Installing RAM on the motherboard. Is it possible to combine different sticks of RAM in one computer?

Every user often encounters low memory on their PC. There is not enough space to save work materials, download movies, the computer does not play games at high quality settings, it freezes, the Internet works slowly, it is unbearable to spend time on the computer.

You can increase PC performance by increasing the amount of random access memory (RAM). There are several options on how to do this. An excellent solution to this problem is to buy a new memory card that has enough free space for saving. But if your financial situation temporarily limits this possibility, then let's take a closer look at methods for increasing the amount of RAM without spending money.

Everything that does not fit in RAM is stored on the hard drive in the paging file. Typically, Windows automatically sets the size of such a virtual cache, but if there is a shortage, it can be increased. To do this you don’t have to be a programmer, just follow the instructions below:

For the swap file, use a disk that has more free space. Do not select the system drive for this purpose.

Finding where the virtual cache and paging is configured in Windows 8 is easy. Follow the descriptions below:

  1. Using italics, open the menu and click “Search”.
  2. In the right corner you will see a search bar, enter system properties performance in it and press Enter.
  3. The “Performance Options” window will appear; find the “Advanced” tab.
  4. In the “Virtual Memory” column, click on the “Change” button and from now on we do everything the same as in the instructions above.

Increasing the virtual cache will not save you from problems with a lack of RAM, but will only speed up your computer a little.

Expanding RAM using a flash drive

An excellent method for creating additional RAM space for your PC. It appeared recently, thanks to Ready Boost technology from Microsoft. Few people resort to this method due to ignorance about this innovation.

The Ready Boost program allows you to expand the amount of RAM on your computer using free space on a flash drive or other external storage device (SD card, SSD drive), which plays the role of an additional cache device containing information.

Increasing OP using the Ready Boost program has its own requirements; if the flash card does not meet them, the program will not install. Primary requirements:

  • write speed 1.75 MB/sec, 512 kb blocks;
  • reading speed of at least 2.5 MB/sec, blocks of 512 kb;
  • The minimum free space on a flash drive is 256 megabytes.

Having selected a suitable drive, you can begin to connect a function that allows you not only to increase the cache size, but also to speed up your PC. Let's start:

  1. Insert the selected drive into the connector of the system unit and go to the menu.
  2. Among the list of drives, find the new connected device (flash drive), click on italics (right-click).
  3. In the table that appears, find the “Properties” item. Let's press.
  4. In the new table “Properties: Removable disk”, look for the Ready Boost line, check the box, set the required cache size and confirm the action by clicking on the “OK” button.

Then wait a little while the system finishes setting up the updated parameters.

Increase RAM in BIOS settings

Most BIOS versions allow you to manually configure the amount of RAM. In the BIOS, you can speed up the cache by lowering the timings, but after such manipulations you need to test the system to avoid malfunctions.

  1. First we enter the BIOS. To do this, during system boot, press a key combination, most often Delete, F2 or Ctrl-Alt-Esc.
  2. In the BIOS program menu, look for and click on the line Video Ram or, depending on the program, Shared Memory.
  3. Next, find the DRAM Read Timing line and reduce the number of timings (cycles) in RAM. Fewer cycles means better system performance. Too much reduction will negatively affect the performance of the equipment, so do not overdo it.
  4. When you have finished making changes to the storage configuration, save the settings and exit the BIOS.

Remember, increasing RAM in the BIOS can lead to changes in other settings.

Expanding capacity using memory modules

This method of expanding the cache requires a small financial investment, but is one hundred percent effective.
The motherboard has several cells for installing memory modules, which allows you to install not one, but several boards to increase RAM on your PC.

If it is not financially possible to buy a large memory card, purchase an additional module and install it next to the existing RAM.

Installing modules is an effective way to increase RAM, but before purchasing, you should make sure that the motherboard has free connectors, as well as what standards it supports. There are several types of RAM; if you buy the wrong one, the module will not fit into the motherboard connector. You can find out the type of PC RAM by the number on the board that is already installed in the motherboard. There is no free connector, replace the old board with a new, larger one.
Install the board carefully so as not to break anything. Insert the module until you hear a characteristic click, which means it is securely fastened.

After that, turn on your computer and check the RAM data. There is more storage space - everything went well, no, then turn off the power and try again.

The above methods will expand the size of your computer's cache, improving its performance. But remember, carry out all manipulations in the system carefully and slowly to avoid PC damage.

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“How to install (add) RAM to a computer”

Sooner or later there comes a time when there is little RAM. The needs grow and the memory remains in place, then the game does not start, then the system slows down, or some program has no room to fully develop.

No problem, you can add RAM to your computer. Now let's look at how to add RAM.

First of all, you need to make sure that there are free memory slots.
To do this, remove the housing cover and take a look.

The photo shows that there are 4 memory slots, only one of which is occupied. There are still plenty of excellent places.

The next thing to determine is the type of memory already installed.
There are 3 main types of RAM for desktop computers. Let's list: DDR, DDR2, DDR3. In turn, these types of memory are divided by speed.

So, let's look at what specific memory you have. This should be written on the memory line itself. In my case it is Hynix PC2-6400 2Gb, i.e. in simple terms 2Gb DDR2-800.

It follows from this that I can only add memory of this type (DDR2-800), but the volume can be different, usually 1, 2 or 4Gb. The added volume directly depends on the characteristics of the motherboard. This can be found in the documentation for it. In any case, in order not to miss, you can safely add the same line that is already installed (if you have a volume of no more than 4GB).
The main thing is that the memory type and frequency must match, but the company may be different (although the same ones are preferable).

In order to install a new line of RAM, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, move the latches on the memory slots to the sides and, turning the memory correctly, insert it all the way into the connector. The latches should close.

I repeat once again: make sure that the cut on the memory line coincides with the protrusion on the motherboard slot.

That's all, the process itself is not complicated, but the main thing is preparation and knowledge.

What to do if there is no free space for RAM?

Then you need to again look at what memory is installed and how much there is. For example, there are two 512MB slots, i.e. together 1GB. In this case, it would be advisable to install 2 1GB sticks or one 2GB stick instead. Do not forget that it is advisable to know what the maximum allowable volume per connector is.


I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that replacing or adding RAM carries a certain danger - working with electrical devices. Therefore, any operation to integrate devices into the body of the computer system unit should begin with a complete blackout.

Before choosing RAM in a store or on the radio market, you need to find out the type and its characteristics. In the case of a laptop, it is enough to use a testing program that will display all the characteristics of this device. Laptops are designed in such a way that the technical parameters of the new memory stick should not differ greatly from the same parameters of the new memory stick.

When replacing memory sticks for a desktop computer, you should rely on the technical characteristics of the motherboard. Each generation of motherboards supports all types of memory created before the release of the motherboard itself. To determine the characteristics of the motherboard and RAM, use the Everest Ultimate Edition program.

Install the utility and run it by double-clicking the left mouse button on the program shortcut. In the window that opens, go to the “Menu” section and select “Motherboard”. In the list of devices, select "Running memory" The right side of the window will display information about the installed memory. Print this data or write down on a blank sheet of paper the system bus (memory) operating frequency and the name of the manufacturer.

In a computer store you will be able to choose the right model. Most motherboards support dual-channel memory, so purchasing two smaller sticks rather than one larger stick is a better option.

Before installing RAM sticks, you must turn off the power to the computer or. It is advisable to unplug the wire from the system unit from the socket or turn off the power only to the pilot. If there is a switch on the power supply, use it - it also allows you to stop the current flow.

Open the side cover of the system unit. If necessary, use a “+” screwdriver to unscrew the mounting screws. Remove the existing memory stick and install a new one. Close the cover of the system unit, connect the power and press the Power button on the system unit to turn on the computer.

Unscrew the mounting screws and remove the bottom cover. Carefully press the RAM stick with a thin object and pull it out a little to the side (the memory stick should automatically rise under the action of a spring). Replace the old operating system memory new bar.

Cover the laptop with the bottom cover and tighten the mounting screws. Insert the battery, connect the power and turn on the laptop to check the functionality of the installed memory.

After loading the operating system, call the “System Properties” applet: right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. At the bottom of the window that opens, view information about the installed equipment. Compare the amount of RAM indicated in this window and the actual amount you installed. If everything matches, then the installation went without problems and everything was done correctly.

RAM is a capricious madam. She is not capable of much on her own, but she is extremely picky in choosing a mate: they say, don’t give me just anyone. Moreover, the quarrelsome nature of the RAM can make itself felt both immediately after the neighbor appears, and over time. For example, when you urgently need a computer.

Today we will dot all the “E”s on the questions of whether it is possible to combine different sticks of RAM on one PC, whether it is possible for RAM of different generations, types, volume, frequency and manufacturers to work together. And if possible, then under what conditions.

Connection between generations

My motherboard has generation RAM slotsDDR2 andDDR3. Is it possible to install dies of both types on it?

The clear answer is no. Such hybrid modifications of motherboards were produced at the turn of the transition from the DDR2 to DDR3 standard. They are capable of working with either DDR2 memory with frequencies of 667, 800 and 1066 mHz, or with DDR3 memory with frequencies of 1066 and 1333 mHz. If you install DDR2 and DDR3 together on such a board (of course, in slots of their own type), the computer will not start.

DDR3 + DDR3L = ?

Is it possible to use two modules together?RAM, one of whichDDR-3, and the second -DDR-3L? How is the second different from the first?

DDR3 memory has been the only choice for a long time. And only shortly before DDR4 entered the market, its new modification, DDR3L, was released. The letter “L” in the name of the latter means “low voltage”.

The DDR3L RAM is powered by a voltage of 1.35 V, and its predecessor consumes 1.5 V - this is their main difference. Externally, both types of planks look the same.

The DDR3L standard is fully compatible with motherboards and processors designed for DDR3, but not vice versa. Thus, Intel processors with Skylake S microarchitecture do not officially support DDR 3, although they support DDR 3L.

Sharing modules of both types is sometimes possible, but not desirable. All memory installed in the slots of one motherboard is powered by the same voltage level, so only one of the sticks will be in optimal conditions. Computers with this RAM configuration are usually unstable, and some do not turn on at all.

Volumes and channels

I want to install RAM in all 4 slots, does the capacity of each module matter? Which combination will work faster - 4 2 GB sticks, 2 4 GB sticks or 1 8 GB stick?

The only requirement for the amount of RAM is that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise the computer will not turn on or part of the memory will remain unused. The claim that all RAM should be of the same capacity is a myth. There is never too much of it, so bet as much as you want.

All modern desktops and many laptops support multi-channel RAM mode. With this method of organization, memory is accessed not along one, but along several parallel lines, which significantly increases the performance of the machine.

Motherboards with four RAM slots (the most common type) operate in dual-channel mode, that is, they have 2 connectors for 1 channel.

Of the three presented combinations, the fastest will be the second one - 2 4 GB sticks, if you distribute them one per channel. Why two and not four? Because the actual speed of data exchange between the controller and each RAM module is not the same, and the more sticks, the more time is spent synchronizing them.

For RAM modules to work in multi-channel mode, they must be:

  • Same frequency.
  • Approximately the same capacity (small differences are sometimes acceptable).
  • One type (for example, DDR3 or DDR3L only).

And their total number must be even.

By the way, RAM slots of one channel are often made one color. But not always. To find out where they are located on your motherboard, it is better to look at its instructions.

Frequencies and timings

Can it be combined with different timings? If so, what frequency do they operate at?

Can. Each unit of RAM stores information about supported frequencies and timings internally (in the SPD chip). The memory controller reads this data and selects a mode in which all modules can operate. As a rule, these are the frequency and timings of the slowest one.

Various manufacturers

Is it necessary to buy RAM from the same manufacturer?

It is advisable to purchase RAM not just from one brand, but from factory sets of several modules. These devices have been jointly tested and are guaranteed to be able to work together.

It happens that RAM of the same brand and model, purchased separately, cannot “find a common language”. It also happens the other way around, when devices of different origins demonstrate excellent teamwork. Depending on your luck, the first option is rather an exception. Most often, dies from different manufacturers with similar characteristics turn out to be compatible.

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Is it possible to combine different sticks of RAM in one computer? updated: April 26, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

When faced with the problem of optimizing the operation of a computer and increasing its performance, the first step to solving the problem, which is easiest to do, is to increase amount of RAM or optimize it by increasing performance. The best option among those proposed is to purchase an additional memory stick (RAM) or replace existing memory sticks with those that have a large capacity.

The difficulty of choosing when replacing a Windows RAM module lies in the particular influence of its parameters on the performance of the computer. It is worth remembering that RAM exchanges data with the central processor. The stronger the relationship between these components, the faster the necessary calculations are carried out in the system. Therefore, the choice of memory must be approached based on the above, and then the RAM will work with maximum efficiency.

But before you go to the store for new trims, you need to install:

  • What amount of memory is currently installed and what is the maximum amount supported by the board?
  • What type of memory is supported by the motherboard and processor?
  • How many memory slots are there and in what mode do they operate?
  • What is the memory frequency supported by the processor?

Let's start in order. In general, what is RAM needed for? To temporarily store data to perform ongoing processor operations. The larger it is, the easier it is for the processor to simultaneously perform several tasks.

RAM is volatile, which means that after the computer is turned off, all data on it will be deleted, unlike data stored on the hard drive.

How to find out the current amount of RAM?

To do this, it is not even necessary to open the computer lid - we launch the Speccy utility we already know and find the current characteristics in the corresponding section. In principle, all the main characteristics are already presented here, which we will consider in detail below.

At the moment we are interested in capacity - I have 2 slots on my laptop, both of which are occupied. The total size is 2000 MB (2GB), that is, there are 2 1 GB sticks on the laptop.

This is quite enough for normal daily operation of Windows, but if you plan to play games with complex graphics or use heavy graphics or video programs, then it is advisable to install more.

By the way, each version of the operating system has minimum RAM requirements, without which it simply will not work.

  • For Windows XP— At least 64 MB of RAM (at least 128 MB recommended)
  • Windows 10, 7 and 8- 1 gigabyte (GB) (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system) of random access memory (RAM).

Even when planning for expansion, you should check the motherboard or processor specifications to see what the maximum size is supported. This is indicated in the detailed description in the memory section. So, in the Intel Core i54430 model the maximum size is 32 GB.

For an office PC on which you will only work with office documents, 1 GB of memory is sufficient.
For home viewing of videos, photos, and using various applications, it is recommended to use at least 2 GB.
For a powerful gaming computer - 8GB and above.

However, keep in mind that 4 GB or more will only work fully on a 64-bit OS; Windows 32 and up will see no more than 3 GB.

Supported RAM type

The next indicator characterizing the RAM is its type. We list them as technologies develop - SDRAMM DIMM, DDR (or PC), DDR2 (PC-2) and DDR3 (PC-3).

As you can see from the above screenshot from the Speccy program, my laptop supports DDR3 memory, although today the latest modern standard is DDR4.

All modern processors work with this standard, however, older standards can also be found on older boards. If your computer is many years old, then it is likely that it uses an outdated type and the memory module must be selected of this particular standard. Memory modules of different types are incompatible with “foreign” slots on the motherboard.

You can also find out the type of supported RAM from the characteristics of the processor (CPU) or motherboard model on the manufacturer's official website - you can also easily find out these models in the Speccy program or its analogues.

If you have spare sticks of RAM, it can also sometimes be difficult to determine what type it is. Usually they have a sticker indicating the type - PC, PC-2, PC-3 or DDR, DDR2, DDR3. But if there is no sticker, then we will determine it as follows.

The DDR and DDR2 strips are very similar in appearance and have 1 key (cutout) located almost in the center. But DDR has 180 contacts - 92 on each side. And on DDR2 - 240 - 120 on each side, and they are visually narrower than DDR2. It's easy to count them because they are numbered.

DDR3 modules have the same number of pins as PC-2, but the key is not in the middle, but shifted to the edge.

The memory module of the very old SDRAM standard is distinguished by the presence of two keys.

Number of slots for memory sticks and their operating mode

We also saw the number of slots intended for installing brackets in the program - I have 2 of them. If you open the lid of the computer case, you can see several characteristic one- or multi-colored connectors on the board. This is the place where the memory sticks are placed. There are 4 of them in the picture below.

The multicolored color tells us that the memory on this board can operate in dual-channel mode - that is, data is simultaneously transmitted to the controller to the processor or northbridge (depending on) via two channels, which increases the speed of data processing.

To activate this mode, you should purchase at least 2 strips and, as a rule, insert them into two same-color connectors. Which ones exactly? This is written in the instructions for the board and colors may differ in different models. If you buy 4 modules at once, then use all the slots at once.

You also need to take into account that if you currently have a total memory of 2 GB, like me, and you plan to increase it to 4 GB, then it is optimal to purchase 2 modules of 2 GB each rather than one 4 GB, since you can use them to the maximum in in two-channel mode.

It should also be noted here that when purchasing several modules, it is advisable to choose one manufacturer, or even better, take a ready-made kit (KIT) consisting of several strips at once - such a kit is guaranteed to work without problems.

Clock frequency

Another important indicator of memory is its clock speed, which is measured in megahertz (MHz). The speed of information processing depends on it. When choosing a module, be sure to look at what frequency your processor officially supports. The model that was shown in the screenshot above works with PC3-12800 (DDR3 1600 MHz), PC3-10600 (DDR3 1333 MHz), PC3-8500 (DDR3 1066 MHz) memory. The same characteristics can be seen on online store websites in the detailed description of memory modules. For example, let's look at a gaming kit of 4 4 GB sticks Corsair XMS3 DDR-III DIMM 32Gb KIT 4*8Gb:

RAM Bandwidth

A parameter such as throughput, which shows how much data can be transferred as much as possible in a certain time, also depends on the frequency. It is measured in megabytes per second (MB/s) and is calculated by multiplying the frequency by 8. That is, in our example, the memory has a frequency of 1333 MHz * 8 = 10667 MB/s, which is also visible in the description.

The higher the bandwidth, the higher the speed of the RAM module. However, we take into account the fact that

modern processors support memory with a maximum frequency of 1600 MHz.

If you buy an expensive stick with a higher frequency, it will work the same as a cheaper one at 1600 MHz.


Here we can also talk about such a characteristic as timing. This is the delay time when processing operations inside the RAM module chips themselves. The timing is recorded as a sequence of several numbers - in our example it is 9-9-9-24. The last 4th two-digit parameter characterizes the performance of the entire microcircuit as a whole.

Timing can also be indicated by the letters CL and a number, which indicates the first value in the detailed sequence. In our example, the short version would be designated as CL9.

The lower the timings, the better, but such modules also cost more. However, this only matters for high-performance, high-speed PCs—for home and office use, you can ignore this parameter.

Gamers can use the BIOS settings and manually play with changing the timings downwards, but this must be done carefully, otherwise you risk damaging the modules.

RAM for a laptop or desktop computer?

In theory, this is the first question that we should ask ourselves, but essentially it is not the most important, since it is simply impossible to confuse the form factor. For a laptop, the modules are wide and short, for a PC they are long and narrow.

On the websites in the characteristics they are indicated as follows:

  • DIMM- for PC,
  • SODIMM- for laptop.

Type of cooling of memory strips

If you are purchasing a RAM module for a powerful gaming computer, then you should pay attention to the type of cooling. During intensive work or “overclocking” by reducing the timings, they can heat up, so the work of the internal case fans may not be enough to cool them.

On simple strips there is no cooling at all - you will see open soldered microcircuit chips. On more expensive models, the most common type of cooling is installed - a metal radiator.

For the most avid gamers, they even came up with such a thing as water cooling - such modules, together with the system, can significantly exceed the cost of both the motherboard and processor combined.

Decoding the RAM module

Now let's decipher the name of the memory module presented in one of the popular online stores:

Crucial Ballistix Sport XT BLS2C4G3D18ADS3CEU DDR-III DIMM 8Gb KIT 2*4Gb PC3-14900 CL10

  • So, manufacturer Cruisal, the kit consists of 2 modules of 4 Gb each.
  • Memory standard DDR-III and form factor DIMM, that is, for a desktop PC.
  • Bandwidth - 14900 Mb/s
  • Timing - CL10
  • In this case, you need to look at the frequency in the detailed characteristics of the product, or calculate it yourself by dividing the bandwidth (14900) by 8.

Tips to follow when buying RAM

  • It is worth buying RAM from trusted manufacturers. The price of branded brands is much higher, but the quality guarantee and stable operation of the computer are worth it. Here is a list of verified companies: Corsair, Kingston, Kingmax, Transcend, OCZ, Hynix, Hyundai, Samsung.
  • RAM paired with a good quality chipset is the key to maximum performance, considering that the former has a maximum operating frequency.
  • Remember that RAM should always be paired. It is necessary that the modules match in operating frequency; modules installed with different frequencies work at the memory frequency, which is the slowest of those that you installed, or do not work together at all. For example, if you have two channels for RAM and one of the slots has a 2GB stick, then you need to purchase another module with the same capacity, timings and from the same manufacturer.
    And the best option is to buy a set of modules (Kit), which is guaranteed by the manufacturer that these strips are compatible
  • For gaming computers, preference should be given to RAM with the lowest time delays. Even at low frequencies, the memory always works at maximum efficiency.
  • Be sure to ensure that your motherboard, processor, and operating system are compatible with the amount of memory you choose. If your computer system is 32-bit, then you should purchase a stick of no more than 4GB, since a 32-bit system sees up to 3GB of RAM.
  • When purchasing memory to increase existing RAM, it would be better to purchase a model whose characteristics are similar to the one installed in your computer. Purchasing a better or worse specification bar will lead to deterioration in computer performance.

In conclusion, here is a detailed video on installing a memory module in a computer.