How to remove the age limit in VK. VKontakte group age restrictions

I think many of you know that on social media. VKontakte networks are present age restrictions for communities. Each group must indicate the age of the target audience (up to 16 years old, 16+ and 18+).

Thus, communities marked 18+ will not be displayed in searches for all users under the age of majority. The same applies to groups up to 16 and 16+.

Remember, age restrictions can significantly affect.

If you are the owner of a community and are still thinking about what age restrictions to indicate, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with rating system on the screenshot:

Once you have made your choice, go to "Community Management" and in additional information indicate age restrictions:


Question: What happens if you don’t specify age restrictions?

Answer: A group can be removed from the search based on a complaint from any social media user. networks.

Question: I indicated in the community the age limit is 16+, but I want to change it back to 16 years old, since the topic has changed a little. But this cannot be done in the settings. What to do?

Answer: It's simple. It is necessary and within a few days the age restrictions will be changed.

Question: Is it true that in official applications for Vkontakte with the iOS operating system (iPhone, iPad) groups marked 16+ and 18+ are not displayed?

Answer: Yes, because Apple has a strict policy regarding restricting adult content.

The social network “VK” constantly produces various errors and introduces restrictions. At the moment, iPhone users often encounter the error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing,” which appears in the mobile version of the network. The restriction blocks the ability to subscribe to groups and view the content contained in it. We will tell you what this limitation is and how to quickly bypass it on your iPhone.

Why does iPhone block VK groups?

Most often, society can be blocked due to 18+ materials. Also subject to such a ban are public pages that are of an extremist nature, calling for violence, etc. What is characteristic is that it is the VK platform for iOS that is subject to a warning that the page contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing on VK. This is due to the strict policy of Apple Corporation, which does not want to show prohibited materials to its users. It is not a fact that blocked groups actually contain such information - everything is done at the discretion of Apple, they also write “Probably”.

The second point is that the community administrators themselves set an age limit for subscribers and guests. This approach is necessary while observing the general rules of morality and law.

How to remove restrictions on iPhone

First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.


The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

Open the blocked community via VK in the browser

Third party application

If you abandon the official VK application and use unofficial clients, the ban will also disappear. In the store you can find a large amount of such software designed for working on social networks, for example, such as “Tsarsky VK” or “Kate Mobile”. We choose the software we like and use it. The corporation's censorship circumvention is in effect again.

Bide the time

If the ban is imposed accidentally, it will undoubtedly be lifted after some time. If it doesn’t work for you, wait a few days, and then try visiting the public again. It would be a good idea to contact the group admins to clarify the situation. You can also write to the developers “VK”. The main thing is to be persistent in getting an answer. This is also true for owners of communities that have received a ban. Be sure to seek the removal of restrictions, because otherwise the group’s progress will be minimal.

The latest update of the popular social network VKontakte application for iOS brought two global changes at once. The first concerns the reconstruction of the mobile client, which many users were not happy with, which is why they were forced to do it. The second change is new restrictions on listening to music on VK, which relate to direct background playback. In this article, we have prepared for you several working ways on how to remove the music restriction in VK, how to listen to music on VK in the background. You can use any of the methods below.

Restrictions on listening to music on VK

So, from October 1, for owners of iPhone and Android devices on which version of the VKontakte 3.0 application is installed, new restrictions on VK background music have been introduced. Now users can listen to music on VKontakte in the background for only 30 minutes, previously the limit was up to an hour a day. If you want to listen to more free music on VK, pay money to the social network!? But not all users are ready to pay tribute to the network developers, especially if the need to listen to music in the background on VK does not arise every day.

As for the subscription, unlimited music on VK will cost you 149 rubles per month. If you do the math, it’s about 5 rubles a day. In principle, the price is quite reasonable, but we are all freebie lovers at heart. Therefore, we decided to tell you several ways to bypass the music restriction in VK.

So, let's move on to the main thing - a description of working ways to listen to VK music in the background without restrictions on iPhone and Android. I personally checked it - everything works!

1 way

  1. Take your mobile device and open the official VK application. As usual, we turn on our favorite tracks and enjoy 30 minutes of playback.
  2. Once the 30 minutes are up, you will see a limit warning pop up - your listening will be limited. Then on your phone go to the Settings section and change the date on the phone to yesterday. After that, as usual, go back to VK, click on “play” and enjoy the music in the background without restrictions!

Music without restrictions in VK: how to remove and bypass the restriction?

Method 2

There is another way - useful in case you are too lazy to change the date. So, to remove the restriction on background music in VK, you need to do the following:

  1. Connect to your iPhone or Android device any working headset that allows you to control playback using the built-in buttons.
  2. Now open the Music application on your mobile device and play any song, and then pause it.
  3. Then resume playing music using the button on the headset. Now you can listen to music on VK without restrictions in the background.

How to listen to music on VK without restrictions

3 way

This method is suitable for Android devices with ROOT.

  1. Download the App Ops application to your smartphone (it is responsible for fine-tuning application rights)
  2. Go to the downloaded App Ops, select the VKontakte application and change its rights. Opposite the items “Get audio focus” and “Prevent sleep mode” - set Prohibit
  3. Enjoy VK music without time limit

Alternative option

If you don’t want to put up with the rules of a social network in any way and think that paying for low-quality music is somehow not your thing, then you can use an alternative option. Thank God, now there are a huge number of ways for users to listen to music - Yandex.Music, Spotify, Apple Music,, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and many others. True, there are also some points that are worth knowing about.

To use the Spotify service, a Russian user needs to register as an American, for example. The same goes for As for the Apple Music music service, listening to quality content will cost you a little more. Yandex.Music has a more loyal policy, but then you will have to limit yourself to only music selections and recommended songs. In general, it's up to you...


In audio files, videos and images censorship(pixelization, for example) cannot be removed in any way. Various kinds of noise and interference, firstly, are created using a random number generator (i.e., the reverse process cannot be restored), and secondly, they are recorded “on top” of the image (or sound) and inextricably merge with it.

Try to find out if the product was released in other configurations. Thus, many TV series are released in several regions at once (for example, in Japan and the USA), differing in the level of censorship. In addition, there are various kinds of director's cuts and special editions (for example, the massacre scene in the film Kill Bill gained color only when released on DVD). A similar situation is possible with games: for example, the Fahrenheit project in the USA was published with erotic content completely excluded, unlike the European version.

All Internet pages are subject to inclusion in the state register of domain names registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. It contains the site address, owner contact information, domain name and provider name.

Video on the topic

French singer Mireille Mathieu, who took part in the opening ceremony of the Spasskaya Tower festival in Moscow, claims that her message on Russian air was subject to censorship. According to the artist, in her speech she tried to call on the authorities to show mercy to the members of the Pussy Riot group, but, unfortunately, her words were not broadcast.

The singer in Russia gave an interview to Alexandra Glotova, a journalist from the TV Center channel. She asked her about her opinion, as a believer, about the Pussy Riot action. Mireille Mathieu replied that she thought they didn’t do it entirely consciously, because the church was far from being a place for demonstrations. This can be done in another place and in a different way. The church is a holy and pure place for
After the interview was aired, accusations and ridicule from the French press began to pour in on Mireille Mathieu, with words that the artist had allegedly managed to have a strong relationship with the Russian authorities for her performances on Red Square.

Mireille Mathieu had to talk to the press, but she found the right words and explained herself. Then French journalists turned to TV Center representative Vladislav Shekoyan so that he could comment on this situation. He assured the French side that there were no words about forgiveness in the singer’s interview.

However, it didn’t take long for Shekoyan to admit to Le Figaro journalists that the words about forgiveness were still present, but the journalist who interviewed them simply cut them out of the recording. He also assured that he would be suspended from work, and the original recording of the interview would be found and soon released in full.

After updating the official VKontakte mobile application to version 3.0, users had a “small” limitation, which became available to users of smartphones on iOS and Android. Many have already guessed that the restriction concerns the time spent listening to music. in the background.

Now in the VK mobile application there is a restriction on listening to music - 60 minutes a day, which they later want to reduce to 30 minutes. In order to remove the restriction, you must subscribe to a monthly subscription. for 149 rubles. That is why information on how to listen to music on VK without restrictions is very necessary. Therefore, we tried to collect for you all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

More recently it became known that there are free ways bypass this limitation (thanks to smart users). At the moment, 3 such methods are known. So, if you need to know how to remove remove restrictions to listen to music in the background, read:

Article update dated 11/09/2018:

Besides the following methods that still work, we wrote an article for you about that and save it in the device’s memory for further offline listening. You can also simply listen to songs without restrictions. All the details are in that article.

Article update from 05/05/18:

Perhaps many have already guessed, but for those who have not yet, I would like to tell you about a small life hack. To continue listening to music after the restriction message appears, we do the following things: go to settings, in the auto-lock screen section, check the box " Never" so that the phone screen does not become blocked and the music does not go into background listening mode.

Next, so that the phone’s battery drains much, much more slowly in this mode, we set screen brightness to minimum and continue to enjoy music on VKontakte.

Yes, perhaps not everyone will like this method of bypassing music restrictions, but the main thing is that it solves it, and this is the most important thing. For example, if you listen to music in the car, then it will really help you continue listening to your favorite music.

Article update from 11/21/17:

A new way to listen to music on VKontakte without restrictions:

Step 1. Go to the menu “Settings” - “General” - “Date and time”.
Step 2. Uncheck "Automatic" to be able to select the date and time manually.
Step 3. Click on the line that appears with the current date.
Step 4. Set the date to yesterday. For example, if today is November 21, then you need to select November 20.

Ready! Immediately after setting the new date, music on VKontakte will be available for listening in the background without any restrictions. You can change the date to the current one immediately by simply turning on the “Automatic” checkbox. For the next hour (and in some cases more), music from VKontakte will be played in the background without problems.

Other workarounds that also work:

Method 1:

Suitable for those who have headphones with a button:

1) Connecting headphones to a smartphone
2) Open the VK application
3) Play any track and pause it
4) Blocking a smartphone
5) Play music using the button on the headphones
6) Enjoy the background music)

Method 2

Using the mobile version of VK

1) Go to the official mobile version of VKontakte -
2) Go through authorization
3) Go to the music section and listen to it non-stop

Method 3

This method stopped be relevant

1) Download the official Boom application from VKontakte (no paid subscription required)
2) Listen to music in this application.

Method 4

Suitable for Apple Watch owners

We do the same actions as in the first method, but now using the Apple Watch control. Thanks to the watch, you can safely continue listening to music!

Method 5

The simplest, but paid
1) Sign up for a monthly subscription for 149 rubles
2) We continue to listen to music without fear of a time limit.

Updated 11/01/2017: From November 1, the limit of free music on VKontakte has been reduced up to 30 minutes. Very sad...

Important! Please note that in future application updates, these workarounds will will most likely close. Therefore, before the next update, think carefully! Perhaps after the updates, our methods regarding how to listen to music on VK without restrictions will no longer be relevant.