A program to open PDF files. How to open a pdf file on a computer

Friends, as you may have noticed, almost all materials for downloading on KARTONKINO.ru are presented in PDF format. Judging by the download results, almost no one has any difficulties working with such files. However, despite the widespread use of the PDF format, users sometimes get confused when faced with it. That's why I've prepared a little cheat sheet about... how to open a PDF file, and what to do with it then.

What is PDF anyway? Portable Document Format (PDF) is cross-platform (independent of computer system) format for presenting various electronic documents, from text to multimedia. Its versatility and ease of use contribute to its continued growth in popularity. Very often, it is in this format that help files and user manuals for various software products, e-books, printing products, various materials for needlework (knitting patterns, embroidery patterns, all kinds of templates), etc.

There are many ways to view and print pdf files. free applications. The most famous and popular program that opens PDF format , — Adobe Reader, which is not surprising, since the format itself was created by Adobe Systems Corporation.

You can download Adobe Reader for free on the company’s official website using this link:

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the download page, where you can select the operating system, language and version of the program (latest and most functional version—Adobe Reader X, with system requirements for which you can consult).

Download and run installation file.

After the short installation is complete, launch the program. You will be asked to review License agreement.

Do this and click "I Accept".

And you can safely open any pdf files.

Adobe program Reader will automatically install the appropriate plugin for the browser installed on your computer, which will allow you to view files found in world wide web, right in the Internet browser window.

» on your computer. You download a document, and when opening it, problems arise due to a lack of software.

In this article we will look at what the pdf format is, where it is used and what you need to use this format on your device.

More often it is used for printing or scientific documents: books, scientific publications, reference books, magazines, etc. It is used by students and is indispensable for reading literature in electronic form: manuals, scientific manuals, manuals.

It was developed by specialists from Adobe Systems Corporation. They found optimal solution for ease of reading electronic literature.

However, the format also has disadvantages. Company "Adobe Systems" reliably protected her brainchild with a patent, and therefore it is impossible to modify the utility or eliminate minor errors in its operation. It is also very problematic to edit such a document.

Need to install additional extensions and it’s unlikely that your text will look perfect after editing.

But the popularity of the format is due to excellent quality demonstration of the text and its free use. So, you downloaded a file with this extension. What to do next?

Now you need a special program that "reads" it. If it is not already installed on your computer, you will need to download it additionally.

Modern search engines offer a lot of such software. There are both paid and free versions. Ease of use does not depend on the cost of the program and can be easily installed free software.

Which utility is better to choose? We will present you the most popular of them.

This is the first program that is worth paying attention to. A number of its advantages begin with the fact that it was developed by the same company that developed the format itself, so it is ideal for reading.

It is worth noting that Adobe Acrobat Reader"- free software that can be downloaded fairly quickly and conveniently used. The program is equipped with an interface that will be understandable to everyone: both an experienced user and a beginner in this matter.

“Acrobat” is simply irreplaceable for opening, but you can consider other options as an alternative, because you may like any of the software listed below.

"Foxit Reader" or "Pdf Reader"

In general, the utility is not much inferior to the “acrobat”. It allows the user to read, create, edit and print documents. Its advantage is that this product is available in many languages: English, German, Spanish, and this is not the whole list. Can also be installed on gadgets.

"STDU Viewer"

Another one convenient utility. It is simply irreplaceable when working with a touchpad, so feel free to install it on your laptop. There is also a function to rotate the page as it suits you and correct shortcomings if there are any in the scanned text.

We talked about how to open a “pdf” file on a computer. We hope our tips will help you and your work with documents will become even more productive.

Many PC and laptop users have come across PDF files more than once. Some people know that this is a type of document, but not every user knows what kind of document it is, what it is used for and what it is in general. And we haven’t even heard of how to open a PDF. It's time to close the knowledge gaps.

What is PDF format and what is it for?

The abbreviation PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Which in turn translates as “portable document format”. The word “portable” should not be taken literally. Here it means that even documents with images in this format will take up very little space. The PDF format differs in that it can contain various fonts, raster and vector graphics and other necessary attributes. This universal format for storing documents and scanned pages. In part, it is somewhat similar to DjVu (read:), but its scope is much wider.

Open a PDF file on your computer

Although these files are documents, classic text editors(MS Word, WordPad, Notepad) is unable to open them. To carry out this action you need special utilities. Among them there are both paid and free. There is no difference, since they all do their job perfectly. The only differences are in additional functionality.

Opening a PDF with Acrobat Reader

Adobe's product is the most versatile (and most difficult to use) tool for working with electronic documents. So, how to open PDF with using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC? To get started, download and install the software from the Adobe website.

However, this is not the only way opening PDF file using Adobe Acrobat. After installing the application, it assigns itself to open PDF by default double click LMB. If another application is assigned, then follow these steps.

It also happens that the file PDF protected password. In this case, when you open it, the program will ask you to enter required password. If you don't know it, you won't be able to open it. There is no way to bypass this protection.

Opening PDF in browsers

Nowadays, many browsers can open a PDF document without outside help. Popular products like Mozilla and Chrome make this easy. Even the standard Edge in Windows 10 copes with this task without any problems.

In order to be able to open documents in the future simply by double-clicking, you need to designate your main browser as the default application for opening PDF files. It's very easy to do.

Open PDF online

Now exists great amount online services with which you can open a PDF file. For example, such services include:

  • pdfonlinereader.com;
  • pdf2go.com/ru/edit-pdf;
  • smallpdf.com/ru/edit-pdf;
  • other.

They are used if the browser for some reason cannot open this type document and there are no programs on the computer that can do this. So how do you open a PDF file online? Let's look at an example of opening a file using the pdfonlinereader.com service.

What to do if the PDF does not open?

Sometimes it happens that not a single application installed on a PC can open a PDF file. There may be several reasons for this. We need to look at the most common problems and find a solution.

  • "Broken" file. The most common problem. The user probably downloaded a damaged document file. This is also possible if the document simply has not been downloaded. The solution is simple: download the document again. If this does not help, then you can try looking for the file on other sources.
  • "Glitch" of the program. It is very likely that there was some kind of glitch in the application for opening these files. You can try opening the document with another application. Or reinstall the one that is used in this moment. A situation may also arise in which the program is simply unable to recognize the document encoding. In this case, you need to replace the application.
  • The file is encrypted. There is nothing more that can be done here. This often happens when encrypting a document using BitDefender or some other utility. There is no way to do this without knowing the password.

So, now it’s clear how to open a PDF file on your computer. There are a huge number of programs and online services for this. Even the most ordinary browser is able to cope with this task without installing additional plugins. And all because this format of electronic documents is the most common.

The .PDF format appeared in 1993, and was developed by Adobe Systems. Explanation of the abbreviation in the extension name - Portable Document Format.

Program for opening PDF files

The standard option for those cases when you need to open a PDF file and view its contents. This program was created by the same company that developed the .PDF format, and is undoubtedly the most popular “reader”. We also convert Pdf using this program. Free software ( paid subscription on Pro version will allow you to create and edit files with the PDF extension).

What are PDF files used for?

Most often, files with this extension are product manuals, e-books, flyers, work applications, scanned documents and brochures.

Reason for popularity of this format is that PDF files do not depend on the programs in which they were created, nor on any specific operating system or equipment. They will look the same from any device.

Now many text documents and books are made in PDF format. They are very simple and convenient to use. But sometimes it happens that the PDF (file) does not open. What to do about it?

Why won't the PDF (file) open?

This is the most popular format for reading electronic documents. It has earned its popularity due to its ease of use and versatility. In addition, documents in this format cannot be edited. This is very convenient if the file contains electronic printing and the signature or it cannot be changed. Certainly, absolute protection it is not guaranteed and the contents can be obtained, but you will have to tinker with it.

Since this is a file type, it, like other types, may not open for some reason. The reasons why PDF (files) do not open may be the following:

  • lack of a special utility for this;
  • the file is damaged or incorrectly saved;
  • not fully downloaded or unzipped.

Programs for opening PDF

Absence special program to read this format is the most common reason why a PDF (file) does not open. However, this problem can be solved very easily. All you need to do is download the service required for this.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Perhaps the most common program for reading PDF format. It has a wide range of tools and settings for viewing a document. It has many useful features such as stamping, adding a comment, merging files, etc. The best part is that it is free.

If the PDF (file) does not open, download Adobe Reader from the official Adobe website. The installation process is very simple: you will need to click “Next” several times, unchecking the “bonus” software if offered.

Foxit Reader

Also one of the most common free readers this format. It has very extensive functionality. With its help, you can not only view and print documents, but also create, sign, bookmark them, etc. You can download it from the official Foxitsoftware website. The installation process is also very simple.

It happens that in software There is some kind of glitch that is preventing the PDF file from opening. The problem is that instead of the reader, some other application becomes the default. The fix is ​​easy. Click on any PDF document right click mouse and click “Properties”. In the “Application” section, click “Change”, and then select a utility from the list. If it is not there, click “Browse” and find Adobe Reader on the system drive.

How to create a PDF file correctly?

It is worth noting that the reason why the PDF (file) does not open may be incorrect saving. Of course, this is unlikely to happen through Word, but if this procedure is done through a specialized website, then this is quite possible. Such a nuisance may occur due to a failure of the Internet connection or incorrect operation the service itself. Therefore, if such a nuisance does occur, you just need to recreate the document again.

The easiest way to create a PDF document is from Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions. This can be done as easily as possible. Click on the “File” button (in the left top corner blue button), then “Save As”. In the “Type” drop-down window, select PDF and click “Save”. If there is no such function, you need to install a special plugin for this. You can download it from the official Microsoft website.

In addition, there are many converter sites that convert texts from .doc format to .pdf. Everything is simple there too: upload the text in .doc format to the service, click “Convert”. Next, simply download the resulting PDF back to your computer.

Another way is to use a special converter. For example, doPDF. Install, click on “…”, select required text, click “Create”. Then click on “Browse” and select the desired location to save.

Incorrect unzipping

It happens when the PDF does not open after unzipping. The file is damaged and nothing can be done with it. The only way out of this situation is to unzip it again. To prevent this from happening, you should always check the transferred data.

A similar problem occurs when a document was downloaded from the Internet and for some reason did not download. In this case, it should be downloaded to your computer. Some browsers support the function of resuming suspended data, so you just need to resume the download. Or download a new one.

Open in browser

Few people realize, but the PDF format can be opened in a browser. The fact is that web browsers have a special plugin from Adobe that allows you to do this. It’s easy to find, you just need to enter it in the address bar special team to call the list of plugins. It is different for each browser:

  • browsers on the chromium platform ( Google Chrome, "Yandex", "Amigo", etc.) – chrome://plugins;
  • opera – Opera://plugins;
  • Mozilla Firefox – about:plugins.

There you can disable, enable or delete them. If Adobe plugin It's not there, you can install it without any problems. For example, download on official websites of web services.

If the PDF file does not open, there is no reader, and the Internet is turned off, you can open it using a browser. Right-click on the document, “Open with”? select the program.