How to add to the VKontakte blacklist. "Black list" "VKontakte": how to use this tool

You have many ill-wishers who often send you some offensive messages, constant spam and other unnecessary messages, for such cases you can always add to it in emergency VK.

So, what is the VKontakte blacklist?

VK blacklist- this is a circle of people to whom you have limited access to any information for any reason, ranging from offensive behavior to constant advertising and other reasons. In a narrower sense, this is a circle of people who are denied any right.

You can add absolutely any people to the VK blacklist, but these users will not be able to send you messages, view your information, messages, and more.

How to add an emergency message to VK?

It’s very easy to blacklist a person on VKontakte; to do this you need to do a number of manipulations, which I’ll tell you about now.

  1. First, we go to the page of our ill-wisher; it is not necessary that the person is your friend.
  2. If the user is still your friend, then we remove him from your friends list.
  3. Scroll down the page, under the user’s videos you will see the “Block user” button, if the user is your friend, then there will be no such button, it appears only when the friend is deleted.

This is what this button looks like, after clicking on it the user ends up in your black list and loses the opportunity to write to you, view your posts and much more. You can also complain about a user’s page if you notice advertising, offensive behavior, pornography or anything else on his part that violates the rules of the VKontakte site. The more complaints a user collects, the greater the likelihood that VKontakte moderators will block him faster or even delete his page completely, without the possibility of restoring it.

We learned how to throw an emergency on VK, but where can you view your VKontakte blacklist, see the entire list of users to whom you have restricted access for various reasons?

In order to see emergency situation on VK just go to the VKontakte settings, you can see the “Settings” button on the left in the main menu of the social network, but for the especially lazy, I have prepared a ready-made link to the blacklist , by copying and clicking on which you will find yourself in your black list, for me it looks like this:

(Of course, as you noticed, I am not a Photoshop god, but I think I can be forgiven.)

So, in the screenshot I indicated in numbers your actions according to how see emergency situation on VK. That is, first, go to the settings, then select the “Black List” tab and you’re done, you can see your black list. As you can see, I have only two people on my blacklist, and despite the fact that they are included there not for the sake of this post, but for some reason.

Also, from these settings you can remove a person in an emergency on VK by clicking the “Remove from list” button. With mobile devices, everything is different, just go to the user’s page and by pressing the top right button in the application, select the “Unblock” function, thereby removing the block from the user.

How to write to emergency VK or how to get out of the blacklist?

So, we looked at how to throw a person into an emergency, how to view your blacklist on a social network, but what to do if you yourself find yourself on the blacklist? (I specifically asked my classmate to add me to the blacklist, because there were no other users who had me on their blacklist.)

This is what the page of the person who will look like will look like: added you to the blacklist for any reason. As you can see in the screenshot, some information from the user’s page is not available to you, and you cannot send messages to the user.

How to write in emergency VK?

What to do if you still find yourself on the black list of a certain person, and for some reason you need to contact him. This is already quite problematic because bypassing the emergency situation in VK is not so easy, I would say even impossible, but there are still a couple of ways that will help you contact the user.

Method one.

You can create a new VKontakte page, and from it you can contact the user. But the fact is that free SIM cards are not always at hand, in this case you can buy a VKontakte account on the zismo forum, it is advisable to buy accounts with tracking or autoregistration, accounts that are not visited by the owners, so as not to lose it. The price for such accounts varies from 2 to 5 rubles, so this method can be used by any VKontakte user. Yes, and it is the most working way.

Method two.

Write an anonymous message on VKontakte. If you just need to convey some information to a person, and not conduct a dialogue with him, then a method using an anonymous messaging service is quite suitable. The fact is that using such a service you can send messages to the recipient, but unfortunately, there is no way to read his response. Here is one such service: , in general, there are many similar services on the Internet, so you have a huge choice.

Method three.

To do this, we create an empty group, put any name and write a post on the wall with this content, instead of id1 we insert the id of the person who added it to the VKontakte emergency, and instead of the text we write our message. Having completed the necessary manipulations and sent a post to the group wall, the user will have your message displayed in their notifications. The advantage of this method is that the user will not add you to the blacklist again.

So, I would like to summarize the post I wrote.

From the post we learned how to add/throw in VK emergency, how to view your blacklist of VKontakte users, how to remove users from there, and we also learned that completely it is impossible to bypass emergency situations in VK, you can only write from the left accounts or using VKontakte notifications. I think the article will be useful to you. You can only remove yourself from an emergency on VK in one way, by gaining access to the page of the person who threw you there, there are no other ways. So you shouldn’t look for people who will allegedly remove you from the blacklist for money, it’s a scam.

And yes, upset the pirate seals less...

You need to view your emergency (black list) on VKontakte to determine who you have added there and blocked (that is, these people can no longer write to you and cannot view your page). Maybe you blocked the person by mistake, or maybe it was a conscious decision, but now the offense has passed and you want to remove him from the blacklist. Read more about all this.

How to view the VKontakte blacklist (find out who I blocked)?

Your black list of people on VKontakte is in the settings. To open the settings in the regular version of VKontakte, click on your name or avatar at the top right - a menu will open. Then select the item there Settings:

The settings consist of several sections. You need Black list- Click on this item in the right column.

You can also immediately open your blacklist using this link: My blacklist.

You will see a list of all the people you have ever blocked. When you blacklist someone, they stay there forever. More precisely, until you unlock it yourself.

How to open the VKontakte blacklist in the mobile version, in the application on the phone?

About the same. First, click on the main menu button (three bars at the top left), then scroll the menu down (if it is not visible in its entirety), click Settings and then Black list. In addition, in the mobile version you can get there using this link: My blacklist.

How to unblock a person on VKontakte and remove him from the blacklist?

These methods are for the full version of VKontakte. For mobile - see further.

1st method

First open the blacklist (see above how to do this). Next, opposite each person there is a link Remove from list. Select the person you want to unblock and click “Remove from list.” After this, he will immediately be able to view your page and write to you in a personal message.

2nd method

Go to this person’s page and find the button with three dots (menu) - under the main photo. Click on it and select the item Unblock. Click on it. That's all!

How to unblock a person on VKontakte, remove him from the blacklist in the mobile version of VKontakte?

1st method in mobile version

Open the blacklist using the link My blacklist. Click on the person you want to remove from blocked, then on his page, find the item in “Actions” Unblock and click on it.

2nd method in mobile version

In the same way, open the black list, switch to the full version (the “Full version” link is at the very, very bottom of the page) and click Remove from list opposite the right person. If it's small, enlarge the image with your fingers. Then you can return to the mobile version using the link in the left column - “Go to mobile version”.

How to find a person on your blacklist?

At the very top of the blacklist there is a field Blacklist search. Click there and start typing the first or last name of the person you are interested in - you will quickly find him. This feature is useful when there are a lot of people on your blacklist.

How to view someone else's blacklist? How do I know if I'm on the blacklist?

You cannot view someone else's blacklist; this is the personal secret of each user. But you can easily determine whether you are on a specific person’s blacklist. Here are the instructions: .

Situations when an unpleasant user writes messages on a social network are not uncommon. Sometimes, to get rid of an obsessive person, it is enough to simply inform him that you do not want to talk. But what to do if all requests to be left alone are ignored? In such situations, you need to use the site’s functionality and block the annoying person. Anyone can figure out how to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist. It is enough just to seriously address this issue and devote a little time to it in order to understand and analyze all the features of this process. And then not a single ill-wisher will be able to spoil the mood.

To ban an unpleasant interlocutor, you need to know where the corresponding section is located. In the updated version it is located in the same place as before.

Those who wish to see the list of blocked ones will have to;

  1. go to the site and log in;
  2. open the settings menu;
  3. find a suitable one among the proposed items.

As a result, the user will see a page indicating people who have restricted access to the profile. Additionally, there will be a line for searching and adding unwanted accounts. This is where the blacklist is managed; here it is determined who will be banned and will lose the right to write messages and comments.

How to block someone you're talking to?

Having figured out where to find the list of blocked people, you need to figure out how to get rid of strangers. The easiest and most convenient way to do this is to look at the profile of the ill-wisher and use the functions offered here. To do this you will need:

  • go to the account of the annoying person;
  • find the blocking and blacklisting option under the photo;
  • click the required inscription;
  • confirm actions.

As a result, the blocked user will not be able to view updates and news on the wall, write personal messages and comments, or see photos and audio recordings. And no matter how much he thinks about how to like or write another nasty thing, he will not be able to achieve what he wants. He will gain access to the listed actions only when he leaves the banned list.

How to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist if he is not a friend?

Having figured out how to blacklist interlocutors on VK, you should pay attention to other options that allow you to block any people and even communities. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. open the profile of an unpleasant person;
  2. copy the link from the browser address bar;
  3. go to the list of banned people in the settings;
  4. enter the copied address into the field specially created for this;
  5. confirm sending to the ban.

This approach leads to a complete blocking of any community or user, even if he is not a friend.

Special mention should be made about blocking subscribers. To remove unnecessary subscribers, you should open the list and click on the cross in the right corner of each thumbnail.

The main thing is not to forget to approve the deletion and sending to the ban.

How to add to the black list in VKontakte from your phone?

Blocking annoying, intrusive interlocutors from your phone is practically no different from the described methods. To do this, you should use the same options that are used on a computer in the full version of the site. The only peculiarity is that in the mobile version of the social network you should hover the cursor over the upper right corner of the avatar of unpleasant users (on the blocked page). This is where the menu with the list of acceptable actions is hidden.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the unlocking. Knowing this is no less important than how to blacklist an ill-wisher.

To return the ability to write messages to a banned person, you will need to go to the list of blocked people and find a proposal to unban next to the thumbnail of the desired user. Then all you have to do is click on it.

Alternative solutions to the problem

It’s not difficult to figure out how to ban an unwanted person; it’s even easier to block an unpleasant person. But sometimes it is wiser to avoid harsh measures and limit yourself to softer actions.

An excellent option to limit access to personal information and prohibit strangers from performing certain actions would be to set up VK access.

To determine who can do what actions, open the settings page and go to the “privacy” section. Next, all that remains is to change the access conditions and save the changes made.

If the above measures do not bring the desired result, you will have to resort to blocking.

The social network has a so-called black list, with which you can block a particular user. Thanks to blocking, the user will not be able to visit your page, view photos, write messages, see posts on the wall, etc. The thing is very useful, especially if you have a lot of fans who are too annoying. Today I’ll tell you how to properly block a user, that is, add him to the blacklist.

So, first of all, you must decide who exactly you want to block. There are two ways to block and I will start the story with the simpler one.

We go to the user's page. If he is among your friends, first of all we remove him from friends, otherwise nothing can be done. Now scroll down the page and look for the phrase “Block username”. Username - username, in my case it is Anastasia.

If you see such an inscription, it means that the user has indeed been added to the blacklist. Now he won’t be able to do anything to you, unless, of course, he accesses the page from another account.

To check whether a user has been added to the blacklist, click “Settings”, “Blacklist” tab. Here you will see a list of all those users who have been blocked by you.

As you can see, you can immediately unblock any of the blocked users by clicking on the “Remove from list” link.

And now the second way in which you can blacklist a user. In the same menu item, find the line “Enter the user name or a link to his page”, next to which there is a button “Add to blacklist”. Just copy the user's link here and click the "Add to blacklist" button, after which the user will be blocked.

As you can see, adding a person to the blacklist is as easy as shelling pears, as is removing him from the latter. Go for it. The main thing is not to block the wrong user.

Adding a person to the blacklist will help you avoid unwanted contact and spam. Also, the user you have blocked is completely protected from the information posted on your page, that is, he will not be able to view your photos, music, friends, wall, and so on. Below are the methods by which you can send to an emergency.

How to add to emergency via phone?

Let's consider options for adding from the mobile version of VKontakte and the mobile application on the phone

mobile version

If you are using the mobile version of the site, you will not be able to complete the operation through the browser installed on your phone. But, you can make the transition from the mobile version to the full one, and carry out a set of activities that are described in the section of the method with a computer. We also recommend installing a special VKontakte application, which is generally more practical and convenient than the mobile version. How to switch from the mobile version to the full version is shown in the picture below.

VKontakte mobile application

We go to the page of the user we need to block. In the upper right corner there is a settings function (looks like an ellipsis).

After clicking, a window pops up. Among the contents we find our treasured “Block”, click.

A confirmation window pops up for your actions. We think well, agree, click. Next, a window pops up informing you that the user has been blacklisted.

How to add a person to the blacklist from a computer?

Let's look at two methods of adding unwanted users to an emergency situation from a computer

Adding to the emergency situation through the page settings.

We go to the personal page of the person we want to block. Next, after you have completed the transition, look at the address bar. We select and copy the page address into the computer memory. After selection, you can use the key combination "ctrl" + "C". Or simply, after selecting the address, click the right mouse button and select “Copy” accordingly.

We return to the “Add to blacklist” button. After clicking the button, a window pops up into which we insert the address of the page of the person we want to block. Pasting a previously copied address is done using the key combination "ctrl" + "V", or the right mouse button and the "Paste" command. After the link is inserted, click the “Block” button

A window pops up in which we are notified that this user has been successfully blacklisted.

Adding to an emergency via the page.

We open the personal page of our victim. Under the avatar, we see a window in which there are three dots. Click.

Select the “Block” option – and it’s done, it’s simple.

How to add a friend to an emergency?

The situation is similar to the actions where we blocked the victim through his own page. Only here, first, an item such as “Remove from friends” is added.

How to add a group to the blacklist?

Adding a community to an emergency situation is done in exactly the same way as adding a personal page through the settings of your page, as discussed in detail above. What does adding a community to an emergency provide:

  • Posts from your page cannot be reposted to the community;
  • You can forget about intrusive invitations to meetings from the community, while maintaining your subscription status;
  • Your friends will no longer be able to invite you to a blocked group;
  • Removing you from the "Contacts" block in the community.
