MTS service how to contact the operator number. MTS corporate number and offers to organizations. For corporate clients

Operator mobile communications MTS cares about its customers, therefore, if a subscriber has the slightest difficulty or question, qualified operators of the MTS Contact Center will come to his aid. Comprehensive customer support is provided around the clock, and calls are absolutely free.

The MTS Help Center was created to advise clients on such issues as: choice optimal tariff and additional services, settings mobile internet, control of spent funds and remaining minutes, management of certain services, as well as many others. Also, in the event of a force majeure situation, for example, loss of a SIM card, the client requires operator support. In this regard, we recommend that you remember the Call Center number, or better yet, write it down in your phone.

However, operator support may be required different situations. IN this review tells you which MTS technical assistance number you need to know depending on your case. So:

  • support service from MTS mobile phone
  • support service with stationary device
  • support service from a mobile phone of someone else's telecom operator
  • support service if you are calling from roaming.

How to call the Help Center from an MTS mobile phone?

Quick phone number MTS help desk indicated directly on the starter envelope with the SIM card. The subscriber's directory also contains full list all necessary numbers. But documents can easily be lost, so it’s worth storing in your phone’s memory the short number that provides customer support – 0890. This is the main number; it is more convenient to call directly from your mobile phone.

Attention! This number is available in any region of Russia. Including when roaming within the network. Remember that the number is 0890, free of charge, and if any emergency situations arise during your trip, the MTS customer support service will provide assistance.

Before you can be connected to a helpline operator, you will have to go through voice menu. However, answers to most questions appear already at this stage. MTS answering machine contains a lot useful information, and will also talk about the new products offered by the company. If none of this is useful to you, then using one key “0” you will be switched to the operator. It happens that all specialists are busy, then the answering machine will inform you about the waiting time for a personal conversation.

How to call the MTS Call Center from a landline phone or someone else's phone mobile operator?

If you cannot call directly from your cell phone, there is an analogue fast number– 0890, this is long number– 8-800-250-08-90. You can call it either from a landline device or from a cell phone of someone else’s operator. This number is also free when calling within Russia. The further menu completely corresponds to the number - 0890, so the button for quick connection with the operator is the same - “0”.

Note! For corporate clients MTS exists special number subscriber service – 8-800-250-08-90 from a stationary device. Or 0990 from a mobile phone. The same rules apply to it; it is free in Russia.

How to call the MTS Help Center while roaming?

On trips, especially long ones, operator support is often simply necessary. Therefore, the MTS customer assistance service should be easily accessible. As we already wrote above, while roaming in any region of Russia, call subscriber service You can call a short number - 0890, or a long number - 8-800-250-08-90. It is absolutely free for clients.

Keep in mind if you are traveling in Ukraine, Uzbekistan or Belarus, and the SIM card is registered with the local MTS. In this case, the number - 0890, will also be available and as free as on the “native” network.

It is important to know the number that provides support if you need it abroad, in roaming, national or international. This number is +7-495-766-01-66. Don't forget to dial the correct number when international call You must first dial +7 instead of eight.

Keep in mind that this number is paid for roaming, its price corresponds to the cost of a minute of call to a landline phone number. But still, sometimes a call to support will save you from much more significant expenses.

There is also an alternative voice communication. You can ask a question to the operator via the MTS website by filling out a special form feedback. But unfortunately this method is no different high speed. It is also possible to send email to the address [email protected] . In any case, know that the MTS help service is not indifferent to the problems of its subscribers.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make a call to the Mobile TeleSystems operator. However, today it is more difficult to implement this than it might seem. Many of the company’s services are automated, and therefore most issues can be resolved using an automatic service, or on the operator’s website, where there are solutions for most difficulties. However, there are times when you need to make a call to an operator, but not everyone knows his number.

Communication with the MTS operator is free

One of free ways communication with the operator means making a call to the short number 0890. But this is quite problematic, because you will need to listen to a lot of information from the driving instructor. Next, click a certain sequence keys, you will go into standby mode, the duration of which can be from a couple of minutes to an hour.

The easiest way to contact the operator is to call via multi-channel official phone: 8-800-250-08-90. Calling him is also free. It will be much easier to reach him by phone easier.

By calling the above number, you will hear the voice of an autoinformer. From the first moments you hear it, immediately press the “1” key, then “0”. Automatic service will be asked to rate the operator’s work in the call center, press “1”, then “0”. Within a short period of time after this, you will be connected to an operator.

The following fact should be taken into account: multi-line telephone technical customer support call perhaps with any telephones, with the exception of mobile phones connected to MTS. Due to the lack of other means of communication near you, you can call a specialist using the short number written above in this article.

How to contact using a short number

It is often not easy to reach an operator, because approximately several thousand people are trying to do the same from their mobile phones at the same time. Each of them requires operator assistance in a variety of issues.

In order to call a specialist directly, you will need to listen to the menu and enter in a certain order the necessary numbers. To speed up and simplify the process, and to avoid listening to a lot of information that is not important to you, just remember the combination of numbers needed to communicate with the operator.

  1. Key "1".
  2. Then "0".
  3. You will be redirected to a menu to evaluate the operator's performance. There, immediately press “1” or “0”, it doesn’t matter.

“Live” operator of a company providing communication services? No, we haven't heard. It is on this principle that one of the industry leaders, Mobile TeleSystems PJSC or MTS, works. There is only a grain of joke in every joke... And indeed live communication with its subscribers is ignored in every possible way or, at least, not welcomed by this operator. MTS probably believes that there are no problems that could not be solved by an autoinformer or by the client himself, registered with.
There is hardly a user who would not try to talk with a “live” consultant or technical specialist. support for service number 0890. But this number is easier to reach Luna. First we listen to the long and tedious narration of the autoinformer, then we press special set keys, we hear the cherished words and shift from foot to foot, listening to voices, melody or silence on the phone. We wait five minutes, ten... After thirty minutes, the most patient ones, having finally heard a live voice on the phone, forget about their pressing problems.
All you had to do was call another number, federal and multi-channel. Here it is: 8-800-250-0890. It is also free, but unlike the short one, it is more realistic to reach here and, oddly enough, faster. You can dial it from both mobile and landline numbers.

Instructions on how to call the MTS operator for free from any phone

  1. Dial 8-800-250-0890 from any number mobile operator, for example, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon or from landline phones.
  2. As soon as you hear the voice menu, click first on 1 and then on 0.
  3. You will hear the voice of an automatic informant. The “Help Desk” will not leave you behind until you rate the work of the telecom operator. You have two keys to choose from - 0 or 1. Press any and move on.
  4. And in principle, that’s all: the standby mode for connecting with a “live” employee is turned on. However, many users claim that they don’t have to wait long - from 1 to 5 minutes.
Note! Dial federal number You can dial 8-800-250-0890 from any phone, cell phone or landline, except MTS. And if you only have a subscriber number at hand, you will have to storm technical support operator by phone 0890. There is no other way out if you are “hot” to talk to a live specialist.

How to call a “live” operator from a mobile MTS?

Number 0890 is probably enchanted. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that it is very, very difficult to get through to him. It was a joke. Of course, there are no magic spells, everything is explained simply: the MTS operator is popular in Russian Federation and far beyond. If thousands of subscribers try to call a number every minute, it’s no wonder that you have to wait so long for a response from a “live” consultant or specialist. But if you are willing to wait, press the numbers 0890.

The number was dialed and then there was another problem - the voice menu. Under what point is the door leading to the “live” operator hidden? And we will tell you. Don't guess and make things up, just follow these four steps. So, we dial the operator with subscriber number MTS:

  1. An ill-fated number, memorized by heart by almost every subscriber of this telecom operator. Press four numbers: 0890.
  2. The automatic service will give you information about news, new tariffs, services, etc. Listen and wait for the help to finish and the voice menu to begin. But after it starts, you don’t need to wait for anything, just dial first 2 and then 0.
  3. Does the operator provide quality service to you? You don’t have to answer, just click on the choice 1 or 0.
  4. Finally, the autoinformer will say the long-awaited phrase: wait for the connection. By the way, your conversation will be recorded, so control yourself after waiting for half an hour. :)

How to call an MTS operator from Crimea?

You are in Crimea and don’t know how to get through to those. support? We'll tell you. In order to dial the number you need and chat with specialists Contact center, you should know the registration information for your SIM card. If you purchased the card in Crimea, and the peninsula is a subject of the Russian Federation, or any other region of the country, you dial the same numbers - short 0890 and federal 8-800-250-0890. The first number, 4-digit, is intended for calls from subscriber phones MTS. And the second, federal and multi-channel, for communication with Contact Center consultants from phones of other operators and city numbers. Calls to these numbers in Crimea are not charged.

If the SIM card was purchased in Ukraine, international roaming applies to your number. So you need to call Ukrainian operator and another number. Dial this number: +38-050-508-1111. Calls are charged! You can also contact the operator by service number 111, but only from the subscriber number. The call is not free.

MTS operator number for corporate clients

Such subscribers can call the federal number 8-800-250-0990. You can call him quickly.

How to contact the MTS operator in roaming?

If you are away from your region, but not outside the Russian Federation, to contact the Contact Center specialists, use the same phones: 8-800-250-0990 and 0890. How to contact a live operator on these numbers, read just above.

If you left the country, your number appears in international roaming. When in another country, dial the following number: +7-495-766-0166 (in this format, otherwise call “grandfather in the village”). Moreover, if you call from an MTS subscriber number, there is no charge for the call.

Other ways to contact the MTS operator