How to use abbyy finereader 12. How to use ABBYY FineReader

Defining the Document Structure

ABBYY FineReader introduces revolutionary new approach to document recognition. Now the document is analyzed and processed as a whole, rather than page by page, which allows FineReader to understand such elements of its internal structure as the top and footers, footnotes, captions for pictures and diagrams, styles, fonts, etc. Elements of the original document are restored in the resulting document. For example, when saving to Word top and footers, footnotes are rendered as corresponding objects in Word.

Excellent recognition quality and accurate design preservation

Optical system ABBYY recognition FineReader accurately recognizes and saves as completely as possible original design any document (including with text on the background of pictures, with colored text on a colored background, with text wrapped around pictures, etc.)

Multilingual document recognition

ABBYY FineReader recognizes documents in 188 languages, including Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Bashkir, Belarusian, Kazakh, Chinese, Ukrainian, etc. The text of the document can be composed in two or more languages. The user can specify his own recognition language for each type block or for each table cell.

Intelligent recognition of PDF documents

As you know, some PDF files contain so-called text layer, and its contents may not fully correspond to the document visible on the screen. FineReader pre-analyzes the contents of the file and makes a decision for each text block: recognize it or extract the corresponding text from the text layer. In this way, it is possible to increase the quality of recognition and reduce processing time.

Recognition digital photos documents

Now for recognition it is not necessary to equip your computer with a scanner. ABBYY FineReader allows you to recognize photographs of documents taken digital camera(it is recommended to use a digital camera with a matrix resolution of 4 megapixels or higher).

There are many cases when it is more convenient to use a camera rather than a scanner to obtain an image. For example, during a business meeting outside the office, when recognizing signs or announcements, in the library, especially when working with thick or old books. Not to mention that a digital camera works several times faster than any scanner.

Hyperlink recognition

Such documents can be saved in Microsoft formats Word, PDF and HTML. In addition, you can add your own hyperlinks to the recognized text.

When recognizing PDF files, in addition to external links, internal ones are also restored (to other pages of the same document).

Screenshot recognition

The system delivery package includes ABBYY Screenshot Reader. It's simple and convenient application designed for text recognition from any area of ​​the screen. ABBYY Screenshot Reader converts texts that cannot be copied into an editable format in the usual way - system messages, inscriptions in Flash videos, etc. Both the recognized text and the screenshot can be saved as a file or transferred to the clipboard.

Barcode recognition

ABBYY FineReader supports recognition of barcodes, including two-dimensional ones such as PDF-417.

Hello. Today I will talk about how to use the Abbyy FineReader program to recognize text from an image that you may have received as a result of scanning. Your scanned text will be completely in the document Microsoft Word and this recognized text can be edited! Recognizing text using Abbyy Finereader can be useful for those who study, work with texts and translations. The program, unfortunately, is paid. I once had a chance to try one of free options similar programs, but very well scanned text is recognized simply terribly... And text recognition in Abbyy FineReader turns out to be very high quality! Now I will show you how to use the Abbyy FineReader program to quickly recognize text from an image.

ABBYY FineReader has trial version for 30 days with the ability to recognize up to 100 pages and save no more than 3 pages from a document. Those. During this time, you can see the capabilities of the program and make an informed decision - whether you need it, whether it’s worth buying or not.

How to install Abbyy FineReader!

Before using Abbyy Finereader you need to install it. Let's look at the installation process of this program...

First, select the program language. Click "OK".

We accept the terms license agreement(If you wish, you can read the license agreement if you are interested in what it is about). Click “Next”.

Next, you must select the installation mode. At normal mode the program will not ask you and will install what is specified in the program by default, namely all components: the Abbyy Finereader program itself for text recognition, a component for programs Microsoft Office and a component for Windows Explorer (allowing you to quickly recognize images without opening the program separately). I advise you to check custom installation to configure it the way you need. Moreover, it won’t take even 15 minutes :) Below is the folder where the program will be installed. It is advisable to leave the default selection so that there are no problems later when using the program. Click “Next”.

Program components. This window will appear if you select the “Custom” installation type. Components are something like auxiliary applications for a program. The first component “Integration with Microsoft Office programs and Windows Explorer" This component will be displayed in Microsoft menu Office and if you click on the image on your computer right click mouse, then there will be an item with this program. This is what your menu will look like in Microsoft Office after adding this component.

Here's what happens if you right-click on the image:

Those. A menu will appear in which you can do quick text recognition and send the results to Word, Excel or PDF.

The second component will allow you to recognize text from your computer screen. This means that you can take a screenshot and also recognize the text. If you do not want to install one of these components, or do not want to install both, then you need to click on the down arrow and select “ This component will be unavailable." Then the component will not be installed. I left both.

Next 4 points. The first means that information about how you use the Abbyy Finereader program will be transferred to the developer. I advise you not to check this item so that the program does not once again go online to send information about working with it. Moreover, you never know what other information will be sent :) The 2nd point creates a shortcut to the program on the desktop. The 3rd means that the program will start when the computer is turned on, and the 4th will check for program updates. I leave only the second one and leave a tick next to it. We close all Microsoft Office applications, because the installer requires it, and click “Install”.

You need to wait a couple of minutes for the program to load and click “Next”.

That's it, installation is complete! Click “Finish”.

How can I use Abbyy Finereader to recognize text from a scanned or any other image?

Let's look at how to use the program. For example, you have scanned text. Now, to recognize text in Abbyy FineReader, open the program. Click “Open”.

Select the image we need and click open.

When you open required document, Abbyy Finereader will begin to recognize the text. How more document, the longer recognition will take. Recognition of one page may take several seconds.

After the text is recognized, all you have to do is save the result in Microsoft document Word so you can then edit anything in it. To do this, click the “Save” button on top panel tools, then select in which folder it will be saved. Word document and under what name.

If you have a scanner connected to your computer, then you can start scanning directly from the program, and after which the scanned document will be immediately recognized. To do this, click the “Scan” button on the top toolbar. Next steps will depend on the driver program for your printer. You only need to follow the instructions of the scanning wizard.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. Now you know how to use Abbyy FineReader to recognize text from images! I hope this information will help a lot of people :) Good luck!

This time I’ll tell you how to turn paper documents into electronic view PDF format, as well as how to transfer a paper document to a computer in order to change the text. So, let's begin.
I have a paper document in my hands.


Task: transfer this document to the computer (translate into electronic form). Moreover, it needs to be done exactly in this form so that it cannot be changed in the future (roughly speaking, you need to take a photo of the document). Then this one electronic document must be sent by mail to email address. Moreover, the client requests it in pdf format.

By stages:
1) I pass the document through the scanner
2) I save the resulting print in pdf format to my computer
3) I send the received file by mail
In my work, I use 2 programs to solve this problem:
Foxit Phantom or ABBYY FineReader. For clarity, I attach screenshots:
In Foxit Phantom, when the scanner is turned on, you need to select FILE-CREATE PDF FROM SCANNER in the main menu...
The scan will occur and you will be prompted to save the file. Select a location, write the file name and save.

ABBYY FineReader has huge buttons in the toolbar. One of them is called SCAN to PDF. We use it.

If you need to scan multi-page document then, in stages:
1) Press the button number 1 SCAN

We receive a scanned document

We also scan another page (press the button number 1 SCAN again).
2) Save as PDF

As a result, we get a finished multi-page document in the form of a PDF file.

Now this file can be sent by email.


Task: convert a paper document into electronic form (to a computer)

By stages:
1) Scan (button 1 SCAN)

2) Recognition (button 2 RECOGNIZE ALL)

Recognition should be understood as the process of translating a photograph (picture) into text (letters, numbers, signs). If you took a photo text page, then after recognizing 99% of the text from paper it will turn into electronic text. Electronic text You can already change (edit) on your computer the way you want.

3) Save to text editor(button 4 Save)

We get

I would like to point out important points during the RECOGNITION procedure. There are nuances when working.
Immediately after recognition, I advise you to look at the result. Especially on the blocks that it creates FineReader program.

These are areas highlighted in rectangular frames. These frames are of different colors. If it is red, then this block is recognized as a PICTURE. If it is black, then TEXT. There are blocks different types. The block type can be found by clicking on the block RIGHT key mouse and selecting CHANGE BLOCK TYPE.

A little trick: you can select an arbitrary area and label it with any type of block. For example, let’s select that part of the text that is poorly recognized using the left mouse button (click, hold and drag, the frame changes size).

As a result, the document in Word will have a block of text and a block of images. The block image will have an absolutely unchanged appearance. This method I use it when saving stamps, custom fonts, pictures, photographs.

PS: Knowledge and ability to work with PDF, scan and recognize documents very often helps out in office work. Knowledge saves your time!

Translation of text into digital format- a fairly common task for those who work with documents. The Abbyy Finereader program will help you save a lot of time by automatically translating inscriptions from raster images or “readers” into editable text.

In this article we will look at how to use Abbyy Finereader for text recognition.

How to recognize text from a picture using Abbyy Finereader

In order to recognize text on raster image, you just need to load it into the program, and Abbyy Finereader will automatically recognize the text. All you have to do is edit it, highlight what you need and save it in the required format or copy it into a text editor.

You can recognize text directly from a connected scanner.

Read more on our website.

How to create a PDF and FB2 document using Abbyy Finereader

Abbyy Finereader program allows you to convert images into universal PDF format and FB2 format for reading on e-books and tablets.

The process for creating such documents is similar.

1. In the main menu of the program, select the E-Book section and press FB2. Select the source document type—scan, document, or photo.

2. Find and open the required document. It will load into the program page by page (this may take some time).

3. When the recognition process is completed, the program will prompt you to select a format for saving. Select FB2. If necessary, go to “Options” and enter Additional information(author, title, keywords, description).

After saving, you can remain in text editing mode and convert it to Word format or PDF.

Features of text editing in Abbyy Finereader

There are several options for text that Abbyy Finereader recognizes.

Save pictures and headers and footers in the original document so that they can be transferred to new document.

Analyze the document to know what errors and problems may arise during the conversion process.

Edit the page image. Options for cropping, photo correction, and changing resolution are available.

So we told you how to use Abbyy Finereader. He has quite wide possibilities editing and converting texts. Let this program help you create any documents you need.

The conversation will be about the ABBYY FineReader 12 program, that is, about its latest version. Without looking too far, we chose the most famous product from ABBYY, which, to its merits, is perfectly Russified. Already at first glance, Fine Reader (FR) gives the impression of a program with good Russian-language support: in this regard, indeed, everything is done at a very decent level, including background information.

First - retreat. The question of how to convert all or some part of an archive into digital format is always relevant (and what, in fact, is meant by the word “digital”). Buying a scanner is unlikely to solve all problems. Of course, very often the documentation for the scanner comes with a disk or several with branded software. However, already at the sanitization stage it turns out that the quality of the scanning program leaves much to be desired or the format in which the saving takes place is, unfortunately, not suitable for storage. Why? Most graphic formats do not separate text from the non-text space of the document, and therefore it is not possible to copy any passage from such a file.

It is in such cases that functional text recognition programs come to the rescue, the capabilities of which, in particular, include extracting text from an image.

Getting to know ABBYY FineReader

Plastic bag ABBYY Finereader 12- system optical recognition texts (Optical Character Recognition - OCR). Designed for both automatic input printed documents to a computer, and for converting PDF documents and photographs into editable formats (from the program manual)

The acronym "OCR" is applicable to all data recognition applications (not just text). The source for data extraction can be a printed or electronic document. Once upon a time, not very long ago, few people knew about OCR, in one form or another, and the process of converting text into electronic form turned into a mere routine, right down to manual reprinting of the original text. Today, having flatbed scanner(only a few people use manual ones at home) and finereader 12- rest assured that there will be no difficulties in scanning and recognition.

Starting with the sixth version, FineReader supports import and export to PDF format, patented by Adobe. Many readers have probably encountered difficulties in translating from this format to any other (doc, etc.), since indeed useful programs there is not so much in this area (the only thing worthy of attention is ABBYY’s subsidiary product, PDF Transformer). The fact is that similar programs text recognition is performed only once, as a result of which the “identity” of the result is not at all significant (depending on the complexity of the document), plus the formatting of the document is pretty much lost.

In the case of FineReader, everything is different. The ninth version of the program introduces a technology called Document OCR. It is based on the principle of integral document recognition: it is analyzed and recognized as a single whole, and not page by page. At the same time, all kinds of columns, headers, fonts, styles, footnotes and images remain untouched or are replaced by those close to the original.

Installing the package

The demo version of Finereader 12 can be downloaded on the website, in the Download section, complete licensed version distributed on CD. You can find out about purchasing methods on the same website in the “Buy” section.

On the ABBYY developers website you can download a demo version of the ABBYY FineReader package version 12 (or another one that is current today)

ABBYY FineReader is distributed in several versions: Professional Edition, Corporate Edition, Site License Edition, etc. The difference between the Professional version and the others is that it is designed to work in corporate network with an opportunity collaboration on document recognition. Otherwise, the difference is insignificant and depends on the choice of terms of the license agreement.

It’s hard to imagine that 12 years ago there was FineReader 2.0, which occupied about 10 MB disk space. Over time, the package “grew” tenfold and is now established form takes up to 300 MB. Is it a lot or a little - judge for yourself. The new FR supports 179 recognition languages, including little-known ones artificial languages(Ido, Interlingua, Occidental and Esperanto), programming languages, formulas, etc. Let's not forget about support various formats, scripts. So, if for some reason you want to limit the space a package takes up, during installation, select only those components that will be needed during operation.

The choice of components affects the duration of installation, which, however, should not take much time. During the installation process you will be introduced to the main features of FR. After activation (via the Internet, via E-mail, using the received code, etc.), the program is ready for full functionality. In demo mode you will certainly encounter various restrictions, which, unfortunately, do not allow you to fully use the package.

FineReader interface. Functionality

Access to the program's capabilities is available both through scripts that will appear in the main menu immediately after the installation process, and, in fact, through the main interface.

Screensaver when starting FineReader

Appearance the program does not undergo any significant changes from version to version: the developers do not see the point in radically changing it. Considerable attention is paid to ergonomics, which is noticeable in all ABBYY products (Lingvo, PDF Transformer, FlexiCapture...). In other words, the Fine Reader 12 interface is well thought out and suitable for all users, including beginners. The principle of “Get results in one click” will appeal to those who are not used to setting up and changing something. On the other hand, more advanced users can carefully configure FineReader through the settings dialog (Tools -> Options…). The only caveat: for comfortable work In the application, it is advisable to set the screen resolution to 1280×800 so that all the tools are always, as they say, at hand.

After launching the Fine Reader program, a window with buttons will appear quick access to program functions. This menu also available through the Tools -> ABBYY FineReader menu, the “Main Scripts” button in the far right corner of the program, or through the Ctrl+N key combination (similar to Word, where this combination opens a new document).

Scan to Microsoft Word: in the ninth FineReader versions support has appeared for Microsoft Word 2007, which has not yet become popular. In turn, on the toolbar in Microsoft applications Office, a “branded” red icon appears in the add-ons section after installing FR.

Menu for exporting a recognized FineReader document
Selecting languages ​​for scanning and document recognition

In addition to Microsoft Office, FR supports integration with Microsoft Outlook, provides export of recognition results to the same Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus Word Pro, Corel WordPerect and Adobe Acrobat. These features make working with the program somewhat easier and faster, especially if you have to work with it regularly.

PDF or images in Microsoft Word: recognize data from a PDF or other type of graphic file supported by Finereader version 12. It should be noted that the technology for extracting text from a PDF file in FR is not simply “peeling off” the text content (the text layer in PDF may be absent) from the graphic one. In fact, recognition technology is quite complicated: after analyzing the content of the document, the program decides what and how to do with the text: simply extract or recognize, and so on for each text fragment.

Scan to Microsoft Excel: scanning to XLS (format Microsoft programs Excel) may be justified if the scanned image contains tables.

Scan to PDF: There are many reasons to scan to PDF. One of them is security: this is the only format familiar to FR in the settings of which you can set a password lock. The password is set not only for opening a document, but also for printing it and other operations. It is possible to choose one of three levels Encryption: 40-bit, 128-bit based on RC4 standard, 128-bit level based on AES standard ( Advanced Encryption Standard).

Convert photo to Microsoft Word: transfer file from graphic format(and this can be a PDF or a multi-page image) in DOC / DOCX.

Open in Fine Reader: open graphic file(PDF, BMP, PCX, DCX, JPEG, JPEG 2000, TIFF, PNG) for FineReader recognition.

Working in FineReader

Now - briefly about the features of the program. The whole process is divided into scanning, recognition and saving the results. After you have chosen the type of program action, specified the file or device to scan, FineReader carries out its task step by step, which, by the way, is quite resource-intensive for the central processor.

If you are the lucky owner of a dual-core processor, then by working in the Fine Reader 12 package you can appreciate the power of your computer's performance. The point is that FR, having discovered dual core processor, recognizes not one, but two pages of a document in parallel. It's a small thing, but it's nice.

First comes scanning, then recognition and export of a temporary document to the selected format.

PDF document recognition process

Scanning. None presets in the FineReader application (except for selecting a reading device) you do not need to do anything before scanning. That is why scripts were invented: they are designed to simplify the execution of similar actions.

Recognition. The simplification also affected other little things. So, if we recall previous versions of the program, before we had to manually change the language (languages, if there were several) of the document. Now this happens automatically, although not always. In the latter case, FR unobtrusively suggests checking the document language.

Returning to FR recognition technology: why does the program first scan the entire document as a whole, and not page by page? As already mentioned, the text is recognized based on the entire content: fonts of similar size/typeface, tables and borders, indents, etc. are selected.

Don't be surprised if FineReader 12 displays a message saying the page cannot be recognized because no areas of text were found. For the sake of experiment, we took pictures on mobile phone from LCD screen area text document(however, knowing the result in advance). Fine Reader 12 did not recognize the text of the image, since it was clearly of a quality that was clearly not sufficient for this. On our second visit we took a photo digital camera page with text in normal lighting.

FineReader recognized the passage without any problems, preserving the formatting and highlighting with markers some questionable moments or characters that may have variable spelling.

As you can see in the image, these are mainly periods, hyphens, commas - in general, small characters. In addition, it is clearly visible that the program took into account the unevenness and curvature of the photographed page and aligned the lines of text. Conclusion - FR did an excellent job with its albeit not very difficult task.

Occasionally, some minor issues may go unnoticed by the Fine Reader program, but they can be easily corrected manually. Fortunately, the package has its own WYSIWYG editor, the capabilities of which are quite sufficient to make the final editing of the document. Spell checking is also available.

How can we improve recognition accuracy so that we can spend less time editing text? First, you can connect a custom Microsoft Word dictionary. True, it is difficult to judge an increase in accuracy, except perhaps an increase vocabulary spell checker (a module that checks spelling and grammar). Among other things, to improve recognition, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the program settings (Tools -> Options) and select one of two modes:

careful recognition- it can be selected when recognizing documents of any “complexity”: with tables without grid lines, text, graphs, tables on a colored background, etc. It can also help with low-quality recognition source

fast recognition - this mode recommended for processing large volumes of documents with simple design or if time does not allow for thorough recognition. Most of the time when you deal with black printed text on a white background, you can stop at quick recognition.

In general, quality improvement FineReader works- this is a separate topic for conversation, the details of which you can find out from the official help, namely in the section “How to improve the results obtained.”

Saving the document. Final stage working in the Fine Reader 12 program - saving the final result in a specific graphic/text format. Pre-saving settings can be specified in the FR options: Tools -> Options, “Save” tab. Each format has its own settings. When saving in DOCX format, you should be careful about format compatibility (DOCX files are not recognized in Word 2003<). В txt-файлах не забудьте проверить правильность кодировки (особенно в случае с текстом в кириллице).

ABBYY Screenshot Reader

In many large packages, developers often like to add small service utilities. Let's say that the well-known disc burning application Nero includes a set of 3 - 5 utilities that allow you to do something that even Nero itself cannot do. Review (you can also download it here as part of Fine Reader 12).

As for FineReader, it contains one small application, Screenshot Reader. With its help, you can quickly convert it to the desired format using FR. The program is available through the Start menu (Start -> All Programs -> ABBYY FineReader 12.0 -> ABBYY Screenshot Reader.).

The capabilities of Screenshot Reader are somewhat wider than it might seem at first glance. (otherwise you could do it by simply pressing the “PrintScreen” key on your keyboard). In addition to taking a screenshot of the screen (or more accurately, a selected area of ​​the screen), Screenshot Reader is tightly integrated with FR.

When you click the “Snapshot” button on the Screenshot Reader panel, the cursor changes shape and the screen area selection tool is activated. The selected area of ​​the image is framed for further text recognition (it runs automatically).

In the dropdown list you can select desired action: in essence, Screenshot Reader duplicates quick FR scripts with the difference that instead of a screenshot from the scanner, a screenshot is received as input.

It should be noted that the program, along with the entire package, requires activation. When registering the product, ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional Edition Screenshot Reader is provided free of charge as a “bonus”.


FineReader - indispensable program for scanning and recognizing graphic data. Russian-language interface and the availability of settings will not scare you away inexperienced user. Support the latest formats, innovative technologies and, as a result, high-quality recognition makes the program optimal choice, especially since ABBYY FineReader still has no competitors in this area.

FineReader 12 hotkeys

  • Create a new ABBYY FineReader document- CTRL +N
  • Open ABBYY FineReader document 12 - CTRL +SHIFT+N
  • Save pages- CTRL +S
  • Save image to file- CTRL +ALT+S
  • Recognize all pages of a document- CTRL + SHIFT + R
  • Close current page - CTRL +F4
  • Recognize selected pages of an ABBYY FineReader document- CTRL + R
  • Open Scenario Manager- CTRL +T
  • Open the Fine Reader Options dialog- CTRL + SHIFT + O
  • Open help- F1
  • Go to the Document window-ALT +1
  • Go to the Image window- ALT +2
  • Go to the Text window- ALT +3
  • Go to window Close-up- ALT +4