Installing Comodo Antivirus Free. Free antivirus Comodo internet security

Getting to the settings is quite problematic, since there is no button of the same name. However, on the menu Tasks did you see the button Advanced settings(Sandbox Tasks and Advanced Tasks), by clicking which you can get to the parameters window (Fig. 4.99).

Rice. 4.99. Advanced settings

The window is divided into two parts: on the left are settings categories, on the right are changeable parameters. There are only two categories: General settings And Security Settings(Fig. 4.100).

Rice. 4.100. General settings

There are four subcategories in General Settings.

Interface. In this subcategory you can change the program language, as well as configure visual and sound parameters. To do this, check the boxes next to the appropriate parameters. The more of them are enabled, the more often the program reminds you of its presence on the computer. Separately, it should be noted that you can block access to program settings using a password. To do this, check the Protect settings with a password checkbox, click on the Set password link and enter your password in the window that appears.

Updates. We are talking about updating both the anti-virus databases and the program itself. This is where you can configure the frequency of checking for updates (Fig. 4.101).

Journaling. You can disable logging or, conversely, enable it.

Configuration. The subcategory is responsible for protection priorities. By default, COMODO - Internet Security is selected, which is sensitive to threats from the Internet. If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, then don't change anything. COMODO - Proactive Security focuses on protecting from within. Select it if there were a large number of viruses on your computer. COMODO - Firewall Security provides only network protection (firewall). To change the configuration, double-click on the required item (Fig. 4.102).

Rice. 4.101. Setting Up Updates

Rice. 4.101. Setting Configuration

The default security settings are set to a very high level (Fig. 4.103). The only thing you can do is lower the protection and exclude individual files from scanning. These settings are unlikely to be useful to the average user, so we will not dwell on them in detail.

Rice. 4.103. Security Settings


You can start scanning in the main window using the button Scan. You can also use the button Tasks (General Tasks Scan). In the window that opens, select the scan type (Fig. 4.104):

Quick scan - checks areas of the computer that are susceptible to infection;

Full scan - scans all files on the computer;

Custom Scan - scan individual files or folders ( Custom Scan Scan Folder or Scan file)(Fig. 4.106).

rice. 4.104. Scan profiles

Rice. 4.106. Custom Scan

In addition, you have the opportunity to create your own profile. To do this in the menu Custom Scan click the button Other options, in the window that opens, click the button Add(Fig. 4.107).

Rice. 4.107. Creating a Scan Profile

In the next window (Fig. 4.108), give the profile a name and add scan objects: individual files and entire areas (tab Objects). On the tab Options select the thoroughness of the check. The more checkboxes you check, the more thorough the check will be. In the tab Schedule set the time and frequency of this type of scanning. Click OK.

Rice. 4.108. Setting up a scan profile

Now in the window Scanning(see Fig. 4.104) the created object scanning profile will appear. Check the box to activate it, and the antivirus will begin scanning at the scheduled time.

To summarize, it should be noted that COMODO Antivirus is highly effective. He copes well with the task assigned to him. The disadvantages include a not very clear interface.




What is the power of Comodo Antivirus

If you read my article and the news about WikiLeaks, then you know that now everything is being hacked - from printers to smart TVs. Antiviruses, once designed to protect computers from threats, have turned into clumsy machines with functions that can only be called “whistleblowers”. Well, why does the antivirus package come with a password manager, another browser, a system optimizer and other things? They are not directly related to eliminating virus threats.

And here sandbox mode- another thing. It does not eliminate, but protects against viruses by launching unknown programs in a mode isolated from the surrounding system. The isolation is not complete, but sufficient to protect critical parts of the operating system.

  1. Instead of real system files, isolated software works with duplicates, so after the virtual system is infected or system files are damaged, all changes will simply be deleted, Windows will work as if nothing had happened.
  2. Important folders with confidential information (saved passwords in the browser, cookies with authorization on websites, etc.) will be hidden from isolated programs (manually configured), so a running Trojan will not be able to steal them.

In Comodo Antivirus, the sandbox mode is called Comodo Sandbox (or Containment in the new version). It is not unique - a similar mode is built into Avast Pro Antivirus and Avast Internet Security, as well as in the separate Sandboxie program. Previously, it was included in the Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus, but for some reason the developers abandoned this function. All these programs are paid, while the antivirus from Comodo free.

Benefits of Comodo Antivirus:

  • Free (really free!).
  • Sandbox mode.
  • Lots of settings.


  • Intrusiveness - the program offers to upgrade to a paid version (can be turned off in the settings).
  • Impact on performance - slow computers slow down unless some functions are turned off.
  • Unnecessary software is installed with the program.

Disadvantages can be overcome, I will talk about this below.

Where can I download

The Comodo Antivirus installer is on the official website: button “Download for free”).

The antivirus works on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP operating systems.

Main features:

  1. Default Deny technology (blocks the launch of known malware).
  2. Auto Sandbox technology (or Auto-Containment, launching unknown programs in sandbox mode).
  3. Quarantine (so as not to permanently delete a suspicious file and be able to restore it).
  4. Cloud whitelisting system (developers have a file reputation base)
  5. Game mode (the antivirus does not receive notifications and does not load the processor when the game is running)

How to install

After downloading and running the installer, take your time to run through the installation. Look carefully - at some stages you need to uncheck the boxes. For example, in the second window, not very popular software is offered:

At the next step, you most likely will not want to send antivirus performance statistics to the developers:

Then there will be the step of setting up Comodo Dragon - a secure browser, a relative of Chrome. You have your favorite browser, right? Therefore, uncheck both boxes:

After this the installation will begin:

After installation is complete, the antivirus will run a full scan of your computer. While it is running, you can start setting it up.

Do not forget to remove the software installed in the antivirus load. Go to Control Panel - Programs and Features (in Windows 10, the classic Control Panel is called by right-clicking on the Start menu icon - Control Panel) and uninstall Comodo Dragon and Comodo GeekBuddy.


Without configuration, the antivirus is VERY annoying. Therefore, in the main window, click “Settings”:

Tab General settings - Interface. This is where the intrusive nature of the program is tamed:

Then you need to configure the actual operation of the antivirus module. Tab Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring:

There are two important features here that affect computer performance and security.

Setting the checkbox to “Scan the memory when the computer starts” will slow down the startup of the computer, but malware that is registered in startup will be detected faster.

The “heuristic analysis level” affects the quality of detection of unknown viruses. Without heuristics, an antivirus can only identify those known in the database. With a high level of heuristics, the number of false positives is high and programs in general will run slower. In general, it's up to you to decide here. On slow PCs, enabling heuristics will significantly slow down the launch of programs.

HIPS mode- perhaps the second most important advantage of Comodo Antivirus after the sandbox:

HIPS is a behavioral analysis program. What exactly is monitored can be configured by clicking “Monitoring Settings”:

By default, there is a safe mode, in which, in case of any serious interference with the system, a question will be asked (appears at the bottom right of the screen) to select a program category - allow, block, classify as trusted, and so on.

HIPS has a disadvantage: initially this antivirus module does not know about your system Nothing and pesters you with questions. Even a full disk scan with an antivirus will not allow it to understand which programs are doing what and what they should be allowed to do. All questions will appear while the programs are running. The most typical problem is the appearance of a request after opening documents through the “Open with” menu item. It's annoying and tiring. Therefore, if you are convinced that the programs on your computer are safe, you can speed up the “training” process by switching HIPS to training mode (instead of “Safe Mode”, put “Training Mode”). The antivirus will form a rule base, allowing all software actions during your work. Then, a week later, HIPS needs to be switched to “Safe Mode” again and then requests will appear only when the behavior of programs differs from what was previously recorded.

Any rules - both programs and the behavior of the anti-virus module - are configured in the remaining tabs of the HIPS section. You can protect registry keys and files of some important programs that the antivirus developers did not know about.

All this sounds quite complicated and does not add convenience to users who just use the computer. But if you care about security, HIPS mode will become your faithful assistant in protection.

Please note that in the screenshot above I checked the option “Perform heuristic analysis on the command line for specific applications.” Removal Checking this item will eliminate the pop-up windows indicating that a program has entered the sandbox at the address “C:\Program Data\Comodo\Cis\tempscript\C_cmd.exe...”.

UPD from 04/04/2017: Thanks to Georg for the correction: it turns out that my advice to check the box “Adapt operating mode when system resources are low”, on the contrary, causes a decrease in performance.

Sandbox antivirus is configured in the section Sandbox - Sandbox settings (Containment in the new version):

In principle, there is nothing to configure here, except, perhaps, for the fact that by default, browser folders with all settings are available for stand-alone programs. This is fraught with the theft of passwords saved in browsers and the installation of malicious add-ons to them. Therefore, click on “... specified files and folders”, then right-click on “Shared area” - “Change” - “Yes” - a new window will open where you can delete the required permissions:

Then programs running in the sandbox will not be able to access private data.

Whether you need cloud verification is up to you. The effect on performance is minor, I did not notice any changes.

Chapter VirusScope It’s better not to touch, everything is optimal there:

What affects PC speed?

By speed of work I mean:

  • time from turning on the computer until the desktop is fully loaded,
  • the speed of program launch and their response during operations of writing and reading data from the disk.

Both are affected by the degree of paranoia of the antivirus. The fewer functions are enabled, the higher the operating speed.

If your computer is slow, disable:

  1. Heuristic analysis (Settings - Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring - bottom item).
  2. HIPS (alas, it greatly reduces the speed of programs). It is disabled in the settings and in the antivirus menu when you click on its icon near the clock.
  3. The function of automatically launching programs in the sandbox (Settings - Sandbox - Auto-Sandbox - uncheck the “Use Auto-Sandbox” item).

One more point: the antivirus, as part of its duty, must scan all opened files, launched programs and analyze their contents and activity. If files have been scanned before, the scan speed increases many times over. That's why full check immediately after installing the antivirus, it is necessary for the antivirus to know what's what.


Comodo Antivirus is an example of good software. Yes, the browser and GeekBuddy are installed along with it, but after finishing it, the antivirus performs its task without interference. Unlike competitors, it tries to do only what it is intended for - protect against threats. And in three ways:

  1. Standard virus database scan.
  2. Behavior analysis.
  3. Running in isolated sandbox mode.

Can you ask for more from a free antivirus?

But about paid software I want to say a couple of affectionate things. In my opinion, developers working on security systems should have high qualification. Well, or they should work according to the rules dictated by common sense. In the end, people don’t pay them money and trust them for their beautiful eyes. What can we say about the developers from Trend Micro, who made it possible for websites to be opened to execute any commands on the computer and steal user passwords. Is this complete nonsense or what? The developers simply made this security hole:

The developers of the hero of today's article have also proven their carelessness. The GeekBuddy program, which comes with Comodo Antivirus, in its first versions allowed connecting to a computer without password. Think about it: in the user help program designed to show the contents of the screen (Comodo technical support must see it to solve the problem) there was the same password on all computers! Of course, the problem was fixed, but with the proper level of responsibility it would not have existed at all.



Good day, dear readers, readers, admirers and other individuals.

It has long been no secret that any modern person cannot do without a computer and. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of the lives of most of us, because it is a storehouse of information, a method (or means) and much more.

The computer is the tool with which we gain access to the World Wide Web. Therefore, everyone has a natural desire to protect their iron friend from the dangers that it conceals behind itself.

One of these means is Comodo Firewall Free– a program that will help us protect our computer from various computer infections, of which there are many on the Internet.

Questions in the style of “What is a firewall and why is it needed” have already been discussed earlier on the site in the articles: “”, “, and others, that is, if you need a theory about what kind of thing this firewall is ( which is so cleverly avoided in films), then it’s worth starting with them (at least with the first two).

This article will be entirely devoted to a separate product - Comodo Firewall. This program is free, and many rightfully consider it number one among similar products. At the same time, the product in question copes with its tasks no worse than most paid analogues from other software manufacturers. It is also important that there is an excellent Russian-language version of this firewall.

Let's see what it can do, install it, configure it, and all that jazz.

Download and Install Comodo Firewall

Installation Comodo Firewall does not contain any particular difficulties, but still there are some nuances that are worth taking into account. We will talk about them in the first part of this article.

You can download this miracle of programming thought from the developer’s website by clicking on the appropriate button:

After downloading, run the previously downloaded file to begin the installation process, which, however, will begin with unpacking the files necessary for the installer:

After that Comodo Firewall will prompt you to select the installation language. Choose the one that is closest to you (in our case Russian):

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Next you will need to uncheck the " I want to use cloud-based application behavior analysis by passing unidentified programs to COMODO", as well as "Anonymously send data about the use of the application to COMODO to make changes that improve the operation of the program", because there is no need for them, as well as for an email subscription.

However, if you think that you need them, then you can leave them. Next, it would be useful to click on the button " Customize installation", rather than immediately pressing the button " Forward". This very button will allow us to configure the elements for installation (more precisely, components) Firewall"A:

Each element has its own description according to which you can make a choice yourself, but we recommend unchecking the " Install COMODO GeekBuddy", which allows you to receive some remote support and other tails and install only the firewall part itself.

Installation configuration

If you are not very knowledgeable about working with firewalls, then this checkbox may be worth leaving. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary settings and notifications, but at the same time part of the solutions Comodo Firewall will make decisions for you based on statistics (for example, allow connections for known normal applications - like , - and deny known malicious or suspicious ones).

Well, the last tab allows you to select the location of the firewall installation files. You can, traditionally, leave it as default, or specify your own. Next, click on the button " Back" and return to the previous step, where we unchecked the first boxes and pressed the button " Customize installation", where, in turn, we press " Forward".

Next, we will continue to struggle with the checkboxes, because we will be prompted to install the elements Yandex, do Yandex the main thing and everything else in general. Traditionally, filming all the boxes are ticked, if of course you Yandex is not necessary, and press the button " Agree. Install".

After this, the process of obtaining a free license and installation will begin COMODO Firewall.

In fact, all you have to do is wait for the end of the process, after which the firewall will start up and start screaming urgently and demanding attention, rebooting and other things, and doing this in several windows at once:

Well, you’ll have to make concessions and allow a reboot (after closing everything you need and saving the work process), otherwise the firewall won’t work normally, and, in general, it won’t let you.

After the reboot, we will begin using and further configuration.

Initial launch and setup

After installation, most likely, you will immediately see a small (side) window of the program, a notification about how it protects you Comodo and the developer’s website automatically opened. If everything went well, then everything will look something like this:

Tick ​​" Don't show this window again"You can put it right away, fortunately there is no need for it, other than self-education:

Also, most likely, you will immediately receive a notification about the network you are on with a set of items, the choice of one of which will determine a certain level of internal settings:

The choice should be made wisely, or more precisely, to be honest about where you are. Or, if you have some concerns and are concerned about the level of confidentiality, then select the third item, i.e. " I'm in a public place", as the most powerful in terms of protection.

Handling Comodo Firewall requests

The second type of notifications will be about attempts by various types of programs to connect with something or someone, as well as about doing something for some reason. It looks something like this:

The logic for processing such requests is simple: if you know what kind of program (for example, a browser) is trying to connect to something or perform something, then you allow the action to be performed, but if you are not at all aware of what kind of nonsense is happening (even after how they used an Internet search, etc.), that is, it makes sense to block or process according to one of the application rules.

Next, it makes sense to go to the main program window. This can be done using a small window (right mouse button - " Open") or tray icon (the latter can change to display traffic or a firewall logo):

The main window of the program looks quite clear, moderately concise, and, in fact, contains most of the necessary information. It may be that it makes sense to start with the update process, although if you installed the program from the developer’s website, then the version should be the latest initially:

The buttons are all standard and each is responsible for the corresponding functionality. For example, the " Scanning" will, in fact, allow you to scan your computer for threats and provide a detailed list-report about what kind of files live in the system and whether they should be trusted:

We have already talked about updates, so we won’t do anything unnecessary, since the update is responsible for the update and there is nothing complicated in it.

Isolated environment and more details

A button with a virtual desktop will allow you to launch an isolated environment in which you can walk through dangerous places.

In terms of logic and principle of operation, it resembles one based on Windows functionality, and is also extremely similar to a sandbox (like ) in its expanded, moderately adult form. An extremely useful thing, we recommend it for paranoid people.

You can switch between desktops using the appropriate button, quickly and fairly painlessly, which is convenient. By the way, the installation of all the above ( Silverlight And Comodo Dragon) is not a necessary functionality for full operation, but recommended as such.

The quarantine tab is responsible for quarantine, online support for online support. In general, there is nothing unusual and we will not dwell on them. The button in the upper left corner allows you to see a detailed summary of what is happening:

That is, see the number of incoming and outgoing connections, blocking processes, enable or disable all sorts of Automatic Sandbo x, HIPS And Viruscope, and already manage what is already blocked, isolated, etc.

Clicking on a firewall link, for example, will allow us to open a tab with settings and the corresponding subtab, but here we can manage everything in general by going to where we need it (for example " General settings" - "Interface"). Let's briefly go through them.

Advanced setup and use

The interface tab is, oddly enough, responsible for the interface. If you wish, you can customize the theme, again, language and other tails. It is recommended to disable the long-suffering sound, greetings, various types of notifications and other annoying functionality here:

The updates tab is responsible for the frequency of updates, and the log for, logically, the size of the log, its re-creation, and so on. It’s all logical, simple and easy to set up, fortunately it’s in Russian, I think you’ll figure it out.

On the configuration tab, you can enable or disable any of the ready-made configurations. This is very, very convenient, and when switching, it allows you to save the existing and changed configuration, i.e. you can change the security level, depending on the circumstances. True, switching requires a reboot, which, in general, is logical.

Hips and sandbox in Comodo Firewall

The defenses are inhabited by the above mentioned HIPS(proactive intrusion prevention system), Sandbox(sandbox, which is responsible for virtualization and protection based on it) and VirusScope(a system that allows for dynamic analysis of running processes and recording their activity).

For HIPS"It would be nice to include detailed explanations (if you don’t understand), set the notification display time and, optimally, check the box" Adapt operating mode at low system resources"so that it doesn't eat up performance so much. In principle, it would be possible to enable enhanced protection mode, but it is very paranoid and gluttonous.

In settings Sandbox You can uncheck the first box if you don’t need it, and it would also be a good idea to protect your desktop with a password. But much more important here is the presence of automatic Sandbox"and based on a given policy:

This increases security by an order of magnitude, provided you understand how it works Sandbox in general, and also realize that it chews resources. If not, then it is recommended to read at least.

IN Viruscope It makes sense to disable notifications, provided that you trust the automation. In general, the logic of its operation is quite adequate, but it requires periodic monitoring and verification of what is happening if something stops working for you.

On the firewall tab, it would be good to reduce the alert frequency level and enable filtering IPv6-traffic, protection from ARP-spoofing and creating rules for secure applications.

On the sub-tabs, you can set and adjust rules for applications, as well as edit those that you have already created by clicking on the block/allow buttons for the corresponding firewall requests above.

Here you can create sets of rules and even activate a content filter by blocking and or allowing certain sites and categories (created independently). With the right approach, you can create your own kind of parental control.

With this you can finish the setup. As for use, it makes sense to start with the training mode (turned on next to the firewall line in the extended view of the main program window), then switching to the custom set or, if you are too lazy to configure and train, then safe mode.

In a nutshell, perhaps it’s something like this. We will not describe finer tuning and use here, because part of any article would not be enough, besides, part of the logic has already been described in the relevant materials on other firewalls (see the beginning of the article), and.

So, actually, let's move on to the afterword.


So this heroic epic about the brave struggle of a valiant firewall against an overwhelming army of computer pests has come to an end. With your skillful control, this struggle will always end in victory for the forces of good;)

With this I say goodbye to you. Let viruses and other malware bypass you! As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks, etc., then welcome to comment on this article.

This is especially true for add-ons, because probably those who are on Comodo Firewall tightly and for a long time, in fact, there is something smart and to the point to say.




What is the power of Comodo Antivirus

If you read my article and the news about WikiLeaks, then you know that now everything is being hacked - from printers to smart TVs. Antiviruses, once designed to protect computers from threats, have turned into clumsy machines with functions that can only be called “whistleblowers”. Well, why does the antivirus package come with a password manager, another browser, a system optimizer and other things? They are not directly related to eliminating virus threats.

And here sandbox mode- another thing. It does not eliminate, but protects against viruses by launching unknown programs in a mode isolated from the surrounding system. The isolation is not complete, but sufficient to protect critical parts of the operating system.

  1. Instead of real system files, isolated software works with duplicates, so after the virtual system is infected or system files are damaged, all changes will simply be deleted, Windows will work as if nothing had happened.
  2. Important folders with confidential information (saved passwords in the browser, cookies with authorization on websites, etc.) will be hidden from isolated programs (manually configured), so a running Trojan will not be able to steal them.

In Comodo Antivirus, the sandbox mode is called Comodo Sandbox (or Containment in the new version). It is not unique - a similar mode is built into Avast Pro Antivirus and Avast Internet Security, as well as in the separate Sandboxie program. Previously, it was included in the Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus, but for some reason the developers abandoned this function. All these programs are paid, while the antivirus from Comodo free.

Benefits of Comodo Antivirus:

  • Free (really free!).
  • Sandbox mode.
  • Lots of settings.


  • Intrusiveness - the program offers to upgrade to a paid version (can be turned off in the settings).
  • Impact on performance - slow computers slow down unless some functions are turned off.
  • Unnecessary software is installed with the program.

Disadvantages can be overcome, I will talk about this below.

Where can I download

The Comodo Antivirus installer is on the official website: button “Download for free”).

The antivirus works on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP operating systems.

Main features:

  1. Default Deny technology (blocks the launch of known malware).
  2. Auto Sandbox technology (or Auto-Containment, launching unknown programs in sandbox mode).
  3. Quarantine (so as not to permanently delete a suspicious file and be able to restore it).
  4. Cloud whitelisting system (developers have a file reputation base)
  5. Game mode (the antivirus does not receive notifications and does not load the processor when the game is running)

How to install

After downloading and running the installer, take your time to run through the installation. Look carefully - at some stages you need to uncheck the boxes. For example, in the second window, not very popular software is offered:

At the next step, you most likely will not want to send antivirus performance statistics to the developers:

Then there will be the step of setting up Comodo Dragon - a secure browser, a relative of Chrome. You have your favorite browser, right? Therefore, uncheck both boxes:

After this the installation will begin:

After installation is complete, the antivirus will run a full scan of your computer. While it is running, you can start setting it up.

Do not forget to remove the software installed in the antivirus load. Go to Control Panel - Programs and Features (in Windows 10, the classic Control Panel is called by right-clicking on the Start menu icon - Control Panel) and uninstall Comodo Dragon and Comodo GeekBuddy.


Without configuration, the antivirus is VERY annoying. Therefore, in the main window, click “Settings”:

Tab General settings - Interface. This is where the intrusive nature of the program is tamed:

Then you need to configure the actual operation of the antivirus module. Tab Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring:

There are two important features here that affect computer performance and security.

Setting the checkbox to “Scan the memory when the computer starts” will slow down the startup of the computer, but malware that is registered in startup will be detected faster.

The “heuristic analysis level” affects the quality of detection of unknown viruses. Without heuristics, an antivirus can only identify those known in the database. With a high level of heuristics, the number of false positives is high and programs in general will run slower. In general, it's up to you to decide here. On slow PCs, enabling heuristics will significantly slow down the launch of programs.

HIPS mode- perhaps the second most important advantage of Comodo Antivirus after the sandbox:

HIPS is a behavioral analysis program. What exactly is monitored can be configured by clicking “Monitoring Settings”:

By default, there is a safe mode, in which, in case of any serious interference with the system, a question will be asked (appears at the bottom right of the screen) to select a program category - allow, block, classify as trusted, and so on.

HIPS has a disadvantage: initially this antivirus module does not know about your system Nothing and pesters you with questions. Even a full disk scan with an antivirus will not allow it to understand which programs are doing what and what they should be allowed to do. All questions will appear while the programs are running. The most typical problem is the appearance of a request after opening documents through the “Open with” menu item. It's annoying and tiring. Therefore, if you are convinced that the programs on your computer are safe, you can speed up the “training” process by switching HIPS to training mode (instead of “Safe Mode”, put “Training Mode”). The antivirus will form a rule base, allowing all software actions during your work. Then, a week later, HIPS needs to be switched to “Safe Mode” again and then requests will appear only when the behavior of programs differs from what was previously recorded.

Any rules - both programs and the behavior of the anti-virus module - are configured in the remaining tabs of the HIPS section. You can protect registry keys and files of some important programs that the antivirus developers did not know about.

All this sounds quite complicated and does not add convenience to users who just use the computer. But if you care about security, HIPS mode will become your faithful assistant in protection.

Please note that in the screenshot above I checked the option “Perform heuristic analysis on the command line for specific applications.” Removal Checking this item will eliminate the pop-up windows indicating that a program has entered the sandbox at the address “C:\Program Data\Comodo\Cis\tempscript\C_cmd.exe...”.

UPD from 04/04/2017: Thanks to Georg for the correction: it turns out that my advice to check the box “Adapt operating mode when system resources are low”, on the contrary, causes a decrease in performance.

Sandbox antivirus is configured in the section Sandbox - Sandbox settings (Containment in the new version):

In principle, there is nothing to configure here, except, perhaps, for the fact that by default, browser folders with all settings are available for stand-alone programs. This is fraught with the theft of passwords saved in browsers and the installation of malicious add-ons to them. Therefore, click on “... specified files and folders”, then right-click on “Shared area” - “Change” - “Yes” - a new window will open where you can delete the required permissions:

Then programs running in the sandbox will not be able to access private data.

Whether you need cloud verification is up to you. The effect on performance is minor, I did not notice any changes.

Chapter VirusScope It’s better not to touch, everything is optimal there:

What affects PC speed?

By speed of work I mean:

  • time from turning on the computer until the desktop is fully loaded,
  • the speed of program launch and their response during operations of writing and reading data from the disk.

Both are affected by the degree of paranoia of the antivirus. The fewer functions are enabled, the higher the operating speed.

If your computer is slow, disable:

  1. Heuristic analysis (Settings - Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring - bottom item).
  2. HIPS (alas, it greatly reduces the speed of programs). It is disabled in the settings and in the antivirus menu when you click on its icon near the clock.
  3. The function of automatically launching programs in the sandbox (Settings - Sandbox - Auto-Sandbox - uncheck the “Use Auto-Sandbox” item).

One more point: the antivirus, as part of its duty, must scan all opened files, launched programs and analyze their contents and activity. If files have been scanned before, the scan speed increases many times over. That's why full check immediately after installing the antivirus, it is necessary for the antivirus to know what's what.


Comodo Antivirus is an example of good software. Yes, the browser and GeekBuddy are installed along with it, but after finishing it, the antivirus performs its task without interference. Unlike competitors, it tries to do only what it is intended for - protect against threats. And in three ways:

  1. Standard virus database scan.
  2. Behavior analysis.
  3. Running in isolated sandbox mode.

Can you ask for more from a free antivirus?

But about paid software I want to say a couple of affectionate things. In my opinion, developers working on security systems should have high qualification. Well, or they should work according to the rules dictated by common sense. In the end, people don’t pay them money and trust them for their beautiful eyes. What can we say about the developers from Trend Micro, who made it possible for websites to be opened to execute any commands on the computer and steal user passwords. Is this complete nonsense or what? The developers simply made this security hole:

The developers of the hero of today's article have also proven their carelessness. The GeekBuddy program, which comes with Comodo Antivirus, in its first versions allowed connecting to a computer without password. Think about it: in the user help program designed to show the contents of the screen (Comodo technical support must see it to solve the problem) there was the same password on all computers! Of course, the problem was fixed, but with the proper level of responsibility it would not have existed at all.



Comodo Internet Security (CIS)- this is an antivirus + firewall. Comodo Internet Security also has a SandBox (sandbox), in which you can run applications so that they do not affect the system (in an isolated environment). It is possible to filter all traffic through Comodo's DNS servers, minimizing the threat of viruses and malicious sites. There is a virtual desktop, in the virtual desktop you can safely run programs and surf the Internet, and it also protects against keyloggers. You can use tablet mode and Windows desktop mode.

There is also an intrusion prevention system called HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System), which analyzes the behavior of programs.

Comodo Internet Security (CIS) is the best free antivirus and firewall.

Download Comodo Internet Security available on the official website

During installation, the program can also be installed:

- Comodo Dragon(enhanced security Internet browser from Comodo). I did it earlier.
- Comodo Antivirus(antivirus)
- Comodo Firewall(firewall)
- Comodo Geekbuddy This is a shareware service (limited 60 days). It works on the principle of 24/7 technical support. Communication takes place using the Internet messenger built into the program)

You can choose what to install and what not to install during the installation process of the program package.

So let's start installing Comodo Internet Security. We launch the installer and the files for installation begin unpacking.

If User Account Control comes up with a question: should I allow the following program to make changes on this computer? Click yes.

Select the installation language for Comodo Internet Security Premium and click OK.

You can enter your email address (optional).

You can check the box " I want to provide additional security on the Internet by switching to COMODO Secure DNS service, minimizing the threat of viruses and malicious sites so that all requests are filtered and processed on Comodo servers and malicious sites are blocked and other threats do not reach you.”

You can check the box “I want to use Cloud Application Behavior Analysis, transferring unidentified programs to COMODO, subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy.”

You can check the box “Anonymously send application usage data (configuration information, crashes, errors, etc.) to COMODO to make changes that improve the operation of the program.”

Push forward.

Uncheck the following items:

Install Yandex elements
- make Yandex the home page (applies to all supported browsers)
- make Yandex the default search engine (applies to all supported browsers)

Click agree. install.

The installation of Comodo Internet Security Premium begins. The Comodo Dragon browser is installed first.

The installation of Comodo Internet Security Premium then begins.

After installing Comodo Internet Security Premium, the Comodo Internet Security Premium widget appears on the Windows desktop, which shows system security, Internet speed, and quick launch of Internet browsers.

When you first launch Comodo Internet Security Premium, it scans your computer for threats.

You can stop it or continue scanning in the background (which will take longer to scan but use fewer resources and put less strain on your computer). This is called a hidden task - a task that requires fewer resources to complete than an active task.

This is what the main window of Comodo Internet Security Premium looks like.

This window will also pop up with a short story about the programs Viruscope, content filter, GeekBuddy. Check the box at the bottom left to not show this window again and close it.

Network detected. Please indicate your location:

I am at home. Select if you have connected your computer to your home local network
- I am at work. Select if you have connected your computer to an office LAN
- I'm in a public place. Select if you are in a public place, such as a cafe, hotel, school, etc.

I chose I am in a public place.

By clicking on the tasks at the top right, we will switch to tasks.

You can switch back by clicking on the main window.

In Tasks, you can enter Firewall Tasks and select advanced settings to configure various aspects of the firewall.

Firewall settings. You can enable or disable the firewall and select its operating mode. Do not show alerts, automatically detect private networks, show alerts, trustconnect, show animation on the CIS icon in the notification area, create rules for secure applications, configure alert frequency level, display alert time on screen, enable IPv6 traffic filtering, block fragmented IP traffic, analyze the protocol.

Global rules.

The following global rules are active on this computer:

Allow IP Outgoing from MAC Any to MAC Any
- allow ICMPv4 Incoming from MAC Any to MAC Any
- block IP Incoming from MAC Any to MAC Any

You can add a new firewall rule.

Sets of rules.

Here you can configure which sets of rules are used on this computer.

Content filter.

This option configures the firewall to filter access to sites in accordance with the rules and profiles specified below.

Antivirus monitoring.

Perform real-time scanning (recommended).
Continuous anti-virus monitoring is carried out in parallel with the execution of user tasks.

Form a cache if the computer is in standby mode, scan the memory when the computer starts, do not show alerts, unzip and scan files: .jar, .exe, configure the level of heuristic analysis, search for potentially unwanted applications.


You can change the interface to Classic Theme, Tile Theme, Modern Theme. Also show notifications from the COMODO message center, show informational messages, show a greeting on startup, show a widget on the desktop, show informational messages when task windows are minimized or tasks are running in the background, accompany notifications with a sound signal, protect settings with a password.


Check for program updates.

Automatically download program updates. If the option is enabled, program updates will be downloaded automatically. When to install them is up to you to decide. Check for anti-virus database updates every 6 hours.

Do not check for updates if these connections are used.

Do not check for updates when running on battery power.

Proxy server settings.


In this section you can import and export configurations, as well as change the current configuration.

Types of scanning.

On this page you can add, delete or edit scan profiles and schedules.

Protected objects.

Objects protected on this computer.

Here you can add a folder or file that needs to be protected from changes that are not made by you, as well as from intrusions by other programs.

Use cloud verification (recommended) so that the file is checked against the database in the cloud. Perform cloud-based analysis of unknown files, allowing you to get quick results and save computer resources. Trust applications signed by trusted providers. Trust applications installed using trusted installers.

The Comodo Internet Security widget on the desktop can be disabled, or a brief summary can be provided, and links to browsers and social networks can also be included. networks and for the widget to show your Internet traffic.

In Comodo Internet Security Premium, you can enable a virtual desktop to surf the Internet safely, for example, without fear that someone will steal your password, or run a virus to test its effect without harming the system, or run an application that will not affect your system in any way. system, but only operate within the virtual desktop.

To use the virtual desktop you need to download and install Microsoft Silverlight. Click yes to begin the download and installation.

Click agree. Install.

Microsoft Silverlight 5.1 is loading.

The virtual desktop is loading.

You can return to Windows again.

You can go to settings...

and change the virtual desktop mode from a tablet PC to a regular PC.

You can freely use the Comodo virtual machine.

Launching in Sanbox is needed in order to isolate the application from the system.

You can clean your computer of viruses and threats with Comodo Cleaning Essentials.

With Comodo Cleaning Essentials, you can start scanning and detect and remove viruses, rootkits, hidden files and malicious items in the system registry.

Checking the MBR (Windows boot area).

A reboot is required to complete the scan.

You can view activity and monitor ongoing processes using Comodo Killswitch.

Allow User Account Control to take action by clicking Yes.

Click agree. Install to download and install Comodo Killswitch.

Comodo Killswitch is loading.

Comodo Killswitch application initialization.

In Comodo Killswitch you can see the activity of all processes in the system and stop them if they seem suspicious and unnecessary to you, and also find an application that is eating up a lot of system resources. You can also see how busy the CPU is and see which application is consuming Internet traffic.