G card egais. Single client Jakarta from Aladdin R.D. Obtaining a test CEP

Came into force in January 2016. Connection to EGAIS happens via the Internet. There is no need to write letters or statements to any official authorities. True, before you open a personal account, you will still have to visit some organizations to purchase equipment and fulfill technical requirements. How to connect a retail store to EGAIS and what will you need for this?

To connect:
  • a computer with Internet access at a speed of 256 kbit/s or higher,
  • JaCarta crypto key,
  • UTM (Universal Transport Module),
  • commodity accounting program for EGAIS
  • enhanced CEP (qualified electronic signature).

And now more about what is needed to connect to EGAIS and where to get it.

What is Jakarta for EGAIS

The word JaCarta is sometimes written in Russian, just like it sounds. JaCarta for EGAIS is a crypto key that you will need to use when working with the system. Purchasing a crypto key is the first step to connect to the system. You can purchase it from any organization that is licensed by the FSB. But this is not the whole answer to the question of what Jakarta is for EGAIS.

Electronic signature for EGAIS

CEP or Qualified Electronic Signature is what will be recorded on your EGAIS hardware crypto key. In fact, this is your “pass” to the system. An electronic signature for EGAIS is issued by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "CenterInform" (at the organization's branch in your region) or by partner companies. To obtain a CEP (also called an EDS for Unified State Information System), you will need:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,
  • SNILS,
  • OGRN,
  • passport,
  • the crypto key itself.

At CenterInform they will write down your CEP for EGAIS on a crypto key. This service is paid and not forever. The validity of the electronic signature lasts for a year; after this period, you will have to record the electronic signature on the cryptokey again.

If you have several retail outlets, then a crypto key with an electronic signature will be needed for each of them.

Universal transport module EGAIS

The EGAIS Universal Transport Module (UTM) is an application that is necessary to transfer data about your purchases and sales to the Rosalkogolregulirovaniye server. You can independently download the EGAIS universal transport module onto your computer when registering your EGAIS personal account on the website egais.ru. You will only be able to enter it if you have already received a crypto key and written an electronic signature on it.

There are implementations of a universal transport module in the form of a device on the market, for example, UTM HUB-19 manufactured by ATOL. This is the same application, but installed on a miniature computer. This device looks like a small box with various connectors; JaCarta is inserted into it and you can connect a monitor and keyboard. Not a bad option if you don’t want to bother with installing the program on your computer.

Accounting system

To work effectively, you will most likely need a commodity accounting system with EGAIS support. If you sell beer and you only need confirmation of purchases, then it will be enough free utilities and programs for working with UTM EGAIS. Look for them on the Internet. If you have strong drinks and need to report on sales, then we would not advise saving. It is better to take a solution with the support of a trusted supplier, for example, ATOL UTM HUB-19.

When all these requirements are met, we can assume that registration with EGAIS has been completed. And this is the minimum that is necessary to record alcohol in the alcohol procurement system. Next, we will talk about the equipment for EGAIS, which is additionally necessary to report retail sales through the system.

For sales of strong alcohol (from July 1, 2016):
  • cash register program compatible with EGAIS (supports data exchange with UTM),
  • two-dimensional bar code scanner for EGAIS (2D scanner PDF417),
  • fiscal recorder with QR code printing function.


In order for information about each bottle sold to be sent to UTM, the cash register will need to be equipped with a special program. You can see the requirements for cash register for EGAIS in your personal account on the website egais.ru.

Requirements for a cash register computer:

  • x86 processor with a clock frequency of 2 GHz or higher,
  • 2 GB RAM,
  • Ethernet network controller 100/1000 Mbps with RJ45 connector,
  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Java 8 or higher.

Scanners for EGAIS

A 2D barcode scanner is necessary to check products before they hit the shelf, as well as directly upon sale. 2D scanners for EGAIS can be replaced with data collection terminals with built-in 2D readers (TSD for EGAIS).

Fiscal registrar for EGAIS

A fiscal recorder with a QR code printing function is needed to record sales and generate a code in a receipt. The buyer will be able to read information about the purchased drink from the receipt using his smartphone.

How much does equipment for EGAIS cost?

How much it will cost to connect to EGAIS can be calculated very roughly. It depends on several factors: where to purchase equipment for EGAIS, buy a ready-made solution complete with software or look for all this separately, for how many retail outlets the equipment is needed, and so on.

Let's assemble it ourselves:

  • The JaCarta crypto key, which you will need to purchase first, costs about 2,000 rubles.
  • The CEP certificate will cost 2,000 rubles.
  • Free universal transport module EGAIS (you download and install it on your computer) or UTM ATOL HUB-19 (a more reliable option on a microcomputer) for 11,500 rubles.
  • An accounting system, as well as software for the cash register - the prices here depend on which systems you choose, whether you purchase the programs separately or take them as a set.
  • A 2D scanner can be purchased at different prices - from 3,500 rubles, depending on the model and brand.
  • A fiscal recorder with a QR code printing function will cost from 18,500 rubles, depending on the model and brand.

Ready-made solutions (does not include JaCarta and CEP):

  • Smart terminal Evotor, “Standard Plus FN” set - 35,500 rubles,
  • Evotor smart terminal, Alco FN kit - 43,500 rubles (includes UTM ATOL HUB-19).

There are other options, but make sure that the equipment you purchase to connect to EGAIS is included in the state register of cash register equipment!

Questions and answers

Is it possible for EGAIS to use an electronic signature for a declaration? Is it possible to submit a report to the FS RAR using the EDS key?
— No, to work with EGAIS you need a different key.

Can there be 2 crypto-pros and two keys for EGAIS and declaration on one computer?
— Yes, but there may be problems with the operation of crypto-tools. This needs to be tested in each individual case.

Is it possible to install several UTMs on different IPs on one computer?
— Yes, but in this case software conflicts may arise.

We have several stores (separate divisions), and each store has its own checkpoint. Is it possible to install keys only in the parent organization?
— No, according to the regulatory requirements of the regulator, UTM with a key and CEC must be physically installed in each separate division for the LLC. This is a licensing requirement. But you can connect to them remotely and work with documents from the head office.

JaCarta is a group of media and programs designed to recognize and enable the use of electronic signatures. This is also the place where the cryptographic keys are located. It is a product of the company "Aladdin R.D."

About the developer company

Company "Aladdin R.D." founded 20 years ago. Its activities are aimed at the development and implementation of USB tokens and smart cards (initialization means), electronic signatures for various services and systems. Another core area of ​​the company’s activities is ensuring the safety of storing information of any significance, including confidential information.

Most of the products and solutions offered by Aladdin R.D. throughout its existence, deserve attention. In addition, they became an advanced solution, receiving not only recognition from users, but also various awards.


The main programs are JaCarta SecurLogon and SAM. SecurLogon creates complex random passwords that are necessary to ensure the security of your information. The program is intended for those JaCarta users who work with Windows. To log into the system, you need to connect the device and enter your PIN code. The program also has an option to change the password regularly.

SAM or Safe Net Authentication Manager is a special software product designed for corporate users. The main advantage of SAM is the ability to manage the life cycle of keys and smart cards. This makes it quicker and easier to implement and use keys. In addition, it allows you to solve problems with inventory.

How to install "Unified JaCarta Client"

In order for the Jacarta media to function, you must download the “Unified JaCarta Client”. It is a universal software package that works with all eToken and JaCarta token models. They are convenient for ordinary PC users who do not have special skills. Ensures full operation of the CryptoProCSP modules and allows devices with different cryptography to function normally.

Access to the program can be obtained on the official website of the company https://www.aladdin-rd.ru. Then you need to install it on your work computer. It is important to know that at this time the media must be disconnected from the PC and all programs and applications must be closed.

To download the archive with the software product from the developer’s website, you need to click “Download” (or “Download”). And clients can find the program on the system portal. When the archive is on your PC, you need to unpack it. After opening, you must select the required version to install - 32-bit or 64-bit.

The appearance of a window with the message “The hardware architecture of your computer does not match the product type” means that the choice of version was incorrect. You need to click on the “OK”, “Done” buttons, and select another version.

The installation of this product is similar to most others, so you need to follow the instructions in the pop-up windows.

You will need to accept the terms of the license agreement by checking the appropriate circle. Then click “Install”. Once the operation is completed, click “Finish” and restart the computer.

To find JaCarta, you need to click the “Start” button and select and launch the appropriate one from the list of installed software products.

Causes of problems with the key

Users of the EGAIS system know that without Jakarta it will not be possible to work. Moreover, problems with the key may appear at the very beginning, when trying to register with . Typically, users are faced with the fact that the required driver is missing, or there are problems with the computer. In addition, the following reasons for a non-working key are common:

  • If there are several carriers, it is easy to confuse them. If Jacarta Unified Client does not see the token, but finds the flash drive, then the wrong media is being used. Another way to identify a carrier is its certificate. It must indicate the JaCarta PKI/GOST type with the series number in the JC-xxxxxxxxx format;
  • driver is missing. The hardware key is not always installed. Therefore, after connecting the JaCarta media for the first time, you should wait until the program is installed. It occurs automatically within a few minutes;
  • there is no “Unified JaCarta Client”;
  • USB port is faulty. To test this hypothesis, you need to use another working flash drive. If the computer does not detect it after it is inserted into the port, then the USB is not working;
  • a message appeared on the screen: “Rutoken web authentication library,” meaning that the Rutoken add-on is disabled. To run the program, you need to click on the “Allow” button and log in to the system again.

One of the recommendations for EGAIS users is to use only one token on one computer. If there are, for example, two of them, there may be problems in their operation, since they can interfere with the full functioning of each other.

To be able to determine whether the key is working or not, the developers equipped it with a light bulb that lights up when connected.

If problems are detected in the operation of the equipment, you need to contact a technician who will fix the problem.

If problems with the software cannot be resolved, it is recommended to use the support service: https://www.aladdin-rd.ru/support/. On this page you can leave a message describing your problem, and also find a lot of information about problems that other users often encounter.

The equipment and software are thought out so carefully that it will not be difficult for a simple user to understand the settings and set up work on their own. If you have doubts about your own abilities, you should seek help from a professional.

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We decided to start selling alcohol, which means we must connect to EGAIS UTM and purchase special equipment. In our article we will help you understand the program and tell you how to use it.

Universal transport module EGAIS

EGAIS takes into account every commodity unit sold at retail or wholesale. This process is legislatively regulated by Federal Law No. 171 of November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing products and on limiting the use (drinking) of alcoholic products.”

Now the sale of alcohol-containing drinks (including low-alcohol products and beer) is only possible using cash register equipment (cash register equipment).

The rule applies to everyone, including individual entrepreneurs working under UTII or having patents. Every drink containing alcohol must pass through the cash register.

Universal transport module EGAIS is a special computer program that communicates between the seller of alcoholic beverages and EGAIS. There is no need to buy it: the program is freely available.

After downloading, you will need to install EGAIS on a computer, for example, on the same one on which the accounting (accounting) program with which the store operates is installed.

To confirm purchases, the universal transport module (UTM) receives from EGAIS invoices issued to you by an alcohol supplier or wholesaler, and after confirmation, transfers the fact of this confirmation to EGAIS. If there is a discrepancy - a shortage of products or a surplus - UTM transfers prepared acts of disagreement to EGAIS.

The exchange of information and the signing of documents takes place using the jacarta crypto key with the enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES) of each individual alcohol retailer recorded on it.

To operate UTM, you need Internet with a speed of 256 Kbps. Moreover, UTM can also work in offline mode, for example, if there is a loss of communication, but no more than three days. During this time, UTM will accumulate information and, as soon as communication resumes, everything that has been accumulated will be transferred to EGAIS.

For normal operation of the UTM, the technical requirements must meet the following conditions:

  • You cannot install any programs on the same computer that may affect the normal operation of the UTM universal transport module;
  • The operating system on the computer must be Windows 7 or higher. The computer processor must be 32-bit with a clock speed of at least 2 GHz. RAM from 1 GB;
  • Only one crypto key can be installed on a computer with UTM;
  • You cannot make changes to the working folders and files of the installed UTM;
  • You cannot change access rights to these folders and files;
  • You cannot submit documents that differ from the standardized ones to UTM for EGAIS;
  • You cannot use a CEP that has expired: the CEP is valid for 1 year.

The Business.Ru service has the entire necessary set of functions for integration and work with EGAIS. The program supports modern cash register equipment and also allows you to keep records of goods in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System.

Registration on the website EGAIS.ru and installation of UTM. Video

Jacarta crypto key

Documents are transferred to and received from EGAIS via a secure connection. Therefore, the seller’s connection with EGAIS through UTM occurs using a special jacarta crypto key, onto which an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES) is recorded.

Using the key and CEP, the retailer is also identified in EGAIS. The crypto key looks like a flash card connected via a USB port to a computer on which the EGAIS UTM module is installed.

Jacarta keys come in different types. To work with UTM EGAIS, a key of the jacarta PKI type (jacarta GOST PKI) is suitable. These are special programs for securely storing information.

It is also necessary to record an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CES) on the key. CEP is an electronic signature with which a retailer connects via UTM to EGAIS to exchange information with it.

To register a CEP, you need to provide documents.

Legal entities:

  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN, for branches - notification of registration);
  • Certificate of State Registration (OGRN);
  • A document confirming the authority of the certificate owner (for the manager - a decision of the general meeting of participants, minutes, etc.);
  • Certificate holder's passport;
  • SNILS of the certificate owner.

Individual entrepreneurs:

  • IP passport;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);
  • Certificate of state registration (OGRNIP);
  • SNILS.

Dual-chamber barcode scanners and fiscal recorders

Everyone who buys and sells alcohol at retail should download and install EGAIS retail equipment - the UTM module, buy a Jaсarta crypto key and write a qualified electronic signature CEP on it.

Also, alcohol retailers must record sales, that is, transmit information about each unit of alcohol sold to EGAIS.

To do this, you will need to worry about purchasing special equipment: scanners and fiscal recorders.

Also, when selling alcohol at retail, the fiscal registrar (cash register) must be able to print a QR code. With its help, the buyer, literally without leaving the checkout, can get all the information about the product being purchased:

  • where and when it was made;
  • at which plant the product was bottled;
  • what license does the manufacturer have, etc.

A QR code can be generated in an accounting (cash, accounting) program and transferred to a fiscal registrar for printing. Or it is generated and printed directly by the device itself.

All alcoholic products must be marked with special two-dimensional PDF417 barcodes. This is necessary so that EGAIS receives information about the sale of a specific bottle of alcohol.

This function is also available in the Business.Ru service for working with EGAIS. Here you can control all movements and sales of goods, maintain full warehouse records and control mutual settlements with counterparties.

Scanners that can read PDF417 barcodes come in different models and brands. But especially for EGAIS in retail, the scanner must be approved by FSUE CenterInform. Approved scanners include:

  • devices from Honeywel (models 1400/1450g, 1900g Xenon, MK7580 Genesis, Stratos™ 2700);
  • Motorola (Symbol) (models DS4308-HD, DS9208).

How to choose a fiscal registrar in 2018. Video