How to check a router for Yandex DNS. How to hide your DNS? Checking the operation of Yandex.DNS

Once again I am glad to welcome everyone to our blog!
We continue the topic of protection from inappropriate content users local network, and today we’ll talk about how to set up the service Yandex DNS, which today can already be used not only on individual computers, but also in most router models it is integrated directly into the firmware itself and very easy to set up.

We have already touched on the topic through the router settings, but using the built-in firewall, you can only block those sites that you know yourself, for example, so that your child does not watch projects designed for “18+” 😉 All sites that may be dangerous, we ourselves can't be tracked. And here one wonderful service comes to the rescue to protect all users of the router - Yandex DNS, which, based on its collected statistics, tracks such resources and combines them into one large blacklist. The main purpose of the new service is to ensure security when working on the Internet.

The tool can operate in three modes:

  1. full access,
  2. filtering fraudulent and malicious sites
  3. and an Internet filter for children, which combines blocking of both infected resources and sites with adult content.

The choice of protection mode occurs using a voluntary connection to a local network or separate device to one of the Yandex servers.

The list of resources classified as “for adults” of the “Yandex.DNS” service is identical to the similar list of the “ family search"(which is also provided by Yandex).

Users will not be able to independently add sites to the blocked category, but can notify Yandex about a site that needs to be blocked (via feedback).

You can connect to the Yandex server in a standard way– using the appropriate settings of the DNS server of the router, mobile device or computer. The default settings mean that the DNS filter in the router is disabled.

Representatives search service noted that prospects for monetizing the service exist, but the company has not yet made a final decision on this issue. So, if the OpenDNS platform makes money by displaying advertisements on pages with incorrect requests and with notifications about blocking of an Internet page, then one of the ways to monetize the Yandex.DNS service could be to redirect the user from a blocked site to home page"Yandex".

How to configure Yandex DNS on a computer?

You can block websites without a router on a separate computer or laptop. For this there is also detailed instructions for every operating system.

I will show on Windows 7. We need to go to network settings adapter

Start - Networks and Internet - Network and Sharing Center shared access— Changing adapter parameters — Right-click on your connection — Properties — Internet Protocol version 4

And in the Preferred field DNS server Enter the required address from the above Yandex DNS list.

How to install Yandex DNS servers on an Android phone?

Few people know, but configure Yandex DNS on your phone parental control even easier than on a computer. To do this you need:

  • Go to the “Settings” section and select “Wi-Fi”.
  • Click on the connection that is in this moment active, hold down until another menu appears and select “Change network” here.
  • Check the box for “Advanced options” and scroll down the window.
  • Select “DHCP” and activate the “Static” mode.
  • Next, look for the “DNS-1” item, enter the address from Yandex DNS there and save it.

Example of setting up Yandex DNS on a Netis router

As an example of activating the built-in Yandex DNS filter on a router, I will show how this is done on a device from Netis, whose routers have built-in support of this service.

For configuration, go to the “Network - Yandex DNS” item.

  • In the first block “Status”, the use of the filtering mode is activated and the basic one is selected for the entire network.
  • In the second “Device” you can set your own type for separate computer(according to him MAC address) — good decision, since with such a gradation of settings it is easy to isolate from the general mass parent computer or the system administrator's work machine.

Good day. As you might guess from the title, today we will look at a fairly simple but effective protection against pornographic and fraudulent sites. Why DNS? Because it’s very simple, and if you have a router installed, you can extend its effect to the entire home network. But first, let's figure out what kind of beast this is and how it works.

So, DNS is a directory of IP addresses of the entire Internet, when you enter the address into the browser, it first sends a request to the DNS server, and it then redirects it to the desired IP address (for example, the site website (and take it live at the address Roughly speaking, this phone book Internet. Yandex.DNS is a service of our Russian Internet company. According to the company, they have 80 servers scattered throughout the country and thanks to the use of these servers, the speed of opening pages can be slightly accelerated. But Yandex went further and created three levels of protection based on its servers. The first “basic” one, thanks to the close location of servers, slightly speeds up the loading of Internet pages. The second “safe” one works like the first and blocks access to sites that distribute infected software and scam sites. And the third, “family”, includes the first two steps, and also prohibits access to porn sites, which will not be bad at all if you have school-age children :) Of course, all this can be circumvented with the proper skill, but it’s better than nothing.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a router

Now let's look at how to configure your equipment to work via Yandex.DNS. The best thing, of course, is to configure the router. For owners of updated Zyxel, this is very simple, since their firmware is already built into separate page with Yandex.DNS settings, just select desired profile work. Everyone else needs to be found manually, on TP-Link DNS configured in DHCP settings.

  1. We find the desired item in the menu and enter the following addresses, depending on the selected work profile:




  2. I will show an example at basic profile, but for most users I recommend using “Safe”, and if you have children at home, “Family”.
    If you want to set up only one computer or you don’t have a router yet, then let’s take a different path. In the tray, click on the “Network” icon right key and select “Network and Sharing Center”.

  3. We look for “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in the lower list, select it and open properties.
  4. Switch to “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter required servers, our chosen work profile. Click OK and then close. Give the network connection ten seconds to update the settings and that’s it, you can use it. You've taken another step towards securing your computer.

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Hello, friends! I learned the news today that Yandex has launched its new, free DNS service, called I am index.DNS. And then I received a letter from Ya. Like Seryoga, write about our service on your blog, we won’t be in debt. Just a joke of course :).

Seriously, I somehow missed the news about the new Yandex.DNS service without paying attention to it. Just think, just another service. But towards evening, I decided to check what was interesting, useful and how it all worked. It was interesting how Yandex would filter bad sites.

What is Yandex.DNS and how does it work?

Yandex.DNS is a free DNS service that blocks dangerous sites and sites for adults.

I looked detailed information about it, the service is really interesting and deserves attention.

  • It will protect you from malicious sites where you can catch a virus, or become a victim, for example, of password theft.
  • Will allow you to protect your children from accessing adult sites.
  • Yandex will always update the list of malicious sites, so protection should be at the highest level.
  • Protection is carried out without installation additional programs, add-ons, etc. You just need to change the DNS on your computer, Wi-Fi router e, or phone.

If you have access to goes to the Internet for example, through an access point, also known as a Wi-Fi router, then it is enough to register in the settings the DNS that Yandex offers as part of the Yandex.DNS service. And all devices that will connect to the Internet through this router will be protected from dangerous sites.

If you do not use an access point, you can specify DNS from Yandex in the settings of your computer, laptop, netbook, phone, tablet, etc. All settings are made very simply, Yandex has taken care of this.

And I, as a lover of all sorts of routers and other equipment, will tell you in detail about how to configure a Wi-Fi router (access point) to work with the Yandex.DNS service. I’ll also show you how to set up Yandex.DNS on your computer and Android phone.

Before setting up, go to the service’s website and in the right column select one of three DNS addresses, depending on the filtering level. You can find out more about the filter for each address by clicking on the small button in the form of a question mark.

Yandex has also prepared firmware for routers with the settings already made. So far only for two: D-Link DIR-615 / DIR-620 And ZyXEL Keenetic series. But it seems to me that it is better to specify the settings manually, otherwise you never know what might happen after the firmware.

  • – regular address without filtering.
  • – if you specify this address, access to dangerous sites will be blocked.
  • – blocking dangerous sites and adult sites

Setting up Yandex.DNS on a Wi-Fi router (access point)

Everything is very simple. I show it using a router as an example. Go to the router settings. Dial in address bar browser address (if this address does not work, then look at the bottom of the router, there is information there).

Enter your username and password to access the settings, by default this is admin And admin. We need to specify our DNS, more precisely Yandex DNS. To do this, go to the tab “Network” – “WAN”.

Put a tick next to Use These DNS Servers and in the first line opposite Primary DNS register one of the DNS from Yandex. In the second line, on the contrary Secondary DNS you don't need to specify anything. If you already had DNS registered there, then you can delete them. But I advise you to write them down somewhere, just in case. After that, click the button "Save" to save changes.

That's it, the router setup is complete. Everything worked for me even without rebooting the router. Dangerous sites were blocked.

If you want to remove DNS from Yandex, thereby disabling site blocking, then simply delete the address on the same page and uncheck the box next to Use These DNS Servers. And if your provider issues static DNS, then write them down, you saved them, right?

If you set the settings on the access point, unwanted sites will be blocked on all devices (computers, phones, etc.) that connect through this access point.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on a computer (laptop, netube, etc.)

If you want to install protection from dangerous sites on only one computer, or for example, you connect to the Internet directly via network cable, or using 3G technology, you need to specify the DNS address in the network connection settings. On the notification panel, tap right click mouse over the internet connection icon and select “Network and Sharing Center”.

Let's choose.

Now attention! If you connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then right-click on “Wireless network connection and choose"Properties" . If you are connecting via cable, then select"LAN connection" and properties. Select the item"Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and choose. We put a mark next to “Use the following DNS server addresses”. Against “Preferred DNS Server” specify DNS from Yandex. Click "OK" once again "OK".

Everything is ready, the protection on the computer is configured.

Specify Yandex.DNS on the mobile device

I'll show you with an example HTC One V, which works on Android 4.0.

Go to settings and select WiFi. Then click on the network to which you are connected and hold for a few seconds until a menu appears. Choose “Change network”.

Place a check mark next to “Advanced options” and scroll the window. Press the button "DHCP". Choose "Static".

We scroll through the list, and where "DNS 1" We write your chosen DNS from Yandex. Click "Save".

Now dangerous sites will be blocked on your phone.

Checking Yandex.DNS at work

In order to check whether blocking dangerous sites works, you just need to go to a site with bad content, or to a site with an adult theme (if you have installed a DNS with a filter for adult sites).

To check, I tried to go to one of these sites, and this is what I saw:

Problems when working through Yandex.DNS

Most likely, there will be problems when working through these DNSs. Moreover, the Yandex.DNS service is still operating in beta testing mode (as of 04/03/2013). What is meant by the word “problem”? First of all, it is blocking necessary and non-dangerous sites. Since Yandex will use its database of “bad” sites to block, there will be incidents. As a webmaster, I know that Yandex can mistakenly classify a good and clean site as malicious.


I like what Yandex does. His efforts to make the Internet safe and clean are noteworthy. The most important thing is that there is good opportunity Protect children from sites that contain adult information.

Protection from bad sites at the network access level is excellent. But it all needs to work well and adequately. Now it’s too early to talk about the quality of the Yandex.DNS service; time and user reviews will show how well or poorly this service works.

Well, I did my job, I told you how to set it all up :). Best wishes!

Also on the site:

Yandex.DNS is a service for blocking dangerous sites. Setting up Yandex.DNS on a Wi-Fi router (access point), computer and phone. updated: February 6, 2018 by: admin

Good day. As you might guess from the title, today we will look at a fairly simple but effective protection against pornographic and fraudulent sites. Why DNS? Because it’s very simple, and if you have a router installed, you can extend its action to your entire home network at once. But first, let's figure out what kind of beast this is and how it works.

We find the desired item in the menu and enter the following addresses, depending on the selected work profile:

  • Basic: and
  • Secure: and
  • Family: and

I will show an example on the basic profile, but for most users I recommend using “Safe”, and if you have children at home, “Family”.

It's best to set this up on your router.

If you want to set up only one computer or you don’t yet have a router and a home local network, then let’s take a different path. In the tray, right-click on the “Network” icon and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

Click on main network adapter, this will open the current status and statistics page.

Opening properties

Yandex.DNS, what is it?

This is a service that allows you to block access to sites with dangerous content, and also blocks sites with content for persons over 18 years of age.

After detailed study, we can highlight the following interesting features:

  1. the service regularly updates databases of sites with malicious content;
  2. thanks to this, your computer will be well protected from viruses when visiting sites on the Internet;
  3. additionally protects children from viewing sites with adult content;
  4. Quite simple connection. Consists in DNS change on a PC or other device that is connected to the Internet. And most importantly, there is no need to install additional applications.

For example, if all devices are connected through access via wireless point Wi-Fi, then in the settings on the router itself, you need to change the DNS addresses to those provided by the service. After this, all devices that connect to this point will be protected from any bad sites.

Well, if the Internet is connected directly to the computer, then all settings are changed directly on this PC. All these actions are performed quite simply and further, we will consider each option in detail.

First, you need to visit the website of this service, which is located at: Here we see three columns with DNS addresses, for different levels filtration. We choose the one that suits us. If you select one of the three provided filters, the level of protection provided by the service will be shown at the top.

Another pretty one interesting feature, Yandex releases own firmware(update) for Wi-Fi routers, which already have everything necessary settings. Currently DNS from Yandex is preinstalled on D-Link routers DIR-615 / DIR-620 and ZyXEL Keenetic series. In the near future, firmware is expected for other models and manufacturers of routers. Although, it is most reliable to change the settings manually; it is not difficult, but it is much safer.

  • - simple DNS, without filtering, but with high speed.
  • - blocking access to sites with dangerous content and scam sites.
  • - in addition to dangerous resources, it also blocks sites with erotic content.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on your computer

When you have only one PC and it is connected to the Internet using a twisted pair (cable), or you want to protect only a specific computer, you must specify a new one DNS address having configured network connection. Take a look at the notification panel, there will be an Internet icon there. Right-click on it and open the section with the following name: “Sharing and Network Center.”

You need to open “Change adapter settings”.

Then look, depending on your connection type you need to do the following:

- you are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi - open properties wireless connections(right click on the shortcut and select “Properties”);

- the computer is connected to the Internet using twisted pair - go to the properties of local connections.

In these properties, you need to select the TCP/IPv4 protocol from the list and click on the properties button. Now check the box next to “Use the following DNS server addresses.” Enter in the “Preferred DNS” field by typing new address from Yandex.DNS and click the “OK” button, then “OK” again.

That's it, your computer is now protected from sites with dangerous content.

Setting up Yandex.DNS on a smartphone

Many mobile devices(especially those with Android OS installed) allow you to change and customize DNS settings. For example, let's look at how to do this on HTC One V, it has a mobile operating system installed Android system, version 4.0.

And so, we need to go to settings Wi-Fi connections. Find the access point there that works this device, press and hold it. A menu will open, in it you need to click “Change network”. There will be an item “Advanced options”, put a “checkbox” next to it and scroll down. Click on “DHCP”, then select “Static”.

Scroll down to the item “DNS 1”. Here we enter the DNS from Yandex that you need and then click “Save.

Ready! Your phone is protected.

Configuring Yandex.DNS on a wireless Wi-Fi adapter

There is nothing complicated. As an example, we will have TP-Link router TL-WR843N. In the browser, in the address bar, you need to type: You will be transferred to the admin panel of the Wi-Fi router. In case of an error that does not allow you to enter the settings, look at the address at the bottom of the router - yours may be different. Now you need to enter the data in the lines for login and password. If you haven’t changed it since you purchased the router, the default login information will be “admin” and “admin”. After authorization, open the “Network” - “WAN” tab.

Next to “Use These DNS Servers” we put a tick, and in the field next to “Primary DNS” we enter the desired DNS from Yandex. In the line below, next to “Secondary DNS,” you can specify an additional, second address from Yandex, or you can leave this field empty. It’s important that other DNS are already indicated there, so it’s best to write them down somewhere in case you want to return everything back.

The router setup is complete! It's better to reboot your Wi-Fi router now. But in principle, everything should work like that, right away.

In order to stop using Yandex.DNS, you need to go to the settings on the router itself and uncheck the box next to “Use These DNS Servers” (the “Network” - “WAN” tab), and erase the registered addresses from Yandex. If before this, other DNS were indicated there and you wrote them down, then you need to enter them again in the required fields.

The main feature of this setup on a wireless point Wi-Fi access consists of the fact that blocking of unwanted sites will occur on all computers and other devices connected to the point.

Checking the operation of Yandex.DNS

You can check this quite simply. Try to visit some bad site, or if you have chosen a DNS that blocks sites with adult content, go to a site with an adult theme. If everything works, you will see a message like this instead of the site.