Enter the tp link modem settings. We are looking for a problem in IP and DNS. Forgot TP-Link password

TP-LINK is one of the leading manufacturers of network equipment. We will provide detailed information on how to connect or reconfigure a TP-Link router. The procedure for connecting the device, setting up a wired and wireless network, changing the password and updating the firmware will be discussed. The information obtained will allow you to easily configure your home network in TP-Link routers.

What data is needed to connect the router?

To change the parameters of the router itself, you will need two things: a browser and a password with an access login. The latest data can be found on the label attached to the device body. As a rule, the standard login and password are the English word admin.

To use the Internet you will also need authorization data, which you must obtain from your provider. However, they must be specified in the service agreement. They must be entered in the router or a specialized program, if provided by the provider. Be sure to know the connection type (PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP and others) for proper configuration. When using a dynamic IP, you need to know your IP address, subnet mask and the like. If all these parameters are already in hand, you can connect to TP-Link.

How to connect a device to a network, PC or laptop

The procedure does not cause any great difficulties, and is performed for 5-10 minutes. Follow the steps in the following instructions one by one:

Models with Wi-Fi can be configured over the air. This is relevant if you are not able to connect the router to your computer via LAN. This completes the manipulation of the wires. The process then continues in the web interface.

Login to the web interface

Manipulations with the modem are performed only in the web interface. You can access it from a computer with a network cable connected or via Wi-Fi on a wireless model. Attention! You can use the interface at any time, even when the Internet is down. To log in, follow the instructions below:

Router settings

Let's move on to the most interesting part - changing the router parameters. The main window contains more than 10 different sections. Most of them are not needed by the average user. Internet activation occurs in a maximum of two sections. Next, we will tell you in detail how to set up a TP-Link router, about creating a wired connection, setting up Wi-Fi, changing the login password and other useful things.

Connecting to a wired network

The router has a quick setup feature. Beginners are recommended to use this section. Click "Next" and follow the installer prompts:

When setting up other types of connections, fields for entering your login and password will appear. Here you need to enter the data provided by the provider. The user can change the settings in the “Network” section. In some TP Link models, next to the choice of connection type there is a “Define” button, which will help you find out your type. Based on the WAN, the corresponding characteristics are already configured.

For example, to use PPPoE, fields for login/password and parameters specific to PPPoE already appear in the window.

Connect via wireless network

For devices with a Wi-Fi module, you will also have to set up a wireless connection. This can be done with quick setup (the penultimate point involves entering all the important parameters).

Let's figure out what Wi-Fi settings on the TP-Link router should be changed. Broadcasting should be set to “on”. The SSID or network name is what will appear on other devices when searching. Specify your region, mixed mode. Leave the channel and its width automatically. Advanced users can choose it themselves, taking into account occupied channels by neighboring routers. If you want to set a password for the access point, select the WPA2-PSK security type. Finally, all that remains is to enter the password for the wireless network point. Click the “Next” button and complete the process.

Similar settings are found in the “Wireless Mode” section. To change the SSID or channel parameters, select the “Wireless Settings” sub-item. You can change the password in the “Wireless Security” section. When making any changes, do not forget to click the “Save” button. If the selected settings have not changed, reboot the device.

Through these menu items, routers from the manufacturer TP-Link are configured.

Changing the password for logging into the web interface

All owners are recommended to change the standard password and login for the router. This is due to the fact that an attacker, if the Wi-Fi password is missing or has been hacked, will be able to enter the modem settings and “have fun”. Eliminating the problems created will not be difficult, but it is better to avoid this. The interface allows you to quickly and conveniently change input data:

If you have forgotten your login information, perform a factory reset.

Advanced settings

The router has a lot of additional functions that expand its capabilities. Consider some of the advanced settings:

  • Guest network. Allows you to configure a public guest network, limit incoming/outgoing traffic or operating time.
  • Changing addressing. It allows you to set static IP addresses or use DHCP.
  • Forwarding – setting up virtual addresses, web telephony, conferences and the like.
  • Parental control features. Limiting Internet access time or specific resources.
  • Manually setting a routing table (for specialists).
  • Binding MAC addresses to specific IPs.

You can find out more about how to configure specific functions of your TP-Link router in the instruction manual.


This technology allows you to hide information from prying eyes. Encryption is performed, so even your provider will not be able to track your visits. However, only those models that have a pre-installed VPN server can use VPN. You can perform the setup using the following steps (for English firmware).

The manufacturer of devices for wireless Internet distribution, TP Link, produces a whole range of models from which you can choose devices according to your preferences and means. Despite the fact that all models have their own distinctive features, the connection sequences and Internet settings for the TP Link router are very similar. Next, you will get acquainted with detailed step-by-step instructions for connecting and setting up parameters to obtain a stable Internet and Wi-Fi network.

Stages of work

First, let's make a list of procedures that you need to carry out:

  • connect the device to a personal computer or laptop;
  • connect the internet cable;
  • enter the provider settings;
  • set up a wireless network.

You can read in detail below about how to install the router and configure it.

Connecting cables

Have you just taken your device out of the box and don't know where to start? Then use the tips from our article. First, let's look at all the available connectors and control buttons that you need to know. Regardless of the model, each TP Link has a standard set of interfaces. In the photo you can see the back panel of the device.

There is a connector for the mains power cable, a power button, 1 or 2 USB ports for connecting a 3G/4G modem, a port for an Ethernet cable and 4 ports for connecting to desktop devices or laptops. Based on this, you can not only use a wireless network, but also use the device as a stationary modem, which increases the functionality of the Link router.

The front panel contains only indicators that are responsible for the status and performance of the router. Now let's move on to the connection.

First of all, connect the Internet cable to the Ethernet connector. Make sure your provider has already connected the Internet. To configure, you will have to connect the device to your computer in any case. To do this, connect the router to one of the yellow connectors using the cable that comes with the kit. Finally, turn on the TP Link using the power supply and the power button on the back of the case. Now you can customize it.

First actions

Before setting up the Tp Link router, you must open the interface through a browser. You can do this as follows:

  • open any browser through which it is most convenient for you to work;
  • then in the address bar enter the following IP: and press Enter on the keyboard. If nothing happens, then look at the address on the back of the router;
  • A window will open in front of you asking you to enter your login and password. By default, the combination admin/admin is set by the manufacturer;
  • Ready! You are now in the TP Link router settings.

Entering correct data

We have come to the most important stage - setting up an Internet connection. On the left side of the page you will see a menu with all the sections.

We will need Network and Wireless. If you are an inexperienced user, then the remaining sections will not be useful to you.

Let's choose a connection type that will match your Internet provider. Select WAN Connection Type from the drop-down list. If necessary, you need to enter your username and password. The VPI and VCI values ​​are also entered in the corresponding fields. It is worth noting that the login and password are those provided to you by the service provider. If you do not have such data, then select Dynamic IP.

After entering all the data, click on the SAVE or Save button at the bottom of the page. Next, the device will begin to reboot. If your Internet connection is stable, then proceed to setting up your Wi-Fi wireless network. If the modem does not work (no website opens in the browser except page, then try again. You may also need to update the firmware, which is downloaded from the manufacturer's official website. Since devices are often sold with outdated firmware, it may not work correctly. The device is updated through the System Tools section. Before installing a new version of the software, make sure it is compatible with your model.

The installed and configured TP Link should provide stable access to the Internet after a reboot. If so, go to the Wi-Fi settings.

Wireless connection

For a TP Link router, setting up a wireless network is done through the Wireless section. Let's look at this point in more detail:

  • open the Wireless Settings subsection;
  • in the first field, enter the name of the Wi-Fi point;
  • then select the region you are in;
  • in the Channel field, select a channel, then the settings for each channel are presented;
  • After setting all the parameters, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.

The device will reboot again. Now turn on the Wi-Fi module on your laptop or phone to check the functionality of the wireless network.

Wi-Fi password protection

To ensure that no one but you can access your Wi-Fi, you need to protect it with a password. The TP Link router protection is configured through the Wireless Security subsection:

  • select WPA/WPA2 security type;
  • enter a unique password of at least 8 characters in the PSK Password field;
  • Click the SAVE button to apply the changes.

After the next reboot, your Internet will be protected from unauthorized users. Now you know how to configure almost any TP Link, and you can do it yourself.

Hello! I noticed that many people have problems with setting up routers even before the start of the setup process :). And there is nothing strange here, but the most popular problem is when it doesn’t work, in other words, there is no access to the settings.

When trying to access the address (maybe another address, for example the error “Unable to connect to the remote server” or something like that appears.

Now let’s look at the main reasons through which this problem most often arises and try to fix it.

The address ( cannot be opened, what should I do?

Most likely, something is connected incorrectly, or the settings on the computer are incorrect.

Checking the connection between the router and the computer

When I write articles like this, I always say that during setup, the router needs to be connected to the computer (laptop, netbook) via network cable. As a rule, the cable is included with the router. When everything is configured, you can disconnect the cable, everything will work without it.

Plug the router into a power outlet and connect it to the computer using a network cable. Typically, the network cable on the router is connected to the yellow connector. Like this:

One of the LAN indicators on the router should light up.

The computer must also detect that you have connected a router to it. The status should be something like this:

Don’t be alarmed that the status is “Without Internet access.” You just haven’t configured anything yet, everything will still be there :).

If everything is connected correctly, then try going to the address Don `t come in? That's the problem, let's move on.

Perhaps the laptop has already connected to the router via Wi-Fi. Check and disconnect from your wireless network. The connection must be via cable only.

Checking the IP address. Perhaps yours is not

I don’t know exactly how it is on routers from other manufacturers, but at the bottom of the TP-Link router you can see the address for accessing the settings and the password/login that is used by default to access the control panel.

Look under your router, you may see something interesting there and the problem will be solved.

In TP-Link it looks like this:

As you can see on the router TP-Link TL-MR3220 IP address . And no matter how you try, you can’t get into the settings at

Also check whether you are entering this IP address correctly into the address bar of your browser. You need to enter it in the address bar, and not in the search bar :). Sorry for such childish advice.

Finally, try a different browser.

Main reason: it is not set to receive IP and DNS automatically

This is probably the main reason why you cannot get into the router settings. I should have written it first, but oh well.

This means that you need to check whether it is installed on your computer get IP and DNS automatically. Perhaps you have static addresses registered there from your old connection.

Right-click on the connection status in the notification panel and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

Go to the section on the left "Change adapter settings" and right click on "LAN connection". Select Properties.

Highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and press Properties. Then check if you are set to receive IP and DNS addresses automatically (if not, install it). Click Ok And Ok.

Figure 1: login address to the router http://tplinkwifi.net, login admin and password admin.

Tplinkwifi.net is the address for logging into your personal account and setting up TP-Link routers. Essentially, this is the router management interface through which the connection to the local network and the Internet occurs. You can log in just like you do on websites from a browser: Firefox, Opera, IE, Safari and others. But, since you are here, it means there was a problem and you couldn’t log into your personal account. We solve the problem with Windows settings, the router and restore access to the network without calling a wizard.

The ability to go into the router settings at tplinkwifi.net was added a couple of years ago, starting with TP-Link router models: TL-WR720N, TL-WR741ND, TL-WR840N, WR841N, TL-WR940N, new TP-Link routers: C2, C7 , C20, C50 and older models. If the router supports this option, then the information is indicated on the sticker at the bottom of the equipment and in the instructions for use. The classic methods of entering the address, and . If you can’t go to tplinkwifi.net, try doing this.

If the login and password have not been changed, then log in using the factory settings, admin and admin, respectively. For security reasons, it is better to change the password and write it down

Figure 3: the login address is indicated at the top, the field for entering login and password is at the bottom, default: admin-admin.

Login to tplinkwifi: tplinkwifi.net, login, password

If the process is completed correctly, the router management interface will appear on the screen. If that were the case, you wouldn't be here 😉

Can't access tplinkwifi.net

The interface for logging into your personal account does not open

We went to tplinkwifi.net, but did not get to the control panel

The reason is incorrect login and access password. The password has been changed before. Perform a full reset of the router to factory settings or remember the password to tplinkwifi.net.

The annoying reason for the error is a broken router. Articles won't help here.

Read more about Internet settings in IPv4. To avoid mistakes, remember the main thing: settings for local connections are made to the router, and settings for connecting to the provider are made in tplinkwifi.net. In the local connection, specify the address and DNS of the TP-Link router, and not the public DNS and IP of the provider! Changes are made along the path “Network connections - adapter settings - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. First, try automatically obtaining IP and DNS addresses.

Set up your Internet connection using your provider settings.

List of addresses for setting up TP-Link equipment

  • tplinkwifi.net - TP-Link Wi-Fi routers of the latest generations;
  • tplinkap.net - TP-Link access points;
  • tplinkextender.net - TP-Link repeaters and signal amplifiers;
  • tplinklogin.net - old versions of TP-Link firmware and routers;
  • tplinkmodem.net - TP-Link ADSL modems and routers;
  • or, depending on the model.

List of possible passwords and IP addresses

Archer D2, Archer D5, Archer D7, Archer D9, Archer MR200, Archer VR2600, Archer VR900, TD-8616, TD-8811, TD-8817, TD-8840, TD-8840T, TD-VG3631, TD-W8151N, TD -W8901G, TD-W8901N, TD-W8910G, TD-W8950ND, TD-W8951NB, TD-W8951ND, TD-W8960N, TD-W8960NB, TD-W8961N, TD-W8961NT, TD-W8980, TD-W9970, 0 , TD864W, TL-MR3240, TL-MR3420, TL-R402M, TL-R480T Plus, TL-WA500G, TL-WR1043N, TL-WR1043ND, TL-WR340G, TL-WR340GD, TL-WR541G, TL-WR542G, TL- WR641G, TL-WR642G192.168.1.2

Video instructions for logging in via admin-admin

I couldn’t resist the atmospheric video with an Indian. Fortunately, everything from it is clear.

This question arises for everyone who purchases a Wi-Fi router for a wireless Internet connection. In order for the device that transmits signals to mobile gadgets, laptops and desktop computers to work correctly, you need to change some standard options. It's not at all difficult to figure it out. The main thing is to understand how to enter the router settings. Having gained access to the general menu, you can set a personal connection password so that unauthorized people cannot use your traffic, and set some restrictions. Read on to find out how to do this.

First of all, you must establish a connection between the router and the Internet and your computer. To do this you will need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • connect the modem to the network;
  • insert the plug of the Internet provider cord into the appropriate connector;
  • connect the router to the PC using a regular network cable.

After completing these steps, the computer will “see” the new network connection and notify you about it. The following indicators should light up on the router itself:

  • the router is turned on;
  • Wi-Fi signal is broadcast;
  • the modem is connected to the Internet;
  • The modem is connected to the computer.

On the router panel you will find the corresponding symbols. If all four indicators light up, it means that the connection to the router is established correctly. All that remains is to configure it correctly to make the Internet work on desktop and mobile devices. To do this, you must know how to log into the router and change the standard options.

General instructions for launching the router web interface

Each manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers provides an individual interface for controlling modem functions. Outwardly they differ significantly, but, in essence, the principle is the same everywhere. The user launches any browser available on the computer, enters the router address and gains access to the device management page. It sounds extremely simple, but in fact it is not entirely clear how to access the router’s website. To set up remote access, you need to know the router's IP. It must be indicated in the instructions.

If you don't have the instruction manual at hand, follow these steps:

  • On the taskbar, find the network connection icon and right-click on it;
  • a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the control center;
  • after completing these steps, the network settings window will open, in it you need to find “Change adapter settings” (located in the vertical panel on the left side);
  • after going to the adapter options settings window, you will see a list of connections, including the one you need to configure;
  • By double-left-clicking the status window for this connection, click “Details...”

Having done this, you will see in front of you a summary of data in which nothing is clear. In the first column, find “Default Gateway”. Rewrite the IP address opposite. This is the direct address to your router. There are two common options used by leading router manufacturers: "" and "". Less common is the address “”.

You already know how to access the router page, so do it immediately. Enter the appropriate set of numbers in the address bar and you will see the router interface in front of you. The last obstacle remains - authorization. Similar to router addresses, manufacturers set standard login/password values ​​to gain access to device options. You can find them out by reading the instructions for the router or reading the subsequent sections of this article.

Features of individual router settings

Using the information contained in this section, you will understand how to log into the router’s web interface. The data from the table below will provide access to the user’s personal account, through which you can easily set a new password for connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi network, set a new router name and configure many other parameters.


Video: how to enter the WiFi router menu

After reading this article, you have already received a general theoretical idea of ​​how to enter the router setup room. It's time to see this process with your own eyes. After watching the video below, you will receive answers to many related questions and will be able to cast aside doubts about the fact that you misunderstood the instructions. Follow the recommendations from the video and you will certainly be able to configure your modem.