Add a menu to your template using CMS WordPress. Navigation bars using CSS. Creating menus and custom menu items through the WordPress admin panel

In the blog article before last, I wrote about interesting innovations latest version WordPress is a special mechanism for creating and managing . Now it has become much more convenient and easier ordinary users create menus of varying complexity, which can consist not only of pages or blog categories, but also have links to any URL. To display the menu in the template, a special function wp_nav_menu is used - I’ll tell you about it today.

If there is no menu section in the WordPress admin, you can activate it by adding special code to the functions.php file

Here first is the name of the menu we created. This is the use of the function in general case without widgets, you will need to work with them a little differently. However, the wp_nav_menu function can be output without arguments, resulting in “browsing” different situation— first, a match by menu name if at least one menu item is specified for it, otherwise a non-empty menu will simply be displayed, etc. But again, I advise you to simply use the code above and not figure out what the function without arguments should output. Its syntax is as follows:

The following parameters are used here:

$menu - the selected identifier for the menu - ID, slug or menu name.

$container - The default UL menu is "wrapped" in a DIV container using this setting.

$container_class - indicates the class of the container, by default its value is menu-(menu slug)-container, that is, in our case, for example, the class will be menu-first-container.

$container_id - you can add an ID to the container, not specified by default.

$menu_class is the class for the UL menu element, its value is menu.

$menu_id — ID for the ul element, defaults to menu-(slug)

$echo - if you do not want to display the menu, but return the value of the function, use 0 for this setting.

$fallback_cb - if the menu does not exist, the wp_page_menu function is called.

$before - sets the text that is displayed before link A.

$link_before — displays the phrase before the link text, not specified.

$link_after — displayed after the link text, also empty.

$depth - sets the number of hierarchy levels to display the menu; the default value of 0 displays the entire menu.

$walker - some kind of incomprehensible custom “walker object”, probably more needed by advanced developers.

$theme_location - The location of the theme where the menu will be used must be activated via register_nav_menu() in order for the user to be able to select it. Also some kind of not entirely clear setting, apparently, when working with widgets.

Examples of using the wp_nav_menu function

The simplest code given in the code is:

Removing the DIV container from the menu

In principle, there is nothing complicated about creating and managing a WordPress 3.0 menu. The developers have significantly simplified the work procedure and expanded the capabilities of this navigation element. The solution is often used in a variety of template tasks, for example, when creating for mobile and desktop versions. A little later I will add a couple more snippets on the topic.

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Register and display a custom menu created in the panel: “ Appearance> Menu" (Appearance > Menus).

Registering the menu

Add_action("after_setup_theme", function())( register_nav_menus(array("main_menu" => __("Primary menu", "crea"), "foot_menu" => __("Footer menu", "crea"),)) ; ));

The second option for registering the menu (I don’t know how correct it is, so it’s better to use the first option)

If (function_exists("register_nav_menu")) ( register_nav_menus(array("main_menu" => __("Primary menu", "crea"), "foot_menu" => __("Footer menu", "crea"),)) ; )

Displaying the menu

Second menu option

More details about registration and menu display in the template


wp_nav_menu(array("theme_location" => "" // (string) The location of the menu in the template. (indicates the key with which the menu was registered in the function "menu" => "", // (string) The name of the displayed menu (indicated in the admin panel when creating a menu, priority is given to specified location theme_location - if specified, the theme_location parameter is ignored) "container" => "div", // (string) Menu container. Wrapper ul. The container tag is specified (by default in the div tag) "container_class" => "", // (string) class of the container ( div tag) "container_id" => "", // (string) id of the container (div tag) "menu_class" => "menu", // (string) class of the menu itself (ul tag) "menu_id" => "", / / (string) id of the menu itself (ul tag) "echo" => true, // (boolean) Display or return for processing "fallback_cb" => "wp_page_menu", // (string) Used (backup) function, if menu does not exist (could not get) "before" => "", // (string) Text before each link "after" => "", // (string) Text after each link "link_before" => "", // (string) Text before the anchor (text) of the link "link_after" => "", // (string) Text after the anchor (text) of the link "items_wrap" => "", "depth" => 0, // (integer) Nesting depth (0 - unlimited, 2 - two-level menu) "walker" => "" // (object) Class that collects menus. Default: new Walker_Nav_Menu));

$args Parameter Arguments

ID of the menu location in the template. Identifier specified when registering a menu using the register_nav_menu() function.
Default: ""

The menu that needs to be displayed. Match: id, slug or menu name.
Default: ""

How to wrap the ul tag. Acceptable: div or nav.
If you don’t need to wrap it with anything, then write false: container => false.
Default: div

The value of the class attribute of the menu container.
Default: menu-(menu slug)-container

The value of the id attribute of the menu container.
Default: ""

The value of the class attribute of the ul tag.
Default: menu

The value of the id attribute of the ul tag.
Default: menu slug

Print to screen (true) or return for processing (false).
Default: true

A function to process the output if no menu is found.
Passes all $args to the function specified here.
Set the empty string to '__return_empty_string' to display nothing if there is no menu.
Default: wp_page_menu

Text before tag on the menu.
Default: ""

Text after each tag in the menu.
Default: ""

The text before the anchor of each link in the menu.
Default: ""

Text after the anchor of each link in the menu.
Default: ""

Do I need to wrap elements in a ul tag? If necessary, a wrapper template is specified.
Default: ""

How many levels of nested links to show. 0 - all levels.

The class that will be used to build the menu. You need to specify an object, not a string, for example new My_Menu_Walker(). Default: Walker_Nav_Menu(). See below for how to use...
Default: Walker_Nav_Menu

Whether or not to leave line breaks in the HTML menu code. Could be: preserve or discard
Default: "preserve"


Show menu only if it exists

By default, if there is no menu, the site pages will be displayed instead. But if you need to display the menu only when it is created in the admin panel, specify the fallback_cb parameter as "__return_empty_string" :

Wp_nav_menu(array("theme_location" => "primary-menu", "fallback_cb" => "__return_empty_string"));

Creating a menu in WordPress, as well as sorting pages and categories, often becomes a rather difficult problem for novice webmasters. Because of this, I decided to write a short tutorial in which we will take a detailed look at how to create custom menus in WordPress. With their help, you can independently create custom menus, add or remove menu items, change their name, location and nesting.

In one of the previous articles we already looked at the method. Fortunately, WordPress now has a built-in feature that allows you to create custom menus without resorting to plugins. This feature is available in all versions of WordPress starting from version 3.0.

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that support for custom menus is not enabled in all templates. In this regard, the article will consist of two parts. In the first part of the article, we will look at how to create menu items in WordPress through the admin panel if custom menus are already included in the template.

In the second part of the article, we will learn how to independently enable support for custom menus in WordPress and customize menu display via wp_nav_menu. This knowledge will be useful to you in case your template does not provide for the use of custom menus, or you write it yourself, or want to add the ability to create custom menus.

Creating menus and custom menu items through the WordPress admin panel

To create a menu, go to the Administrative Panel – Appearance – Menus and see if support for custom menus is enabled in your template. If not, then we can skip this step for now and go straight to the second part of the article. If the menu is already supported, then you will see a page with approximately the following content.

To create a new menu, enter its name in the “Enter menu title” field and click “Create menu”.

Personally, I prefer to write all names in Latin letters to avoid any problems in the future. Cyrillic names are also supported, but I would not recommend you to use them. This is my personal opinion.

After creating the menu, we need to select it in the “Topic Areas” block, which is located in the left column, and then save the result by clicking on the “Save” button.

In this case, the design theme only supports one custom menu, so you don’t have to choose much. You just need to select the menu we created from the drop-down list and save the result. If the theme supports two or more menus, then you need to select the menu based on its location in the template.

After saving the results, to add new items to the menu, just mark the desired categories or pages and click the “Add to Menu” button.

After this, they can be moved relative to each other as desired and the nesting can be changed.

So, we looked at how to create a custom menu through the WordPress admin panel, how to add new items to it and configure them. Now let's move on to the second part of the article and learn how to enable support for custom menus in WordPress and display them in the template using the wp_nav_menu function.

Enable custom menu support in WordPress

First of all, we need to register the use of custom menus and the menus themselves. To do this, open the function.php file of your theme for editing and add the following code.

Register_nav_menus(array("top" => "Top menu"));

Where “top” is the menu identifier, and “Top menu” is the name of the location.

If you need to add several menus, then list them separated by commas.

Register_nav_menus(array("top" => "Top menu", "left" => "Left menu"));

After adding this code, support for custom menus will be enabled automatically. You can verify this by going to the Administrative Panel – Appearance – Menu. But the menu registration itself is not enough. The menu still needs to be displayed in the template. To do this, we will use the special wp_nav_menu function.

Display a custom menu. wp_nav_menu function

As mentioned above, we will display custom menus using the wp_nav_menu function, which can accept the following parameters.

$args = array("menu" => "", // Menu name (string). "container" => "div", // Menu container (string). The ul list is placed in it. "container_class" => " ", // Container class (string). "container_id" => "", // Container Id (string). "menu_class" => "menu", // ul tag class (string). "menu_id" => " ", // Id of the ul tag (string). "echo" => true, // Display or return for processing (boolean). "fallback_cb" => "wp_page_menu", // Backup function in case an arbitrary menu does not exist (string). "before" => "", // Text before each link (string). "after" => "", // Text after each link (string). "link_before" => "", // Text before the link anchor (string). "link_after" => "", // Text after the link anchor (string). "depth" => 0, // Nesting depth (integer). 0 - unlimited, 2 - two-level custom menu. "walker" => , // Class that collects menus. Default: new Walker_Nav_Menu. (object). "theme_location" => ""); // The location of the menu in the template. Specify the menu ID. (string).

In this case, parameters can be passed both through an array and through a string. In any case, the menu will work. For clarity, let's consider both options.

Passing parameters through an array

Passing parameters via string


Personally, I prefer the second option, as it is more compact, in my opinion. In any case, the result of the function will be the following code.

  • Paragraph 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

This is where I end this article. We have reviewed the main points and in 99% of cases this information will be enough for you self-creation custom menus in WordPress. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments.

That's all. Good luck and success in creating websites on WordPress.

Navigation is present on any good website, even if it is a one-page one. Depending on the situation, navigation links can lead to various sections of the site or send to a bookmark (anchor) located on current page. Competent drafting navigation in which the user does not get confused requires certain knowledge and experience. Navigation bar design also needs to be done wisely, and in this tutorial we'll show you how to create a user-friendly navigation menu.

Creating Navigation

What is navigation? This is a collection of links, often ordered and grouped by meaning. Navigation menu often created using an HTML list tag