Hotkeys ctrl z. Hotkeys Windows, Chrome, Opera, Firefox. description of keys, shortcuts and combinations on the keyboard

Google Chrome

  • Ctrl+L or ALT+D or F6 - go to the address bar and select its contents;
  • Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E - go to the address bar and enter a query to the default search engine;
  • Ctrl+Enter - will turn tratata in the address bar into www.tratata. com:)
  • Ctrl+T - new tab;
  • Ctrl+N - new window;
  • Ctrl+Shift+T - return the last closed tab;
  • Ctrl+Shift+N - secret level of "Chrome" :) New window in "Incognito" mode;
  • Shift+Esc - another secret level :) Built-in task manager;
  • Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PageDown - as elsewhere, scroll through the tabs from left to right;
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PageUp - scroll through the tabs from right to left;
  • Ctrl+1, ..., Ctrl+8 - switches between the first eight tabs;
  • Ctrl+9 - switches to the last tab;
  • Backspace or Alt+left arrow - go to the previous page in the history of the current tab;
  • Shift+Backspace or Alt+right arrow - go to the next page in the history of the current tab;
  • Shift+Alt+T - switch to the button toolbar; after that, you can navigate through it using the left and right arrows, and select a button by pressing Enter;
  • Ctrl+J - open the all downloads tab;
  • Ctrl+Shift+J - open developer tools (View element code menu);
  • Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 - close the active tab or pop-up window;
  • Ctrl+R or F5 - as elsewhere, refresh (open tab);
  • Ctrl+H - open the History tab;
  • Ctrl+Shift+Delete - clear history window;
  • Ctrl+F or Ctrl+G - search for text on an open page;
  • Ctrl+U - view the HTML source of the page; By the way, an address bar like view-source:FULL_URL will show the source from this URL;
  • Ctrl+O - as elsewhere, the file opening window... and the "File" menu do not need to be searched;
  • Ctrl+S - similar - saving the current page;
  • Ctrl+P - print the current page;
  • Ctrl+D - add to bookmarks, like most browsers;
  • Ctrl+Shift+B - open Bookmark Manager;
  • Alt+Home - return to the home page;
  • Ctrl++ (plus), Ctrl+- (minus) - zoom in and out; “plus” and “minus” can be regular or gray;
  • Ctrl+0 - return to display scale 100%;
  • F11 - full screen and back.
  • Opening links in Chrome is also convenient, once you get used to it, and you don’t need the right mouse button:
  • Ctrl + click on the link (option - click on the link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - open the link in a new tab without switching to it;
  • Ctrl + Shift + clicking on the link (option - Shift + clicking on the link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - open the link in a new tab and switch to it;
  • Shift + click on a link - open the link in a new window.
  • Raise or lower the page. Spacebar – lower the page, Shift+Space – raise the page.
  • Find. Ctrl+F or Alt-N for next page.
  • Bookmark this page. Ctrl+D.
  • Quick search./.
  • New inset. Ctrl+T.
  • Go to the search bar. Ctrl+K.
  • Go to address bar. Ctrl+L.
  • Increase text size. Ctrl+=. Reduce text sizeCtrl+-
  • Close tab. Ctrl-W.
  • Refresh the page. F5.
  • Go to home page. Alt-Home.
  • Restore a closed page. Ctrl+Shift+T.
  • Bookmarks by keywords. This is the most productive. If you visit a site frequently, you bookmark it (of course!), then go to bookmark properties (right-click on them). Add a short keyword to the keyword input line, save, and after that you can simply enter this keyword in the address bar (Ctrl+L) and immediately go to the site.
  • Write a new letter. C.
  • Reply to the letter. R.
  • Reply to all.A.
  • Forward the letter. F.
  • Save the current letter and open the next letter.Y+O.
  • Delete the letter and open the next one. #+O (or Shift-3+O).
  • Send a written letter. Tab-Enter.
  • Search. /.
  • Navigation. Move down J and up K through the contact list.
  • List of messages. N and P move the cursor to the next or previous message in the message list.
  • Ignore. M– letters with marked addresses are no longer included in the list of incoming letters and are archived.
  • Select a chain of letters. X – the email chain will be selected. You can archive it, apply a shortcut to it, and select an action for it.
  • Save draft. Control-S.
  • Go to the list of messages. G+I.
  • Go to tagged emails. G+S.
  • Go to address book. G+C.
  • Create shortcut key combinations. To create keyboard shortcuts for quick switching, right-click on the shortcut key creation icon (there is one on your desktop) and enter the combination. For example, such as Ctrl-Alt-W for the Word program.
  • Switch between windows. Alt-Tab – select the desired window, then lower the keys. Or, hold down the Windows key, press Tab to cycle through the taskbar buttons to find the window you want, then press Enter when you find it. If you add a Shift button to any of these methods, window selection will be done in the reverse direction.
  • Go to desktop. Windows key-D.
  • Context menu. Instead of right-clicking, press Shift-F10. Then scroll up or down the menu using the up and down arrow keys.
  • Shutdown. To quickly shut down your computer, press the Window key and then U. With this key, you can also press S to pause, U to shut down, or R to restart.
  • The most general. You know this, of course, but for beginners you need to mention the most famous combinations: Ctrl-O – open, Ctrl-S – save, Ctrl-N – open a new document, Ctrl-W – close window, Ctrl-C – copy, Ctrl -V – paste, Ctrl-X – cut. Ctrl-Z – undo (backward), Ctrl-Y – undo (forward). To see the contents of the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl-C twice. Ctrl-Home – go to the beginning of the document, Ctrl-End – go to the end.
  • Menu. When you press Alt, a menu appears that you need to navigate using the arrow buttons. Alt plus the underlined letter of each menu option leads to the use of that option. Or simply remembers the key combination for this option for even faster use.
  • Windows Explorer. Windows-E - My Computer program starts.
Mac OS X
  • Switch Dock. Option-Cmd-D – show/hide Dock.
  • Hide everything else. Cmd-Option-H hides all other windows except the one you are in. Lightens your screen.
  • Close a window. Cmd-W closes the active open window. Option-Cmd-W closes all open windows.
  • Expand directory. Option-Cmd-Right Arrow – Expand a directory and subdirectories in a list in Finder.
  • Back and forth. Cmd-[ andCmd-] works with Finder, Safari and Firefox.
  • Copy screen. Cmd-Shift-3 – for the entire screen. Cmd-Shift-4 – Creates a border to copy the selected portion of the screen.
  • Exit. Shift-Cmd-Q – exit will take place in 2 minutes. Shift-Option-Cmd-Q – exit immediately.
  • Empty trash. Shift-Cmd-Delete.
  • New window in Safari. Cmd-T.
  • Help. Cmd-shift-?.
  • Loading CD. Press C and during startup (immediately after the melody) load a CD.
  • Boot from another department. Option-Cmd-Shift-Delete – will begin booting until another partition is found, such as a CD or disk.
  • Additional Information. Cmd-Option-I opens a window with additional information that allows you to see and compare many files and folders in one window.
  • Sleep mode, reboot and shutdown. Cmd-option-eject, Cmd-ctrl-eject, and Cmd-Option-ctrl-eject.
  • Forced shutdown. Cmd-opt-Esc is basic, but very useful.
  • Fast FTP protocol. Cmd-K will open a connection to the server.
MS Excel
  • Edit cell. F2. This is probably the main key you need to know.
  • Column selection. Ctrl-space.
  • Row selection. Shift-Space.
  • Monetary format. Ctrl+Shift+4 (more precisely, Ctrl+$).
  • Percentage format. Ctrl+Shift+5 (more precisely, Ctrl+%).
  • Back to the beginning. Ctrl-Home makes cell A1 active.
  • Enter the current date. Ctrl-colon.
  • Enter the current time. Ctrl is the division sign.
  • Copy cells. Ctrl - double quotes will copy the top cells (no formatting).
  • Cell format. Ctrl-1 will open the Format Cells window.
  • Navigation. Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown.
  • Multiple input. Ctrl-Enter, instead of just Enter, after entering data in one of several selected cells, will transfer the data to all other selected cells.
MS Word
  • Default formatting. Ctrl-Space enables normal styling for the current selection and subsequent text entry.
  • Spacing between paragraphs. Ctrl-0 (upper zero on the keyboard) adds or removes space before the current paragraph. Ctrl-1 (at the top of the keyboard) – single paragraph line spacing. Ctrl-2 (top of the keyboard) – double paragraph line spacing. Ctrl-5 (at the top of the keyboard) changes the line spacing to one and a half.
  • Update date and time. Alt-Shift-D – make date updates. Alt-Shift-T – make time updates.

In this lesson, you will find the main Windows 7 hotkeys; after reading, you will use your computer much more efficiently than you used it before.

Hotkeys is a method of interaction between the keyboard and the computer. This method consists of executing commands (operations) on a computer using keys or key combinations to which commands (operations) are programmed.

It’s very difficult to get used to something new, so you shouldn’t start memorizing all the keys. To begin with, take 10-20 pieces to use, and then use others, so to speak, expanding your knowledge. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each program can use its own hot keys, which were programmed by the developers of this program.

If you use Windows 7 hotkeys daily, at least 10 of them, you will notice how much more efficient your work will become. See the list of hotkeys in Windows 7 below.

List of hotkeys

Hotkeys for working with text and files

I advise you to use the hotkeys that are in this section, be sure to learn and use them always.

Ctrl + C– Copy selected elements.

Ctrl+A- Select all. If you are in a text document, then when you press these keys you will select all the text, and if you are in a folder where there are other objects, then you can select all files and folders.

Ctrl + X- Cut out. The command cuts selected items (files, folders or text).

Ctrl + V- Insert. Paste copied or cut items.

Ctrl + Z- Cancel. Cancel actions, for example, if you accidentally deleted text in MS Word, then use these keys to return the original text back (cancel input and actions).

ALT+ ENTER or ALT + Double-click the left mouse button– View properties of the selected element(s) (applicable for files).

CTRL+F4- Close the current window in the program.

Deleting files and text

Delete- Delete the selected element(s). If you use this key in text, then placing the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and clicking on the “Delete” button, deletion will occur from left to right.

Shift+Delete- Delete item(s) bypassing the trash. For files and folders.

Backspace - Deleting text. If you are working in a text editor, then this key can be used to delete text; place the cursor, say, in the middle of a sentence, by clicking on the “Backspace” button, deleting will occur from right to left.


— Open the Start menu or CTRL + ESC, the button is usually located between the buttons CTRL And ALT.

+F1- Reference.

+B- Move the cursor to the tray.

+M- Minimize all windows.

+D- Show desktop (collapse all windows, and when pressed again, maximize windows).

+ E— Open My Computer.

+F- Open the search window.

+G– Show gadgets on top of windows.

+L– Lock the computer. If you move away from the computer, be sure to use these keys to quickly lock the computer. Very useful if you have children or ill-wishers who can read your personal information.

+P– Projector control. If a projector is connected, these keys will quickly switch between the projector and the computer.

+ R– Open the “Run” window.

+ T– One by one, we move the focus sequentially on the icons that are located in the taskbar.

+U– Open the Ease of Access Center window.

+X– Call “Mobility Center” (laptops and netbooks).

+ Tab– Call “Flip 3D”. When clicked, you can use the mouse to select the window.

+ Space– Desktop view (Aero Peak). All windows will become transparent.

+ Arrow– Control the location of the active window. Pressing the up arrow - maximize, down - minimize, left - snap to left edge, right - snap to right edge.

+Pause— Open the “System Properties” window.

+ Home— Minimize all windows except the active window; pressing again will open the minimized windows. + 5, the player will open.

Alt + Tab– Switch between windows and applications.

Shift + Ctrl + N- Create a new folder.

SHIFT+ F10– Displays options for the selected element.

Shift + Arrow – Selection . The arrows used are left, right, down and up. Applicable for text and files.

CTRL- Selection of elements. By holding CTRL you can selectively select elements. For example, while in a folder, left-click on the folders that you want to copy or cut, after selecting, release CTRL and get the folders you selected for further work with them.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc– Open task manager.

CTRL+TAB– Jump forward through bookmarks.

Alt + F4– Close the window or exit the application.

ALT + Space- Display the system menu for the current window.

F2- Rename. Select the object and press the F2 button .

F5- Refresh window. It is often used in the browser if the page is frozen or information needs to be updated. Applies also if you are in a folder or program.

F10 - Activate menu.

Esc- Cancel the operation. When you open, for example, the properties of a folder by pressing the ESC button, the Properties window will close.

ENTER– Open the selected element.

TAB- Go forward through options.

P.S. Dessert for today, video about Windows 7 hotkeys.

The possibilities of Windows 7 seem limitless: creating documents, sending letters, writing programs, processing photos, audio and video materials is not a complete list of what can be done using this smart machine. However, the operating system contains secrets that are not known to every user, but allow for optimized operation. One of these is the use of hotkey combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts on Windows 7 are specific combinations that can be used to perform various tasks. Of course, you can use a mouse for this, but knowing these combinations will allow you to do work on your computer faster and easier.

Classic keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7

  • Ctrl+C– Copies text fragments (which were previously selected) or electronic documents;
  • Ctrl+V– Inserting text fragments or files;
  • Ctrl+A– Selecting text in a document or all elements in a directory;
  • Ctrl+X– Cutting out part of the text or any files. This command is different from the command "Copy" the fact that when inserting a cut fragment of text/files, this fragment is not saved in its original location;
  • Ctrl+S– Procedure for saving a document or project;
  • Ctrl+P– Calls up the settings and printing tab;
  • Ctrl+O– Calls up a tab for selecting a document or project that can be opened;
  • Ctrl+N– The procedure for creating new documents or projects;
  • Ctrl+Z– The operation of canceling a completed action;
  • Ctrl+Y– The operation of repeating a completed action;
  • Delete– Deleting an element. If you use this key with a file, it will be moved to "Basket". If you accidentally delete a file from there, you can restore it;
  • Shift+Delete– Deleting a file permanently, without moving it to "Basket".

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 when working with text

In addition to the classic Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts, there are special combinations that execute commands when the user works with text. Knowledge of these commands will be especially useful for those who are learning or already practicing touch typing on the keyboard. Thus, you can not only quickly type text, but also edit it. Similar combinations can work in various editors.

  • Ctrl+B– Makes the selected text bold;
  • Ctrl+I– Makes the selected text italic;
  • Ctrl+U— Makes the selected text underlined;
  • Ctrl+"arrow (left, right)"– Moves the cursor in the text either to the beginning of the current word (by pressing the left arrow) or to the beginning of the next word in the text (by pressing the right arrow). If you also hold down the key during this command Shift, then the cursor will not move, but words will be highlighted to the right or left of it, depending on the arrow;
  • Ctrl+Home– Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document (no need to select text to move);
  • Ctrl+End– Moves the cursor to the end of the document (the transfer will occur without selecting text);
  • Delete– Deletes text that has been selected.

Keyboard shortcuts when working with Explorer, Windows, Desktop Windows 7

Windows 7 allows you to use keys to execute various commands to switch and change the appearance of windows when working with panels and Explorer. All this is aimed at increasing the speed and convenience of work.

  • Win+Home– Maximizes all background windows. When pressed again, it collapses them;
  • Alt+Enter– Switch to full screen mode. When pressed again, the command returns to its original position;
  • Win+D– Hides all open windows; when pressed again, the command returns everything to its original position;
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete– Calls up a window in which you can perform the following actions: "Lock computer", "Change user", "Log out", "Change password…", "Start Task Manager";
  • Ctrl+Alt+ESC— Calls "Task Manager";
  • Win+R– Opens a tab "Running the program"(team "Start""Run");
  • PrtSc (PrintScreen)– Launching a full screenshot procedure;
  • Alt+PrtSc– Starting the procedure for snapshotting only a specific window;
  • F6– Moving the user between different panels;
  • Win+T– A procedure that allows you to switch directly between windows on the taskbar;
  • Win+Shift– A procedure that allows you to switch in the opposite direction between windows on the taskbar;
  • Shift+RMB– Activation of the main menu for windows;
  • Win+Home— Expand or collapse all windows in the background;
  • Win+"up arrow"– Enables full screen mode for the window in which the work is being performed;
  • Win+"arrow to down"— Changing the size of the involved window to a smaller side;
  • Shift+Win+"up arrow"— Enlarges the involved window to the size of the entire desktop;
  • Win+"left arrow"– Moves the involved window to the leftmost area of ​​the screen;
  • Win+"right arrow"– Moves the involved window to the rightmost area of ​​the screen;
  • Ctrl+Shift+N– Creates a new directory in Explorer;
  • Alt+P– Enable overview panel for digital signatures;
  • Alt+"up arrow"– Allows you to move between directories one level up;
  • Shift+RMB on file— Launching additional functionality in the context menu;
  • Shift+RMB on folder– Inclusion of additional items in the context menu;
  • Win+P– Enabling the function of adjacent equipment or additional screen;
  • Win++ or – Enabling the screen magnifier functionality on Windows 7. Increases or decreases the scale of icons on the screen;
  • Win+G– Start moving between active directories.

Windows hotkeys are used to simplify (speed up) the user's work with the computer. This is achieved by minimizing user interaction with the mouse.

Most combinations combine the Windows logo key with other keys on your keyboard. For example, the keyboard shortcut Windows+M minimizes all open windows. Agree, this is much faster and more convenient than minimizing all windows individually.

Now let's move directly to the topic of the article. Although these keyboard shortcuts are designed to make life easier for the user, in some cases it may be necessary to disable them. How to disable Windows hotkeys? Let's look at a few options.

Using gpedit.msc

1.Open the menu Start.

2. Select an item Execute.

gpedit.msc and press Enter.

If you have Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic or Starter, then use the instructions to run gpedit.msc.

4. In the window that opens , on the left in the menu tree select items User Configuration - Administrative Templates - ComponentsWindows - ExplorerWindows

5. In the list of parameters on the right we find the line Disable keyboard shortcutsWindows+X and click on it 2 times.

6. A window will appear in which you need to select the item Turn on and press OK.

7. Close the window Local Group Policy Editor and restart the computer.

As a result of performing the above steps, all hotkeys using the key will be disabled Windows.

Using Registry Editor

Attention! Using Registry Editor incorrectly can damage your computer's operating system. Therefore, follow the steps described below very carefully. It would be a good idea to create a system restore point.

1.Open the menu Start.

2. Select an item Execute.

3. In the window that appears, enter regedit and press Enter.


If at point Policies there is a section Explorer, then go to point 7.

Policies Create, then Chapter.

6. Rename the newly created section to Explorer.

7. Right-click on the section Explorer and in the context menu select the item Create, then ParameterDWORD (32 bits).

8. Assign a name to the created parameter NoWinKeys.

9. Right-click on the parameter NoWinKeys and select the item Change.

10. Enter the value 1 and press OK.

11. Close the registry editor window and restart the computer.

As with the first option, in this case all hotkeys using the key will also be disabled Windows.

Disabling individual hotkeys

Both options described above disable all hotkeys. But how can you disable individual hotkeys? To do this you need to do the following:

1.Open the menu Start.

2. Select an item Execute.

3. In the window that appears, enter regedit and press Enter.

4. The Registry Editor will open, in which you need to go to the following section:


5. Right-click on the section Advanced and in the context menu select the item Create, then Expandable string parameter.

6. Assign a name to the created parameter DisabledHotKeys.

7. Right-click on the parameter DisabledHotKeys and select the item Change.

8. Next, you need to enter the characters used in the Windows hotkey combinations that you want to disable. For example, if you want to prohibit combinations Windows+R And Windows+E, then you need to assign a value to the string parameter RE.

Now consider an example in which you need to prohibit a combination with a key that is not associated with any letter of the Latin alphabet or number. In this case, you need to use virtual key codes and a table of ASCII character codes.

Here we will not discuss what virtual key codes are and provide a table of ASCII codes, because There is enough information on the Internet on these issues. Let's consider just one option using the example of a hotkey combination Windows+Home.

And so, the key Home corresponds to the virtual key code 24 . But to us in the string parameter DisabledHotKeys you need to enter a character. Therefore, using the table of ASCII character codes, we find which character the number 24 corresponds to. In our case, this is the character $ .

Now if we want to block hotkey combinations Windows+R, Windows+E And Windows+Home, needed in a string parameter DisabledHotKeys enter value RE$.

9. Close the registry editor window and restart the computer.

That's all. Now you know how to disable Windows hotkeys in three different ways.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! I won’t be mistaken if I say that many ordinary users, when sitting at a computer, never use Hotkeys. Most people control their computer by manipulating the mouse. Even many of my friends, to whom I showed some key combinations for speed and convenience of working at the computer, did not immediately understand the point of using them.

The force of habit does not allow many to give up what they are used to. This is how man is made. But, having tried several times to perform this or that operation on the computer using keyboard shortcuts, after a while many begin to use them automatically. I hope that the recommendations listed below for using the keys on the keyboard will be useful to someone and will make it easier to stay at the computer.

Keyboard shortcut.

Hotkeys allow users to optimize their work on the computer and not interrupt the creative process with any nonsense. Using standard keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly execute the necessary commands (undo an action, copy and paste text, take a screenshot, switch the language and even turn off the computer) without being distracted or even looking at the keyboard. By the way, Windows hotkeys operate in almost all applications of this operating system. It doesn't matter whether you're running Windows 7 or Windows XP. Let me give you a simple example of how the undo hotkeys “Ctrl” + “Z” work. To undo the last action, press the left “Ctrl” key and, while holding it, press the English “Z” key. If you want to undo multiple actions, press the "Z" key several times. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what language you have enabled. More often keyboard shortcuts work the same in Russian and English layouts.

Keyboard keys for searching.

It is very convenient to use the search keys “Ctrl” + “F”. They allow you to quickly find a phrase in a document, and work with text is greatly simplified. By the way, search keys can also be used on website pages. When you press "Ctrl" + "F", a small box will appear in the top right in Google Chrome (top left in Opera, bottom in Mazilla) where you can enter the word or phrase you want to search for on the page. If such a word is on the page, it will be highlighted in yellow or orange in your browser. The same line will contain the number of words found on the page, as well as arrows that allow you to quickly move to the next option. Just don't get confused hotkeys search with site search. They only work on the page that is open in your browser.

How to select text using the keyboard.

Hotkey combinations are also used to highlight text. For example, if the text document is very large and you need to select it completely, use mouse cursor not very convenient. It's much easier to press "Ctrl" + "A" and all the text will be selected. To select a piece of text from the cursor to the left or right, press the Shift key and, while holding it, press the ← and → arrows. Each time you press the arrow, the next letter will be highlighted. True, it takes a long time to highlight text this way, but it can be useful. And to select text from the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, you can use the combinations “Shift” + “Home” and “Shift” + “End”. In the same way, you can select text from the cursor in entire lines, up or down. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the desired place, press the “Shift” key and, while holding it, use the arrows “” and “↓”. By the way, pressing the opposite arrow removes the selection. To remove a selection, you can click anywhere in the open document. In some applications, you can deselect using the “Ctrl” + “D” keys, but they do not work everywhere. For example, the virtual keyboard does not respond to this particular combination.

How to copy text using the keyboard.

Many are also interested in what keys to use to copy in different applications. To do this, use the combination “Ctrl” + “C”. The keys work the same way in text documents, in graphic editors and in other programs. It is enough to select the desired fragment with the cursor and copy it using the keys. Moreover, these same keyboard keys are used to copy some files. But there is one caveat. If you want to copy text published on a website, you may not be able to. This is the text copy protection that was installed by the resource owner. About, how to copy uncopiable text from such sites, described in more detail in another material.

How to insert text using the keyboard.

To paste text from the clipboard, you can press the hotkeys “Ctrl” + “V”. They also work in different applications. you can use hotkeys paste in text documents or when copying a file. It is especially convenient to use them to insert a large number of identical objects (for example, symbols that you want to use in a document many times).

How to switch the keyboard to English.

We switch the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa a hundred times a day, without even noticing it. Most often we use for this language switch RU/EN, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right, on the taskbar. But it is much more convenient to do this using the keyboard shortcut “Alt” + “Shift”. Over time, you begin to use these keys automatically. You just keep typing on the keyboard and don't think about how to switch to English and back.

How to restart your computer using the keyboard.

There is one more key combination you need to know. If the computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, press the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del” keys simultaneously. A Task Manager window will open, listing all the applications you have running. When you see the “Not working” status opposite any of them, click on the “Cancel task” button.

If the mouse does not work, use the Tab key to select. When the End Task button is highlighted, press Enter. You also need to know what keys You can log out if your mouse is broken. So, to reboot quickly or at all turn off computer, press the Windows key. It is located at the bottom, on both sides of the keyboard, and displays the logo of this operating system. When the main menu window appears, press the "↓" key until the "Shutdown" button is highlighted. Press “Enter”, the standard “Turn off computer” window will appear. Using the “←” and “→” keys, select the “Shutdown” or “Reboot” command and press “Enter”. To cancel this action and return to the system, press "Esc".

Of course, there are other options for keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations on your computer. But in this post I shared the most common ones, which I use all the time myself and recommend to you, my readers. I wish everyone good luck!!