Subscription pages: what they are, what they should be and how to do them. Subscription page templates. Download landing pages

    Hello, my beloved friends and dear readers!

    Today I want to tell you about subscription pages 2013-2016: I’ll show you magical subscription pages that turn up to 72% of traffic in loyal subscribers ready to buy again and again.

    As usual, I’ll start with statistics. Today the popularity of the key query “ subscription page" soared more than 100 times compared to two years ago. You can see the statistics in the graph below:

    As can be seen from the graph, the demand for subscription pages is growing at a very fast pace. This tells us that more and more people are becoming interested in ways to increase their subscriber base, and this is becoming a trend!

    Now more than ever It is especially important to be in the know and follow new trends this market!

    For those who have just begun to study the topic of information business or Internet entrepreneurship, I will tell you:

    Subscription page or capture page(landing page, funnel site) - these are the names of a one-page site, the purpose of which is collecting subscribers to create your own subscription base.

    The subscription page forms a trusting relationship between the author and the newsletter readers. Over time, 5-7 touches, the subscriber turns into a client, if the mailing is carried out correctly. Conclusion: I need a high-converting subscription page!

    A following page that follows the latest trends is the key to getting a large number of new subscribers.

    If earlier it was possible to create a simple subscription page, and it easily generated up to 90% of traffic, now times have changed. Old subscription pages generate less than 10% of traffic, and this figure is decreasing. What to do then?

    I present to you a fresh wave of subscription pages with maximum conversion!

    In the modern world, quantity has turned into quality!

    Examples of subscription pages - stands of the year

    As you can see, minimalism is in fashion today: a large and beautiful picture in the background, and a neat subscription form with video or text. Conversion of these pages is more than 60%! A large and beautiful picture in the background increases the subscriber’s interest in your information; when we see it, he seems to “wake up” and focuses his attention on it.

    Internet users have changed now; they have become more demanding and careful. If you want to develop your online business effectively, then it is important to keep up with them, or even better to be one step ahead!

    In addition to increasing the visitor’s interest, such subscription pages evoke more emotions in the person, and his level of trust in you greatly increases, since people are designed in such a way that they associate the quality of the page design with the quality of the information that you offer them.

    IMPORTANT! It is very important that the background image and your text (video) are harmonious. For example, if you offer remote work, there may be palm trees and the sea in the background, and if you are talking about trips to America, in the background you should use something that people associate with America - a flag, the Statue of Liberty... I think you understand the move my thoughts.

    How to create a subscription page

    There are four solutions to this problem:

    1. Learn CSS and HTML and make your own subscription page

    2. Take a template of any subscription page you like and remake it to suit your needs (knowledge of HTML and CSS is also assumed, but not so serious, it will be quite easy to navigate the page layout).

    3. Use paid third-party services.

    4. Order the creation of a subscription page from professionals.

    Great news, I'm creating modern subscription pages to install on your website!

    To submit a request to create a subscription page, just go to the section and write me a message using the feedback form.

    When using subscription pages with background images, people will be more loyal and attentive to your emails and your offers.

    I have prepared for you PRESENT14 pages of subscriptions completely free!!!

    For free download subscription page templates last season you can follow the link

The subscription page is also the capture page, the landing page, the site is a funnel. All this is called a one-page website, the purpose of which is to attract visitors to your resource. In other words, the visitor entered his contact information, and from that moment he became your subscriber. This is how your subscription base is formed.

The subscription page is an important link in the online business system, which will always be present in the system if you are making money on the Internet. As your business grows, you will have several subscription pages for different target audiences.

Now let's look at what a subscription page is.

The subscription page consists of several required elements.

Basic elements of a subscription page.

Title.Its main goal is to arouse the visitor’s interest and hold his attention. The title should reflect the essence of your proposal. Typically the title is printed in large, brightly colored letters.

Subtitle.It tells the visitor how to solve the title problem. For example, download a free book, etc. Usually this is one or two sentences.

Image.This is graphic 3 D – the cover of your free or paid product.

List of benefits.Indicate approximately 5-7 main benefits - what the visitor will receive as a result of using your product (book, course, webinar recording, etc.). You just need to write honestly, and not promise mountains of gold. This will increase your credibility.

Subscription form.This is the main element of the subscription page. In the subscription form, the visitor enters his name and e-mail . The subscription form should be designed graphically beautifully - this attracts visitors. As soon as the visitor has entered his data into the subscription form and confirmed the subscription, he becomes your subscriber.

Above are the main elements of a subscription page. That's all you need to create a subscription page. However, the page can be supplemented with reviews from subscribers who have already familiarized themselves with the advertised product, as well as a video to increase conversion.

There should be no other distracting elements on the page: links, banners, etc. All attention should be focused on the product subscription.

The page should be memorable and stand out among other subscription pages. It can be simple in design, but stylish, and should evoke positive emotions from the visitor at the first impression.

In RuNet there are quite a lot of ways to create a subscription page using special services, plugins and special programs - HTML – editors both from scratch and using ready-made templates.

Since this material is mainly intended for beginners in the information business, we will give preference to the following method - creating a subscription page using ready-made templates. This method is the simplest and most accessible for beginners. You just need to slightly edit the template to suit yourself.

But before you start creating a page, you must have the following materials ready: title and subtitle texts, a product cover image, a list of main benefits, and parameters for the subscription form tid, uid and did , which will need to be inserted into the template code, instead of the existing ones. To have these parameters, you need to create a new newsletter, for example, on a mail service Smartresponder . You can offer an e-book as a free product.

To edit a selected template other than the one already in Windows Notepad, you must have at least a free program on your computer Notepad ++, but it’s better to edit the template in special programs - HTML -editors such as paid programs Dreamweaver different versions and others.

Now, especially for beginners in the information business, I will give one of the ways to create a subscription page using ready-made templates using a free program Notepad ++ (the program can be downloaded from the Internet).

Creating a subscription page using ready-made templates

The procedure for creating a subscription page using ready-made templates:

● find a page template that suits you;

● open this template in HTML editor;

● edit the template by replacing text, pictures and subscription form parameters;

● check the edited subscription page in your browser;

● upload the created page to your website hosting in the root directory;

There are many ready-made templates on the Internet on the basis of which you can create your own subscription page. So, finding a ready-made page template for yourself is not difficult.

To do this, enter the words “ready-made templates for a subscription page” into the Yandex or Google search bar. And you will get a lot of such templates. Choose a template that suits you and save it on your computer. Don't forget, before editing the template, you need to unzip it.

After that, open the selected template. We left-click on the name of the template and see that the template consists of three main files:

css (styles),

images (pictures),

index. html (subscription page, which we will edit).

To get an idea of ​​what the file looks like index. html - subscription page. Click on index. html right mouse button. The “Open” window will open, then “Open with” and select your browser (I use the browser Google Chrome ). Click on the name of your browser. See fig. 1.

Rice. 1.File opening path index. html

And this is what happened (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. File display index. html

E We will edit that subscription page. As I already mentioned, we will do this using a free program Notepad++.

Returning to the file index. html , open the file using the program Notepad ++. To do this, right-click on index. html , the “Open” window opens, select Edit with Notepad ++ (edit in Notepad ++) and click on these words.

As a result, the template code for the subscription page will open, which we will edit (Fig. 3). Here we see title , meta tags, text, list of benefits, marked in red are subject to change.

Rice. 3. First part of the template code

1 – A free book is its title, which will be displayed in the browser.

2 – Keywords that can be left unchanged or changed depending on the topic of your book

6, 7 – This text can be left or replaced with your own text – this is motivation for action

8 – List of benefits that the reader will receive from studying this book.

After making all the changes, save. Click “File – Save”.

Returning to the file index. html and we can see how it all turned out. Right-click on index. html . The “Open” window opens, then “Open with” and select your browser. We look at our changes, everything is in order.

Then you need to replace the image (picture) of the template with your own picture of the book cover.

Open the images file , where the pictures of the subscription page are stored. Replace the template image - 17. jpg on your cover picture – 17. png . See fig. 4

Open the program Notepad ++ and find the text in the template code -

Rice. 4 Image editing

Changing the picture format 17. jpg at 17. png . After making changes – “File – Save”.

Now the most important thing is to set up the subscription form. Do you know thatthe selected template has its own subscription form. To link the subscription page to your created newsletter, you need to replace the parameters of the template subscription form with the parameters of your newsletter. To do this, you need to replace three parameters:

uid – account identifier;

did – mailing ID;

tid – subscription channel identifier (in this case, this parameter is still optional, it is equal to zero).

These parameters can be taken from the mailing list you created. Opening a mailing service Smartresponder . Go to “Forms – Subscription Form Generator”, select the created newsletter (you need to click on the name of this newsletter), for example, “Free book”. We find HTML — the code of the generated form and in this form code we select the digital values ​​of the specified parameters. We enter these digital values ​​instead of the digital values ​​of your template. See fig. 5. In the figure, the parameters of the template subscription form with digital values ​​are marked in red – uid =65523, did =107895.

Rice. 5. The second part of the template code is the subscription form

1, 2, 5 – Items can not be changed

Template subscription form parameters should be replaced uid and did on your own. These parameters redirect subscribers to your newsletter.

You can use a keyboard shortcut to search for specified options Ctrl + F . When HTML is open - code, dial Ctrl+F , a line will appear at the top of the monitor screen; you need to enter the name of each parameter one by one.

For example, enter uid and this word will appear in HTML -code. Near this word, find its numerical value (for example, 128625). Copy this digital value, go to the file index. html and open it with Notepad ++. The template code is displayed. We are looking for where the subscription form is located.

The guidelines are:

— this is the beginning of the subscription form;

— This is the end of the subscription form.

Press the keys Ctrl+F , the “Find” window appears. We enter, for example, uid , click “Find Next”. We find it in the template code uid and change its values ​​to the digital value of the created mailing. This is how we replace the remaining parameters of the subscription form. After that, click “File – Save”.

After making all the changes to the subscription page template, we check what the edited page looks like. To do this we return to the file index. html , right-click on index. html . The “Open” window opens, then “Open with” and select your browser. Let's look at the edited subscription page. Everything was displayed as you wanted, which means you did everything right.

To check how the subscription page works, you need to subscribe yourself and click the “Get the book!” button. After this you will know that everything is working fine.

Thus, you have made your subscription page using a template. Of course, such free subscription pages are not very original than completed pages created using paid programs. But it is within your power to somehow transform them so that they are different from others. Use your imagination and you will have a great subscription page.

Now that the subscription page has been created, it needs to be saved, for example, as “ book " and add to the archive " books rar " This archive must be uploaded to your hosting. I upload an archive through my hosting control panel TimeWeb using the "File Manager". There is another way - this can be done using the program FileZilla.

To get to the created subscription page, its address will be your website. ru/book.

Take action! and you will create your first subscription page.

The fourth element of the system is

Creative success to you!

Whatever you say, people on the Internet meet people based on their clothes. The number of people who click on the “Subscribe” button greatly depends on how the landing page for your newsletter is designed.

Now in the arsenal of bloggers there are plugins for quickly creating subscription pages, such as wppage and a cool plugin for creating multimedia pages Youtube Landing Page

But all of these are paid options and are not that little.

What should novice bloggers do, for whom an extra hundred dollars is not too much yet?

You can sit down to draw a page in Photoshop yourself and then layout it in Dreamware.

It’s possible, but it will take a lot of time, and you will be bogged down in the quagmire of fiddling with the code and fiddling with styles.

I offer you a simpler solution. Subscription page templates

You can use ready-made subscription page templates; you just need to edit them a little to suit your needs.

I want to give you a pack of 25 subscription page templates.

Download and use these subscription page templates to your heart's content.

I'm giving you a little instructions on how to customize the subscription form itself in the template. Because I know for sure that if many can cope with the graphics, then problems with the code are possible.

To be honest, I have already made such settings for a long time, since I use paid plugins, and I forgot something.

Therefore, if I mess up and stammer, please do not judge harshly!

Download landing page template pack.

If the social lock does not work, write in the comments and insert a link to a recommendation on social media.

I will send the templates manually! Thanks for understanding.

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I am glad to welcome you to my blog!

Today we will talk about the subscription page, it is also called a pagecapture, funnel page, etc. What is it and what is it for?!The subscription page is an important component of your success inattracting subscribers and I will tell you how to make a subscription pageon JustClick. There are many services, programs, plugins and scripts that help create a website - funnels. We looked at one of the methods in this one.

And we need it to create a subscriber base!

After all, without subscribers you won’t be able to make money on the Internet, I’m saying nowabout making money on your website, blog, information product. And to attract peopleto subscribe, you must offer them something to get them interested.

This could be a book, video course, or other information product neededthem. If you hit the mark, you will be happy. Because the subscriber in the futurecan become your client and buyer.

But I strayed a little from the intended purpose of this post.I wanted to tell you how
make a subscription page on JustClick completely
free and fast. If you want to receive new blog articles, please

Not everyone has the opportunity to initially buy plugins to createsuch pages. Of course, there are free options, but again it’s about pluginstricky, you can set everything up and connect it, but it’s disgusting to you….It will either fail or become glitchy. As happened with WPPage recently. But we must give this plugin its due; it’s easy to work with and the pages come out more interesting.

What should the subscribe or capture page be like?

The very name of the page already tells us its goal, to attract as many people as possible
people for the information they need, give us their coordinates. Therefore, we must try to make the headline catchy, be sure to indicate the benefits of our product for the subscriber, and interest him.

But there is one subtlety: these pages should be without scrolling. Loaded and that's it.

In order for a person to leave us his coordinates, we must try make her attractive.

Although you will find conflicting opinions on the Internet about what the subscription page should be.But one thing is fundamental, it will hook you - your subscriber.

I’ll say right away that, like you, I’m just learning how to blog and information business. And in this article I share my experience and knowledge.

And of course, free methods do not give you super-duper opportunities, but we are at the beginningway and therefore “let’s not look at the teeth of a gift horse.”

And we will use the JustClick service. You must register and create an account Go to JustClick.

Afterwards you will be taken to your personal account and there on the left side in the sell column there is a sectionpage, click this tab - then add and start creatingsubscription. More details in the video below.

I don't consider registration today, they are usually standard and notcause difficulties. And in general, this post arose due to the request of oneExplain to my friend how to make a subscription page on JustClick.That’s how the idea was born to record a video and write an article.

I decided to record a video on the example of creating my own subscription for a newfree video course on creating a website.

I’m posting examples - screenshots: what subscription pages and video.

Or this one - a fragment of a subscription.

In this article you can download 20 subscription page templates. What are they for? subscription page templates, of course, to recruit a subscription base. The better your subscription, the higher the percentage of traffic conversion into subscribers. The conversion of these pages is more than 70%, i.e. out of 1000 unique transitions you will get 700 subscribers.

The most important indicator is that you should not only have beautiful subscription pages, but also trust pages. It happens that a simple page with a simple design in a minimalist style brings more subscribers than a beautiful flash page with flashing headlines.

With these templates, you don't have to think how to make a subscription page, because all you need to do is replace the template phrases with your own. All PSD sources for Photoshop are included. All templates can be edited in a regular text editor, such as Notepad++ or Notepad.

What are subscription pages for and why are they needed?

The subscription page is the basis, if you want, the foundation for any business. For example, you have a website optimized for search queries. According to statistics, 90% of people will never visit your site again. They will look at your pages, download your material and that’s it, you won’t see this person again. No matter how great your website is, people simply won’t remember you.

The subscription page was created so that a person subscribes to your newsletter and, after the release of your new products or the writing of new material on your website, receives information about this in a timely manner. This way he will visit your site constantly. Just 1 issue in your mailing list can drive, say, 700-1000 people to your website in a few hours. The subscription page and newsletter are a kind of feedback from your clients and subscribers.