Topics for VKontakte groups. How to choose a profitable theme for a VKontakte group

Hello friends!

In today's article, let's look at how to choose a profitable theme for a VKontakte group. We will select topics for earning money. That is, for those cases when you purposefully create a group in order to subsequently make money from it, for this we will select a profitable topic. If you already have your own direction for making money on the Internet, then, in fact, you already have a topic. Nevertheless, it will be useful for you to read this article to understand which topics are easiest to monetize in the future.

I won’t tell you a specific direction, because if I show you a specific topic, then a huge crowd will immediately rush there and very soon it will be quite difficult to make money in it. Therefore, I will explain to you exactly how to select a topic for a group, I will indicate the necessary points, and you decide for yourself.

First, let's choose a general topic for you, and then narrow it down a little.

  • Firstly, the topic of your group should be informational or entertaining.
  • Secondly, the topic of your group should be interesting to people. There must be people who are passionate about this topic.

For example, these could be the following topics: health, beauty, hobbies, cars, holidays, humor, hobbies, sports, and so on.

It is important that the chosen topic captivates you personally, that you yourself are interested in delving into this topic, so that this business not only brings you profit, but also moral satisfaction and personal interest.

Now that you have chosen a general topic, you need to narrow it down a little.

If health, then what kind? This could be healthy food, or traditional medicine, or health-improving exercises, etc.

If cars, then which ones? Maybe it will be a group dedicated to Nissan cars? Or auto parts for Toyota? Or maybe you will dedicate a group to tuning the Lada Sedan?

In general, now decide on a more specific direction and write it down on paper.

Now, let's go directly to the VKontakte website. Open the site, log into your profile, and in the search bar (at the top) enter the name of your topic. The search results will open to you, then click on the “Go to all found communities” link. All communities with your topic will open before you, here let’s analyze the viability of your topic.

I’ll show you with an example how I carry out the analysis, and you proceed by analogy.

For example, I conceived the theme “fashion for schoolgirls.” I enter this phrase in the search and get this result:

What do I see here? Yes, the fact that this topic is absolutely unpopular, and I shouldn’t even start promoting a group with such a topic.

To understand that you can earn money in your field, the group in the first place should have at least 30,000 participants, and preferably more than 100,000.

Therefore, I return to the very beginning and think about a different topic. For example, I chose the topic humor, and narrowed the topic to “jokes.” I enter “jokes” in the search and see:

The group is in first place with 2 and a half million subscribers. This means that this topic is mega-popular, and you can earn a lot of money in it. BUT! Please note that in this search, each group in the top ten has more than a million subscribers. This means that the competition here is also enormous and in order for us to get at least 10th place (and this is a necessary condition for the group to achieve automatic growth), we will need to recruit more than a million participants into the group. To do this, you will have to spend a lot of money, a lot of time and effort. It's almost impossible. Therefore, this topic will not suit me either, and I will again go back to the beginning and try to come up with something else.

Now I have an idea to create a group dedicated to the holidays. The general theme is entertainment, leisure. The theme is “holidays”. I enter it into the search and see:

Great! Now I've hit the nail on the head. Firstly, the group with 233 thousand subscribers is in first place. Secondly, to get into the top ten, you need to gain about 30,000 subscribers. And this is already a very realistically achievable figure. Moreover, we see more than 60,000 communities in the search results. This means that this topic is really interesting to people.

Well, I'm sticking with the "holidays" theme. And you, in the same way as I showed you, select your topic.

Key questions for choosing a topic for a VKontakte group

Now, to make sure you have chosen the right topic for your group, answer the following questions:

  • Is this informational or entertainment?
    Yes.“Holidays” is both an informational and entertaining topic. It is important that your topic gives people either information or is entertaining. You shouldn’t choose overtly advertising topics that immediately tell people: “They won’t give you information here. They will sell it to you here.” Examples of such topics: “cheap laptops”, “Czech underwear” and so on. Such topics are promoted in completely different ways, and this is a topic for a completely different article.
  • Is this topic interesting to a large number of people?
    Yes. Of course, a very large number of people are interested in holidays.
  • Do people want to receive information on this topic every day?
    Yes. This is an important question. It speaks to how passionate people may be about your topic. Your topic may be really interesting to people, but they are only willing to receive information about it once every ten years. For example, building a house. Such topics are not suitable for us. Your topic should be such that interested people are ready to enter your group every day and watch news on your topic.
  • Does the group in the first place of search results have more than 30,000 members?
    Yes. This question confirms your opinion about how interesting the topic is to VKontakte users.
  • Are there any groups in the top ten search results with less than 50,000 members?
    Yes. This question talks about how realistic it is for you to break through all your competitors and lead the group to self-promotion and passive increase in income.

And now, if you answered positively to all of the above questions, then you can safely take this topic for work and move on to the stage of creating and promoting a group.

You can learn more about creating a VKontakte group to make money, as well as receive other materials on the topic of business on the Internet by subscribing to materials. By subscribing, you will receive all the latest project materials directly to your inbox.

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Almost every person subscribes to groups on social networks, but not everyone knows that community owners make money from this. What is a VK group - it is a place where people with common interests are found. Almost every owner of such a group can earn good money. Creating a community is very easy. To do this you will need to have a VKontakte page. Then create a group and choose a topic. In order for a group to generate income, you need a lot of subscribers. What is money usually paid for?

  • Healthy lifestyle.

Now more and more people have begun to lead a healthy lifestyle. The topic for the group is beginning to quickly gain popularity. The community can be filled with all sorts of motivational pictures, quotes and videos.

Also in the group you can collect information about proper nutrition, secrets about losing weight, etc. You will definitely gain a lot of subscribers. The main thing is that the information is interesting.

  • Psychology. Another popular topic, thanks to which you can gather a large number of subscribers. Groups with this theme have already gained more than five million subscribers. You can post any information on the topic of psychology in the community - self-development, success, relationships, personality development and much more.
  • Education. This topic will never lose interest. You can teach anything in your group. These could be photoshop lessons, pickup truck lessons and much more. Choose what interests you. You will definitely find your subscribers.
  • Cinema and music. No less popular topic. Everyone loves listening to music and watching movies. So why not create a community on this topic? If you are also a movie buff, then it will not be difficult for you to interest other people with interesting material. In the group you can post trailers, reviews of films, cartoons, TV series, etc.

The most popular topics were listed at the top. In fact, there are even more of them. You can create not only broad groups (sports, TV series, culinary recipes), but also choose a narrow topic (secrets of baking, psychology of relationships, series Dr. House). If you do not understand how to make money on the Internet, then such a group should not be created. Such communities are not taken seriously because they are spammy and uninteresting.

In general, you can go to VK yourself and see what groups are in demand now. There is no need to create a carbon copy of exactly the same community. Add something interesting and unique. You need to get people interested. Then there will be a lot of subscribers. People are interested in something interesting and new. We hope that you have received answers to the question of what group to create on VK to make money. All these recommendations will help create a good community with a large number of subscribers.

The most profitable theme of the VK group

Today, the most profitable and relevant topic, of course, is the topic related to finance. For example:

Earnings per month can be - 5,000 - 50,000 rubles.


If you decide to create a group on VK yourself, then today there is a free online service CANVA, with which you can quickly and easily create a group and design the VK cover yourself.

Design a cover for VKontakte yourself using the CANVA service

Designing a cover for a VKontakte group requires a careful approach - this is the face of the group, what people immediately pay attention to. The cover can attract even more subscribers or slow down the growth of the community. Using the same graphics, administrators post important information that should be visible to everyone.

Today, perhaps every third user of the VK social network has at least once tried to create their own community or group. However, if earlier people sought to create a group only for the sake of uniting common interests, now a personal public page can become a source of good, almost passive income. Some have already managed to take advantage of this, while others are just planning to launch their own business.

It would seem nothing complicated. Create a group, invite friends and acquaintances to it, regularly post new information, and make a profit from advertising. Whereas in practice, everything turns out completely differently than many businessmen plan. Moreover, the most common problem is not the recruitment of subscribers or promotion, but the choice of the initial topic. Popular niches of communities of interest on VK have long been crowded, and by creating another clone of an already existing successful group, you are unlikely to succeed.

So how do you get out? What kind of group can you create that, on the one hand, will be unique, and on the other hand, interesting for subscribers?

Uniqueness is the key to success

I have already repeatedly talked about my unsuccessful achievements regarding the development of VK groups. This is despite the fact that the topic of my community was unique. Nowadays, in the search spaces of the social network, you can meet groups of absolutely any direction, from the stories of mad cucumbers to the next daredevil’s trip to the million. It makes no sense to create a copy, because if you have a good original, people are unlikely to come to you. Creating something new is another question, even a problem. With creativity, even the most experienced craftsmen cannot create something unique.

I'll tell you how I did it. In each niche of VK there are additional so-called sub-niches, where the common interests of people are already scattered across other industries. In other words, if a person, for example, is fond of watching films and TV series and is a member of a large community of the same genre, then he can also be a member of groups with quotes, specific genre trends, and so on. So why not combine the best of everything into one to create a more convenient, larger community?

Competitor assessment

People are becoming more and more lazy now. The same YouTube is an example of this. Why read something if now you can just look and listen to the person reading? Then why switch between groups and get lost in your news feed when you can literally get everything you want in one place? It turns out that we have on our hands an analogue of a hypermarket, where you can find everything you need without additional trips to other stores.

Now choose your favorite niche, conduct a short review of existing VK communities on similar topics and draw the appropriate conclusions. How can you become unique in this case? Creating sections based on interests that could unite members of other communities, and preferably in a timely manner, could be an excellent solution to this problem.

You select the main interests of subscribers of other communities and implement appropriate sections on a specific topic to make it more convenient for the user to search for a new post if he misses it, and you get the result. The rest depends on your ideas and creativity.

Why is it even needed?

Exactly, why? Sooner or later you will have a question like:

  • Why do I have so few members in my community?
  • Why is there no activity?
  • Could there be a mistake in the promotion?
  • Still, the choice of topic is to blame?

If such “symptoms” appear, a person immediately begins to reconsider current strategies and change what, in principle, does not need to be changed at all. Again, don't do this. Everything comes with time and there is no need to change the chosen strategy at the first doubt, because this is how you can lose all your uniqueness, bringing the appearance of your community into a standard template VK group, of which there are now hundreds.

If you are not satisfied with something, do not rush to draw conclusions and you will figure it out over time. This is not a matter of one month, so good luck!

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My respect, dear readers of my blog. Frankly speaking, I have never suffered from a lack of ideas. However, a recent meeting with the administrator of one VKontakte community made me think about something I had not encountered before.

Moreover, I had to teach this guy to generate something new. If I say that this was problematic for him, I will not convey 10% of the emotions that he experienced. It was hellish torment. For me it's more of a good experience.

So, let's figure out where the ideas for the VKontakte group come from. I will try to teach even a techie to use their imagination and generate something new. You may be able to come up with a unique topic for the community, section, or even specific posts.

Community Topic

So let's start with the main topic. This is the most difficult thing. I understand, but I hope these three rules will help point you in the right direction.

  1. The information you give people should be interesting and valuable.
  2. You will not achieve popularity if you simply copy an existing public page or start copy-pasting other people’s posts.
  3. Don't write about what you don't know.

It would seem that there is nothing new. I didn’t discover America, did I? But let's turn these rules around and look at them in more detail. Think about what interests you specifically? What do you know more about than others and do you have any hobbies?

If you are a brutal macho, then creating a group for girls is simply stupid. You will not be able (or it will be very difficult for you) to step into the shoes of teenagers every time and imagine what will really be interesting to them.

Take a piece of paper and start writing the words that come to your mind. What did you do today, yesterday, as a child, in your youth, what hobby did you always want to take up? Let it be just a set of words that only you understand.

“Wood carving, countries of the world, interesting facts, anime.” Perhaps you always wanted to just keep a personal diary. Write down options that seem stupid at first glance. Take your time, this is the most important step.

Let this work take you a whole day or even a week. Please note that to work you will need to fight laziness and motivate yourself. You must really like the topic. Don't worry about how you will receive money. It's not that important now.

If the work is satisfactory, then there will be no problem with monetization. I'll tell you how to act.


One more thing that I will never tire of repeating. The prize must be commensurate with the efforts of the competitors. If you ask a person to take a photo in your bar or restaurant with an expensive salad, and in return give him 50 rubles to his mobile phone account, be prepared that not a single soul will post the photo.

It’s not always worth putting yourself in the place of the contestant. You may not be part of your target audience. You are interested in the community, but you have never participated in anything. This also happens. Think and you will definitely succeed.

And finally, I would like to recommend to you the course “ From zombie to internet entrepreneur ”, which will help you understand the basics of content policy, teach you how to run your own business and not abandon it due to lack of profitability after just a year.

I sincerely wish you good luck in your endeavors. Subscribe to the newsletter and learn more.

If you decide to create a VKontakte group, you need to start by choosing a topic. Many VK community owners successfully promote them in the rankings and use them to earn money. Such a group must be lively, popular and have many subscribers. So, what group to create in VKontakte, how to choose a topic to make the public successful?

Consider your personal interests

In order for the creation of a VKontakte group to become the beginning of its successful functioning, it must be constantly filled, with news and interesting facts added, therefore, you yourself must be interested in the topic. For example, if you are fond of watching movies, it will not be difficult for you to search for information about new releases at the box office and on the Internet, write reviews for your community and add to photo and video albums.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of groups dedicated to cinema and film fans in VKontakte. Therefore, there is no point in duplicating the largest contact communities, such as “Movie Mania” or “Best Movies”. There is no point in repeating it. Your public should stand out from the rest, for example, create interesting selections of films based on your experience, or publish unknown facts about famous films.

Look for popular topics

Each group in contact will find its users, but for the most effective promotion in the ranking, its subject matter should cover the widest possible topic and be relevant. This could be a self-development public page dedicated to business or spiritual practices. The topics “sports” and “music for sports” are gaining great popularity, as well as public pages with daily motivational quotes.

Based on the massive passion for video games, we can safely assume that a group about games will become quite popular. Users are also interested in entertainment and humor, movies, the Unified State Exam, proper nutrition and weight loss, cosmetology, fashion, cooking and more, so which group to create in VKontakte is not an easy question.

Recently, many public pages have appeared dedicated to popular science or interesting facts like “Did you know?”, “Book of Records”. If you like to learn new things every day, this is the right topic for you.

All those who study English are interested in thematic communities that talk about the most commonly used phrases in English, so groups such as “Vocabulary” are also at the top of contact.

Thus, after assessing your capabilities and personal interest, viewing the most famous communities, choose a topic that suits you and devote time to your group every day - develop it, encourage user activity, then it will become recognizable and successful.