How to find out Beeline Georgia balance. Request Beeline balance using the ussd command. How to find out how much money is in your mobile account

Beeline company is one of the largest providers in Europe cellular communication. The operator began its work in Russia in 1993 and by today became one of the companies providing mobile communication services of federal importance.

Beeline operates in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the post-Soviet space. The company's main activity is the provision of cellular communication services for individuals and organizations, as well as home and mobile Internet. Find out the balance Money on a Beeline SIM card in several convenient ways.

Through the Internet

One of the ways to obtain information about the amount available on the balance is in your personal account on the official website of the mobile operator.

Go to the provider’s portal and go to your account using the “My Beeline” link - then to – “Personal Account” in the main menu:

To login, you must enter your phone number in 10-digit format (without “+7” and “8”) and password:

If this is your first time logging in Personal Area, click "How to get a password?" and follow the instructions to obtain your password. It will come to you in the form of an SMS message.

After logging into your account on the operator’s website, you will see information about the status of your personal account on the main page of your personal account.

On the phone via SMS

The provider in question does not provide the ability to check the current balance via SMS. Some exceptions are postpaid tariffs. The “SMS account” service is implemented for them. After activating this service, a message will be sent to the subscriber’s number once a month with information about the amount billed for payment. To connect this service, call special number 067409231.

There is a way to obtain information about the current account status using your phone without using an Internet connection. This method involves using short USSD command and is one of the fastest and most convenient. Dial *102# on your mobile device and press the call button. Information about the amount available in the account will be displayed on the screen in 1-2 seconds.

If the number is blocked

A SIM card can be blocked for a number of reasons: loss, large debt, long term in inactive status. In this case, you can find out the balance only if the number is still linked to the SIM card and has not been transferred to another subscriber.

To find out whether the number still belongs to the same client, you will need to contact the technical support of the cellular provider by phone or during a personal visit to the nearest branch. During a conversation with an operator on the phone or in the company’s office, you will need to prove that the SIM card belongs to you. To do this, be prepared to provide your passport details and the required code word, if it was indicated when purchasing the starter package.

If you don't have a phone

In a number of cases, the phone may be unavailable - the battery has run out, has broken down, is lost, or has been left in another place. In this case, you can find out information about the balance in your personal account on the website of the communication service provider, by calling technical support or by contacting the company’s office in person. All these methods are described above in the article.

How to check Beeline balance on a modem?


If you use a modem or router connected to a computer to access the Internet, you can check your balance in two convenient ways. The first of them is in your account on the operator’s website. This method described above in the article.

The second way to check the balance is through the program interface that comes with the modem. When connecting and configuring the equipment for the first time, install this program to always have quick access to information about the current account status.


If network hardware works in conjunction with a tablet; you can find out the balance in the same ways as with a computer. In addition, you can install a free mobile application for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile and inquire about the balance status in the program interface.

If the tablet supports the dial-up function, you can also use the USSD command *102#, like on a smartphone. Information about available funds will be displayed on the screen.

How to check Beeline balance for corporate clients?

Corporate rates use a different calculation system. If you need to check the balance on a corporate client number, use the USSD command *110*04#. In addition, by calling 067409321 you can automatic mode order a financial report service.

Is it possible to find out the balance on Beeline on someone else's number?

Information about the balance status is classified as confidential. Therefore, you can obtain information about the balance on the phone of another subscriber either if he has entrusted you with his personal data, or has opened access to data on the account status using special service"Balance of loved ones."

You can activate this service only with the consent of the other subscriber.

To start the connection procedure, run the following USSD command:


9995553311 here is the number of your loved one. After executing this command, wait for a positive response. After this, you will be able to request information about the available balance using next command USSD:

Checking your balance is not an operation that requires any special precautions. An exception may be cases when it is necessary to enter personal data on unfamiliar devices or on public networks.

Recommendations may concern the convenience of a particular verification method. For example, although the request with the USSD command *102# is one of the most universal, it cannot be completed when there is no access to the phone. In this case, the necessary information can be obtained on the website of the cellular provider. Thus, the convenience of a particular method depends on the specific situation.

To be always in touch is a natural desire of all mobile communications users, and it does not matter which operator you are a user of - Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 or MTS. What should the user do for this? Be aware of your expenses, monitor the balance on your number and replenish it on time. You can check your Beeline balance both online and using certain queries. This review is about how to check the balance for Beeline subscribers on your phone.

All major Beeline tariff plans have a prepaid (advance) payment system. If you don’t know what payment system you have, most likely it is prepaid. How is balance checked on prepaid tariff plans? There are several ways to check your balance:

  • - the balance is reflected in the data personal account in the “Account Balance” section.
  • IN mobile application“My Beeline” on the main page of the application.
  • The easiest way to find out your balance is to dial the command *102# on your phone, then the dial button.
  • Another way to check your balance is to call service number 0697 and listen to the voice message about your balance.

Important! “Balance on the screen” will appear only when you are on the Beeline network throughout Russia except the Republic of Crimea (including Sevastopol).

On postpaid plans

Some tariff plans have a postpaid payment system (group of tariffs “All for... Postpaid”). How to find out the balance on Beeline in such cases? This system of mutual settlements allows the user to “go into the red”. For timely and correct mutual payments regular check balance is needed. For users with a postpaid payment system, checking the balance (current debt) is done as follows:

  • In your Beeline personal account, by logging into the company’s official website using the link: - on the main page you can see issued and already paid invoices for communication services.
  • To check the balance in the “My Beeline” mobile application, in the “Finance” section, you can view all invoices for payment using the postpaid payment system.
  • You can find out your balance on Beeline by sending USSD request*110*04# and call button.
  • On postpaid tariffs, the subscriber has access to the notification service via SMS. Debt notifications will be sent monthly. Connect SMS notifications making a call to service number 067409231. The option is free and you need to connect it yourself.
  • Connect to the “Screen Balance” service. To do this you need to dial USSD command*110*901#, then the dial button (the service is paid, it will cost the user 1 ruble per day of information). You can check whether the service can work on your device by first making a test request via USSD code *110*902# .

Other subscriber's balance

How is the balance of another subscriber controlled? The operator makes it possible to find out the balance loved one to be able to top up his account. The connected service “Balance of Loved Ones” allows you to check the balance regularly or once on Beeline from other subscribers.

The option is connected this way:

  • User consent must be obtained by typing *131*5*then the numbers of the Beeline subscriber’s phone number without 8# and a call button.
  • Wait for the user's consent. You will receive an information message via SMS.

After this service connected, the operator will notify you in an information message if the balance on your loved one’s number becomes less than 60 rubles, and you will be able to make independent requests for current balance on the desired number.

Attention! Connecting users to information is paid! The cost of adding one number is 5 rubles.

Balance on corporate number

Beeline corporate tariffs usually refer to tariffs with a postpaid payment system. How to check the balance on a Beeline corporate number? Find out your balance if you have corporate number, and you can also view the rest of the packages with the following commands:

  • Dial the USSD command *110*04# and press the call button - you will be provided with information about the amount to be paid: unpaid invoices.
  • Call the addressee 067409321 - financial report service. Provided free of charge.
  • Call the addressee 067416 or combination *110*16# - informing about the preliminary price for communication services;
  • Call the addressee 067406 or combination *110*06# - informing about the remaining packages within corporate plans and services.

Beeline Balance corporate users You can also do it online – you need to register in the “Legal Entities” section.

Balance on the modem

In order to promptly replenish the balance of a modem operating on the Beeline network, you need to find out your balance in time. Modern modem devices come with software- “Beeline USB modem.” The program allows you to see the current balance when launched. To clarify the balance, other options are also suitable:

  • In your Beeline personal account, logging in to the company’s official website using the link: - see the modem balance in the “Account Balance” section.
  • The balance of any Beeline account can be found in the “My Beeline” mobile application on the main page.
  • How can I find out the remaining balance on my modem in another way? As a last resort, you can install a SIM card in your phone and dial *102#, then the dial button.

Balance on other devices

In various cases there is different possibility check my balance on Beeline. For tablets that allow the use of a SIM card based operating system Android and iPhone devices simple options will do:

  • Request for short number 0697 and listening to a message about the balance of the voice autoinformer.
  • It is enough to make a call by first dialing the combination *102#. The balance of your Beeline number will be sent to you in an informational SMS message.
  • The account balance can be seen in your account - in the device browser (the same as on a computer) or by finding the balance in the My Beeline application menu.

But for tablets Apple, on which the SIM card is not installed, other methods are suitable:

  • Check your Beeline balance via the Internet using the browser version of the Beeline user's personal account.
  • Use SIM menu. The possibility of obtaining data is located as follows: in the “Settings” menu, find the “Cellular data” item, select the “SIM programs” submenu, the “My Beeline” item and the “Main balance” line.

other methods

How else can you find out your Beeline balance? Exists additional method check your Beeline balance. You can constantly be aware of the current status of your account if you install the Beeline balance widget on home page Yandex. How to do it?

  • Switch from Wi-Fi or wired Internet on Mobile Internet from the operator.
  • Log in from your device to the page
  • Find the Beeline balance widget in Yandex settings.
  • Click on it.
  • Agree to the terms of use.
  • Ready. Now you will constantly see your current balance on the widget.

Beeline Home Internet balance

It’s easy to find out the Beeline Home Internet balance. You need to go through authorization on the operator’s official website in the “ Home Internet” and having gained access, go to the “Contract” section. In this section you can see:

  • Current account status.
  • End time of the billing period.
  • The current amount to be paid.

Important! When registering your personal account, select the “Home Internet” or “All services” option

We hope that the information was useful to you. Now you know exactly how to check your Beeline account and be aware of how much money is on your mobile phone or device. In the review, we told you how to find out the Beeline balance in various cases

IN modern conditions It is important for every person to stay in touch with relatives, loved ones, and colleagues. The creators of Beeline understand this and provide the most comfortable ways to check your account.

To the question “How to check the balance on Beeline?” You can answer in different ways. The user can check the account on Beeline or top up using any method convenient for him.

How to find out the balance of a client with a prepayment system?

There are several answers on how to find out the balance on Beeline. Moreover, if the selected tariff corresponds to the prepaid payment system, then the following options are relevant:

1st method.

The client sends the command *102#. After which you will be able to find out the balance of funds in real time on your phone screen. The service is provided free of charge throughout Russia without restrictions on the number of requests. 3rd method.. There, the user can track and control expenses online, use all possible functions: change the tariff, find out the Beeline balance or make another payment, connect additional functions etc. The official website contains the most necessary information about the capabilities of your personal account and how to register in the self-service system individuals or to corporative clients.

4th method. This method allows you not to remember any combinations. Everything is simple here. You should find the Beeline SIM card menu in your phone. More often this section

located in applications. In the “Beeline” menu, click “My Beeline”, after which you need to click “My Balance”. The remaining balance will appear in the “Primary Balance” line. 5th method. The mobile operator has provided the most convenient solution for smartphone users on Android platform, iPad or iPhone. Finding out your Beeline balance on your phone is now even easier. Exists special application.

"My Beeline." It is enough to install it on your phone and determine not only the balance of your Beeline number, but also use all the functionality, as in your personal account. You can download the application for free in the Appstore or Play Market If desired, the subscriber can use paid service automatic notification, which allows you to see the amount of money spent after a conversation. To connect it, just enter * 110 * 901 # into your mobile device.

Subscription fee

is 1 ruble per day.

  • How to determine the amount of expenses using the postpaid payment system?
  • If the subscriber has chosen a postpaid payment system, then you can access information about costs for cellular communication services in other ways: when dialing the combination * 110 * 04 #. information about the amount of debt will appear on the screen;

you can call 067409231. In this way, the user will activate the SMS notification service about the amount of debt. Will come once a month

free message

With the help of the “Balance of Loved Ones” service, every owner of a Beeline SIM card can understand how to check the account not only of their own, but also of any other client of the operator. In this case, it is enough to enter a set of numbers and symbols * 131 * 5 * telephone number of the person whose expenses need to be monitored by the client,# . After simple manipulations the service will be activated through owner approval of a subsequent incoming confirmation request. After the procedure is completed mobile operator will automatically notify your loved one about their account balance.

You can check another person's balance once using the command * 131 * 6 * phone #.

The action is only possible after connecting the above function. To do this, you just need to dial the combination * 131 * 1 * and after the asterisk indicate the number of the owner of the smartphone whose expenses you need to find out. You need to complete the operation with the # symbol and click “Call”. After that functionality

will be in action.

In addition to connecting to the service, other actions are available. For example, if there is a need to prohibit someone from checking their own balance on a Beeline phone, then this will not be difficult to do if you request: * 131 * 0 * phone #.

You can find out whether there are subscribers who have access to information about the amount of funds by dialing the request * 131 * 9 * #.

If it turns out that unwanted control is being exercised over the amounts spent on your phone, the function can be disabled by using the command * 131 * 0 * #.

When you activate the function, a one-time payment of 5 rubles is charged. Finding out your Beeline SIM card balance is not difficult if you have all necessary information . Any information in currently

are widely available. Now there are a lot of methods that allow you to control the costs of funds spent on cellular communication services. The operator uses the full range of possibilities to meet the needs of its customers. Most subscribers are accustomed to controlling their expenses for Beeline cellular communications. Balance checking is carried out in several ways. We will talk about them in detail in the article. You will also learn how to continue communication when minus balance

. We take a notepad and write it down.

"Beeline: balance check Do you want to know how much money is left for mobile account

You can activate a special service. It's called "On-Screen Balance". What is its peculiarity? After each outgoing call, information about the account status will appear on the display. It is very comfortable. To activate the service, dial *110*901# and make a call. This option provided on on a paid basis(1 ruble per day).

How can I find out the balance on Beeline in another way? You need to contact the operator. This option is suitable for cases when it is impossible to determine the status of a mobile phone account using SMS and USSD requests. The Beeline balance check number is 0697. You need to wait for a response from the “live” operator and state the essence of the question.

A special service has been developed for subscribers with a postpaid system. How can you use it to control the balance on a Beeline number? “SMS account” is the name of the service. After its activation, an SMS notification about communication costs will be sent to your phone once a month. The subscriber will only have to pay the specified amount. To activate the “SMS account” option, dial 067409231.

Owners of tablets and PCs can also check their Beeline balance. The Internet will allow them to obtain information in minutes. You need to go to the official page of the operator. Enter your password and login to access your “Personal Account”. We open a special tab and find the item that interests us. On the company’s website you can not only check your balance, but also request call details.

Information about the account status of another subscriber

Surely many of you are familiar with the situation when they promised to call you, but incoming call so no. Most likely, your interlocutor simply ran out of money on his phone. How to find out the balance on Beeline if the number belongs to another subscriber? This is not difficult to do. The “Balance of Loved Ones” service will help you. It is provided free of charge.

To obtain information about the mobile account of a friend or relative, dial *131*5*10-digit subscriber number # and make a call. After a couple of seconds, the display will show the information you need.

“Balance control” service

The Beeline company tries to provide its subscribers with comfortable conditions for communication. Most users of this network try to control their expenses. A new service has been developed especially for them. “Balance control” - that’s what it’s called. Subscribers with prepaid and postpaid systems can connect to it. After activating the option, your phone will receive SMS notifications about the decrease in balance and the approaching expiration of its validity. Unfortunately, the service is available only to Muscovites and subscribers living in the Central regions of Russia.

Activation of starting balance

Some users are faced with the problem of a SIM card not working. This usually happens to those who make such purchases from unofficial dealers or counters. In this situation, the SIM card activation process may take up to 24 hours. Therefore, we recommend that you enter into contracts for the provision of mobile services in the company office or company communication salon.

How to activate the starting balance (Beeline)? To do this you need to follow these steps:

1. Remove the SIM card from the plastic holder. Carefully insert into the phone, which is turned off. It is very important.

2. Turn on the mobile device. If necessary, enter the PIN code. Check the network indicator on the screen.

3. If the company logo appears on the display, it means previous actions were performed correctly.

4. Let's start activation starting balance. On telephone keypad dial *101*1111#. After a couple of minutes, we make a test call to one of our relatives or friends. If outgoing call does not work, then we contact the operator. To do this, dial 0611.

Opportunities with zero and negative balance

Not all Beeline subscribers control communication costs. Balance checks are carried out only from time to time. Often they are faced with a situation where the balance goes into the negative zone. But what if you need to urgently call or send an SMS? Beeline took care of this too.

Call at the expense of the interlocutor

This service does not require a connection and is provided free of charge. It can be used by prepaid and postpaid subscribers. The called party assumes responsibility for paying for the call. The person on the other end of the line can accept or reject such a call.

To make a call at the expense of the interlocutor, dial 05050 and enter the 10-digit subscriber number. If your friend or relative agrees to accept the call and pay for it, the connection will occur. Otherwise, the conversation will not take place.

If you yourself do not want someone to call at your expense, then set a ban on receiving calls from 05050 on your phone. More detailed information can be obtained from the operators.

Please call back

At zero or negative balance It is quite possible to continue communicating with friends, colleagues and relatives. Simply send a “request to call back” to the desired subscriber. Dial *144*phone number # and make a call. In a couple of seconds a notification will come about delivery. The person who receives an SMS asking you to call back will dial you immediately.

Top up your balance from a bank card

What should you do if you don’t have enough money in your mobile account and your friends and relatives don’t call you back? A bank card will help solve this problem in a matter of minutes. Translate from it the required amount on the phone is very easy. We go to the website of the Beeline company. We get access to the “Personal Account”. Opening special form“Help and useful services.” Then enter your mobile phone number and the amount to top it up. Click the “Pay” button.

Let's start filling out the fields in which we indicate the bank card number, its expiration date and the last 3 digits of the code (on back side cards). All that remains is to enter the symbols from the picture that appears on the screen, accept the terms of the agreement and click the “Top up account” button. In 1-2 minutes the specified amount will be credited to your phone.


We talked about the most useful services Beeline. Checking your balance will no longer cause you any questions. You can obtain up-to-date information using any of the methods presented in the article.

The era of the introduction of new technologies gave cellular communications to humanity. To ensure that your mobile phone does not limit access to a wide range of services, you need to control the amount of money. Each operator has its own algorithms, but how can you check your account on Beeline? For all network subscribers, this issue is no less relevant than the amount of payment for cellular operator tariffs. Better time check the amount of money from time to time in order to avoid an unpleasant situation when it is not possible to complete outgoing call.

Find out your postpaid balance on Beeline

A popular cellular company in the telecommunications market offers each client several options for finding out about the current account status. The company does not hide access to up-to-date information that thousands of network users are interested in every day. The network continues to actively develop; along with this process, the main services are being improved and new ones are being developed. For supporters to pay for communications after a conversation, the mobile operator has developed a system for dialing certain codes.

The network user only needs to know which characters to type in order to display information on the screen or listen to information. When developing convenient applications for its users, one of the largest cellular operators has provided a number of ways. The company's clients can independently choose any convenient option to check: the quickest way is to request the remaining amount of money via text message, and the detailed one – enter your personal account.

How to request balance on screen

Owners of mobile phones and tablets who use Beeline services, can request information about the balance of a sum of money in different ways. The most accessible is when the screen mobile device displays expense information. Finding out how to check your account on Beeline is simple:

  • dial the following combination “*110*04#”;
  • then the display will display the remaining amount, and you can determine how much money you need to deposit to pay off the debt.

Balance details via SMS

If the user wants to know exact information about expenses, then the cell phone company GSM standard offers one more convenient service"Detailing". In search of an answer, how to check your personal account on Beeline, get necessary information those clients who order the service via text message to number 1401 will be able to do it for free. Before sending, please indicate your address Email. Almost instantly you will receive a letter there that will inform you in detail about the costs for last month.

Balance on screen

The popular GSM operator does not restrict access to information regarding funds. Connecting a special service guarantees the client that the status of expenses and cash balances will be instantly known. If you are wondering how to view your Beeline balance, the screen of your mobile device will display all the relevant information. But the service is available only after dialing the command “*110*902#”, and then press the “Call” button to activate the useful service.

Expense indicator

With the advent new service The company's clients who have chosen a postpaid system have no difficulty checking expenses. You can request information quickly by dialing the command “*110*45#”, after which all you have to do is wait for a text message. The advantage of this useful service is the quick and detailed information about current expenses. To optimize costs, set up the “Personal Threshold” function, then you will not have to spend more than the planned amount.

Check your Beeline account if the tariff is prepaid

Over the course of several years, mobile phones have become an integral part of every new day in the lives of millions of people. Companies providing cellular communication services have whole line tariffs with convenient services to interest future customers. Fast access to information about the balance of funds - this is important condition for many users. The more different ways a company is ready to offer, the large quantity She will be able to attract subscribers.

For prepaid customers, the largest cellular company has provided several ways to check the account on Beeline if the tariff is prepaid. If you wish, you can find out information about the money spent through your personal account. The display of your mobile device will display the information you are interested in, showing the current state of affairs. Prepaid subscribers can check their balance via convenient application or by calling the operator.

Voice balance

The payment system, by which clients first deposit funds and then can determine the amount of expenses themselves, is a flexible tool. Checking your account to understand how much money was spent on paying for mobile communications will be the most in a simple way. When choosing this service, call 0697, which will connect you to an answering machine. You will hear information about the amount you have available to pay for mobile communications in real time.

Request balance on screen

Users with a prepaid tariff plan have access to this method of checking the balance, which helps them make a request by sending an SMS. To find out how to check your account on Beeline, you need to dial a certain combination of characters: “#102#” and then make a call. Screen mobile phone will display all relevant information about the amount spent, which the company will send by text message.

Find out the debt in your personal account via the Internet

The convenience of your personal account is difficult to overestimate. To access this useful service, the subscriber must have a modem or other access to global network. All actual information displayed in sections remote service. If you are looking for a simple, fast, convenient way check your account, find out about the spending of funds, then opening a personal account will be the right step, and you will learn how to check the balance on Beeline.

Subscribers of the popular GSM operator do not experience any difficulties with registration. To do this, you need to visit the official website of the Beeline company, enter your login, which is your phone number, and password. Next, among the sections of your personal account, you will only have to find the necessary item, for example, about detailing, comparing accounts, controlling the expenses of loved ones.

How to find out the remaining traffic in the My Beeline application

U Beeline clients there are three different ways, how to get information about the amount of traffic. If you have Internet access, the easiest way to check is to go to your personal account. The mobile device display will immediately reflect the amount of remaining traffic. Another quick way To check, call the operator, and the most convenient way is to install the “My Beeline” application through the Play Market. Virtual service will automatically show information about the remaining traffic in the “Finance” section.

How to check the remaining minutes in the SIM card menu

For all cellular users, the SIM card serves as a source containing information on topical issues. To check the remaining minutes through the phone menu, you need to activate the SIM card, and then find the “My Beeline” tab. Next, among several list items, find the “My Balance” section. All that remains is to press the call button: those who are interested in how to check the balance on their phone will not have to wait long, because they will be able to find out the number of remaining minutes instantly.

How to find out the balance of another subscriber

Developing a system tariff plans, the popular mobile operator does not forget about additional services Oh. To make use mobile communications as convenient as possible, the company has found a solution to check the balance of another subscriber. You can inquire about the balance of funds on the phone of another network user even without the latter’s knowledge. If you wish, then connect this convenient service: You can receive information about the account status of another subscriber regularly.

Service Balance of loved ones

The relevance of this service will be appreciated by those who have children or elderly family members. Mobile operator offers a convenient solution that operates both within the network and helps to obtain information about the account status, even if a loved one uses the services of another cellular company. To evaluate the benefits of this service, the subscriber needs to dial the combination “*131*5*”, and then enter the ten-digit number of a loved one, ending the code with the “#” symbol and pressing the call button. You will be notified of the activation of the service by a text message that will soon arrive on your phone.

Checking the account of someone else's number if you are not a Beeline client

The list of additional services from the GSM cellular communication company is constantly updated. Among the innovations is verification of the account of a subscriber who is a client of another operator providing services in the telecommunications market. For this service to become available, the user of someone else's number must open access to their number. Make sure this is so before dialing the combination “*131*1*”, then the subscriber’s 10-digit number, “#” and the call button.

Checking the advance invoice

Full access The operator provides the service to both corporate clients and individuals via a prepayment system. Customers in Russia have three ways to top it up: by bank card, in cash or thanks Unified map payment. You can create a convenient service for yourself in the following way: dial the combination “*110*271#” and press call. To check, use the combination “*222#”. Special offer from the largest operator helps subscribers pay for goods and services virtually using a mobile phone.