Enable chrome sync. How to set up data synchronization in the Google Chrome browser with your Google account

Google Chrome is one of the most popular and widespread browsers used by desktop and Android consumers.

For this purpose, enough was developed by Google employees convenient system data synchronization between different devices. Thanks to this, you can easily translate your saved bookmarks, tabs, and used passwords.

Why do you need synchronization in GoogleChrome?

Google Chrome has been developed quite useful feature. You only need to set up synchronization once and after that all your saved bookmarks, passwords, extensions will automatically appear on everyone connected devices. Your history will also be saved.

The essence of the synchronization process is that all information “gets” to the Google server and is stored there.

By logging into Chrome under your name from another device, the data automatically comes from the server to you. New versions now have the ability to synchronize work tabs. That is, if you open many tabs on one device, you can open them on another without any problems.

Saving bookmarks in Chrome using synchronization

For normal operation Synchronization requires a regular Google Chrome account. To do this, you just need to register and create an email address on mail.ru, if you have this moment you don't have it yet. After this you will have an account.

Data encryption is necessary to protect information between various devices and Google. Essentially, encryption can only be used for passwords.

Also, to obtain synchronized data, you can use not only a password, but also a passphrase. You should not forget it, as you will have to delete a lot of data later.

It turns out that to log in you need to enter:

This whole procedure is quite simple and easy. After it, an email will be displayed on the tabs in the right corner, which will indicate that you are in your account.

Using other bookmarking methods

Decide this question can also be done by setting visual bookmarks chrome, which can be done through extensions.

With this method, information is stored on a computer, but is also subject to possible insecurity.

Although this method is considered outdated by some, it also continues to be used. To do this, you need to use the cloud, in which visual bookmarks will be saved.

Setting up for synchronization in Chrome

Using the same Google account, sign in to Chrome on your PC and operating system.

For operating systems Windows, Mac OS and Linux

  1. Enter the menu and find the settings button.
  2. In the additional settings section, select the items you need by ticking.
  3. To confirm and save all actions, click OK.

Greetings, dear visitors of our site! In today's lesson we will take a closer look at how bookmarks are synchronized on multiple computers in the most popular browsersMozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. This problem may occur if you use several devices and do not always have time to copy saved bookmarks from one computer to another.

You can also synchronize extensions, passwords and history. I encountered this problem not long ago and, having solved it, decided to write an article about it.

Bookmark synchronization.

1. Mozilla Firefox.

Let's look at how to synchronize bookmarks on multiple computers in Mozilla. To do this we will use the built-in synchronization function Firefox Sync.

So, open Mozila on the first computer, click on Firefox button and select "Set up Sync":

Since we most likely don’t have an account yet, let’s create one. Click “Create an account”:

Enter the password, select the server “Default Mozilla Firefox Sync Server” and enter the captcha:

In the next window, check the boxes next to the items that you want to synchronize. In my case, I'll select only bookmarks and tabs:

You can now close this message and begin setup on your next computer.

Here you also need to open your browser and click “Configure Sync”:

In the next window you will see a code that you need to enter on the first computer:

You can also configure what exactly we will synchronize and select “Configure Sync”:

Now on the first computer in open browser V address bar enter about:home and in the window that opens at the bottom, select the “Synchronization” section:

In the window that appears, click “Connect to device”:

Now you need to enter the password from another computer:

If everything is done correctly, you will see the following message:

In order for bookmark synchronization to complete, you need to restart your browser. I also recommend saving the “Recovery Key” to your computer:

Your bookmarks are now synchronized!

2. Google Chrome.

This browser also has a built-in feature for synchronizing data between different computers.

To get started, open the Google Chrome browser. Click on the menu icon and select Settings:

In the tab that opens, select “ Additional settings synchronization". If necessary, log in to your Google account:

In the window that opens, configure everything so that bookmarks can be synchronized:

On other computers (devices), follow the same steps. After this, all bookmarks are synchronized.

Let me immediately note that about this browser extension you will find how positive reviews, and negative. Some points need to be taken into account, e.g. Mozilla browser you should download the extension from the official website xmarks.com (version 4.2.5).

So, go to the official website and click on your browser shortcut:

For mozilla, a window will open with a download button:

After installation you will need to restart the browser:

And, when you open Firefox again, you will see a message:

After that, open a browser on another computer. I decided to try Chrome.

Go to the official xmarks website again and select the Chrome shortcut. In the window that appears, click on the button on the right top corner:

Confirm installation:

Activate it:

Then select "Sign in to my account."

We talked about what browser synchronization is and in what cases it can be useful. Today we will consider the case of data synchronization in Google browser Chrome.

Developers of this browser For quite some time now we have been wondering about means of synchronizing user data. This issue is considered resolved starting from the 4th Chrome versions. To sync in Chrome additional funds, no extensions or additions required.

The built-in synchronization tool allows you to keep up-to-date information on all user devices. installed applications, extensions, as well as browser themes and settings.

Those of you who have been using it for a long time Google products probably already knows that the management of all services is tied to the account Google entry. For those of you who haven't used it before Google services, you will need to create your own account.

To do this, type google.ru in the address bar of your browser; in the upper right part of the window you will see the “Login” button. Click and in the window that appears, select the “Register” link. There shouldn't be any further problems.

Setting up synchronization in Google Chrome

  • 1. Launch the Google Chrome browser, open new tab and in the upper right corner you will see an invitation: “Don’t miss the opportunity - Login.” Feel free to click on this link.
  • 2. Next, in the window that opens, you will need to enter your account details. Google data: address Email and password. Click on the “Login” button.

  • 3. Default Chrome browser will synchronize all elements. To change synchronization settings (for example, if you do not want all your settings to be transferred to another device), in the next window, click on the “Advanced” link to specify specific synchronization items with another computer or device.

  • From the drop-down list, select “Select items to synchronize.” And check the box next to the synchronization parameters that suit you.

To complete synchronization, click on the “OK” button.

  • 4. To set up synchronization on another computer, you need to do the same thing we just did and specify the same Google account. Chrome data synchronization is now configured.

Deleting sync data

Friends, I want to warn you that all synchronization data is stored on the Google server. There is nothing terrible about this, but for security purposes I recommend that you uncheck the box next to “Passwords” in “Advanced synchronization settings”.

  • So, if you decide to delete your synchronization data, then you can only do this in your personal Google account. There is no option to delete them directly from the browser. To go to Personal Area go to your browser settings, go to the “Personal” tab and click on the link provided.

  • In the window that appears, click on the link “Stop synchronization and delete data from the Google server.”

Expanding synchronization capabilities - freshstart plugin

Google offers quite a lot convenient tool synchronization with wide possibilities. But synchronization of open tabs has not yet been implemented. For me, for example, this is necessity No. 1. I’m used to launching a browser that immediately opens for me the resources that I visit every day - these are several tabs that may contain your favorite sites.

  • 1. You can solve the tab synchronization problem using the “FreshStart” extension. I suggest installing it from the Chrome Web Store. To do this, go to your browser settings -> “Tools” -> “Extensions” -> at the end of the list of extensions, follow the link “More extensions” -> in the store search bar, enter the name of the extension “FreshStart”.

  • 2. Next, click on the “Install” button and once again confirm your intentions to install the add-on by clicking on the “Install” button.

The principle of operation of the add-on is very simple: the application saves sessions to a folder that is added to your browser bookmarks. And when using the built-in synchronization tools of the Google Chrome browser, we also synchronize saved sessions.

  • 3. After installing the add-on, click on the “FreshStart” icon, a window will open displaying options for saving and restoring sessions. It should be noted that all sessions are saved only upon user request.

Enter the name of the session, check those open tabs that you want to save for synchronization and click the “Save” button.

  • 4. Automatic saving sessions occurs only when the “ Disaster recovery tabs" (this feature is disabled by default). To enable it, click on the link at the bottom of the “Enable crash recovery” add-on window.

Everything is simple here: check the box next to “Enable Crash Recovery”, specify the frequency of saving sessions and click the “Save” button.

  • 5. Now install the extension on another computer, enable Crome bookmark synchronization as indicated earlier. And the saved sessions will appear in the right list of the extension in the “Restore Session” section. Click on the “My Session” session (in my case, the saved session is called that way), and the saved tabs will open in a new window.
  • 6. Before opening a saved session, you can edit it. To do this, hover over the session and click on the “Edit” button.

The headers of the saved pages will open. You can edit this list and save the results by clicking on the “Save” button. Tab synchronization is complete. Enjoy it for your health.

Write if something doesn't work out.

If you turn on synchronization, the following will be available on all your devices:

  • bookmarks;
  • history and open tabs;
  • passwords;
  • autofill and saved data bank cards;
  • settings.

How to set up data synchronization

If you have enabled synchronization, then all profile data will be saved in your Google account. However, you can choose which information is synchronized.

How to change Google account for synchronization

When you change your account, all bookmarks, passwords, history and other synchronized data will be copied to the new account.

You can choose the option Don't merge data. The information saved on the device will be deleted and replaced with the new account information.

How to provide additional data protection

Once you create a passphrase, you can use Google cloud for storing and synchronizing Chrome data. Google will not have access to your information. Please note that payment methods and addresses are from Google Pay are not encrypted with a passphrase.

It is not necessary to use a passphrase. Synced information is always encrypted during transmission between the device and the server.

How to reset your passphrase

If you change the passphrase, all synced data will be deleted from Google servers, and the devices will be disconnected from the account. Please note that payment methods and addresses from Google Pay are not encrypted with a passphrase.

Bookmarks, passwords, history and others Chrome settings. saved on the device will not be affected. When you sign back into Chrome on it, data synchronization with your account will resume.

Step 1: Remove the passphrase

Synchronization will resume, but without the passphrase.

Step 2: Create a new passphrase (optional)

  1. Select an account.
  2. Click Synchronization.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, select Encryption.
  4. Select Encrypt synced data using a passphrase.
  5. Enter and confirm the passphrase.
  6. Click Save.

How to use Chrome data on all devices

By turning on data synchronization, you can use it on your other devices.

Changes to settings apply to all devices.

How to fix sync problems

If you notice that Chrome data are not saved on other devices, try turning the synchronization function off and on again.

One of significant functions Google Chrome browser is a synchronization function that allows you to have access to all saved bookmarks, browsing history, installed add-ons, passwords, etc. from any device with Chrome browser installed and signed in to your Google account. Below we will talk in more detail about synchronizing bookmarks in Google Chrome.

Bookmark synchronization is effective method Always have saved web pages at hand. For example, you bookmarked a page on your computer. When you return home, you can access the same page again, but from a mobile device, because this bookmark will be instantly synchronized with your account and added to all your devices.

How to sync bookmarks in Google Chrome?

Data synchronization can only be performed if you have a registered account Google mail, in which all your browser information will be stored. If you don't have a Google account, register one.

Next, when you have a Google account, you can start setting up synchronization in Google Chrome. First, we need to log into your account in the browser - to do this, in the upper right corner you will need to click on the profile icon, after which you will need to select the button in the pop-up window "Sign in to Chrome" .

Next, of course, you will need to enter the password for mail account and then click on the button "Further" .

After logging into your Google account, the system will notify you that synchronization has begun.

Actually, we are almost there. By default, the browser synchronizes all data between devices. If you want to verify this or adjust the synchronization settings, click on the Chrome menu button in the upper right corner, and then go to the section "Settings" .

At the very top of the settings window there is a block "Entrance" in which you need to click on the button "Advanced synchronization settings" .

As noted above, by default the browser synchronizes all data. If you only want to sync bookmarks (and skip passwords, add-ons, history, and other information), then select the option in the top area of ​​the window "Select objects to synchronize" , and then uncheck those items that are from your account will not be synchronized.

This completes the synchronization setup. Using the recommendations already described above, you will need to activate synchronization on other computers ( mobile devices) on which the Google Chrome browser is installed. From now on, you can be sure that all your bookmarks are synchronized, which means that this data will not be lost anywhere.