The cooler temperature is normal but it is humming. Methods of soundproofing a duct fan. Reducing the noise of wall-mounted models in a toilet or bathroom

You must understand that for the laptop to operate correctly, the system maintains the optimal processor temperature. By loading your laptop with numerous tasks, you yourself can provoke increased work of the processor, and with it the fan.

If the cooler on a laptop is noisy, it means that something is causing it to work harder. Such “provocateurs” can be gaming applications, viruses, or simply a large accumulation of dust on the fan blades.

To effectively help your technology, it is important to thoroughly understand why the laptop gets hot and the fan makes noise.

Intensive work and, accordingly, excessive noise are provoked by many reasons. Moreover, if you don’t understand why the fan in the laptop is noisy, what to do will be difficult to figure out.

Most users are absolutely sure that the cooler is noisy only when it is excessively dirty. Indeed, it is important to give your laptop targeted cleaning over time. However, it is stupid to say that only dust can act as an obvious culprit, due to which the fan is very noisy. In this case, it is useful to “roll up your sleeves” and completely immerse yourself in theoretical material, trying to find the answer to the question of why the laptop makes noise when working.

Anyone can understand the reasons if they have a strong desire.

Eliminate maximum CPU load

A laptop may make a lot of noise when operating if its processor is overloaded. Even if you are sure that you did not run multiple tasks, it is important to verify with your own eyes that this is the case.

To do this, first launch the “Task Manager”. It’s easier to do this by holding down three keys at the same time: Alt, Ctrl and Delete. The percentage of processor load will be indicated at the bottom of the window that opens.

You should suspect something is wrong if the download percentage reaches 100% in a situation where you have not run any programs in large quantities on the laptop.

In this case, you will have to find that ill-fated program or process that is maximizing the CPU resource of your laptop.

Having discovered such a process, hover your mouse cursor over it and right-click to open an additional menu. In it, select the line “Open file storage location”. After these actions, a window will open showing the storage location of the executable files of the process, which is heavily draining the CPU resource.

If you find that the location of the process files is the Temp folder, you can safely terminate the process to relieve the load on your system. It is all the more important to stop this ill-fated process if among the existing files there are those that are accompanied by incomprehensible names, more reminiscent of a simple set of letters, and also have the exe extension.

After you remove the unwanted process, be sure to restart your laptop for all changes to take effect. Now listen to whether the fan is noisy, whether the laptop gets very hot during operation or not. If the problem is resolved, you can be happy with the result and finish studying the theoretical material.

Unfortunately, the unwanted process is not the only reason, so we have to further figure out why the laptop gets very hot and noisy, and what to do in such cases.

BIOS setup

Sometimes the reason that the cooler makes incredibly loud noises when the laptop is running may be incorrect settings in the BIOS. This reason is most often typical for users working on desktop computers, although it sometimes occurs among those who own a laptop.

If you have checked all the processes in the Task Manager, made sure that there is no reason for alarm, but the cooler continues to make a lot of noise, click on reboot, and then when the system restarts, enter the BIOS.

Go to the Power tab located on the horizontal bar at the top.

Enter Power in BIOS

Use the arrows to scroll down to the HardWare Monitor option.

If you find that the Q-Fan Function parameter is set to Disabled, then this parameter is disabled. Enable it by setting the Enabled option.

Now, again using the arrows, go to the CPU Target Temperature parameter, which is responsible for adjusting the temperature. If a value with a low temperature is set there, then this may be the reason why the cooler is very noisy.

Click on this indicator to open a window for selecting the desired temperature, select a value indicating a temperature of about 50 degrees. Even adjusting the temperature in this way can solve the problem; your laptop fan will run quite quietly.

Cleaning the Temp folder

The Temp folder is designed to collect all unnecessary “garbage”. Unfortunately, viruses are often hidden among absolutely unnecessary files, which negatively affect the operation of the laptop as a whole and its individual peripheral devices. Experienced users strongly recommend clearing the Temp folder in a timely manner, relieving the system and preventing excessive noise that the fan may make.

There are several ways to clear the folder with temporary files. You can go to it by opening drive C, and then, sequentially opening the Users folders, then go to the user folder, it has the name that you assigned to the laptop when you installed the operating system. Next, open the AppData, Local folder, after which it will be easy to find the Temp folder. Everything that is in it can be ruthlessly removed.

By the way, quite often viruses are removed that functioned very secretly, so the PC owner did not even notice them. Only after clearing the Temp folder can the user discover that not only the fan began to work correctly, but also all other tasks began to be completed quite quickly.

Dust removal

Of course, we cannot discount the fact that the reason why the fan is humming very loudly may be banal dust, which penetrates inside, accumulates and settles in a large layer on the cooler blades, interfering with its correct operation.

What to do in this case is probably clear even to a beginner. It is important to clean your laptop by removing dust from all internal devices. A large amount of dust also provokes a situation in which the laptop gets very hot for no apparent reason.

Removing dust with a wet cloth is, of course, strictly prohibited. You can use the services of service center technicians who will quickly restore order. But you can also try your own and, following the instructions, clean it yourself.

Experienced users recommend doing self-cleaning only when the warranty period has expired, otherwise the warranty will be void. Cleaning is carried out with the laptop turned off, so make sure it is not in sleep mode.

All parts are released slowly without subjecting them to additional pressure. Remove the back cover and remove the layer of dust using cotton swabs. And you can also use a can of air to blow dust out of difficult places.

The cleaning process can be time-consuming because it cannot be rushed, but it also requires extreme care. After cleaning is completed, close the lid, tighten all the screws, and only then connect the laptop.

If the reason was dust, then after turning on the cooler will no longer make noise and irritate you. You will also notice that the laptop no longer heats up during its operation.

It would be even more effective to completely clean your laptop, but this can only be done by experienced users who can easily understand the sequence of disassembly, detaching even small parts, correctly removing old thermal paste and applying new one.

The process of complete cleaning is accompanied by some difficulties, so in many cases it is better to entrust your equipment to experienced professionals. Any awkward movement can damage both the device and the microcircuit, then the problem when the laptop heats up during operation and the fan rotates vigorously will seem so small and completely insignificant.

So, if the laptop cooler confuses you with its loud operation, you can try to restore its correct operation on your own. By stopping unwanted processes, deleting temporary files, and with them possible viruses, and cleaning the cooler of dust, you will not only get a quiet, but also fast laptop operation.

Today's question

Good afternoon.

Tell me, I have a problem with my new laptop (it’s 1 month old). At night I clearly hear a slight hum when you launch the WOT (tanks) game - the volume of the hum increases, and over time the laptop hums like a tractor! This bothers me very much, because... It happens that loved ones are already asleep (and I end up disturbing them...).

Is it possible to somehow reduce the noise? I can no longer return the laptop under warranty; more than 2 weeks have passed since I purchased the device (it so happened that I did not check the device completely because I was leaving).

Alexey, Moscow.


Alexey, I want to say right away that there is a difference between noise and noise. Moreover, if there was no noise before, but now it appears, this may indicate hardware problems with the device. In your case, most likely, when purchasing, you simply did not pay attention to the features of the laptop. However, something can still be done.

In this article I will touch on the main reasons why a laptop can make noise, and what can be done about it...

I want to say right away that there are much fewer mechanical devices in a laptop than in a PC, which can cause noise. On the one hand, this fact helps to quickly determine the source, on the other hand, due to the compactness of the device, it is not always easy to eliminate the cause...

Cooler. Probably the biggest source of noise found in most classic laptops. As a rule, if you do not heavily load the device (i.e., do not run games on it, watch high-quality videos, etc.), then its operation is almost silent. Although on some laptops there is a slight hum when you get close to the side vents on the device.

HDD. The most insidious source of noise. Firstly, some models can easily click and crackle when operating (some models do this under load). You can hear this noise only in complete silence (i.e. at night in silence it will be 100% annoying). Secondly, this is not a warranty case, and you will be denied a replacement device for this reason.

Also, with a high load on the disk, a barely noticeable hum may be heard, similar to the noise of a cooler.

CD|DVD drive. It makes quite a lot of noise during operation: there is both a hum from the rotation of the disk and light crackling sounds. By the way, many users forget to simply remove disks from it, and because of this, the laptop often spins the disk in the tray and noise appears.

Reason #1: the cooling system is clogged (if the cooler is rattling)

Perhaps the most basic reason why a cooler begins to hum (or, as many say, “rumble”) is a large accumulation of dust, which covers the ventilation holes, accumulates on the impeller and interferes with normal air circulation.

Due to dust, the cooling system cannot cope with the load, the cooler starts to work faster, and as a result, the noise increases.

Difficulty in cleaning your laptop from dust depends on its configuration. Some laptops will not be difficult to clean on your own even for a complete novice user, while others will require you to completely disassemble the entire device to get to the cooler!

Therefore, here, look for yourself: either go to the service, or try to do everything on your own. I gave my thoughts and recommendations on how to do it in one of the articles (link below).

Details on how to clean your laptop from dust yourself -

In general, it is highly advisable to clean the device 1-2 times a year and remove excess dust. It would be a good idea to lubricate the cooler during this procedure. If the impeller is noisy and periodically touches the body (for example, it can be damaged by careless cleaning), then it is easier to replace the cooler completely.

cleaning the impeller with a cotton swab

Reason #2: high temperature and load on the laptop

Perhaps this reason partly overlaps with the first. The fact is that the laptop cooler works dynamically - i.e. rotates at different times at different speeds. The higher the temperature of the processor rises and the higher the load on it, the faster the cooler begins to rotate in order to cool more strongly and have time to remove heat. And such operation of the cooler, in turn, leads to the appearance of hum and noise from the laptop...

By the way, during this hum, when the cooler is working at its limit, hot air usually begins to escape from the side of the ventilation holes of the laptop. The keyboard may also become warm and work may become uncomfortable (this is especially true for Acer laptops with AMD processors).

So, how can you find out the temperature of the processor and video card in a laptop?

The easiest way is to use a special utility - AIDA64 (a link to it is given below). To view the temperature of all components (CPU, video card, hard drive, etc.) in AIDA64, go to the tab "Computer/Sensors" .

The best utilities for viewing computer characteristics (including AIDA64) -

I told my humble opinion about what temperature I consider normal, and at what temperature something needs to be done, in this article:. I recommend you check it out!

  1. use the laptop only on flat, dry, hard and clean surfaces (otherwise many people use the laptop while lying on the sofa - and because of this, the ventilation holes may be blocked, which leads to overheating);
  2. regularly (1-2 times a year) clean the device from dust;
  3. if you like to play games (and also indulge in heavy applications: video and graphic editors, etc.) - purchase a cooling pad for your laptop. It can reduce the temperature by 5-10 degrees (although note that some of them make noise themselves ☺);
  4. see if the high CPU load is related to something else, and not just the running game (I recommend reading this article:);
  5. you can also manually adjust the cooler rotation speed (carefully! do this step by step, slowly and monitoring the temperature) -
  6. if it is very hot outside your window, try not to use the laptop in the sun; if possible, load it in the morning and evening hours, when the temperature becomes lower.

Reason #3: humming, crackling and clicking noises from the hard drive

Some models of hard drives produce mechanical noise during operation: crackling and clicking. If the room is very quiet, then these clicks are very annoying. This happens due to the rapid movement of the block with magnetic heads. Looking ahead, I will say that the speed of movement can be reduced, which will reduce the noise...

How to reduce disk noise:

  1. replace the disk with another one (which does not make noise). The best option is to install an SSD disk (it is a priori silent, since it has no mechanics), and such disks are much faster! A comparison of an SSD disk and a classic HDD is presented in this article:
  2. check in task manager (to call it, press the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del) - is there an application that heavily loads your disk (most often these are torrents, p2p programs for downloading files);
  3. reduce the head positioning speed using the quietHDD and HDDScan utilities. For information on how to do this, see this article -
  4. If your hard drive was not noisy before, but now it has started - this is an alarming symptom, I recommend checking the HDD -

Reason #4: forgot to remove the CD/DVD disc from the drive

Many computers and laptops have a CD/DVD drive (although some new ones do not have it at all). Because This is a mechanical device (like a HDD), when the disk spins up (especially at maximum speeds), it begins to hum loudly. The noise from it is louder than from an actively working cooler.

If you forget to remove the disk from it - then every time you open Explorer (folder) - the drive will spin the disk, trying to provide you with information. As a result, noise will appear, and for 1-2 seconds. The computer will freeze...

Below is what you can do and the reasons why the CD/DVD-ROM drive is making noise:

  1. Check if the media (disk) has scratches, chips, is it even? Warped discs make much more noise;
  2. you can try installing special utilities that can limit disk rotation speed, for example, Nero Drive Speed;
  3. try inserting different discs: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, etc. I also recommend trying to use licensed discs of a well-known brand, and not purchased in transition at an unknown counter;
  4. if there is a label on the disk, then this may be the reason; it may be unevenly applied (some thick labels can also affect the noise level of the drive);
  5. noise in the drive may appear due to foreign objects, for example, a piece of a broken disk (has this ever happened to you? Did anything get into the drive?).

Reason #5: BIOS and drivers are not working optimally

Many people underestimate the work of the BIOS and drivers, however, they can have a great impact on the operation of the laptop. As for noise - as you probably already noticed - the cooler in the device works dynamically, i.e. The higher the load and temperature, the faster it rotates. This mode is enabled by default in the laptop BIOS (sometimes it can be configured, sometimes not). It is usually called like this: Q-Fan, CPU Fan Control, Fan Monitor, Fan Optimize, etc.

In some BIOS versions, this cooler adjustment mode works very poorly - i.e. the cooler works much faster than it is currently required to do. As a result, there is constant noise and hum from it (regardless of the load).

There are a couple of ways out here: try updating the BIOS (be careful! when updating - you can easily ruin the performance of the device) to a newer version (if it is on the manufacturer’s website).

Second way out: disable the automatic mode in the BIOS and configure the cooler operation yourself using special tools. utilities You can see an example of how this is done in this article:

I hope my modest advice helped get rid of the “loud” noise and calm your nerves ☺.

For additions to the article - a separate merci.

That's all for now, good luck!

Most often, a laptop fan makes a lot of noise and even crackles due to the accumulation of dust in the cooling system. Once every six months to a year, it is necessary to clean the device, otherwise the cooler, even at maximum rotation speed, will not be able to provide normal heat removal, which causes the device to heat up. Next, we will tell you in detail why this happens, how to properly disassemble a laptop and clean it of accumulated dust if it is very noisy.

Other reasons for a noisy laptop

Before you start disassembling the laptop, make sure that there are no other ways to reduce the fan noise:

  1. When the user works with “heavy” applications, there is a high load on the processor and video card, as a result of which the chip gets very hot and needs effective cooling. Then it is quite normal that the cooler can make maximum speed, making quite a lot of noise.
  2. When the device is very noisy, make sure that there is nothing obstructing the air exchange in the cooling system. There should be no foreign objects near the ventilation grilles, and the keyboard should not be covered. The laptop itself should only be on a hard, flat surface, since there are also holes on the bottom cover through which the cooler carries out air exchange.

If the load on the processor is small and nothing interferes with the flow of fresh air to the cooling radiator, then in order to reduce the fan noise, you will have to disassemble the laptop, clean the cooler and internal surfaces from dust accumulated during operation. Let us immediately warn you that if the device makes a lot of noise or buzzes and is still under warranty, then in order not to lose it, contact a service center for cleaning.

But if you want to do without additional expenses, then you can perform all the necessary procedures yourself. Next, we will describe a couple of dust removal methods. The first one is suitable for beginners whose laptop is noisy, the second one is for more experienced users.

Partial disassembly and cleaning of the laptop

The laptop must be completely turned off - you cannot disassemble it in hibernation or sleep mode. Further:

  1. Remove the back cover of the laptop. Screws can be hidden under stickers or rubber inserts. If none of them were missed, the cover will easily come off.
  2. Clean the heat dissipation system. It includes a cooler and copper pipes connecting the heatsink to the video card chip and processor. Lumps of dust are removed from the cooling surfaces and fan blades with cotton swabs; the remaining residue can be blown out using a can of compressed air.

During the cleaning process, be careful - do not press on the cooler, radiator grilles and tubes - the latter can be easily bent, which will negatively affect the efficiency of heat removal and the noise during operation of the device will not disappear.

Next, make sure that all cables and connections are in place and that you did not touch anything during the cleaning process. All that remains is to return the lid to its place and screw it on. If the screws were under the rubber feet of the device, be sure to glue them back on. If you don’t do this, you will notice that the laptop makes a lot of noise all the time - these elements create the gap between the back panel and the surface necessary for air exchange.

Complete dust removal

Let us tell you why the described method is not always able to lead to a positive result and eliminate excess fan noise. If the reason why the device is noisy lies in dried thermal paste, “hardened” thermal pads or dried grease on the axis of the fan blades (why it sometimes cracks or hums), then the laptop will have to be completely disassembled. For this:

After dismantling the cooling system, you need to clean the surface of the processor and radiator grille from old thermal paste - due to its drying, the device sometimes makes a lot of noise and gets hot. You cannot scrape it off with metal objects; for this it is better to use a simple plastic card.

Removing and applying new thermal paste

Remains of heat-conducting paste are removed with a soft cloth moistened with alcohol. A very safe way, although somewhat labor-intensive, is to use a regular eraser. With its help, the processor and radiator can be carefully rubbed to a shine without the risk of causing any damage to the device.

After cleaning the surfaces, a layer of new thermal paste is applied to the processor. Domestic products - KPT-8 or AlSil-3 - are quite suitable for this. Observe the following rules when working:

Next, all that remains is to screw the radiator tightly so that the contacting surfaces are in close contact. Reassembling the laptop after cleaning is done in the reverse order. This can significantly reduce fan noise, but if you do not want this problem to reoccur, clean it regularly.

Are you familiar with the situation when you hear extraneous noise from the system unit? This is not only unpleasant, but it is also always a warning that some part of the system unit may soon fail. You need to get rid of this phenomenon as soon as possible so that the coming sound does not irritate your ears, and the computer’s performance does not decrease due to increased wear of parts. Offering to understand in detail the problem, why the computer is noisy and what needs to be done to get rid of excess noise during its operation and return the computer to its original operating mode.

The main causes of computer noise

Computer noise is not as noticeable during the day as it is at night. Imagine that you need to work or just relax by watching a movie or browsing the Internet. Agree to do this accompanied by strange sounds emanating from the system unit, which is not entirely pleasant, and sometimes even irritating. Therefore, I will now talk about the main malfunctions that lead to the appearance of strange sounds from the computer system unit in the sequence of their possible appearances.

Hard drive problems

The cause of extraneous noise may be the operating characteristics of the hard drive. This often becomes noticeable when some information is copied and recorded. In this case, not only noise can occur, but also tapping and grinding. The occurrence of such sounds may indicate poor-quality material or wear of the mechanism, so noise may appear either immediately after purchasing a PC, or after its long and persistent use.

I would like to note that the hard drive can make some sounds in the form of crackling sounds from the first time it starts working. This applies to inexpensive or older models. High-quality expensive models operate quietly or almost silently.

There is no point in delaying the solution to such a problem (especially if the hard drive was working quietly before), because if the HDD drive stops working, you will irretrievably lose all documents and files stored on the computer. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully consider the choice of hard drive, pay attention to the advice of sellers and reviews of owners.

If you already own a noisy hard drive and there is no way to buy a new one, I suggest two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Reliable fastening (fixation) of the disk in the system unit case using special soft gaskets. This will get rid of resonance and vibrations.
  2. Reduced read head positioning speed (Automatic Acoustic Management or AAM for short), which creates a characteristic crackling sound. This can be done using the quietHDD program in the AAM Settings section. The program must be added to startup.

Video card

It is this device that always creates the maximum amount of noise (hum) in the room where the computer is installed. The reason is not the video card itself, but the cooler (fan), which serves to cool the board. Basically, it is quite small in size, but this is quite enough that it can become a source of loud and unpleasant noise. Modern powerful video cards are equipped not with one fan, but with two or even three, which can increase the noise many times over.

Most often, fans are made on bushings, and when dust gets into it, the bushing breaks. Because of this, the fan blades can reach the edges of the video card case. Getting rid of such a source of noise is not easy. The simplest solution would be to replace the cooler.

There is another way to solve this problem. To do this, you initially need to disconnect the video card from the motherboard, disassemble it in order to get to the cooler and lubricate it, which is very problematic. Please remember that this device is quite fragile and can be easily damaged. If you still manage to get to the axle, then you must first check it for integrity and then lubricate it with silicone oil. It perfectly prevents noise during operation.

If the axis has nevertheless shifted and during operation the fan blades rub against the edges of the housing, then the housing itself can be cut down or cut off. True, it should be noted that this will not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, but it will allow you to get rid of annoying noise without extra costs.

CPU fan

This reason is very common and creates a huge amount of inconvenience for users. The motherboard contains a processor, which is also often called the “stone”. So, a radiator with a cooler is additionally installed on it. This design is very bulky in appearance and at the same time collects dust well, which accumulates between them. A large layer of dust gradually increases and complicates the movement of the fan and creates noise. In addition, dust enters the axle, which causes a decrease in speed and a hum appears.

Solving this problem is quite simple. First of all, you need to disassemble the processor cooling system and clean the fan and radiator from dust. Then you need to disassemble the radiator itself and lubricate the axle with the same silicone oil. During assembly, make sure that the screws are well tightened to avoid vibration.

power unit

Experts recommend replacing this device every 2-3 years, since it is responsible for the safety of the entire computer. During this period of time, all internal parts of the block become dusty, since the block also contains a cooler, which serves to cool the parts. With the blown air, dust and debris particles get inside the device, which, as in the case of a video card and cooler, cause noise. However, in this case, the noise level is much higher, since the rotation speed and diameter of the fan are much larger, and not all computer equipment manufacturers care about creating a silent fan in the power supply.

You can get rid of the noise yourself by disassembling, cleaning and lubricating the fan. However, it should be taken into account that not all block models allow easy access to the content. You can also remove the protective grille near the fan, which will help reduce noise or eliminate it altogether.

In order to get rid of noise and be sure that the power supply is working properly, the best solution would be to purchase a new device to replace the old one.

Optical drive

In one of the least common situations that still occurs in practice, the cause of noise may not be the entire system unit of the computer, but only the optical drive, which is better known to users as “CD DVD ROM”. The reason for the noise in this case is the poor quality of the device. In this case, you need to be quite careful, since noise can only occur when the disk is in the device. If there is nothing in it, then there will be no noise.

If this particular device is the cause of the hum, we have to disappoint you, since it is practically beyond repair. It should be noted that they are not repaired even in warranty service centers, and in case of breakdown they are simply replaced with new ones. The best solution would be to completely abandon the use of such devices in favor of flash drives, which today are already very common and are used everywhere. In addition, with their help you can carry out all necessary operations, including even.

Any device or motherboard is cracked

Noise can arise for various reasons and this can occur not only due to manufacturing defects, clogging or defects in the operation of the cooler, but also for completely physical reasons. For example, the cause may be a crack on the motherboard, a crack in the video card case, or the presence of various debris in the system unit, etc. Due to the effect on the part of the air pumped by the coolers, whistling, rattling or other extraneous sounds may occur, which are usually not observed during normal operation of the system unit.

In order to establish the cause, it is necessary to check the contents for any defects that could arise as a result of an intentional or unintentional impact. For example, some PC users may hit the system unit out of anger while the computer freezes. As a result of such actions, all kinds of defects arise, including dents, chips, cracks, etc.

Fastening parts

If the computer is noisy or makes an unusual noise, you need to check all the fasteners inside it.

In order to carry out this check, you first need to open the unit cover. After this, tighten all the screws and screws that you can reach with a screwdriver (Phillips). You need to start with the motherboard, to which a large number of components are attached. If any of the blocks is poorly secured, during operation the motherboard begins to vibrate and at the same time touch the metal case of the system unit.

Then you should check the fastening of the video card and processor (especially the cooler). Next, you should pay attention to the mounting of the hard drive. If it does not have an anti-noise fixation that uses slotted gaskets or plastic holders, you can be sure that extraneous noise arises for this very reason due to poor fastening of the hard drive. In order to make the noise level significantly less, you can lay a small layer of rubber between the metal fasteners. It will soften the vibration that occurs during operation, preventing it from spreading throughout the system unit. The optical drive needs to be secured in the same way. After this work is completed, check the power supply. Don't forget to tighten the mounting bolts and screws. If there are additional coolers in the system unit, then you need to check them too.

A very important point will be the correct installation of connecting wires and cables. All of them must be connected to each other with plastic ties (clamps) and laid so as not to touch the fans.

What needs to be done to get rid of noise from the system unit?

If the problem of extraneous noise does not lie in the components, but you do not want to hear the computer operating at all, you can take several actions that will allow you to almost completely get rid of the noise of the system unit.

Changing the cooling system

If you want to eliminate noise once and for all, you should radically change the cooling system, namely, replace it with a liquid one. When using this system, computer components are cooled not by fans, but by liquid using specialized pumps, heat sinks, sensors and other devices.

A liquid cooling system can almost completely eliminate noise, but the cost of such a system is quite high and amounts to about 500 (and in some cases more) US dollars. This is quite an expensive pleasure that not every PC user can afford.

In order to significantly reduce the noise level, sometimes it is enough to replace the system unit case. You can purchase a case with vibration and noise insulation, or make it yourself. Also think about whether the legs on which the system unit is located are capable of absorbing vibration well, for example, being rubberized.

One of the most acceptable ways is to replace coolers with modern, quieter ones. It should be noted that when carrying out this action, you should not waste time on trifles, otherwise there will be no noticeable effect.

You may need to install a more powerful fan that will not work at its maximum capacity, thereby creating noise or hum.

Regular PC cleaning

Regular cleaning of your computer is very important and beneficial for the system unit, so this operation should be carried out periodically (once every six months). This will save you from various problems, including the occurrence of various noises in the computer system unit.

I hope I explained to you in detail why the computer is noisy and what needs to be done to get rid of extraneous sounds. Take care of your computer and it will work properly for many years!

You came home, turned on your computer as usual... and heard it start up. The cooler is noisy. Not a single part will just make noise - it means something has happened.

If the cooler is noisy, it is most likely either dusty or faulty(bearings have become loose, grease has dried out). The cooler on the processor, the cooler on the power supply, the cooler on the case, or the cooler on the video card can make noise.

Try it first vacuum cooler radiator to clean it from dust. If the cooler still makes noise after this, you need to lubricate it. The cooler is usually lubricated using machine oil, watch grease or sewing machine oil. Usually do not advise Use Vaseline and automobile motor oils to lubricate the cooler.

Exists two ways lubricate a noisy cooler: removing it and not removing it. If you don't want or are afraid to remove the cooler, take a syringe with a thin needle and fill it with machine oil (there should be a little oil). Use a needle to pierce the cooler sticker and the plastic plug that is located under it (you will have to apply force to do this). Guide the oil from the syringe under the plug and remove the syringe. All! It is recommended to drop a little synthetic glue onto the hole from the needle so that the oil does not leak out.

If you cannot lubricate the cooler this way, unscrew it and remove the sticker. Clean the cooler from dust (don't forget the space between the body and the propeller) and drop a few drops of machine oil into it. You can put the cooler back.

Be careful when working with the power supply cooler! The power supply elements are under high voltage, so before cleaning and lubricating the cooler, you need to disconnect the power cord from the power supply.

If the cooler on the processor is noisy, in addition to lubrication, it can help. The fact is that noise occurs if the cooler does not fit tightly to the processor. Replacing thermal paste will help close the gap between the cooler and the processor, and the noise should decrease.

If after this your cooler does not feel any better, the problem may be wear. Most often the cooler bearing fails. In this case, only an urgent replacement of the cooler will help - preferably with a more modern and silent one. The problem cannot be ignored. If the cooler fails, other components of the computer will begin to overheat, and then you may have to replace not the cooler, but the video card or motherboard.

Most modern coolers are software controlled. If any part of the computer gets hotter than usual, the cooler starts working at high speeds. When the cooler is noisy for this very reason (you know that it is working) - try to look for the problem in another part. It is not recommended to artificially lower the cooler speed, this may cause overheating.

If it makes noise notebook cooler, then most likely the reasons listed above are also to blame. So the “treatment” will be standard - lubricating, cleaning or replacing the cooler. The difference is that you shouldn't take your laptop apart unless you're confident you can put it back together. It is better to entrust the solution to problems with the cooler to a specialist.