Google Chrome extensions against advertising. Ad blocking in Google Chrome

Advertising has existed and, most importantly, has been in effect since time immemorial. Those who think that it “bloomed” with the advent of newspapers, radio and TV are deeply mistaken. Nothing like this! The first manifestations of advertising campaigns were before our era. And not just anywhere, but in Ancient Egypt. A certain gentleman in those epic times extolled on papyrus the virtues of a slave whom he wanted to sell.

The most interesting thing is that then, in prehistoric times, commercial advertisements had the status of “know-how”. And, of course, they did not have such an aggressive, intrusive character in their presentation and presentation as they do now, in the present century.

Here, for example, is how many users want to disable advertising in Google Chrome. Yes, and you can’t count them! Maybe even every second of them. True, not everyone knows how and what to do to block ads in Google Chrome. What is not good.

This article is devoted to eliminating this annoying gap in the series of computer knowledge. From it you will learn how ad blocking is done in the Google Chrome browser, what extensions can be used to disable banners and text ads on websites in Chrome.

Well, get ready, we're about to begin. May anti-advertising and, in fact, a “clean” Internet come to us without any intrusive, colorful advertisements.


A browser anti-banner add-on is a local action blocker. That is, in this case, it only blocks ads in Google Chrome. The user connects it, installs it, and it works. And its filtering no longer applies to other browsers and network applications.

Let's look at the three most popular extensions for disabling advertising in the Google Chrome browser.

“Omnivorous” blocker: successfully destroys pop-up advertisements on websites (in windows, additional panels), banners, teasers, and ads in video players. In automatic mode, it delicately adjusts the site so that the absence of its filtered elements does not negatively affect the design and functionality. Blocks advertising at the level of network requests: the browser already receives a “clean” page. Prevents the loading of virus and phishing web resources (its database contains over 1.5 million malicious sites).


To download and connect Adguard, do the following:

1. Go to the official website of the developer company -

2. Click on the “Products” menu section.

3. Select “Browser extensions” from the list.

4. In the additional panel, click “Adguard Anti-banner”.

5. Click the browser icon. You will be redirected to the download page in the Chrome online application store.

Note. You can also go to the addon page without using the offsite link. To do this, in the search bar of the online store, type the query “adguard anti-banner”, and then click on the extension panel that appears in the results.

6. Click the “Install” button.

7. Confirm the start of downloading and connecting the anti-banner: in the window that opens, select “Install…. "

8. Wait for the procedure to complete.


1. Upon completion of installation, a tab with filter settings will appear.

2. Click to change the status of the slider in the option blocks that you want to activate. A “tick” on a green background will mean that they are enabled.

3. To go to the Adguard settings panel, click its icon in the top panel of Chrome (group of buttons on the right).

It displays filtering statistics (how many elements are blocked) and a list of options.

Click “Customize...” to go to the filter settings tab. All addon options according to their functional purpose are placed in separate sections (Basic..., Anti-banner, Anti-Phishing, White list, Custom filter, Miscellaneous).

"Custom Filter"- a block for adding your own rules for blocking individual layout objects or the entire site (domain name). Its functional panel is located at the bottom (Add..., Clear, Import, Export).

Exceptions are indicated here: addresses of websites where filtering does not need to be performed.

Updating rule bases, fine-tuning element blocking. To update the filters, click the “Check for updates...” link.

In the “All filters” section you can view all available groups of blocking rules and, if necessary, disable/enable them.

Creating a filter

If you have a question about how to selectively disable advertising in Google Chrome using Adguard, do this:

1. Click the anti-banner icon.

3. The Item Selector panel appears.

4. Hover your cursor over the banner you want to delete. Its cropping boundaries will be highlighted with a green outline.

6. In the “Element Blocking” panel, further adjust the cropping using the “MIN/MAX” slider if the site design is not displayed correctly.

7. To send the blocked object to the user rules database, click the “Block” button.

Attention! To expand the powers of the created filter, open the “Advanced settings” spoiler and check the “Apply rule...” and “Block similar...” options.

A popular anti-banner on the Internet. It is actively used not only in Google Chrome to block ads, but also in other browsers - Opera, Firefox. Equipped with fine filtering settings, it copes well with any online advertising.

1. The plugin is available for download in the official Chrome store.

2. Type the name of the site in the search bar - adblock. Then press "Enter".

4. On the addon page, click the “Install” button.

5. Once installation is complete, click the Adblock button in your browser to access its settings.

In the Settings section, you can enable the display of unobtrusive, safe advertising.

On the “Filter Lists” tab, subscriptions of filtering rules are disabled/enabled.

To create your own blocking rule in Adblock:

1. Move the cursor over the addon button and click the right mouse button.

3. The plugin will go into element selection mode.

4. Click the left mouse button.

5. In the “Step 1” block, use the slider to adjust the actions of the filter if it violates the design of the web page. Once the setup is complete, click Looks Good.

6. In the new panel, click “Block!” to activate the filtering rule.

Similar to Adblock, but from a different developer. It has an almost identical set of functions and settings. Also available for download on the Chrome addons website.

To quickly access options, click the "Adblock Plus" button in the top right corner of Google Chrome.

After connecting the anti-banner addon, make sure that integrated blocking tools are enabled in Chrome. By default, the browser “does not allow” additional windows and panels to pop up on sites.

1. Click the “three dots” icon at the top (menu).

2. Go to Settings.

3. At the bottom of the tab, click “Show advanced settings”.

4. In the “Personal Data” subsection, click the “Content Settings” button.

5. In the new window, in the “Pop-up windows” block, activate the “Block...” option.

That's all! Choose the most convenient ad filtering solution and connect it to your browser. Have a comfortable web surfing!

Adblock for Google Chrome is an additional plugin that blocks ads according to established filtering rules. Many users who decide to use it are faced with a peculiar dilemma - to install

Adblock or Adblock Plus. Which one should I install? What is Adblock Plus: a fake, an addition to the Adblock extension, or a new version?

Let's immediately clarify the situation on these issues. In the online application store for Google Chrome, these ad blockers peacefully coexist on separate pages. That is, these are two completely different trusted addons from different developers. The only thing they have in common is their purpose. Adblock Plus performs similar functions - it blocks banners in Google Chrome.

To block obscene advertising on websites in Google Chrome, you can safely use any of these solutions. This article will tell you how to download Adblock for Google Chrome and Adblock Plus, how to use them and how to configure them. You will also learn about the capabilities of these filters in relation to Google Chrome.

Note. Addons can be downloaded for free from the official app store.

The free Adblock Plus addon is an open source project developed in 2006 by Vladimir Palant. Five years after the release of the filter, in 2011, the author, together with Til Feid, founded the Eyeo group to support it.

  1. Filtering rules according to the installed language in the browser (that is, if it is Russian, the Russian-language location is connected).
  2. White list of trusted advertisements (elements that will not be deleted).

In addition to them, the user can enable additional lists of rules in the options, as well as set their own blocking (not only banners, but also other page elements).

Adblock Plus copes well with all types of online advertising:

  • ads in video players (in video frames);
  • , panels;
  • banners and teasers.


To enable the extension, do the following:

1. Click the “Menu” button on the Chrome panel.

2. In the drop-down panel, open: Additional tools → Extensions.

3. Under the list of active add-ons, click on the “More…” link.

4. In the “Search” line, enter the name - Adblock Plus.

5. Go to the download page. Click the blue "Install" button.

6. Confirm the connection: in the request, click “Install...”.

Note. After a successful connection, a tab will open asking you to download a browser from the filter developers. It is called exactly the same - Adblock Browser.

Alternative connection method

You can also download and install Adblock Plus directly on the developer’s website:

1. Type in the address bar -

2. Click on the main page “Install...”.


Click the extension icon to open the settings panel. It displays statistics of filtered elements, as well as options:

"Included on this site." If you click on this column, the site on the current tab is added to the white list. It unblocks advertising (the filter does not work, all banners are displayed). Clicking this option again turns the lock back on.

"Block element." Click this line if you want to create your own filtering rule.

This procedure is performed like this:
1. After launching the option, move the cursor over the block of the web page that you want to get rid of. Make sure that its borders are highlighted correctly.

2. Click the left mouse button.

3. In the “Block element” window, click “Add”.

"Settings". After selecting this option, a page opens in the panel with filtering settings, divided into groups (tabs):

"Filter list". Here you can update the lists (the “Update” button), disable/enable them (the “Enabled” window).

And also activate additional rules (the “Add” button) from the existing list or by indicating your source.

Here are the custom rules. To add a new rule to the list, click the “Add” button and then insert a link to the site (domain, subdomain, page).

"Are common". This tab contains settings for the appearance of the settings panel.

The authors of the addon are a small group of developers (programmers, support staff) with the participation of users (voluntary donations, recommendations). They explain the name of their project as inspiration inspired by the capabilities of the Adblock Plus extension for the first versions of Firefox. However, as mentioned above, these addons are not connected in any way.

Adblock does not contain spyware or other computer infections. Does not send information to developers about pages visited and search queries.

To enable this add-on, go to the Chrome application store and enter its name in the search bar (similar to Adblock Plus; see its installation instructions).

If you want to install a filter using offsite, follow these steps:

1. Open the developer’s web resource -

2. Click the Google Chrome icon to select the distribution for it.

3. Click "Get...".


Click the Adblock button in your browser to open its control panel. The following options are available:

“Pause...” - temporary shutdown.

left-click on it (the “Block Ads” panel will appear);

hover the cursor over the element to be deleted so that its borders are indicated;

Press the left button again.

If the block was deleted incorrectly and violates the overall design and functionality of the page, in the “Define...” panel, use the slider to further adjust the filtering (gradually move it to the right and control the result of editing to achieve the optimal “cutting” option).

Click Looks Good.

In the new window, click “Block!”

If you have a question about how to disable Adblock on the current page, click “Do not run on this page” in the panel. If you want to view advertisements on all pages of an open site, then use the command “... on pages of this domain”.

After disabling, the addon icon will turn green.

“Options” - opens a tab with additional settings. All filter options are grouped into separate sections:

“General” - customize the panel view;

“Filter lists” - connect/disconnect, update databases with rules (main and additional).

"Settings" - options for entering and editing custom filters.

This concludes our review. The choice is yours, dear reader. Which of the above filters is most convenient for you can be determined experimentally by using them a little for familiarization purposes. In any case, regardless of your preferences, you will protect yourself from intrusive advertising on the Internet. Have a comfortable experience on the Internet!

Blocking ads on the Internet is a necessity to combat arbitrariness dubious sites. If you are interested in this topic, then it’s not about advertising, but about the sites that you visit. Because the advertisement itself does not pose a threat or challenge to perception. On the contrary, she often gives " the same answer"or is part of the design. So let's deal with the problem.

  • : AdBlock, Adblock Plus Adgruard

How to visit dubious sites?

In fact, it all depends on how often we visit dubious sites. Statistics show that we mostly surf on social networks, read the news feed and other completely normal sites where there is no aggressive advertising.

It's a different matter when it comes to visiting entertaining, gaming or site for adults. Here it is advisable to install one of the proven browser extensions for blocking ads:

  • AdBlock- the best option for the Google Chrome browser, since it was originally created specifically for this browser. AdBlock official website:
  • Adblock Plus- was originally created for Mozilla Firefox, but was so good that it spread to other browsers. AdBlock Plus official website:
  • Adguard is a newcomer to the ad blocker market with an emphasis on monetization through offering a paid version. However, the free one is also enough to solve the main problem. Official website:

Note: Many Chromium-based browsers already have a file adblock.ini, which allows you to specify the necessary filtering rules and not install any extensions.

But are these assistants as good as they might seem at first glance? Yes, they really block ads, dubious scripts, etc., but they are unable to completely eliminate human factor. My advice is to pay attention.

How to check security link URL?

The problem of unsafe links is solved by the free online service “!” Unlike others, it does not simply check the specified URL, but also follows it to the end point of the link redirect. So this is very relevant for “ short links", generated through:,, etc.

Checking the site for phishing, malware And adult- produced using the databases of Google and Yandex security services. You only get the result that will allow you to make the right decision.

Ad blocker load: AdBlock, Adblock Plus Adgruard

Let's look at a more practical reason do not use extensions or programs for ad blocking, namely - the load they create on the computer.

The fact is that all these solutions, like any other running programs, constantly “ hanging"in the computer's memory. They are not so large, but they also create a load.

When visiting a website page, the extension (program) accesses the database with ad filtering rules, blocks ads and, only then, transmits the result to the browser, which creates “ delay"in his work.

But that’s half the trouble! Ad blockers consume memory and other computer resources. As a demonstration of this Problems, I will provide “task manager” data for three popular ad blocking extensions in the Google Chrome browser:

ParameterAdBlockAdblock PlusAdguard
Memory141 372K88 364K44 368K
JavaScript memory111,933KB70 596KB20 132KB
Image cache16.4KB336KB108KB
Script cache0 31.2Kb0
CSS cache0 18.7Kb0

Note: data obtained under equal conditions - 1 browser tab is open.

Each solution has its pros and cons:

  • AdBlock- fast, but consumes a lot of memory.
  • Adblock Plus- moderate, but actively uses the browser cache.
  • Adguard- looks the most sane, but this is a free version with reduced capabilities.

Note: Each open tab consumes additional computer resources. And this “consumption” is growing in geometric progression, up to " falls» (stop working) browser.

My personal experience of blocking unwanted ads

  • Google Chrome- assigned by browser default, without any extensions or other frills. I use it for work and surfing normal sites.
  • Mozilla Firefox- auxiliary browser with installed extension Adblock Plus and some other protection tools. I use it for visiting dubious sites.

Note: Firefox has one very useful feature - " Go to Reading View" She becomes active on content pages and allows you to read them without any impurities, in a “pure” form.

"Switch to Reading View" feature in Mozilla Firefox

Note: the only thing I don’t consider excessive is antivirus. It may be free and simple, but it should be there. Personally I prefer avast! free—, it consumes few resources and protects against most unpleasant moments.

The demand for plugins that “cut” annoying online advertising is steadily growing. According to a recent report from Adobe and PageFair, custom browser extensions are now used by over 200 million people worldwide, up 41% from 2014. Read about the five best browser add-ons that will help hide annoying banners, pop-ups and other annoying ads in the Vestey.Hi-tech collection.

Not all advertising is bad. “Internet bugs” that collect information about the user’s activity without his knowledge, flashing and pop-up windows that interfere with or distract from reading, as well as banners with “bad” code that embed cookies into the browser to track movements deserve unambiguous blocking. visitors from site to site. However, sometimes running ads is the only way to earn money as an independent resource. So, if the ads are harmless and do not bother you, it would be a good idea to support the authors of your favorite sites and add them to the white list.

Before installing a blocker, we recommend enabling the Do Not Track (DNT) feature in your browser. This will let the site know that you do not want to be tracked by behavioral cookies that collect information about pages visited, online purchases, search engine queries, etc. Enabling this setting, however, does not mean that sites will immediately stop bothering you with “targeted” advertising. For now, DNT is advisory in nature. It only informs sites that users want to stop tracking them, but does not provide any guarantees that advertisers will comply with this request.

Chrome: open "Settings" → on the screen that opens, follow the link "Show additional settings" (below) → in the "Personal data" section, check the box next to "Send tracking denial with outgoing traffic."

Firefox: Go to “Settings” → select the “Privacy” tab and check the radio button next to “Tell sites that I don’t want to be tracked.”

Internet Explorer: "Settings" → "Security" → "Send Do Not Track requests" → click on the "Enable" button.

Opera: "Settings" → "Privacy and Security" section → check "Send a Do Not Track request with data."

Safari: "Settings" → go to the "Privacy" tab → and check the box next to "Prevent websites from tracking me."

AdBlock Plus

ABP is the most popular and ubiquitous AD blocker, with versions for both desktop and mobile devices. According to statistics from the startup Eyeo, based in Cologne (Germany), their product is regularly used by over 60 million people around the world. ABP can block anything from banners and pop-ups, hidden cookies and other tracking tools, suspicious domains, social media buttons and widgets, and video ads on YouTube or Facebook.

It is also possible to create your own lists of filters and allowed domains. ABP is available as an extension in all popular browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Maxthon, also in Yandex.Browser and on Android devices.

Once installed, ABP will ask what content other than ads should be blocked. Optionally, the extension can deny access to potentially malicious domains, cut out spying cookies and social media buttons that can also monitor user behavior.

ABP has one feature - the so-called “acceptable” or “acceptable advertising”. Developers do not hide the fact that they receive payment from large partners (including Google, Amazon, eHow, Yandex and others) for being included in the white list. Additionally, to support independent creators, ABP can run ads on smaller sites and blogs for free. However, filters are allowed to bypass “no more than 10% of companies,” and users always have the option to completely limit any advertising. This can be done by unchecking the box next to "Allow some unobtrusive advertising" in the add-on settings.


The Ghostery plugin specializes in getting rid of Internet bugs rather than advertising. To date, the extension (the developers themselves call it a “privacy tool”) is aware of the existence of over 2 thousand trackers that can secretly collect information about user activity.


Disconnect's audience is relatively small (about a million users), and the add-on itself does not have a very beautiful interface, but it copes with its tasks. It also has a number of unique functions. For example, Disconnect clearly shows in the form of an interactive map which sites receive notifications that you have visited a partner resource.

In addition, the plugin displays how much Internet traffic has been saved and how much web page loading has increased. Overall, Disconnect is the type of program that you can simply “turn on and forget.” If some elements stop working (YouTube videos, Flickr photos), or the site is not displayed correctly, you can always click on the icon with the letter D and unblock individual scripts.

Disconnect does not have such flexible settings as Ghostery or uBlock. For example, you cannot see the blacklist of all bugs - it is created by the company itself. The extension is available in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Step 1. In order to get into the Google Chrome settings, you need to click the settings button to the right of the address bar and select “Settings”.

Step 2. At the bottom of the settings page there is an “Advanced” button.

Step 3. When you click on the specified button, hidden settings are displayed. The required option to block ads is “Content Settings”, “Pop-Ups” tab.

Step 4. In order to block advertising banners, you need to move the slider to the “Blocked” position. If necessary, you can add some sites to exceptions by specifying them in the “Allow” item.

Cleaning toolChrome

Step 1. In addition to pop-ups, problems with advertising can be caused by third-party software products installed on your computer. In order to check your PC for malware, you should use the Chrome Cleanup Tool utility. You can get it on the official website of the browser.

Step 2. You will be offered a final user agreement, if you agree with it, click on the “Accept and download” button.

Step 3. After receiving the file, run it and wait for the verification result. This utility does not require installation. After scanning, the cleaning tool will display the result. If there are programs that interfere with the operation of the browser, you will be prompted to remove them. If there is no such software, the utility will display the message “Nothing found.”

Step 4. When you click on the “Continue” button, the browser will automatically go to the reset page.

The reset procedure will not affect saved bookmarks, passwords and browsing history - only temporary files are deleted, including data from quick access pages. After the reset, you must manually enable the necessary extensions.


Step 1. To work with extensions, you need to select the appropriate menu item: settings button -> “Additional tools” -> “Extensions”.

Step 2. In the window that opens, check the “Enabled” option for the extensions you need. If any of them is unfamiliar to you, it is advisable to delete it. Removal is carried out by clicking on the trash can button, or through the “Details” menu of the selected extension.

Disabling unobtrusive advertising in extensions

Step 1. If you use extensions to block ads, to completely disable banners, you must block the display of unobtrusive advertising.

To do this, you need to enter the extensions, as described above, select the one you need, for example AdBlock, and click the “Options” button.

Step 2. In the window that opens, uncheck the “Allow some unobtrusive advertising” option.


We've covered the basic steps to block unwanted advertising. In order not to experience problems with the Google Chrome browser, periodically repeat the following steps:

  1. Use the Chrome Cleanup Tool.
  2. Get rid of extensions you don't need.
  3. Check the settings of already installed and recently downloaded extensions.
  4. Do not install software you are unfamiliar with or software obtained from sites you are unfamiliar with.

Video - How to disable advertising in the Google chrome browser