Facebook social network login from a computer. Social network Facebook - registration, login and basic profile settings on Facebook

Facebook is the most visited social network in the world, so almost every active Internet user has an account here. If you are constantly on Facebook, then losing your password for the page can cause a lot of trouble. However, the site’s technical support did everything so that the user could quickly recover his account password. Let's look at ways to restore a page if your password is lost, deleted or blocked.

Recovering your password on Facebook

Let's start with the simplest situation: the user has forgotten his password, but remembers his login. If you provided a valid email address or phone number during registration, it will take 2 minutes to restore access.

The last step towards recovering your Facebook account is to enter a new password. As you can see, if the user only forgot the security key, then there are no problems with returning access to the page.

Recovery without login

A situation in which a person has forgotten his Facebook profile login is much more difficult to resolve. In this case, you can use the following tips:

  • Ask a Facebook friend to open your page and look for their email address in the “Contact Information” section.
  • Ask a friend to open your page and tell you the username that is assigned to it (it will be at the end of the address).
  • Try entering different variations of the name, email address, and phone number you may have used when registering (one value at a time).

Until you find the login, you will not be able to proceed to the next recovery step. It’s also not worth writing to Facebook technical support: they won’t accept the “forgot your login” argument, since the system offers a bunch of ways to remember or view it. When a person finds an email address or phone number that he forgot, he will immediately be able to restore access to the page using the algorithm described above.

Another version of the situation is that an email was used as a login, which is no longer accessible. If additional identification methods have been added in the settings, you will be able to regain access to your Facebook account without email. There are two additional ways:

  • Answer to security question.
  • Help from trusted contacts.

Both of the above options must be activated before you have problems logging into your Facebook page. Everything is clear with the security question, but contacting trusted contacts requires additional explanation.

In your Facebook account security settings, you can specify several of your trusted friends. If a person has forgotten the password and does not remember the login, the system will send a secret code to the trusted contacts specified in the settings. Friends tell the code to the forgetful owner of the Facebook account, he enters it into a special form, and then sets a new password.

If you did not select trusted contacts in the settings of the page and did not register a security question, then you will not be able to recover your password without knowing your login.

Unlocking the page

Sending spam, posting prohibited content, suspicious profile activity - all these are grounds for blocking an account. If you have become a victim of hacking, then do not worry: the system will allow you to return access to a profile that was blocked by moderators.

If you have specified trusted contacts in your security settings, you can select them as secret code recipients. Friends must make sure that they pass the codes they receive to the rightful owner of the profile, after which he can regain access to the account and change the password.

If there are no trusted contacts, you will have to undergo verification. You may be asked to answer a security question, match names and photos of friends, and provide identification documents.

Recovery after deletion

Many users ask, is it possible to restore an account after deletion? There can be no two opinions here: after deletion, it is impossible to return access to the page, since all data is erased.

But after deactivation, you can return to the page at any time. Deactivation is performed through the security settings. This is a temporary measure that does not pose any threat to the profile. To return to Facebook again, just enter your username and password.

I'll show you how to sign up for Facebook for free, in just a few minutes. To create an account you only need:

  1. that you are at least 13 years old,
  2. had their own electronic mailbox (e-mail).

By the way, if you don’t have a mailbox yet, you can open it yourself using my tutorial on creating an email address on Mail.

How to register on Facebook for free, without a phone number

To register on Facebook, go to the official website, to the registration page: facebook.com/r.php

The site will open in Russian. However, if, for some reason, your language is determined incorrectly, then all you need to do is click the Russian link at the bottom of the page - and the page will immediately be Russified.

The registration form is located on the main page. We begin registration right now! No one will check the correct spelling of your first and last name, however, if you register with good intentions, then there is no point in hiding your name. Most politicians, artists and other public people register on Facebook under real names.

In the next field you need to enter your email or mobile phone number. Please note that you must provide a valid e-mail. You will need this email to log into Facebook. You can only register one Facebook account per e-mail. By the way, Facebook is still loyal to the lack of a mobile phone. Most social networks do not even want to register without this attribute of modernity.

As soon as you enter your e-mail address, another field below will immediately open in which you need to re-enter the same e-mail address.

The password must contain at least 6 characters, including numbers, letters and punctuation marks. To be safe, your Facebook password should be different from other passwords you use online.

You select your date of birth from the list, gender - by toggling the button.

After filling out the form and checking the data you entered, press the green button Create an account.

A message will appear asking you to confirm the email address you provided when creating your Facebook account. In this case, you need to enter the password for your mailbox. Then Facebook will be able to compile a list of all your contacts from your mailbox and offer to add them as friends.

An email will be sent to your inbox with a confirmation code from Facebook:

This letter contains a digital code, however, you most likely will not need to enter it. Just click the blue button Confirm your account and it's done!

A message appears: Account verified. Click the OK button

You are in your new Facebook account! You can click the Remember password button - OK 1 and, the next time you log in, instead of entering a password, you will only have to click on your photo. Just don’t forget to add this photo now!

By clicking the Next 2 button, start adding friends. It is not difficult. You fill out the information: what city you were born in, what school you attended, what university you graduated from, where you live, and Facebook will diligently offer you possible friends. All you have to do is choose: who is a friend and who is not a friend! I think that you can handle this issue without me. The only thing is, I’ll show you how to go to your page next time and make sure that you registered on Facebook correctly.

How to find a Facebook login for a beginner

In order to log into Facebook, you need to go to the official website of this social network.

Many Internet users cannot imagine their life without social networks. Such people are usually aware of all the sites where communication is possible. Now we will try to figure out how to log into Facebook. This social network has been in great demand among users for a long time. So she's worthy of attention.

Registration conditions

Before we carry out the task assigned to us, we will have to acquire our own Facebook profile - “My Page”. “Login” - “Registration” is what is required for this task. Only registration in our today's social network has some rules and conditions. Fortunately, there are few of them. And they are quite easy to follow.

First, you must have your own email address (mail), as well as a mobile phone. Without this data, it is now impossible to register on any social network.

Secondly, age requirements. Before logging into Facebook, as already mentioned, you need to register. This social network has some age restrictions. You must be over 13 years old. Only in this case can the idea be realized.

Third, all fields must be filled in only with reliable information. There is no need to write something fictitious in your information about yourself. If you have problems logging into your account, in this case you may lose access to the site altogether. More precisely, to your page. Please take this into account.

How to register

If the first two rules are met, you can begin to take action. We became interested in Facebook (social network). You can enter this site, as already mentioned, using your own profile. To do this you need to register.

Click on the “Login” - “Registration” button. A long menu with a huge number of fields will open in front of you. All this is information about you. Some information will be displayed on your profile. It is necessary to fill out the following categories: first name, last name, mobile phone, age, email, login password. After this, just click on the “Register” button. But remember: the more information you enter when registering, the fewer problems there will be with your profile. After all, you will still need to write information about yourself in the future.

User doubts

To be honest, now you can easily and simply answer how to log into Facebook. True, at the time of registration, many users doubt whether it is safe to create a profile on this social network. Why is this happening? Due to mobile phone requirement. Now many social networks (almost all) force you to indicate your mobile phone when registering.

There is no need to worry about this requirement. The social network Facebook is safe. And your mobile phone will help you not only in confirming the authenticity of your account, but also in authorization on the page, and in recovering your password if it is lost. Therefore, feel free to enter your mobile number on the registration page. Important: the phone must belong to you. After registration is completed, your account will need to be confirmed using a special code. It will be sent to your phone number.

Direct entry

How to log into Facebook? There are several authorization options. By the way, it doesn’t matter from what device you are trying to log into the social network - a computer, tablet or mobile phone. The algorithm of actions will be the same.

To successfully log in to the site, go to the main page of the Facebook network. Next, click on “Login”. A small window will open in front of you. Here everyone has the right to choose their own login method: either using the email specified during registration, or using a mobile phone. Enter the appropriate data in the appropriate fields and press Enter (or “Login”). That's all. You have reached your profile.

Want to sign up for Facebook to meet new people and have new experiences, but don't know where to start? - We will be happy to help you - registration on Facebook takes only a few minutes.

It is important to remember that the site does not charge no cash registration fees, so if you are asked to pay for anything, you are being deceived. It would also be a scam to ask to send a code from a mobile phone. The real Facebook address is www.facebook.com (that's the only way).


Before registering, you need to create an email account, or use an existing one. Then, be sure to come up with a password, preferably a complex one (a-Я0-9#@%) to avoid unpleasant hacking of the page. Once you have an email and password, you can start registering:

Go to the website - www.facebook.com and in the window that appears, enter the necessary data:

  1. first and last name;
  2. email address (twice);
  3. password (be sure to remember, or better yet, write it down somewhere);
  4. date of birth d/m/y;

Then click the “registration” button. Before clicking, make sure the information is correct, and also read the terms and conditions of working with the site (there will be a transition to the “registration” button).

Step one . Enter the password for your email account. After which, Facebook will offer to add your contacts from your email account as friends. It is also possible to skip this step and return to it later (after you have already registered).

Step two. Here you need to enter some personal information:

  1. First and last name in Russian (will already appear automatically from the beginning of registration);
  2. First and last name in English will also be provided automatically. Check - it should be like it is in the passport;
  3. Hometown;
  4. High school. If you studied at several schools, then choose for now the one from which you graduated;
  5. University. If you studied at several universities, you will enter them later;
  6. Employer. Place of work.

You can skip this step, or, if you have entered data, then click the go button - “ save and continue».

Step three. Uploading a photo to the site. There are two ways to upload a photo.

  1. Upload a photo you already have on your computer;
  2. Take a photo via webcam (if you have one).

You can skip this step, or, if you uploaded a photo, click on the button - “ save and continue».

Your next step should be authorization. That is, you must go to your email inbox, find a letter from Facebook (if you don’t see it, look in spam) and follow the link. If there is no letter, then re-submit a request to send an email to authorize your account. This can be done on your Facebook page (in the window below - resend the message). That's it - authorization is complete.

So, the registration procedure is completed, now you can log in and enjoy communication.

Login to page

Don't know how to log into the site? Everything is very simple here. The main thing is not to forget the password and enter it correctly in this window (below).

Many beginners may have a question, where can I get this window? From here (window below). Remember – this is the registration window, the very first one. At the very top there are windows for logging into the site.

Enter your email address and password - you are logged in.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't worry.

First, on the main page, try to enter all the data that you have not yet entered (during the registration process).

This way, you will find your friends faster, and they will be able to learn more about you.

Study your page. Here you can see your supposed friends.

At the top of the page near the Facebook logo, you can see:

Also, on this page you can:

  • run various games and applications and games;
  • share links, videos, music and more.

At the bottom right there is a chat window, using which you can chat with friends.

Communicate with pleasure on the pages of the Facebook site!

Good bad

Hello Russia! Denis Povaga is in touch again, and today we’ll take a look at my Facebook page together and look at the most common problems that you may have when logging in. After all, it often happens that Facebook opens on the phone, but won’t let it on the computer and requires a login and password.

Although, you may have another reason. Therefore, ask me below - I will help you!

Hey, but we didn’t agree that way! What kind of nonsense is this? After all, previously everything opened perfectly, and here on you - my page does not open.

Hmm... And what to do, you ask!

Oh, come on, don’t worry, we’ll do everything today. And I will help you deal with this problem, and everything will begin to open up.

But before I start this article, let me ask:

— Are you registered on this social network, or are you trying to open a site for the first time? Just in any case, before your page opens, you must register on the site. And after your mailbox is verified, you are sent a login and password, using which you can enter the page.

It’s another matter if the site opened yesterday without entering a password, but today it asks you to enter them.

And most likely, the browser cache has been reset, and you will have to re-enter your personal data to get to the site:

So it turns out that initially you have only 2 options to log into the Facebook page:

Also, the Caps Lock button could have been accidentally turned on (located on the left side of the keyboard). And in this case, all entered characters will be in CAPITAL LETTERS. And uppercase and capital letters for a password are completely different characters. Therefore, check this option too! Trite, but still... common.

A virus has appeared, or you have been hacked - and they require you to re-enter personal data from your Facebook page. But only in this case, with any data entry on this site, or any other... Be careful and check the address. Does it correspond to the Facebook page, or are there extra characters, or a completely different address? In this case, the displayed site may be identical to the real one. But when you enter your password and login on such sites, they can simply be stolen from you. And logging into my Facebook page will simply not be possible.

This is why it is recommended. Log in to Facebook using your phone number and indicate it is correct when registering. After all, if the page is hacked, it will be difficult for an attacker to steal it, since any password change or any serious actions on the site require a confirmation code. And only you have access to your phone.

The same cannot be said about email. There will be craftsmen, so-called phishers, engineering hackers, and through some trick they will lure you out of all the necessary passwords.

So, mailboxes may receive letters from supposedly official websites asking you to go and enter data. Therefore, before entering anything, check the accuracy of the address, and not just the appearance of the page:

The site is identical, but the site address is malicious.

And no antivirus program or system protection will help you! Therefore, before entering, check the addresses of all sites. In our case, the Facebook social network address looks like this:

So it turns out that before entering the page, we first assume the cause of the possible problem. Did this happen properly, or did we suddenly get kicked out of facebook.com and ask for a password again?

But initially you saved the session, and you wouldn’t need to enter it again every time you log in from the same browser:

It’s understandable if you updated the system (for example), and the browser cache was reset (although all data should be saved). Or there was previously a virus on your computer, and you were forced to update your browser, and the cache was also reset. Or you logged in from one browser, for example through Google Chrome, and now you are trying through the Yandex browser...

That's all right! As such, you will be required to log in to your Facebook page again. We checked the address of the official Facebook website, and after that we log in by entering your username and password. Otherwise it won’t work, because the session has been reset.

For example, in my previous articles, I talked about how to log into any social network and any website without knowing your login and password. For example, through a password keeper, and using a flash drive that you can take with you when traveling.

Of course, if your situation is different, ask me below in the comments.

Also, if the site does not open on all devices, but everything worked before. Then make sure that there are no problems with the Internet, or it also happens that the site itself is overloaded and displays an error. Of course, this rarely happens anymore, and after waiting 15 minutes, everything works again. But this is also worth taking into account!

Anything can happen. So, what problem are you facing?

About logging into a Facebook page without registration or password:

Also, a question may arise. Is it really possible to log in without registering or entering a login and password? Well, so that my Facebook page opens immediately.

Of course not! It's not real. In any case, you were originally registered. Otherwise, the site would not let you in. And if you logged in all week without entering data, this does not mean that you were not registered earlier. It’s just that your browser session remembered the personal data that was originally entered on the site.

Usually this is a checkbox:

Also, when you enter your password, the browser itself asks you whether you need to save them? It looks like this:

It turns out that initially there must be an account. But how you enter is something else. Either enter personal data each time without saving the session, or you will immediately be taken to your page when accessing Facebook from anywhere in the browser in which you saved the password.

It’s just convenient so that we don’t have to enter them every time, and we get to the profile page. But you shouldn’t hope that you saved it once and forgot about it.

It is important to remember or store this data in a safe place so that you can log into the site at any time.

Well, I tried to break down the login to my facebook page for you, click by click. But suddenly, I missed your special case. Ask me below so I can help you and give my consultation for free!