How to return Yandex browser to its previous form. How to remove programs that prevent you from using your default search. About the development of Internet browsers in a company with the letter Y

Users accessing the Yandex system for search queries, often set it as their home page. If the settings are lost, you can always restore the Yandex page by returning your previous browser settings.


  • Launch your browser in the usual way and enter in the address bar. Click Enter key or the arrow button to the right of address bar in order to go to the Yandex main page.

    If the address bar is not displayed, configure it: right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Navigation bar” item in context menu.

  • Find the link “Make Yandex your start page” at the top of the page and left-click on it. A small dialog box will open, follow the instructions contained in it: drag the Yandex icon onto the house icon on the toolbar. This is the fastest way to make Yandex your home page again. You can also set for this correct parameters in settings.
  • Regardless of which browser you use, the principle of operation will be similar, only the names of the buttons and commands may differ, but their meaning is the same. The Mozilla Firefox browser is taken as an example. From the Tools menu, select Settings. If you don’t see the menu, right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Menu Bar” item.
  • Once the new dialog box opens, make sure you are on the General tab. In the “Launch” group, enter the address of the Yandex home page in the “Home Page” field. To confirm your actions, click on the OK button, the window will automatically close.
  • If you install the Yandex Bar add-on, you can go to the Yandex main page at any time, even if it is not your home page. The software provider's branded icon will appear in the right corner of the toolbar, which you need to click to go to. You can download Yandex Bar from the official website. Each browser has its own page. So, for Mozilla Firefox you need to open the page, for Internet Explorer - and so on.
  • Rate the article!

    Resetting the browser, or resetting the browser settings - changing the browser settings to the default settings. When using an Internet browser program, the browser changes the settings of some parameters that affect more negative impact for the program to work.

    Browser settings change according to various reasons: due to incorrect user actions, often third party programs independently change the browser settings without the user’s consent (replacing the start page, search engine, etc.), install extensions and plugins into the browser that change the application’s operating parameters, etc. Because of this, errors occur in the browser and do not work some functions.

    Therefore, it makes sense to solve the problems that have arisen without using a radical solution: completely removing the browser from the computer and then installing it again. Many problems can be solved by resetting the browser settings (cleaning the browser), as a result of which the default settings will be restored.

    I recommend using the restore settings feature first, because most problems are solved this way. I myself often use this function to restore browser functionality.

    In browsers, the process of changing settings is different. For example, in the Google Chrome browser, extensions are disabled, and in the browser Mozilla Firefox all extensions are removed. Therefore, read the warnings carefully in order to fully understand all the consequences of this step.

    In this article I will talk about how to reset Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer,Microsoft Edge. In browsers that have multiple profiles, the settings will be reset in active profile, in which this function is running.

    How to reset Google Chrome browser settings

    In the browser Google Chrome As a result of resetting the browser settings, the settings of the browser profile in which the settings were reset will be reset. Go to Settings and Control Google Chrome. In the context menu, click on “Settings”. In the Settings window, click on the Show advanced settings link.

    On the page you will see a “Reset Settings” button, which serves to restore the Google Chrome browser settings to default. Next, click on the “Reset settings” button.

    Resetting the Chrome browser will reset the home page settings, page settings quick access, the default search engine (Google) will be set, pinned sites will be unpinned, deleted cookies, other temporary files, browser extensions are disabled.

    How to reset Yandex Browser settings

    You can reset the Yandex browser settings in a manner similar to the Google Chrome browser. To do this, go to “Yandex Browser Settings”. In the context menu that opens, click on the “Settings” item. Then click on the “Show advanced settings” button.

    In the "Reset settings" option, click on the "Reset settings" button to restore initial settings in the browser.

    In the “Reset settings” window, click on the “Reset” button.

    Further reset will occur Yandexm Browser. All changes will return to their original values: pinned tabs will be unpinned, extensions will be disabled, temporary files, cache, cookies will be deleted, the default search engine (Yandex) will be enabled.

    How to reset Mozilla Firefox browser settings

    In the Mozilla Firefox browser, open the menu, click on the “Open Help menu” button (question mark icon). In the context menu, click on the “Problem Solving Information” item.

    On the page that opens, you will see the “Customize Firefox” section with the “Clean Firefox...” button.

    As a result of cleaning, the following will be removed from the Firefox browser: extensions, added search engines, changed browser settings, themes, security certificates, plugin settings, etc.

    The following parameters will be saved: bookmarks, history, passwords, cookies, information for autofilling forms.

    In the window " Cleaning Firefox» will inform you that after the reset Firefox browser, the browser settings will be set to default. Click on the "Clean up Firefox" button.

    How to reset Opera browser settings

    The Opera browser does not have a separate functionality for resetting browser settings. You can change your browser settings in Opera settings. Therefore, reset Opera browser settings using standard means impossible. The only one possible variant: Manually delete the profile as well as the browser cache.

    To perform these steps, disable the Opera browser.

    The user profile in the Opera browser and the browser cache are located in the following path:

    C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable

    Navigate to this path in Explorer, and then delete the contents of these folders.

    After launch, Opera will re-create new profile with default browser settings.

    How to reset Internet Explorer browser settings

    In the Internet Explorer browser window, click on the “Tools” button. In the Internet Options window, open the Advanced tab. Here you will see the Reset Internet Explorer settings option. Reset settings Internet browser Explorer to default values, use if the browser is not working.

    Click on the “Reset...” button.

    Resetting Internet Explorer involves restoring the following settings to their default settings:

    • Disable toolbars and add-ons
    • Enable default browser settings: privacy settings, security settings, additional parameters, setting up tabbed browsing, pop-up window options

    Additionally, you can delete personal settings. To do this, check the “Delete personal settings” option.

    In this case, search services, accelerators, default home page, temporary files, history, cookies, passwords, web form data, tracking protection, ActiveX filtering and Do Not Track will be restored.

    To start the process of restoring default settings, click on the “Reset” button.

    For the changes to take effect, restart your computer.

    How to reset Edge browser settings

    Go to your Microsoft Edge browser settings. In the context menu, click on “Options”. Next, find the “Clear browsing data” option, and then click on the “Choose what you want to clear” button.

    By default, some settings are selected. Click on the "More" button to select additional options.

    Select the required items and click on the “Clear” button.


    To restore your browser settings to default, reset (clean) your browser. In this way, you can solve many problems that arise in the operation of the application. Browser settings Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge will return to the original settings.

    Users who access the Yandex system for search queries often set it as home page. If the settings are lost, you can always restore the Yandex page by returning your previous browser settings.

    Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic "How to restore a Yandex page" How to return home page How to customize the Opera start page How to cancel the start page


    Launch your browser in the usual way and enter in the address bar. Press the Enter key or the arrow button to the right of the address bar to go to home Yandex page. If the address bar is not displayed, customize it: right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Navigation bar” item in the context menu. Find the link “Make Yandex your start page” at the top of the page and left-click on it. A small dialog box will open, follow the instructions contained in it: drag the Yandex icon onto the house icon on the toolbar. This is the fastest way to make Yandex your home page again. You can also set the correct parameters for this in the settings. Regardless of which browser you use, the principle of operation will be similar, only the names of the buttons and commands may differ, but their meaning is the same. The Mozilla Firefox browser is taken as an example. From the Tools menu, select Settings. If you don’t see the menu, right-click on the toolbar and place a marker next to the “Menu Bar” item. Once the new dialog box opens, make sure you are on the General tab. In the “Launch” group, enter the address of the Yandex home page in the “Home Page” field. To confirm your actions, click on the OK button, the window will automatically close. If you install the Yandex Bar add-on, you can switch to home page Yandex, even if it is not home-based. The software provider's branded icon will appear in the right corner of the toolbar, which you need to click to go to. You can download Yandex Bar from the official website. Each browser has its own page. So, for Mozilla Firefox you need to open the page, for Internet Explorer - and so on.

    How simple Hello everyone Today we’ll talk about Yandex Browser, or rather about one of its problems that happened to it. Well, you probably already suspect that this is what I mean, I’m talking about the design of the browser, that is, about its design: the design that everyone is familiar with took and disappeared. He is a thing of the past, and in his place came more new design Yandex Browser, and in new versions of the browser it can no longer be returned. But can this be fixed? You can guys, you can, you need to do something, many users are looking on the Internet for how to return the old Yandex Browser design, but they still can’t find an answer...

    But why did the Yandex Browser design change, you thought? Well, it seems to me that they changed it because it was kind of not very good, and so they came up with a new one.. That is, the new type design is better than the old one, they didn’t ask anyone, they showed this design first, but in its settings could be turned off. But then this option was removed, that is, either you use Yandex Browser with a new design, or if you don’t like the new design, then guys, that’s your problem.. Well, isn’t it funny?

    Okay guys, let's think about it. So look, this is what the browser looks like with the new design:

    This is his home page, so to speak, you see the background there, the clouds? This is all animated, that is, it moves, although you probably already know that. It's kind of a fashionable feature. If you open a tab, like the Yandex search engine, the browser will look like this:

    In principle, guys, it seems that everything is not so bad, you can definitely use it. But it was better before, there was such a regular window, so to speak, in the Windows style, it seems that this is the main difference. Well, there was no this fashionable browser screensaver. So, what needs to be done to return the old Yandex Browser design? The first thing that came to my mind was to remove the new version of the browser and install the old one. In principle, I was even sure that this is exactly what it is correct solution. And I started looking for the old version, but it was very difficult to find it, because there are no old versions on the official website. Well, on other sites, you understand, the browser can be glued with a virus, well, in short, it’s not entirely safe...

    All actions, well, to return the old design, should be carried out only when closed Yandex Browser, well, I’m telling you this just in case!

    But then I came across an old and respected RuBoard forum, it’s an old forum, but it’s full of all kinds of information, the most important thing is that the information is necessary, you know. The forum is smart! Well, on this forum, in a topic about Yandex Browser, I found this information (one user wrote there) that they say you can write something in some file and this should return the old browser design, even if you have a new version of Yandex Browser that does not support returning to the old design. Well, to be honest, it was hard to believe, but I tried anyway. And you know what? I was pleasantly surprised because this trick worked and I was able to return the old design to new version browser, it's just super. In general, I tell you everything how to do it. Look, you need to hold down the Win + R buttons, then the Run window will appear, there you need to write the following command:

    This team is needed to get into Roaming folder. In general, click OK, a folder will open, in it you need to click here:

    This is in order to get exactly into AppData folder. Next you will be taken to this folder, here you already need to go to Local folder:

    Are you in the Local folder? Great, now inside, follow this path, that is, you need to get here:

    \Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data

    You will most likely have almost the same thing inside you as I do, well, that is, this:

    Well, now the most important thing is that in this folder you need to find a file such as Local State, here I have it:

    Guys, we'll have to edit the Local State file, you know? Therefore, just in case, I advise you to make a copy of it, but you never know.

    Now we open it, that is, click on it twice, then there will be a program selection, select Notepad there:

    Click OK, the file will open in Notepad, inside it there will be all sorts of things like this:

    Well, it’s clear that it’s not particularly clear what’s what. What you need to do here is this, you need to open the Edit menu, and there find the Replace item, and select it:

    The Replace window will appear and there will be two fields, What and What, this is the window with these fields:

    Well, I think you understand what these fields are? Well, now you need to do very strictly what I am about to write. So where the What field is, then you insert this:


    Where the Than field is, then there you write this:


    Write exactly as I indicated here, with all commas and quotation marks. As a result, your window should look like this:

    Well, as you already understood, all you have to do is click the Replace All button once. I repeat that the button must be pressed once, no more! Then click on the cross text document, there will be a message like this, here you click the Save button:

    Then launch Yandex Browser and see if anything has changed, that is, if the old design has returned:

    As you can see, everything worked out, the old design has actually returned, which, it seems to me, is really a little more pleasant

    I hope that at that moment, well, when you read this article, the link will work. Well, it shouldn't stop working at all.

    As you can see, on the one hand it’s simple, but on the other you need to tinker a little... I’ll also show you this, now it’s 2017, the version of Yandex Browser I have is this:

    I’m showing you the version so that you know that in this version ( this trick definitely works. But whether it will work in future versions, I don’t know, but most likely it will. But sooner or later, a version may calmly come where such a trick will no longer work, this is a point you need to take into account. Therefore, you can right now download Yandex Browser, its installer, but not the web installer (it always downloads from the Internet latest version), namely an offline installer, so that you have it just in case. Suddenly in next update Yandex Browser's trick of returning the old design won't work? Well, you understand..

    These are the pies guys, as you can see, it’s a bit of a hassle, but you can still return the old Yandex Browser design. If anything, read the RuBoard forum, it's cool. Well, that’s all, I hope that everything was clear to you here, but if something is wrong, then you’ll excuse me. Good luck in life and may everything go well for you


    It happens that when you update your browser (or if automatic update), users remain dissatisfied with the result.

    For example, notifications appear about common mistakes, the browser becomes more difficult to launch.

    Even if everything works properly and even better than before, the updated web browser may simply not suit your use and appearance. Its owners are accustomed to using an outdated version and do not want to use a browser with a different interface.

    In such cases, Yandex users, if the updated version does not suit them at all, delete it, hoping to get old browser. But removing it from your web browser settings will only result in an updated interface, while the version itself will remain the same. So the question arises: is it possible and how to return the old version of Yandex?

    Will it be deleted or not - that is the question?

    If you are sure you want to delete updated version, then you need to know what the return option is outdated version There is a web browser, but not every Yandex user can do it. Below are recommendations that will help you get rid of inconveniences with the new version of the browser.

    How to return the old interface?

    You need to switch Yandex to the previous one. Who will need it? If the inconvenience and dissatisfaction with the browser is caused only due to appearance, you can easily turn it off in the settings. The design of the web browser will change, but its operation will be the same as before the change. How to return the old design:

    • Hover your cursor over the icon that looks like three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the page (“quick” menu).
    • Next, click “Settings”, after which you will be moved to a new subwindow.

    • There is a list there, from which you need to select “Disable the new interface”.

    If you were successfully able to change the interface, you will receive a message that you managed to return the old Yandex design.

    Is it possible to restore the OS?

    This is one of the most important moments when trying to return an outdated version of Yandex Browser. If you have a recovery system, as well as the necessary restore point, then you will be able to install the previous version of the web browser on your device.

    Before you start the process recovery system, be sure to look at exactly which applications are involved during recovery, since unsaved data may be irretrievably lost. But you don’t have to worry about the file documents you created (folders and dock files), as well as downloaded applications—everything will be fine with them.

    The easiest way to restore an old browser version

    The easiest and fast way installations previous version still is deletion updated Yandex browser and downloading the old one.

    Removing a web browser will happen in a matter of seconds and will not cause any difficulties, but finding the required version it will be more difficult online.

    Of course, on the Internet you can see many offers to download old versions of Yandex Browser, but often they come from scammers who ask for a message or deposit before receiving the application.

    Even free downloaded versions can be dangerous, since it is possible that you received the application from attackers who add viruses and malicious files to web browsers.

    Yandex.Browser itself does not provide links to its older products. But it is quite possible that you will find the version you need on other Internet sites. But before installation, check the downloaded files for viruses.

    If you decide to get rid of the new version by uninstalling the program, before installing the old one, check whether the updated version is completely uninstalled.

    The longer you use any browser, the busier it becomes. Over time, users not only change browser settings, but also install various extensions, save bookmarks, in addition to this, the program accumulates various information. All this leads to the fact that the browser begins to work more slowly, or the user is not satisfied with final result browser settings.

    You can return everything to its place by restoring Yandex Browser. If you want to return the original working condition browser, this can be done in two ways.

    Reinstalling the browser

    A radical method that can be safely used by all those who do not have account Yandex for synchronization, and does not hold on to browser settings and personalization (for example, installed extensions etc.).

    You need to delete the entire browser, and not just its main files, otherwise after normal removal And reinstallation some of the browser settings will be loaded from those files that were not deleted.

    We have already written about how to completely remove Yandex Browser and then reinstall it on your computer.

    After such a reinstallation, you will receive Yandex.Browser as if you installed it for the first time.

    Restoring the browser through settings

    If you don’t want to reinstall the browser and lose absolutely everything, then this method will help you clear settings and other user data step by step.

    Step 1
    First you need to reset your browser settings, to do this go to Menu > Settings:

    In the window that opens, go to the very bottom and click on the “ Show advanced settings»:

    At the end of the page you will find the “Reset settings” block and the “ Reset settings", click on it:

    Step 2

    After resetting the settings, some data still remains. For example, the reset does not affect installed extensions. Therefore, you can manually remove some or all extensions to clean up your browser. To do this, go to Menu > Add-ons:

    If you enabled any extensions offered by Yandex, then simply click on the disable buttons. Then go to the bottom of the page and in the block “ From other sources» select the extensions you want to remove. When you hover over each extension, you will see the word “ Delete" Click on it to remove the extension:

    Step 3

    Bookmarks also remain after a factory reset. To remove them, go to Menu > Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager:

    A window will appear where folders with bookmarks will be located on the left side, and the contents of each folder will be located on the right side. Delete unnecessary bookmarks or directly folders with bookmarks by clicking on unnecessary files right-click and select " Delete" Alternatively, you can select files with the left mouse button and press “Delete” on the keyboard.

    By following these simple steps, you can return your browser the initial state, To obtain maximum performance browser, or then configure it again.

    It is possible that the default search changed to another search engine without your knowledge or got lost personal settings browser. This may happen after installing messaging programs, browser panels, or other software.

    Advice. To avoid involuntary change search engine, disable the option Set as default search when installing programs on your computer.

    If you often encounter this situation, we recommend that you install the Browser Manager program, which will warn you every time you try third party programs change your browser settings during installation, and will also allow you to undo changes that have already been made.

    How to remove programs that prevent you from using your default search

    • Yandex browser
    • Internet Explorer
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Opera
    • Microsoft Edge

      "Control Panels"Programs and components:

      1. Start → Control PanelPrograms and components "Control Panels".

        In the window

    If the browser is missing custom settings, extensions or applications:

    Setting the default search you have chosen may not be performed correctly if there are programs in the system that affect search settings browser. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed, but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use with the following instructions:

      Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

      1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

        In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm deleting the program.

      Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

      1. Press the key combination Win + R.

        In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

        Uncheck the lines where is mentioned and click OK.

      Check Internet Explorer Add-ons for Mail.Ru elements:

      If necessary, remove bookmarks from your browser that were added automatically during the installation of the program:

      Set Yandex as the default search for the Internet Explorer address bar.

      Note. At this stage, you can download and install Yandex Elements from the Internet Explorer browser - all settings will be made automatically. To set Yandex as your default search yourself, use the instructions.

      Set Yandex as your browser home page:

    Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

      Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

      1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

        In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm deleting the program.

      Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

      1. Press the key combination Win + R.

        In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

        Uncheck the lines where is mentioned and click OK.

      Remove the Mail.Ru extension:

      If necessary, check Google Chrome for Mail.Ru bookmarks: click → Bookmarks → Bookmark Manager.

      Set up your browser start page:

      Set Yandex as the main page:

    Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

      Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

      1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

        In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm deleting the program.

      Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

      1. Press the key combination Win + R.

        In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

        Uncheck the lines where is mentioned and click OK.

      Remove the Mail.Ru extension:

      Unpin extra tabs in the main browser window:

      If necessary, remove bookmarks from the Bookmarks bar that were added automatically during the installation of the program:

      1. Press combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + B and go to Bookmarks Bar.

        Right-click the bookmark you want to delete, and then select Delete.

      Restore Mozilla Firefox configuration:

      Set Yandex as your default search:

      Note. At this point you can download and install from Mozilla browser Firefox Yandex Elements - all settings will be performed automatically. To set Yandex as your default search yourself, use the following instructions:

      Set Yandex as your home page:

    Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

      Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

      1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

        In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm deleting the program.