Huawei tablet does not connect to wifi. About possible reasons. Can't find Wi-Fi hotspot

Hello! Yes, I will write again about problems with Wi-Fi :). Someone needs to fight capricious wireless networks, which usually provide more inconvenience during setup than pleasure during use. Very, very many different problems arise, and most of them are difficult to even explain.

Today I will write about one of these problems. And I will give some recommendations that may help you solve it. But I can’t guarantee anything, I hope you understand.

What does the problem look like?

I think that after reading the title of this article, you can already understand what this article is about. I began to notice comments in which people wrote that their devices, be it a laptop, a computer with an adapter, a phone, a tablet, or a game console, did not see their home Wi-Fi network. It is simply not in the list of networks available for connection. At the same time, the device sees neighboring networks. But why? I thought for a long time, but could not come up with a logical explanation for this problem.

By the way, such nonsense can occur even after some work with Wi-Fi, that is, everything was working, you turned off the laptop (for example), and turned it on, but it no longer sees your network.

Here you need to act quickly and save your phone or other equipment from flying into a wall or window :)

Attention! This article is about when a device does not see a wireless network, but only, for example, one network, while other neighboring networks are detected.

The device does not see Wi-Fi [possible solution]

Roman left the following comment on the site:

To be honest, I didn't know what to recommend. But then I thought again and realized that, as a rule, the most incomprehensible problems arise due to the channel on which the wireless network operates, or rather due to interference on the channel.

And I advised you to experiment with channels, as written in the article. Roman changed channel (unfortunately, he didn’t write which one he installed, but it doesn’t matter, you need to experiment) and everything worked for him. The laptop saw the network. A free channel can be determined using the InSSIDer program.

I don’t know if changing the channel really helped, or just rebooting the router 🙂 but the problem was solved. By the way, Reboot the router first if any problems arise. A simple reboot often helps.

There was also a comment where the game console stopped seeing the home wireless network. But I don’t know how it all ended.

You can also try experimenting with the mode of operation of the router, I wrote about this in the article.

Perhaps you have already encountered this problem and somehow solved it differently, or please leave your thoughts on this issue in the comments. And I will update the article and add useful material.

Bye everyone!

Also on the site:

The laptop (phone, tablet) does not see the home Wi-Fi network (it sees the neighboring ones) updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

If this does not help, it means that the fault lies in the hardware and cannot be fixed at home.

Of course, on the Internet you can find videos and descriptions of how the owners of a non-working device “baked” Wi-Fi modules in the oven, after which they came to life. But this method is not a panacea, and it cannot eliminate all problems. In practice, the average user creates even more damage when trying to disassemble the tablet, not to mention successful repairs using “folk methods.” So, if the hardware breaks down, a visit to the service center is necessary.

The main reasons why wifi does not work on a tablet

After the “opening”, the specialist will announce the cause of the breakdown. It could be:

  • Natural wear of the module: in this case it simply changes to a similar one.
  • The cable connecting the wireless communication module to the tablet’s motherboard is worn out. In this case, it must also be replaced.
  • Water getting inside the housing. This is an extremely dangerous situation, since after Wi-Fi, other equipment may also fail.

All these problems can be easily resolved by service center employees. The sooner you seek help, the better it will be for you and for the tablet.

In this article we will talk about such a common problem, what to do if the tablet does not connect to a wireless WiFi network. This is a hot topic today, as tablets are widely used all over the world. In addition, problems with connecting to wireless networks appear quite often and not everyone is able to solve them on their own.

So, when talking about a wireless network, you should understand that we are talking about a WiFi router or other access point. It is worth noting that for security purposes, such connections require entering a key. This means that the first thing to do if your tablet does not connect to the WiFi network is to check that you entered the password correctly.

As mentioned above, the most common mistake is an incorrectly entered password.

However, there are other problems related directly to wireless equipment and its settings. These include the following:

  • A MAC filter is installed in the router settings.
  • The router is malfunctioning.
  • Encryption type mismatch.
  • Channel mismatch.

It’s worth noting that you don’t need to configure anything on the tablet itself. Everything that can affect the connection is contained in the router settings. This is where we will go to troubleshoot problems. And first of all, you should pay attention to the fact that budget routers such as TP-Link, D-Link. Asus, Zyxel and so on are not highly stable. They have a tendency to freeze.

This can happen for many reasons, for example, due to power outages, heavy load (if you download large amounts of information at high speed), as a result of connecting a large number of subscribers, and so on. In any case, you should reboot the router. How it's done. It's simple. Unplug the device from the power supply and wait 7-10 minutes, then turn it on again.

How to set up Wi-Fi on a tablet: Video

Checking the encryption type

If the tablet does not connect to the WiFi network and says “Saved,” this indicates a mismatch in encryption types. First of all, you should know that modern WiFi devices support the WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 mixed encryption type. If you select a different mode on the router, then the tablet is easy to connect to. In other words, the tablet sees the WiFi network but does not connect to it.

So, we need to go into the router settings. To do this, we connect to it using a laptop (via WiFi or via cable). Next, open any browser and write the router’s IP in the address bar. The necessary data is available on the device itself or in the instructions. If you do not have a manual, there is no data on the router case, then open the command line. To do this, simultaneously press the Windows + R keys, in the window that appears, write CMD and press “Enter”.

In the menu that opens, write the IPCONFIG command and press Enter. Now you need to find the line “Default Gateway”. This is the data we need.

As a rule, this is, but depending on the router model, these values ​​may differ. So, we enter the received data in the browser, after which the system will ask you to enter your login and password. We write admin, admin respectively.

How to easily find out the IP address of a router: Video

Here we are in the router settings menu. It is worth noting that the interface may differ depending on the device model. There may also be differences in the names of some sections. Let's consider further actions using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example.

In the router settings at the bottom of the screen, click the “Advanced settings” button. We find a section called WiFi. Here we click “Security Settings”. Here the first line “Network Authentication” is the encryption type. Select from the suggested options WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 mixed and apply the changes. After this, reboot the router.

Articles on the topic

Often a similar error occurs when the authentication type is correctly set. In this case, rebooting the router will help you. As mentioned above, budget models are not stable in operation.

Checking the MAC filter

The answer to the question why the WiFi network on the tablet does not connect lies in the MAC address filtering settings. The fact is that to increase protection, a special function is enabled that determines the physical address of the computer, opening or closing access to it. To check this, go back to the router settings. In the WiFi section, select "MAC Filter".

To avoid problems in the future, you should turn off filtering.

But if you don’t want to do this, then we do the following. First, let’s look at which mode is selected:

  • Allow - the router allows access only to the specified devices.
  • Deny - the router blocks network access to the specified tablets.

Now all that remains is to find out the physical address of your tablet and check if it is on the list and, if necessary, add or remove it.

How to set up a MAC filter in a router: Video

Checking channels

If you have turned off filtering, but the tablet still sees the WiFi network, but does not connect to it, then you should proceed to the next step. This problem often occurs due to channel mismatch. So let's go back to the router settings and try to change them.

To do this, return to the access point settings and in the WiFi section select “Basic settings”. Here we need to find the “Channel” line. Try changing it to something else. It should be noted that it is recommended to set the mode to “Auto”. Thanks to this, the router will automatically use the most suitable channel.

1. Authentication error

This problem is one of the most common, but easily solved.

Solution: enter the correct password

Yes, dear readers, this error is due to an error in the password. Try to check the correct spelling, case of letters and whether you are connecting to the same network for which you have the password.

2. Can’t find a Wi-Fi point

The root of all evil is the discrepancy between the data transmission mode used by the device and the router standard. Modern routers can use three modes for communication: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n. True, Wi-Fi of mobile gadgets usually functions only in one of them. If the tablet works with the 802.11b version, and the network, for example, with any other, then it simply will not see it.

Solution: change the broadcast standard

Fortunately, in most cases you don’t even need to know which operating mode is set in your device. Any router also contains a fourth standard, which is called 802.11b/g/n mixed; it combines all three options into one. When using it, any device will connect without problems and will delight its owner with access to the Internet.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you how to set up an access point. To do this, you will need a computer that is already connected to the network you need. Type or into the address bar of your favorite browser, this will bring up the router page, which will require a password and login. Typically, the word "admin" is used on both lines. Once in the user interface, you need to find the item with control, there will be an option to change the mode of the wireless module.

3. Can't get network address

There may also be a situation where the device sees the access point, but cannot connect to it.

Solution: specify a static IP

In the list of available connections, find the one you need, then press and hold it until a pop-up menu appears. We are interested in the “Change network” item in it.

Check the “Advanced Settings” checkbox, and then change the “DHCP” option to “Static” in the “IPv4 Configuration” column. True, that’s not all, check that the code in the “IPv4 address” item fully corresponds to the bottom column “Gateway”, except for the last number, you can come up with it yourself, but only in the range from 2 to 255. Don’t forget to check that everything numbers are separated by dots, like in this example: “”.

I hope my simple tips helped you connect to Wi-Fi. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss my other articles. See you!


Today, wireless networks help you stay out of sight and constantly stay connected, opening access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although Wi-Fi has almost reached perfection during its existence, it still remains a rather capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in this regard are almost identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without Internet access, there is no access to sites when connected, and the phone or tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi router.
Today, wireless networks help you stay out of sight and constantly stay connected, providing access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although Wi-Fi has almost reached perfection during its existence, it still remains a rather capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in this regard are almost identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without Internet access, there is no access to sites when connected, and the phone or tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi router.
How to properly connect your tablet to a Wi-Fi router? To do this you need to do the following:
1. Check the Wi-Fi settings on the router itself, making sure that the wireless network is activated and the DHCP server is connected. This will avoid the need to register an IP address each time you connect.
2. Go to the tablet settings, turn on Wi-Fi, hold down the “WI-Fi” icon for a few seconds and go to the wireless network settings.
3. Select a router from the list of available networks (enter the password if necessary).
4. Click “connect”.
If for some reason there is a need to manually enter IP settings, you must check the “additional” box. This will open access to advanced settings. Then, opposite “IP settings”, select “custom”. In the window that opens, you must specify the IP of the router, which will act as a DNS server in this subnet. After that you can connect.
If you did everything correctly, but your Samsung or other tablet does not connect to the wifi router, then there are several ways to solve this problem.
If your tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi before contacting a service center, you can:
1. Check if Wi-Fi is connected on the tablet itself.
2. Check if power is supplied to the access point.
3. Check whether the function of filtering devices by MAC address is activated in the router settings.
4. Connect to an open access point after first disabling WPA encryption.
There are situations when the tablet “loses” connection with a Wi-Fi point. Of course, this is a rather unpleasant situation for every user. As a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment. Several recommendations will allow the user to cope with this problem on their own.
If the connection between the tablet and the Wi-Fi point is interrupted, you can:
1. Switch to another Wi-Fi point. If after this the problem disappears, then the cause of the trouble lies in your access point. In this case, you can change the network settings or update the firmware of the connected device.
2. Connect to any other open access point, for example, to a neighbor’s or select a less used channel.
3. The reason may be the device adapter. In some cases, a faulty adapter creates interference, which causes the “loss” of communication between the router and the tablet.
We hope that these recommendations will allow you to avoid the situation when the tablet does not connect to the wifi router zyxel, Rostelecom, Beeline or Asus, and if such a nuisance happens, deal with it yourself.

Today it is already obvious to everyone that if a tablet or smartphone does not connect to the Internet via WiFi, then the user immediately loses most of the entire functionality of this device. Connecting a device to a wireless network is usually not accompanied by difficulties; you just need to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter built into the gadget and then connect to the selected access point by writing a password.

However, sometimes Wi-Fi, that is, accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi, does not work due to some problems. Below are the most common reasons why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, as well as specific recommendations on what to do if the owner of the gadget is faced with such a situation, using the example of a Lenovo tablet that does not connect to the WiFi wireless network. WiFi on a tablet computer sometimes does not turn on, both due to problems in the device itself and due to network equipment failures.

Owners of Lenovo gadgets very rarely encounter WiFi problems in the device itself, but if this function does not work, then it happens that many causes of problems are very quickly resolved by the users themselves by simply adjusting some settings.

It is important to write your password carefully

Very often, the tablet owner himself is the culprit for why a fully functional device does not connect to a wireless access point. There are many cases when Wi-Fi on the tablet does not connect due to incorrect writing of the network access code. Nowadays, it is very common to set up Wi-Fi network security, for example, using Wpa2 security. It is recommended to check the “Show password” line when dialing the access code. This ensures that the password is written correctly in most cases.

If you are absolutely sure that you entered the exact password, but the Internet cannot turn on, you must first check the operation of the router. Often difficulties arise due to incorrect router settings, overload, power surges, etc.

Restarting the Router

If a tablet or smartphone from Lenovo or another brand does not connect to the WiFi wireless network, a message about this is immediately displayed on the display. The router that the user intends to connect to needs to be restarted. In most cases, after this procedure, the Internet begins to function normally on the device.

Analysis of the security system of a protected Wi-Fi network

When a gadget cannot establish a connection with the router and at the same time it says saved in the status bar, then we can draw a conclusion about the various types of encoding used by the router and device.

The following sequential steps must be performed:

MAC address settings

Most often, errors when filtering MAC addresses appear when tablets from Lenovo and Asus manufacturers work with cheap router models. In order to ensure maximum security, these gadgets determine the MAC address and if it is not detected, the access to the global network is blocked, which is often a problem why network access in the tablet does not turn on.

The following steps need to be taken:

If the problem cannot be successfully resolved, then you need to try temporarily turning off filtering in the “Network” tab. And restart both devices.

Checking channels

If there is no positive result after completing all the steps described above, it is recommended to configure the channels.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the router settings;
  2. In the “Chanel” item, change the value (it is advisable to try all possible values). After specifying one of the modes, be sure to click “Save”;
  3. Next, restart the router and tablet computer;
  4. Make an attempt to connect.

If all attempts fail, you will have to resort to resetting your tablet PC.

The connection mode is set incorrectly

It happens that the router and tablet use various modifications of Wi-Fi communication. In this case, the device does not detect the version used by the router.

There is the most popular connection version 802.11n, as well as with the prefix “b” and “g”.

The following steps must be taken:

  1. Open the router settings menu;
  2. View the connection version and, if necessary, change it to the one corresponding to the tablet software;
  3. Restart devices;
  4. Test the functionality of all modes.

In the modern world, mobile technologies are increasingly used. Tablets with a variety of operating platforms are a huge success among users from all over the world. With the help of these devices you can solve various problems and, among other things, they are very convenient and transportable. However, despite the fact that tablets are extremely popular, many of their users, especially beginners, cannot figure out how to properly connect Wi-Fi on a tablet in order to enjoy good and high-speed Internet.

A Wi-Fi network is no surprise these days, and all modern devices have a wireless connection module installed. Wi-Fi can be found everywhere: at home, at work, in recreational areas, at train stations, subways and many other places. The hotspot is very easy to find.

Setting up Wi-Fi on your tablet

To connect your tablet via Wi-Fi to the Internet, you need to perform a list of simple operations:

  • First you need to turn on Wi-Fi on the device - this can be done if you have a special widget that will be placed on the gadget’s desktop (sometimes you can open widgets by swiping down on the main screen). You can also activate the module in the settings: just click on “On”.
  • After the wireless connection is activated, a list of available connections will appear on the gadget screen.
  • Click on the appropriate network.
  • If it has a password, you must enter it.

If all steps are completed correctly and the password is entered correctly, the device will be connected to Wi-Fi.

Connecting your tablet to your home network

Before using your home Wi-Fi hotspot, you need to activate and configure it through your router:

  • Enter the following numbers in any Internet browser on your PC: 192.168.1.*. (The IP address of your router is indicated on the router itself or the box)
  • After this, a window will appear where you need to specify the login and key to open access to the router.
  • If the password is unknown, then on the Internet you can find out the standard login/password for any router model.

All further operations for setting up the router will depend on what specific device is used to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

  • You need to go to the router settings and find the WLAN section (maybe Wireless Lan).
  • Here you need to check the Active Wireless LAN box or activate it (set the value to Enable).
  • Determine what type of security the network will have (WPA2-PSK is best).
  • In the SSID column you need to enter the name of the wireless access point.
  • Please indicate the key below and confirm it if necessary.
  • Save settings.

After the router has been set up, all that remains is to connect to the new wireless network.

Quite often, tablet owners encounter the following difficulty: the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi - the connection to the network continues indefinitely. You can solve this problem by doing the following:

  • The Wi-Fi network needs to be renamed (preferably in English letters). As practice shows, some gadgets do not want to connect to wireless networks whose names contain at least one Russian letter.
  • The problem may be with the router. Restart it.
  • The DHCP server may need to be enabled. To do this, you need to go back to the router settings (DHCP Setup) and check the box next to Enable.
  • The gadget may not work with a certain type of Wi-Fi network encryption. To change the type of protection, you need to go to the security settings and try to enter some value. For the new settings to be active, you need to reboot the router.
  • Another way is to enter the IP address and DNS server manually. To do this, you need to open the connection settings on the device. They are located in a special window that appears when connected to a Wi-Fi network. You should open the user IP parameters and specify your address in the following form: 192.168.1.***. You also need to fill in the “Gateway” and “DNS” fields with data, which you need to obtain from your Internet provider.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network in public places

Wi-Fi has faster and better data transmission compared to the cellular network. Using a wireless network allows you to achieve significant savings (if you do not have an unlimited data plan). Additionally, many tablets don't have 3G capability, making Wi-Fi connectivity in public areas a necessity. Most networks are secure and will require a password to connect.

How to connect a Wi-Fi tablet to a wireless network

  • The first step is to open the device configuration and go to the wireless connections section.
  • You need to make sure that the Wi-Fi function on the tablet is activated. This means that the tablet device will search for available networks in active mode. If such a point is detected, it will be shown here, indicating whether the network is password protected or has open access.
  • You must touch the name of the network to which you will connect.

In the tablet settings, you can activate a function that will periodically notify the user about the presence of available networks in the current area. To connect to the network, you need to tap this notification. If you need to deactivate the notification function, you can open the tablet device settings, the “Wi-Fi” section, and uncheck the box next to “Notify when new networks are detected.”

If there is accurate information that there should be wireless networks in the current area, but for some reason they are not displayed on the device, then you need to turn off and then reactivate the Wi-Fi function. To connect to a password-protected network, you need to know the access key. Just enter it in the appropriate field and touch the “Done” icon. To disconnect from a network, you need to touch and hold its name, and then select Remove.

Some points may be hidden and not displayed on the device. In this case, even if the notification function about available networks is active, the access point will not be displayed. To connect to such a connection, you need to select the “Add” function in the Wi-Fi settings, and then specify the network name and password.

When you enter your network name and passkey, be aware that they are case sensitive. You must enter this data very carefully, since the slightest mistake will prevent access to the wireless connection. The function of adding and connecting to an invisible network may not work on some gadgets. This is due to the lack of required software, which must be preinstalled by the gadget manufacturer.

How to activate Wi-Fi without a router, even if there are no other wireless networks? In such a situation, you can resort to the help of other mobile devices, for example, a smartphone. You need to make it become an access point and distribute Wi-Fi itself. The required function is present in many devices as a standard parameter. If there is none, then you can install a third-party application, of which there are a lot.


In most cases, connecting to Wi-Fi on a tablet does not cause any difficulties. It is enough to use the standard functions of a tablet device. If you still have any difficulties with how to connect Wi-Fi on your tablet, it is recommended that you carefully read the above instructions and tips. A wireless Internet connection is much more convenient and profitable compared to mobile networks. You can comfortably download movies, play online games, listen to music and watch videos online.

Connecting a tablet to Wi-Fi in most cases does not cause any problems: in the corresponding section of the electronic gadget’s menu, the required point is selected, a password is entered, and Internet access is opened. Along with this, in some cases, connecting to a wireless network becomes impossible for a number of different reasons. After reviewing the information below, you will learn why your tablet may not connect to Wi-Fi and what to do to resolve any problems.

Important note! The root of the problem in the vast majority of cases lies in the settings of the router or the tablet itself, and very rarely the lack of connection is caused by the inoperability of the built-in Wi-Fi module or a temporary shutdown of the router.

Incorrect time and date settings

It is extremely rare that problems with connecting to Wi-Fi occur due to incorrectly set time and date. Start looking for a way out of this situation from this moment. Open the settings section of your tablet and go to Date and time. Set the correct settings and try connecting to Wi-Fi.

If everything is fine, congratulations. Wi-Fi connection not working? Continue reading the instructions.

Password problems

A fairly common case: the user decided to set a different password to connect to Wi-Fi, but forgot to make the appropriate changes to the tablet settings. The device will try to connect to the Internet using the old password and, of course, it will not be able to do this.

To solve the problem, go to your Wi-Fi settings, delete the old profile and try connecting again.

Software settings failure

Connection problems may occur due to a software glitch. There is a good service utility - Wi-Fi Fixer. You just need to download it and install it - no additional settings are required.

The main page provides information about the current connection status, and the Known section provides information about Wi-Fi points to which the tablet has ever been connected.

Restart your device and try connecting to Wi-Fi again.

Incorrect tablet settings

Failures in some settings may result in difficulties connecting to Wi-Fi. The fastest, most effective and drastic way to solve the problem is to reset the settings.

Attention! Before resetting, be sure to back up the required files and contacts - everything will be deleted.

In Settings, open the “Backup & Reset” tab.

Select Reset Settings.

Review the proposed system information, confirm your intentions, and then try connecting to Wi-Fi again.
Presence of malicious software

Those who claim that Android is virus-free are mistaken. There are viruses, but most of them are not large-scale malicious programs that make the device completely impossible to operate, but so-called. “minor pests” that make incorrect changes to some functions.

Download the application (Antivirus for Android). Launch and scan your device for malware. If you find suspicious files, follow the application's instructions.

WiFi router settings

Quite often, problems connecting tablets to Wi-Fi arise due to incorrect router settings. Do the following:

Go to your device settings. To do this, connect to the router via a wireless connection or cable (you can from a computer, laptop, any smartphone or tablet, etc.). You will find connection recommendations in the instructions specific to your router. In most cases, to do this you need to enter in the address bar of your browser;

Go to “Wireless Settings” (the name may differ depending on the brand and model of the router). Make the following changes: “Mode” - “11bgn mixed”, “Channel” - “Auto”. Next, open the MAC Address Filtering tab and select Disabled.

Have you tried all the above methods, but still can’t connect to Wi-Fi? Most likely, the problem is in the tablet's radio module. In this case, you need to contact a specialized service center with a request for diagnostics and repairs.

Wireless Wi-Fi technology has long gained wide popularity, so almost every smartphone or tablet can connect to such a network. This is very convenient, since you just need to find the desired access point, enter the password and use the Internet. This article will talk about what to do if your Lenovo tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Description of the problem

When you connect your Android device to a Wi-Fi network, you usually see the message “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected.” In some cases, even with this notification, there is no Internet on the tablet and it is necessary to somehow solve the problem. We'll talk about this below.

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work?

If, after connecting your tablet to an access point, web pages do not open in the browser, you will need to follow a few steps to try to resolve the problem. The problem can be either in incorrect settings or in the router itself.


Below are the main methods that should help solve the problem. Let's get straight to the point.

If your Lenovo tablet or phone successfully connects to Wi-Fi and a corresponding notification appears on the screen, you can try rebooting the router. Sometimes after this, pages in the browser begin to open, which means everything is working correctly.

Wrong password

Everything is simple here. If, when connecting to an access point, the message “Incorrect password”, etc. appears, then the entered combination is not correct. If the password is entered correctly, then you need to use one of the solutions described below.

An error in Wi-Fi operation often occurs due to an incorrect region in the settings. To change the region, you need to go to the device’s web interface. If you do not know how to open the router settings, then read the instructions (it is usually located in the router's packaging box).

Let's look at the process of changing a region using the example of a router from the manufacturer TP-Link. You need to open the “Wireless Mode” tab and select the desired country in the “Region” item. Don't forget to confirm saving the new settings using the special button.

Wi-Fi network operating mode

The router can operate in a mode that is not supported on Lenovo gadgets. There are 3 modes in total: b/g/n. The main difference is the speed of sending data. B is the slowest mode, g is medium, n is the fastest mode.

Changing the operating mode can solve the problem with Wi-Fi. After changing the settings, you need to restart the router and Wi-Fi on the tablet.

The tablet does not see Wi-Fi

It may well be that the router is turned on and working properly, but the phone or tablet does not see the access point. In this case, you need to check the settings - this is one of the main reasons for Wi-Fi not working correctly. You may need to change the operating mode or router channel.


The article describes the most effective ways to solve the problem of Wi-Fi not working on Lenovo devices. If you know others, write in the comments.