What is paypal and how. A phenomenally successful business idea, or the PayPal story. Features of using PayPal today

In the 21st century, it is becoming one of the most promising methods of payment between seller and buyer. Evidence of this is at least the fact that in Russia alone in 2013 the volume of the electronic money market exceeded 2 trillion rubles. If we compare this figure with 2012, we can see that the e-commerce market has grown by 23%. From these figures it is easy to understand that electronic payment systems are gaining more and more popularity every year.

Let's consider one of the most common e-commerce systems around the world - PayPal.

Birth of the system

The history of PayPal dates back to March 2000, when it was invented (as a result of a merger) by several students, one of whom was an emigrant from the Soviet Union (Max Levchin).
Immediately after its creation, the company began servicing electronic auctions, in particular, the world famous eBay (in one month of its existence, more than one million eBay auctions offered payment via the PayPal payment system).

In 2002, the giant eBay corporation acquired PayPal, and from that moment on, 50% of purchases at auction occur through the latter.

As of 2012, 190 countries could pay or trade using PayPal, and the system included 24 currencies around the world. The beginning of 2015 was the moment when eBay and PayPal split, and now they are two different corporations.


So, PayPal. We figured out what it is and why it exists. To get started with PayPal, you need to go through the registration process. To start registering with PayPal, you need to go to the official website (it is the same for all countries, but for convenience you can select the desired language), click on the “Register” button and in the next window select the “Personal Account” tab, then click on the button "Continue".

After this, the browser is redirected to a page where you must indicate your country of residence, email, and set a password to log in to the system (it must consist of at least 8 characters, and it is better to enter both letters and numbers).

The next stage of registration is to fill out personal information (first name, last name, date of birth, nationality, city, street, postal code, and telephone number). All data should be entered correctly to avoid problems in the future, since the account (or PayPal wallet) will be opened exactly according to the specified data, which is then very difficult to change.

account activation

If all fields are filled out correctly, you need to check the box in the “User Agreement” column, and then click on the “I agree, create an account” button. Then you should check your email and activate your account by clicking on the link in the letter.

Adding a bank card

Let's look at how to top up PayPal. There is another important question. It goes like this: "Like PayPal?" You must first link your bank card to the system. This is done in the user menu. You need to follow the link “Connect and confirm my debit or credit card” (top right on the site). After this, you will need to enter all valid card data, namely: last name, first name, card type (Visa, Master Card, etc.), number, expiration date and the so-called security code (3 digits that are located on the back of the card ), then click on the “Continue” button.

In order for the card linking process to be successful and you can find out how to pay with PayPal, you need to have the equivalent of $1.95 on your card. The system will withdraw this amount of money automatically to verify that the card really belongs to the owner. This money will not be lost, but will be returned to your account in exactly one day.

Withdrawal limits

For security purposes, PayPal sets certain limits on withdrawals of funds.

The minimum limit for CIS citizens is $50 or the equivalent in another world currency. The maximum withdrawal of funds per day (for residents of the Russian Federation) is currently 15,000 rubles; you can withdraw no more than 40,000 rubles per month. in Russia, whose user reviews inspire confidence, charges a minimum commission when withdrawing funds. This is a very advantageous moment.

How can I learn more about limits and how to top up PayPal? You need to go to the “My Account” tab in your account.

How to transfer money to PayPal

To transfer money in the system (for example, to another account), just go to the menu and click on the “Send money” tab. In the window that appears, you will need to enter data to whom the money will be sent (recipient's PayPal wallet), amount and currency. The default value is US dollar, but you can always select the equivalent in another currency if necessary.

If the question is about transferring to your card, which is linked to the system, then everything is even simpler, since the system allows you to transfer PayPal money to your personal account. This cannot but please users. PayPal - what is it? As you can see, this is a very convenient payment instrument.

To transfer funds, you need to select “My Wallet” in the menu and check the “Transfer to a bank card” option, indicate which card the transfer should be made to (since you can register not one, but several cards in the system), enter the amount and click “ Translate". In this case, payment occurs almost instantly, and if everything is in order with the bank (there are no problems with the network, say), then you can cash out money from the card in 2 minutes.

Types of accounts

And we figured out how to use it. Now it’s time to tell you what types of accounts there are in the system.

Globally, PayPal accounts can be divided into 4 types:

  • personal;
  • premium;
  • student;
  • business.

The most common type of account is personal (or personal). They can freely transfer PayPal money and accept currency. At the same time, contacts with various types of payers are provided. In order for the money to be delivered to the address, you only need to have a PayPal wallet and an email address. That's all there is to it. The user cannot send or receive money from any type of card; only transfers within the system are allowed.

Premium accounts add specialized features that are not available to other users. If you are interested in the question of how to transfer money to PayPal from a card, then this type of personal account will help answer it. It is in a premium account that you can freely withdraw money to the cards of other participants or accept funds onto your card through the system.

A student account is an innovation in the electronic payment system. With its help, you can easily answer the question of how to transfer money to your child’s PayPal account if he studies or lives abroad. A person must be at least 13 years old in order to open an account without any problems. One parent has the right to have up to 4 such accounts. In this case, a real account is not opened, but a system of replenishing the student account from the parent account takes place.

The business account allows the user to make maximum use of the service. You can accept payments as a business, there is no limit on currency turnover per day, and, most importantly, you can accept money into your account from any other bank or from an electronic wallet (not PayPal). Unfortunately, there is no such option in the account types discussed above.

User verification

First, let’s define the phrase “PayPal user verification”; we’ll also look at what it is. Let's explain the word "verification" in simple words. It means confirmation (literally translated), and in our case, confirmation of the veracity of the completed information about the user who is registering in the system. That is, the system requires certain actions on the part of the user in order to make sure that the information he provided is 100% truthful (for example, you can register as Vasya Pupkin, but in fact not be him).

Until the user is verified, payments can be made, but with certain restrictions. To withdraw the latter, you need to send a scanned copy of your passport (with registration) electronically or by mail and confirm your mobile phone number. This data is confidential, you can be sure that it will not fall into the wrong hands through PayPal.

Verification benefits:

  • sending and receiving any amount of money at any time of the day;
  • trust in a verified user is many times greater than in an unverified one;
  • lightning-fast sending of payments from a bank account without delays or other minor troubles;
  • availability of exclusive services (including seller protection)

Why PayPal?

Among all kinds of electronic services on the Internet, PayPal takes 1st place. And this is not without reason. Because PayPal - what is it if not the safest place to store personal savings? Advanced technologies detect fraud of any kind. It is almost impossible to get to your personal funds, even if the robber is an experienced hacker. The account is linked to a physical key generated by the system. This key can be stored not on the network, but, say, on a flash drive. Without access to the key, no one will ever be able to steal any amount of money from the account.

A little about the commission

How to transfer money to PayPal without paying commissions? Not really. The system charges a commission, but only on completed transactions. There is no need to pay for opening an account and its maintenance.

To withdraw funds to a check (a real one, which can be cashed at any bank), you need to give the system $1.5.

The fee depends on the country in which (or to) the transfer will be made, how you transfer PayPal money (bank or wire transfer), and the currency of the transfer.

For example: if you withdraw money from a personal account to your account in the USA, you do not need to pay anything, while in Bulgaria you will need to pay 2.5 dollars for such a transfer.

The system also provides for a return fee. If for some reason you need to return the funds back (how to transfer money to PayPal is described above), then a certain amount will also be deducted for this.

As for the commission within the system, it also exists, and depends on the country and other factors. In the system itself, you will need to share 0.5-2% of the total amount of the transaction or transfer. Again, it is impossible to give a specific figure, since everything depends on many factors.


From all of the above, it became clear what PayPal is and how to use it. In any case, the choice will always be yours. The system has proven itself and proved its right to exist by the fact that it is trusted by millions of people around the world - it has existed for more than 15 years. If the issue is transfers within the Russian Federation, then you can find an alternative, but if the receipts are from different countries, then, of course, you should choose PayPal.

Using electronic currency is sometimes much more convenient than paying in cash or via a bank card. There are several large payment systems that are successfully used to make money transfers around the world. PayPal is considered the largest platform for exchanging electronic currency, although for Russia this payment instrument is not available to its full capabilities.

How PayPal came to be

What is a Paypal account and how did it come about? The world's largest payment instrument appeared in 1998. The platform was used to pay for purchases, so various online stores and individuals actively created accounts there. PayPal established the strongest connection with the famous auction eBay, so in 2002 this corporation bought the payment system. However, around 2014, eBay completely separated from the payment system, so today PayPal is an independent platform for making money transfers.

The system has more than 179 million registered users, but it is not omnipotent, so there are still some fairly well-known online stores that do not work through PayPal. These include AliExpress And Amazon, where you can use WebMoney and many other types of transfers.

How long has PayPal been operating in Russia?

The online money transfer system was closed to Russian users for quite a long time. Only in 2011, the corporation began to expand its coverage, so it became possible for registration and active actions for the CIS countries, including Russia. And only by 2013 it became possible to make ruble transfers. However, ruble transactions are used mainly for transfers, since payment for store goods is made in foreign currency, which is converted at the internal rate of the payment instrument.

Sellers from Russia may have some difficulties when working with electronic money. Withdrawals of funds were previously carried out only through US banks, but the situation is gradually changing, which leads to the regulation of the relationship between corporate accounts from Russia. You can carry out any actions with electronic currency only after registering in the system.

Benefits of paying with PayPal

PayPal has received approval from numerous users. This is due to the following factors that make the payment instrument stand out among other methods of working with electronic money:

  1. A large number of users around the world. Stores that accept payment this way are located not only in the United States, but also in other countries around the world. The same applies to buyers. The huge base of participants suggests that its advantages are appreciated by many clients.
  2. Payment protection. This mainly concerns payment for purchases. After making a purchase, the transferred funds are frozen in the system for 45 days, during which the seller cannot receive them. This ensures a refund if the buyer does not receive the goods. This approach almost completely eliminates the risk of falling for scammers.
  3. Fast transfer of funds. Freezing of funds only applies to payment for goods in the online store. The payment instrument itself is also designed for making transfers between individuals, in which case the money arrives instantly.
  4. User fee. PayPal accommodates participants in the circulation of funds, so in many cases there is no fee for transfers. Typically, the commission is charged only to the receiving party, however, there are exceptions here, since Transfers to relatives and friends can be made free of charge.

Using PayPal is quite simple, but there are some pitfalls that you should be aware of.


Registration with PayPal takes place on the corporation's website. Also, the opportunity to register appears when you try to pay for goods through this system in an online store that cooperates with the system. For initial registration, only email is required. However, the system then prompts you to enter your personal data. Confirmation of personal data simplifies working with electronic money.

When registering on the PayPal website, you first need to select the type of account: for business or personal use. Later in the profile settings you can change the account type, so the choice is not important. Registration in both cases is free. Next we will consider the registration of an individual.

After selecting the account type, the visitor must fill out several required fields, including an email and password field. The system has various restrictions, which will be discussed below, so at the stage of specifying an email address you need to know several nuances:

  • You can specify mail on any mail server;
  • mail on paid servers with a domain . com is quoted higher, so the user is not given such a low limit on money transfers without data confirmation.

After the email is specified, the visitor will be asked to fill out a form with personal data. The form must be filled out in Russian. It indicates citizenship, full name, date of birth, address, telephone number, as well as the series and number of the passport. All fields must be filled in. Your passport details will be required in the future to link your bank card.

A phone number is required to protect the user from account hacking, since the login is exactly the same as the email address. In addition, if you lose your system password, you can restore access using a mobile phone linked to your profile.

After filling out the information in your profile, you will receive an email to confirm your registration. To do this, you just need to follow the link and log into your registered account using your username and password.

Linking to a bank card

The system will prompt you to enter your card details immediately after filling out the main fields. You will need to enter the card number, expiration date and 3 digits CVV2/CVC2. You can only link a personal card that is registered to the same person as the account. It is not necessary to link your card immediately upon registration. The visitor has the opportunity to get acquainted with the operation of the site from the inside, and then carry out the necessary manipulations to link the card.

To confirm the card linking, the system will withdraw $1-2 from the account, which, in the case of Russian citizens, will be transferred to a PayPal account. However, final confirmation of the card binding is made only after entering the transaction code. For most bank card users, this data is sent to their mobile phone or displayed in their personal account on the bank’s website. You can attach several cards to one account.

How to use Paypal in Russia: limitations and pitfalls

Once registered, the user can immediately take action on their PayPal account, but there is a daily transaction limit as well as a monthly limit. Every day a citizen of Russia can receive or transfer an amount not exceeding 60 thousand rubles. The amount for all transactions per month is limited to 200 thousand rubles. Such a limit seriously limits the work with the system. However, this situation can be corrected after confirming the data.

There is a tab on the profile page "Check limits". It indicates the exact amount set for the user at the moment, and also suggests ways to solve the problem. To do this, you can send a scan of your passport. Other electronic payment systems set approximately the same requirements.

Most transactions through PayPal are payments for purchases in online stores. Although the buyer does not pay a commission, there may be additional costs on his part. Initially, a PayPal account is opened in the national currency; only after a certain time the user can add other types of currencies. Purchases of goods in foreign stores are paid in the currency of the host country, so rubles will be converted into dollars or other currencies. The conversion is carried out in accordance with the internal rate of the system, which usually leads to an increase in the debiting of funds for payment. In addition, conversion is carried out on a paid basis. The commission for this service is 4%, which is paid by either the seller or the buyer.

It is better to convert funds directly into your bank account. And when using currency bank cards, you must disable their conversion, otherwise the money will first be transferred by the bank into rubles, and then by the PayPal system into the desired currency.

A commission of 4-5% is charged when making transfers to friends and relatives in Russia and abroad. However, interest is only charged when using a bank card for a transfer, so to reduce costs it is necessary to transfer funds using a bank account, which is additionally linked to the account.

Paypal: what is it and how to use it

PayPal is a convenient method of transferring funds that provides buyer protection when paying for goods in online stores. You can find out the list of stores that cooperate with this payment instrument directly on the PayPal website. Some stores provide an additional discount when paying using this electronic currency.

Making a purchase using PayPal is very easy. In a store that supports this payment method, the usual steps for purchasing are performed: the product you like is added to the cart and an order is placed. You must specify PayPal as your payment method (it will be in the list, so you just need to click the appropriate button). Next, a window will open for the buyer to log into their PayPal account.

After specifying the login and password, the system will redirect the user to the payment page, where it will be necessary to provide payment details. This may be a linked card, but this is not a requirement. You can specify other details and confirm payment.

In addition to paying for purchases, the user can make money transfers within the system. To do this, you only need to know the person's email. It is not necessary for the receiving party to have an account at the time of sending funds. He will receive a notification of the transfer by email, after which he will be able to register under it and receive the money.

Withdrawal of funds

We figured out what PayPal is and how to use it, to withdraw funds you will need to link a bank account, since that’s the only way the system works. Linking a bank account is completed within (approximately) a week. During this time, 2 small amounts are credited to your account from your PayPal account. The exact transfer amount is confirmation of use of this account. After linking, it will be possible to withdraw the required amount within approximately another 3-5 days.

For citizens who want to speed up the process of withdrawing money, it is recommended to use the services of exchange offices. In this case, funds are exchanged from PayPal to WebMoney, Qiwi and Yandex.Money, from where money can be withdrawn using your own methods. Although this method will significantly save output time, it is very expensive. Exchange offices charge a commission for their services, which amounts to up to 12% of the transferred amount. In addition, the payment systems to which the money will be transferred may have their own commission for withdrawing money.

Now Max Levchin is known throughout the world as an American web developer and programmer, one of the creators PayPal- the largest in the world electronic payment systems. Levchin is also vice president of development at the company. Google.

But his attempts to achieve success in the field of programming were not always successful, writes Peoples.ru.

Max was born on July 15, 1975 in Kyiv into a Jewish family. He was named Maximilian in honor of the poet Maximilian Voloshin, whose big fan was Max’s father, a well-known poet and prose writer in literary circles Rafael Zalmanovich Levchin. Mother Elvina Pinkhasovna Zeltsman is a multimedia artist, photographer, translator and programmer.

IN In 1991, the family emigrated to the United States, where they settled in Chicago, Illinois.

By the time he moved to the USA, Max already knew English quite well, and this helped him enter the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied computer science. He graduated from the university in 1997, after which he moved to Silicon Valley.

Before PayPal Levchin launched 3 startups, which did not bring him success or profit. The first big money was earned in 2002, when eBay purchased a payment system PayPal for $1.5 billion. Him, as one of the co-founders ( PayPal was founded in 1998 by Levchin, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk), then owned 2.3% of the company, and received about $34 million as a result of the acquisition.

PayPal began its work at the end of 1999. The now known system was the sixth attempt, and it was the one that turned out to be invulnerable to hacker attacks that ruined some other electronic payment systems. The system owes this to the talent of programmer and mathematician Max Levchin, one of the 6 people who stood at the origins of this project.

The project turned out to be more successful than its creators expected: in the first months of its existence, the company Nokia invested $3.5 million in the project, Deutsche Bank— $1.5 million. Many other banks have invested in PayPal a total of more than $20 million. Thanks to the growth of the Internet user community soon after launch PayPal already had about one and a half million clients in its database, and its daily turnover exceeded$2 million. It was then that the project decided to acquire eBay .

In 2004, Levchin launched his own startup Slide, the main development of which was a service for conveniently displaying a large number of photos for users of the social network MySpace. Later Slide refocused on creating social services for MySpace and Facebook.

As a result, Levchin acquired photo hosting Google, and Levchin himself became vice president of the company.

In 2009, Max Levchin took 25th place in the list of the most successful businessmen under 40 years old, according to the publication Fortune.

Levchin, he says, is obsessed with cycling. He closely follows various competitions.

When the entrepreneur first moved to Silicon Valley, he didn’t ride a bicycle, which was collecting dust in the garage. After sale PayPal Levchin gained excess weight and constantly complained to his girlfriend, and now wife Nellie, about boredom. Then the girl invited him to go for a ride - according to her, it would help put his brain in order.

Levchin decided he was ready to take up the bike only a few months later. The entrepreneur was hampered by memories - Max was used to the fact that riding a bicycle had always been something he was really good at. Levchin was worried that, due to his excess weight, he might not be able to drive fast or climb a high mountain.

Founder PayPal decided to “come back” by attending several group training sessions. He found that he did the interval rides on the stationary bike quite well—better than most people who took the class—and didn't feel too short of breath or tired. Then he realized he could get back on the road.

“Every couple of years I promise myself to try to race - but getting back into proper shape took longer than I expected,” Levchin admitted.

My respect, dear readers, admirers and all other individuals. Today we’ll talk, as we understand from the title, about.

I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that only the lazy (or deaf :)) have not heard about the possibility of purchasing various interesting “things” from anywhere in the world, via the Internet, for example, in, from our partners from (or anywhere more).

But much less is known about how to do this quickly, conveniently and safely (especially in Russia). What's the matter, you ask? The answer is simple - not many payment systems, especially time-tested ones, can guarantee such a high level of service.

As you remember (you remember, right? :)), we have already talked about the so-called electronic money and, in particular, about the payment system. Today we will talk about the most popular, safe, international (including support for the Russian language) system. And her name is: “Pay your friend!” Yes, yes, - you heard right, this is how the name of the system is literally translated.

So, meet the world's largest online payment system, access to which has been closed to Russian users since 1999. It is this system that allows you to normally make purchases on the burzhunet, in particular on the huge and powerful one, as well as use the Donate button and thank your favorite sites (and not only them) :)

Let's get started.

Introduction to the payment system - overview of the essence

A little history.

As you may know, in the post-Soviet space, the undisputed (well, almost) leader is the Russian Webmoney system. The palm of the world championship was firmly captured by the American company, which was acquired by the famous American online monster. Since then, it has been the most popular method of receiving and sending online payments at auctions, in most American and Western European online stores and one of the most dynamically developing electronic payment systems in the world.

Why is it popular, you ask?

  • The first is globality. Using this payment system, for example, a resident of the Russian Federation can easily make a payment in any online store in the world, in any currency, and the funds will be received in a matter of seconds;
  • Secondly, speed and simplicity. When making a purchase, you don't need to enter multi-line bank details or payment card details every time. It is enough to know the recipient’s ID, and according to an ingeniously simple idea, it corresponds to the e-mail address that the user used when registering;
  • Third, in order, but by no means least important, is security. No one except , will know your payment card details. After all, leaving them in all places where purchases are made, you see, is quite unpleasant and dangerous;
  • And, most importantly, PayPal protects most purchases in stores connected to it and, in case of problems with the seller, allows you to get your hard-earned money back.

In addition, it is a powerful financial instrument, where all operations are carried out with “real” money, and not with “title units”, as in the same Webmoney system.

So, here's what we have in terms of services provided to users:

  • Sending a payment (Send Money). The user can transfer a certain amount from his personal account in the payment system, as well as directly from a bank card or bank account linked to an account in
  • Money Request. Using this type of service, the user can send letters to his debtors containing a payment request. You can address your letter either to an individual person or to a group of debtors;
  • Placing tools for accepting payments on the user's website (Web Tools). This service is only available to Premier and Business account holders;
  • Auction Tools. The payment system offers two types of services. Firstly, automatic sending of payment requests. Secondly, auction winners can pay directly from the Web site where the auction is held.

I would like to note right away that the all-inclusive package (maximum set of services) is available only to residents of the USA; for Russia, this is still sending/receiving payments, paying for purchases in stores and withdrawing funds. However, the company is actively involved in “our” direction. Therefore, in the near future, we can expect an even greater expansion of opportunities for Russian users.

Now, in fact, let’s move from words to deeds, i.e. to the process itself.
Well, let's go...

Preparation for registration and further process

The mechanism for working with the system is as follows. You “link” a payment (credit, debit, payment) card (or several) and/or bank account to your account. You can automatically top up your balance at any time (terminal, ATM, etc.) or withdraw money received from someone. If you sell something, you can accept payments from customers directly from their payment cards (they do not need to have an account).

To register in the system, you will need:

  • A plastic card (ideally linked to a current account, i.e. not a credit card), on the account of which there must be an amount (attention!) equivalent to at least several US dollars (three dollars should be enough) otherwise it will not be possible to authorize it. Read more about the cards below;
  • Working e-mail address: the best option is not to use popular free services such as @mail, but something like [email protected] (for example, ). Mail is also suitable. The security service has more confidence in them.

Also, you should not create a “banal” password (qwer123) for your mail, because information on your transactions with the card will flow there. Password security issues were discussed in the article: "", - so don’t forget, use it!

Now about credit cards. I don’t want to “burden” you with unnecessary banking terminology, so in order to clear up all your questions, I’ll just give you a specific example.

  • Card type – VISA Classic or MasterCard Standard (and higher);
  • Issuer (who issues) – Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • The account currency is the one in which the majority of transactions will be carried out (rubles or dollars). However, PayPal can convert any currency into any, so there shouldn’t be any special problems with purchasing and transferring funds under any circumstances.

If you don’t have your own card, then you should know that the process of obtaining a plastic card takes on average 1-3 weeks (although some banks can issue them almost instantly), so if you decide to give them to your loved ones, then take this into account (plus delivery happens from several days to several months, depending on the method and country).

Now let's move on to the most important thing, the process of registration and account verification.

Step-by-step registration instructions

The registration process in the system is quite clear, and with the opening of the Russian-language version of the site it has become a breeze, although after the introduction of a number of laws, it is required to provide information about documents proving your identity.

Step 1. Open the Russian-language official web page of the payment system

First, let's go to the site itself and click on the button “Register.”

Note! to a special extended protocol (HTTPS), it ensures the protection of transmitted data and indicates the authenticity of the official website.

Step 2. Choose to create an account: “Personal” or “Corporate” PayPal

We moved to the next page, namely registration.

First, select the type of account to create. In our case, we will use it ourselves, for our own selfish personal purposes. We choose for you and “Open an account”.

Now we select a country (or region), indicate the login and password to log into our future account. Do not forget that the password should not coincide with the login, and must also contain numbers, letters of the Latin alphabet and even symbols, as we have already mentioned above.

Step 3. Fill in personal information for our account

As mentioned above, from a certain point on, legislation and regulations actually require a lot of personal information. Unfortunately, this is an inevitable step, but you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

Next, you will be taken to the page for managing your account, where you will be clearly shown which fields still need to be filled in (in general, not so many), and will also be provided with almost all the necessary tools for working with your account:

To begin with, we recommend that you confirm your email address (which is what you are asked to do), which can be done by clicking on the link in the letter that was sent to you by email after registration. By the way, the email you provided is also the account number for receiving payments.

If the letter has not arrived, then you should wait or look in your spam, trash, notifications, etc. folders - maybe it accidentally (which is unlikely) got there.

Here you can choose which notifications to receive by email, which by Email, and which categories may be of interest to you.

Let's move on to the last step, which causes the greatest difficulties, namely checking (verifying) the card in .

How to confirm (verify) a card and account

To fully work with , you need to verify (not to be confused with register) your payment card. This is an additional security measure that will confirm that you are the owner of the card you are using and will allow you to use it to replenish your account and make payments.

By going through this procedure, you will also raise the limits (limitation of turnover) of your PayPa l account and reduce the likelihood of blocking the latter.

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem, but for some reason it still causes difficulties for many.

First, click on the name of your card (if you added it) or add it (if you did not).

The confirmation process requires funds on the card. At the time of updating this article, a minimum of 60 rubles is required (equivalent to 1 US dollar at the current exchange rate), but this value may change over time.

By clicking on the “Continue” button, in fact, this same amount will be written off from you (60 or more/less rubles). , as you can see in the screenshot above, offers to check your account statement in a few days, where, in the payment purpose, the code will be indicated, which is exactly what is needed for confirmation.

In fact, if you have a mobile bank, online bank or their equivalent, then either on the Internet (bank-client) or via SMS, you will immediately receive a notification about the debit, where you can see the same code (at the time of update article these are 4 numbers between letters, like PP1111CODE, where 1111 is the code).

This same code must be entered in the card confirmation window (you may need to go to your account and click on the card again to confirm):

Click, enter the code and click on the corresponding button:

Voila! The card is confirmed and ready for use, the limits have been increased, and it now glows green in the list of cards (a similar trick will have to be done for all your cards):

Now you have a personal account, with a card (and possibly an account) linked to it, all restrictions on purchases have been removed and you can easily “plunge” into the vast world of foreign (and not only) online shopping / and try to transfer some... or money.

If it works out, then everything works “Hurray!”.. Well, we will be grateful;)

Remember a “pack” of tips (memorize them like “Our Father!”), which will be useful to you when working with the payment system:

  • Do not give your account login/password to third parties PayPal, PIN codes, card addresses and any other important account information;
  • Use a secure protocol (HTTPS://) and visit only official websites of the payment system and secure stores with this protocol;
  • If possible, use “your” single IP address (exit from your home PC). If you log into your account from different countries (calculated by IP address) or there are simply a large number of logins from different computers, it is possible that the security service may suspect that unauthorized persons have accessed your account. Such an account may be blocked, and you may be asked to send copies of documents (do you need this?);
  • Beware of scams (from [email protected]) emails in the "Sender" column, which indicate "pseudo-services" or
  • Do not use “instant” credit cards, which are often offered on the Internet under various pretexts, do not provide your PayPal account information on dubious sites, etc.;
  • Opening (not counting debits to confirm the card) and maintaining an account are absolutely free;
  • Sending funds to , is conditionally free (a commission is charged by your bank and/or a little by yourself when converting currencies between rates). The system commission is for the recipient of the money, not the sender;
  • If you have any questions or something doesn’t work out, you can always visit “ PayPal Help Center", to their technical support or;
  • To send money, you just need to know the Email account of the person you want to transfer to. And, on the contrary, in order to receive, you need to give yours (NO MORE details are required to be given).
  • To pay in online stores, nothing special is required except choosing the appropriate payment method and logging into your account;
  • You can pay and transfer money in any currency, any store or country (even in tugriks) - the funds will be converted at the internal rate of your bank and.

In particular, you can create your own page to receive, as we did (). In a nutshell, something like this.


Well, today, you have one more “useful tool” in your arsenal. There were relevant articles on Webmoney and Yandex.

Well, we were glad to tell you about such a fast and convenient way to transfer money, secure payment for purchases, etc., etc., like.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks or other differences, write them in the comments to this article.

The dynamically developing Internet network and e-commerce tools have brought a rather new concept into our lives - electronic money. For another 10 years, few people could believe that it would be possible to buy something on the Internet and at the same time pay with virtual currency. But now electronic money has become a part of our lives. Yandex Money, Qiwi, Web Money - the name of these payment services no longer comes as a surprise to many network users. Annual turnover amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars, and this figure is growing inexorably.

Shopping in online stores is convenient, profitable, and fast. I think that no one will argue with this thesis. But domestic online stores are not always able to satisfy the needs of customers, and then we have to look towards trading platforms in the USA and Europe. And here one problem arises - how to pay for the goods? A few of them work with Russian payment systems, but most prefer PayPal. Just today we will talk about what PayPal is, where this payment system came from, and why PayPal is so popular in Europe, the USA, and throughout the world.

PayPal - getting to know the new payment system

PayPal (translated from English as “a friend who helps you pay”) is currently the largest and most famous electronic payment operator in the world. Hundreds of millions of people make online purchases using PayPal every day. But where did it all start?

The company was founded in March 2000 by a group of students, among whom was an immigrant from the USSR, Max Levchin. From the first months of operation, PayPal began to service auctions held on eBay. In less than a few months, PayPal was already working with a million auctions, offering people to pay for services through their payment system. Such rapid growth could not be ignored, and in 2002 an agreement was signed according to which eBay inc. bought the rights to PayPal, and since then more than 50% of all eBay auctions are paid using PayPal.

In 2013, it was possible to use the services of the payment system in 198 countries around the world. At the same time, the company operates in 29 national currencies of different countries. Not long ago, the number of registered PayPal users exceeded 200 million people. The incredible pace of development of this payment system forced many competitors to close their companies and leave the market. PayPal is the undoubted leader in the world of online payments, and this leader is coming to us.

Quite recently, PayPal came to Russia, and many Russian sellers and buyers who prefer foreign online stores and auctions were able to legally withdraw and deposit money into their PayPal account. Previously, everything was done through third parties, who asked for a large commission for cashing out. But now these “troubled” times are a thing of the past.

Due to the fact that PayPal opened its representative office in Russia, there was a need to study the payment system in more detail, understand its advantages over others, and understand the opportunities that open up through the use of PayPal.

PayPal: reasons for popularity and rapid development

Undoubtedly, PayPal has a number of advantages, thanks to which 200 million users around the world use this payment system. Among them are:

  • Globality

The most important advantage of PayPal is its global nature. Wherever you are, with only access to the Internet, you can pay for goods in an online store from the USA or China in a matter of seconds. PayPal provides a wide range of opportunities for its users, and regularly introduces new products to its service and functionality.

  • Convenience and speed

Speed ​​and ease of use is another PayPal trump card. All your data is already in the system, and you do not need to enter your full name, account numbers, and confirmation codes each time. Everything is done as simply and quickly as possible, so that the buyer can pay for the goods without bothering with the payment system.

  • Safety

Security comes third on the list of PayPal benefits, but this does not mean at all that it is third in importance. The company devotes the most time to security issues, because everyone understands that clients trust PayPal with hundreds of millions of dollars, and if even once a major leak occurs, then the authority will be undermined once and for all. Who wants to use a payment system that can steal your money?

We can say that the company's management is obsessed with security, and is constantly introducing more and more new mechanisms to protect personal data. Some users complain that there are a lot of protection methods, and they interfere with quickly working and making purchases. But it’s better for a person to endure 20 seconds of inconvenience than to lose everything that is on his electronic wallets.

PayPal also acts as an arbiter and resolves controversial financial issues that arise among users of the system. If a person proves that he was deceived and he paid via PayPal, but did not receive the goods or agreed services, then the company will return the amount spent from the fraudster’s account. If there is no money in the account, PayPal will compensate everything at its own expense.

  • PayPal and eBay

The fourth advantage of the PayPal payment system is that about 90% of all auctions are paid through it. This is not surprising, because the most popular auction in the world was bought by PayPal back in 2002, tying all payments to it.

Recently, the popularity of eBay, which has a presence in 30 countries, has been growing, and the number of PayPal users has been increasing accordingly. The payment system is expanding into new countries every day and conquering large markets. PayPal recently started operating in Russia, but faced great competition from Yandex Money, and especially Web Money.

  • Official status

Although PayPal does not position itself as a bank, it has all the attributes of a financial institution. In the US, PayPal is regulated by the Banking Act. It is this factor that distinguishes PayPal from other payment systems that are not related to real money, and this limits their functionality when working with foreign online stores. What does it mean? With PayPal, you have real dollars (or the currency of your country) in your account, and in other payment systems, your wallets contain title units that can be converted into currency. But the signs themselves are not currency, they are just a number that has no value.

PayPal offers a powerful, comprehensive financial instrument where all transactions are carried out with real, “live” money. You “link” a payment card (or several), a bank account, to your PayPal account, you can automatically top up your PayPal balance or withdraw money at any time, and even if you sell something, you can accept payments from customers directly from their payment cards (they do not need to have a PayPal account) and much, much more. By the way, PayPal works closely with fiscal authorities, transmitting to them information about payments received by the user.

  • Innovation

Everything that you are used to using in domestic payment systems was borrowed from abroad. PayPal is an innovator in the world of online payments, and all the newest and most convenient features are developed by this company.

PayPal pioneered the mobile payments revolution by offering its users instant payments using their mobile phones. With this service you can pay anywhere and always with only a mobile phone in your hands. This technology has already been adopted by several large banks in Russia and Ukraine.

PayPal payment system: how to use?

There is a small minus here. In each country, PayPal offers a different set of services and features available to registered users. Residents of the USA have the widest opportunities, because it is there that all new products and innovations are tested before being released to the rest of the world. A lot of functionality is available to residents of Europe, Australia and China. Unfortunately, the set of functions for users from post-Soviet countries is minimal, or very close to it.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that goods from stores in the USA and Europe are not so widely in demand here. Plus, the electronic payments market has been dominated for many years by other giants, which PayPal will have a hard time ousting from the RuNet.

How much does it cost to usePayPal?

Opening and using an account is absolutely free. There is also no charge for sending money. However, it is worth noting that a small percentage can be taken by the bank in which the account is opened. As a rule, this is a commission for converting and sending currency. PayPal services are paid by the one who receives the funds (unlike Web Money, where the one who sends the money pays).

We cannot give the exact amount of commissions, because it varies based on many factors: account type, amount, geographical location of the recipient and sender, etc. You can find out more about the commission percentage on the official PayPal website.

Which to choosee-mail forPayPal

When registering with PayPal, you need to provide an email address. We advise you not to use free services that provide the opportunity to register a mailbox. First of all, this is related to safety. If you want to be as confident as possible that your money will remain safe and sound, then create an email account on Gmail or other reliable services.