How to remove the latest updates in the game. How to remove an update on Android: from the play market. Disable automatic sync

Applications (built-in and installed by the user) are what a smartphone is bought for. They, in turn, download updates from time to time, either automatically or ask the user to perform the appropriate action (depending on the settings).


Updating applications on Android is a procedure that is highly recommended. There are several reasons for this. The main one is that any software not completely. This is especially true for new or relatively new applications. Their developers strive to publish the product as soon as possible so that someone else does not get ahead and “roll out” software with similar capabilities. Such software has relatively few functions, but more importantly, it contains a large number of bugs that can cause it to work slowly and unstable.

Any software is imperfect. Even developed large companies(for example, Google) applications that Play Market have had security problems for a long time. It is impossible to catch all such errors; you can only promptly close detected holes that can lead, for example, to the theft of website passwords or unauthorized access to your address book.

Do all applications need to be updated periodically?

Updating Android, as well as all applications installed on it, is highly recommended. This must be done for the reasons already described above.
But you can still refuse to update some programs. For example, this applies to applications that:

  • do not go online;
  • do not read the contact list;
  • cannot write anything to the memory card;
  • cannot send SMS.

There are quite a lot of such programs. For example, these may include “flashlight” and “compass”. If they work well, then there is absolutely no need to update them.
Other applications also do not need to be updated until a certain time. But for this you need to read the patch descriptions. If they say that updates, for example, are closed critical vulnerabilities– must be installed; if you are solving a problem with excessive memory consumption, it is recommended to install it (if you are satisfied with the current operation of the application, you can postpone it); If installing patches only adds new functions to the application that you can do without, you don’t have to install it.

In Android you can already delete installed updates. However, the corresponding feature is only available for applications that were pre-installed on the system, for example: YouTube, Google Chrome, Gmail, etc.

When updates are removed, the application does not roll back to previous version, but returns to the state in which it was on the device when it was activated.

To do this you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. go to your phone settings;
  2. find the “Application Manager” item;
  3. select the desired application from the list provided;
  4. Click "Stop" and then "Uninstall updates."

After performing the appropriate actions, all updates for the selected application will be deleted, and the program will return to original state(for example, Chrome version 57 will become Chrome version 49).
If for some reason you need to return old version third party program, you will have to download it from the appropriate sites on the Internet. But you should be very careful, since many resources through which Android programs are distributed contain applications malicious code. Therefore, it is better to download them from more or less trusted sources, for example, from But even in this case, you need to analyze the posts of forum members in the relevant topics - reading them will help reduce the risk of system infection.

We prohibit updating applications on Android

Some Android smartphone users may need to disable application updates, for example, due to traffic restrictions in the tariff mobile operator. It's not very difficult to do this. To do this you need:

  1. go to Play Market;
  2. expand side menu;
  3. select “Settings”;
  4. tap on the item “Auto-update applications”;
  5. select “Never” from the proposed list (or “only via Wi-Fi” if you still want to install patches for programs in automatic mode if you have an unlimited Internet connection).

You can also check or uncheck the box next to the “Notifications” item. If it is installed, Google Play will notify you about the release of new versions of programs, but will not install them automatically.

Cancel app update on Android

If, suddenly, some application decides to download a patch, but there is no desire for it to be updated, you will need to interrupt the download. One of the most simple ways to do this looks like this:

  1. open the notification shade;
  2. find an application that is being updated;
  3. make a long tap on the corresponding item;
  4. in the menu that appears, select “About the application” and tap on it;
  5. On the screen that opens, click on “Erase data”.

Update Android applications manually

Update Android app in manual mode very simple. To do this, go to the Play Market, select the desired program and click on the “Update” button. If new patches are available for the application, the download and installation processes will begin, upon completion of which the application will be updated to the latest version.

How to disable automatic updating of one Android application

To prohibit someone specific application auto-update is necessary:

  1. open Google Play;
  2. from side menu select “My applications and games”;
  3. select the program you are interested in;
  4. press the key responsible for calling up the menu;
  5. In the menu that appears, uncheck the box next to “Auto-update”.

Now the selected application will not download patches, but other programs will be able to update automatically.

After Android updates All or some applications may stop working (although this is not a common problem). To try to restore them to functionality, you can either reinstall them (most preferred option), or erase their cache. The second can be done as follows:

  1. go to settings;
  2. select “Memory”;
  3. select “Application data...”;
  4. find and select the desired program;
  5. Click on “Erase data”.

After this, the program with which the work was done will probably work. If the methods described above did not help, you will need to either restore the device from a backup (if you had one) or reflash the phone. You can also try resetting your device.

Surely you have heard about the Android operating system, unless you yourself are the owner of a device running this shell. This platform has appealed to a good portion of gadget owners and is the most common OS among mobile devices. Since 2009, when the first version of the “robot” was released, the developers have not stopped improving and modifying their brainchild. New versions and updates are released regularly. But do you always need to update your device and how to return the old version of Android after updating? We will talk about this in this publication.

Why are updates needed?

First of all for proper operation systems. Developers optimize performance, improve the interface, correct lags, because it is almost impossible to release a perfect system right away, and minor faults will only be noticeable during its implementation. active use. In most cases, you can find out about the availability of an update using regular message, which will appear in the notification line. You can upgrade by going to the update center, downloading and installing new version.

Why might gadget owners be unhappy with the update?

In most cases, after the update procedure, the device should work faster, and all shortcomings should become a thing of the past. All that users can complain about are some changes in the interface or, for example, the disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop (accordingly, the applications themselves disappear). This happens because installed programs are already outdated and simply do not correspond to the new firmware.

New versions of applications or their analogues can still be found on the Play Market, and trying to return the previous version of the OS due to the loss of old applications is a rather stupid idea. What else can irritate owners in the new firmware version is the appearance of some programs that cannot be removed. For example, these could be new services from Google. And then all users begin to think about whether it is possible to return the old version of Android. But most of all those who want to return to old firmware among those who tried to reflash their device themselves. Here, a huge variety of problems may appear, to the point that your gadget may turn into a “brick”, that is, it may stop showing signs of life altogether.

So before performing such manipulations, make sure that you have enough knowledge and experience, and best of all, contact a professional. Reflash the device only in extreme cases, when you cannot do without it, because such a procedure completely voids your warranty. But you can still return the previous version.

How to return to the old version of Android after updating?

First, come to terms with the fact that standard system resources do not provide a system rollback option, such as in the Windows OS. Accordingly, when you return to the old version, all installed programs and personal files will be deleted. Therefore, immediately before the procedure for returning the old version, do backups all important documents, files, phone numbers and so on. Get ready to say goodbye to custom settings, saved accounts or applications, they will be erased all except the built-in ones.

Next, you will have to perform a factory reset yourself. How to do this depends only on your version operating system, but most often this item is found if you go to “Settings” and “Backup and reset”. This parameter can also be found in “Confidentiality”. In any case, finding a factory reset will be easy. Next, you will need to perform a series of actions that are a little more complicated, that is, enter recovery. And how to return the old version of Android using it - read on.

Login to recovery

"Recovery" is a special boot mode on Android, with which you can reset settings or flash the system. If you buy gadgets in trusted certified stores and with an already installed OS, then they should have the stock “recovery” mode. How to enter recovery depends only on your device model. The most common combination is the power button and volume down key.

For example, if you don’t know how to return the old version of Android to Lenovo, then this combination will work for most of their devices. I would like to note that before entering recovery, you need to turn off the phone. If you are looking for how to return the old version of Android Sony Xperia, then here you need to press three buttons: those that we have already named, and the camera button. More detailed instructions for various models you can easily find in the open spaces world wide web. But what to do after entering boot mode?

How to return the old version of Android after updating through recovery mode?

You can navigate the menu using the " key" highlight", and to select a specific item you need to press "select". this mode there is no need, if you understand it well, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated. Now look for the line with " wipe data/ and select it. A new menu will open in which you will have to confirm the action. Afterwards, wait for the reboot and the OS will return to factory settings.

Charge your smartphone

What is worth noting first of all is that before starting this procedure you need to charge the device well. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to roll back the system and how long the gadget will reboot after that.

If during such manipulations in the “recovery” mode the device does not have enough charge and is unable to complete its task, then, most likely, problems with its further use cannot be avoided.

The same goes for self-flashing phone. For some users they disappeared or did not work individual functions system, up to the loss of functionality of the touchpad. In some cases, the firmware did not install at all and it was simply impossible to enter the OS. But even then recovery helped again. If you cannot enter this mode or it simply does not exist, there are a number of simple utilities for flashing this mode directly through the operating system. Sometimes you may need a PC for this task.

We told you about how to return the old version of Android after updating. Treat your gadget with care and it will serve you for a long time.

At turning on Wi-Fi on most Android devices Updates for programs and games begin to download. The process is useful, but sometimes updating on Android causes the application to start working incorrectly. In this case, Android device users begin to wonder how to remove updates and return programs to a working state.

Uninstalling updates

You can only remove updates from built-in Android applications - Google Chrome, Play Market. If you are looking for how to uninstall a third-party program update on Android, then you will be disappointed. The only working way is to uninstall the application itself, and then find and install its old version.

You can search for old versions on sites like 4pda - there you can find any popular program for Android. Download from other portals setup files more dangerous, but still possible, especially if the site has been verified by other users. To remote application after installation it was not updated immediately, you need to configure the order of downloading updates on Android.

If you don't like how one of the standard ones works after an upgrade Android applications(for example, Play Market), then it can be quickly rolled back to its original state:

  1. Open settings, go to "Applications".
  2. Find in the list the program whose updates you want to remove. Click on it to open a page with additional settings.
  3. Tap on the “Uninstall updates” button.

Deleted updates may be downloaded back when connected to Wi-Fi. To prevent this from happening, follow the recommendations for setting up app updates on Android.

Setting up an Android update

By default, programs begin updating when Wi-Fi is turned on. On mobile traffic updates are not downloaded because it has a limit - a specific number of gigabytes per month. Majority Android users I’m happy with this approach: I turned on Wi-Fi, the application was updated, and you don’t have to worry about the relevance of the programs. But if you want full control over how the latest update will be downloaded, you need to additional settings systems.

The first thing you can do is set a limit for background processes. It will help fix the situation when the system freezes due to the simultaneous updating of several applications.

  1. Open settings, section "For developers".
  2. Scroll down to the Background Process Limit option. Click on it to change.
  3. Set the value that suits you - for example, no more than 2 processes at a time.

If you want to disable auto-updates altogether, the easiest way to do this is to use Play settings Market:

  1. Launch Play Market. Call up the control menu and go to settings.
  2. Click on "Auto update" and select "Never".

Some applications update without Help Play Market, so following the above steps will not be enough to complete shutdown auto-updates. To fix this flaw:

  1. Open your phone settings, go to the “About device” section.
  2. Select "Software Update".
  3. Uncheck the "Auto-update" option.

It happens that downloaded updates do not live up to expectations and lead to incorrect operation devices. In this case the best option will remove them and return to previous version. This is not so easy to do, because some applications can “disguise” in the depths internal memory. Our article will tell you how to remove an update on Android in several ways.

For owners modern devices Many functions are available on Android OS that we could only dream of previously. These include downloading free applications for leisure and learning. They are easy to manage, but occasionally require updating. New settings and program versions are downloaded automatically; the only condition is Internet access: mobile or via a wi-fi network.

In some cases, the new version may not work correctly or be inferior in some characteristics previous program. In this case, it is advisable to get rid of the innovations and restore normal functioning systems.

How to remove a downloaded Android update

Returning to the previous version of the program is only possible to factory settings. The previous version, as well as old updates, will not be saved after such intervention.

How to remove old updates on Android:

  1. In the settings menu, find the “Applications” section. It may also be called Application Manager.
  2. You must find the desired application in the displayed list.
  3. When you click on a line, it will appear detailed information About the program. Among the options offered, you must select uninstalling updates. This option may not exist if the settings are at the factory level, then there is simply nowhere to go back to.
  4. Look current version your Android (as well as the one that appeared thanks to updates), you can also in the application manager and the selected program.

After such manipulations you will receive basic version your device. If necessary, you can download updates on the official website or also on Google Play. If necessary, you can see exactly what changes will occur in the system after booting and calculate the capabilities of your device.

How to remove play market updates on android

Developers of Play Market applications, as well as active users This service turned out to be very convenient due to its automatic program update service. To change settings and appearance program, it is enough to post updates on the resource, after which they are distributed to all users via the Android OS. This automation allows maximum comfort use your favorite downloaded application, but, as you know, there is no dispute about tastes, so potential changes regarding programs may not please potential consumers. To protect yourself from disappointment, just unsubscribe from the services provided by Google Play in the “Settings” section. You can choose which applications you are no longer going to receive changes from, and also completely block the ability to update any programs.

On Samsung Galaxy

Owners of new Samsung smartphones can take advantage of the opportunity quick removal applications. To do this, just press and hold the icon on the screen, waiting for the menu to appear on the side of the key. In the menu subsections you can select the function of deleting an application. If this is not included, then you must select uninstalling the application in the system settings. You need to disable updates first this application, and then the function will become available permanent deletion programs.

For particularly “unkillable” programs, there is an algorithm for disabling updates or complete removal from the device using root access. You can obtain it using the attached instructions, after which the manufacturer's warranty on the device is automatically removed. At the same time, it becomes possible to do all (or almost all) manipulations with the phone and software.

Active users mobile programs It will be interesting to know how to remove an application update on Android. This will not only protect the system from running out of internal memory, but will also prevent possible malfunctions when downloading updates. This is easy to do using the tips in our article, as well as visual materials.

How to disable automatic update applications on Android, if permanent installation new data consumes a large amount of traffic and random access memory phone?

You can disable the function using the built-in functions of your gadget.

How does software update work?Android

When releasing software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted to all devices. That is why, often selected models On smartphones, the program may not work correctly. Noticing such inaccuracies, programmers correct the flaws, test the resulting product and release new components. By installing them, the user will receive a more advanced version of their favorite game or other type of software.

Each update has its own digital designation - version number. It is written in 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so on. When you first install something on your gadget from Play Store, you get the most latest version update. Over time, more and more improvements to the program will appear.

To prevent the user from uninstalling and installing it again, the store provides an update function - you simply press the appropriate key and get the latest version in a few seconds. All user data and files will be saved. In the window Google Store you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite application.

Rice. 2 – view information about new components on Google Play

Often, in the Android store, the function of automatically updating the software installed on the phone is already activated. This feature will allow you not to monitor the constant releases of components, because developers create them almost every week. If background installation interferes with your work with the device, or consumes a lot of Internet, you should disable the function.

Disable automatic updates usingPlay Market

If you don't want to install additional utilities, which are designed to work with updates in Android system, use standard Play Market. With its help, you can also configure the operation of updates. Follow the instructions to disable automatic download and installation of new components:

  • Open the application store;
  • will appear Homepage store Open the menu by flicking to the right or clicking on the corresponding icon;

Rice. 3 – home screen in Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select “Settings” and go to the window for changing the program configuration;

Fig. 4 – main menu of the store

  • In category general settings You should click on the “Auto-update programs” option. A window for selecting an update method will open. Select "Never" and close the window.

Rice. 5 – disabling the update

Disabling the update in the phone settings

By installing any game or program, you accept Terms of use so that the software can have access to the built-in functions of the system and other programs. Even if you have disabled updates in the store, the installation of a new version may not be carried out by the Market, but by the application itself. This happens if the automatic software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the “About device” icon;
  • Select the "Software Update" option;

Fig.6 – “About device” window in Android OS

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkbox next to the “Auto-update” item.

Manually updating programs

Loading latest news and versions of your favorite programs manually, you can reduce traffic consumption and simply speed up your smartphone, because background processes The process of downloading data will not be ongoing. Handmade With updates will do for those users whose phones have too many applications installed, and the phone’s resources do not allow them to perform many background operations.

Also, constantly enabled updates quickly reduce the battery charge and make the gadget work slowly. After disabling the installation of new data, you should periodically carry out updates yourself. You can do this as follows:

  • Go to Google Play;
  • Click on the menu icon on the left top corner applications;
  • In the list that opens, select “My applications and games”;
  • Go to the “Installed” tab;

Fig.8 – viewing and updating installed applications manually

  • An “Update” button will appear next to the software for which an update is available. You can start the process of downloading a new version of the utility for one application or for all at once. Just click "Update All" at the top right open tab store

After clicking on the “Update all” button, the process of downloading and installing the latest program data from the store server will begin. This may take long time, depending on how much software is on your gadget.

For each program, the process of installing new components through the Google Play Market will begin:

Fig.9 – installation of new components

The advantage of this method of working with applications is that you choose the installation time of the components and they will not start downloading at the wrong time, when there is little traffic on the phone or low speed connections to the network.

Another update method is tracking system messages in the window running application. When the developer releases important updates security or functionality, and the user ignores them, immediately after launching the software a window will appear notifying you of the need to install a new version of the game/utility. In this case, just agree to the installation, check your Internet connection and download the developer data package so that the program works stably.

Even if you have turned off automatic updates, the Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. One or more messages will appear in the notification center with information about new program features and a button for installation.

Fig. 10 - notification center in Android

Please note if in Google window Play there is no key for updating specific programs or all installed data; you should install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device settings;
  • Open the “Applications” - “All” - “Play Store” window;
  • Start the update process and also delete the cache to prevent errors from occurring.

Fig. 11 – Play Market update

How to remove a program update?

If the update has already been installed, but after it there were difficulties in using the application: freezes, errors, bugs, or you just didn’t like it new design. On Android you can always return to the previous version of the software. To do this, disable automatic updates and in the settings do the following:

  • Open the list of all programs;
  • Select the desired application;
  • In the window that opens, click on “Uninstall updates”.

Fig. 12 – deleting the update

Thematic videos:

How to disable auto-update of Android applications on Google Play

Not everyone knows that Google Play may have an option to automatically update applications. This may result in unexpected costs if you have tariff package with payment for Internet traffic. This screencast explains how to disable automatic app updates.

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

How to disable automatic app updates on Android