How to connect unlimited internet without restrictions. What can the operator offer at the moment? "Highway" line services

Any modern subscriber Beeline, to one degree or another, uses mobile Internet. Some people need a high-speed connection to communicate on social networks, others to watch movies and videos. However, there are subscribers who need unlimited Beeline Internet. What internet products do you have? mobile operator, their cost and terms of provision - you will learn about all this from our article.

Review of tariffs with unlimited internet

Beeline tariffs with unlimited Internet recently appeared in the arsenal of the television system. Previously, the operator offered subscribers only night unlimited. And then, this service was available only to users of the “Highway” function. During the daytime, the client could only use a limited number of GB.

Today everything has changed. Now Beeline offers unlimited use of wireless online networks, through the following tariff plans and options:

  • any postpaid TP of the “Everything” line;
  • TP “#Everything is possible”;
  • “Highway” family of options (only at night from 24.00 to 8.00 Moscow time).

Let's look at each of the products in detail.

TP “#Everything is possible” is based on prepaid tariffication. In other words, the client first deposits subscription fee, and then uses the mobile product. To plug unlimited Internet Beeline within the framework of the “#Everything is possible” TP, the user will be able to Personal Area in the “Tariffs” section, or by calling 0781.

After TP activation, the subscriber receives:

  • unlimited use mobile internet without traffic and speed restrictions, with the ability to use a high-speed connection both in your region and throughout the country;
  • free outgoing calls to network numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 250 min. (for Moscow and the region) or 100 min. (for other regions of the country), for conversations with subscribers of other Russian television systems;
  • 250 SMS (for Moscow and the region) or 100 SMS (for other regions), with the ability to send on your home network.

The subscription fee is 10 rubles/day for the first month. From the second month, the payment rises to 13 rubles/day. For Muscovites, a monthly fee of 20 rubles per day is provided.

Features of TP:

  • The package can only be used on a smartphone or phone. The product does not work on a tablet or USB modem;
  • You cannot distribute Wi-Fi through the TP and use it as an access point;
  • when downloading large files, the traffic flow rate may be reduced;
  • It is prohibited to download torrent files. In case of bypass by the client this limitation, the data transfer speed will be reduced to 64 kb/sec.

Internet without restrictions is also available on postpaid tariff plans of the “Everything” line. Postpay requires first use cellular services, and then pay for them. Postpaid TP of the “Everything” line can be connected at the Beeline office.

Unlimited Internet is available on any tariff plan of the family. That is, it can be used by both a subscriber who is a member of the “All 300” tariff plan and a client with activated product“All 1800.”

All products in the line also offer complete unlimited communication with network numbers throughout the country. In addition, absolutely TP includes packages of minutes for calls to other cellular directions, and SMS, with the ability to send throughout Russia.

How much does it cost to use TP for the “Everything” line? The subscription fee will depend on the TP option that the subscriber has chosen, as well as on the actual use of cellular services. That is, if the client’s phone has the “All 500” tariff plan, and he did not use extra minutes and SMS, its subscription fee will be 500 rubles. per month.

Family Features:

  • The TP cannot be used as an access point for Wi-Fi distribution;
  • TP is intended only for phones and smartphones. The product does not function on other devices;
  • any product in the line does not support downloading torrent files;
  • Connection speed may be reduced due to cellular network congestion.

All of the above described tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline are intended only for phones and smartphones. TP “Unlimited for tablet” involves using the product on tablet devices.

This Internet tariff provides completely unlimited Web access, without traffic or speed limits. TP is based on prepaid tariffication. The subscription fee is 890 rubles/month.

Despite the hefty fee, the product does not include free packages minutes and SMS. Moreover, on the TP it is not possible to use voice and text mobile communications. However, if desired, the subscriber can activate these services at the mobile operator’s office.

Features of TP:

  • the subscriber has access to downloading large files, including torrent protocols;
  • web connection is served at maximum speed;
  • Otherwise, the features of previous products are also inherent in this TP.

Through the Highway service you can get unlimited Internet on Beeline for your phone, tablet or modem. However, the function can only offer unlimited Internet on a phone or other device only indirectly.

Internet option provides unlimited use of Web access only at night (from 24.00 to 08.00 Moscow time). During the daytime, traffic from the provided package will be consumed.

As part of the Highway service, you can get packages of 8, 12 and 20 GB. Internet quota is allocated for a month. The cost of the service will depend on the option chosen by the subscriber:

  • “8 GB” – 600 rub./month;
  • “12 GB” – 700 rub./month;
  • “20 GB” – 1200 rub./month.

Features of the service:

  • high-speed Web flow may decrease depending on the region of residence of the subscriber. Maximum speed will only work in LTE networks(4G);
  • dedicated traffic is not consumed at night;
  • night unlimited stops working when connected to any tariff plan of the “Everything” family;
  • TP can be used on any device;
  • downloading torrent files is allowed.

Other tariffs from Beeline

Our company installs wireless equipment and connects unlimited Beeline Internet throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. We have the opportunity to issue inexpensive prices for you right on the spot. corporate rates, which are not in public access. Our equipment and SIM cards allow you to use the Internet without traffic restrictions and at high speeds - up to 100 Mbit/s and more.

Our universal antennas and modems allow you to receive unlimited 4G Internet from all operators cellular communications, including from the Beeline provider. Thanks to the precise orientation of highly directional antennas on base station and significant signal strengthening, unlimited mobile Internet from our company has become available in almost every corner of the Moscow region.

We provide all our clients with free access to unique, missing free access tariff plans from Beeline, most of which operate without traffic restrictions. For example, the largest limit on mobile connection, which can be purchased at the operator’s salon, is 60 GB per month. Moreover, the subscription fee for such public 4G tariffs is up to 6,000 rubles (“Absolutely Everything” tariff).

Unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline is especially profitable legal entities And individual entrepreneurs. Even if there is fiber optic line many business owners choose wireless connection from Beeline. This usually happens due to the rent for cable connection being 10-20 times higher than for individuals.

Thanks to high speed, just one SIM card can be used to operate an entire office. This costs tens of times less than connecting a separate modem to each computer. In addition, a conventional modem without amplifying equipment will not be able to provide sufficient comfortable work data transfer rate.

In principle, the Beeline company has tariff plans with unlimited Internet, but they are available only to legal entities with the ability to connect to fiber optics. At the same time, you will have to pay 2600/3200/5300 rubles per month for access to the network at a speed of 2/5/10 Mbit/s, respectively (the “Internet for Business” option). And this does not take into account the cost of connecting equipment and renting a communication channel.

As you can easily see, our mobile Internet is much more accessible and faster than any public offering. Contact our company and connect to real unlimited without any obvious or hidden restrictions!

Mobile Internet almost as good as a computer one. This function is especially relevant for advanced smartphones. By activating Beeline unlimited mobile Internet on a smartphone, the client gets the opportunity to use all the resources available from the computer. The subscriber will be able to work with bank cards, read the latest news, search, communicate on social networks and download content.
IN Lately, among operators, there is a struggle to attract customers using favorable conditions access to the World Wide Web. Beeline has compiled many service packages for the different needs of its subscribers. The client only needs to select the appropriate tariff and activate it.

Most service packages provide not only access to world wide web, but also additional options. Thus, in addition to traffic, the subscriber receives free minutes for conversations, hundreds of messages or other bonuses.

How to connect Beeline mobile Internet

Most often, access to the global network is activated immediately after turning on the SIM card. However, in some cases it is missing, due to incorrect settings or operator restrictions. In this case, you need to know how to connect the Internet to Beeline.
The user needs to make sure that the device supports the function and send a request to the number *110*181# . After executing the command, a message with settings will be sent to the sender’s phone. You can also order the configuration by calling 06503 .
It is also possible to produce manual settings. To do this, you need to create a “Beeline Internet” profile.

  • is registered in the access point (APN).
  • The PAP verification type is selected.
  • The APN-IPv4 protocol is installed.

Other settings usually do not need to be changed. The user only needs to enter the word Beeline in the login and password column and select the configuration in the settings of the browser used.

Unlimited Internet Beeline

A subscriber who knows how to connect unlimited Internet on his phone to Beeline will receive unlimited speed when working with 2,3 and 4G networks. The service operates throughout the country, but the settings for each tariff are different. First of all, the subscriber will need to configure the phone, and then select suitable plan services.
The service is available for all devices running on Android platform and iOS. But if the user wants to get a mobile unlimited traffic Beeline to a phone on a 4G network, he will have to buy or exchange a SIM card for a card that supports the function.
The company provides its customers with the opportunity to use unlimited Internet on other devices. For example, a smartphone can connect to a tablet or modem.

This requires:

  • Availability of a SIM card in all devices.
  • Registration of all numbers under one person.
  • Tariff change for additional SIM card. The package will be designed exclusively for online use, without SMS and calls.
  • Positive balance.

Internet on the “Everything” tariff line

The monthly fee for this package ranges from 200 to 2700 rubles, depending on the conditions. By activating the tariff, the user will receive 1, 2, 7, 10 and 15 GB for working with the World Wide Web. However, this is not all; the operator provides for the accrual of bonuses. The number of messages and minutes depends on the selected subscription fee.

  • Monthly fee 200 rub. 1 GB provided, free communication With Beeline subscribers and only 1.6 rubles/min for other operators. When 1 GB is consumed, the client is credited with another 150 MB for 20 rubles.
  • Monthly fee 400 rub. Includes 2 GB, free communication in the operator’s network, 400 minutes to other numbers in the region and 100 SMS.
  • Monthly fee 600 rub. 5 GB is provided, unlimited for online conversations, 600 minutes for other operators and 300 SMS.
  • Monthly fee 900 rub. Free calls to Beeline, 1000 minutes to any operators, 7 GB of traffic, 500 SMS.
  • Monthly fee 1500 rub. The package includes 10 GB, 1000 SMS, 2000 min, free calls online.
  • Monthly fee 2700 rub. Provided 15 GB, 4000 min, 3000 SMS.

Internet "Highway"

Also, Beeline subscribers should find out how to connect the Internet to their phone, without additional bonuses in the form of SMS and minutes. This option is called “Highway”. The minimum amount of traffic is 1 GB per month. Payment is charged daily, 7 rubles, but the first 7 days are free. The service is activated by code *115*04# .
The second package is “Highway 4 GB”. For the tariff, 400 rubles are charged. monthly. To connect to the service you need to dial *115*061# .
A service package containing 8 GB costs 600 rubles. It is activated using the command *115*071# .
The “Highway 12 GB” option will cost the user 700 rubles. To order it you need to dial *115*081# .
The last and largest is the 20 GB package. It connects with the command *115*090# .

Modern subscriber demands require operators to consistently increase their size available packages. This is especially true for Internet access. Ideally, users should not be limited in their capabilities and use traffic without worrying about unexpectedly exhausting the allocated limit. Fortunately, tariffs with Beeline unlimited Internet are provided especially for the most active customers.

There are few such offers in 2019, and those that are provided will require the connected subscriber to be ready to pay the subscription fee on time and not to forget to top up the balance.

An alternative way to unlimitedly connect to the network, allowing you to save on traffic fees, is to activate special options and services that remove restrictions on individual actions and virtual services.

There are unlimited tariff plans and profitable offer and for, but they are inferior to the traditional mobile Internet in the impossibility of constantly maintaining the ability to use them, since the modem needs to be connected to something.

When starting to consider and select a new tariff plan, you should seriously think about own desires compare them with the operator's capabilities. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the card with 4g and make sure that it is supported in the subscriber’s region of residence. high speed connection. When viewing the map and before making a decision to activate Beeline unlimited Internet without traffic restrictions, you should think about:

  • about the quality of connection in the selected region;
  • about the required traffic volumes (perhaps it makes sense to think about less expensive tariff plans);
  • about the possibilities of exhausting the selected package, taking into account the quality of the connection.

It is important to emphasize that, despite the operator’s plans already in 2019, many cities remain even without 3g, and therefore users do not always have the opportunity to spend even 15-20 GB, not to mention 30 or an unlimited number.

Consequently, sometimes connecting an expensive tariff does not make sense, and therefore it is worth assessing your own needs in advance in order to avoid thoughtless expenses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having made sure that there is a high-speed network nearby, it is worth assessing the main positive changes from the use of Beeline unlimited mobile Internet, taking a closer look at the weaknesses and understanding possible alternative solutions to the problem. The main advantages of having no restrictions include:

  1. the ability to freely visit websites, portals, online services;
  2. the ability to replace the usual online communication services with calls and communication via instant messengers or voice messages;
  3. constant availability of important virtual systems, programs, services that simplify everyday life;
  4. no worries due to unexpected depletion of the allocated limit.

Weaknesses to mention include:

  • the high cost of such tariff plans;
  • inability to distribute traffic to third party devices(access to the network is instantly limited);
  • dependence of connection quality on a variety of factors, including the current load on the operator.

Speaking about the alternative, it is worth pointing out that sometimes when additional traffic required for individual portals, services or social networks, connecting unlimited is pointless. It makes more sense to consider and activate additional options.

Beeline tariffs with unlimited internet

Despite the obvious relevance of introducing such tariffs, Beeline is in no hurry to actively introduce new offers. But to say that the operator is lagging behind its competitors is also wrong. Currently, customers are offered only 1 option for connecting Beeline unlimited Internet to their phone. The proposal in question is called "" and appeared quite recently. According to the current conditions, users are offered high-speed traffic without restrictions for 20 rubles per day. For an additional 3 rubles telephone company will lift the remaining restrictions, giving customers the opportunity to watch videos in HD quality. In addition, subscribers are provided with 500 minutes of calls, which, given the main purpose of the tariff plan, is sufficient.

It is worth adding that the final price for the month will be about 600 rubles, quite a bit.

From alternative options Please note:

  • " " with 30 GB for 50 rubles. daily;
  • " " with 60 GB for 83.33 rubles.

Even a cursory glance at the specified conditions will be enough to make sure that “” is noticeably superior to the listed options in attractiveness and benefit.

Unlimited Internet Beeline without restrictions

In addition to the described tariff, consideration and study deserve special options for smartphone. There are not many of them, but they are able to provide subscribers with access to the necessary portals and services and solve possible problems. Worthy of attention:

  1. "Unlimited cards".

In the first case, clients are offered unlimited access to social networks and use of official music apps. Traffic used for listening to music and communicating is not taken into account, but visiting social networks. networks is available even after the packets are completely exhausted.

The second option allows you to forget about roaming restrictions and restrictions. At the same time, the cost of the service is 350 rubles per day, but the write-off occurs only on those days when the subscriber actually used the traffic. It is important to remember that if you accidentally visit the site or update any program, you will not be able to get your money back by accident.

The last service was created for the use of navigators. Its cost is 3 rubles. daily, and therefore users who need it will not have to face unexpected difficulties when paying or a sharp increase in communication costs.

How to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline?

The easiest way to connect to Beeline unlimited Internet is to buy absolutely new SIM card with pre-installed tariff plan. Additionally allowed:

  • changing the tariff or activating an option on official portal mobile operator;
  • usage mobile application(the procedure is almost completely the same as connecting to your personal account);
  • introduction of special USSD commands;
  • call and help from consultants;
  • using the voice menu.

In addition, you can contact the managers at the communication salon and ask them to connect all the required services of Beeline office employees.