Large font on the computer. How to change the font on a Windows computer: All proven methods

Enlarging a font on a computer is quite simple. For example, this can be done by pressing certain keys on the keyboard.

If you have opened a browser page or a picture, and the text or other elements seem small to you, you can enlarge them by pressing the two key combination – Ctrl+ (plus sign). Also, if your mouse design has a scroll wheel, you can use it. To do this, you can press Ctrl and scroll the wheel forward. Depending on the duration of scrolling, the text will increase several times. This is the easiest way to enlarge text. The method is not permanent, since for example in a browser, if you increase the text on one page, going to another, the text will have standard size and it will also have to be changed in such ways.

Now let's turn to the system. What can she offer us?

You can enlarge the font on your computer using "Control Panel". The example will be shown on Windows 7 OS.

To do this, click: “ Start» → « Control Panel" → select in a new window " Decor».

A new window will open.

In it, select the item “ Screen" and subparagraph " Resize text and other elements».

A menu for setting the font and elements will appear. There you will see that there are two options for setting sizes - standard, which is 100% size, it is the default, and medium (increased) has 125% size. We put a checkmark in front of the middle one, and at the bottom we see that a warning has appeared that some elements will not fit on the Desktop.

Just so you know, when elements cannot fit on the screen, then a horizontal scroll bar appears. The point is that this line appears extremely rarely, so to say that this setting It will harm you, I’m not ready to say.

In addition, you can choose the font size yourself by selecting “ Other font size (dpi)».

The menu “ Selecting a scale».

When you click on the arrow, other scales will appear.

Select the one that arrives and click “ OK».

How to increase font size in Windows 8?

In Windows 8, if you have touch control, enlarging the font is quite simple. To do this, you need to quickly swipe your finger starting from the right edge of the screen. " Search"where you need to enter the word " Screen».

Tap to select " Options" and then click " Screen».
You will be offered several size options: small (100%), average (125%) or large (150%).

*Large font is only suitable for monitors with a resolution of at least 1200*900 pixels.

Sometimes standard parameters fonts in the operating system may be too small, which means they can harm vision and strain it, and sometimes vice versa - too much capital letters Therefore, it is not possible to work comfortably. You can change the value by changing the display resolution, but in this case you will get new look and all other graphic parts located on the device screen. Today there are other methods, and we will talk not only about how to increase the font on a computer, but also how to reduce it.


If you have recently become a user personal computer, then, of course, you may experience a large number of questions about the operating system. Among other things, a beginner needs to know how to reduce font size on a computer.

So, if you have Windows XP installed on your PC, then you should start setting up symbols by clicking right click mouse on the desktop. After you perform this operation, a small menu should open in front of you, where you can select the “Properties” item. When the tab is launched, a window will appear that allows you to make various settings, including fonts, screen resolution, etc.


In the new window, you need to go to the “Options” tab, and then find the tab called “Advanced”. So you will have to be moved to additional settings. You will find out how to change the font on your computer right now; this is done right here. In the drop-down list you need to select a scaling factor, and this is done on the “General” tab.

After you go to additional settings, the desired section will be opened by default. In some cases, the proposed options may not be suitable for the user; in such a situation, it is necessary to go to special parameters and a new window should open in the operating system. How to change the font on your computer using standard features, you already know, now we need to talk about the special ones that you will most likely need to configure.

With your own hands

So, if you were unable to find best option scaling from the proposed list, then you can specify it yourself using the keyboard. I would also like to mention that in this window you can adjust the sizes visually, and to do this you need to compress or, conversely, expand the scale using the mouse while holding the left button.

Windows 7

You know how to increase the font on your computer and also decrease it using a visual scale, now it’s worth talking about how to maintain the settings that satisfy you. For them to take effect, click the “OK” button. After this, a dialog box will appear in front of you, where from operating system you will be prompted to restart your personal computer so that everything installed settings came into force.

If you are not using the XP operating system, but Windows 7, then you will need to act a little differently. If you need to know how to enlarge the font on your computer for this OS, follow all the instructions that we will now describe.

The first thing you need to do is open the “Start” button, which is located at the bottom left of the screen. After this, go to the “Control Panel” item, you should see a large list with once personal settings, but you need to find the line “Design and Personalization”, and if you use more old version, then you need to find a tab with a similar name.

After the new window opens, select the “Screen” link, there you can independently specify one of the provided scales. Of course, the proposed options are not suitable for everyone, so in order to make your settings, you need to go to the “Other font size” tab, it is located on the left side. In this section, you can find out for yourself how to reduce the font size on your computer or, conversely, increase it.


When you get to the window with personal settings, then you can set the desired parameters yourself, this happens in almost the same way as in the operating room Windows system XP. In the drop-down menu you can select optimal solution or enter your own. It is not recommended to save immediately; if you want to learn how to enlarge the font on your computer, you will need to make careful settings.

In any case, if necessary, you can change them at a time convenient for you, and you already know how to do this. By the way, you can try other options, for example, press Strl and at the same time press “+” (or roll the mouse wheel a little). The instructions described in the article may vary slightly depending on the installed operating system, but the procedure algorithm is the same for all cases.

Very often, when searching for information on the Internet, you may come across sites where the font is very small or there are small areas for registering on a given site. This is a very inconvenient phenomenon that can negatively affect your vision and generally ruin your mood.

Many people have great difficulties in using a computer, and if there are pages with small font, this generally becomes a tragedy for many. What if I also clicked in the wrong place when I wanted to enlarge the font, and everything became completely unreadable?

Most people, after such difficulties, generally try to go to the computer as little as possible, while some, on the contrary, will sit until they break something. It all depends on the character of the person, but no matter what this character is, you need to be able to solve the problem.

Some will go in a more correct direction and start reading various articles on this topic. But unfortunately, on at this stage, most of the articles are written as if for robots who already know everything. Our article will allow you to explain the principle of changing the font at an accessible level.

There are several ways to increase font size on pages, and in different Internet browsers:

  • Increase the font by pressing the “Ctrl” key;
  • Changing the font in different Internet browsers.

First of all, we will look in detail at how to increase the font on a page by pressing the “Ctrl” key.

This method applies to all types of Internet browsers. If you are surfing the Internet and open a page with very small font, you only need to:

1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key;
2. Press the “+” key the required number of times, respectively, and “-”;

You can also:

1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key;
2. Scroll the mouse wheel “up” and “down” accordingly.

Changing the scale in " Google Chrome».

If you are a user of this browser, then there is enough for you too easy way font changes. The essence of his work is this:

1. Initially, you need to go to the “Settings” menu of this browser;
2. Your next action is to click “Show additional settings” in this menu;
3. Next you will see a section called “Web Content”; by clicking on it, you can independently set the font and page scale you need. We would like to warn you that the font size may not increase on other pages. But increasing the scale can lead to its change anywhere.

Changing the font in the Mozilla FireFox browser.

From changing the font in Google Chrome this The program is distinguished by the fact that the font and scale can be changed separately. There is also such a function as: “installation minimum size font". The downside is that easy installation font size may not have any effect. If you need to enlarge the text on the page, then you need to change the scale.

Increasing the font size in this program occurs according to the following plan:

1. Click the “Settings” menu;
2. Clicking the next sub-item in this menu – “Content”;
3. If you are not satisfied with the proposed font options, click “Advanced”, there you can already see all the possible options.

But you won't be able to zoom in in the Settings menu. If you are interested in increasing the scale, then you do the following:

1. Turn on the display of the menu bar of this browser;
2. Click the menu item – “View”;
3. In this menu, select the “Scale” line;
4. In this line, click on the inscription “Text only”;
5. In the same “Scale” menu, select the “Zoom” line.

The “Enlarge” line is designed to enlarge only the text without capturing the pictures.

Increasing text size in the Opera browser.

This browser is one of the easiest to use. Accordingly, increasing the font in it will be quite simple.

We are acting according to the following plan:

1. Open the menu of this browser;
2. On the left top corner we click on the button and set the scale we need in the item responsible for it.

Changing the font in Internet browser Explorer.

This browser is also famous for its ease of use. The principle of changing the font or scale in it is as simple as in the Opera browser.

You should do the following:

2. Select the “Font Size” line;
3. Select the font size you need (there are 5 in total);
4. Refresh the page;

Another possible option:

1. Open the “View” menu - located at the top under the title of this page, if there is no standard menu, you should press the “Alt” key on your keyboard;
2. Select the “Scale” line - stop your mouse pointer on it and select one of the scale options that suits your page.

P.S. Well, we have figured out how to increase the font on the page... as you can see, there is one universal method With CTRL key, is there individual settings in every browser. See you again!

In contact with

How to increase the font size on a computer screen I wonder where this trend comes from: monitors are getting bigger, but the font on them looks smaller and smaller? Sometimes, in order to read some documents, icon captions and other elements, you have to move closer to the monitor, and this leads to faster fatigue and eye fatigue. In general, it is ideal that you can safely work with the monitor at a distance of at least 50 cm. If you are not comfortable working, some elements are not visible, and you have to squint, then you need to adjust the monitor so that everything is visible. And one of the first things to do in this matter is to increase the font until it is easy to read. So, that's what we'll do in this article... Many users don't even know that there are several hotkeys that allow you to increase the text size in a variety of applications: notepads, office programs(for example, Word), browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera), etc. Increasing text size - you need to hold down the button and then press the button. You can press "+" several times until the text becomes available for comfortable reading. To reduce the text size - hold down the button, and then press the button until the text becomes smaller. In addition, you can hold down the button and twist. This is even a little faster, and you can easily and simply adjust the text size. An example of this method is presented below. Rice. 1. Changing the font size in Google Chrome It is important to note one detail: although the font will be increased, but once you open another document or new tab in the browser, how it will become the same again as it was before. Those. text size changes occur only in a specific open document, and not in all Windows applications. To eliminate this “detail” you need to configure the appropriate Windows image, and more on that later... The settings presented below were made in Windows 10 (in Windows 7, 8 - almost all actions are similar, I think you shouldn’t have any problems). First you need to go to the panel Windows management and open the “Design and Personalization” section (screen below).

Rice. 3. Screen (Windows 10 personalization) Then pay attention to the 3 numbers presented in the screenshot below (by the way, in Windows 7 this settings screen will be slightly different, but the settings are all the same. In my opinion, it’s even clearer there).

Fig.4. Options for changing the font: if you open the link “use these screen settings”, you will see a variety of screen settings, among which there is a slider, when you move it, the size of text, applications, and other elements will change in real time. This way you can easily choose the best option. In general, I recommend trying it.

: tooltips, window titles, menus, icons, panel names - for all this you can set the font size, and even make it bold. On some monitors you can't do without this! By the way, the screenshots below show how it will look (it was 9 font, now it is 15 font). Was Now

Customizable zoom level is a rather ambiguous setting. On some monitors it results in a font that is not very easy to read, but on others it allows you to look at the picture in a new way. Therefore, I recommend using it last. After you open the link, simply select in percentage how much you want to zoom in on everything displayed on the screen. Keep in mind that if you are not very large monitor, then some elements (for example, icons on the desktop) will move from their usual places, in addition, you will have to scroll the page with the mouse more to xnj.s see it in full. Fig.5. Scaling level By the way, some of the settings listed above take effect only after restarting the computer! Quite a lot depends on the screen resolution: for example, the clarity and size of the display of elements, text, etc.; size of space (same desktop than higher resolution- the more icons you can fit).; scan frequency (this is more related to old CRT monitors: the higher the resolution, the lower the frequency - and it is highly not recommended to use anything below 85 Hz. Therefore, we had to adjust the picture...). How to change the screen resolution? The easiest way is this go to the settings of your video driver (there, as a rule, you can not only change the resolution, but also change other important parameters: brightness, contrast, clarity, etc.). Typically, video driver settings can be found in the control panel (if you switch the display to small icons, see screenshot below). You can also right-click anywhere on the desktop: and in the appeared context menu, there is often a link to the video driver settings.

In the control panel of your video driver (usually in the section related to the display), you can change the resolution. Give some advice on choosing in this case quite difficult, in each case you need to select it individually.

Graphics Control Panel - Intel HDMy remark. Even though you can change the text size this way, I recommend using it as a last resort. It’s just that quite often when you change the resolution, clarity is lost, which is not good. I would recommend increasing the text font first (without changing the resolution) and looking at the results. Usually, thanks to this, it is possible to achieve better results. The clarity of the font is even more important than its size! I think that many will agree with me: sometimes even large font It looks blurry and is not easy to make out. That is why the image on the screen must be clear (without blur)! As for the clarity of the font, in Windows 10, for example, its display can be adjusted. Moreover, the display is adjusted individually for each monitor in the way that suits you best. Let's take a closer look. First, open: Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Screens, open the link at the bottom left "Setting ClearType Text". Next, a wizard should launch that will guide you through 5 steps, in which you will simply select the most convenient option font for reading. In this way the most the best option display the font exactly to your needs.

Windows computer: All proven methods" data-essbishovercontainer="">

Tired of it standard fonts Windows? Do you want to make your computer unique?

Then just change them! How? Find out from our article.

Change text style

Text design for Windows can be set for each interface separately.

In this case, no changes will occur in the program settings as a whole.

It's not at all difficult to do this.

1 Open the Window Color and Appearance tab in the taskbar. The name may vary slightly depending on the version installed on your computer. But the bookmark is responsible for the same function.

2 Now you need to find the “Object” item, in which you will determine the the required interface, which requires changes in style in writing text.

3 You should set new options for style, size, and color. Such manipulations should be done individually for all sections to be changed.

4 Confirm your actions with the “Ok” button.

5 For the settings to take effect, click “Ok” again.

There are cases when the style for writing text is subject to change, but the rest of its parameters are not available for editing.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this - this is the default in the program.

There is another option

Now you can unpack the archive into the Fonts folder of the system directory. After such actions it will be added new icon with the appropriate type of text.

To view, you need to left-click on the file.

How to change fonts in Windows 7

Let's look at how to change the default menu on a Windows 7 computer.

You need to click the bear on an empty space on the screen. And wait until the main menu of the computer opens. The item we need is called "Personalization".

A page will open in front of you, which displays various styles for the PC.

And under it there are three folders: “Desktop Background”, “Window Color”, “Sounds”. We need to get to the “Window Color” section.

A page will open that asks you to change the color scheme for the window borders. The currently used color scheme is shown.

You can turn on transparency and adjust the color intensity. We skip all these points and go to the bottom of the page, where the section “ Extra options registration".

A window will open in front of you in which you can change various configurations. In it you should go down to the “Desktop” section, and then find the “Icon” item.

You will see all the proposed variations for text formatting. You need to go down to the “Segoe UI” item and decide on the desired option.

If you are not satisfied with the size of the drop caps, you should now change it in the appropriate window.

Also, you have the opportunity to choose the desired color and choose an interesting style.

In order for everything to be saved, you should click on the “Apply” item, which will become active after setting all the parameters. And then click on the “Ok” button.

This completes the setup. For correct operation settings, the computer does not restart.

Change font in Windows 8

Let's consider one of the most simple options how to change the font size on a windows 8 computer:

1 First you need to remove the text style suggested by the system. Default for this variation software Segoe UI is used. Save changes.

2 Open again and follow this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts.

For proper functioning, you must get rid of all system files, which may start on Segoe UI.

3 We carry out the same procedure as already described above - we follow the path.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitute

4 You need to create a temporary folder. Set the necessary changes and choose the design you like. This completes the settings.

Changing font settings

Windows 8 is deprived big amount functionality, which previous versions had.

There are only a tiny number of font-related settings left that the user can control.

To change parameters in the text, follow these steps:

  • You need to right-click to open the menu window and click on the item "Screen resolution"(Screen resolution).

  • A window will open in which you should find the section "Make text and other elements larger or smaller" on either foreign language "Make text of other items larger or smaller".

  • The following dialog box will appear in which you can set all the necessary parameters.

  • You can make the letters larger or smaller. Install the style you like.
  • It will also be necessary to indicate in the configurations the scope of the settings. For example, only text documents.
  • Save changes.

It should be remembered that such changes in font design parameters can only be noticed for some of its elements.

Let's try to change the size of the selected font in another way

You need to go to the Control Panel section "Printers and Faxes".

Now you can click on the section. And in the window that pops up, find the “Screen” section. Click on it with your mouse.

On this page you can highlight specific area actions and set the necessary parameters.

You can decide by installing a new one percentage. Or make changes only for the font, indicating its size, type and stylistic characteristics.

Upon completion of the described actions, click the “Apply” button.

Changing the font in Windows 10

The system is user friendly. But it lacks an option that allows you to make size adjustments in the text.

To do this you need to download additional programs or perform complex actions, which relate to editing the registry.

To make such changes, you need to edit the registry.

But? I warn you right away that if you are not sure that the actions will be performed correctly, it is better to leave such manipulations to a specialist.

Through “Start” you need to go to the PC control panel. Find section "Design and personalization", and in it there is a sub-item “Fonts”.

For ease of use, many computers have a function enabled by default that is responsible for placing all programs in alphabetical order.

If it is enabled on your PC, such a section will be easy to find. If not, go down to the very bottom of the page that appears and look for it there.

After you left-click on this sub-item, you will see the entire variety of fonts that the program can offer.

Decide which one is right for you and write down its name so you don’t forget.

When making such a choice, you should remember that some of the options after installation will look exactly like Chinese characters. You should not install such options.

Segoe UI is the default option. It is offered by the tenth version of Windows.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 “Segoe UI (TrueType)”=”” “Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)”=”” “Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)”=”” “Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)”=”” “Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"="" "Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"="" "Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"="" "Segoe UI"="Font of your choice"

The end line must have the name of the user's chosen option text design. Save what you write.

When saving you will need to specify correct extension- reg. After closed file double-click with the left mouse button, a window will appear in which this file will be located.

At the end of all actions, you need to restart the computer.

Remove selected font for Windows 10

Both installation and removal of this for a computer is very simple. To delete you need to go to "Printers and Faxes" in the "Start" section, and click on the "Delete" button.

Changing the font for mobile phone

On mobile phone With Windows 10, you can set an interesting and non-standard style for writing at the system level.

  • First you need to install Interop Unlock. do given action It’s better after you find instructions on the Internet and read them.

  • You need to download the Font Style application.

  • Now you should install the program on your phone. It's not difficult to do. Just go to the “Explorer” folder and make it active. Then everything will happen automatically.
  • You should reboot after completing the steps.
  • Now open the downloaded program, select the style you need and install it.
  • Don't forget to reboot, otherwise the data will not be updated.
  • If something goes wrong, the situation can be easily changed. To do this, use the Restore button and reset all the settings made.

The user must also understand that not all options will look interesting or have the proper appearance on a smartphone.

The reason for the incorrect display on the screen may be that the phone is not Russian and does not support the Cyrillic alphabet.
