Lightweight, reliable antivirus. Rating of free antiviruses: review, description and reviews. PCMag's own amateur tests

Many manufacturers of security products produce free versions of antiviruses, which can be completely freely downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer and used on your computers.

Most developers include in free editions only anti-virus scanners without permanent protection, but there are developers who provide a full range of tools to protect your data in their free version.

Below is a selection of antiviruses that you can download and use absolutely free.

07/19/2018, Anton Maksimov

The ranks of free antiviruses with constant protection have been supplemented by a new version of the Kaspersky Lab product called Kaspersky Free. If previously they only had a healing utility ( antivirus scanner Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool), they now also release permanent file system protection and protection against malicious sites on the network.

06/12/2018, Anton Maksimov

Security is never enough. Many manufacturers of security systems think so. Including the developers of free antivirus 360 Total Security, which includes as many as 5 engines. Yes, this antivirus has many different engines, each of which performs its own task. This includes virus detection mechanisms from Avira and Bitdefender, proactive protection QVM II, cloud system 360 Cloud and recovery system System Repair.

04/18/2018, Anton Maksimov

Avast Free Antivirus- this is a demon paid antivirus permanently protected package. Great for home use. In addition to the anti-virus module itself, it has a number of additional tools, which will help save data and protect you from online threats.

01/11/2018, Anton Maksimov

So we got around to free Comodo Internet Security. This is a set of tools to protect your computer, which includes a firewall, antivirus and proactive protection module. I won't describe all the properties Comodo Internet Security, because they, in my opinion, are standard and are present in most similar programs. The main difference between this program and the others is that it is free and amazingly reliable. When configured correctly, the program allows you to secure your computer to the maximum. The other day I reviewed several comparative tests that were carried out various companies, and the results of these tests quite surprised me. As an example, I will give the results of one of these tests.

10/05/2017, Anton Maksimov

AVG AntiVirus FREE - known all over the world antivirus program, which is available free to home users and is already used by millions of people around the world. Unlike many free scanners from large antivirus laboratories AVG is a complete product that can ensure your PC's security to the fullest. AVG Anti-Virus FREE easy to use and does not slow down the operating system (has low system requirements).

07/12/2017, Anton Maksimov

Today I will talk about another free antivirus Avira Free Antivirus, which recently settled on one of my computers. The situation with it is special, since this antivirus is not a simple scanner, it does not need to be downloaded every time you need to check the system. This antivirus hangs in memory and does everything on its own. Independently downloads and installs updates, independently checks files accessed by the operating system and various applications.

A massive attack by the WannaCry ransomware (WannaCryptor, WanaDecryptor) led to the infection of tens of thousands of computers in organizations and public institutions around the world. The malware uses a known vulnerability described in security bulletin MS17-010 and a combination of EternalBlue/DoublePulsar exploits that allow attacks on other vulnerable Windows systems on the same network. As a result, infection of one computer can lead to compromise of the entire corporate network In the organisation.

Once a vulnerability appears on a computer due to successful exploitation, WannaCry ransomware encrypts all files and documents of certain formats, executing remote commands sent over the SMB protocol and spreading to others Windows computers online.

Perhaps you are too trusting and therefore have not installed an antivirus on your PC, or the license for your antivirus has already expired, or the antivirus you have installed does not provide maximum protection, and... maybe your PC is infected!

02/20/2015, Anton Maksimov

For the vast majority of households Windows users 7 and Windows 10, a standard antivirus product from Microsoft is quite suitable. In the Windows 10 operating system, it is already built into the system called Windows Defender (Windows Defender) and does not need to be additionally downloaded and installed. But for Windows 7 you will have to install it by downloading the distribution kit Microsoft Security Essentials on the Microsoft website. Essentially, these are the same product, but with different names for various systems.

07/22/2013, Anton Maksimov

Dr.Web CureIt! - an antivirus that is noticeably different from the programs everyone is familiar with. This utility does not work constantly, preventing the appearance of malware on the computer. It allows you to cure an already infected PC from viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, etc. This feature of Dr.Web CureIt! determines the scope of application of this product. It can be used periodically to check the reliability of the antivirus installed on the computer, as well as in cases when indirect signs you may suspect a PC infection. In general, Dr.Web CureIt! difficult to overestimate.

06/26/2013, Anton Maksimov

Continuing popular topic about free antivirus, I would like to mention another development that I became acquainted with relatively recently and which I have not yet had time to write about. In theory, it would be possible to add this information to the original message, but I decided to put everything in the form of a separate note. So, today we will talk about a free antivirus from Kaspersky Lab called Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

10.21.2009, Anton Maksimov

An interesting free antivirus program is produced by Microsoft Corporation. The utility is called Malicious Software Removal Tool (Malicious Software Removal Tool for Microsoft® Windows® OS). This tool is in automatic mode scans your computer for a range of malware and immediately removes them when found. The tool is not a replacement for conventional antivirus utility, it only allows for rapid analysis for the presence of commonly occurring viruses.

Greetings to all readers of this site, in previous posts we discussed in detail on the computer. Now, we are faced with another task, this is to ensure the protection of the computer from viruses and malware. Therefore, in today’s article we will talk about which antivirus is better.

I suggest considering both free and paid versions. Each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you must decide for yourself which antivirus to choose. Many of you probably know very well that nowadays, your computer must have a virus protector that can protect your personal data from theft, as well as protect information stored on hard drives from action malicious code. After all, it’s no secret that some viruses can not only damage the user’s files, but also disable the computer. As a rule, to protect your home computer from threats, it will be enough for us to install one of the antiviruses.

Which antivirus is better - choose the right protection.

As I already told you, there are free and paid antivirus programs, but you should not neglect free utilities, since they can be no worse than their paid counterparts. We will try to determine which antivirus is best for Windows.

In order for you to protect your computer from viruses, you need to choose only one antivirus, since if you install two or more programs at the same time, a conflict will begin between them. At the same time, it often happens that antiviruses come into battle with each other over something, and in this case there can be no talk of any protection, since they block each other’s work. I also want to recommend that it does not conflict with a third-party antivirus.

It is quite difficult to unequivocally recommend which antivirus is better, since each developer praises their own products. We can only choose favorites based on the results of using certain programs. As for me, the majority popular antiviruses, are very similar to each other. Their only difference is that some programs specialize more in protecting computer files, while others provide maximum protection when working on the Internet.

The best free antiviruses.

I suggest starting to consider the list of which antivirus is better with free products. As a rule, free antiviruses have all the basic functions that will be enough to protect home computer. Such programs can be classified as “set it and forget it”, since they work independently and do not require paid license renewals or other actions from the user. If you are interested in such antiviruses, then let’s start our list.

Avast! Free Antivirus is a fairly popular antivirus program among users. The utility is completely free, but at the same time it can perfectly protect computers in various fields of application. Once installed, Avast! Free Antivirus, you won't have to delve into its settings, since after installation it will be configured by default to perform its basic duties. But if you want to use some Extra options, then the program can offer you big choice options. Avast knows how to place infected and suspicious files quarantine, perform a full scan of your computer for viruses, supports game mode and many other functions. After installation, the program requires a one-time registration. Therefore, if you don’t want to worry too much about choosing a defender for your computer, then Avast is perfect for you.

Avira Free Antivirus is another popular free antivirus program that is ideal for home use. Avira differs from other programs in that it uses little computer resources, thereby not slowing down its operation. The program can constantly monitor the state of the PC, or check it for viruses on a schedule. Avira can update automatically and also monitors the installation of unwanted software. Thus, the utility, without interfering with the user, protects the computer from viruses and malware.

Microsoft Security Essentials– the latest contender for the title of best free antivirus. This is a small antivirus program from Microsoft that has minimum set all the necessary functions, but at the same time protects the computer well from viruses. The program is constantly updated, so it is able to repel the interference of any modern viruses. You can scan your computer on a schedule. Microsoft Security Essentials is suitable for those who do not want to install third-party software, but at the same time care about protecting their PC from viruses. It is advisable to use this antivirus software in conjunction with Windows Firewall.

I would also like to mention to you such free antiviruses as 360 Total Security, Comodo, Panda; they are less popular among users and have more modest functionality, but just like the products described above they can provide basic protection PC. All of the above programs can be downloaded from the official websites of the developers. Also in the following articles I will tell you how to install them.

The best paid antiviruses.

Let's now look at several paid virus protectors, and also talk to you about which antivirus is better to install. Paid products are quite interesting. They have very broad functionality and support work on devices with different platforms, are constantly being improved and updated. At the same time, some programs were developed quite a long time ago and were loved by users so much that they became undisputed leaders. At the same time, they can provide device protection at a professional level.

Kaspersky Antivirus– probably one of the best paid antiviruses. Of course, you can use its free version, but it will have reduced functionality. In order to have “protection to the teeth”, you need to buy an annual license. Kaspersky is able to provide full-fledged firewall, has a rich set of functions, and also allows the user to customize protection to suit any needs. I would also like to say that the cost of the license is not particularly high, so I recommend installing this antivirus and using its capabilities to the maximum.

Dr. Web is another fairly old antivirus program that almost all users of computers, laptops and smartphones know. Doctor Web, like Kaspersky Anti-Virus, has different versions, and after installation provides the user with a one-month trial period. Thus, you can later make a choice, leave this product on your computer or look for another option. But as a rule, due to its comprehensive functionality and impeccable protection, users prefer Doctor Web. The price for a licensed product is less than for Kaspersky, the subscription is also issued for a year.

ESET NOD32 completes our list. This contender is one of the three best paid antiviruses. It can effectively protect your computer from viruses and provide constant control and monitoring of the system. Unlike the antiviruses described above, this product does not slow down the computer and copes with its task with five points. The program is constantly updated and improved, so if you choose ESET NOD32, you can rest assured about the security of your computer.

Don't forget, your computer needs protection, so it is very important to choose high-quality antivirus software for it.

Even the simplest virus can cause serious harm to user data and the system as a whole.

Today, the software market has hundreds of thousands of different antiviruses, so it is difficult for the user not to get confused and choose a truly high-quality product.

The developers position the program as a powerful analogue to most antiviruses, which, among other things, can protect the operating system from pop-up advertising banners and prevent hidden work some extensions.

Malwarebytes is not a full-fledged antivirus, but great amount users from all over the world have tagged it quality work and the real ability to protect the computer.

Therefore, it can be used in addition to the main computer defender.

The program is available for free download as a demo version at the link.

The total cost of the software is $26 (annual subscription with the ability to regularly receive database updates).

No. 9. System Care Ultimate

A large number of users keep saying that most popular antivirus systems They slow down the computer very much.

If the technical characteristics of your device do not allow you to work with complex types of system defenders, System program Care replace a full-fledged antivirus.

According to 2017 data, after complete update The number of users of the program increased by 2 million people.

Probably, such a sharp jump in the popularity of the program occurred due to the fact that the developers were able to achieve stable and efficient work programs, while installation file takes up little space.

The free trial version of the program is available to users for thirty calendar days; it can be downloaded from the official website

During this time, the user can fully evaluate the operation of the program and decide whether to purchase full version.

In the process of creating the antivirus, the developers tried to adapt it as much as possible for Windows 7.

The program provides:

  • Real-time protection;
  • Three types of system scans: quick, full and custom scans;
  • Work in background without loading the system.

No. 8. AVAST Free

This antivirus familiar to everyone.

AVAST, over the many years of its presence on the market, has gained the status of a reliable and easy-to-use defender that is able to quickly detect and neutralize any type of threat.

The latest version of the antivirus was developed specifically for Windows 10/8.

Some software components of the program were completely redone, which allowed updated version become more “light” and cope with assigned tasks faster.

The AVAST interface is made of tiles and resembles the metro interface, which is presented in the new version of the Windows OS.

Besides updated interface, users will be able to receive updates much faster than in previous versions product.

You can download this antivirus.

AVAST is one of the best free antiviruses in the world, so it rightfully takes its place in this rating.

No. 7. AVG

This antivirus, due to its simplicity and at the same time high efficiency, is actively gaining new users who respond positively to the work of the program.

Among the features are the following:

  1. Using one of the best algorithms in the world to detect and destroy viruses;
  2. Cross-platform. Ability to work with mobile devices, and from a PC;
  3. The program can work stably even on machines with fairly low technical characteristics;
  4. Convenient user interface.

The paid version of the program, in addition to all the products included in the free version, includes a defender for Email, which filters spam and emails with malicious links.

So AVG is one of the effective antiviruses in 2017.

No. 6. Bitfender Soft

This software is powerful system to protect your computer and includes a firewall, additional program, which is specially designed exclusively to protect the personal data of users and the antivirus itself.

According to the majority of software testers, this antivirus is perfect for those who care not only about the stable operation of their systems, but also carefully monitor their personal user data.

Bitfender is the best paid antivirus, according to user reviews from all over the world. An annual subscription to this antivirus software costs $26.

You can download Bitfender on the official website.

No. 5. Avira

Avira is a completely free antivirus software that managed to gain new users in the new year.

Program features:

  1. Cross-platform. This characteristic allows the antivirus to attract more and more users, as well as synchronize data across several user devices in online mode;
  2. IN new version improved malware search algorithms;
  3. High performance.

No. 4. Kaspersky Anti-Virus

This antivirus does not need any additional introduction. It is well known to users all over the world.

For more than ten years, the antivirus from Kaspersky Lab has been extremely popular and occupies top positions in most thematic ratings from around the world.

This antivirus is the most popular defender throughout the CIS. Over many years of work, the laboratory has not limited itself to creating just one antivirus.

The company's products are quite diverse:

  1. Threat scanner for smartphones (supports all popular OS);
  2. Powerful antivirus;
  3. Firewall;
  4. Email Protector;
  5. Lite demon paid version antivirus for PC.

You can evaluate the advantages of this antivirus by downloading its trial version for 30 days from the link

It turned out that most antiviruses provide computer protection of over 95% with the desired 97%. In addition, experts dispelled several myths about antiviruses - including the belief among users that paid programs free ones are always better.

The study, which took place in one of the best testing centers in the world, involved 23 of the most well-known antivirus– both paid and free versions – from developers from all over the world. These include Bitdefender, Norton, AVG, ESET, Avira, Avast, Panda, McAfee and Sophos. For the first time, the international ICRT study included two Russian developments at once - Kaspersky and Dr.Web Antivirus, which indicates the high popularity of these antiviruses.

The best antiviruses for Windows 10

As a result, at the top of the rating best antiviruses turned out to be a paid version of the Romanian program Bitdefender Internet Security, which scored 4.593 points out of a possible 5.5. In second place is Kaspersky Internet Security, which is only 0.2 points behind the leader (4.371). Third place goes to Bitdefender again, this time to the Antivirus Free Edition (4,367 points). Fourth place goes to the English antivirus BullGuard Internet Security (4,364 points), fifth place to the American Norton Security Deluxe (4,313). In addition, the free antivirus Avast Free Antivirus made it into the top ten.

The top ten antiviruses included:

ICRT experts selected paid and free programs - both built-in and offered separately. Based on selection principles, the most expensive versions were not included in the study software products from these brands. In addition, only one from one brand could be represented in the rating. paid product. The second product could only be included in the rating if it was free.

As part of the study, experts checked the level of virus protection, ease of use and the impact of the program on the speed of the computer - in general, each program was assessed based on 200 indicators.

Experts conducted four groups of tests for protection against malware: general test online protection test, offline test, false positive rate test, and auto-scan and on-demand scan test. To a lesser extent, the final rating was influenced by checking the ease of use of the antivirus and its effect on the speed of the computer.

The main conclusion that the experts made was that most tested antiviruses provide user protection of over 95%. However, this indicator is considered lower limit counteraction malware– 97% is considered a good indicator.

At the same time, as the study showed, almost all programs cope well with protection against spyware and protect against phishing (Internet fraud aimed at obtaining user identification data). They differ in the presence or absence of a particular function in the version being tested, which means that in order to select an antivirus that is suitable for a particular user, you need to familiarize yourself with comparison table, presented on the Roskachestvo website.

Built-in antivirus: Windows 10 Defender

Experts also checked the standard Windows Defender security program pre-installed in the Windows 10 operating system (as of February 2018, version 10 is installed on 43% of owners of computers running the Windows operating system). As the study showed, Windows Defender seriously lags behind its competitors - the program scored only 3,511 points and took 17th place in overall rating(including 4 free programs that bypassed it).

It earned this rating because it showed satisfactory results in terms of online protection, but did not pass the test for phishing and anti-ransomware, while protection against phishing is claimed by antivirus manufacturers. In addition, the antivirus on Windows 10 did a poor job of protecting your computer in offline mode.

Experts consider such protection to be only “decent” and believe that Windows Defender can be relied upon if the user has regular updates turned on, his computer is connected to the Internet most of the time, and he is advanced enough to avoid visiting suspicious sites.

Early versions of Windows remain unprotected

Experts also noted that users are more earlier versions Windows (and such 48% of all users of this OS) remain practically unprotected, since these versions operating systems They do not have built-in protection, which means they absolutely need computer protection.

A detailed study of antiviruses for MacOS will be available in the summer of 2018.

About Roskoshestvo and ICRT

For reference: Roskachestvo – national system monitoring, comparative testing and confirmation of the quality of goods and services, established by order of the Government of the Russian Federation on the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Roskoshestvo conducts regular research on consumer goods. Also, the department, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia, is the operator state badge quality awarded to the best domestic products based on the results of research. The results of the study are published on the portal Also, Roskachestvo has been the secretariat of the Government Award in the field of quality since 2017.

International Consumer Research & Testing (ICRT) conducts thousands of product tests per year and reaches an average of 30 to 40 million people through publications from ICRT member organizations around the world. Russia has been represented in ICRT by Roskachestvo since 2016.

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