Convert pdf to word with editing capabilities. How to convert a PDF file into Word for text editing online for free: step-by-step instructions. How to transfer a document from PDF to Word online

The need to convert a document PDF format to a text file Microsoft Word, whether DOC or DOCX, can occur in many cases and according to various reasons. Some people need this for work, others for personal purposes, but the essence is often the same - you need to convert PDF into a document suitable for editing and compatible with the generally accepted office standard - the MS Office package. At the same time, it is highly desirable to preserve its original formatting. All this can be done using , formerly known as Adobe Reader.

Downloading this program, as well as its installation, has certain subtleties and nuances, all of them are described in detail in the instructions on our website, so in this article we will immediately begin the solution main task— converting PDF to Word.

Over the years of its existence, the Adobe Acrobat program has improved significantly. If earlier it was just a pleasant tool for reading, now it has many useful functions, including what we need so much.

Note: after you install Adobe Acrobat DC to your computer, in all programs included in Microsoft package Office, a separate tab will appear on the toolbar - "ACROBAT". In it you will find necessary tools for working with PDF documents.

1. Open the PDF file you want to convert in Adobe Acrobat.

2. Select an item « Export PDF» , located on the right panel of the program.

3. Select the desired format (in our case it is Microsoft Word) and then select "Word Document" or "Document Word 97 - 2003", depending on which Office generation file you want to receive as output.

4. If necessary, make export settings by clicking on the gear next to the item "Word Document".

5. Click on the button "Export".

6. Set the file name (optional).

7. Done, the file is converted.

Adobe Acrobat automatically recognizes text on pages; moreover, this program can be used to convert a scanned document into Word format. By the way, it equally well recognizes not only text but also pictures when exporting, making them suitable for editing (rotating, resizing, etc.) directly in the Microsoft Word environment.

In case you do not need to export PDF file entirely, and you only need a separate fragment or fragments, you can simply select this text in Adobe Acrobat, copy it by clicking Ctrl+C, and then paste into Word by clicking Ctrl+V. The text layout (indents, paragraphs, headings) will remain the same as in the source, but the font size may need to be adjusted.

That's all, now you know how to convert PDF to Word. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, especially if you have such useful program, like Adobe Acrobat.

It often happens that you urgently need to convert a PDF file into a Word document. Is it worth purchasing expensive software for a single case? Of course no. Thanks to the help of the international online community, users today can convert from PDF to Word completely free of charge. Moreover, the converted file can be edited and converted back to PDF format. FreelanceToday brings to your attention 8 free converters from PDF to Word.

UniPDF is completely free PDF converter with all the necessary functionality. The software is designed to make it extremely easy to use. The converter not only converts text documents, but also images and HTML code. UniPDF supports conversion from PDF and Word in batch mode. The conversion takes only a few seconds. If you need to quickly convert files, but online tools are too slow, then the easiest way is to download UniPDF and install this useful utility on your computer. The converter supports most European languages, including Russian. Works with all Windows operating systems starting from version 2000.

The Nitro service can be called free only conditionally; it is more of a tool for professionals, but not a large number of files can be converted without a subscription. Features of this converter: creation of PDF files that are fully compatible with Adobe Acrobat, ease of use, converting PDF to Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and others popular formats. The converter allows you to change text formatting, change fonts, customize layouts, etc. Optical character recognition turns scanned documents into high-quality PDF files.

PDFMate PDF program Converter Free converts not only from PDF to Word. If you need to read e-book in PDF format on a device that supports EPUB, then nothing could be easier. All you need to do is download this free software and install it on your computer. Using the converter you can also convert PDF to JPG images and JPEG, convert PDF files into editable HTML documents without losing critical data, text content and hyperlinks. The software also supports conversion from PDF to SWF files. I have an opportunity batch conversion– the user can quickly convert multiple PDF files to other formats at one time. is free online service, supported by Nitro. From PDF you can convert to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Reverse conversion is also supported. The service is very simple, you just need to select the right pair formats, indicate your address Email and click the Convert Now button. If you wish, you can subscribe to news, tips and offers from the Nitro service. Very useful tool, when you need to convert a PDF file quickly and without much hassle. Perhaps the result will not be a very high-quality file for Word, but the conversion will be completely free. If necessary high quality and advanced functionality, then on the same page you can use paid tools from the Nitro service.

The free and secure online service provides fast and high-quality conversion of PDF files to Word format. This tool is different high performance, and the possibility of reverse conversion of the most common text and graphic formats. The service will be very useful for those who often have to make format conversions - it successfully solves the problem correct display PDF documents on mobile devices. The tool is constantly updated and improved, which eliminates compatibility problems.

The main distinctive PDF feature files, which led to the wide popularity of this format text files V last years, it became that PDF documents look the same on all devices running different operating systems. Currently this format text and graphic files are used for publishing electronic versions books, glossy magazines, scientific and other documents. As long as you only use PDF files to view the information they contain, you won't have any problems with them.

Difficulties begin when you need to edit something in a PDF file, or use the information contained in it in your documents. It is for this reason that users often look for ways to convert PDF to Word format. Let's look at the simplest and most accessible of them.

How to convert PDF to Word for free
Free and easy way PDF translation in Word is to simply copy all the text or individual sections of it from a PDF file and paste it into the created Word file. In order to copy all the text directly into a PDF file, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A. However, if the file is large enough, then the computer's computing resources may not be enough for such an operation. In this case, copy the text in parts.

One more free way converting PDF to Word can be used cloud storage from Google. Using it, the transformation is performed as follows:
After the download is complete, you can open it on your computer to check how successfully it was converted and start editing it.

How to convert PDF to Word online
There are also a large number of services that convert PDF files to Word online. For example:

They all work on a similar principle. You upload your PDF file to them, it is converted on the service side and after the process is completed you are given a link to download the resulting Word document.

For example, how conversion occurs on the site
Converting files online is very convenient, as it does not require installing additional software on your computer. software.

Programs for converting PDF to Word
As a rule, everything online services have their own restrictions on the size of the file uploaded to them. If your PDF file big size, then you still have to convert it on your computer using the appropriate software. One of the programs of this class is free utility UniPDF. To use it to convert PDF to Word, do the following:
Of course, UniPDF is not the only program for PDF conversion files. Eat big choice others, both paid and free programs of this kind.

How to convert PDF to Word in FineReader
The most difficult thing is to convert PDF to Word when the text on the pages in the PDF file is initially saved as digital images. In this case, only optical recognition texts using ABBYY programs FineReader or similar. To convert PDF to Word using FinerReader, you need to go through the following steps:
In addition to those discussed, there are also a great many in various ways and programs for converting PDF to Word format. But none of them will do this perfectly, since such a transformation was not initially envisaged and its quality will vary from person to person. various programs and services.

How to turn PDF into Word and at the same time maintaining the quality of the document and the ability to edit it, we will consider in this article.

There are several main ways translate document from pdf to word. Everyone has their own strengths and weak sides,
therefore, I will tell you about each of them, and you can choose the most suitable one at this particular moment. Go.

How to make Word from PDF

The first method is the simplest and most obvious. You open your PDF document and try to highlight text. If the text stands out, you're in luck. This means you can copy it directly from the file and paste it into Word. IN Word versions 2013 and 2016, not only the text is often copied, but also its formatting.

Then you simply correct errors during copying - mainly hyphens and paragraphs. This is it an easy way to convert a document from pdf to word finished. If it doesn't help, read on.

How to convert a pdf file to word

For this method we will use free online converter. There are tons of them on the Internet. I usually use

All you need to do to make Word from PDF– drag or add your document through Explorer. After that, click “Convert” and wait a few seconds. If the file is heavy and takes up more than 10 pages, you will have to wait longer. Be patient:)

What is the advantage of this method? The text is recognized and then transferred to a ready-made Word file (.doc or .docx). By the way, if you don’t know how to change the format of a Word document and open it in a more old version– look at this article.

In addition, the file is easily downloaded to your cloud drive Google or DropBox. That is, you can make a Word from a PDF and not even download it back to your computer, but upload it to the cloud and send the link to another person. I think it's very convenient.

True, there is one drawback - all of these services have a limit on free translations document from PDF to Word. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, so if one requires you to wait, open the next one :)

And one more minus - if the text in a PDF document is not text, but a scanned document (picture), such a service will not help. Something more serious is needed here.

Therefore, if you have a PDF document - it is a scan, a picture, an image, in general - something that cannot be copied as text, read method 3.

How to make word from pdf

The third method is already advanced. It won't suit everyone. Rather, everyone can use it, but does it make sense to bother so much?

I think everyone who works with a scanner knows that there are programs for recognizing texts from scanned documents. They are called OCR programs. So, your task is to get any such program. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a paid FineReader or something simpler. The main thing is that in the recognition settings you set a PDF file instead of a scanner. And the program itself will essentially help you convert a pdf file into word.

But what to do if there is no such program? Or is there, but you still haven’t figured out how to set it up? Dont be upset. There is an analogue for such programs on the Internet. We can say that this is FineReader online.

I’ll say right away that convert pdf file to word You can either pay or free. Free version available to every new user who will be registered. Naturally, we will use it.

To do this, click “Recognize” - large green button in the middle of the page. You will be redirected to a page where the magic happens. More precisely, a quick, easy and high-quality solution to the problem of how to make Word from a PDF.

The page is intuitive: upload the file, then select the languages ​​in it - the more you select, the more accurate the recognition will be. And the third step is to choose the output file format - doc or something else.

How to convert a document from pdf to word

All. After that, click on “Register”. Please register. Then follow the link in the letter that came to your email and confirm your registration. For this you will be awarded 10 free pages for recognition (translations pdf file in word).

Not enough, you say? Considering the power and quality of the service, this is a generous gift. By the way, no one forbids you to split the PDF file, translate 10 pages into Word, register again, translate another 10 pages... Or pay for a subscription. True, it is quite expensive.

Actions on your part to convert document from pdf to word finished. Wait for recognition to complete. Leave the tab open and download your files when the system does its job. If this is regular text, you will receive it in Word in a minute. If the text contains tables, formulas, graphs, you will have to wait up to 10-15 minutes.
This completes the third way to transfer a document from PDF to Word.

Now you know, how to make a Word document from a PDF in minutes using three main methods. I think they will be enough for you. And if not, write through the contact form on the website - we’ll sort it out :) Good luck!

Online converters are fast and easy to use. Online PDF converter to DOC is a converter that will make the conversion task easier for you and allow you to save the PDF document as Microsoft format Word (DOC or DOCX). The PDF to WORD converter converts the document into an editable one quickly and with good quality. Instead of installing annoying and complex applications to perform the conversion you can use online solutions and complete the conversion in minutes.

Now, with the help of our service, you have the opportunity to freely convert PDF documents into DOC or DOCX, and you can also change and edit them at your discretion without any problems.

How to convert PDF to WORD document

Where did the need to convert files from PDF to DOC format come from?

PDF Conversion document in WORD document important for the following reasons:

  • You need to edit the document and add new blocks of information
  • You may need to correct a document with errors

When you have a PDF document and need to convert it to DOC format, you can use online converters. An important and significant factor regarding online converters is that you are not required to create an account or subscribe to a service to perform the conversions.

A 100% free service for converting PDF documents to DOC or DOCX can be considered useful in following cases:

PDF to WORD converter is absolutely free

you can find great amount Internet converter applications, but many of them may not be free or require a lot of time and effort to complete simple steps conversion. They must be installed separately on your computer and the instructions for use must be studied. For these and other reasons, online converters come to the rescue. You follow simple and obvious step-by-step instructions to PDF conversion documents in WORD. You can also convert from WORD to PDF.

Usage online converter from PDF to WORD is good decision in case you are working under a tight time frame or in case of a small budget. Follow the instructions below to convert from PDF to WORD:

  1. Go to our website and select the option to convert from PDF to WORD
  2. Download PDF document
  3. Convert it
  4. Save to disk

Key Features of Converting PDF to Word DOC

  • Preserving the style and format of the original PDF document in the resulting WORD document
  • Conversion speed and use of resources outside of your infrastructure
  • No need to create accounts or providing a postal address
  • PDF to Word converter is supported by most office and mobile platforms
  • Optional conversion indicating the desired document format
  • Professional and high-quality results

Benefits of using our PDF to DOC converter

Regardless of whether you are a professional or a student working on a report, time is a very important and valuable factor. Time is money, for this reason most people want to solve the conversion problem as quickly as possible. Our converter will save your nerves and money

Ease of use

The advantage of our converter is that its use does not require special knowledge or effort. Instead of installing incomprehensible and complex technically programs and familiarize themselves with their terms and requirements, users at any level will be able to use our PDF in WORD converter and achieve the desired result.

Optimal size document

Your PDF document may contain a lot of graphics and images that bloat the size of your PDF document. You can easily convert the document to WORD format, cut out all unnecessary media and convert back to PDF, resulting in the perfect size for online sharing.