Create a semantic core sample. When the services of FL specialists are useful. Selection of search queries and checking frequency

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The semantic core (abbreviated as SA) is a specific list keywords, which best describe the theme of the site.

Why do you need to create a semantic core of a website?

  • the semantic core characterizes, it is thanks to it that the robots indexing the page determine not only the naturalness of the text, but also the topic in order to include the page in the appropriate search section. It is obvious that the robots work with complete autonomy after entering the site page address into the search resource database;
  • a well-written message is the semantic basis of the site and reflects a suitable structure for SEO promotion;
  • each page of the site, accordingly, is linked to a specific part of the web resource;
  • thanks to the semantic core, a promotion strategy in search engines is formed;
  • Based on the semantic core, you can estimate how much promotion will cost.

Basic rules for compiling a semantic core

    To collect synonyms, you will need to collect sets of keywords. In this regard, you need to evaluate your strengths in relation to promotion for high- and medium-frequency queries. If you want to get the maximum number of visitors on a budget, you need to use high- and mid-frequency queries. If on the contrary, then medium- and low-frequency queries.

    Even if you have a high budget, it makes no sense to promote your site only for high-frequency queries. Often such requests are too general character and unspecified semantic load, for example, “listen to music”, “news”, “sports”.

When choosing search queries analyze many indicators that match the search phrase:

  • number of impressions (frequency);
  • number of impressions without morphological changes and phrases;
  • pages that are returned by a search engine when a search query is entered;
  • pages in search TOP by key queries;
  • estimation of the cost of promotion upon request;
  • keyword competition;
  • predicted number of transitions;
  • bounce rate (closing a website after clicking on a link) and seasonality of the service;
  • geodependence of the keyword (geographical location of the company and its clients).

How can you collect a semantic core

In practice, selection semantic core can be done using the following methods:

    Competitors' websites can become a source of keywords for the semantic core. This is where you can quickly select keywords, as well as determine the frequency of their “surroundings” using semantic analysis. To do this you will need to do semantic assessment pages of text, the most mentioned words form the morphological core;

    We recommend creating your own semantic core based on statistics special services. Use, for example, Wordstat Yandex– statistical system of the Yandex search engine. Here you can see the frequency of the search query, as well as find out what users are searching for along with this keyword;

    System “hints” appear when you try to enter a search phrase into the interactive line. These words and phrases can also be included in the SL as connected ones;

    The source of keywords for synonyms can be closed databases of search queries, for example, the Pastukhov database. These are special data sets containing information about effective combinations of search queries;

    Internal site statistics can also become a source of data about search queries that interest the user. It contains information about the source and knows where the reader came from, how many pages he viewed and what browser he came from.

Free tools for compiling a semantic core:

Yandex.Wordstat- popular free tool, used in compiling the semantic core. Using the service, you can find out how many times visitors entered into the search engine Yandex system specific request. Provides an opportunity to analyze the dynamics of demand for this request by month.

Google AdWords is one of the most used systems for leaving the semantic core of a site. Using Google's keyword planner, you can calculate and forecast impressions for specific queries in the future.

Yandex.Direct Many developers use the most profitable keywords to select them. If you plan to post on the site in the future advertisements, then the owner of the resource with this approach will receive a good profit.

Word fucker- the younger brother of Kay Collector, who is used to compile the semantic core of the site. Data from Yandex is taken as a basis. The advantages can be noted intuitively clear interface, as well as accessibility not only for professionals, but also for beginners who are just starting to engage in SEO analytics.

Paid tools for compiling a semantic core:

Pastukhov bases According to many experts, they have no competitors. The database displays queries that neither Google nor Yandex show. There are many other features inherent specifically to Max Pastukhov’s databases, among which we can note a convenient software shell.

SpyWords- an interesting tool that allows you to analyze competitors' keywords. With its help you can carry out comparative analysis semantic cores of the resources of interest, as well as obtain all the data about PPC and SEO companies of competitors. The resource is Russian-language, understanding its functionality will not pose any problems.

A paid program created specifically for professionals. Helps to create a semantic core by identifying relevant queries. Used to estimate the cost of promoting a resource using keywords of interest. In addition to the high level of efficiency, this program stands out for its ease of use.

SEMrush allows you to determine the most effective keywords based on data from competing resources. With its help, you can select low-frequency queries characterized by high level traffic. As practice shows, for such requests it is very easy to promote a resource to the first positions in the search results.

SeoLib- a service that has won the trust of optimizers. It has quite a lot of functionality. Allows you to correctly compose a semantic core, as well as perform the necessary analytical activities. In free mode, you can analyze 25 requests per day.

Promoter allows you to collect the primary semantic core in just a few minutes. This is a service used mainly for analyzing competing sites, as well as for selecting the most effective ones. key queries. Word analysis is selected for Google in Russia or for Yandex in the Moscow region.

The semantic core is assembled quite quickly if you use sources and databases as a hint.

The following processes should be highlighted

Based on the content of the site and relevant topics, key queries are selected that most accurately reflect the meaning of your web portal.
- From the selected set, unnecessary queries are eliminated, possibly those queries that can worsen the indexing of the resource. Keyword filtering is carried out based on the results of the analysis described above.
- The resulting semantic core should be evenly distributed between the pages of the site; if necessary, texts with a specific topic and the volume of keywords are ordered.

An example of collecting a semantic core using the Wordstat Yandex service

For example, you are promoting a nail salon in Moscow.

We think and select all sorts of words that suit the theme of the site.

Activity of the company

  • manicure salon;
  • nail salon;
  • nail service studio;
  • manicure studio;
  • pedicure studio;
  • nail design studio.

General name of services

- manicure;
- nail extensions.

Now we go to the Yandex service and enter each request, having previously selected the region in which we are going to move.

We copy all the words into Excel from the left column, plus auxiliary phrases from the right.

Delete unnecessary words, which do not fit the topic. The words that fit are highlighted in red below.

The number 2320 queries shows how many times people typed this query not only in pure form, but also as part of other phrases. For example: manicure and price in Moscow, price for manicure and pedicure in Moscow, etc.

If we enter our query in quotation marks, then there will be another number here, which takes into account the word forms of the key phrase. for example: manicure prices, manicure prices, etc.

If you enter the same query query in quotes with exclamation marks, then we’ll see how many times users typed the query “manicure price”.

Next, we break down the resulting list of words into site pages. For example, high frequency queries we will leave it on the main page and on the main sections of the site, such as: manicure, nail service studio, nail extensions. We will distribute the mid- and low-frequency ones over the remaining pages, for example: manicure and pedicure prices, gel nail extension design. Words should also be divided into groups according to meaning.

  • Home page - studio, nail salon, etc.
  • 3 sections - pedicure, manicure, prices for manicure and pedicure.
  • Pages - nail extensions, hardware pedicure, etc.

What mistakes can be made when compiling the SYNOPSIS?

When compiling a semantic core, no one is immune from errors. The most common ones include the following:

  1. There is always a danger of choosing ineffective queries that provide a minimum number of visitors.
  2. When re-promoting a site, you should not completely change the content posted on the site. Otherwise, all will be reset previous parameters, including ranking in search results.
  3. You should not use queries that are incorrect for the Russian language, search robots They already identify such queries well and, if they spam keywords, they remove the page from the search.

We wish you good luck in promoting your site!

We can say that collecting the semantic core significantly affects all further SEO promotion of the site. After all, the semantic core is a set of keywords by which the site will be promoted - and therefore its content and structure will be created. Therefore, the collection of semantics must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Let's consider the main stages of collecting keywords for promotion.

1. Collection of basic requests

Let's say we want to make an online store selling parrots and have started collecting the semantic core. First we need to collect the main keys, or in other words, masks, from which we will then build. A mask is a unique key phrase that is part of other keys in our semantic core. In our case, the masks will be combinations like “buy a parrot”, “parrot store”, “budgie”, etc.

Questions arise: where to get masks from. The answer is simple - brainstorming, analyzing competitors' websites, viewing their sections (masks can be included in the names of sections and headings).

After the masks are collected, we enter them one by one into Yandex Wordstat.

In the left column we see a list all sorts of options, which contain our mask key. We copy the results we need (for example, the key “buy a parrot on Avito” will be of no interest to us - a person is purposefully looking for an ad on Avito and will bypass our resource).

When collecting keywords, you should pay attention to the right column of Wordstat - it allows you to expand the masks and get even more keywords. In the screenshot we see masks “parrot cage”, “Grey parrot”, “macaw parrot”, etc. - all of them will be useful for your online store. Unless, of course, we plan to sell these types of parrots.

Wordstat also displays the number of impressions - this is how many times users searched for a given phrase in last month. But these numbers are not entirely correct - they include the frequency of all requests that contain this mask. To estimate the exact number of requests for a given phrase, you need to use the “!” operator. - and then the number of searches for “!buy!a parrot” will be only 285 per month instead of 10,209 in the original case.

Wordstat displays a lot of phrases, and such a search can take a long time. Therefore, we recommend automating the collection process and using the KeyCollector program. With its help, you can quickly assemble a semantic core with the necessary parameters.

During collection key phrases It is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid using too general phrases - for example, promoting a flower shop using the phrase “flowers” ​​may be too expensive and useless. But the specific key “buy flowers in Moscow” is what you need!
  • use target phrases - if you sell bicycles, then it is illogical to promote using the combinations “bike repair” or “bicycle inventor.” You need phrases related to selling bicycles.
  • discard keys with errors - for example, the key “tolyatti car repair” is too unnatural, users don’t write that way.

2. How do competitors practice SEO website promotion?

To expand the semantic core for SEO promotion of a site, it will be useful to look at what phrases competitors are promoting. This can be done using the paid service Spywords or the free Bukvariks.

You need a competitor's domain found in search results using the desired key.

3. Cleaning received requests and grouping

After all the manipulations, we look at the resulting semantic core, clean out irrelevant queries that are not related to the topic of our project and low-frequency ones with “!” less than 20-30. Next, you need to group requests to divide them into pages - here the site structure will be formed.

On one page it is advisable to use no more than 3-5 keywords of similar topics - for example, “repair household appliances”, “repair of household appliances in Moscow”, “prices for repair of household appliances”.

For grouping you can use the service

After you fill your resource with articles and they are indexed, you need to work on promoting the keys to the TOP of Yandex. Entrust this work to professionals and leave a request to quickly bring your project to the TOP using technology.

The semantic core of a site is a list of queries for which you plan to promote the site in search engines. Requests from the semantic core are grouped by site pages. Ready-made semantics for the site includes queries for each page of the site that will be promoted.

Basic rules for compiling a semantic core

  1. Only one page is promoted per request. It is not allowed for one request to correspond to two or more pages on the site - otherwise, search engines may choose to display the wrong page for the request.
  2. The page must respond to the user's query. For example, if the request includes the word “prices”, the prices for the product should be indicated on the promoted page. If you are promoting a page for the request “CASCO calculator”, the page should have a form for calculating the cost of CASCO.
  3. The semantic core should include high, medium and low frequency queries. It is necessary to find the maximum number of suitable queries, otherwise you will not get the full benefit from the promotion.
  4. When grouping requests One group must include queries for which it is realistic to promote one page. To do this, see if there are pages in the search results that are in the TOP 10 for the queries you selected. If there are no such pages, requests need to be separated into different groups.
  5. Check the influence of "Spectrum" in Yandex. It may turn out that for your topic “Spectrum” left not 10 places in the TOP, but only 1 or 2 - competition for them is intensifying. There are also queries for which it is necessary to display information articles in the TOP, and a page with commercial information- will not work.
  6. Attention, advertising and sorcerers! In competitive topics, the search results may contain a lot of Direct advertising and sorcerers, which shift the search results much lower and reduce the return on being in the TOP. An example of such a request: “buy air tickets” (see the screenshot below and try to find organic results on the screen).

How many queries should the semantic core include?

The maximum possible number - ideally, all queries that are in your topic and suitable for you (that is, your site can actually answer these queries).

As a rule, small and medium-sized sites have a semantic core of several hundred to thousands of queries. Large projects can be promoted based on tens and hundreds of thousands of requests.

For example, our blog about website promotion, the site receives hits from search engines for more than 2,000 different queries per month.

An example of a simple semantic core for an SEO blog

This example is educational and reflects the essence of the group, but is not the real core of any project.

How can you collect a semantic core?

  1. Copy from competitors. IN in this case 2-3 competitor sites are selected and through special programs information is pumped out regarding what queries their sites are in the TOP 10. For example, you can get such information for free through the service. As competitor sites, you can choose the most popular sites in the topic or the sites of companies whose product range is as close as possible to your project.
    Advantages of the method: saving time on creating a semantic core, relative simplicity and free of charge.
    Disadvantages of this method: a large number of“garbage” requests, the received data will need to be filtered and further processed, there is a risk of copying the mistakes of competitors. Queries that for some reason were not selected or found by competitors will not be lost in the semantics.
  2. Promote queries close to the TOP. Website promotion for queries whose positions are close to the TOP. This method Suitable only for old sites that were previously promoted. Through the systems from point 1, information is collected on which queries the project is in the TOP-30 and these queries are included in the semantic core.
    Advantages of the method: saving the customer’s time and budget. Faster return on promotion.
    Disadvantages of the method: this approach allows you to collect a minimum number of requests. In the future, the semantic core needs to be expanded. There is no guarantee that all requests received will be effective for the client’s business.
  3. Create a semantic core from scratch. Semantics is formed based on a deep analysis of queries that can be used to search for promoted goods, services or information.
    Advantages of the method: collection maximum quantity requests for the most effective promotion.
    Disadvantages of the method: long and expensive.

Stages of compiling a semantic core for a website from scratch

  1. Project Analysis. As part of the analysis, it is necessary to compile a complete list of services, product categories or types of information presented on the client’s website. On at this stage The company's potential client is also analyzed. For example, if a company wants to sell products in the premium segment, there is no point in offering queries with the word “cheap” for promotion. It’s best to write everything down on a piece of paper; even better, create tables in Excel.
  2. Brainstorm. At this stage, the project team compiles a list of queries that, in the opinion of team members, can be used to search for each product, service or type of information on the client’s website. TO brainstorming you can involve the client and third-party people not related to SEO and ask them questions about how they will search for this or that information on the Internet - what queries to ask, etc. People are very different and sometimes they look for information based on queries that no specialist can guess! It is useful to study the texts on the client’s and competitors’ websites - as a rule, they contain parts of search queries, different names of the same products - that is, in fact, all combinations of words and phrases by which they can be searched through search engines.
  3. Pumping search queries from other sources At the end of the article there will be links to the most useful programs to solve this problem):
    • Statistics of requests in Yandex and Google;
    • Search tips in search engines;
    • Statistics of transitions to the site from search engines (if the site has traffic);
    • Key queries from competitors;
    • Pastukhov's database contains about 800 million queries asked by search engine users. The database is constantly updated and supplemented. Paid.
  4. Filtering requests, removing duplicates and “empty” phrases. At this stage, lists of requests received from different sources. Duplicates and “empty” requests are removed from this list. Phrases are considered such if when entering them in quotation marks in search engine statistics systems, a zero frequency is given. Learn more about determining request frequency.
  5. Grouping requests. At this stage, groups are identified from all requests, according to which individual sections and pages of the site will be promoted. If your website doesn't have suitable pages To promote certain groups of requests, such pages must be created.
  6. Think again. Sometimes it is useful to rest for 1-2 days after creating a semantic core and return to this issue again - look at the whole collected information with a fresh look. Sometimes new ideas appear on how else people search for information through search engines - and it turns out to expand the semantic core.

Semantic core testing

When you have selected the semantic core for the site, it is advisable to test it. This can be done by running a test advertising campaign in the contextual advertising system. This is expensive, but it will allow you to determine the most efficient queries and perhaps weed out requests that don’t bring in big sales.

You can read more about semantic core testing in the article Five reasons to buy contextual advertising.

Development of site semantics

Having collected the semantic core once, you cannot leave it unchanged. New products appear, new requests appear, and old ones lose relevance. Therefore, at least once every six months to a year, it is necessary to update the semantic core and connect new queries to promotion, and exclude old ones that have lost their relevance from promotion.

In the comments, you can ask questions about how to create a semantic core - we will help and answer if possible.

Useful sites and services for selecting a semantic core:

  • – a tool for viewing query statistics in Yandex;
  • - the service allows you to collect large kernels based on Yandex.Wordstat data and collection of search tips in Yandex and Google. They give a nice bonus when registering in the system.
  • - a service that allows you to automatically group queries from the semantic core. You can set the grouping precision, which affects the number of requests in one group.
  • is a tool that allows you to see what queries your competitors are using to display contextual advertising(you can promote for the same queries)
  • Pastukhov bases – huge base requests to search engine Yandex, at the time of writing, consisted of 800 million requests.
  • is a tool that allows you to see the positions of your website or competitors in search results for free. To view positions, you need to register in the system, create a project and reach the stage of selecting keywords.

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The semantic core of the site is full set keywords corresponding to the topic of the web resource, by which users can find it in a search engine.

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For example, the fairy-tale character Baba Yaga will have the following semantic core: Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga fairy tales, Baba Yaga Russian fairy tales, woman with a stupa fairy tales, woman with a mortar and a broom, evil woman sorceress, baba hut chicken legs, etc.

Why does a website need a semantic core?

Before you start promoting, you need to find all the keys by which target visitors can search for it. Based on the semantics, a structure is drawn up, keys are distributed, meta tags, document titles, descriptions for images are written, and an anchor list is developed for working with the reference mass.

When compiling semantics, it is necessary to decide main problem: Determine what information should be published to attract a potential client.

Compiling a list of keywords solves another important problem: for each search phrase, you determine a relevant page that can fully answer the user’s question.

This problem can be solved in two ways:

  • You create a site structure based on the semantic core.
  • You distribute the selected terms according to the ready-made resource structure.

Types of key queries (KQ) by number of views

  • LF – low frequency. Up to 100 impressions per month.
  • MF – mid-frequency. From 101 to 1,000 impressions.
  • HF – high frequency. More than 1000 impressions.

According to statistics, 60-80% of all phrases and words belong to LF. Working with them when promoting is cheaper and easier. Therefore, you must create the most voluminous core of phrases, which will be constantly supplemented with new low frequencies. Treble and midrange should also not be ignored, but place the main emphasis on expanding the list of low-frequency drivers.

Types of short circuits by search type

  • Informational ones are needed when searching for information. “How to fry potatoes” or “how many stars are in the sky.”
  • Transactional ones are used to perform an action. “Order a down scarf”, “download Vysotsky’s songs”
  • Navigational ones are used to search for something related to a specific company or site. “MVideo bread maker” or “Svyaznoy smartphones”.
  • Others - an extended list that makes it impossible to understand the final purpose of the search. For example, the request “Napoleon cake” - perhaps a person is looking for a recipe for making it, or perhaps he wants to buy a cake.

How to create semantics

It is necessary to highlight the main terms of your business and user needs. For example, laundry customers are interested in washing and cleaning.

Next, you should define the tails and specification (more than 2 words per query) that users add to the head terms. This will increase your reach target audience and reduce the frequency of terms (washing blankets, washing jackets, etc.).

Collecting the semantic core manually

Yandex Wordstat

  • Select the region of the web resource.
  • Enter a passphrase. The service will give you the number of queries with this keyword over the last month and a list of “related” terms that interested visitors. Keep in mind that if you enter, for example, “buy windows,” you will get results based on the exact occurrence of the keyword. If you enter given key without quotes, then you get general results, and requests like “buy windows in Voronezh” and “buy a plastic window” will also be reflected in this figure. To narrow and clarify the indicator, you can use the “!” operator, which is placed before each word: !buy!windows. You will receive a number showing the exact output for each word. You will get a list like: buy plastic windows, buy and order windows, while the words “buy” and “windows” will be reflected unchanged. To obtain the absolute indicator for the “buy windows” request, the following scheme should be used: enter “!buy!windows” in quotes. You will receive the most accurate data.
  • Collect the words from the left column and analyze each of them. Create initial semantics. Pay attention to the right column, which contains keywords that users entered before or after searching for words from the left column. You will find many more useful phrases.
  • Go to the “Request History” tab. On the graph you can analyze seasonality and the popularity of phrases in each month. Working with Yandex search suggestions gives good results. Each short term is entered into the search field, and the semantics are expanded based on pop-up tips.

Google short circuit scheduler

  • Enter the main RF request.
  • Select "Get Options."
  • Select the most relevant options.
  • Repeat this action with each selected phrase.

Studying competitor sites

Use this method as an additional one to determine the correct choice of a particular short circuit. The tools BuzzSumo, Searchmetrics, SEMRush, Advse will help you with this.

Programs for compiling a semantic core

Let's look at some of the most popular services.

  • Key Collector. If you are composing very voluminous semantics, then you cannot do without this tool. The program selects semantics by referring to Yandex Wordstat, collects search tips of this search engine, filters keywords with stop words, very low frequency, duplicates, determines the seasonality of phrases, studies the statistics of counters and social networks, selects relevant pages for each request.
  • SlovoEB. Free service from Key Collector. The tool selects keywords, groups and analyzes them.
  • Allsubmitter. Helps you select KZ, shows competing sites.
  • KeySO. Analyzes the visibility of a web resource, its competitors and helps in compiling the CN.

What to consider when choosing keywords

  • Frequency indicators.
  • Most of the short circuit should be LF, the rest - MF and HF.
  • Pages relevant to search queries.
  • Competitors in the TOP.
  • Competitiveness phrase.
  • Predicted number of transitions.
  • Seasonality and geodependence.
  • Short circuit with errors.
  • Associative keys.

Correct semantic core

First of all, it is necessary to define the concepts of “keywords”, “keys”, “key or search queries” - these are words or phrases with which potential clients your site are looking for the necessary information.

Make the following lists: categories of goods or services (hereinafter referred to as TU), names of TU, ​​their brands, commercial terms (“buy”, “order”, etc.), synonyms, transliteration in Latin (or Russian, respectively), professional jargon (“keyboard” – “clave”, etc.), specifications, words with possible typos and errors (“Orenburg” instead of “Orenburg”, etc.), references to the area (city, streets, etc.).

When working with lists, focus on the terms of reference from the promotion contract, the structure of the web resource, information, price lists, competing sites, and previous SEO experience.

Start selecting semantics by mixing the selected ones previous step phrases using manual method or using services.

Generate a list of stop words and remove inappropriate keywords.

Group CVs into relevant pages. For each key, the most relevant page is selected or created new document. Preferably this work carry out manually. For major projects provided paid services like Rush Analytics.

Go from larger to smaller. First, distribute the RF across the pages. Then do the same with the midrange. LF can be added to pages with HF and LF distributed over them, and you can also select individual pages for them.
After analyzing the first results of the work, we can see that:

  • the promoted site is not visible for all declared keywords;
  • according to the contract, documents are not issued that you thought were relevant;
  • the incorrect structure of the web resource interferes;
  • For some KZ, several web pages are relevant;
  • There are not enough relevant pages.

When grouping short circuits, work with everyone possible sections on a web resource, fill out each page useful information, do not create duplicate text.

Common mistakes when working with short circuits

  • Only obvious semantics were selected, without word forms, synonyms, etc.;
  • the optimizer distributed too many shortcuts onto one page;
  • The same short codes are distributed on different pages.

At the same time, ranking deteriorates, the site may be punished for overspam, and if the web resource has an incorrect structure, then it will be very difficult to promote it.

It doesn't matter how you choose the semantics. At the right approach you will receive the correct language necessary for successful website promotion.

The semantic core of the site is what users on the Internet use to search for services, products and any other information that this site offers. For webmasters, this is an action plan for promoting the resource. In an ideal plan The semantic core of the site is created once, before optimization and promotion begin.

The semantic core of a website is usually compiled in several stages:

  1. All sorts of words (phrases) that are appropriate to the topic of the site are selected. At first, you can limit yourself to 100–200 search queries. In order to know which queries are suitable for you, answer the question “What do I want to dedicate my site to?”
  2. Expansion of the semantic core through associative queries
  3. Inappropriate words should be eliminated. Here you filter out those phrases that you will not use to promote your site. There are usually more than half of such words.
  4. Highly competitive queries for which there is no point in promoting the site are eliminated. Typically, three words out of five or more are removed.
  5. And lastly, this is the correct distribution of the list of search queries on the resource pages. It is recommended to leave highly competitive queries on the main page of the resource; less competitive ones should be grouped according to their meaning and placed on other pages. To do this, you need to create a document in Excel and break down the keywords into pages.

Selection of search queries and checking frequency

The first thing you need to do is collect as many different queries as possible on your topic that interest users on the Internet. There are two methods for this:

  • Free ones, which include: Wordstat Yandex, Slovoeb, old-fashioned way, tips from Google (External Keyword Tool), analysis of competitor semantics and search tips.
  • Paid ones that include Key Collector, Semrush, Pastukhov databases and some other services.

These tools are suitable for various purposes (for example, Semrush is best used for burzhunet). Of course, all this can be entrusted to optimizers, but there is a possibility that you will receive an incomplete semantic core.

Many people use Pastukhov’s database to collect key phrases, but with Key Collector it is much more convenient to collect requests from services.

At the initial stage, it is better to collect queries in Excel; it looks like this:

If Google is more important for your resource, then focus on it, but also take into account and analyze keywords from Yandex. It is also very important to collect a long tail low frequency queries, you will get traffic much faster through them.

Another option you can use is to find out key phrases (words) from your competitors and use them. At this stage, you simply collect as many key phrases (words) that are relevant to the topic of your resource as possible, and then move on to the next stage - filtering.

Analysis of requests, removal of dummies

This stage is already simpler; here you need to filter out dummy words and those that are not related to the theme of the site. For example, you have lunch delivery in Kyiv, but there are other cities on the list.

How to identify empty requests? Go to Yandex Wordstat and enter the keyword:

You see 881 impressions per month, but to be more precise:

Now a completely different picture emerges. Maybe it's not best example, but the main thing is that you understand the essence. Eat big number key phrases for which sufficient traffic is visible, although in reality everything is missing there. That's why you need to weed out such phrases.

For example, if a person before (or after) typing the request “lunch delivery” entered in search bar any other phrase (called one search session), then Yandex makes the assumption that these search phrases are somehow interconnected. If such a relationship is observed among several people, then such associative queries are shown in the right column of wordstat.

Such search queries are sorted in the wordstat window in descending order of frequency of their entry in conjunction with the main query this month (the frequency of their use in the Yandex search engine is shown). You need to use this information to expand the semantic core of your resource.

Distribution of requests across pages

After this, you need to distribute the keywords (phrases) you collected on the pages of your site. Distribution is much easier when you don’t yet have the pages themselves.

Focus primarily on keywords in search queries and their frequency. This is how you deal with competition: home page allocate to one or two highly competitive queries.

For moderately competitive or low competitive queries, optimize section and article pages accordingly.

If there is semantic similarity in the search queries, simply collect the same phrases and define them in one group. When creating keywords to promote a resource, always use not only standard tools, but also a creative approach.

By combining non-standard and classical methods, you can simply and quickly create the semantic core of a site, choose the most optimal promotion strategy and achieve success much faster!