all tablets are equipped with.

3G and 4G modules allow you to always have your own Internet “at hand”, without depending on home or work Wi-Fi networks..Given today's accessibility mobile internet, 3G and 4G modules are very desirable for a tablet, although you will have to pay a hefty sum for their presence. They differ from each other, respectively, in price and “performance” - the 4G module is a more advanced representative of the 4th (newest) generation of mobile communications.


Yes or no USB support OTG in a future tablet is definitely worth checking out. Many device capabilities depend on this: connecting 3G modems, flash drives, external HDDs, mice and others peripheral devices.

The presence of support for this parameter in the tablet can be indicated as: USB OnTheGo, USB OTG (abbreviation) and USB Host. The manufacturer may also simply indicate in the specifications that the tablet supports USB.

Inner memory

Any tablet computer has internal memory, the volume of which can be 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 GB. Of course, the more internal memory in your PC, the better - you can save on the subsequent purchase of an SD card. However, not all devices have large built-in memory, while being very worthy candidates for purchase in other respects. In this case, you need to make sure that the tablet supports memory expansion using SD/microSD (SDHC or SDXC) cards.

Large internal memory will allow you to store a lot of information without resorting to external devices (flash drives, hard drives), which is very convenient - especially when using the tablet on the road.

Extra options

Everything that will be listed in this paragraph is not mandatory in the generally accepted sense. For some, some functions will be very important, for others they will not be necessary at all. Therefore, when choosing the right inexpensive tablet This information can be very useful for you personally.

GPS. A very convenient function, especially in the absence of a standard navigator. It will allow you not to get lost in an unfamiliar city/country and to find any address or business. This is not common in tablets, as it requires additional money that is not included in the cost of the total mass of devices designed for the average user.

Accelerometer. Also called a gyro sensor or G-sensor. With this component, the tablet instantly responds to changes in position in space. In other words, it turns to “face” you when you turn it to landscape or book orientation. Quite a useful feature that allows you to conveniently work with the device and comfortably play on it. However, it is worth making sure that the G-sensor is switchable, since it is not always needed.

Cameras. The rear camera in the tablet, intended for photography and video shooting, is more decorative than useful. Even with a sufficient number of megapixels (about 5), the device will shoot with a “C”, significantly losing even to the average amateur point-and-shoot camera.

And here front-camera still justifies its presence in the PC. It is used for video communication via Skype or similar programs, allowing you to see your interlocutor. There is no point in chasing a large number of pixels - experience proves that this indicator does not always guarantee good picture. Here it is better to check everything “manually”.

Light sensor. Not all tablets have them, although they are quite useful. It is designed to optimally set the contrast and brightness values ​​for those lighting conditions in which given time there is a tablet. This sensor makes it possible to increase the time battery life PC and more comfortable working with the device.

In addition, the tablet can offer you such “services” as: broadcasting sound at a radio frequency (FM transmitter); measurement of atmospheric pressure (barometer); easy charging from any computer (USB charging capability); cable connection to the Internet (Ethernet); connection to a monitor/TV (HDMI) and much, much more.

Also a good feature for a universal tablet is the ability to connect a removable keyboard to it. then it will generally be able to replace a desktop computer in most cases.
Whether all this is necessary is up to each individual user to decide, since the operating conditions of the PC (and therefore the requirements) are different for everyone.


I hope I answered most of the questions on the topic “How to choose the right tablet inexpensively”?
Happy shopping! By the way, I bought my tablet at the Pleer.RU store - a large selection and reasonable prices, I recommend it!

P.S. Today's dessert is a detailed lesson telling you what peripheral devices can be connected to a tablet - flash drives, mice, modems, bluetooth headsets, etc.

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. All that glitters is not gold. Just like not all technological products that many people use are useful. Do we need to look far for examples? Surely everyone can name two or three products that, even though they are used everywhere, you would not buy for yourself.

“A spinner, a toaster, a sandwich maker - even if others use them and call them at least 1000 times useful, personally they are not suitable for me. I wouldn't spend even a penny on them." However, today we will not talk about them.

In this article I want to tell you about what tablets are for. I will tell you why and for whom they are needed, whether the tablet is suitable for working on the Internet, and much more that will definitely be useful to you. By the end of the publication, you will be able to decide whether you really need a tablet or whether it is better to save yourself from unnecessary expenses.

What is a tablet really?

To be honest, I've owned a variety of tablets ranging from the most expensive to the incredibly cheap. Despite this, don’t expect me to start talking about their necessity, importance and usefulness right now. I tend to admit my mistakes and try to be objective.

To start. What is a tablet? This big smartphone, the main task of which is not making calls, but all other functions - games, applications, e-reader, and so on. You can view news and publish your own photos.

Through a tablet, as a rule, you can also communicate via telephony, but you can also use Skype to communicate with friends and acquaintances via the Internet using a camera. The main thing is that there is a slot for a SIM card inside the device. Pay attention to this when choosing a gadget, otherwise you will only be able to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This is extremely inconvenient. The tablet is no longer 100% mobile.

Samsung tablets are considered very good. pay attention to Galaxy Tab A 7.0″ 8Gb . It is not very big, but comfortable and functional. Naturally with a SIM card slot.

Alternative to PC and smartphone

If you're thinking about buying a tablet to use instead of a phone, as I once did, I'll tell you right away that it's not a good idea.

The tablet is still larger than a regular phone, and it is not very convenient to carry it with you. After a week or two, you will get tired of it and either buy yourself a regular smartphone, or stop constantly taking your tablet with you. In my opinion, this gadget is not suitable as an alternative to a telephone.

There are also those who want to use a tablet as an alternative to a laptop. For example, at one time I wanted to write articles, taking with me not a heavy PC, but small gadget. I think many people have thought about this too. And again, the tablet itself does not perform well in this matter.

The on-screen keyboard does not allow you to type quickly, your work slows down, and you begin to lose your temper. Fortunately, it won’t be a problem to order yourself wireless keyboard for tablet. It turns the gadget into a quite decent small laptop that is convenient to carry with you. For copywriters who like to work outside the home, this is a good solution.

However, you should not forget about the specifics of the tablet. There are versions special programs for PCs that will not install on Android or iOS. You will have to use which ones to install instead of the usual Office, Photoshop, and so on.

A tablet cannot 100 percent be called a good alternative to a computer. This is an independent thing that is needed if you need, excuse the tautology, a tablet.

When and who needs a tablet?

If you have small children, then a tablet is an irreplaceable thing. You can turn on cartoons and all sorts of videos from YouTube, but at the same time you don’t have to worry too much about the baby’s eyesight, or the fact that he will somehow break something in it.

On a laptop, a child finds a thousand buttons that are so wonderful to press. This doesn't happen with a tablet. By the age when the baby begins to figure out where and why to press, his interest in destruction fades a little. He already understands that this thing is quite important and should not be broken.

How to choose a tablet for a child? I recommend paying attention to exhibits at a low price, since the risk of breakage still exists, because we're talking about about the child. Another important point– large screen. By the way, there are special tablets for children, for example, Turbo MonsterPad 7 .

When is a tablet necessary for an adult? If you can't live without a phone. If you often play games and use applications, you need a tablet. Do you like to watch movies or read books with mobile device– think about purchasing this gadget. The screen is much larger, and therefore it will be more convenient for you to use it. This item will not disappoint you.

It may also be suitable for work if you show some presentations, often work with email via phone, and so on. There is a whole layer of people who really need a tablet. I've been really liking Lenovo lately, so I can offer them to you Tab 3 Plus for 16,500. A very profitable purchase.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors.