Where is the Facebook tab for what you do? Everything you need to know about templates, tabs and specials. blocks on Facebook pages. Using a fan page as your own

Greetings, dear readers! 🙋🏻

In this article we will talk about templates on Facebook pages. You will learn what these templates are, why they are needed, and what features activating them will add to your page. You will also learn how to add such important blocks to your page, such as a “Services” block, a “Products” block or a reviews block.

Advanced Facebook users are already aware that it directly depends on the type/format of the publication. Let us remind you that they are as follows:

Types of Facebook Page Templates

So, back to the topic of templates. Most likely, your default template is Standard. This template is suitable for all types of pages and contains a common set of buttons and tabs.

For now Facebook offers 9 templates pages that are suitable for the activities of any company, organization or Internet project. This:

  1. Standard
  2. Services
  3. Company
  4. Venues
  5. Non-profit organization
  6. Politicians
  7. Restaurant and cafe
  8. Purchases
  9. Video creator

How can you find out what template you currently have?

It's very easy to check your page template!

Go to the “Settings” menu, which is located at the very top of the page ⇒ in the column on the left, select the option “Edit page” ⇒ “Current template” ⇒ “Edit”.

note that To customize the page template, you need the manager or editor role. .

Each template represents a specific set of buttons and tabs for a page. In general, Facebook came up with templates to make the work of the page admin easier. Many tabs, but not all (!), can be activated manually even on the regular “Standard” template.

Let's now figure out how the templates differ from each other. Let us immediately note that You can change the template an unlimited number of times without risking anything. Choose a template that is closest to the theme of your page and adapt it to suit your purposes. It will take you no more than 15-20 seconds.

"Services" template

This template is ideal for companies providing any services: online or offline. By choosing this template, you automatically include special “Services” and “Shop” blocks on your Facebook page.

The service block appears immediately below the cover on the Facebook page in the computer version, as well as in a separate block in the Facebook application. Please note that when filling out the fields about your services, you need to provide all the important information in as much detail as possible. If possible, be sure to add a photo of the service, as such a block looks more attractive and immediately catches the eye. Compare the example above with images, a detailed description and the “naked” block with just words.

Company template

This template is designed to make it easier for you to manage your company, including publish vacancies and special offers. The main difference between this template and the standard one is that important information about your company will be presented in a more professional manner.

"Site" template

This template is designed so that you can highlight useful information such as your establishment's opening hours, location, and upcoming events.

Nonprofit organization template

Allows you to talk about your initiative and encourage people to create fundraisers and donate to your non-profit organization.

If you run a non-profit organization, you may also be interested in the following articles:

Policies Template

A template that helps politicians communicate with their electorate and convey their ideas to them.

Template "Restaurant and cafe"

The name speaks for itself, and the template helps highlight photos and important information about the menu, opening hours and location of your establishment.

Shopping Template

Ideal for displaying products and simplifying the online ordering process. This template also activates a special “Shop” block on the page.

Video Creator Template

This new template is intended for authors who publish mainly in video format, and since Facebook is trying its best to promote this format, it is possible that in the future this template will receive some additional and interesting goodies 😀 The template also automatically adds a tab “Live broadcasts” in the page menu.

Why use Facebook templates?

Generally speaking, with the help of templates you can improve the structure of the page and do it in just a few clicks. For example, by selecting the “Shopping” template, you can “upload” information about your products directly in the “Store” tab and share with readers posts about each item or an entire collection of products.

For example, a post with a separate product. Please note that information about the product is automatically loaded into the publication, and a “Buy” button is added.

The second example is a carousel post with a collection of products.

Such publications look great in the news feed and definitely attract attention, and the reader receives maximum information about your product, including its name, description, price and the ability to go to your website to place an order.

Opening up even more opportunities

Also, Facebook has provided that some tabs may be superfluous for some of the templates. For this reason, you can manually enable/disable certain tabs.

In order to edit the list of tabs displayed in the page menu, you need to:

Open “Settings” ⇒ on the left, select the “Edit page” option and, in the window that opens, scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the following list of tabs that you can activate or, on the contrary, disable.

Click to enlarge

By clicking on the “Settings” button opposite any of the tabs, you can easily turn it on or off using the ON/OFF switch. Some tabs are required, such as Information, Photos, Videos, Publications, and Community. The remaining tabs can be modified.

If any tab you need is not displayed in the list, simply click on the “Add Tab” button to activate a new block.

If you want to add third party app tabs or something completely special, then read the following articles on how to do it:

Well, that's all for us! We really hope that this article was useful to you. We will be very grateful if you share this article with your friends and acquaintances! For us it is very important!

We wish you success and effective promotion on Facebook!

I began to get used to innovations on business pages. Interesting solution. The logic of Facebook's architects has finally become clear. I'm talking about the redesigned Home tab for Facebook business pages. Once upon a time, pages had only one tab with content (not counting additional ones from third-party developers) - the so-called chronicle. Chronicle - because publications were arranged in chronological order and it was possible to describe the entire history of the company using special key events.

It was an interesting solution, but it didn’t stick. The pages were still designed in a free style, ignoring functions such as “highlight a post,” “pin,” and “key event.” Indeed, why waste time on these functions if the user, after subscribing, does not go to the page, but only receives updates in the news feed.

Next, Facebook abandoned any visual excesses, making the user’s timeline and business page almost identical. Everything seems to be fine, the “Services”, “Store”, “Notes”, “Video” tabs have appeared. Views and tabs from third-party developers in the vertical menu of the page have become good. But still something was missing. Not every project can regularly generate content.

I would like to be able to control the layout of the main page. It doesn’t matter how it will be - templates or manually. The first option is generally ideal.

And so, things moved forward and Facebook began to issue interesting updates.

Templates have appeared, but so far they are quite simple and have little impact. But this is just the beginning.

A mysterious “Publications” tab appeared, which completely duplicated the main one. By the way, note that at some point the “Timeline” tab was renamed “Home”.

And now an update comes out, which caused a storm of indignation among page administrators. The update is indeed not very clear, but this is only at first glance.

What changed.

The “Home” tab no longer looks like the usual feed, but began to display all those blocks that “huddled” on the right side of the page and few people looked into them. These are videos, notes, reviews, photos.

At the moment, the new view of the “Home” tab is not available on all pages, and where it is available, there is not yet a uniform format and the blocks may be displayed in different sequences.

On my page All Facebook The Home tab displays content in the following order:

  • pinned post
  • latest publication
  • services
  • video
  • shop
  • publications

On some pages, additional blocks with notes and reviews are added. The latter are disabled for me, but it’s not clear why the notes are not displayed. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to enable/disable blocks and change their places.

So what's good about this? At first glance we see a vinaigrette. In fact, everything is quite convenient. “Home” is something like the “Home” page of the same name on any modern corporate website. The point is that the visitor, having visited the company’s website, receives comprehensive information about the company, its services and products as quickly as possible. This is why they display blog articles and a list of main services and contacts on the main page. We see the same thing now on Facebook business pages.

It is no coincidence that Facebook has always positioned business pages as a complete replacement for the website.

According to my forecasts, Facebook will intensively develop templates with which it will be possible to specify the presence and location of blocks on the main page. In addition, new applications for business pages should appear in the near future, thanks to partnerships with such services as Delivery, HomeAdvisor, MyTime, Microsoft Booking, etc. Something similar can now be seen on the social network Vkontakte, where there are already applications for receiving applications and ticket sales without leaving social media.

Stay tuned for new products and news, Facebook is developing rapidly. Functions are added, news feed algorithms are changed, and new promotion opportunities appear. Whether you like the new products or not, you will have to get used to them, master them and find a use for them. No matter what critics say, Facebook will be the No. 1 social network for business for a long time.

You ask why embed a Facebook page on a website or blog?
The answer to your question:

  • to promote the page;
  • to show publications from the page on the website (there is a scroll bar) to those who do not have an account on this social network;
  • to be able to write a message for the author of the page (you need to log in to FB).
You can see what the embedded page looks like on my .

I will also give one example below in this article.

How to embed a Facebook page on a website:

Scroll the page to the settings block:

Since I went to the page with the social plugin "Page" after logging into my account onFacebook, I saw a preview of my embeddable . You can enter the address of your page (from the search bar in your browser) in the “Facebook Page URL” field.

This is what my blog page will look like if I leave all the settings at default (the scrollbar should work):

Which settings can be changed.

1. Tabs. The default value is timeline(chronicle) - with this value, publications from your page will be shown sequentially.
You can add 2 tabs:
1) events- on this tab, site visitors can follow the events of your page, as well as subscribe to updates.

2) messages- on the tab, the visitor will be able to send a message with a link to your page directly from the site (but you need to log in to your FB account).

If you add all 3 tabs:

To add 1, 2 or 3 tabs you need to enter the required values ​​in English separated by commas

2.Use a small title: if you check this box, the block on the site will look like this:

3. Hide profile photo: the picture uploaded to the FB page as the cover will not be displayed:

4. Show friends' faces: Photos of friends are shown under the tabs; they can be hidden by unchecking the box.

5. Let's talk about Facebook embed page dimensions.

Width: default 340 px, you can set values ​​from 180 px to 500 px.

Height: default 500px, minimum value 70 px.

If you set the minimum value, only the top of the page will be displayed without the “Like” and “Share” buttons. This format can be used to place it in an HTML/JavaScript gadget at the top or bottom of a site. Example:

If you leave the checkbox “Adapt to the width of the plugin container”, then when you set the desired height, the optimal width will be automatically selected.The “Page” plugin works with adaptive, “fluid” and static website templates, which is very convenient.
At the same time, you can choose the width and height of the embedded page to match the width of the message/post of your site, its top or bottom.
I also liked that in the block with embeddable page from Facebook There are “Like” and “Share” buttons, which again helps promote your page.
Although there are others

A Facebook business page allows you to create a social media presence to connect with customers, market yourself, and even post advertisements. Let's learn how to create business pages on Facebook.

How to create a company page on Facebook?

First of all, there are two ways to create a page:

  • Create a new page.
  • Convert a private profile to a business page - If you have a personal profile, you can turn this into a business page.

Page type:

Secondly, you need to create a business page, and you can do this directly from the home page or several other places (don't worry, we'll put the links at the end of the article). You will be able to create the following pages:

Business Page Options

Congratulations! Your business page. Now, let's identify the top one and compare it for you.

Installation on the first page:

Profile photo

Your Profile Photo can be your company logo, sign, image or symbol in case of personal or anything else that suits you, its size is 170 * 170 (as of now, Facebook changes all the time) on desktops and 128 * 128 smartphones.

Remember that your profile picture serves you best in every post and every comment, which means it can be very small; you need to make sure you have special colors to make it possible to identify you.

Cover photo

This is the cover image at the top of the page and it marks the vibe of the page and you. You can add your own staff or other image that will attract the audience to follow you. Its size is 820 * 312 (this change is also too common) desktop computers and 640 * 360 smartphones.

CTA Button

Add a call to action button, a very important marketing tool to promote your followers to do what you want. There are a number of calls to action: Book, call, contact us, gift, send a message, use the app, play, shop, register, watch a video, send an email, learn more.

Settings Information Tab - Update

Facebook recently changed the “Info” tab, dividing it into sections. This is our example:



Your page name is the name of your company, brand, or other name that people could find it easily and recognize it.


You can create a username that will serve you as a custom address, tags, contact via Messanger and much more. If this section is not available to you, you must accumulate 25 followers and then you can choose a username.

start date

When to order your business or organization: created, founded, started, opened, etc.


If you are a local business, it is very important to establish the exact location of your business address/street, city and zip code. After you get the map, if the cursor is in the wrong place, you can drag it to the exact location.

Working hours

Set your business hours, this is very important for local businesses. You can set: If it is always open, not available, or open certain days and times.

Short description

Create a short description of your page, a short description appears in the main tab with your posts.


In most countries this is not required, some businesses are required by law to include an ownership statement for their online presence, if you don't understand - you don't need to fill it out.

long description

This section will provide a more detailed description for your page,


Fill in the mission statement of your business, its purpose, and why it was created.


Add an award or your products.


Add your business phone, will be used to receive business user calls.

Email mail

If you receive information by email, you can add it here.

Web site

Privacy Policy

Other social network accounts

Advanced settings

Click on the "Settings" button to begin advanced settings. There are several categories by definition. For example:

General category

  • Favorites— Add to favorites on the main Facebook page.
  • Page Status— Publish or unpublish a page.
  • Publications by visitors— Enable or disable publication by visitors. Include them and check them before publishing.
  • Reviews— Allow or block reviews — It is recommended to allow.
  • News feed audience and publication status— If you want to place something on a page that not everyone can see, allow it.
  • Messages— Enable or disable message sending and the “Message” button.
  • Mark- Allow users to tag a photo or video you add.
  • Tags other people or pages.
  • Country restrictions— you can deny access to certain countries.
  • Age restrictions- if your product does not meet a certain age, you must add it here.
  • Page Moderation- blocked posts or comments that contain certain words you want.
  • Obscene expression filter is another option to filter out offensive words.
  • Similar Page Recommendations- It is recommended to check this part to increase page bandwidth to appear elsewhere.
  • Publications in different languages- If you select an advertiser, your criteria should be noted in some part of it.
  • Comments- What appears first, latest comments or relevant ones.
  • Distribution of materials- This section should be marked to prevent users from downloading your content.
  • Download Page— Receive a copy of messages, photos and videos.
  • Merge Pages- you can combine control pages with the same names to represent the same thing, including the same address.
  • Delete page— Delete page.

Post category

In this section you can customize the messages on the page. You can set an automatic message to be sent as soon as a user sends a message in Messenger. You can also show them a welcome message as soon as they click on “post.”

Category Edit page

This section is for managing your page tabs and page theme. This Facebook template has added a new part. The purpose of templates is to define buttons and tabs as default ones. These themes are available:

  • Standard— Suitable for all types of Pages. Buttons and tabs help showcase everything that's important to you.
  • Purchases— Designed to display products and simplify the online ordering process.
  • Venues— Designed to help you highlight useful information like your business's hours, location, and upcoming events.
  • Games- Designed to showcase games, including a group tab where people can find other fans.
  • Politicians— Designed to help politicians communicate with their electorate and convey their ideas to them.
  • Professional Services— Designed to help people find your services and stay connected with you.
  • Restaurants and cafes- Designed to highlight photos and important information about your menu, hours and location.

You can also choose whether you want tabs by default, edit and rearrange if you want posts to be before photos, and so on. Additionally, in this section you can add a new tab that appears.

Category - Publication Authorship


Set the alerts you want to receive via email, phone or Facebook.

Page Roles

This section is designed to provide various positions on the page. Assign new roles, edit and remove roles from a post.

Administrator- Can manage all aspects of a Page, including: sending messages and creating posts on behalf of the Page, replying to and deleting comments on the Page, creating advertisements, seeing which admin created a post or comment, viewing statistics, responding to Instagram comments, and remove them from the Page, as well as edit Instagram account information from the Page and assign people to Page roles.

Editor- Can send messages and create posts on behalf of the Page, reply to and delete comments on the Page, create advertisements, see which admin created a post or comment, view statistics, reply to and delete comments on Instagram from the Page, and edit Instagram account information from the Page.

Moderator- Can send messages on behalf of the Page, reply to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see which admin created a post or comment, view statistics, and respond to Instagram comments from the Page.

Analyst- Can view statistics and also see which administrator created the post or comment.

People and other pages

Here you can see people and other pages that like your page. You can assign a role to a page, Remove from page likes, and Deny access to a page.

Page Preferred Audience

Designed to make the page's audience who you want to connect with. You can configure like:

  • Location— include or exclude people everyone in this position, people who live in this place, people who have recently been to this place, people who are traveling to this place.
  • Age- minimum and maximum age of people.
  • Floor- men, women.
  • Area of ​​scientific interests- the public interest they would most like to connect with.
  • Languages— language targeting.


You can manage connected applications. Adding, changing or deleting.


Link your Instagram account to your business page. For the purpose of creating advertisements.

Things you liked - these pages you like from your page. Once you select the pages you want to show to fans, they will be shown on the left and rotated.

Page Owners - You can add page owners to your Page Info.


Cross-posting allows you to share videos across multiple Pages. Cross-posting can only happen between Pages that have added each other.


Okay.. Now after we have defined the correct pages, the most important part begins: - advertising, marketing and management of the business page.

First, invite people to join the page's followers. If this page is for a local business, invite your business's audience, avoid inviting friends, family and other irrelevant people. It's good to add family and friends to like your page, but it won't really help you if they're not in your target audience.

Secondly, start posting posts, photos, videos and links. Don't always try to sell, post useful information to your target audience.