Maximum motherboard memory frequency. Cooling for RAM. How to find out the RAM frequency suitable for your PC

Hi all! When you select a computer or , one of important issues is how to choose RAM for a computer?

RAM is the main component of any computer, without which the computer would not even start. It can be characterized as the working part of the system, which contains temporary information, which, in turn, contributes to rapid change programs. The entire contents of RAM are retained until it is evicted. new information or the computer will not shut down.

To choose the right memory you need to know its type and model. After all, the motherboard or processor cannot support all types of RAM. Therefore, all components of the system should not fail. Because the insufficient functioning of one of them leads to significant changes in the operation of the system. This is easy to identify; if the problem is not with the RAM, the computer will not even be able to turn on.

How to choose RAM?

1. Type random access memory : Memory comes in different types. To make the right choice, check what memory your motherboard supports.

Here are some types of RAM:

DDR2 – Contains 240 pins, relatively low power consumption of 1.8 V, and a clock speed of over 1000 MHz.

DDR3 - type modern memory. This type has higher performance: it consumes energy at 1.5 V, and the frequency reaches almost 2500 MHz. This will undoubtedly ensure tremendous system response speed. On this moment The best decision.

DDR4 - newest type in computer technology. The highest rates are observed in this type. Initial frequency 2133 MHz. It is still quite expensive to build a computer using this memory, and the technology has only just begun to develop.

2. Memory capacity:

Memory capacity affects the capabilities of the system. The larger the memory capacity, the more memory can be stored in RAM. Of course, a high memory rating is better, as this will allow the system to run faster. If you need it for simple programs, then 2-4 GB of memory will be enough for your computer, but for modern games you need at least 4-8 GB.

3. Clock frequency:

The size of the RAM can be used to judge the speed of working with programs, files, applications, and so on. After all, this is a key indicator of the speed of response to current commands. The most optimal frequency is 1600 MHz (DDR 3).

But for an accurate choice, check the reviews of your processor. Which memory works best with it. And what frequency does your motherboard support? For example, for your intel processor i7, I chose 1866 MHz.

Each memory module consumes a certain amount of energy. And over time, the indicators become lower and lower, although the power grows. After all, the lower the voltage, the less the device heats up. And when high temperature The device is unstable.

The voltage is distributed as follows:

DDR – from 2.2 V to 2.4 V.
- DDR2 – from 1.8 V to 2.1 V.
- DDR3 – from 1.4 V to 1.65 V.
- DDR4 – from 1.2 V to 1.35 V.

5. Timings (memory delays):

Memory accesses devices with certain delays, and the lower the delay, the faster the response. But the higher the frequency, the higher the delays. In some applications this will be good, but in others it will not. Therefore, my advice is to take the middle one, for example, as I did, 1866 MHz (provided that your processor supports it.)

6. Manufacturer:

At the moment there are so many of them that entering the market can make your head spin. But in fact there are not many of them, for example, most of the parts are supplied by Toshiba and Samsung, you just may not know this. For example, how half of the iPhone parts are produced by Samsung, although their competitor...

But I advise you to take a closer look at the companies:

  • Crucial
  • Hynix
  • Kingston
  • Samsung
  • Corsair


RAM affects system responsiveness, content capacity, and more. The memory indicators presented above are not exhaustive, but will help you correctly determine your memory. In addition, do not forget that a lot depends on memory, since it is impossible to imagine a computer system without it. If these problems do not arise, then you are halfway to successfully purchasing a computer and memory, in particular.

Lastly, first select your motherboard and processor, and then look at reviews to see which memory modules work best with your chosen devices. That's all, good luck choosing RAM!

Every computer or phone without exception must have RAM. None without her computer device will not function normally. Replacing RAM is the first thing that comes to mind when you need to increase the power and speed of your computer. Replacing RAM is a very simple process that does not require any additional equipment. That is why many people start improving their computer with this element. system unit. Of course, you can change the processor or video card and this will give a greater performance increase. But an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to choose and install suitable processor. RAM is another matter. When purchasing it, you only need to know whether the memory is compatible with motherboard. Let's figure out how to check compatibility.

Let's start with what RAM is. Random access memory, or RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of random access memory. It is a place of temporary storage of information with the help of which it functions. software, the computer itself. RAM contains information that the processor must process. In RAM, information waits for its turn.

Physically, RAM is a small strip on which microcircuits are located. There are contacts on the bottom edge of the RAM; this side is where the memory is inserted into the motherboard. Some, especially expensive, RAM models are equipped with a metal cooling radiator and backlight.

Interesting! RAM compares favorably with hard drive the fact that the number of operations and her age have practically no effect on longevity. This means that high-quality RAM is a very reliable and durable device that for a long time will not fail. It is quite easy to break it by mechanical force, for example, if you insert it into the wrong slot.

Why do you need to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM?

It may seem that it doesn't matter what kind of RAM you put into the motherboard. It is not that simple. If you use the wrong RAM, the computer simply will not work. Otherwise, the RAM will not physically fit into the corresponding slot. If you buy the wrong memory stick, you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, because the RAM will either have to be replaced or sold. To avoid getting caught this situation let's find out how to choose the right RAM stick.

What is the difference between RAM

In order to understand how to choose RAM and how to check its compatibility with the motherboard, you need to understand how they differ from each other different strips RAM. RAM differs in the following ways:

  • memory type;
  • manufacturer, a company that produces and sells a specific model;
  • volume, the most important indicator, based on it, memory is selected;
  • frequency.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these aspects. First of all, you should pay attention to the type of RAM. It could be: DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4. Of course, there are other types, but they are very outdated and there is no point in considering them now. All types of memory differ from each other not only in transfer speed, but also physically: different amounts contacts and different locations of the “key”.

If you have a motherboard that only supports DDR2 RAM standard, then under no circumstances should you insert other types of RAM into it. She will not physically enter there and will not work. Nevertheless, there are craftsmen who “modify” the RAM with a file or in any other way insert it into the wrong slot.


Motherboards are not picky about the RAM manufacturer. Choose any manufacturer you like.


Motherboards have a maximum capacity limit of one module per slot. If you insert a module larger than the intended capacity, the memory will not function correctly or will not work at all.


An important indicator of compatibility. Each MP has maximum frequency. While you're unlikely to get much more power by using faster RAM, faster RAM won't work with a motherboard that's too old for it. Perhaps the memory will work well at a lower frequency motherboard. But then there is no point in overpaying and buying fast RAM.

Compatibility check

It seems that choosing RAM is very difficult due to large quantity requirements. But in reality, everything is not so scary, because you can use several simple and convenient methods.

First method

Find out if your motherboard is compatible with the desired RAM on the manufacturer's website.

Second method

Find the motherboard box, paper instructions, or instructions on the store's website. In it you will find all the characteristics of the motherboard, including the characteristics of the RAM slots.

Third way

When purchasing RAM, contact a consultant at the store, he will help you choose memory based on your motherboard.

CPU and RAM compatibility

RAM management controller, in modern models, installed directly into the processor. Now, when choosing memory, you also need to find out compatibility with the processor. Fortunately, processors are not so demanding on RAM and in most cases work correctly with most modules. But some points are worth paying attention to. For example, Clarkdale Core i3, Core i5-6XX, Celeron G1XXX, Pentium G6XXX do not work with 512 MB memory chips.

Compatibility of RAM sticks from different manufacturers and frequencies

PC owners may want to increase the amount of RAM by purchasing a new module. The question immediately arises in their mind: “Will the new dies work correctly with the old ones?” In theory everything should work, but in practice problems arise.

The fact is that there are a lot of manufacturers of RAM, but there are only a few manufacturers of chips for this memory. Chips different manufacturers can be installed both on RAM from different manufacturers, and on different models RAM from the same manufacturer. That is, in theory, you can buy the same RAM from the same manufacturer, with a difference of several months or years, and the new die will have chips from a completely different manufacturer. Such dies may well have a conflict and will not start.

On the other hand, you may be lucky and several dies with different chips from different manufacturers will work correctly. But memory differs not only in size and manufacturer, but also in frequency. RAM with different frequencies may well work together. At the same time, they will operate at the frequency of the slowest RAM.

How to check RAM for errors

If you see irregularities in the operation of your computer and suspect that the RAM may be the culprit, then simply check it for errors. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1: Using a standard Windows utility

Method 2. Using Memtest86+

Memtest86+ is free program to test RAM for errors.

  1. You can download the program from the official website.

  2. Afterwards you need to create bootable USB flash drive with Memtest86+ image. Launch the downloaded file. Next, select the drive from the list.

  3. After this, you need to wait a bit until the installation is completed. Now there is a program image on your flash drive.

  4. Enter the BIOS and set the boot mode to boot from the drive.

  5. We restart the computer, the program will start automatically and begin checking itself.

  6. No further action will be required from you. You just have to wait until the verification is completed. All errors will be highlighted in red, so you won’t be able to miss them.

  7. Write down the error numbers, and later look on the Internet what they mean. But unfortunately, if errors are found in your memory, then it is unlikely to work correctly. The most simple solution This problem is buying new RAM. If you don’t want to buy new RAM, then try cleaning the contacts with an eraser or even warming up the RAM in the oven. It is not recommended to do this, because the memory may fail. However, many people solve the problem of RAM errors this way.

On a note! If you have several RAM sticks installed, then run the scan for each of them one by one.

What to do if there is a black screen after installing new RAM

This problem has several obvious and not obvious reasons:

  1. The new RAM is not supported by the motherboard. If the RAM is in the slot, but the computer does not work fully, then most likely the problem is the frequency of the new memory. Best buy new memory the frequency at which the old one operates.

  2. Reason idle computer The voltage supplied to the RAM may become incorrect. DDR 3 RAM has several voltage options. It is quite difficult to make a mistake with the choice, because memory with reduced power consumption is designated by the letter L. That is, the memory will be designated as DDR3L.

  3. If you are sure that the memory is selected correctly, then you may have inserted it into a non-functional slot. The motherboard has at least two RAM slots. Try moving the bracket into the adjacent slot and turning on the computer. The connector may have been physically damaged.

  4. Carefully remove the die from the connector and look at its contacts. If they have a black coating, dust, dirt or other uncharacteristic growths, then carefully wipe the contacts with an eraser or a regular sheet of paper. Many people decide to wipe their contacts with alcohol. Be aware that before returning the RAM to the slot, you must completely dry the alcohol from the surface of the contacts. Otherwise, a short circuit may occur that will completely ruin your computer.

  5. If all else fails, then the memory may be good and the problem lies with the motherboard. To check this, you can insert the memory or MP into another computer and check the functionality there. If this is not possible, then remove all the RAM sticks from the computer and turn it on. If the computer starts beeping—the sound of no RAM—then the MP is fully operational. If there is complete silence after turning on the computer, then most likely the motherboard is faulty.

Checking the compatibility of components

Don't forget that for correct operation All computer components must be fully compatible. Therefore, when assembling a PC, pay close attention to the compatibility of components. Don’t be afraid to figure it out on your own and change or increase RAM, because anyone can do it.

Video - How to choose RAM

In order to home computer It worked really quickly and coped with its tasks perfectly, you should be as careful as possible when choosing its components. RAM plays a very important role in any computer, so the question is how to choose RAM? Is quite topical issue for many people. Let's try to answer it in as much detail and as clearly as possible.

What is RAM?

Before choosing the right RAM for your computer, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what it actually is. RAM is a computer component on which the performance of the entire system largely depends.. This component is used to store temporary information that is necessary for proper operation certain programs or all of them.

To put it more simply and in clear language, then we can say it as follows. RAM is an intermediate link between the processor and hard drive. As is known HDD keeps everything inside necessary information, the processor acts as the brain of the computer, that is, it is constantly processing certain data. But RAM acts as a kind of connecting link in this system, which works with temporary data that should get into the processor after all processing.

Many people may probably wonder why use this at all. connecting link? Why not immediately transfer the data to the processor? The fact is that thanks to this design, you can significantly increase the speed of your computer, since RAM usually works much faster than a hard drive.

What are the types of RAM (random access recording device).

Once upon a time, when they were not yet as fast as they are now, all RAM was divided into two types: SIMM and DIMM. Much has changed since then, and when it comes to types of RAM, you can forget about them, since they have not been produced anywhere for a long time and have not been used anywhere for a long time.

At the moment, there are different kinds random access memory. In 2001, DDR type RAM was invented; at one time it was very good component for any computer, however, nowadays it is almost never found anywhere, so the information related to it is also not relevant. But it can be noted that the main difference between this memory and DDR2 and DDR3, which are now much more common, is the number of contacts on the board itself; in DDR there are very few of them, to be more precise, 184 pieces.

A much more progressive invention was DDR2, which was made in 2003 and which significantly influenced the speed of many computers. This type RAM already contained 240 contacts. Increasing the number of contacts had a very positive effect on the speed of data transfer to the processor, which also affected the overall performance of the entire system.

The most recent invention that has gone on mass sale in this direction is DDR3, which has the same 240 contacts; DDR2, however, has a number of advantages. One of the innovations that was used in this type of RAM is electrical incompatibility of contacts. This move made it possible to significantly increase the maximum frequency, which was 2400 MHz (DDR2 has 1066 MHz), as well as increase bandwidth and make the component more economical in terms of energy consumption.

As most tests show, DDR3 is about 15-20% faster than DDR2.

Amount of RAM.

The amount of RAM is one of the main parameters of this device. It should be noted that development in this direction is proceeding very quickly and rapidly. If in the last century the volume of a particular RAM was most often measured in either kilobytes or megabytes, now it is measured in gigabytes.

The number itself, indicating the amount of RAM, indicates how much temporary data can fit in the device. When choosing this option, do not forget that the operating room itself Windows system, consumes at least 1GB of RAM, therefore, for normal operation there should be more computers. Let's look at the most common options for our time:

  1. 2 GB – this amount of RAM may be suitable for budget computers. If you do not use anything other than the Internet and programs for viewing photos and movies, this amount of memory should be enough for you. This amount of memory may also be enough for older games that were released before about 2005.
  2. 4 GB - this amount of RAM is already enough for many modern games; if you are more demanding of computer power than in the previous case, then this is the choice for you.
  3. 8 GB is already very serious, with that amount of RAM, almost everything modern games can be launched on maximum settings quality.
  4. 16 GB is the dream of any gamer, with this amount of RAM, even the most demanding cutting-edge games will “fly” at the most high settings video quality and everything else.
  5. 32 GB - that much memory may not even be needed, at the current level of development computer technology, if you are not engaged, for example, in complex mathematical computational experiments that require enormous computing capabilities.

It is important to remember one very significant point. If you have a 32-bit operating system, then it will not be able to accept more than 3 GB of RAM. If you have more than 3 GB of RAM, then you must install a 64-bit operating system.

RAM frequency.

Very often, many people pay attention first of all to the amount of RAM. This is of course quite reasonable, since the volume is the most important parameter In such a device, however, the frequency of the RAM is no less important, because it determines the speed at which data will be exchanged with the processor. Therefore, it should be approached no less carefully.

For proper operation of the entire system, the RAM frequency should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard. If this rule is not followed, this can lead to various kinds of failures in the system, which is very undesirable.

Many modern processors operate at a frequency of 1600 MHz, so it is better to buy RAM with the same frequency, or a slight deviation from it, but preferably not higher.

There is also RAM with a frequency ranging from 2133 MHz and even higher; such components are quite expensive, much more expensive than regular RAM. In order for them to work properly, you need to buy special motherboards, which are also very expensive. big money, so they are not very popular yet. In addition, a motherboard alone is not enough; here you should also buy a processor that has an unlocked multiplier, and as you know, this also costs a lot.

In addition to all this, using RAM cards with a frequency of 2133 MHz and higher can lead to very high heating of the entire computer. Therefore, while it doesn’t make much sense to buy such equipment, perhaps after a while it will become popular, but for now it can only give +20-30% to productivity, which is not commensurate with the amount of money spent on it. Only the craziest gamers can decide to do something like this.

RAM timing

Typically, RAM timings are not particularly mentioned; this parameter is not as well known as memory size and frequency. However, it is very important and therefore you should definitely take a closer look at it when choosing a RAM.

What are RAM timings? Timing is the time delay of a signal, which is measured in clock cycles and can have a value from 2 to 13. This parameter primarily affects the bandwidth of the processor-memory channel; it also slightly affects the performance of the system, but this influence is not very significant and strong.

The lower the timing of the RAM, the faster it will work. Therefore, if you are building a computer for gaming, you should pay attention to this important parameter.

RAM voltage

Voltage, like other characteristics of RAM, also have an impact on the operation of the entire computer. The voltage parameter primarily tells how much energy the component must receive in order to operate normally. This parameter also affects the heat emission of the device. In most cases, for DDR3 this parameter is 1.5 V. However, in Lately There are a considerable number of memory models that may have a higher parameter than 1.5 V. Of course, increased requirements for energy consumption also affect heat dissipation, so RAM chipsets with a voltage parameter of more than 1.5 V usually have additional heatsink fins . This approach reduces heat generation.

The BIOS has the ability to control the supply voltage, however, it is best not to perform such operations, as this can negatively affect the RAM, to the point that it may fail.

The main RAM manufacturers at the moment

Of course, it is impossible to choose a good RAM without paying attention to its manufacturers. At the moment, there are a considerable number of various manufacturers RAM, many of which quite often release newer and newer models of these computer components.

If you are looking for high-quality RAM modules that will work well and for a long time, then you can pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Corsair;
  • Transcend;
  • Kingston;
  • Samsung.

These companies have proven themselves very well in this market and have been producing a truly high-quality product for many years. What is also very important about these manufacturers is that they always indicate frequency parameters that fully correspond to reality, which many other companies do not always do, trying to embellish the reality and thereby attract large buyers. That is, if you purchased an operational samsung memory, and it indicates a capacity of 8 GB, it will be real 8 GB and nothing else, this also applies to kingston RAM and RAM from other manufacturers in the list presented above.

Therefore, if you are planning to buy RAM in the near future, it is best to choose one of these 5 manufacturers. For example, Kingston hyperx RAM can be very good choice if you want to use your computer for gaming. In addition, a very important point in this case may be the correct reading of the RAM markings, as this allows you to find out all the most important characteristics of the RAM.

Suppose there is such a RAM chipset KHX 2000C9AD3T1K2/4GX, what can it tell us? Let's take a closer look:

  1. KHX is the model and manufacturer of this RAM.
  2. 2000 – operating frequency.
  3. 9 – timing parameter.
  4. D3 – type of module used.
  5. 4G – memory capacity.

As you can see, everything is not so complicated, so when buying a chipset it is very important to pay attention to the markings in order to make right choice.

There is one more important point, some people prefer to install more than one RAM chipset on their computer, thereby achieving greater system performance. This is a very common practice among many gamers. In the case when you plan to install two such chipsets, you need to take into account that they must be from the same manufacturer and from the same batch, and also have identical clock frequency, workload and timing parameters. Only when both components meet all these parameters will the RAM compatibility be perfect.

Do not think that other RAM manufacturers that are not represented in the list above are bad manufacturers. This is far from true, for example, hynix RAM can be a very good solution in many cases, just like RAM amd memory which very often has very good parameters and favorable price. However, it often happens that Kingston RAM is a more reasonable and rational choice in many cases, both in terms of its operating efficiency and its cost.

Is there a difference between PC RAM and laptop RAM?

Everything that applies to RAM on a PC also applies to RAM for a laptop. The only difference that exists between PC RAM and laptop RAM is the size, usually laptop RAM is shorter than PC RAM.

How to choose the right RAM?

If you rely on everything described above, you can make the right choice of RAM. In addition, you should, of course, take into account your own needs; first of all, you must determine for yourself for what purpose you need a computer. If, for example, you do not intend to use it to play the latest games on maximum parameters quality, in this case you can even try to save on the amount of RAM.

However, it very often happens that a person initially did not want to use a computer for games, but then he was faced with such a need, and the RAM had already been purchased. In order to avoid such problems and not have to pay twice, it is still better to initially take a sufficient amount of RAM, moreover, recently the prices for it have decreased significantly. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the clock frequency of the RAM, which should not be higher than the frequency of the motherboard, as well as some other parameters, such as timing. This is simply necessary if you want to achieve really fast and quality work this component, and also want the RAM installation to be successful.

Of course, the manufacturer is also of great importance. Good and famous brand, such as hyperx RAM, this is always very good decision, since usually such a brand is associated with real quality, and you will be completely confident in the reliability of the RAM you purchased.

How to choose RAM for your PC? was last modified: April 29th, 2016 by MaximB

Let's think about random access memory (RAM), sometimes simply called memory. RAM data can be recalled without needing to access hard drive Therefore, having the required amount of memory on your computer directly correlates with the performance of the computer.

Without diving too deeply into the science behind computer memory, called RAM allows your computer to run faster and more smoothly, especially when multitasking—if you need to open multiple programs at once.

Why upgrade RAM?

Implementing RAM in a PC is a performance issue. If you've noticed your PC's performance slowing down more than expected, and this has been happening for a while, Windows Task Manager is good way check if you are overloading your RAM.

Open the manager Windows tasks 10 by pressing ALT + CTL + DEL. Go to the Performance tab. The tab named Memory measures your RAM usage.

You'll get a more detailed view by clicking the Open Resource Monitor button at the bottom of the Task Manager window and going to the Memory tab.

The rule of thumb is that if available memory is less than 25 percent of your full memory, upgrading the RAM will provide a noticeable increase in performance for the end user.

Monitor your RAM, especially when you open a new application. If it's slower than you'd like and you notice ram usage getting close to 100%, then upgrading your RAM may help you.

Determine the possibility of upgrading the RAM of your laptop or PC

Unfortunately, many laptops do not have a window in the bottom for upgrading the RAM or the memory is soldered to the motherboard; these situations prevent the RAM from being upgraded. It is also possible that the system simply cannot recognize more than a certain amount of memory. To find out if you can upgrade your RAM, try Crucial's Memory Advisor tool. After you find exact model of your laptop, you should get a screen that shows the maximum RAM capacity and number of slots for your laptop.

First, note that laptop memory and desktop memory are different from each other. friend And not interchangeable! Let this be the first step in choosing the right RAM for your computer.

The two components that most influence the type of RAM you can choose are your motherboard and your operating system.

The operating system you're running may affect the maximum amount of RAM you can use on your computer. Maximum RAM limit for 32-bit Windows versions is 4 GB.

Your computer's motherboard also determines the amount of RAM because it has a limited number of real-time memory module slots (DIMM slots) into which you plug RAM. Consult your computer or motherboard manual to find this information.

Additionally, the motherboard determines which RAM you should choose. The most common desktop options are:

  • DDR2 SDRAM(with synchronous dynamic random access memory with double speed data transfer) - usually used in computers built after 2003.
  • DDR3 SDRAM(double the data rate of three synchronous dynamic random access memories) - found in computers built after 2007.
  • DDR4 SDRAM(double data transfer speed with 4th generation synchronous dynamic RAM) - newest generation RAM, which is located in latest versions PC.

Other RAM characteristics should also be noted:

  • Speed ​​(MHz). Unless you're comparing performance, you probably won't notice the difference between an 1866 MHz memory module and a 1333 MHz one. Speed ​​issues are more important for server workstations that handle large computing loads.
  • RAM timings or latency are represented as four numbers separated by “-”. Generally, lower scores mean better performance.
  • Multichannel sets. If your motherboard supports multi-channel memory, the appropriate set will optimize performance. For this, RAM can be purchased based on the system memory.

An online store configurator (for example, can help you choose RAM for your system.

I processed information almost instantly, especially when using applications, including gaming ones. Great importance has Random Access Memory (RAM, RAM), which sets the speed of your device. We will give some recommendations on how to choose RAM for a computer or laptop.

The choice of RAM for a PC is influenced by reading speed and interaction with other components of the PC.

The choice of RAM is important, it gives a start to the “overclocking” of a computer or laptop; correctly selected RAM will later help to avoid additional injections of funds. This memory is connected to the motherboard, so you need to select it based on the available components. If you buy a cool RAM, but it turns out your motherboard doesn’t support it, you’ll have to put it aside until better times.

How do you know what RAM your motherboard supports? Go through a few steps:

  • find out the markings using DirectX: by pressing the Win+R combination, enter dxdiag in the line, remember/write down the displayed information about the manufacturer, the name of the PC model;
  • go to the manufacturer’s website, for example, Gigabyte;
  • Use the marking to find the motherboard model of your computer/laptop; to make it quicker, you can enter the data into the search bar;
  • go to “Supported processors”, “List of recommended memory modules”, save the list;
  • find the line with your processor type, memory model.

This way you will make sure that the motherboard and processor will not conflict with the memory you have chosen; the combination of these three components will allow you to increase PC performance, avoiding “ blue monitors of death".

Determination of technical parameters

RAM type

DDR 3rd generation is popular on the market, also DDR3, which has increased clock speeds, reduced energy consumption, and therefore low heat generation. At the same time, DDR2 is also being implemented, and even the outdated, very expensive DDR1 is found. The types differ in structure and are incompatible in one device. If you make a mistake, buy the wrong plank, you simply won’t be able to insert it. There is also the latest type of DDR4 memory, which has increased frequency characteristics, undervoltage. Frequencies supported are 2133–4266 MHz.

Form factor

The form factor is undoubtedly useful to take into account if you are planning to buy RAM; this criterion does not affect the performance of the work, but determines the dimensions of the device and the type of design of the memory strip.


DIMM means that the contacts are arranged on both sides. DIMMs are used for regular desktop computer, and SO-DIMM is for laptops, built into monoblocks, and sometimes found in multimedia compact PCs. These strips differ in size, SO-DIMM is half the size.

Frequency, baud rate

Frequency along with data transfer rate are the main characteristics of RAM. To determine how to choose RAM for a computer or laptop, look at these characteristics. Frequency determines how much data can be transmitted per unit of time. This information is recorded in the module characteristics. For example, the module is marked DDR3 1333 (PC-10600), which means memory with a bus of 1333 MHz can pass 10600 MB/sec. Frequency has a different designation:

  • “DDR2(3)-xxxx”, where xxxx is the effective frequency;
  • or “PC2(3)-yyyy”, where yyyy is peak throughput.

Which frequency is right for you?

If you are thinking about how to choose RAM for a laptop or computer, when deciding on the frequency indicator, calculate it based on the capabilities of your system. It will be optimal when the RAM frequency matches the frequency supported by the motherboard and processor.

Let's look at an example. We connected DDR3-1800, but the board can support DDR3-1600 at most. Your RAM will work no higher than 1600 MHz, its resource will be consumed in an incomplete amount, and failures and errors may occur in the system.

Operating mode

These days, PCs are equipped with boards that support special modes of RAM operation. Some modes are most efficient at speed, so it's useful to take them into account when purchasing RAM.

Mode Types


Volume - important characteristic, a high indicator of this characteristic does not always lead to an increase in the performance of a computer/laptop. Still, volumes from and above 6 GB make sense, especially with weak disk system. Modern programs are consuming more and more memory.

Timings are time delays, indicated by numbers, for example, 3-3-3. This represents three parameters:

  • the time consumed to read the first bit from memory, i.e. the number of nanoseconds spent in the interval from sending to memory to the start of the data transfer itself (CAS Latency);
  • the time spent also reading the first bit, but this includes the nanoseconds of delay that exists between the beginning of opening a row and accessing the columns in it (RAS to CAS Delay);
  • the third digit means the number of ticks in the interval from the closing of one line to the opening of the next (RAS Precharge Time).

The throughput and performance of the system as a whole depend on these technical parameters. RAM works faster when the timings are reduced. They are measured in nanoseconds, from 2 to 9 ns. If the information contains only one digit, it indicates the first parameter - CAS Latency. Sometimes the manufacturer hides higher next parameters in this way.

The RAM frequency depends on the timings: the higher it is, the higher the timings. Better pick optimal ratio both characteristics. If the manufacturer indicates Low Latency models, it means that when high frequency RAM produces less latency than standard sticks, but such RAM for a computer, of course, is more expensive; here you need to take into account, in addition to the criteria listed above, the state of your wallet.


No less important when deciding how to choose RAM is the question of the manufacturer. The products of companies that have proven themselves in the market are popular: OCZ, Kingston, Corsair.

So, when choosing RAM for a computer or laptop, pay close attention to the task so that the purchase is useful and the device functions properly. full force, the RAM matched the board's requirements and ensured maximum performance.