Google Chrome traffic saving application. Installing Turbo mode in the Google Chrome browser

A function that allows you to compress incoming traffic is of considerable benefit to those Internet surfers who do not have the opportunity to provide themselves with high-quality Internet. In order to somehow reduce the time during which pages load in the browser, developers are integrating a special Turbo mode. For several years, Google representatives did not take such a decision.

However, Google decided to release an official extension called “Data Saver” so that such a feature could be implemented. This article provides a detailed description of how you can speed up the Google Chrome browser using this add-on.

General set of information

For now, Data Saver is in open beta testing. This means that absolutely every user is able to download the extension for free.

However, the work of the plugin leaves little to be desired: most of the extension’s functions have not been implemented. The Add-on expands the capabilities of the Google Chrome toolbar by adding a special button to it, when clicked, the accelerator is quickly activated or deactivated if pages are loading too slowly. mode.

After the user uses this button, a small menu will open where he will need to click on the blue button, which is labeled “Turn on Data Saver”.

The plugin works in Google Chrome in the same way as Turbo mode in Opera and Yandex browsers. Every page you open is sent to a special Google server. These pages are “cleaned”, everything that is unnecessary is removed from them, and the remaining material is subject to an optimization process, that is, pictures and video material are compressed, advertising banners are cut out, and the like.

For now, we can say that the application is not able to work with web pages that transmit information data using HTTPS (secure protocol). Traffic compression may also not occur if a person works in incognito mode.

The expansion may also have an unpleasant side effect. In the Russian Federation there are a great many different regional restrictions that do not allow access to some sites.

When the user uses “Data Saver”, it becomes possible to receive data packets from foreign servers, which allow one to bypass such restrictions.

For the most part, extensions that are responsible for implementing such functions carry out the workflow in a very slow mode, which is why the speed increases.

The process of installing an add-on for the Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome does not have a tool for providing page compression in the main assembly, as is the case in Yandex and Opera browsers. It is used exclusively in versions of Google Chrome for mobile devices. To implement the function responsible for activating acceleration on a home PC, you need to install a special plugin.

Google has developed an extension for its desktop browser Chome that allows you to optimize traffic and save on transferred data. Google Chrome evangelist François Beaufort talks about this reported on your Google+ page.

An extension called Data Saver appeared in the Chrome Web Store in beta version on March 23, and a few days later it was noticed by specialized media. However, the company itself was in no hurry to officially announce the expansion it had released.

To install Data Saver, you need Chrome browser version 41 or later. After installation, the extension begins to work automatically, compressing content on Google servers and delivering the resulting result to the user. Loading of pages opened via HTTPS or incognito mode will not be optimized.

In addition to traffic compression, Data Saver can also be used as a proxy server to visit sites blocked in Russia, since the extension usually uses foreign servers for compression. You cannot use Data Saver as an anonymizer: it saves the same address during the session, and also transfers data about the OS and browser used.

The compression percentage and the amount of traffic saved are displayed on the extension tab. In addition, Beaufort revealed the existence of a Google Chrome service page at chrome://net-internals#bandwidth. On it, browser users can check the operation of Data Saver, the proxies used and the exact amount of traffic per session.

As TJ's test showed, after several hours of using the extension when opening popular sites, it was possible to save about 10% of the transferred data, but this is achieved mainly by reducing the quality of images to the minimum acceptable. In addition, there is a general decrease in the speed of opening new pages due to the use of a proxy server.

This is not the first time data compression mechanisms have been integrated into browsers. Google itself implemented it back in 2014 on mobile versions of Chrome for Android and iOS, but it is not enabled there by default. There is also a traffic saving mode in Yandex Browser: a function called “Turbo” is turned on automatically when the connection is slow.

Francois Beaufort has made a name for himself as one of the most knowledgeable bloggers about Google's plans, providing inside information about its future releases. In 2013, Google hired him.

Today, dear friends, we will talk about saving traffic in the Google Chrome browser. For quite some time now, the ability to turn on turbo mode and save traffic, plus speed up page loading, has appeared in Yandex and Opera browsers. So Chrom arrived in time.

After studying the material, you can enable this function not only in the Internet browser on your computer or laptop, but also on your smartphone or tablet.

This effect is achieved by the fact that the information is processed and compressed on third-party servers. I would like to immediately note that if you notice that a site or service has stopped working, then turn off this function while working with it and that’s it.

Unfortunately, there is no built-in turbo mode function in Chrome, so you and I will have to install an additional extension. But don’t despair, this is all done very quickly.

Installing the data saver extension to save traffic in Google Chrome

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the upper right corner in the form of three stripes. From the drop-down list, select “Advanced settings – Extensions”:

We get a list of all extensions installed in our browser, scroll to the very bottom and click on the link “More extensions”:

The Chrome Web Store opens. Let’s use its search and look for the “data saver” extension:

You will find the “Traffic Saving” extension, click on the “Install” button to the right of it:

After the installation is complete, a message pops up stating that the “Traffic Saving” extension is installed, and its icon appears on the right next to the menu in the upper corner:

We can open a couple of sites, click on this icon and make sure that it works. We show how much traffic has been used and how much has been saved.

To disable traffic saving, simply remove the bird in the upper right corner opposite the corresponding inscription:

On the site you can also read about Turbo mode in other browsers: and.

Enable Turbo mode in the Chrome application for Android on phones and tablets

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the form of three vertical dots in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

We see that our switch is in the “Off” position. We fix this and enable it.

After turning on the economy mode, we immediately have statistics. This means that the function is active:

That's it, now you can turn on turbo mode in Chrome and see how much traffic you saved over the whole day on your computer and phone. And also check whether your browser is working faster.

One of the main advantages of the Google Chrome browser is the extremely fast loading of web pages, but if the quality of your Internet leaves much to be desired, you will not be able to appreciate this advantage. However, Google came up with the opportunity to make the browser fast for users who, for some reason, cannot provide themselves with high-quality access to the network, for example, live in rural areas. This feature is realized using the so-called turbo mode. What is turbo mode and How to enable turbo mode in Google Chrome, we will tell you in this article.

What is turbo mode?

To be fair, it is worth saying that turbo mode is not an innovation by Google; almost all modern browsers are equipped with this mode today. The principle of operation of the Google Chrome turbo mode is the same as the principle of operation of the turbo modes of other browsers, and it consists in compressing incoming traffic, as a result of which pages load faster.

The way Google Chrome's turbo mode works is as follows: the user opens a page, and its content is instantly sent to a special Google server. On this server, all media content - pictures, gifs, videos - is compressed, and the excess - advertising banners, pop-ups, etc. and is completely cut out. After these procedures, the page is returned to the user and opened in an optimized form.

Agree, at first glance it seems that the turbo mode does not speed up, but, on the contrary, slows down the browser. After all, in normal mode the browser only needs to load the page, albeit a “heavy” one, but in turbo mode it is necessary to transfer its contents twice - to the Google server and back and still wait for processing. However, all these procedures are so optimized that, surprisingly, working with the turbo mode is faster, especially if the user often accesses heavy sites.

How to enable turbo mode in Google Chrome?

The Google Chrome browser is equipped with fairly broad optimization functionality through the Settings menu, but truly unlimited optimization possibilities are available to the user in the Chrome online store.

The Chrome Online Store is a special platform that contains a huge number of extensions and applications specifically for the Google Chrome browser. With the help of these extensions and applications, you can supplement the program with certain options.

The Google Chrome turbo mode option is activated using the extension " Traffic savings" Thus, to enable this mode in the browser, you need to download this extension and install it.

How to download and install the “Traffic Saving” extension?

To install this extension:

1. Go to Chrome Web Store .

2. In the search bar, write “Traffic saving” and press Enter.

As you can see, upon requesting “Saving traffic”, the Chrome store gives us a bunch of other extensions and applications, but if we read their description, we will understand that they all offer not the functionality of the turbo mode, but slightly different capabilities, so in this situation they are for us not interesting.

4. Automatic installation of the extension will begin; upon completion, the browser will notify you that the extension is installed and will ask you to click on a special icon to activate it.

5. After activation, the extension will start working and a window will appear that will keep you updated on savings statistics - if you do not want to constantly see this window, click on the extension icon again, the window will disappear, but the extension will not stop working.

If you click the "Learn More" link in the statistics window, you will be taken to Google's help page, which will tell you in detail how this extension works. If you click on the “Detailed information” link, you will receive more complete statistics on the operation of the extension - under the savings graph you can see how much was saved when visiting a particular resource in particular.

How to disable and remove the Data Saver extension?

If for some reason you don’t like working with the extension, you can either temporarily disable it or remove it altogether.

To temporarily disable an application:

1. Right-click on the extension icon and select “Manage Extensions”.

4600 23.06.2016



“Turbo” mode is a useful feature of the Yandex, Opera, Chrome browsers, which allows you to speed up the loading of website pages with a slow Internet connection. Let's take a closer look at how the "Turbo" mode works in different browsers, in what cases it will really help, and what else the option does, besides increasing the speed of loading sites.

Why do you need the Turbo mode?

The developers of the Opera browser came up with Turbo mode in 2009. At that time, the Internet was still slow for many (telephone modems) and the tariffs required payment for each megabyte of received or sent information, and the mode allowed for real savings. Now most people have unlimited access to the network, but speeding up downloads is still important on mobile connections and WiFi in public places.

The principle of operation of the “Turbo” mode in Opera and “Yandex Browser” is the same. With the option disabled, the user downloads the site directly to his computer, and with the “Turbo” mode activated, the data is first downloaded to the Opera Software server and from there the page opens in a browser tab. On the Opera Software server, multimedia - pictures, videos, animations - are compressed and, with a slow connection, sites launch on the user's computer faster - the amount of information downloaded is smaller. The quality of videos and other things noticeably deteriorates, but you can watch a video, animation or picture even on a slow (2G) mobile Internet.

Due to the fact that the Internet browser does not connect directly to the site, but through Opera Software servers, in “Turbo” mode you can visit sites blocked by Roskomnadzor or your Internet provider. Access to prohibited resources is blocked at the provider level - Internet providers do not allow their subscribers to access pages with certain addresses. In “Turbo” mode, the connection goes directly to the Opera or Google servers if you use Chrome, so the provider does not record access to prohibited sites and cannot block them.

When you go with your browser's turbo mode turned on to a site that determines your IP address, your location or provider, for example, to our home page, you will see that the data is determined incorrectly. To be more precise, our service determines the IP address of the server that ensures the operation of the turbo mode and, based on it, determines the provider and your location.

"Turbo" in Chrome: traffic saving plugin

Chrome does not have a built-in “Turbo” mode, and before enabling accelerated loading of sites, you will have to download and install the official add-on from Google’s virtual storefront.

  • Go to Chrome Webstore;
  • Enter “Traffic saving” into the search;
  • Find the extension of the same name from the Google developer;
  • Add an extension to the browser;
  • Close and launch the browser again.

The extension icon will appear in the upper right corner of the window. To activate the economy mode (“Turbo”), you need to click on the icon and check the only item “Traffic saving”. For compression, this mode works great - on some sites it “cuts off” up to 70% of unnecessary multimedia - advertising banners, animation, etc. - but it is not very suitable as a means of accessing blocked sites. We immediately located the device under test and did not find Turbo mode enabled in Chrome.

Opera Turbo to speed up your browsing experience

Opera Turbo worked and works for users of the original “opera” product and under a server rental agreement for users of Yandex Browser.

To activate the “Turbo” mode in the browser, open the menu (upper left corner) and check the “Opera Turbo” box.

In terms of traffic filtering and compression, the pioneer shows better results than Google's product. The servers compress pictures, scripts, and even videos, although on the feature presentation page the developer still recommends setting the minimum online video quality for slow connections. It will be possible to access sites prohibited in Russia, although the vaunted Opera Turbo did not hide the test computer from our watchful eye, and the enabled page loading acceleration mode was not detected.

"Turbo" mode in the Yandex browser

In Yandex Browser, the Turbo mode is organized using technology similar to the above-mentioned solutions. For compression, the same servers are used as in Opera. The "Turbo" mode in Yandex Browser is activated automatically by default - compression occurs only on a slow connection.

In the settings you can enable “Turbo” for all sites. Clicking on the rocket icon in the address bar allows you to activate it for an individual page (if it is always turned off) or allow the site to load in a tab without acceleration (if it is always turned on).

If necessary, individual blocked elements are activated by clicking - click “Unblock content” and watch the compressed video online through a narrow channel at a per-megabyte rate. In the drop-down menu, which can be opened by clicking on the rocket in the address bar, there is an “Unblock All” item, which activates all blocked items.

In terms of page loading speed via the mobile Internet (Huawei 3G modem, LifeCell mobile operator, coverage is terrible), Yandex Browser has outperformed its competitors. With interactive elements disabled, pages of social networks, portals, and services loaded almost instantly.

In the “Turbo” mode, it was possible to bypass the blocking of individual blocked sites, but you can’t fool us. The service calculated the location of the computer the first time, but did not notice the “Turbo” mode.

In terms of loading speed of sites in “Turbo” mode on a slow Internet, “Yandex Browser” surpassed everyone, Opera showed its class in providing access to blocked sites, although the site did not see Opera Turbo, and Chrome with its “Traffic Saving” add-on did a good job of reducing the weight of downloaded pages. Other closest competitors - Firefox and Vivaldi - did not have anything similar, except for third-party applications. Does the enhanced “anti-spyware” “Tracking Protection” in Firefox work according to a similar scheme, but only in “Incognito” mode, so it’s too early to call it a full-fledged analogue.

The “Turbo” mode is a necessary thing, only each browser works differently and you need to choose a browser according to your needs: speed up (Yandex), save (Google Chrome) or access blocked sites (Opera).