Disabling windows defender 10 creators update. How to disable Windows Defender

The standard Windows Defender antivirus does not require separate steps to disable it when installing a third-party antivirus into the operating system. It doesn't turn off automatically in 100% of cases, but in most of them. Just as it is automatically disabled, Defender itself is also enabled when a third-party antivirus is removed from Windows. But there are times when the system must be deliberately left without an antivirus - both a third-party one and a regular one. For example, temporarily to make certain settings to the system or installed software. There are also cases when PC protection must be abandoned completely. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, there is no point in wasting its resources running an antivirus. How to disable Windows Defender temporarily and completely? We will look into this below.

1. Disabling Defender on Windows 7 and 8.1

In Windows 7 and 8.1, it is easier to get rid of standard antivirus protection than in the current version of system 10. All actions are performed in the Defender application window.

In Windows 7, in the Defender window, you need to click “Programs”, then select “Options”.

To disable Defender for a while, in the settings section, open the vertical tab “Real-time protection” and uncheck the real-time protection option. Click “Save” at the bottom of the window.

To disable Windows Defender completely, in the “Administrator” tab, uncheck the box next to “Use this program.” Click “Save”.

Approximately the same steps must be carried out in Windows 8.1. In the horizontal Defender “Settings” tab, disable real-time protection and save the changes made.

And to disable the standard antivirus completely, in the vertical “Administrator” tab, uncheck the “Enable application” box. Save the changes.

After you disable Defender completely, a notification about this will appear on the screen.

You can turn Defender back on using the appropriate links in the support center (in the system tray).

An alternative option is to enable Defender in Control Panel. In the “System and Security” section, in the “Support Center” subsection, you need to click the two “Enable now” buttons, as indicated in the screenshot.

2. Disable real-time protection in Windows 10

In the current version of Windows 10, real-time protection is removed only temporarily. After 15 minutes, this protection turns on automatically. In the Defender window, click “Options”.

Let's get to the "Settings" section of the application, where Defender settings are made. These include a real-time protection activity switch.

3. Completely disabling Defender in Windows 10

Complete disabling of Windows Defender in version 10 of the system is carried out in the Local Group Policy Editor. In the “Run” command field or in-system search, enter:

Next, in the window on the left, expand the tree structure of “Computer Configuration”: first “Administrative Templates”, then “Windows Components”, then “Endpoint Protection”. Go to the right side of the window and double-click to open the “Turn off Endpoint Protection” option.

In the parameter window that opens, set the position to “Enabled”. And apply the changes made.

After which, as is the case with Windows 7 and 8.1 systems, we will see a message on the screen stating that Defender is disabled. The way to enable it is the opposite - for the “Turn off Endpoint Protection” parameter you need to set the “Disabled” position and apply the settings.

4. Win Updates Disabler utility

The Win Updates Disabler tweaker utility is one of the many tools on the software market for resolving the issue with . In addition to its main task, the utility also offers some related functionality, in particular, disabling Windows Defender completely in a couple of clicks. Win Updates Disabler itself makes the necessary changes in the Group Policy Editor. The utility is simple, free, and supports a Russian-language interface. With its help, you can disable Defender in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. To do this, on the first tab, you need to uncheck the options that you are not interested in, and check only the option to disable Defender. Next, click the “Apply Now” button.

After which you need to restart your computer.

To enable the standard antivirus, in the utility window you need to uncheck unnecessary options again and, by going to the second “Enable” tab, activate the option to enable Defender. As with disconnection, then click “Apply now” and agree to reboot.

Have a great day!

Windows Defender is a program built into the operating system that allows you to protect your PC from virus attacks by blocking the execution of the latest code and warning the user about it. This component is automatically disabled when installing third-party antivirus software. In cases where this does not happen, as well as when “good” programs are blocked, manual deactivation may be required. In this article we will talk about how to disable antivirus on Windows 8 and other versions of this system.

Before disabling Defender, you should understand that this should only be done in exceptional cases. For example, if a component prevents the installation of the desired program, it can be temporarily deactivated and then enabled. How to do this in different editions of Windows will be described below. In addition, we will talk about how to enable a component if for some reason it is disabled and there is no way to activate it using normal means.

Windows 10

In order to disable Windows Defender in Windows 10, you must first get to it.

There are other options for disabling the application, which are described in the article available at the link below.

Next, we'll figure out how to enable the program. Under normal conditions, the Defender is activated simply, just move the switch to the position "On". If this is not done, the application will activate on its own after a reboot or after some time has passed.

Sometimes when you turn on Windows Defender, some problems appear in the settings window. They are expressed in the appearance of a window warning that an unexpected error has occurred.

In older versions of "tens" we will see this message:

There are two ways to deal with this. The first is to take advantage "Local Group Policy Editor", and the second is to change the key values ​​in the registry.

Please note that with the next update, some parameters in "Editor" have changed. This applies to the two articles linked above. At the time of creation of this material, the required policy is located in the folder shown in the screenshot.

Windows 8

Launching the application in G8 is also carried out through the built-in search.

You can reactivate real-time protection by checking the box (see point 3) or by clicking the red button on the tab "Home".

If the Defender was disabled in the block "Administrator" or there were failures in the system, or some factors influenced the change in the application launch parameters, then when we try to launch it from the search, we will see the following error:

In order to restore the functionality of the program, you can resort to two solutions. They are the same as in “Ten” - setting up local group policy and changing one of the keys in the system registry.

Method 1: Local Group Policy

  1. You can access this snap-in by using the corresponding command in the menu "Run". Press the key combination Win+R and write

    Click "OK".

  2. Go to the section "Computer Configuration", in it we open a branch "Administrative Templates" and onwards "Windows Components". The folder we need is called Windows Defender.

  3. The parameter we will configure is called "Turn off Windows Defender".

  4. To go to the policy properties, select the desired item and click on the link shown in the screenshot.

  5. In the settings window, set the switch to "Disabled" and click "Apply".

  6. Next, launch Defender in the manner indicated above (via search) and enable it using the corresponding button on the tab "Home".

Method 2: Registry Editor

This method will help activate Defender if your version of Windows does not have it "Local Group Policy Editor". Such problems are quite rare and occur for various reasons. One of them is to force the application to be disabled by a third-party antivirus or malware.

Windows 7

You can open this application in the “seven” in the same way as in Windows 8 and 10 – through search.

You can enable protection by checking the box that we unchecked in step 4, but there are situations when it is impossible to open the program and configure its settings. In such cases, we will see this warning window:

You can also solve the problem by configuring local Group Policy or the system registry. The steps that need to be performed are completely identical with Windows 8. There is only one minor difference in the name of the policy in "Editor".

Windows XP

Since support for Win XP has been discontinued at the time of writing this article, Defender is no longer available for this version of the OS, as it “arrived” with the next update. True, you can download this application on third-party sites by entering a query like this into a search engine "Windows Defender XP 1.153.1833.0", but this is at your own peril and risk. Such downloads may harm your computer.

I recently touched on the topic of Windows Defender and . There we looked at the option of not very effective shutdown and why, you can read in the article at the link provided.

In the same guide, I will tell you how to disable Windows Defender permanently using tools such as the registry, scheduler, and others.

Windows Defender is a standard program on the system, so you can’t just disable it. This should be done at times when you are convinced of the effectiveness of a third-party solution. Also, these methods are considered due to the automatic inclusion of Defender, which is what the developers did. But let's move on to the actual methods to turn off Windows Defender.

Group policies to disable Windows Defender

I would like to remind you about the “Group Policy Editor” tool, which is included in the PRO or Enterprise versions. You won't find a similar tool in others.

Now let's do a few simple steps to complete our process:

  • Open the “Group Policies” window. You need to click the Windows + R combination and write the following command gpedit.msc ;
  • Now let’s go to the sections “Local Computer” - “Computer Configuration” - “Administrative Templates” - “Windows Components” - “Endpoint Protection”;
  • In the window, find the option;
  • Double click on this option and select the option "Enabled", then apply the changed parameters.

When you enable this policy, virus software will no longer be searched on your PC, which means the built-in protection will not work. If you try to somehow start Defender, nothing will work; you can start it by disabling the Endpoint Protection policy.

We go into the registry this way: use the Win+R keys and enter “ regedit" Now you need to do the following procedures:

  • Go to this section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender;
  • Here we find the Windows Defender line, where on the right there is a parameter DisableAntiSpyware, in it we change the value to the number “1”.
  • If this option is missing, right-click on the right mouse button and select the option "Create a 32-bit DWORD value", and give it a name DisableAntiSpyware. In the “Value” field enter the number 1.

Do you want to use Windows Defender again? Change the numbers from one to 0.

How to disable Windows Defender permanently using Task Scheduler?

We combine the Win+R keys again and write another command - taskschd.msc ;

  • Go to the “Scheduler Library” tab - “Microsoft” - “Windows” - “Windows Defender”;
  • We use the Windows Defender Scheduled Scan parameter on the right, you need to double-click on it;
  • Go to the “Conditions” section;
  • Tick ​​the option, and then set some large number.

This tool can be downloaded from here, but it is worth keeping in mind that the method is particularly unpredictable and it is unknown how exactly it disables Windows Defender; use it only as a last resort.

Windows Defender is a built-in security application from Microsoft that runs by default until the user installs third-party antivirus software, after which it is automatically disabled. But this is ideal; in practice, sometimes you have to figure out how to disable Windows Defender, which prevents you from installing another antivirus. Below we will describe ways to disable Defender in the latest versions of Microsoft's OS - Windows 7/8.1/10.

Windows 7

For Seven users, the procedure for disabling Defender is extremely simplified:

After these manipulations, the Windows Defender service will be deactivated. If necessary, you can enable it in the same way by setting the “Enabled” option in the “Startup type” line and clicking the “Run” button.

Windows 8.1

To proceed to disabling Windows Defender, you need to find the corresponding section in the Control Panel. To do this, it is better to switch “View” to the “Large Icons” position - the desired item will appear in the Explorer window.

This completes disabling the built-in security system. Now you can safely install another antivirus and configure the Windows firewall.

Windows 10

In the latest version of Microsoft's OS, the procedure for disabling the built-in security system is a little more complicated. There is a standard method, but it allows you to deactivate the Defender only for a certain period of time (about 15 minutes):

Some time after performing these steps, the protection will be active again, so to completely disable the function, you must use other methods. There can be two options:

  • Using the Group Policy Editor.
  • Disable via Registry Editor.

Both methods are not particularly difficult to use, but to achieve a positive result you need to carefully follow the steps described below.

To get to the Local Group Policy Editor, press Win+R and enter the query “gpedit.msc”.

To disable Windows Defender:

The Windows protection service will stop working, and you will immediately receive a notification with the heading “At risk”.

If this option does not suit you, try using the registry editor - it also performs all actions in several simple steps.

Registry Editor

To launch the system registry, press Win+R and use the “regedit” query. Further:

  1. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows Defender.
  2. Create a “DWORD” parameter, giving it the name “DisableAntiSpyware” (it may already be in the specified section - then there is no need to create it).
  3. Set this option to 1 to disable Windows Defender.

To enable it, you need to go to the specified registry section again and change the value of the parameter from “1” to “0”.

Application disabled

Sometimes users, when logging into Windows Defender through Control Panel, see a notification that the application is disabled. This message appears for two reasons:

  • You have another antivirus installed on your computer, which automatically deactivated the built-in protection system.
  • You turned it off yourself.

If Windows Defender is turned off for some reason and you want to turn it back on, click on the icon in the notification area or open Action Center through Control Panel.

Here you will see two messages with “Enable Now” buttons.

Click on both buttons to activate Windows built-in security. Now your system will be protected from viruses and malicious applications, even if you have removed the antivirus from your computer.

Note: if you used the Group Policy Editor to disable Defender or performed this procedure through the registry, then to activate the function you will have to do the opposite operation.