The phone has stopped receiving SMS messages. Application notifications are not received

What if you don’t receive SMS messages on your Android phone? What could be the reasons for this phenomenon? There are a lot of them. It is difficult to predict which option you will have. Therefore, it is worth considering all possible causes, and then using the method of elimination to determine the “root of evil” that applies to your situation. In fact, the question is not so simple. To find the correct answer to it, you will have to analyze all your manipulations with the device. Even the slightest change can cause messages to not arrive. But this is not a reason to panic!

Network congestion

Why don't I receive SMS messages on my Android phone? The first reason for this phenomenon may be the most common network overload of your cellular operator. This problem is especially noticeable in big cities.

Heavy load on the network causes communication failures. Therefore, the subscriber cannot make calls, receive and send messages, or access the Internet through a mobile device. All you have to do is wait. As soon as the network is unloaded, all functions will return to normal.


Why don't I receive SMS messages on Android? Another very interesting reason for this phenomenon could be that your number is blocked. This turns out to be the operator's fault. If you have very little money on your balance (more precisely, you are in the red), services are blocked.

Typically, operators warn their subscribers about possible blocking. To return all communication services to your phone, you just have to pay for them. More precisely, cover the minus you have formed to a positive balance. There is nothing difficult about it. Just keep an eye on your SIM card account. Then the number can be blocked.


Are you not receiving SMS messages on your Android phone? If you are interested in the reasons for this phenomenon, analyze your recent actions with the device. They may be the source of the problem.

For example, often trouble with SMS messages occurs due to infection of the mobile device with some kind of virus. No one is immune from this phenomenon. If you use the mobile Internet, you should not exclude the possibility of infection.

Are you not receiving SMS messages on Android? What to do? Check your device for viruses. A variety of antivirus programs for phones will help you with this. It is not always possible to detect a virus using such utilities. Some are well "encrypted". To find them, just think about whether you entered your phone number on any third-party sites and services. Very often it turns out that it is precisely this behavior that leads to the infection of the phone with viruses. Try not to enter your phone number on the Internet. Do this only on reliable and time-tested sites.

Phone problems

Are you not receiving SMS messages on your Android phone? If the problem is not at all with viruses or with your cellular operator, you can pay attention to the integrity of the device you are using. Sometimes it fails. At such moments, problems arise in all areas of the device.

You'll have to take the phone in for repair. If the problem cannot be corrected, you will need to buy a new device. Then after saving the settings from your operator, everything will return to normal. And you will be able to send/receive messages on Android.


The last option that can only be assumed is a problem with the phone's operating system. They happen for various reasons. Typically, this problem is observed mainly among those who actively use the device every day and constantly update it with various programs. Due to the small amount of free space on the memory card or the abundance of utilities, the system fails.

In this case, you may need "Android". It is not recommended to do it yourself. It is better to take the device to a service center. There they will quickly help you correct the situation. Reflashing it yourself usually doesn't work. If you have encountered this process before, you can reflash Android at home. The possibility of success cannot be ruled out.

Perhaps these are all the common reasons why SMS messages do not arrive on your Android phone. Most often, problems lie in the operation of your operator's network. This reason must be excluded first.

Although a large number of different instant messengers have appeared recently, a complete rejection of SMS messages is not yet possible. And they are quite popular. However, SMS messages do not always reach the subscriber. What this might be connected with and what to do in this case is in our article.

Changing a non-working SIM card

Or rather, the card itself may be working, but not completely. The fact is that at a certain point in time, a SIM card, especially if you have been using it for a long time, may fail.

But the point is that you can make incoming and outgoing calls, but SMS messages no longer arrive. In this case, it is recommended to change the SIM card to a new one. Fortunately, it's free, and the process takes a few minutes. The main thing is to go to the nearest office of the telecom operator, not forgetting to take your passport with you - for identification.

Checking your phone settings

In the settings of your device, you must make sure that the specified data is correct. So, it is very important to find out the SMS center number for your operator. If it is different on your phone from what the operator tells you or from what you saw on the operator’s website, it must be replaced with the current one. Moreover, even if the number is correct, it is still recommended to delete it and write it down again.

The SMS center number can be found either from your telecom operator by calling the hotline, or on the company’s official website.

Clearing the device memory

It's no secret that push-button phones, as a rule, have a limit on the number of SMS messages, not necessarily incoming ones, but even outgoing ones. If the memory is completely full, you will not see the incoming SMS message.

What to do? Of course, you need to clear your memory by deleting unnecessary messages. After this there should be no problems with message delivery.

Removing third-party applications

Often the problem is related to the installation of additional applications. You've probably heard about the applications that are needed to receive/send SMS messages? In some cases, when installed, they may conflict with the software built into the smartphone, and then messages do not arrive.

What should I do? Removing such an application should help.

What’s interesting: if you don’t have such an application installed, but you don’t receive SMS, then installing a third-party application for SMS messages can solve the problem. Install one of the popular applications and see if messages start coming.

Removing the virus

Viruses have been found in modern smartphones for a long time. Often they don’t reveal themselves in any way, so you won’t immediately understand that the problem is in a malicious file. Install an antivirus, update the databases and scan the system for malicious files.

We look at the black list

Almost all smartphones support the function. In this case, not only calls, but also SMS messages will not be received from it. You need to go to the blacklist on your phone and make sure that the number is not included in it. If you see him there, .

Reboot the device

If the problem is hidden in a software failure, then a simple one can help. Reboot and look at the result.

Resetting the settings

If all else fails, then as a last resort you can try resetting the settings (the so-called). This function allows you to return the device to its original settings, but all data will be deleted. Therefore, before resetting the settings, you need to save all the necessary information.

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If you have been waiting for an SMS message for a long time, but it still hasn’t arrived, you should think about why the SMS messages are not coming. There can be many reasons: from network congestion to problems with the SIM card or mobile device. Let's look at everything in more detail.

An SMS message may not arrive for various reasons:

  • overload of operator networks;
  • filling up the phone memory;
  • problem with the SIM card or the phone itself;
  • setting a ban on incoming SMS;
  • incorrect SMS service settings on your phone;
  • incorrect number to which the SMS is sent;
  • insufficient funds.

Overloaded operator networks

During rush hours and holidays, when the network of cellular operators is especially congested, SMS messages may not arrive on time. The only thing that can be recommended in this situation is to wait a little, and the SMS will arrive, albeit late.

Filling your phone's memory

Very often, the reason for the lack of the necessary SMS is that the phone’s memory is filled with various information. If you delete several SMS messages or any unnecessary information, all messages will arrive immediately. Many phone owners do not pay attention to this factor.

Problem with the SIM card or the phone itself

If you doubt the health of your mobile device or SIM card, then it is worth checking. Move the SIM card to another phone, and if messages arrive, then there is a problem with the mobile device, if not, there is a problem with the card.

Setting a ban on incoming SMS

Basically, a ban on incoming SMS is applied to corporate numbers. If you have a private number, contact your operator and ask them to remove the ban from your number.

Incorrect SMS service settings on your phone

If you haven't received messages for a long time, check your SMS service settings on your phone. To do this, go to “Settings” and select “Messages”.

Wrong number

In order to receive SMS from friends and family on time, you need to write down the number correctly. There are times when your interlocutor sent you a message, but only one number was wrong. Thus, the message will not arrive.

Insufficient funds

It is worth noting that this problem does not affect the reception of SMS messages. Previously, to do this, there had to be a certain amount of money in the account. Now SMS messages are received regardless of whether there are funds in the account or not.

Sometimes smartphone users stop receiving SMS messages. As a rule, there is nothing wrong with this and the problem can be solved. To fix everything you need to perform a few simple steps:

Reboot your device

Sometimes the software may malfunction; to restore the correct operation of the device, simply turn off your phone and turn it on again. If after turning on the phone the SMS was not delivered to you, follow our instructions further.

Check the operation of the SIM card

Here you need to understand what exactly the problem is - in the phone or in the cellular operator. To do this, we first try to move the SIM card to another phone and try to receive the message. If the other phone receives the message, then the SIM card is ok and the problem is in the settings of the device itself. We will deal with them further.

If SMS messages do not arrive on any device, then the problem is most likely on the operator’s side. To fix it, you need to contact the office of your mobile operator or call the help desk and get oral advice from a specialist. There may be a lot of options here, for example, temporary technical problems on the part of the operator (for example, overload of base stations on holidays, when everyone is trying to congratulate each other) or the absence of a technological setting on your number, which could have been mistakenly deleted.

If something is wrong with your number, the operator will inform you about the problem and correct the situation. Sometimes the matter may be trivial in your balance; if the number is forcibly blocked due to debt, then you have a restriction not only on outgoing but also incoming communications, this also applies to SMS. If the operator claims that everything is in order with the settings but there is no SMS. then most likely the sim is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Check your settings

Make sure that the memory of SMS messages on your phone is not full, because often this is the reason why SMS messages do not arrive. There's simply no room for them. Therefore, delete messages that you do not need and restart your phone.

You also need to check the SMS center number in the SMS settings; it must be specified correctly. For example, for MTS Belarus the SMS center number looks like this: +375297770000. In general, you can find out the SMS center number from your operator. If you still haven’t been able to recognize it, write about it in the comments to the article and we will help you. Also see if you have added the sender’s number to the blacklist or put it in spam, all this can be checked in the SMS settings.

Check your device for viruses

Perhaps some malware is preventing you from receiving the message. Check your phone with an antivirus or several antiviruses to make sure they are not present.

Perform a factory reset

If all of the above does not help you, you will have to resort to last resort and, thereby returning it to the factory settings, this option should definitely help. We just draw your attention to the fact that if you lose everything that your device stores, transfer the data to a computer, and first save the information that is important to you.

In general, check whether the sender indicates your number correctly and whether he has a positive balance)

Despite the great popularity of instant messengers, the SMS function still remains popular and in demand. Below we will look at the reasons why SMS messages do not arrive on your phone, and also look at ways to fix the problem.

There are many reasons why a smartphone does not receive messages: the problem may be third-party applications, incorrectly configured software, memory load, or a breakdown and/or incompatibility between the SIM card and the phone. Let's take a closer look at ways to fix the problem.

If the problem arose completely suddenly, we can assume that the cause was a random failure. It can be removed by simply rebooting the device.

If the device has been rebooted, but the problem is still observed, read on.

Method 2: Disable Do Not Disturb Mode

Another common cause of the problem: activated mode "Do not disturb". If it is turned on, then SMS messages are received, but the phone does not display notifications about their receipt. You can disable this mode like this.

If the actions do not bring results, we move on.

Method 3: Removing a number from the blacklist

If you stop receiving SMS from a specific number, it is likely that it is blacklisted. You can check it like this.

After this procedure, messages from the specified number should arrive as usual. If the problem is not related to the blacklist, read on.

Method 4: Changing the SMS center number

SMS exchange technology is tied to the cellular operator: it acts as an intermediary between the sender and recipient of the message. The role of the “postman” in this scheme is played by the receiving and sending center. As a rule, its number is automatically registered in the SMS application of the smartphone. However, in some cases the number may be specified incorrectly or not specified at all. You can check this like this:

If the number is written down correctly, but messages still do not arrive, move on to other methods.

Method 5: Uninstall a third-party application

In some cases, third-party software may intercept the receipt of SMS. These include, for example, alternative messaging applications or some instant messengers. To check this, do the following:

  1. Boot into Safe Mode.
  2. Wait a while. If SMS messages arrive as expected with Safe Mode enabled, then the reason is in a third-party application.

Once you have found the source of the problem, begin to fix it. The easiest way is to remove recently installed programs one by one, starting with the last installed one. In addition, some have conflict search functionality. Antivirus will also help you if the cause of the conflict lies in malicious software.

Method 6: Replacing the SIM card

There may be a hardware failure of the SIM card: it seems to be working, but only calls work. Checking this is very simple: find another card (take it from relatives or friends), insert it into your phone and wait. If there are no problems with the other card, then the likely cause of the problem is your SIM card. The best solution in this case would be to replace it at your operator’s service center.

Method 7: Factory reset

If all of the above methods are ineffective, then the only way to fix the problem is to completely reset your smartphone.


As you can see, the main cause of the problem is software errors, which everyone is quite capable of fixing on their own.