Windows 7 maximum settings after installation. Setting up power management. Disable remote file compression

In the previous lesson, we tried to install Windows 7 from scratch. However, now we have another, no less exciting task ahead of us - setting up Windows 7 to perform most universal household tasks, as well as installing the necessary programs that will be needed in everyday life. Here I will show you with an example how to configure a newly installed Windows 7, and also make it work as efficiently and securely as possible.

So we have Windows 7 installed (how to install it -). Now we need to configure it, install programs, connect to the Internet, and ultimately optimize it. Yes. Some people will probably think that in this lesson I will teach you how to set up all sorts of programs, speed up programs, etc. Netushki - only standard Windows 7 tools! It’s no coincidence that I chose Windows 7 Starter for execution, in order to show you that even though it’s “cut down to the point I can’t”, as many say, Windows 7 Starter actually has quite a bit of functionality. Therefore, it is more than enough for home use.

The first thing after installing Windows 7 is to go through the system components to find out if everything works, if all devices are configured, and if your computer can work at full capacity. Let's first check if the device drivers are working. Particular attention should be paid to setting up the drivers for the network card or cards (for example, there are several of them in a laptop), as they will give you the opportunity to connect your computer to the Internet and download the missing components. Click Start, then right-click on the inscription Computer, and select from the drop-down menu Properties:

Then click on the inscriptions device Manager, in the upper left part of the screen, thereby calling up the menu of the same name Device Manager.

First, pay attention to the presence of the entry Network adapters - if such an inscription is there, it means that at least some network adapter is still present in the system. Another proof that the network is present and working properly is the icon in the lower right corner of the screen near the clock. Like this:

The presence of an icon of this particular type may also mean that your computer can access the Internet. And this is very important. We kindly ask you not to rush and don’t rush to join VKontakte right away. They will wait for you there. After all, your system is not yet protected and is susceptible to viruses. If the network and Internet are working, then setting up your computer will not be difficult.

Let's return to our Task Manager - it turns out that not everything is so good there and there is some piece of hardware that Windows has defined as the “Main system device”, but Windows cannot figure out what kind of device it is. But since we are connected to the Internet, we’ll give our Windows a little “kick” so that this device can be installed for us. Right-click on this device and in the context menu click on Update drivers:

A window called Driver Update, you need to click on “ Automatically search for updated drivers«:

If you have a driver disk that came with your computer, insert it into the optical drive and click on Search for drivers on this computer.

Under no circumstances should you install device drivers designed for Windows XP under Windows 7. Otherwise, you are guaranteed a “Windows Blue Screen of Death” (in some cases, you may need to reinstall Windows again). If you do not have drivers for Windows 7, feel free to go to the website of the manufacturer of your device and look there. Or search.

If you don’t find a driver for Windows 7 on the manufacturer’s website, you can try downloading and installing a device driver designed for Windows Vista. This is so, just in case it happens that there is no Internet on your computer, or a problem arises with the network card intended for this very Internet.

But we will assume that everything is fine with your Internet, and Windows has found the driver. If Windows could neither find it on the disk nor download the driver on the Internet (which is not uncommon) and gave you this message:

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The Windows 7 operating system pleasantly pleased users with its performance. Compared to the previous version, Windows Vista, the new operating system from Microsoft shows better performance results. However, there is no limit to perfection - and many users, under this slogan, decided to further optimize Windows 7 and speed up its operation. Let's try to figure out what Windows 7 optimization is.

The performance of any operating system, as a complex software complex consisting of many components, depends on a number of factors. It is impossible to turn off any one function or change a couple of settings and thereby significantly increase system performance. Setting up Windows 7 is a rather complex and multifaceted process, so if you want to optimize the operating system as much as possible, you need to approach this process comprehensively, from all sides.

Windows Aero

The Windows Aero graphical interface has been criticized more than once for excessive waste of system resources. In fact, this is just a visual decoration of the system, which does not provide practically any useful functions, but simply serves as eye candy for the user. However, Windows Aero can be optimized and thereby achieve a significant reduction in the system resources it requires to operate. As a rule, customizing the desktop in Windows 7 starts with this. First of all, you can disable almost invisible elements of Windows Aero, which, nevertheless, create a load on your hardware. To do this, go to Control Panel - System - Advanced system settings - Advanced - Settings.

  1. The fading of the menu after calling a command is a subtle feature that, however, can reduce the smoothness of working with the menu.
  2. Desktop icons casting shadows and shadows appearing under the mouse pointer - you can hardly see them, and they take up system resources.
  3. Animated controls and elements inside the window - turning them off will add smoothness when working with windows.
  4. Displaying window contents while dragging is a fairly resource-intensive feature; disabling it makes a significant contribution to optimization.

If you have a fairly weak computer, the performance increase will be noticeable after disabling the above functions. In addition to them, the transparency effect has a very strong influence on performance; turning it off gives a noticeable result. If you are indifferent to all the decorations and want to get maximum speed, you need to select the settings item Ensure the best performance.

Windows 7 Services

As you know, Windows 7 is a complex multi-component system designed to perform a wide range of tasks. To implement various functions, the operating system runs many services, many of which are often simply not needed by the user. However, each of the services eats up your computer's precious resources. Accordingly, if you disable unnecessary functions, you can increase the overall performance of the system.

To gain access to working with services, you must follow the following path: Start - Control Panel - Administration - Services. After that, select a service that is unnecessary for us from the list, click the Stop button, and set the Startup type setting to Disabled. Please note that many services are vital for the smooth functioning of the operating system, so you should only disable them if you are confident in your actions and know exactly what you are doing. Here is a list of services that are recommended to be disabled:

  • Windows CardSpace
  • Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft)
  • Windows Search
  • Print Manager (if there are no printers)
  • Offline files
  • Network Access Protection Agent
  • Network login
  • Setting up a Remote Desktop Server
  • Smart card
  • Adaptive brightness control
  • Windows Backup
  • IP Ancillary Service
  • Grouping of network participants
  • Performance counter library host
  • Tablet PC input service
  • Automatic Remote Access Connection Manager
  • Diagnostic system unit
  • Network Member Identity Manager
  • Performance Logs and Alerts
  • Secondary login
  • Secure storage
  • Smart Card Removal Policy
  • Homegroup Listener
  • Windows Defender
  • Windows Event Collector
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
  • Diagnostic Service Node

Windows 7 Registry

The Windows 7 registry is a database that contains information about operating system settings, startup options for programs and services. Windows 7 accesses the registry several hundred times per second, and various installed programs do the same. If the registry is littered and contains many outdated entries from once installed programs, this can seriously slow down the operating system. Optimizing the Windows 7 registry consists of two stages: in the first stage, we will look at a number of important settings that speed up the system, and then we will give advice on removing unnecessary entries from the registry. Before performing any operations with the registry, it is strongly recommended to make a backup copy of it, since incorrect actions can result in serious system failures.

Improving NTFS file system performance
In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem section, set the NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate and NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation parameters to 1. This will disable the creation of a record of the last time the file was accessed.

Forced storage of kernel codes in RAM
In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management section, change the LargeSystemCache parameter to 1. This will allow the system not to unload the kernel from RAM.

Forced storage of drivers in RAM
In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management section, change the DisablePagingExecutive parameter to 1. This will allow the operating system not to unload driver files from RAM.

Force unloading of unused libraries from RAM
In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer section, create the AlwaysUnloadDll parameter of type DWORD and assign it the value 1. This will allow you to unload unused DLLs from RAM.

The Windows 7 registry contains a wide range of settings, some of which seriously affect system performance. Above we looked at just a few of them, which are the basis for optimizing the operation of the Windows 7 system using the registry. In addition, it is useful to periodically clean the registry of unnecessary and outdated entries. Doing this manually is problematic; it is better to use special utilities for this purpose.

Startup Windows 7

It's no secret that when Windows 7 starts, a number of programs are automatically loaded. Many of them, such as antivirus, firewall, drivers for various devices, are useful and necessary. But, at the same time, some of these programs ended up in the startup list without your knowledge. We can see shortcuts to some of these programs in the system tray; there, as a rule, you can go to the utility settings and disable the autorun function. At the same time, some programs are not visible to the user and operate in hidden mode, thereby consuming system resources.

In order to see a complete list of applications that launch with Windows 7, you need to open the startup menu. You can do this using the command line, open it with the Win+R key combination, and enter the msconfig command in the command line. The System Configuration window will appear on the screen, in which we are interested in the Startup tab. On this tab we see a complete list of programs that run with Windows 7, and this list can be easily edited yourself. Please note that the startup list contains a number of important applications, disabling which may cause problems with the operating system. Therefore, before disabling any program, make sure you know exactly what it does.

Temporary files and folders Windows 7

During its operation, the operating system creates a number of temporary files and folders. In addition, the programs you work with often create temporary data and “forget” to delete it. Over time, this can cause Windows 7 to slow down and also take up quite a lot of hard drive space. You can combat this by regularly deleting temporary folders and files if you know exactly where they are and that they are no longer needed. However, for inexperienced users there is another method that simplifies the cleaning process and minimizes the risk of deleting important files. Windows 7 has a built-in tool called Disk Cleanup. Thanks to it, you can clear the operating system of temporary files and folders in a short time.

To launch this tool, you need to follow the path Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup. Using this utility, you can delete temporary Internet files, temporary system files, unused Windows components and a number of other unnecessary files. The program interface is intuitive, working with it will not cause any difficulties even for a novice user.

Windows 7 Page File

The paging file or swap-file is necessary for the system to partially unload the RAM. As the system operates, some of the data contained in RAM becomes unnecessary, and Windows frees up computer resources by dumping this data into the page file. If after some time these files are needed again, they are loaded into RAM.

As a rule, Windows 7 adjusts the paging file size automatically, depending on the needs of the system. However, for best performance, it is better to set the size manually. You can do this by following the path Start - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Performance - Settings. Select the Change button in the Virtual Memory sector and set the size of the paging file to be equal to the amount of RAM in the computer.

The speed of a computer is of interest to every user, to a greater or lesser extent. In order to squeeze out Windows 7 maximum, you can resort to a number of well-known methods, both the simplest and the more complex for the average user.

In this article we will look at methods for manually tuning the system, and will not resort to the help of special programs designed to increase system performance.

Cleaning startup

Many programs that you install are added to startup at startup. Windows . They automatically start when you turn on the computer. By checking the list of these programs and removing those that you do not use often (or do not use at all), you can speed up your system.

To do this, you need to run the system configuration management tool:

Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> System Configuration

or enter the value “ msconfig" and press Enter.

Windows , and you can delete those you don’t need. This can also be done manually by deleting the corresponding values ​​from the system registry. The list of programs that are in startup is located in the following registry branches:



Disabling unnecessary services (services)

Disabling unnecessary or rarely used services will relieve some of the RAM load, which will allow other applications to run faster. Before disabling any services, we recommend creating a system restore pointin case of any complications (especially for inexperienced users):Control Panel -> System -> System Protection -> Create...

So, the list of services is here: Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services

Here you can disable little-used services. The following can be safely disabled:

· Tablet PC input service
· Computer Browser
· IP Ancillary Service
· Remote registry
· Program Compatibility Assistant Services (Advanced Users)

Setting process priority

In order for running applications to work faster, you need to give them a higher priority compared to background processes. In this case, active applications will be allocated more processor time. By default, the system is configured this way, but the balance between resources for active and background processes can be shifted even further.
Behind this answers the meaning Win32PrioritySeparation, which lies in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl. To open the system registry, type “regedit " on the command line.

The default hexadecimal value is 2 ( hex)
Recommended value – 6 ( hex)
Valid range: 1 to 26 ( hex)

You can try other values ​​to speed up your system as much as possible. Attention: use value 0 You can’t, your computer will immediately freeze!

In addition to changing the overall balance of processor resources, you can set higher priority to individual programs. This can be done through the Task Manager.

Sometimes this is useful. For example, if some program is performing a very long operation and you need it to do it faster, then setting it to a higher priority may help.

Changing Performance Options

operating system Windows 7 makes it possible to configure some parameters that can speed up the system. To open a dialog Interaction Options you need to go here:Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Settings (on the Advanced tab) .

Here on the Visual Effects tab you can disable animation in the Start menu, disable the feature Aero Peek , window transparency and other parameters. If you select the "Ensure best performance" option, all visual effects will be disabled Windows Aero, and the system will work faster, however, you will sacrifice all the beauty that gives us Windows 7.

Aero Peek acceleration

Aero Peek is a function that makes all windows transparent when you hover the mouse over the small square to the right of the clock. To reduce the response time of this function you need to change the key DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime type DWORD , which is located in the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

If there is no such key in a given branch, you need to create it and then simply change its values. A decimal value of 1000 equals a delay of one second, 500 equals half a second, and so on.

Shutdown User Account Control (UAC)

User Account Control ( UAC) notifies the user about those changes in the system that require administrator rights. This service displays notifications when you try to install a new program, when changes are made to the file system, etc. This can be useful for beginners, but is often frustrating for experienced users. To turn off notifications fromUser Account Controlyou need to do the following:

· Run System Configuration (" msconfig " without quotes on the command line).
· Go to the “Services” tab and in the list find the “User Account Control Settings” item
· Select this item and click the “Run” button.
· A dialog will open in which you can use the slider to adjust the notifications.

The changes made are activated after the computer is restarted.

There is a common belief among users that ,Windows 7, does not require any optimization and there is nothing to disable in it, except for the Aero interface. However, in reality this is not entirely true. So, despite the developers’ statements about the high efficiency of the new OS, computers with it generate quite a lot of excess heat, which, among other things, affects the battery life of laptops. Our tips will help you improve , Windows 7 performance, and reduce its energy consumption.

The speed of a computer largely depends on how the operating system is configured. In Windows 7, the developers tried to take into account the mistakes of previous operating systems: the new software product from Microsoft is significantly optimized and ensures comfortable work with the Aero graphical interface even on low-power netbooks. However, it is still desirable to have some performance reserves in order to be able to run resource-intensive applications - for example, games. Helps release additional power , system optimization, . It is worth doing it even if a quite productive machine begins to work more slowly. This can happen after installing an application, due to frequent software reinstallations, processing large volumes of photos or videos, and even just numerous sessions of surfing the Internet.
As a result of all this, the hard drive and Windows registry become clogged, new library and driver files appear, and software errors occur due to outdated audio and video codecs. We will talk about ways to increase the power of Windows 7 both manually, using standard OS tools, and using a third-party system optimization utility.

No matter how powerful a computer is, there is always a reason to increase its performance. This also applies to the latest operating system. ,Windows 7, . We will find unnecessary sources of resource consumption in this OS and disable them.

,Performance Scores: Pretest.,
The developers of the "Seven" have added a tool to the system that tests the main components of computer hardware for performance. It allows the user to understand what can be expected when using the new OS. The test is launched in the “Computer Properties” window, to call which you should use the “Wm + Break” key combination. Based on the test results, the system will issue an average score. Note that for netbooks this figure usually does not exceed 2.3. Our test laptop with a dual-core Intel processor (1.87 MHz), 1 GB of RAM and an ATI Radeon 1300 graphics system earned only 3.1 points.
However, this is quite enough to comfortably work not only with office programs, but also graphics, audio and video. This result can be improved in laptops only by increasing the RAM and replacing the hard drive with a more powerful one. In the case of desktop systems, it is also possible to upgrade the video card. The system optimization methods described below will not increase your score, since this test only evaluates hardware.

Practice shows that a freshly installed system without user programs works very quickly. But such a PC is only suitable for surfing the Internet and playing solitaire. To make it a full-fledged working machine, you will need to install at least an office suite and various players. When installing the necessary working utilities, we are forced to put up with the fact that new libraries, drivers and registry entries are added to the system, and the more programs, the more such garbage. At the same time, many applications add themselves (or their auxiliary utilities) to the system autostart. ,Windows 7, like other versions of Microsoft's OS, can be speeded up by simply disabling and deleting everything unnecessary.

, Clean and speed up.,
Some programs automatically start when the OS boots and run in the background, wasting system resources. At best, such applications simply occupy RAM (the user may not even be aware of this). At worst, they are actively functioning: downloading updates, writing reports, indexing files, checking disks for viruses. You can view and edit the startup list in the “System Configuration” window, on the “Startup” tab. All applications loaded at system startup are listed here, indicating the manufacturer and file location of each program. By unchecking the boxes next to unnecessary components, you disable their autorun. You can open the standard “System Configuration” program from the “Start | Run | msconfig". Unnecessary programs in the autorun list include all programs that you do not use every day - for example, Skype, BitTorrent client, components of Adobe and Google programs, various audio players and video players. Reducing the number of applications in startup increases not only performance, but also the speed of Windows startup. You should not exclude only system programs (drivers, low battery indicator, etc.).

, Disable User Account Control.,
UAC is a user account control system that protects the OS from rash user actions. This service is useful, but too intrusive: launching any third-party program (that does not have a Windows certificate) requires confirmation. In addition, OS resources are spent on monitoring. This service can be disabled without major damage to system security: open “Start | Control Panel | User Accounts | Change User Account Control settings" and move the slider to the "Never notify" position.

, Disable indexing and other services.,
A serious drawback of the Windows OS has always been a lot of unnecessary services. In the "seven" the situation has improved significantly: most of them (more than 100 in total) are configured to start manually, and only a few begin to work automatically. But even some of the latter can be disabled for optimization purposes.
Default ,Windows 7, automatically indexes all files on your computer. This is done to speed up the search. In addition to the OS itself, this procedure is carried out by any programs designed to search the contents of a PC. Typically, indexing occurs only when the computer is idle, but you can turn it off to ensure maximum computer performance. To do this, you will need to deactivate the Windows Search service. Open the Start | Control Panel | Administration | Services". In the list that appears, double-click on the desired item and set the startup type to “Disabled”. We also recommend disabling the Remote Registry service to protect your PC from network attacks.

, Managing Windows Update.,
Among other things, in ,Windows 7, there is an update service that monitors the appearance of new patches, downloads and installs them into the system. But in automatic mode, the installation process can significantly slow down the operation of the OS. This service can be switched to start manually - then the update process will not be carried out at a time when maximum power is required from the PC.

,We simplify the interface.,
All the beautiful interface effects ,Windows 7, use a lot of system resources. In everyday work, you should not abandon them, but in cases where maximum performance is required from your PC, they can be temporarily disabled. This is quite easy to do in “System Properties” by selecting the “Advanced system settings” line in the window on the left. On the "Advanced" tab, click on the "Options" button and select the "Best performance" option. You can return to the original state by selecting “Restore Defaults”.

, Disk defragmentation and cleaning.,
Defragmenting your hard drive significantly speeds up Windows, especially if you frequently copy or delete large files. By default, in the "seven" this procedure is automatically performed once a week, but sometimes it is still worth checking the hard drive yourself for fragmentation. Don’t forget about regularly cleaning your disk from unnecessary files using the built-in utility. This stage completes the optimization ,Windows 7, standard means of the system. If you wish, you can also use utilities from third-party manufacturers.

,Evaluation of system optimization results.,
The experiment was carried out on a test PC with the following configuration:

— Processor: Intel Pentium 4 (2.8 GHz)
— Memory: 1.5 GB DDR (400 MHz)
— Video: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
— Hard drive: Seagate (80 GB)

As a result of following all the above recommendations, including disabling the Aero effect, the system startup time was reduced from 60 to 46 s, loading Microsoft Word from MS Office 2007 Pro from 7 to 4 s, and the Yandex start page on the Internet Explorer - from 10 to 6 s. The WinRAR archiver test (145 MB of data) showed a 2.5% acceleration of the disk system. In synthetic tests SiSoft Sandra, Fritz Chess and Super Pi, optimization gave an increase in hardware performance of 0.5-3.6%.

After some time of using Windows 7, a person begins to notice that performance has recently become lacking. This is natural, since a huge amount of garbage accumulates inside it, which has accumulated as a result of your interaction with the computer, as well as when the program was incorrectly uninstalled.

These include unnecessary registry branches, temporary files, disk fragmentation, and a huge number of unnecessary services and startup files running in parallel. It is necessary to understand how the operation and loading of this system should be optimized. In this case, you can significantly speed up your computer. And if it is weak, then optimization of Windows 7 should occur constantly using specialized utilities.

First you need to remove the visuals. Yes, they look very nice, but at the same time they put a lot of load on the computer and RAM in particular. This is done like this:

  1. First, you need to go to the “Performance Meters and Tools” section of the control panel. You can search for it through the search bar.
  2. Next you will see an item responsible for setting visual effects. You will need to select which specific effects you want to remove. Uncheck the boxes, and then click the “apply” button. After this you can close the window.

You'll notice how much faster and uglier the system becomes. It is recommended to experiment and remove only the heaviest visual effects, that is, those that heavily load the system. Optimizing the performance of Windows 7 is not limited to this, regardless of how many bits it has: 32 or 64.

Setting up the necessary programs in autorun

This concerns increasing the performance of the system and its operation as a whole. When a person who has been using the system for a long time turns on the computer, the OS loads very slowly. Or rather, the desktop appeared, but in order for something to start working normally, you need to wait a little longer. The main culprits are programs that are in startup. This can be quite unpleasant when there is a lot of work and not much time. System boot speed is also an important factor, although it may not seem so at first glance. To solve this problem, there are special utilities, some of them are built into the system.

After they have been launched, they still eat up RAM. In general, the load is heavy. And the necessary programs can always be launched. The only application that can be launched at system startup is the antivirus. It really should be in startup, since most modern antiviruses scan the system when the system starts. All others must be deleted.

What needs to be done to remove programs from startup and optimize system performance this way?

  1. We go to the control panel.
  2. Click further on the “Administration” utility, and then go to the “System Configurations” tab.
  3. In the top menu you need to select the “startup” tab. And we remove all programs except the antivirus. Thus, we load the system less at startup.

After this, you need to reboot the system, and you will see how significant the performance improvement has been. This will be especially pronounced on weak computers.

Configuring services that eat up RAM

In the same menu there is a “Services” panel. Here you need to very carefully uncheck the boxes, as they can seriously harm the system. So, there is no need to disable services from Microsoft. Look at the name of the program that runs this service. If there is no need for it, then we definitely wash it. There is no benefit from it, it only erases the RAM. In this way, unnecessary services are disabled.

Remove gadgets

A nice element of the Windows 7 system are gadgets. These are small programs that provide useful information. But at the same time, they also drain RAM. Although lately, generally speaking, there is no need for them. So after you disable unnecessary services, it is important to remove gadgets, if any. Your smartphones (lately even iPhones) have had the same widgets for a long time, but they work much more stable. Therefore, there is no point in keeping them on the Windows 7 desktop. Everything can be viewed at your fingertips on your mobile phone.

Among other things, people often bring completely unnecessary gadgets to their desktop. For example, why is a “clock” widget needed at a time when not only the time, but also the date is visible in the system tray. And there can be quite a lot of similar repetitions. So pay special attention to this.

Desktop customization

Many people clutter their desktop not only with gadgets, but also with shortcuts. But in order to load them, you have to spend an incredible amount of energy. Therefore, it is advisable to leave only a few of the most important programs on the desktop, and it will not only load faster, but the overall system stability will improve. The advice seems to be well-known, but everyone who is too lazy to clean their workplace forgets about it. And then you have to work even harder for the system to start working stably. In addition, due to the large number of files on the desktop, part of the hard drive will simply become clogged.

Delete temporary files

Many programs create temporary files that clog up space on the system partition. As a result, the system begins to slow down, since it is not recommended to install anything on the system partition. It turns out that temporary files are not deleted on their own, as the name suggests. Therefore, you need to clean them yourself. Typically, the folder in Windows 7 with these files is located at C:/Temp. It is important not to delete the folder itself, but simply to clear it of files. The system needs it. It’s just that when a huge amount of garbage accumulates there, you can also clean the hard drive of temporary files. You don't need any utilities for this.

Customizing the Start Menu

Have you probably noticed that in Windows 7, the Start menu shows programs that you installed a few days ago or even earlier? And the system has to spend several seconds to determine these programs. And they can add up in minutes. The efficiency of working on a computer is somewhat reduced. To begin, right-click on the Start menu. After that, click on “configure”. There you will see the option “Highlight recently installed programs”. Here you need to uncheck it. Don't forget to click on the "apply" button. Thus, we were able to somewhat speed up the Start menu. These system utilities can do wonders, and your OS will work well again.

Setting up and defragmenting the disk

After some time of using the computer, the process of file fragmentation begins. This is when one file is distributed across several sectors of the hard drive. After some time, opening your favorite composition or a file important for work requires you to spend more and more time due to the fact that its fragments are spread across the entire hard drive. To restore its structure, it is necessary to defragment the disk.

Windows 7 has a very accessible utility that allows you to do this. It's called "Disk Defragmentation". It has an intuitive interface that will help you easily understand its operation. Defragmentation takes several hours, and the more clogged the system is, the longer this service will have to work. But the increase in productivity will be enormous.

Setting up and cleaning the registry

The registry is a special entity that is designed to store settings of both the system itself and other programs. Previously, all information in Windows was stored in a huge number of different ini files, but then it was decided to introduce the registry as a more convenient tool for managing settings. And these settings can sometimes interfere with the system. Especially when a virus has worked there (even if it is deleted, it can leave its traces in the registry) or simply a program that has worked on your computer for two years and has not been there for the same amount of time. But traces still remain.

At the moment, there are a huge number of programs that clean the registry. One of them is CCleaner. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the computer is not the only one who lives by it. There are a huge number of analogues that can work to your advantage.

Antivirus scan

Viruses can damage the registry. But besides all this, they can do many things dangerous to human safety. Viruses are becoming the main tool in the hands of Internet scammers at the moment. Moreover, Windows 7 is designed in such a way that a malicious program can penetrate a computer even without a person’s consent. It's terribly unsafe. This is why people prefer to install antivirus software. Modern malware detection programs have a user-friendly interface and scan the system in the shortest possible time. It is strongly recommended not to install two antiviruses at the same time.

Optimizing system boot speed

This system boots already very quickly compared to previous operating systems. But at the same time, you can already speed up the loading and make it even faster. To do this, you need to look at the well-known “system configuration” item and select the “download” item. After that, click on additional options. After this, check the correct boxes and indicate how many processor cores and RAM the system will use. After that, click on “apply”.

Optimizing the paging file to speed up your computer

A page file is a separate space on the hard drive that is reserved by the system for use as a replacement for RAM. By default this file is dynamic, but it is better to make it static. In addition, it is advisable to move it to another partition, and not to the system one.

Removing unnecessary programs is the key to speeding up your computer

Among other things, you may have several programs that would not hurt to remove a long time ago. They only slow down the system and fill up space on the hard drive. If this problem is typical for you, then you need to clean the system of them. This is done either through standard uninstallers, or using specialized programs designed to remove programs and have additional capabilities. The uninstallation menu in Windows 7 itself is located in the Control Panel. And there will be more RAM available.


So, we figured out what actions need to be taken to optimize the performance of Windows 7 so that the operation of this operating system is as smooth as possible. Among other things, you need to restart your computer more often. Loading speed doesn't matter that much. In this case, you will forever forget what bugs are. Until the beta version of the new OS is released, of course.