How not to put a number on the title page. We remove the number from the first page in Word. How to remove page numbers in Word

How to number the pages of a project in Word without a title page will be discussed in this article.

According to the rules for formatting reports, abstracts, messages, the title page is considered the first sheet of the project, but it is not numbered. If the project was created in Word, difficulties often arise with how to print the project in such a way that the number on the title page is removed, and then the numbering is in the usual order, starting from the second page.

Open the project in Word, select the tab from the menu IN bid.

Select a tab N page number - IN at the bottom of the page - and select P tall number in the center, as shown in the screenshot.

The following will appear on the screen:

Pay attention to the menu tab at the top of the page R working with headers and footers - TO constructor and put a tick in the Special header and footer for the first page box.

Now let's pay attention to the numbering of the title page. An inscription appeared - footer for the first page and the number is not displayed. The numbering of the second page of the project begins with the number 2. Everything is as we wanted.

If something doesn’t work out for you, you can try another way to remove the number from the title page of the abstract. Go to the menu R page layout, click on the small arrow at the bottom right, a tab with page parameters appears, select AND paper source put a tick in the box R distinguish headers and footers from the first page. Don't forget to click OK. The number on the title page has been removed.

, how to do numbering in Word. But there are times when you need remove page number from title page. The page number on the title page is not specified in many student works, such as laboratory papers, term papers, or dissertations. And very often students get frustrated at such a simple point as numbering without title page. In this article we will look at.

Let's say we have a numbered Word document and we need remove the page number from the first (title) page.

  1. First, double-click in the footer area, the area where our page numbers.
How to remove the page number from the title page - Activating the header and footer mode
  1. After activating the header and footer mode:

How to remove page number from title page - Header and footer mode
  1. In the “Parameters” group we put a flag for the item “ Special header and footer for the first page».

How to remove the page number from the title page - Special footer for the first page
  1. The page number on the title page has been removed. In order to exit the mode of working with headers and footers, double-click on the main text or press the button “ Close the header and footer window».

How to remove the page number from the title page - Exiting the header and footer mode

Well, that's it, the page number has been removed from the title page.

How to remove page number from title page - Page numbers without title page

Now you know, how to remove page number from title page. Page numbering greatly simplifies working with a document. In most cases, page numbers are used in combination with . And if you are interested, how to remove page numbers from the first two, you can find out about this in this .

Sometimes when working with documents, the user has a question about how to remove page numbers in Word.

Most often we are talking about the beginning and end of the text - the title page and a place for reviews, signatures or seals, although there may be other options.

There are several basic rules for removing unnecessary numbering that everyone who works in a Microsoft text editor should know.

A document created and already saved by a user or another person may contain page numbers that are not needed for either word processing or printing.

Section breaks for Word 2013

Now each of the sections can be numbered in its own way - continuing the old numbering or starting over.

In the same way, the number is removed from the last page - it becomes just the second section of the document.

It is worth noting that adding (or deleting) separate numbers for even and odd pages in all versions of Word will have to be done manually.

Whereas the "even page" and "odd page" options simply ensure that the next section begins at the nearest appropriate location.

Advice! If sections have already been created, regardless of their number (even if a sheet is allocated for each), you can delete all numbering using any of the usual methods - by selecting or selecting headers and footers.

How to remove page numbering in Word?

In this video we will look at how to remove page numbering in Word by editing the header or footer or using the program menu.

Typically, the first or title page of a document does not have a number or any text in the header or footer. You can avoid inserting the first page number by creating sections, but there is an easier way.

If it was not your intention to create sections in the rest of the document, you will probably want to avoid this altogether. We'll show you how to use a footer (or header) and adjust just one parameter to remove the number from the title page and start numbering on the second page of the document, assigning it the first number.

Open the tab Page Layout(Page layout).

In a team group Page Setup(Page Options) click the dialog box launcher icon (arrow icon) in the lower right corner of the group.

In the dialog box that opens, go to the tab Layout(Paper Source) and check the box Headers and footers(Differentiate headers and footers) next to the option Different first page(first page). Click OK.

Now there is no page number on the first page of the document.

The page following the title page is numbered like the second. You'll probably want to give it the first number.

To change the second page number to the first, open the tab Insert(Insert).

In chapter Header & Footer(Header and footer) click Page Number(Page number) and select from the drop down menu Format Page Numbers(Page Number Format).

In chapter Page numbering(Page Numbering) Dialog Box Page Number Format(Page Number Format) select Start at(Begin with). Enter “0” and press OK.

Thus, the second page of the document will be assigned number 1.

You can configure the page numbering in the document in the drop-down menu that opens when you click the button Format Page Numbers(Page Number Format) found on the Insert(Insert) in section Header & Footer(Footers). Page numbers with a given format can be placed at the top, bottom, or in the margins of the page. Using the same menu, you can remove page numbers from the document.

Deleting a value using this method is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Initially you need to go to the “Insert” section;
  • When the “Shapes” window opens, you should select a suitable image, taking into account its color tone, by clicking on the shape once;
  • if all steps are completed correctly, a cross should appear instead of the usual cursor;
  • holding the changed element with the left button, you should simply bring it to the digital value that you want to delete.

If you need to change the parameters of the selected image, you need to click on the shape once with the computer mouse to see the marks that appear around the perimeter of the image. Next, you just need to hover the cursor over the marks and, holding down the left button, increase or decrease the parameters of the figure by stretching the marks to the desired size.

The image can also be rotated in any direction by placing the cursor on the green dot on the figure and turning the left mouse button in the desired direction.

  1. To make the result of the event effective, it is best to learn how to work with a text editor, removing numbers from the title page in the following sequence:
  • Having gone to the main page, you need to find and activate the “Insert” column by simply clicking on it with a computer mouse;
  • Next you will need to activate the “Page Number” subsection;
  • several tabs will open in the subsection, allowing you to select the location of the digital value on the sheet;
  • by double-clicking on the desired tab, the numbering will automatically change according to the location specified by the author;
  • the number marked on the title page can be removed after activating the “Special header and footer for the first page” section by placing a simple tick in the appropriate box.

If the considered method does not help remove the number from the first sheet, you will need to select the number and press the key called Delete twice.

To save changes, double-click with the left button of the computer mouse on any sheet of the document, selecting the header or footer for this.

After saving, you need to go to the upper left corner of the Word editor and activate the “File” button. After opening the “Save” window, you should simply click or change the name of the finished document if necessary by entering the file type and name in the specially designated field.

Changing the sheet format step by step

Quite often it is necessary to display numbering in Roman numerals or capital letters in a text document. Certain requirements generally imply starting from the 3rd sheet, especially if after the title page there is a work plan and a short text of the content. In such situations, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the “Insert” section and activate the “Page Number” window.
  2. After opening the “Page Number Format” subsection located in the lower corner, all unnecessary numbers are deleted by clicking the mouse.
  3. Next, you should mark the required pages with the appropriate values ​​and set the required format.
  4. After the changes are made, be sure to click “OK” so that the settings remain saved.

In these ways, quite simple and understandable, it is quite possible to independently remove the numbering from any sheet, including the title page. By following the instructions and making changes step by step, anyone can cope with such work, believing in their strength and success.